THIS GRAVEYARD KABBIT. Mr S S William of Kaletgh In the School supplement. When shades of night are falling, And the whippoorwill is callini; To his mate within the dark and si lent wood, . You may see a rabbit Hitting From grave 10 grav, or silting, Look ill '4 at the moon iu quiet, thoughtful mood. Perhaps he then is thinking, As he sits there fearful, shrink inp, Of tbe place where juicy peas do most abound; But he dares not, as when younger, Brave the guard despite his hunger Dreadful dragons they, that boy and Ueen-nosed hound. Now, with tim'rous ears upstart ing Hiirk, the fat! then lightly dart ing Through che leaves with noisless, ghostly tread. Tis but the pine trees' soughing, Or the light wind gently rough ing The brown mantle o er the silejt sleepers spread ; Or a twig beri-ft of footing On the dead bough, where the hooting Of the owl auovj him tills his breast with dread. Now he nibbles cold, unfeeling, At tbe grass, that upward steal ing. Thrusts its green spears through the roof above the dead. Should you wish to catch this rab bit, Note with care his wary habit ; Lay him low with stroke upon his glossy head. Twelve the hour, ne moon to fling you One bright ray the act will bring you Rarest lujk (the left hind food) 'tis gravely said. But because of tattled m igic, Would you do a thintr so tragic? Take tbe life as sweet to Bunny as yours to you. He has taen sinctuary. He asks out grass and berry And a home among the graves be bemined with uew. To Cure a Cold In One lay. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists re'und the money if it fails to cure. '2'ie. The genuine has L B Q. on eac i tablet. No is the winter of our discon tent because it is cold. Hitherto it has been the same oecause it was unseasonably warm. We hnn..inn are not easily pleased. I" bi lioivi s every one of usiocul., . :ite i!:e gi ace of contentment Well known Merchant- Ai-KX, N. C , Jan. 21. 189 Mr A J Wood, of t'.ie linn of Wood & tjearls of this place, and well known all through this heclion, has had trouble with the grip. While re cover'ng from this debilitating (lis ease he took Hood's Sarsaparillaand it did him so much good by tuning up hissyst in that he has since taken it every spring as a blood purilier. Hesas Hood's is the best selling medicine he keeps The Discovery of the Uuy. Aug J Bogel, the leading d;ug gist of Shevepiirt. La, say-: Or King's New Discovery is the only thing that enures rav cough, and it is the best stiitr 1 hav " J K Campbell, mereuantof SalTord, Ariz, writes: "Dr K' tig's New Discovery is all that ;s claimed for i1; it never fails, and is a sure cure for coosump tion, coughs and colds I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds is not an ex periment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the hpad. It i.ever disap points. Free trial bottles at any drug store. ... J 1 : J i4 -'uCSALTY. V or Ti r.i .ry '. -..ueutly : V) TO "5 Dim i i at home for wine price ; . rty. if yoi prt-ier to " ill contract to nay railroad tiils, and no charge, if we YOU HAVE ;-jry. Iodide potash, and still u.fl pains. Mucous Patches in i"j Tt:rtxt, Pimples, Copper '(c 1 on any part of the i.yet owi toiling out, it is Hi- lai' . tnLfv. hi. '2 f 6 :!AKTEB TO CURE. most obstinate, cases anil rtrlJ for a case weennnnt is Has nlwav baffled the . errinent physicians. ;' it behind our uncondttio solute proofs sentrcnl:.'. y.n paffe book senvfiw. ir.DV co., 301 & jos How to Look Uooa. Good looks are really more than Bkin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or gans. If tbe liver be inactive, you bavi" a bi'ious look; if your stomach be disordered, vou have a dispeptic look; if your kidneys be affected, yon "have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good alterative and 'onlc Acts di rectly od the Htoimch, liver and kidenys. Purifies he blood, cures pimples, blotches md boils, and (jives a good coii'ulexion. 'Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at any drug tor. 60 oenta per ooule. Woman Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Hood's