CONVICTS AT AUCTION, Prisoners Hold to IlielicKt IliJJursut West palm Itcuch, llu, A dispatch to iLe New York Herald Jan. fith from West I'a'ra BiUcb, Fla., says : The state of Florida today auctioned off 410 hu man brings O'lnviets. The cuuviols were in charge of fifty guards, armed with revolvers, rifles ttnd whips. A rouh stockade bad been ureuted inclosing an acrr. Th men were ttliseratly el thed uad most of them were emaciated and thin. Their o!d employers, had gdtteu all they could out of them hare with the cheapest of outfits in the way of clothing. Tlie Women had only a single skirt Nearly all were bare headed Thfc auctioneer, "Tack" Gundy, balled the bidders to the front at id O'clock and bean the sale. The bidders had inspected the coi victs its it they were cattle. The bidding was ( ifterent from auctions gener ally. Cine man would Hid for len Wen, and If no one else bid lii'll'i' he had the choice. Milium Stover of Fori fierce bid Iri the flrsit ten men . To the nerees the vale seemed a sort of picnic, hut the whites shullled forward, must of them with dowucast faces and limp ln fait Cithers boldly faced the crowd, and seemed tota ly indiffer eniioth scene. .Men huvina re cord for t-ven tempers were bhdsrn, while the unruly ones were the l.iSt to n'a. After the able bodied men all had been disposed of the bovs were clio sen, the women and K'r's H"'11!.' last. There were only tn white women In the crowd, and lhv "ere miserable rrea'ures. hollow-eyed, wan a. id sal d v They were in for two years, iim-.i ol tli m and iLey secured fairly iood in istei s. ai-eord Inif to the ;iv Ihint's were. A by stander, a rich man from New York, it is said, bought two boys and lib erated them His name could tot be obtained The convicts will probably have an easier time than her 'tofore, as the men on the.'i.t ciist. will tu'-c better care of them. The turpen tine camps in I he western part of Florida where 1 he coi, v icts ha I been were 'miserable, and from stories told bv some of the men, death was a welcome release. They were kept ;it work from il i lieht until d.irk i i ehai us, fed on! v t .1 ice il.iilv niei then upoi, the cheapest ..mi the poorest food. They will now lie employed on the bi pineapple plan tations, oranoe eroves ami eai ileus and on railroad work anil canal cut tint; near Lake Worth 1 o Cure a ColJ in One liii . Take li.ixa'ive Bi'omo Quinine Tanlets. A 1 1 l rueeists re'und i!.e money if it fails to cure. -c The genuine has j It. Q on each tablet. I he IH1 ii rcitce. "Ti.e dilTeivncc between the kit p tomaiiiac and the thief," said the talking vouur man, i this: (ii.e steals to live and the other lives to steal. " Cinci n nat i Kruj n i rer. henry llockery will lie sworn as a United States in irshal next Monday. Ktreiue Weakness. ''1 was so weak I could hardly walk across my room. 1 had im iii petite. I began taking Hood's Sar saoarilla and before I hid taken it many days my appetite was improv iir; and 1 felt stronger. I continued its use until I was able to work. Hood 'sSarsaparilla lias also relieved me of asthma. " S A Morris, Mesie, N C. H od's pill are tlie bM family ea thartic and liver medicne. (i,iitie, reliable, sure. t ree I'ills. Send you rail dress to 1! K Hucklen it Co . Chicago, and get a free sam ple box of Or King's New LifelNi s. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in ac tion and are particularly ITective in the cure of consti pat ion and siel hpadiche For malaria and liver rou lies thev have been proved in v-iu.tb'e. