Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street f All customers of Tinker A- ijj Co. irho have aiioJs I ad aside J ( reserved I'or tin-hi iii I lie 9 ir m rtALtlCII, N. I.. I 9 4 9 4 WILLI- Q BNIUUS . - i on. r. FRIDAY . . Janmiri II M . - a. : N 1 7 1 i ( r a iAD thaw nv. Little Annie Veth-.-rs tcoidiitlv killed Yesterday Afuriieon. Little Annie Pearl Weathers, t! . ten year old daughter of Mr, A ,s Weathers, who reside i" !' ;e. .j street, was accident v s',o unl i ed -yesterday siftert i -i ! n ; I o'clock at the T;r. ; iii.."p north f the ci v The u n s r. ' i .. n I shoulder r,Mis n- ic 1'..' i a .1 in the hands nf In I . A i.ri I aijeii seven years, v!e'n ict'd'-ici it fired, tile ioail of sh. ' -tr k'ni; 1 h ritfht side of Miss Weathers' feio head. The entire nyht side of the skull was blown away and death wa instantaneous The unfortunate victim, in com pany with Misses Nannie and May Bell aod AUie and AunieCi;!, let; the city yesterday afternoon to wvt the Misses Gill. At a poiut about 1'ih yards from the Taylor homestead the youne; ladies stopped to t a i k to llnberl Gill, MrGill had just returned from hunting and was rotinir. His r mi . a single barrel breecli louder, . as on the embankment. The young iadies were ene.C'eii i: conversation and were wu'chiui.' a kite flying nearby, when ottie .Miss AunieGill picked up the pin. The child had hardly placed the yun on Miss Bel! s shoulder before it fired, and Miss Weathers, who was sitting directly in front of the barrel, caught the full load on the ritrht. side her forehead and fell to one side, limp and motionless. None of thp cbildien know how the gun fired. It is not even known whether it was cocked. The iitt . tlirl must have jerked the tNL'u'er unconsciously aud unknowingly in A some way They were all sit tine- close together I The parents of the dead jrirl were i - .. c l'f;,frenzied with urief. Kind neighbors "i1 everv' ' Possible to roiixi.' m move d her t .. . nt nv i.-s-k, t!..- - ' ; ,'1, s ,V punt. JliogtOll, a i. ! Stof '.'S- .;0is citizen 'kittle Pearl Wealn. ,.i-..i br-1 V sweet child. She wis n 1'SM by her piavma'es ami v : ;ll who knew liei ccur 'at K ii'le lie ... norrow. T' . 'hi Men r . c t; Wi lOllO: , '..ttS . ,"s ICiieiu ii i . :al meet - iale W. V.'. , nieht a' Met ro- I T n 1 1 . at - o clock. Tic fo. - "tjpil programme has bei'n ar 1 anijed: Music. Scripture ii-w.:;. Rev. V. J, . Ionian: prayer. K-v (leo. V. Hill: music by tiie claer. resolutions; addr- ,' by tiie I'icci. Robert Evans, essay i,v M,ss M . W. Dunston. renarks ov l!-v. W. A. Jones: music, solo. !., U'-s , Rhodes; remarks by Wuiis M Graves: remarks bv I'n.f, II A. Johnson: essay by Miss Kl a l. ik lear: remarks by I'-v Wil mm; At water: essay by Mrs. in-ia Co. -yard Catarrh, 'like scrofula, is a diease of the blood and m iy be cured bv purifyiD the biood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Surprise of All Mr James Jones, of the drutr hrm of Jones t Son. Cowilen, 111., in speaking of Dr Kind's New D scov ery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with Cripiie, and her case grew