-I 4ii ', I if - M j s ii -' t a ;-t THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH. N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION OF THB VISITOR, ES TA BUSHED 1878, AND THE PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. VEKNUM F. McRARY. Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year $4 0(1 Six Months $3.00 One Month 35 Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and iu Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. InS. FRIDAY January 14 The trial of Count Ksterr.azy at Paris yesterday practically resolved itself into a prosecution against Col. Picquart. The Colonel liad the 'e merity to declare that l.e vouid compel the military caba! Imii I. ad railroaded Dreyfus to perpetual lin prisoumint to reconsider .is action. The closing of the doors of the com" when the Colonel's testimony began indicates that be knows more t ha: his superiors dare permit to become matter of general knowledge. This scandalous method of proceedi? g, however, will strengthen the eon viction t'nat the object of 'he r:: ei trial of lvterluy was ' , and not to reveal, tl truth "f the repeated ollieia. dee'ar.ilio'.s that Dreyfus had been justly and !eg.i'"v con'uOTined. Dr. Cornelius Her, whose name toured so prominently in the I'.t -ama Canal scandal, has renewed h.s request that this government de mand reparation from Frame f. ,r malicious prosecution, conhsca' on of his property and the erasure of bis name from the roll of the Le'ioi; of Honor. If Dr. Her,: has not been, as alleged, the moving spirit i: ti e great conspiracy- and the disni'ss; of the proceedings for his extradi tion by a British cart wmiM ii.ol cate that not even a prima facie case had been made out against hi in bv the French authorities le has i.-r tainly been the victim of extraori i nary malignity. There is no xcum-, howefer, for attempting to ei.ta'.gie the United States in this malodorous controversy. The title of Dr. 1 1 . r , to American citizenship is a very doubtful one, and, like the n,iii.pm pseudo-Americans who have tim ed up in Cuba during the past two or three years, the Doctor had prae'l cally expatriated himself. He w.,l, d probably never again have .h.i of his shadowy claim to pr..e- :..n from the United State-, had he r.-.' got into trouble with the uu'h ir;'.,c of France, his native land at o i,;. adopted country. ''The story of the Seminole un rising aad reportei' massacre n twen'y-tive white 'people did n t im press me a little bit,' said Judge James E. Humphreys, a lawyer of Purcell, I. T.,toa Post reporter t the Ritfgs House. "As a matter i f fact, we have more able- bodied io mancers in the Territory, who sup Dly the outside world with weird stories, than any other part of this Union. I read the account of the o cailed uprising at breakfast, and its style was so familiar that I brandod it as the work of one of our Terri torial Munchausens. I doubt not that the Seminoles as a people are sore and hot with anger at the work of the mob that burned two of their brethren to death, but they will never l;e so wild with rage as to perpetrate cruelties on innocent people by way of retaliation. "The work of the mob is to be de plored, put It waa