Sarsaparllla Makes tho Blood Rich and Pure, Creates an Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. "I feel that I ought to write a few words in praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has done great things for me. I was in a delicate condition and was sick at my stomach and constipated. I tried remedies highly recommended for female weaknessen, but the medicines brought on other troubles, I was co weak I could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood's Sar Baparilla. After I had taken this medicine a short time I began to gahl strength. I Crew Stronger Each Day until I was able to work all day without any inconvenience. I have taken Hood's Fills for constipation, and I am better to day than I have been for five years. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills I feel rested in the morning. I am less nervous and am sure I have richer and purer blood. I have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am rid of it. Before my last child was born I took Hood's Snrsaparilla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other child was not. well and lived to be only two years old." Mrs. E. F. Deal, Ix 419, Mh-souri Vallev, Iowa. Hood's Is the hest-ln fact the One True Blend Purifier. Hnnd's Plll "-l'"rely vi-ei-taldr.r.-ri-. 1IUUU r 1113 fuy prepared. i ci-nu. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the pro visions of a certain mortgage deed, executed by H. V. Bagwell and Amanda Ragwell, his wife, and E. J. liagwell, on the l.'ith day of De cember, 18S!). which said mortgage is duly recorded in the Register of Deed 's office, of Wake county, in book 110, at page '.I'M. I will on Monday, the 2K'h day of February. S!tH, at 12 o'clock noon, attlie Court House door, in the city of Ila'eit'h, offer for sale to the liijhest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel or lard, lying and being in the county of Wake, said State, adjoining th, lands of A. K. Andrews (now C. A. Goodwin). W D. Williams and the Chapel llill road, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a large white oak on the north side of the Chapel Hill road, runs north 401 '' degrees vest poles to a stake, thence mirth 7 degrees, west 4S poles to a stake and pointers on a stnull branch, thence SM degrees we-t Kill poles to n s'.ikp in the ' 'he old 'hapl 1 1 I f rid, W 1) ". iams' earner, then.-e wi'h tl;t' e.l road .V7 1 L' poles to a, V II 'Wil liams' corner, thence withsn'd Wil liams' line south, two (livrees wst, 34 poles to the centre of the N C railroad, thence with said rail.n.ul IIP poles, thence 2 1 2 degrees east, 12 1 5 poles to a stake on the south side of the Chapel Hill road, thence south fill degrees, west 15 1-2 p i'es to the beginning, containing 8f acres. A It Anihifws, Mot tagee. Tins 2:ih day of January, 18H8, A H Andrews, J r, attorney. Notice of Sale t'nder l-xecutton. Bv virtue of an execution direct ed 10 Ihe undersigned from the Superior court of Wake county in an action entitled "K R Stamps, Trus tee to ihe use of Whiting Bros, vs W T Woinbb'." I will on Vondaythe 28th day of February ISHSat twelve o'clock M. at the Court House door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said ex ecution, sell the right, title and in terest which the said W T Wom'ile, defendant, has in the following de scribed real estate, to wit : A crtain lot or parcel of land ly ing on Harge t street, extend ed, fifty-four feet in width and about eighty live feet in depth, known as part of the Melvin Noble lot, bound ed on the west by the Xunn lot, on the north by a part of the homestead assigned to W T Womble, on the east, by a lot owned by Dr James McKee and on the south bv Hargett street, being a part of lan'd d. -vised to W T Womble by W R Womble. H. T. Jonfs, Sheriff Wake county. Jan 26, 1098. be Greatest Discover y Yet. W N Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III , 'Ch;ef,"say: "We won 't keep house without Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds Experimented with many others but never got the