so serious that piiysi cians at Cowden ond I'ana itom.I do nothing for her It seemed to de velop into hastv consumption Hav ing Dr King's New )i -overv in store, and selling lots of s .,- took a bottle hoane, and to t i - - . '; ., i--- of all she began to get (.. t. ' st dose, and half dozen 1. ar ; ' . cured her sound . i.c ir King's New Dise a-i r e s .mp tion, coughs aro - s j ,,i:-n'ecd to do this (food i i i- 1 ;v Kne trial bottles at any .:- .j ,e. ToTurc a c'olJ n o-ie hnv Take Laxative fir oan. Quinine Tab lets. All drm'g s's refuud th money if it faii ' cure. -"ic. The genuine has f. tlou each tablet V'aiocd 111 l-anplny A 5'teDOt'rauher and Typewriter to work in La oyer's office. Address P. o Box jan . Raleitrh, N C For Kent. Nine room cottage with bath, etc Corner of Hoik and Person streets. Inquire at 504 N l ersou street. It I am prepared to furnish ice cream no as rell as in J uly. All flavors, such as strawberry, raspberry or pine apple; are made out of pure fruit. A Dtiim Rutfhi has on hand more bannnas than be wants and would like to oet rid of them. Call on bim and get a niCR bunch cheap. Wanted . A position as collector, on salary or commission. Address Gljtbis office. . jan Id HQ I tl iu nif I 'I 1 1 I in it i lit" e ill (i ml ijet I In iii I Ins ir el:. II W Hooli. W A I IK Kit I l,s. es. w H vv. i; - . r kk:: co xk.xt u t:i :k' on? am: a r 'A'( 7 ii. sale (F WW Sl'h'IM! ','A.Ss' l,OOlS I.Vi"7( 'hnui irii! !n rem! 'i I ir . : n. ill of Ihwiui s I'.r !i'kIm irill he ((. fnl innl re ir I. I ii lei! iijeut sitle.s i i-ii) Ir ."',' lie in i ' h i i'i I ' ' mi'l nijiiti si I ii ui leiil In- en xi If limie. 1 In si ii lis are all neie. shlish ain correel ami the iriees the luire.il Hull irill he erer made ;!. In- last tiiiiirl ii ii it ij. iIavwooh. Snow - Ti-ckkk, Trustees. w ii a i: s rrcKKi: a u. WAN I'K.n -upritrht and faithful L'ent leir.cn or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in North J..rolim. .Monthly ifna.OO and expenses I 'osil ion steady. Itefer eeee. I'lnelose se.f-addressod stam ped envelope Tl'.e Poininion Com pan '. Hep'. . , Chicago. ili::'l,l Piano I lining. I' - i i 1 Sit u rdav. J an nar v Vtlh, or .lers :.'M with Moler A I'.e. No .'l l-'.ivetteviiie street, will receive i i .o nt at', i' ' ion. ;:il - -' I in I. en i. Oi l' lar-e fi oi.t room, unfurnished. one oioek from eaiilol, West )1,i.'mii s'reet. Miiio tt Whiieon the suPi-et of I'ANKY we siii'.'i st tha' to u'et the lies' buy Kt iVSl'I'li: S CANOY. ' 1 or Kent. S room ii' t.it'. No '';'. 1'las loirau s're. t. water, bath and el . 'ie lo'hts. deol -wks A desirable hou s!:,.j AppiVto CV' II..- a Uo his lar, 'i n', m ar tie vV'iii.ii! .nor , c. ". ! M " I. KM : ,;ru .v Co nice loc.i IIS North .1 1; (' Smi i ll. i Ciish. ei 1 . PHI loca'io., ,;i (I c IV'.. City, line a-ill) us. mil a si Mile business to make candy. make n t'ooo. jawc no bu buy K( lYSTKi: S CANDY. The Game OK CARROMS e tl,;t in d . I p. RAISIN SEEDERS " n. Ii will sei'il raisins. Orescent Bicycles. Tlios, H. Briggs & Sons:AH;:SS,,,t!: ! American Loan and Trust '., ' it - Raleigh, N. C. Ladies Trimmed Hats.! 3omething Nice. Wo have decided to close out all the ' balance of our Ladies' Trimmed Hats ()f -every price and quality at a special sale on s ,.,. v... ... Friday at your choice for any and all, Lar' inv tji'fs of tin above tr mm!.., have jut If "t rt'viv.id and an otT. r eil for vo'ic -ri.ction. $1.00. rVltia inr.liirlrvo oil l uiviimco ail miiua. 