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deles terious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken bv their action, but by giving tie e to st imacli and bowels . realty invi 'o rate t lie system llefular siz. a per box Sold by all druggis! s Notice of Sflie Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from William Ei'erbe and wife to the unilf-signed recorded in b ok 127, page :!(, I will on Wednesday 9t,h day of February, 1W a' IL' o'clock rn , expose to sale at, pu 'be auction at the cou t house door of Wake county, a certain lot or parcel of land Iving and being in the vil hifjp of Oliero . county of Wakeie ur Raleigh, bieieded anil describe. I as fo lows, to-.vil: Li y a line beginning on the South s .le of Flag street or the line of Man el Martin's lot run ning thenC" s .nth 101 feet to in ner of lot know n ns the Hrvan For' hv. I hence ea-' 12U teet to the lot of John F Flaif (fin nc-riy) thence norih lnl feet to Fhii."s' r.'c', tiience aloeg the sou'h siri.-t f s;, ,1 street west 12(1 feet to the b "grih' -bait (1-) a. f", more or less, and being the lot r' land conveyed to th undersigned said deed. Terms of ea'- insh. Jn7-80i I! !' Ghat, Trustee. lllioummliain .Cure la guurauut-d lo be al).soluu-ly barmlem.Htid a trono- toulfTlnbuilillnf? up the weak and debilitated. It cures acute or murulnr rheuma tism In ffum oue to five dayn. hliarii, fhootlui; puiiia lu any part of the body slopped In a (tw doses. A prompt, complete and iieriiinncnl cure for lameneas, aorenesH, stiff back and all pains In hips and lotna. Chronic rheumatism, sciiilfia. hiuihnKO or pain In the buck are speedily curt-it. II seldom fulls lo ajve relief from one lo two doses, and almost Invariably Juresbefure one botllo has been used. Theslunyon temedy Company preire a separate cure for each disease, .at an uruKKisw -a cents a vial. Jiyouneeil triedical.adrlce Ttld Prof. Mnnyon, lftlfj ArU Street, Fhlladelphla. It Is absolutely free. SI00 to Any Man. WILL PAY $100 PClt ANY CASK Of Weakness In Men They Trent nl Full toenre. An Omaha company placed (or the llrnt time (H'forethe public, a MaCICAL TKKAtMKNT for the cure of Lost Vi tality, Nervous itnd Hexual Weakness, and 'Restoration of Mfe Force in old and young men. No worfi-ont French remedy; contains! no l'hotphorou? or other harmful druirn. ft in a Won DKUKl'i, Tkuatmknt magical in its effects piilive In Its euro. All read ers, who arc suffering from a weak ness that blights their life, causing that menta'. and physical suffering pe culiar to i,osi viannoou. milium write to the STATB M KUfCAL COM FAN Y, suite li-U, Kamge buildintr. Omaha, Neb., and they will send you abso lutely FUKE, a valuable paper on these' dieases, and positive proofs of their truly, MAUICAt. TKKATMKNT. Thousails of men. who have lost alt hope of a cure, are being featured by them to a perfect condition. This Mai.'ical TukatmkNT may be taken at home umlir their directions, or they will pcyrailroad fare and ho tel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable; have no Free I 'rescl'iptions, Free cure, Free Sample, or C O. li. fake. They have tJaU.noO capital, and guarantee lo cure every case they treat or refund every dollar: or their chartre- may be liepos iteil in a hank to lie paid to tle'iu when a eiire Vcted Write them today. SEE THIS! From now on we will keep a full line of roses, carnations and other cut Mowers liouipn ts and Moral designs made up in best style at shortest notice. Call on us for palms, ferns, and all kind of plants and bulbs Shade tree and ever irreens to order. 