soared aatoolnb- ing. The white man often takes desperate action where the females of his race have been subjected to the awfulest crime in the calendar of human transgression. It always has been this way; it will ever be so. Men can denounce it as law lessness to their hearts' content, but for this one crime there will always be punishment swift and terrible." Washington Post To Cure a Coldin One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the mohey if it fails to cure 35c. The genuine has L. B. O. on each tablet. The Board of Pharmacy will meet in this city the ISth, to examine ap pliacants to practice pharmacy. Bnokleo's arnioa !alv. The best salve in the world tor uts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt heum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give per'ect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents r"r box. For sale by all druggists. A. do C -S BELLEMON A Pure i:e Vh,ske t, mallow. I' '.special v n e. i . i i . . i , Mottled ai d sied on y o Acme Wine Co., Wholesale and Retail Wines, Litjuors and Cigars. ( )ppiwi:c Hue. Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM T A I And secure the best laundry work jos- i hie. J. K. NOTICE Uiils fur Purchase of V. II. & R. S. Tuckor iV L"d. of (.iomls. Notice is herein' jfiven that between the hmir nf fours i anil live i ; I n'clnck on the iittermnm of Wednesday. January J(. lS,)S. ,,t tiir W. II. vS: R. S. Tucker iV Co. store in R ib-ioh, X. (.'., we. the unilcrsiejnetl, w ill rt'toive hills lor the pui'i h.iso. at cash, nf all the V. II. cc R. S. Tucker cV Co. stock nf oumls. wan s p, mcrchanilisc on hand at that time as determined hv invent. n . :.. he taken hv the Trustees after hids are in. The bids should ho in writing, siinfd hv the bidder and scaled up. and ho on the basis of a certain per cent, of their original New York cos; c chisive ol handling, lreight and insurance). To he considered each bid must he accompanied by S5C) ln cash in token of jjood faith. Il the bid is rejected, said cash deposit will he returned to the bidder : if the bid is ac'cepted, and the purchase carried out. said deposit will be credited as a payment on the purchase price : but if the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to carry nut the pur chase, the said deposit will be retained by the trustees as liquidated damages for having to close the store, loss of time, trade, etc.. in taking the inventory, etc. The Trustees reserve the rioht to reject any or all bids. This, December 23. 1897. HA V00D,SN0W and TUCKER, TRUSTliFS. V. II. & R. S. No When you take Iloml's fill. Tlu- nM-fir ' toned, stipir-eii.-Lt.'.l ; 'Is. wltvh tr.ir y,n pieces. lire rnt in tuna ll.....:'s. JVsyt'1 ami easy to up.-ruh'. imu of Hood's rills, whirh are up to tl;ifp in PXory rvsptvt. Safe, rfrtaln and srin. All p. E5 .irujcgistis. .'fio. C. I. flood & Co.. T.mvi'tl. M.-t-w. rhe only to take wi.ij i;o..