1 mil CIHMCU tl ; ,Verv I'iek'.-. Thev are both recent any Ladies' hat in the house. On sale at !)i"rms,,"mhr"w,hystn"'; o clock Friday morning, and for the one day only. The Sights 111. 9 , our in tin- oitv tmi s-t'iv vui'i'tli vour tiiur ti t-r it . ii . l it!ay of .l vwlry , i 'i-V. 'L vXk'V cti k -i n:n I h i tii' " t Kr ! t ! ' T M KIT H 111 PH P B. t '1 i 4 ?; t ?! W. H. KING El CO., Druggists, V ' l,i I-' Huyler's Pine Candies. , A 11I0 .ilsn lr . ' cut-. tv I. a- .; .!': is Lrtt. 1 he a i 1 . ' . It'Ctt'Ci sp c k : .l.ibK" li r pi v a' .i sec ihem lu'lm . 1 1 t : i t'll slip iti ntiil I 1 lot ClMiiioliitr. v. ' 1 1 i.on. RIGGAN'S I ii the South '. indow of I; Toy Store ton -ee ' .-I-ynu take your . lav c :'..r a We ! i e o a a ! ii ' . I I ;n..l l"c a h... V. : and p' .;n. !". r :.. - L'.'ic. I'll. Veiopes t i u i i ' i I ' (nets. i ,, ,i ;.,! ,.v In the fjamps at any price and kind. Lamp! Lamps! Lanj:! 'ou Inly of us crocl.-r an ! - as ware cheapest any kn l. A s. .. : china and d i n n-r a n 1 - ! set s ail if v.e nan' most f,,r v-.;f e: it:.'v -o to Rig-aii s 'I'm Store:,::.! you w get the '.est. ( Kir leave.- N :.!.'. wi i 1 Keep y i -u ' ! ' I . ' . . .' s' i a'" ail' he year FOR CASH Riggan's Toy Store Large Loans "n life iriMiiMfn'i ;n an; I'.nli.-h and An.i-rii-asit "rii)'.i.'! Tt-n vv ct'nt niopt-riuin I ! n 'ii!ia n-it-s t Im'ium'I vt-s loan "u t!i.- -.inn-iio;. .ens' National Tank liuiai.ne. 1 ' a ein, N. C. - i.wlsa V"...,,. ,.1...:,. MOINES' The Great January Sale I leh 1 isc! iw.h .l 'l is store every dav since the lirst annoiineeinent. is ,,t its l.e '!,! I):s.-i iminai ire lum'i's have no' been slow to discover . i. ,t a Ke.i'li of va'ee. sat'sfaetioa iiml pleasure it has bi ouoht t hem. v, ii , i ' lias . - l.io i, t ii..t in.! of! t v is this sio e st roio: in enterprise, i n .., n a .ie .: i ' ':, l.i f .r-most in the conliiieiice of the p. opli' as MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE. and b.-si ( i.s.... r; i r i;tt','s i i : .! s l i I i ., ..ke of f. uir mtiro'derv. In s ,,! op.-. I wilr, s cX'ra . e b u k :n es tin 50c I; . . .,e witli si' 1 I sel'l 1. i . foil' t w ,'h . I.-- i i raf 75c si.dd i i c.mi'ir lii'.ll.'.IMV O.l l.t v lace. BLEACHED DOMESTIC SALE. A pi je. s a r- i ' t ' '1 is i'u'1. t . lal to : 5c 6c 7c 9c 10c EOc Huh i" 'Visl U wiiie K.ll''.cl' Mi is ' .! v nie ' i' . i .i i wi.i M NV York ii . s, VV alllsutJa -.!' :i i tl e W. -I .per KM BROIDERY SALE. a -l i ti' jn 'i :a: m ui ! 11M iliK '1 1 1 i ll : I !S "1", . : e i I ' w "' i, e Vll'ds Ii ii . 1: ;: ,., 1 oiler 1 OHO I . lu sl,..,l QJifi A g ST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. 'HI'S ' a e irllli the la ! Icni'l IT. ii'i.:: u sai.i: oi' i i; u ... t -. I i mfort s, i, hiilt I i.