1 'hints kept reason able. J.L.O'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELEPHONE 149. NOTICE For lliils for Purchase of W H A I! S Tucker iV Co s Slock of floods. N"t ice is herbv gi ven 1 1 nil b t u e- n the Ininrs of four (I) and live (TO o'cloek on I he afternoon of vYedn-s-day. .laniiarv L'lith. IS'.ls, ni the W II .V li S Tucker A Co. store, in Uile'eli. N C. we. the undersign e.l, w ill revive bids for the purs chase, at, cash, of all the W I! ,V I: S Tucker et Co. slock of good-, wares and merchandise, on hand at that lime as determined bv liiven lory lo be taken by t he Trustees after bids are in. The bids should be in wiiting, signed by the bidder and sealed up. and be on the basis of a cerluin iier cent, of their oriei New York Cost (exclusive of handling, freight and insurnnci ) To he considered, each bid must be accompanied by falll) IMI in cash in token ol eooil f.nib lithe bid is rej"ctetl. said cash deposit wil1 be returned to Ihe bidder; if l he bid is aec'.pted, and I he purchase carried out, said deposit will be credited as a part pamieiiton Ihe purchase price; lint if me bid is ac cepted and the bidder fails lo carry out 0-e purchase, the said deposit will be retained by the trustees as liquidated damaecs for huviiu' to close Hie store, loss of lime, trade, etc. in taking the inventory, etc The trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids, l'his Dec. TA. IKM7, F.RNKST H.WWnob, Wm H Snow, W R Ti ck kk, Trustees W H & 11 S Tucker Co. dtds -Cavcnts. and Trade-Mark obtained and nil Ta cnt business conducted (of MootfcATC Fees. (OurjDfficc is Opposite U. S. Patent Ornct faiid we cm .ire p.U' i.i iu less time tuau auc? remote inm VahintTt.m. 4 J' Scud mudfl. diawiiij; or phnto., with d1 rrip-i tion. V'o advise, it paleniaLle or int, (r. j of J ch-irpe. fur ice rmt due tiil patrnt is srrurod. S 4 H rAMPHLET Hw to U'lt.nn Patents,' withj tco-,i 01 BAiae in' the U. S. and fureta coin tries J Jscit Iree. Adrrss, i s .!.. 'A'fNt CffT, V''-.-- IfTCN, D. C. " Mothers Friend" MP gHm-Q hrth mi .".Mvin, La., D-". 2. lv Z Mr tfc u VHTSB'a FM V.t.l) r .Vo he- t . . . moment, a ' r,.s t.o n - ' if !;y r-T"'" V"T,5 r fi i-tt Ji D' V r t r i rf(,Y A LARGE STOCK OF ChristmasGoods AT COST. THOMAS Are receiving a well selected line of Fur niture for Christmas Presents, which thev will sell at sacrifice prices; fancy Ilockers of every description. Don't fail to see them. Centre tables in endless variety. The pret tiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in Raleigh; wardrobes-plain and fancy-oak, cherry and walnut. A beautiful line of Sideboards from 87 up. A beautiful extention table, ( feet long, for $3.98. A $30.00 Fsmcv Leather Couch now for Sk20. A few Fancy lorduroy Couches which we sold from 10 to 815, we will now sell from (5 to 810, slightly damaged in transportation. Single and Hed Lounges will share the same fate. If you need anything for Christmas be sure and see our line before buying. Yours for business, Thomas .1 !'' K Vjrlb, 1898. THE SUN WW. hai.'i'i n n:i:. Mi). I lie pa per ol tn. p iple a nd u iT h Honc-a in luoiiv I"'' the p .-p in I 'I"V-- ip' le'ian 'i' to ri.'ht t !, i : ri''ht pract ices. I'lie Sun publis ill tin t-he time, bul it dees le eo'umus to be degraded immoral or pureiy seas ter Kdiloriallv, The Sun sislent anil unehaio'iio and defenib'r of popu I r a a l"w its by unclean, itiona! mat is i lie eon ' champion fihts and interests againsl pohi' and monopolies of every I udepeudeul in all thing' linn hines liaraeter. . ext renie i '.vs. "ood in none. It is for o, d ;it ws government and eood order 1 1 v mail Kiftv Cents a inoutl Six Dollars a year. Tin-: l!.l.'i'lM"t;i. Vi:i:m.v Srx. One dollar a year, lndueenu t- to I eetters-uii of clubs for tin- W, ek I y i Until the Dai ley lllid Wiet-y Si: I) maied free of postaye 'it the 1'niti d States, Canada mid Mexico i'.oniei ts invariably in ailvanee, Adiir-.