--4 sur4;i,;tni: CihTi'iT Coi'HT of I Fastern Disiriet, Fnitkh Statks I North Carolina. No. 112 Libel. I.' riled States againstthirtt'en barrels of corn whiskev seized at Fayetteville. N. and claimed as the proHi-ty of V. S. Davis. To V. S. Davis and to whom itmay erncern--G ruling: Notu-e is hereby given, that the above mentioned property was seized by F. M. Simmons t'olleetor of ln U'rnal Itevenue for the Fourth t'olle, tion Distriet of North Carolina, on the 17lli day of July, Issi" .as forfeited to the useof the United Slates, for viola ion of the Int'rnal Uevenue Laws, ami the same is libelled ami proseeuted in On 'ireuit Court of the nite l State? for conderanatkin for the causes in the said libel of information set for! h: a mi that the said causes will Mand for trial at the. Court room, in the eily of Raleigh, on the first Mon-'av of IV eember next, if that be a juri-d iet ion ilav. and if not. at the (1et i':iv of jurisdiction therea fler. w lien and w her-' vim and all persons are warned to ap pear and show entire why eon.letiK.M -Lion sboul I no' In- ii itm iI. ami j i.Il' ment aivord i ne I v enier-. d u.tc:::. and to intervine fur their intereM. (Jiveti under mv hau l, at oiti -e m Italvigh. this '..".tli dav of Nov . y; o. .1. i;i:..i i.. I'. S. Mar-hai Something New in Rale'g Nickel plating, brass po'Uhlin and lacquering Special atten-i... i paid to renewing old i h. m. lei. er 'etc. I also have the i st ti'tid bi cycle repair shop m the -t.ite. . w ork tiu.irai.'.eed Pr.ei- ,.ivr ti .. l he io e-.t. 'i-rk e:i ' . d I "" deo,vercd Jami - M Di-ii l'. No. ' 1 1 i . l-.iveltev s; At ( uk Cil v Me.. in' I . in 1 d ry . H'ht'ii sin1 iH i iirui V. s!.t r .;v ' :t':-ria VfUm sin' lin.I ( 'l.iS'lr.'iL. s!it tiv h.'Mi ';i-tA rif R.I.!:H.!I. . TTTMTtT iV II MM I HI J I MARSHALL. Fit' )l'i:i F.T( ill Slock t A A MM PA WVi ussui a-.-i tj-i fflrv'S r-' TUCKER We are taking it Hot for Hard Times! You can't feel jioor when you see our goods and prices. What, though your dollars may be fewer, we will mak them go much farther Values were never so marvelously low as right uow. Men's and Boys' Clothing. Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come and see this choice selection of honest qualites, and learn why -ensible, economical people prefer to spend their money with us Our prices ill give our dollar a new dignity. Our line qualities will piear awuv your last doubt. There is no law against paying big prices, but it isn l sensible. You'll trade with us simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders cf I'p-to-Date Clothing. CHRISTMAS WILL StX)N J. R. Ferrall 6c Co. Ma-.eor I,:c d ! Nicest and .N.ii:a I ; i .1 licil ad 1 1n- ''.iidiis. U ,-sm s and everything, gixnl ti Mock ii.os wit h at j. B FERRALL & GO. . A PALM f Wi'i W im'Si t it W i3 Y I' 111.1..' I ' li. I i: ,,i v r. 0 iii e . as ..:hci 1 1 t) ' t'rt'sh su..: nl IwH'-ru-il Ituitis i ' f -I I. I Tu-.p- N.i d K.c-'e,-or a 1. 1 Chcica Gut Fiswsrs rtr d Fio, i r- .1.1 it!..s H. Steininetz, Florist, fa Sir..-:. !. ar I'.-.i.-.- In j 1 ";' li 0; 1 1, nl s ill nl I Mv I I v v r' . .f power conferred h i " l ' Ne.- ited to IM.'.i.y I. .era1 ! '. i :.-. vV I . H ake at d '(,. M I. ! I !!.!. .i'el A li Moon. U'.i'.lll. oil the! j -'f i .1.. : ir . . ls;i. ' ui.i, , sa.d NiortL'a" is recorded in the olV.-r of , ! I. .-KMT Ol llt'.-ils j.'l- ;i..' J . ,c;t IV , Look l.'ll. ...e J'C, '. a' !"' o'ci... l in ..i.i hi d.r in t he city o: I ;,i !d L-h .at : o ,. a... lion for (i.s,. to the ei ','udev on Saturday. .Ian -I All ! - ' lie follow il.g deScr: l.