-s. Ladies Jackets. .M isses .1 a.ki t s. , ;.. f,.fs. Children's lii'elchen, MM. SAI.K N.u W hi ' : . - 1 .1 t he :iski nj w ll a I I': A. B. STRONACH, Ladies' Dry (iood IS tore. .Xew I!oo lh rrlnir in barrels anil half iiai'rels. N'. w -tl. i'i Roe in kits. 1 We have somcthin? particularly ap- pet-iiiis in .uir stuffed Swl Mantro fickle. nl he tra ijiinous iaiania.in Fill", line of Curtis' famous lre i serves in Cl.iss. j Our Nfochn an'l Java f'olTee is the best that can be produced at. any price. 'J'rv It. THQS. ( PISGUQ, J The Grocer. M i. Nort 'i s! . i I ,l- I.', '.. en. i V s- Ml .I r . i.a . . . 'i 1 1 !.. iii .. . - ' Hr-j: i w. met. , I. r lli- I. 'I. in. " I of the -aim ll'. wlier-.Musi-! I' niter .tear at 1 1 '-s is peiieei. 1!i:awki:s .Oe e l f t t . i v V in LI s. l u, some e.-ititekid ri.-ttie. o hers eru 25c iilered Pr nler . t r : mni'-d. now Tae nois'in. some lie- p etnbroilered hers w it h ore! t v I i tZtt n . es. i o.v ... UUb ,l Ii"- tlies'lU, l;a!,.Uo!ll-' I lllbl'llid- cie.i ri. I'!', live p eats tioxe, Ci'i:K 1' rnVlliiS .".lie cambric, surplie, ' shape and m ...re necks .id pret'ilv trim ORa ti. , d v. i;h embr '. Icrv. now . tUM hi ' v . S III 1 V fcrsiMi.ers Not cci .l sliipiueul of est I' (lar .1 Mill vel'v lal C M l'.l;ICS ( t ,1 i .lory fine Cati.ln' I ..Cls'ial,' Sape ii:.e ( ',. I : 'ri, , v I In! r.i (".iiiil'ia 6'c 3,c lie 8c SIlI'llil'INi.s. 10 I Itaa sleet cd 20c I I'iiiiliioi.l.i'ies (liiiit ii . ! 1 1 itci'i.im i . 1 1 1 c i iii, nlc o-pci tallv b'l us KM HI! 'I !K!:i l'S I Mil alio vards. bo'h Swiss and l-'reia h ,1.',.., ass.e-i. .1 in 'iiiv wai-i.s. :;. 1 1 .1 a i i el.es. : nsert i -e t 1:1 i I'h. ' st e-. Ti.ls vi';vi' o.ii - pt'! s lor O'l I i'les fi.'ili p.". Is' L'.'ic. 1 IQ, 15, 17 c ami RON AC H w i .ike . vi lia' we s - ;i I ; ia n. 1 , I , a : i a ! ii. :i 'el Make In.!.;, . in. n:- u ill !'. p... . ..: ,!s , iii k i: sai.i: op I.a. I es' Kn.t l'u.l.-rwe:ir. Man's Knit I' uder wear (II, iM it n 's K nil I ' uder vvea''. Dress I hiod-. il.aoi-s'K it Skirts. j Knees' llalmerals 1. 1. lies' l'cather I'.o.irs. M en s I'i ne Shoes. . "i-. I'lllllir.'i'liT'ies :iu,l .act lupiiments v ef NEW GOODS: BEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICKS. B. W. Upchurch, l.'i KAST IIARGF.TT ST. liio roastei cuff ee, er lb 1 1 lr .Mneha nml .lava rnasiiMi, per Hi -.ic Arliurkli's nml Cri'scenl eelTee f.'e Pure hog lar.l 7c 11., Ill lb lets Ii".e Chip beef per lb S.V Smab breakfast strip, per Hi Hie I resb irinvrersnaps per lb rr till' corn, per can :! lb lable nraehes. per can l'-ie Navy lii ans, per .piart Se Huller tieans. per cpiart llle Hi'sl eri'iun cheese, per Iti 12e Pure apple vineirar, 20 anil I'.i'e per ::nl Cnokiiii.' butter, per lb I V 10 bars of snap for 2-V Our prices on flour are the lowest. Fresh oysters daily, 20, 25 nml :i,"ie per quart. All uods promptly delivered. Help Wanted---Mo!o. Aejeps s?et fifty cents on each dollar; no experience necessary Write for agent's outfit. Address The Catholic News, 5 Barclay St NewYork. Go NEW GOODS Fave just received a case of the prettiest style prints in all the new designs, plaids, stripes, dots, checks and fancies to sell at 5c a yard. These goods are not percals, although some mills call them percals. At id cents c tin- l.ir-cst ami host assortment of line lYrc.ils to lu- louml in the city. Kiititv new line ol patterns in these oi a uU this seasi nt . At t'e a case ( d'oltl ami P. hie . 