-s. A S AHKId, COMPANY, I'ublisliers and I'ronrietoi s. I? M iivoi! i:. M i.. Ct:( tit I 'orUT Of Kastern Pistriet . l.'NITKK STATKS t" N'oi-ih Carolina, No. Ill --Libel rni'"d St lies airainst twenty-live barrels of corn whiskey, seized at. Wilson, N ('..and claimed bv .1. (). I'attetson. To J. O rattcrson and lo all whom t may cone 'rn tireetinu': Notice is hereby e-iven. that t' e above mentioned p'opery uassei. -il tiy F. M. Si nmons. CoUeetor of In ternal 'tevenue for the Fourth Co'l'C tiou District of North ' ' irolina, on tee I'.Uh day of March. se7. ,s f . l f . i I to Ihe uses of the I'lli'eil stales, lnl' violation of lie Ini'-rail l;.ve.,n,' I.a's, a-d tlie same i-. libelled ami orosicuted in tie rii'euii i '..iii-i nf ii,. I'nileil States for eon'tenm.u ion for the causes in the said libeiof informa tion set foVth; and tha-t the said eauses will stand for trial at the Court room of said Court, in the city of I i K iel'. on the t'trst Monday of P iii'i"1' next, if that be a jin-i-d i"t ion dav.and if nok, t the next d.-iv of jur's I et i. n ther after, w'aen ami Oiei" vou aid p-Ts ns 're warne.i to aepe.ti-to liow cause why condemnation stemM r o:, be decreed, and jii ieineut aee,u'din"lv eeb'red herein, and to i nervi ne for their interest. Civen under niv hand, at oitie. in IlaleiL'h, this g"tti day of Nov . 1'.I7. ). I '.v"i;u.i, C S i i-hai l!K st'UK Y( l' UK" fHK ' Ol l Pn.l Mil K.' 't'l-RXKB V ' At MA SAC 18!W For w!p at A;.'red Wi' linm iV Co. 's, .F1ook"!';;er.i. Ctty I'rlce 11c, nr hy J . fl MNtn PublNhrr. Rah'ljrh. N C. nn3l) Ztawtra tk CA1PBILL Campbell. Street. !' i 2h'l C. Molt l'; GK s.l,i.! r the iirovisions of a deed of 1'iui, l .ft;: ! u'c executed by Sandrel (i. . i'. If. I'earce and H II. to f, Wiiodlief and registered .Uiee ol the Uegisler of I . Cls . c, i nl v i ii I iiiok ;.',"). page -11 7. !. i s Vi i d will ex pose to puli al li:.' county courthouse ' he eil v of Ualeigh on Mou p. alee eaiei n llie .1 Wa! ll in .1 iV. .1 .uarv ill. ISt'S, al. VI o'c'oek i tain 1 ract of land in New 'V ' i.s'n in, Wake count y. ad- I. I'll th, f 'I oi N N Kav and No 'J in Ihe di '. licrry Hani bounded as ol a sla ke, eorner iivisiou of said r:er, running es, -Jllll poles lo ll,e I mds and ig at tile I use degn t No 1 N '. ihenee S .-i degrees I'. ;iS S I deerees W 'Jl'b polls to river, t hence up said river to ginning and containing 77 b. leg the land allotted or bv S.uelre! li. I'earce frcin I"1"' Nells Ii.e acres I., r f.,'1 :ei re 1 1 irrisou. ileceas d , i Tin mol't i Na'io I'd secured by the is been assigned abovi to tin h: 1 Hank of U.ileigh. . of sale; cash. j 1, Wooiu.ik.k. .Mortgagee. ' A I. Il .v's. .1 I) Davis, trusteesai.d latlornevs in fact of I, Wood I i f. niortg e. i C M Hi - tnber j'.i't:. . lo. IM .ornev He :!li 1 W.ii. La Blanche, liirinl Siiin imil Fresco li in ter. Artis'ie Interior Hand Seaee Work i W ill b' -lad f tho-e inter,'-!. 'd i a I is .'It. at Mr house '.Vest Malt i i I leenriitions and Specialty. t how saaiples to He, sire d's t hoarding TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doet' ;s aiil patients iu need of S't-, .,' services ea a get full informa l on at MeK uuinon's Drug Store. Ualeigh. N. I'. scp4 .lie 12cw Idecv . -i r-.i t.,-; -ltt nut cicTrf Tf so. y nu bar .! i' i.i. tn it' ur im ii. a!o wnsi' tmuj.'h ,; "il-'.-I ww :" w ht'ii oil ii I. What IP , ' : .:ui - i. (Mii.nui ll'-istr.-it-! Monthly I'ft . tss..,-(-'n!.iiiiMit;a I'lfe-'of Musu. V'wal i . 'ii,' ' -i l-'aflito... (toi'd Slnrii", I-.' )t! traits! nf rrttt Ariress". i :. I nh tii:i l I ;i(H-Y Work liini-, all for Mivu p-Mjiaiil Si''liis too c-ol TO ir ,. : j you 'wu-th wh.