-i : .ic : ..ro, iv i ng ami sit n i:e r, .. " c. . , i,i v. in Lions., s ( l . . t; !..i,sh;; iieing the 1 mil occupied i . I. a. i a' v I cake (at t he lime oi the in'. :; . .!' s,i d mori g:e. .-). and the i ;ch v as coii e ,.,) i, M ,-s ' . I ! . I,,- !,,.. v.' I', , !; i' . . u'i'M.iiii ..,-k hv ... ' i '! v is.'i:. (m.- re-ris for Wake count . hook oil' .1 from W Tims Hj h 1 1. el v 1 1 lake a nil 1 ' hers hv 1 '' I J auiiarv . 1 s-o ( ,ec I':.- for Wake ,,.. L.!2) .vh.ich -aid de.-ds j pc! h.'riic ami w I. ii h ' ;,i ') eiui! -ins one linn- U II lii K 1' I M irt ..j,,,',,. j " ' 1 1 v.'liiahlc Insurance I'iiIIccs. cc. - id he virtue of a decree of , se S , ioi-1 onrt in aeauselhere- ' ,,.-iiih! ' eieitlcl .lohn T. Cull-n, ' HI p. lull aiii.: i r, I.'eee.l,,.,' J.I.I cay i!-- at : f... ;. iu i 11: ance. T lilll i- the f..ee ,, M.ll Vh.l '-Mieil Nl K. Iivi '..r of Marv A. Morehead. ' I i. on "Thurlav. H.e i. eeniKer, lsn,, expose to a id ion. for cash, the -Tp.ei policies of iusur- tu" ri'ht to pay ill" pivm- 1 en and keep the po ieies in I'.diev Xo :;n of the fe I:i..ru,,. ('....,. unr (i p;! ,,,, ti, iif,.()f Vr the causes iu Ihe said liliel i.f mforma . '-t ' tion set forth: and lha' the said causey Co cv ss'.;ii,f tin. r,,nn,..'H,'nl t.ite ,: ,,,,, dmipanv of Hartfonl. l nee., .!'. i-s,e(l ikHoher 10. IMW, I In- li of W K Davis for $0.ono. A!,o. i ame time, and as a partof the -f said policies to l trans- terroi ' . "eiviil,. one judgment of Wake " , ., t 'out t in favor of J ' T Pel de -l-ator against VV K raV.-- .u:- i UT.S with ii.Wrcst oa ' 115. 217. Jl thereof frlm 26th day of '. ehruarv, 1S94, untilopald, f.Jr which ! PoVx leg of lnstirr. n'-e areiecurlty. j Administrator of M. A. Morabwdl UK IlKliK Freshest FA N ' Y i I :OCI a! I KS. freh .Nuts, h ,g-. Ih.les. ( i 1 es. I lie 111 hi I i ll s Phone 88- Trustee's Siile (if l.nnj. I'nder and hv irt'.ieof tlie (lowers contained m a de, u tru-t i.eeiiie.: I. !'. I'. U ill ani xilil wife lo the un .i. 'teii'i! ai.il r-cir-'ed in i;.Mk L I !u-.- I ' . '-' ol II , ,.:,- f. r v i ei .;i i ' , i . - - fl '1', . , r..;n .t le' 1 a .ICOcC. :i e ,V c 1 " nam ir , ''.. ..ship. ...:. .-ii f..r .-a-li. 1'.;.! f l.ip.i i" St M;ii:ii-n ii irn' tin- !:t -.ti i'' s. '. i .i . .1 atiif tliMT- aiitl 'lh y I art- I in aii'i otin an I tmi luli-u ami tir- --i I i a- ! w il : Ky a line l.- ii;niii'.r a: !h' MMiil wc-i fiiriHriil 1 I r.n'i f jami ci.nvrv.-ii t.i siilm- lai'.ii. t K ',iin; a!. !y i; i rr.-ord'O in I'hw.k li", iti jni' :'t'.' nf :iir llrirt.-ti r of l.-. olli . nf ak--I'niui! ; in ' , u i ii iln'iii'' Miiitli, -I vs.--t, 1 ' i..- u ,. -:alsi' i'ti llio iar!h i i n( a t'l-a im Ii nar it- iih iMtli mi 1 li--ii -I tli itf ( ia''tic- I'lirk rit-ar a n ; i 1 1 (mint.?-: lli mhv tivvn and with il.i- i.i id ' iMMnr rn-'k U a " h il mi k a Mi m n- 1'iM'iirr: l h int - u it li hi ! !. in (! i a - I . I - ' ' t h;i l ?; f. a :-; lii. hit iK-n'i I a . L' "lia i, a mi:.-: tl, m.--- m.i-'h i.S i-at. ' i-li.iii,- In a pin': tln-n-'t- imtlh 'H:t. I I'. chirii- 1" a -1 l U i : id. -nn- -oath " J i :i - t . 4 "" '! a i n i 1 a i i n-; I In nrf hmili i.ii'- to a I-. in-; th.