true remeiiy until we used Dr King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc " It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr King s New Discov ery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed It never fai s to sati-fy. Trial no ties free at any drug store. The Dew He Are you bright and clever f If so. you ha plenty of Ideaa of your own, also sense -iiouen jo grasp good new nm when ofTt ed. What to oulhink ( aSJeoibmn Il'usl rated Monthly fa per, each issue contain. g a Pawnor Music. Vocal or Instrumental, Latest Faliio.., Good Stories. Dramatic News and Portrait ot Pretty Actresses, Household, Toilet ami Fancy Work Hint, all for 85 cento a year postpaid 1 Seems too good to or true, but we tdre you eiactlr what wa advertise, bead S cents and see for yourself. TUB NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, New York Ot iirentt wanted. Liberal oommlnaion paid. NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. "riehaoaaome mtMcrJ and faWiloo Journal ts .iieric full sheet inuaic sue, ! v "re aoa hand ome cover, jontainlnir from ten to twelve piece ot vocal or Instrumental mulo, beeldea four or ftvo nortraka leading actresses. Subscription hy the yeai , $1.90, sample copy, 10 ota. Address Ik If W IOBK lCSltAI, WHO CO., BrosK-twar Theatn Bui Id ma, iwv xsr A LARGE STOCK OF Goods WMMMMMWMWIMHM THOMAS i Are receiving a well selected line of Fur niture which they will sell at sacrifice prices; fancy llockers of every description. Don't fail to see them. Centre tables in endless variety. The prettiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in Raleigh; wardrobes-plain and fancy oak, cherry and walnut. A beautiful line of Sideboards from $7 up. A beautiful extention table, 0 feet long, for $3.98. A $30.00 Fancy Leather Couch now for $20. A few Fancy Corduroy Couches which we sold from 10 to $15, we w ill now sell from G to $10, slightly damaged in transportation. Single and Bed Lounges will share the same fate. Yours for business, Thomas & Campbell 9 and 12 East Martin Street. Phone 261 C. I have used Piso's Cure for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others . for Coughs and Colds. It is selling like hot cakes. rCJRJLm&NSVMPTlQrt-tgSaS 1898. THE SUN 1898. BALTIMORE, MD. The paper of the people, for people and with tho people. Honeat in motive. Fearless in Expression. Sound in prin ciple. Unswerving in its al legiance to right theories and right practices. The Sun publishes all the news all the time, but it does not allow its columns to be degraded by unclean, immoral or purely sensational mat ter Editorially, The Sun is the con sistent and unehanyinjv champion and defender of popul r rights and interests against political mai hines and monopolies of every character. Independent in all things, extremP in none. It is for i?ood laws, jjood government and eood order By mail Fifty Cents a month Six Dollars a year. The Baltimore Weekly Stn. One dollar a year, Inducements to iretters-up of clubs for the Weekly Sun Koih the Dailey and WeeHy Sun maied free of postate In tho United States. Canada and Mexico , Foments invariably In advance. Address. A S A BELL CO VI PA NY, Publishers and Proprietors. Baltimore, Mi Whco Baoj was sick, w gava her CaAotla. hmaa she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became SUjs, she clang to Castorla. (rasa she bad Children, she ( imtn Oaatpria at Cost, CAMPBELL GUSTAV FALK, Druggist, Winton Place, Ohio. August 31, 1897. lUr. Wm. La Blaotfie, Pictorial Sign and Fresco Painter. Artistic Interior Deeorations and Land Scape Work a Specialty. Will b" elad to 4iow samples to those intere-ted Calls eft at Mr, Reed'a bearding house West Martin street Something Kew in Rale gh. Nickel plating, brass polishing and lacquering- Special attentim, paid to rerewing old chandeleers, etc. 1 also have the best lilted bi cycle repair shop in the slate. All work t'uarunteed. Prices lower that the lowest. Work called for aud delivered James M lusii..p. No, 21h', Kavett.'V ile St At Oak City Steam Laui.dry. Notice of Sole. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust fn m William El'erbe and wife to the ui de'sifrned recorded in b uik 127, pnt'e 3.'i(i, I will on Wednesday 9th day of February, 1898 at 12 o'clock m , expose to sale at puolic auction at the cou t house door of Wake county, a certain lot or parcel of land Ivinir and being in the vil lage of Oberli". county of Wake near Raleigh, bounded anu described as fo lows, to-wit: By a line beginning on the South side of Flag street or the line of Daniel Martin's lot run-, ning thence south 101 feet to "oroer of lot known ns tbe Brvan Fort lot. thence east 120 feet to the lot of John F Flag (formerly) thence north 101 feet to Flag street, thence along the south side of said street west 120 feet to the beginningcontainingone balf (1-2) acre, more or less, and being the lot. of land conveyed to the undersigned by said deed. Terms of sale rush. j730 t RT Grat, TrmUa,. come Boys, BoysTr Housekeepers. We arc after you with a full line of Sleiihs at 50c, ()!,c and $1.00. rliat is vtorc sport than to see boys and girls out sleigh in. ( Men Folks! Men Folks! TTV arc looking for you villi a full line of Rubber shoes, .We. .''c ami ti'Jc. Rubber Coats, l.oo to fu.0. Lailies semi ns your order. JIV trill send inir h'uhber shoes to your house 2 !,c to 3!c. Full slock of 1,'ubber for Misses and Children. Xnir is Ihe time for s. Quills, Pillows aud Lap Robes. We have all you want at LYON RACKET STORE 16 East Martin izi. OVER $100,000,000 Annually Earned by Opera tives of the Typewriters, Ribbons and T. B. HEARTT, Agt., Xov. LUf KLONDIKE! on't go there unless you You are more than likely to be don't use Simpson Ointment, which SiBpson s Special Announcement. THE "PARK HOTEL " 13 W PARK HOTEL. C'lltCl'IT Coi'RT ov ) Kastern District. United States f North Carolina No. Ill Libel United States against twenty-live barrels of corn whiskey, seized at Wilson, N. C.,and claimed bv J. O. I'attersini. To J. O Patterson and to all whom it may cono rn Gru.'tiii;;: Notice is hereby given, that the above, m"iitioned proper y tins seized by F. M Si nnioes Co' of n t"rnal ' 'evenue tor l he F -ti it h Collec tion District of ". th (.'.iro.iuit. on the litth day of Mare'i. I -'.'.7. .f forfeited to the uses of th.- Cni'i'd t:Oes. for violation of the lnernil Revenue Laws, a d the same is liln iied and t.rosecutcd in the Circuit Court, of the United Stales for condemn. uion for the causes in the said lihel of iiiforma :ion si t forth; and thai the said causes will sta' d lor ti in t at the Court room of taid Court, in the city of Haleign, on the titst y.onda.v of Deecnilier i ext, if th it lie a jut isdi tion day and if not, t tie ne.t da.v of juris netu n Iher after, w'.ie i and ahure you and l'T ns i re warned to ai pear to slum cause why condeninatiou should i ot he decreed, and judgment aii.-ordingly entered herein, and to i nerveno for their interest. Given under my hand, at office in Raleigh, this 25th day of Nov.. HUT. O. J. Caiwux U S Marshal. The surprise uf All. Mr James Jones, of the drup firm of Jones & Son, (-oa-den, III , in speaking of Dr King's New Diseov ery, savs that last win'er his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her cae I'.f so serious that physi cians at Cowden ond Pana could do nothinc for her It seemed to de velop into hasty consumption Hav in? Dr Kim's New Discovery in Htore, and si-llinir lots of it, he tool, a bottl home, and to the surprise ol all she begun to get better from first dose, and haif dozen dollar bottles cured her Round and well Dr King's New Discovery forconsump tion, coughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Frat trial battlaa at aay drug atora. We take pleasure in offering a very fine line of avaaonablc goods, such as PITRK FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jams in fancy patent glass j.irs or by pound. Atinore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NKW prepared Ittiekwheat, with pnru sap uaaplo syrup in quart or gallon cans. N'KW CHOP Raisins, Currants. Cit ron. eU: , Olives, Olion