-u we ttdvertise i.j n .Lia st-f lor j'iirs'.l. if.r: kkw iinc.i co., '4H ItrLia.!vay. New York Gtv ,r; vrii r.'J. Liberal o)iiiini:tf.lfjn paid. warn MUSICAL ECHO. i. e-.'ii::eil remMj anJ fftphlon Journal to ... a. "a" sti.el anisic aw. v 'Twtand iiamt .. .... ... j, i.uii.iia trom ten to twelve piece i-r -ji or mfrrumental nmsic, besiilea four or i 1' rt-H'.iof Ii-bJioit actremea. Subacrlptloa e iu- v-i f 1.30. aainple copy. 10 Ota. Addna 7 lie Suit I0HS ai'ttCAJU ECHO CO,, Dmv'war Theatre UulMlBk, KW T0 Mit wt. Ukani Minla mH LOOK! LOOK! If you are in i.eed of :.nv kind of Wiinkets or i'ii!ts it will pav von lo examine the prices ;it le Nvon Racket Store le fore huvintr else where We also have a uiee line of Fentlier I'illows. Tliesf 1'ii'owsare of the lu st feathers, find niv -t j ). Ileyiilar price for tlieni .1 .'!.", our price 51c, and ou will find us the same way in our enlire stock, as we are try i na to rn n stock down to the lowest point. Itefere stock takine. whicli will tie in a few days. Now we no not forget stock of all kinds; iood horse hlankcls from !'sy to.f.'i ."ill. Now renieuiber that t he weatheris cold and it pays to prepare for cold weather; if you need any t h i ne lo keep warmcoine to see usand we can soon have you so you will be as comfort able as if you li; d spent -." IMI a' some place. ' 111 rs to please. LION RACKET STORE (6 East Martin Street. OVER $100,000,000 Typewriters, Ribbon.", and (li'uciul Sappiex. T. B. HEARTT, Agt., Xov. n-tf KLONDIKE! an t go (here unless vou iimpson's Live than likely 'o be You are more Simpson's Ointment, which FARMERS' SUPPLIES! B. IRB Y, liK.U.KR IN Agricultural SEEDS, FEED AND FERTILIZERS, I'.ICYCLKS, II A HP W AUK. STANPAUP SKW1NC MACIIINKS. RALEIGH, N. C. Special Announcement. THE "PARK HOTEL " If 15" Service sec will run at living rates from now Respectfully, PARK HOTEL. Moitri. A;t. s.viiiv I'nih r ihe provisions of a deed of mortgage executed by (horge W 1' eiree and wife. K Carolina l'i arce. o K Woodlief and registered in the llice i f the regis erofd cdsofWakc eoiintv. in bo..!; PU. page i'.la, ll'e mule: signed will expose to public a .'.it ihec.Mintv rmii't house oi.-.r the ci'v of K.i eigh on Moi.ih.y. .1. iiiuary lo. l-i'S, a' ll' o'clock m . a certain tiaie ol land in New I,., h1 'owiiliii. Wake county, adjoining ihe lands of James K'V. lietsev Ann ISjkilev, W Perry and olhei-s. liouedi d as follows, viz: Bce'nning it a postoak. running Iheta e N 'I il'1- .Tees. K 11 poles to a stake, t'u e , s7 o. eri es. ". 1 1-1 pel. s. tin nee S Hi degrees. K f4 poles 'o New Kighl n .ml. aid thence i'h said road lo hi" beginiung. containing M ..ctes, more or 'ess, and knoMi as the tie u-ge W Pearce and wife la: d. lot VnT 111 special proceeding' N.i iill dliee of Superior court clerk of ake .ounty. The noie secured bv 1h above : lorieage has been assigned to the Nain iiai bank of IxaU-igh. Terms of sale: Cash L Wooni.iKK, 1 ortgagce, A L Davis, J D Dtvis trust-es nd attorneys in fact of L Woodlief. Mortgiwes. de10-3f( C M Btjswni. Attorney f0 Housekeep EfS. We take pleasure in o!Ti rinu' a very lint line of i-aMina!ile fjooiir., .-ueh an Vi'AlK KIliriT J'lfKorves, .Jellies and Jams iu fancy patent elab j irs or ly pound. Atmore'n mince tneal, plum piidilin, etc. NKW prejiareil Hnckwhe;i.t, with pure bHi maple syrup in ijiiart ir 4 eallon cans. NKW t'Uol' ll.ii.sins. Currants. Cit ron, etc , oil ve. Oliol! Oil, Cut-ups aiel Sauci'n of tiut.'sL jUalily. v'ANNKI) CixiUS iuiuul !-&: variety from best paeKer WK believe e have the bet F I j ill on the market. Ilim you tried it'.' our famous ".M Kl.KoSK" brand. KVKHM'IIINC purehaseil of us is euai'anteec to be of the linest ijiuiiity Orders tilled carefully and delivered, with dispatch J. D.TURNER, 'lridwn' I"' AhiiiihIIij Kttrni'd li' Ojirrn I ires of the Remington Standard Typewriter. hir,l iliiiik nf it! Mon- Hum th' ;.i h'i-:sKin K al ii in I XI IK l ST A This. Thf " iulii i lujl'ih" lines he irritini) of thf iruill. i.