-iii-i- I -oaih Ni, . a-'. l ain to aui 1 .i h 're '.- in n i lira -i rni'f; t-ii'-iu'c not t ii L'i M-t. al'iMit 1 1!4 iU'rsiiiM'iil siu ii -y , I'artin- -i nrhi at co:-n' r; ihi-nrt- wiih h'- ii'ii' wotwiinl lo tli tu-LMtillintr. j co'.! i ir. i n ai'i-fs iimi'i' or I'v j 'J'.'l III- ra-'i. K. II. r.A'l'I'l.K, I aov. l-''7. 'J'niu-.-. I . U""D. Smi ami Ti Kr.it. I Tnis't't's W.u.TK.t A I'llll.l.ll C. Smiii fkwFirm. New Goods I Have just opened at Finery s old f stand, corner of Ilawson and Caliar rus s'feets. Willi a hid line ot .Maine li. d Fatiev liroeerics Sat isf.ist ion given 11: .ill saVs. A delivery waoon to vend all orders to your J dooi . Prompt attention given (Jive , t. a call for o.ir i o Vav ; Is and f.i'siire 011 wot tie sa'istiid. Also live nave a nice lot of dry pine and oak wood on hand. We also receive fr. sh lish and ovs'ers da'lv. phillips .v smith. . , . . MH1CK OK sK.ZI Ki: AMi 1.11:10.,. Kastcrn llij-'riet of N oiih lurolina. at ltaleii;ii. I'mi.'d Slater against one s ix lioi-e enei lie imiJ niaeti i aery . two vMiodeti stills, four fermentieg uih-, one mash M1I1, one f;ni anil mo paeKae." of wilKoy. Heieil a-, the pr.'pertv of W. .1. hiiiH'.ii r. I To '.V. .1. I.ai:eter ami to a. I ivhoni it may eoncern , r. en n e -ot,ee is heivny fiveii that the !,h"v'' l"'"l"''''.v ""-Ml;'d "' '' -. """ V'"''1, o" N - rna 1 l.ev.'n.ie for the r 0111 1 h ( ollee- llOU IMl-U ll l HI .Mil l! III .llllJ.i "Il LIU" :'Wth linv id .lanuarv. lS'tT. as ford .ted to the ases of 'he I'nited States, for violation of the Inurnal licvenue Las. an t 'he same is liU'Ieil and proseeuteu in me ireun- nun 01 me llllleil 3IKICS ,1..- e. , , ,e,u Hanoi, lor "1H sianu 'or trial iti uie i-immi, ruuiu t,f "'lUI in1U' of ,Ult'ifl- on l lie lirsl ....i,Urty u. in it i Hi.. if ,hilt JHdi.aioo day, and if not. at the next day of juri-dicti ti Uiereafter. when anil where you a.id all H.rs(,n . are warned lo ai.,iear io ehow cause why er.,iii.,,n;,r. should not lie aeeiwo, ana juntrmem accoru- 'nifty euf r-d herin, and to intervene I nuir interest. Given under my hand, at office In Kalelh, M J ot Octobw, 17. U. 8. Marrtal, MISS MAGGIE REESE Clearance Sale. WE WILL CLOSE OUT ALL MILLINERY REGARD- , LESS OF COST. Espveially offer bargain in trimmed joods and infants caps. We are selling n good littinp torxet. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded after two weeks Irii.t. Price, 50J5c,$IOO MjSS MAGGIE REESE 2u'.l Fayetteyille Street. Metropolitan Opera House. Wednesday, JANUARY 19 me nl Fxt raordi i,at' Otis Skinner ( O-FFI' HI' KI.F.Y, Manager ) Sitcom n in maid nrmu.v FKKI'KKICK MOSLKV And a Strong Company of TwenU l le' s M r Skinner will have the honor t., iresen his new aud .successful I'o mantic Comedy: Prince Rudolph, "A n V one who sees O'i, Snii.uer in "l'ruce liudo'ph." wi:i mut aurei d that the st,,i;e is without act, ns who are worthy suce.-s-ors "f li e hlstr .cue mis of i, ! ' en plos ( i i, in -n i., le In ls;i, s'i :it- i.n de nl Kind's d, iu ; Iv in., li r,i il ,! j mi l n Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y John Cm. i.. Receiver Condensed Schedule. I KH'H'T T. IOTII. ISOT. M'lini no' ml . No 2 I'MI.V. I,.:nr Wi'niinglor s 110 p m Arrive Fa i uevi .. II In Leave Favetteviih 1121 Leave Fayette .ill, .1 i.lhI ill I '-'s l.eav e Sanfi n d 1 2:.'i" p in Leave Ciena . .2 III ' Ail : e I i reensOoio . . .'cJO ' Leave ' i reel . s i hi r. i ... :;.:;n Leave s,.,.kes.lale . . 