Jil, CulMips and Sauces of line&t quality. CANNKD GOODS iuendlcns variety from best packers W K believe we have the best Fiour on the market. IJa vou tried if Our famous "M KLKuSK' ' brand. KVKRYTH IX I purchased of us is guaranteed to lie of the finest quality Ordi rs tilled carefully and delivered with dispatch . J.D.TURNER, "Ylei hone 1? Remington Standard Typewriter. Just think of it! More than the GOLD RESERVE Oh THE US1 TED ST A TES. The "Remington" does the u-riting of the world. General Supplies. RALEIGH, X. C. are well supplied with troubled with Nasal Catarrh if yo" is a sure cure. Will take seventy-five steady boarders at LOX LIVING RATES. Fifty fine rooms to fill. Come and see us. We intend to fill our house. We want you. The rite will please you. Tuble unsurpassed. Service second to none. House is lirst class, bu will run at living rates from now on. Respectfully, alu uT l.unJ By virtue of a cettmn new-tHfe deed executed to me hy Vni M Mu honey and wife, M K Mahouev. and Chas" H. Clarke and wile. M Clarke, and registered in the nfllceof Recister of Deeds of '.'i tii-e eouu'y N. C.. in h ink ." ti. n a :. 1 . ill sen to the I'ighesi bidder l i u .die iHefoti. .-t thi Conn lloii-c iti t'.e city of R. I. igh on th.-: d d.iuit .l,ui.i;ir A.I) l-!i-,nt l'lo'l'.oc; V. the pi qieltv d e er : 1 ie. . in said m-.rt ife. t wa:' A tract of l-ii.d in '.v'uke I'mrti, lie.'inn :n lit t;ie North t'anilitet K.tilroml in i : ton's iiiie. there-- hh his line 's poles to i ii rt- 's corn" r in tin Chapel Hi'l roji;!. thei ee wit. I rond N 7h ij. .rees, hi ininuLes W e iioles to a -take i.i ,ir the edge ol the lane, thence S. ilisins. W. to it s'ake ni in- an ash oh tin - rede of R iy Itranch n. :ir Its junet on w th all in t r ek nicy's ior-.t r .hence up said bl anch S ih erei , V :,ll io!es. thence Sh.MICrees. W l tl ) ii -. I' rlli'l' "A" NI ( 1 1 S. tin II C '.- eeei'eeS. 'A' .'10 po e-. to a iio-t o-k i e, ,u es' Cornel-, thence N lit' ;i ' e. I :'. - .ike atld poilltei S. tloo.lV.'iu'- e. I er the n't' K 51 poles to i. pin -. . Moi ris cor ner, thence N' H'i po e- in n s.uKe ai.d po'nirs, snie Morns' corner th. nee K '" poles to a rock, smd Morris' corner, th- nee N j-j po'cs to the rail road lii.c, t.iei.ce iih litr of road to the he,: :iinir.t'. eoieaiidiiir :;''d iictv-, more or 'ens 'J'erms of sit.e cash. W . 1) lil'cii I'tirii, M ttt'itree M. V Amis At. ornav " dv I re. I UN. Srnd your address to II E Uuckiro it Co . Chicago, and get a free sain-, pie box of Dr King s Ne Life Pn s, V trial will convii ce you of their m rits. These pills are easy in ac tum and are particularly effective in ihe cure of const' pat mu and sick ' ' tehe For imilaria and rou les thev have been proved in .. u ,bie. Tbey are guaianteed te be perfectly free from every deles terious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weakeu by their action, but hy giving tone to st unach and bowels t reatly invigo rate the system. Regular size, 2tc per bos. Sold by all druggists. Notice ol Adtnlnistratloa. Having qjdiitied as administrator i. the estate of Wui E Manley, de ceased, late of Wake County, N. C, h s is to notify all persons holding c aims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned at b'.S office in Raleigh, on or before tha 12ih day of November, 1898, or tbia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C Marcom, adm'r. Art'o & Snow, att'vs. Per Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the ''oaks. " Nine rooms, bath room, larga garret etc. One of the handsomest and most conveLient inside finished houses in Raleigh, No 526 N Blount street. For particulars apply 'to, or address, Wm T Harding, octfi-tf Park Place, Blount st , city. A WARNING. Gold Weaiher Coming Coal is a necessity. Now is tkt time to lay in your, supp'y . Poca liontus is tbe very best high rrad coal that can be had. Suitable foi erales, open stoves, cooking pur I'nsi s and lor steam is far ahead oi any other coal fin tbe market. W have any and all kidof coal. Wa are the old reliable Wood furnubera - short