-t lei a li. c. ere we! troubled with rCn' Catarrh if 0l is a sure euro. implements 3 Will take seventy-live steady hoarders at I.1'1NC liATKS. Fifty line rooirs to (ill. and see us We in'end lo li I our house. We want you. rate will please you. Table unsurpassed. KOW Come The Mid to none, llousi is hrst lass, bu on. Sill. Iy virtai' of ed ex. eutcd li Ulev and wife. : of II II d 'ertain mort by Wm M. K Mahonev. ed wife. Si d in Ihe otlt jage Me aiul A e of M has. II. I larke Itu ke. and r. gister egister of P. ds of Waki u nly. N. C, in book :" highe-l bid. the i 'oiirl Ho on tie- ,:,l ila 1:' o'cioe VI .1. I til sell to tile miction, at sc in H.e of Its- h igh. I i'.niiai y A.P tstis. at the nroiierlv ilercribed in said 1'iori age. to wil : A tract of land in Wake lv, lieginnin.' at tlie North l aiolina loiii'oad in i'mi-I- lon's line, thence with line noles to Murr v's corn, r in S. S the ( hap. 'I theme with -Hid e.-. In minutes W. -14 near the edge ..f the 'jn degree- v . lo II -I. on tie side of Iteedy juiiet on with Walnut . corner 'hence up 1 degi s, "W ::o poles. N poles to s itegi a -tal-- I hence S s: ake ni ar a n a ; Branch near tt ( p. ek Mm ry' said branch S 1 j thence S li.. neg ei-s, V i 0 poles, thence i ,V so noi's. tlien.e - li- degrei W ' io es to a nost oa'n.We- ey .tones ; corner ttrniv N lilt poles to a slake I and pointei s. Coo'iwin's corner, thenee I K ad i.oles to a pine, A. Morris cor- ner. thence N Is'., poles to a hi line and I po ll rs. s-l ii, Morris' corner, tie nee (is poles to a rock, ssid Morri-' I corner, thence N Xii poles to the rail road llie, lai-i.ce Wltu saiu Hie o. rnftd to the beginning, containing 3H acres, niore or lees. Terms of el cveh. M. N W , I). UPCHtHUH, akw, Ai oroy( 80 davn j Notice of Adtt.nistiatiou. I iluvinj; qualified as administrator c the estate of Win E Mauley, de i ceased, late of Wake County, N. C, h s is to notify all pcrson-i holding j c aims against the said esta'e to pre I sent them to the undersigned at his i oflice in Kaleiyh, on or before the llMi day of November, 1898, or this no' ice will lie plead in bar of their ; recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C Marcom, adm'r. Art'o it Snow, att'ys. For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the "oaks." Nine rooms, bath room, larfre I earn", etc. Oue of the handsomest land most convei.ient inside finished j houses in Ualeieh, No. 5u' N Blount I street. For pui ticulars apply to, or add re:is, Wm T Habdinu, octli tf Park Place, Blount St., city- A WARNING. Gold Weather Coming Coal is a necessity. Now is th time to lay in your supply. Poc 1 onlas is the very best hifh tfrade coal that can 1 3 had. Suitable foi l' rates, open stoves, cooking pur poses ami for steam is far ahead of any other coal on the market. We have any and all kiulsof coal. We are the old reliable Wood furnishers -short wood, lonj.' wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wood, in any Iceeth. Weight in coal, measure in wood guaranteed. Have yon horses, cows, bogs, or my other live stock to feed? We always keep a fresh supply and ii e y on Just What is Suitable of fresh, pal pataule I ion I forget where of the above. We can t be undersold quantities, at low , wholesome food to gel any or all are leaders and We buv in large prices, and give our cusiomcrsthe Deneiit ol our casb price. Te ihone 71. 