4.!- "' Leave Walnut Ciive . . !' li.'t " Leave Rural HaP . . .. 5:l! " Arrive M 1 Airy ti la " sol lllltolM). Nil 1. IcVll v. . Leave .Mi Airy ... s lo ,, n, Li ;i e Rurai Hall in n I ' 1 ,ea e U ainul C ove ..... lo .'l.'! " Leave Slokesdale 1 1 :0ii " A rri v el i reensboro .11:5 Leav e ( I reensboro 12:1 " I eaveClimax . . 12:13 " I .eave Sanford 2:i.li " Ar Fa el lev ille J u nction . Had pin Arrive Fayetteville. . . . 4 00 Leave Fayetteville. ... 4:10 " Arrive Wilmington 7 20 Noii'iiinoi Nli. No 4 Daily. Leave Ilemietsville . S:iil' a in Arrive Maxlon ;i:"2 " Leave Maxton . . ! 1 : 1 1 7 " Leave R, d Springs . !t..37 " Leave Hope Mills . . ... .111:20 " Arrive F.ivcltevi'le Ill: III " sol TIIKol NP No. .'i Daily Leave Fayetteville .. 4:45 p In Leave liojie .Mills 5:02 " Le.ive lied Springs 5 42 ' A r ri ve Maxton 0:11 " Liav c.Maxion Ici.'i ' Arrive Itennettsville 7:15 " No. Hi. NolUII lloNNp. IliixeJ. Daily Fxc'pt Sunday . . . li:4o a m . . . 2.-, . . . !'.17 " ! :J. " II :07pii, . ... 11:5.) " No 15 mixed Daily Kxc'pl Sunday. 2 .15 p m . . 1 25 ... 2:45 " .3:22 " Leav e I I'.ims, nr. Leave C illcax . . - -Arrive lir- ensboro Leav e 1 . re, nsboro Leave S'oekesdah' Arrive .l,idiso:i Mil Til ll.ll M' Teave Madison .... Leave Sti cKesdaie Arri ve (i reensborfl Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Arrive Itamseur . . . 4:20 ' . . . . (i:0." CONNECTIONS a' Faetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, al Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and llowmore Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard llai'way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nut Cove with Norfolk A Wetere Railway . J W 1'HY. W It KYLfi. Gan'l Manairar. &htLPM Auk TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath elm. VViliningUm, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond, SCHF.m'I.f: tK KPI'KCT FymtfARV?. 'P7 sobTIl Botrjft). No. 403. $0. 41 Lv.N. Y. . Pen R R. 1 1 (inam i) nPrb Lv. Philadelphia" 112pm 12n5ath Lv Baltimol-e, 3l5pm SSOahi Lv.Washingtah, 440pm iHtlarh Lv. Richtnoiid, A . CL. 8 50pm 9 03am Lv.Norfolk, S.A L.830pm 90fam Lv Portsmouth, " 84opm 5120am Lv.Weldon, " 11 28pmlT55iib. Ar.Hctidersoti, " 125Bam 139ptt) A r. Durham, ' Lv.Durhatn, ' Ar. Raleigh, Ar.Sanford, ' Ar.Sou'n PineS, ' Ar Hamlet. ' A r. Wadesboro, ' A r. Monroe, t732am 140,9pm t520pm tillOam -Mham lpih 335ara 5(l3pm 422am 555pm 51t)am fiftSpm 554am 8lipm B43am (l2m Ar.CharloUe, - 830am l025pm Ar.Ch.'ster, " 810am 1047pm Lv. Columbia, CNA LKK ... tliOOpm Ar Clinton, S A L. D45am 1210am r (ireeiiw -i.d, " 1035am I 07arn Ar. Ablievillc. " 1 1 O.um 1 4lam Ar Flberton. " 1207 pm 241am Ar Athens, " 1 15pm 345am Ar W'indiM-. " 1 5!lpin 430am Ar. Atlanta (cut lime)2.'i0pm 520am N'oHTti noi Nii. No 402. No. 3S. Lv Atlanta. SAL 1200pm 750m LvWinder. " 240pm 1042pm LyAthens. " 21iipm 112l!)in Lv Flberton. " 4 15pm 12 33arr. Lv Abbeville. " 5 15pm 1 40am LvCreenwood," 541pm 1 (Wain Lv('lin..i:. " (!31pm 3 05am ArColumbiaON&LIlK, :. .. t7 00am LvChestor, S.A.L 8 13pra 4 31iam A rC harlot te, " 1 0 25pm 830am Lv.Mon riM', LvHamlet, !'40pm Ml 23pm Mi 05ain 815am ArU'ilmington " ;530am 1230pm LvSi iu 'n 1 ines LvKalcigh. rl lenderson. !214am "J 20am 2 1 0am 1 1 3oam --'llSam MOOpm rl h on. 1.' I'1.' I oi t t7:!2am t4 0!pm t.'