wood, long wood, saw4 wood, pine wood, oak wood, in aaj leng'h. Weight in coal, measure ia w ood guaranteed. Have you horses, cows, hogs, r a' y other live stock to feed? We always keep a fresh supply and give you Just What is Suifabli of fresh, palpataole, wholesome food Don't forget where to (jet any or all of the above. We are leaders can't be undersold We buv in larye quantities, at low prices, and give our customers the benefit of our cask price. Telephone 41 for office, yard tela phone, 71 Jonas & Powell, Coal. Wood. Ice, Feed, Lath and Shingle Denlers O THAT IO lOU A PATENTABLE? Send Sketch, description and f voofor exaal inntion and GUARANTEED report. Vritited informatiuu about PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS. DESIGNS ni bo.ln.aa before the Patent Office FREE. EUGENE W.JOHNSON. Attorney. Established Warder Building, Oppoait Patent Office, Washington, D. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY" (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. la BffsKt Jum 14. lo. Train Lcmvm UaUlgh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Li at It ad. 3,40 p. n. Dally,-Holkl veitlbulad trMa wt sleeper from Norfolk to tiattamwga rla. bury Morgan ton AitieviUe, Mot springs aa Knoivllle. Connects at Durl arr roi Ox'ord niarksTlll and Key b vl Me except Susrtay. At Oraaas onro with the v aihljigton and Sauls western Vestl' uled (Limited) train Cor polntt North and win main Una train N, for Danville Klclimond and Inisnuadlata loos stations ; also h s connection for win ton -Hale at and wltb main line train No. N. ' trot tad atatas past mhII" for charlotte Bpartannsrg Oraaa v . Atlanta and a! points South ; Iso Oolusa Ma AuKUsta o'larteston. tavannah JaeKsas rille and all point In Florida Bleeping Car for Atlanta .Jacksonville and at Oharlotte wltt Meeplni Car for Anirusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga LlnitaiL ii:4,s A. n. Datly -Hoild train Mualstla PnllniHO leeplnd cars and ooanhe from Ok tHitnoiia m Norfolk irtirlnv Norfolk (1:00 p In time to connect with th Old Doamjntea MTchnnTs' and Miners ' N rfnlk aud Wans Inffion and Baltimore Chesapeake aud ftlea m.Mid a d no' for all pol.tnortl) and east. f'oiutecti at Melnia for favettevflle aid i THrniwllHt station- on the Wtlon and f Mttrviile Hhurt m -tally exceui suaday fo vew em and 1orehrad ' It1 daily for Ooldt boro. aud ' llmlntftoii aud lntrtt;tlit tta fioiiH on ti e V-llinunrtoti ap v'tMdtiu ttatlroad Fipresw Train. R S3 A. M Dally-o vt Ml Durban to? "W-n K.-vmvIII iii d; at nreeeibc? or Washluutoi) Mini all p'.iuts north. KxpTi'ktk I rata. 40 P. T. Daily-t-oi tsidatxiri. and tai eil'-it- St. ''"li 1 1 i'-l cc"iinHiiatlno j-r v v -' -11 . (rr -nttMtrtD fr -mth am Ltd lntton-ale ,. ! ; il ntn'.cat-ru Noit' ( 'arollu at v'isl'iir for all points Iu West N"Kii nn'Miia liiKih-vnie TeuL . Olusli 1 J-S 010 v -it 11 n poiiiik; Chrit'it lv Shi. ire i. n-f - ;51e. Atliei Atlanta mho H i. .H tit liHin Airl hi HHlrth, V C. bitpl wub 1 1 a la. ,1 4ti P Dhiiv Kr .n wlania. I'ljarlottt- ''. tsi'.Ti' H'i H!l in lli' S.HltM N, folk an J .'hattanoii,u I. lulled 3 to P VI llrllvKro-u all poi t east Not t :l Ttrhi" s-VllH..n and witer lines H'roin finNNK.i' V'thni'iartoi! Kayet eTill .im 1l in Kaxt'-tn Carolina. N.nitjtu tnj CbnttaniMtKn LI salted. 1 4$ A "i Dally- e rom York, ''nsniu l kvu j ui'ti'Mirii D. nvHleand ureenshoro r ha atuixviHe. Hot springs and asbevUI Fxprt Trntn S,63 a, m. Dally -rrom noldsborn aad lota mediate stations. toaal. 7:20 A. n tlly- UreeBsotiro aaS a points orto and tutk llaiai (Jar Uree-tiboro t- Kalelifk :0p m DaUyexe ai Imiday-rroBi eiAa4 boro tiDd al) points Bast. Looal trelkUal trat as also sarry aasseagers. Pullman cars on ulgbl train treat EalelgS la Greensboro Through mil man yestlbui d Draw oa Burrt sleeplug Car and Vestlbuled aoaaka without change on - orfolk llniitd. Double ally trains between fialelga Ctat lotte and Atlanta. Quick tlibe kk.SAaaa4 a eoiuniotlatiou. Ueawarti berlftSeasSat. W. A. TUHV ttenera' i ,majajgot a.arBt V uuuiwa O t J. Vs untt Xraffir Mwaturavs