1. 1 1 1 1 Silver ami Mine ell'ect 'a-h (ininls. ei v liaiiils.'inc. (Junil wearing anil last colors N'i'ii line of ( iinoh.iin sheer and pn-uy. New riloinos anil enihr. mlei ics. Laroe.st stuck, ol' .Mus'ins 1 1 t ' i hleafhei! and iinlileaeheil in the i i! v. L'Uisilale C'atnhi ics i d' se el al kind. Slu i tino i) i- anil n i- Pillow casinu. ()ur llnn'i'i' I lejiai tmeiit is ihc hi st to he seen in the city. Prices ti-hl. We are Agents forButterick Patterns. TTTnnnTTTTnfTTTTTnfrnnnffTTTTn uUUUUUUliUliUUUUUUllUUii WOOLLCOTT & SON. WE MUST DO SOMETHING l.. n .In. our si.., k -I W'it l. r 1 'v. .lll.i nail I' I Kinler Healler iil.i in i n.ls to a i I Mini ail n-w w :t h . I. a : . ' i 1 i in-l 1 1 1 is - - w ,.,. ant :s.V inn- ' Mi "'- I'e"' 1 1 stni'l j nlo .l.'iiiuai Willi ll 's a n I lc n J -piano . tor In v'le H..V1 ii .'ill 1 Ii. 'r t.:... I. tin aril -a, h mi'l.. . t'Hl 'a ' u i lit t ; ' - a ' I ' 1 1 in I HI- hi. -lit I Ml' .1 I., l.iake -M! 'U, oo ( (A lCkt 'C I' i OR 1 Z DO Zn o: i " 1 S i ii i . p. 50 and Is ( ) PRCOATS 1 j 50 nYPia'o.vrs i'or We want I- nuik" it ver.- eh o t- I'i I il.- I Lev ale all of mil' I'llii-' It eels, neele up III f.isha.l! ihh lilies! -ilk satin mill ilk mtji. in - sla i 11 m 1 ins c. unit i v 1 his sciisdu 1 1 a..! . loot rv ui aloes ii t hi l: . Vour Advantage now a Genuine Uargain. Every Sale Must be for Cash. S. & D. BERWAHOEB, Leading One Price Clothiers. HELLER'S jjS llov's School and $1 511 THE Z1EGLEH Heller Brothers' Slice Store. WE'VE GOT The best linished and neatest d -sin Dining Chair at $5 00 for set of six. Our exceedinojv handsome Uincr at $1) 00 per set. A handsome lounge in velour at 7 50: foKlin, too. Suits in Mahogany finish at $1 00. We've jot to meet competition and h,v priies .if cotlon. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. Royall & Borden Furniture Co. Corner of Hargett and Wilmington Streets. TKLKPIIOXK xtttil n. "c.ci's U'.a nil a '..!! lo -it .l.m n I .a .T ! we'-.f lliH-lr up olir Tiie Iruth is al s I lain in' should 1 1 the plice a call . he .Itliii a1i'il I in re liUlell l'.l all.l '...!! . ill lake i ll, .ice a .I.. SSJO Ol) l.S 00 16 00 15 00 1 2 50 10 00 !' . I'i. !. n ' ' ' . . : - )R ! : st wl.e I'leii-ats we're of , . .. M. I 1 l.nicnill -s and i i ' : " 1 i ! thr- 1 1 " ' 1 o 1 1 1 with t lie J' ! t .' 11 1 . 1 si lo h ( IvereoHls 1 : . 1 1 1; . 111 u r re a i i 11 - y 1 ill e - ii pi 1 - SHOE STORE. I. lilies' Pure. 11 ; 1 1 1 I, ace Slides, Heel ami Sptino II, i i. (.'iiiii-'l'iics, Zicolt r's make. Only $2 00 a Pair. .Misses Si luidl Sleics, $1 1x1. 1 J5 and I 50 a pair. Children's Si 1 1 Scion's. -5c and $1 00 a pair. and Ytmlhs' Shoes. 1 Jj a pair. THEM NOW. (I

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