.Jiipm til lllani r ' ' !..!.. " .i."ia-:i .'!OOpn, A ' Ii - Innond. .('l, si "mm Oallpm A.-V' i-h o I'eniiK 1231pm 11 lOpin ri:.i;t;iiiore. " 1 43ptii 124Sam A r 1 ''. . l:o i phi. i. " oaOpm .3 45an: ArNe-a York. " ii23pm (!5.'!am r! 'ortsiiio.it h ' A !'. i! foil;. i 3i la m 1 jllatu 5 50pm 0(l5pin "1:v ' ILci v Kveept unday. JDaily K.xi-' pt Monday. I No,, lo",;,,,, (i,2. "The AtlantaSpe I ei; 1. "Solid YestibulodTrain of Pull iii. oi -ic-oters and coaches betweei, j V, asliin.otoii and Atlanta, also Pull I m in s'eepers bel ivee'i Portsmouth I ai d Che-ier. S (.:. j Nos. 11 and :S. 'The S. A. L. Kx-ior.-s." Solid Train. Coaches and I Pii'lmaii Sleepers between Ports jn:outha:id Atlanta Company sleep i ci -s del ivii n Columbia and Atlanta. I lioih tr ie- make immediate con j i.eclions :it Atlanta for Montgomerv, Moid e. New Or'eans. Texas, Cali j fo'-nia. Mexico, Chattanooga. Nash I vil.e. Memphis. Mai-oii and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to Ii. A ewland, (ion. Airt. P Depi h Din, hall House. Atlanta. Oa II s; J S;i plss Agt.. Ral del,. N. C. F. St .lohn. 'ii President and tieiieral Mamprer. II V. I! (i lover. Trallic. Manager V K Meliee, (ieneral Superinten dent T. .1 Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General otVu es: Portsmouth. Va, Sale tf l.nnd. I!y authority of a judgment of thet superior . inii t of Wake eoun i v. made in s;i. i ial proceedings entitled Anne Svkes aid others ys Serapha Ray and ..'hers No. SOI S P docket, as commissioner app, inted by the court I wi 1 on Monday, 27th day of D. eenitier. 1SH7. at 12 o'clock m, at the courthouse door of Wake county Raleigh.. N C. sell to the highest bid h r for rah a 1 1 act of land in New Light township. Wake county, being lot No (i in i In- div ision of the lands of Will y II. .r is, ii., deceased, among his hens a' law Said laid begins at a liia.-k gum on thesprii g branch, corner of ' No 5, i hence down said bran eli 'ii N. use river, thence with the nvc lo iiie inoii'h of a branch, 'hen--.- i. o s.nil lira .eh lo a willow, ' I .-, iv s, ,;, ; , .o , ,.L, H.,s( 7i; p,,es olhe R.i eigh io,d, then.-e south .vest nl. n,g sunt road to a stake, t hence south li.'i ih-grees easl 50 poles lo the tie. i n n I ng. enntai n i ng ali acres. W X Jonks. Com r. no2liild ForiiuT 1 ift Years i's i 'iiseiw 's spot.ing Syrup has been u e l f- r over titty vears by mill .ins of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect sue . ,s .. It siviihes th,. child, softens he gums, a !;a s al I pain, cures wind coiii, and is ti e lust remedy for diarrhoea It wili relieve the pcxr .ittle sidTe-cr n-reii a'ely. Sold by all dr(ieg: 's in every part of th world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and u-tv f-r "Mrs. Winalow'a boothlnn Syrup," and Uka no Other' .kind -

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