41 for ollice, yard tele phone, Jones & Powell, Coal. Wood, ed, Laths and si, a lers. 1S: THAT PATENTABLE? llll. Oi -ii'l skctcli. ili-sriiiilinii ii ...1 fs.oo forexamX y ami GUARANTEED report. jegt l'diilt-il iiilurtaatieu almut PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS. DESIGNS busiucnrerS lu lett the l alt 111 Office FREE. EUGENE W.JOHNSON. Attorno- IitabhKlicil isi.-l Wnnler IluiWlinu, Opposi i'l'-nt '.Hlicc, Wa-hiligtuu, l. C ill Cftf -- - "- - - -States- SOUTHERN RAILWParPin,: up both (PIEDMONT AIR-LIWE.) . , . i-tely ot- Condensed 5chedul'iiuie oe- n Effect June 14. (Soft- 1 the side Trnlns haieigh no(ly;st to "Norfolk and llhnitafioosa Lltjjit-b includ .1.40 p, if??, Dally.-Hi-lld vestftuled 1 QSt deeper fntni N.rf:itc to 'liaUanowjr luiry MiTftHtoD, AHfteville. not spn. Knnxviiip. nipioo t'ci-iiHots at Durham f i Oxford. Olarkfy e ;ind K'ivillr. except Sunday. At UreD9 iHtrn with the WjiHhintrtoD and vestcru Vpsti' uted (Uniltd) train fnw tMilnts N'ori rnid with main line train No. 'nr Danville Richnmiul and Intermediate loca -ttaffor1; also h s ccumetlnn for Winston -Salem ami with main line train No. 30. "united statefi fhsi Mail" tr hHrlotte. RpartAnbHrfc GreiJ v , Atlanta and ail points South; Iso Colum bia AumiHtH rharletton, Ravannab. JacKsoo ill. ?iiid all points in Klorlda Hleeptng Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Ifepinn Crt for Aumista. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A- n- Pally Hoi id train constativ PuHrnan HiHepiny cars and coaches from Ci fa'iinj;i 10 Vorfnlk arriving Norfolk ft:00 p in tune to nmni-rt with the Old Dominion M'Tchnnts' ami Miners' Norfolk and Wan tnjrtmi and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich m.nrti W Co's for all poinfnorth and eaat. Connects at Helma for Kayettevlll and in terinediatH stations on the Wilson and P etteville Short Cm. dally, except sundjryfo yew ern and Morehead city daily for O jMs boro. and Wilmington and intermediate Btar tions 011 the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Fpress Train. 8:53 A. M. Dally ?onnects at Durham for Oxford. Keyvill' Ri hmond; itt Oreensbor for Washington and all points north. F press Train. 3 4O P. n. Dally-For lloldsborn ano1 nxmr meilmti- stations Local Accommodation. j:00 A. ,M. Connects at Greensboro for al' p hits for North and Month and Winston-Salera and points on the Northwestern North Car oil n Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points tn West em North arollna Knoxvllle Tenn , Cinclt nati and weslern Miints; at Charlotte, fc 8pu f-'iiiburt;. ireenvltv, Athens. Atlanta aud points ovtth. Trains Arrive at Raleigh. N. C: Express Train l 40 P (Vl. Dallv From Atlanta. Charlotte OrHenshoro and all point Hoiit.h No -folk an j :battonooea Limited 3:40 P M Dallv From all polntu fst. Nor folk'r Wilson and water lines From ()old-h. i V'ilmtntrtnn Fayel and Mil points In Kast em Carolina. Norfolk nnd rhiittnnooga Limited. 11:45 A n Daily-From New York, Waahtt ton Lynchbnri; Danvtlleand (ireenshuro. t ha trtiiJ-otra nnoxvili Hot aprinifs and AsheviU Kspress Train 8.53 a. m. Daily -From ooldshorn and tnt mediate stations Local. 7 20 a r Dally- !'"r..m iireensboro and a 'utiiit North and onth Slecpimt Car )rM.4tro fi Raleirb. 0:00 p m Daily exc pi Kunday-From Onld, l-oro and noiuts Fast. Local freight t-; also parry passengers. 1uIIimh'i cars on nitrht. train from Raletsr f ireinsnoro Thrnirli PullmHii vi-stibul d nraw 00 HUf..t j-eeptiiK (:ar and Vestlhuld eoahe without cit-t'ire on orfolk limited. DoMbte ally Train- between Ralei!.. O' tmie -fid AM:otJi- Jcl tlirn. . Luoct)Ud ac--,.rnr'iMljti.ii OttiMM ipru.ttM. , A Tl t nvntti' 1 Ait.iiawi Aa;Mlt a.ii,,.fU 1 ' iii.t TmWe t ' 9 mpo-icant heir 9.- I It ' ..1,. v s" i , - M . i '1 f 5 -