SEARCHING FOR HER BOY Who She Thinks llaa Keen Crazed by Ciga rettes. Mrs Walter Lvssiter arrived 'id the city from Winston on the early train this morning. She is here looking fur her son, who she lias reason to believe is iu Greeusboro, During the performance by the Cnra Van Tassell Co., iu, Winston, Rommie Lissiter and Dick Wilier got into trouble for hissing or rais ing son kind of adisturbance while the play was going on. Warrants having been taken out for the bovs they became frightened and have both fled from home. Mrs Lassiter thinks that smoking cigarettes has almost undermined her son's reason. Parties have notified the police of having seen two boys in (Jreensboro this morning who tilled the descrip tion of the truants, and the mother thought she sa' them up about the coal chute as the train came h.y . Mrs Lassiter succeeded in linding her son and went back to Winston at noon a hapiiier woman than when she reached (Jreensboro this njorn itig. The lad did not return with her, bit will be sei.t to the eastern part of the stale, where his uucle lives. Antf-t hew iilK (flim Crusade- Uishop John II Vincent, of the Methodist Episcopal Church at To peka, Kansas appearing before the state temperance union, appealed to his hearers to take up the chewing gum habit, and to persevere until it is crusaded out of Kansas. He as serted that the chewing gum vice had made millionaires out of a few, men in a few years, and instead of doing any good whatever was encouraging dangerous habits among the people. He argued that the found ition of temperance reform should be laid at the chewing gum ane of childhood, as the habit was a sort of self-indulgence that should be restrained If the child's will was educated to ii-sist tie' habit., it could be eaicr trained to resist other habits. The bishop was particu' ir u, Ms cii'icismof tin die iii!-..'i,in gin, and urged that she sh .11 .1 ti g:vn to understand that In 1 UMltilgeiicecf the habit was to h r .lis.- eJH . To Cure a Ola i-t line Huy. Take Lixituv IS'iimo Quinine faolets. All ill": gist- i-e'tiiid the n. iney if it f tiis t" . ore. L'.'ic. The genuine litis L I! Q o.. -ach tablet, MelJ t p 'Your 111 in 'V or our life! " h cried. j "My quest there is imstooping, You're richly ciad and well 1 know That you are going shopping." She handed him her purse. He found Car tickets 'Hit not many Some d ry good samples, cheing gum, A hail pin, : oil ;) pepnv. Washington Star l ive f Inline 10 Suffer, r. Cut tlrsou' ami take it to your drugg si ami get a satin le holt e free ot Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption ami colds. They do not ask you to ou.T before trying. This will s'hoA- you t hp great merits of this truly H'omlerful remedy, and show you can be accomplished by tin- regular size bottle. 'J his is no experiment, and would be disas trous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cuie. Many of the ties , physicans are now using it in their practice with gnat results, and are relying on it in most severe eases It is guaranteed Trial bottle free at any drug store. Uegular size Ml cuts nnd tl.ttO. Metropolitan Opera House. Tharsday, Feb. 10 HOYT'S BEST BIG SHOW. A Mil White Flag. A KHBd pro iuotioo. 60 people lo the mat.' jMu'tft Are floor $XM ted fl.OOj gtlUr &0oi Cold Cure cum colds In the bead, colds on tbe nmgs, old colds, new colas ana oostiniieooias, ana mil Turnis of crip. Stops sneeslnft, discharges From t)iA tintua Burl evp nmvpnti catarrh, dlohtnerltt. pneumonia, and all throat and lung troubles. These pleasant little pellets are absolutely harmless, have ness. The Munyon Remedy Company prepare a Separate cure for each disease. At all druggists So cents a vlat If you reed fcnerikcal advice write Prof. Munyon, U09 Area Street, 1'iiUadelpUia, It Is absolutely free. Cy They Offer SI00 l or any Case of Nervous or Sexual Weak ness in Men they Treat und I-'ail to Cure. No f:ko euro, but a scientific treat ment administered by physicians in ?oi id standing, and specialists in their line. The State Medical Company eurea I,nst Vitality, Nervous and Sex mil Weakness, nnd restores life force in old and young men. They will guaran tee to cure you or forfeit $100 should they fail, where their medicines five taken nceordint; to directions. NO MuNKY KKQPntKU IN APVAXCK. lepostt the money with your banker to be paid to them when you are cured not before. The State Medical Com pany is an incorporated company with a, capital stork of $250, Ono, and their guarantee Is worth 100 cents on the dollar. Their treatment is truly a MAC1CAL, TKKATMKNT, and may be taken at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to al v ho prefer to go to headquar ters, if they fail to cure. This Com pany does not supply anything free; they charge a reasonable price if th-y effect a cure, and nothing if they don't, and they will tell you exactly what it will cost before you take it. Full information on request. Write today. STATE MEDICAL CO. OMAHA, NKB. Suite (ill Ulk. Mr. Wm. La Blanche, I'ietorial Sign and Frisco Painter. Artistic Inti'rior Di - i r t ion ami L.ini) S.'iipo Work a Specially. Will h- triad to flmvv m vtiplci to tlio!' inteiv-t.'il Cill nil lit Mr, Uf'l'r,! ijr ' Wit Martin tiLi't ct l or Over I l"t Years Mrs. Wi n-iio'c s Si.o: hi ii;.' Syr u ji li is bei-n um-iI 'nf n r 1 1 f y vi ars uy million i( niKtlicrs for t,-ir rliit Jri'ii wfiili livt lulu.', w'li H-rTt rt stici'i'.ss. It simtlii-s I hi' i I'il.i. lio (.'inns. iiMit.VS nil p.iiii, cures wind colic, ami IS tut nosi reiiieny for liiarfliir:!. It will relieve ihe .ittli' sufferer iimiu'ili'i'i'ly . ill ilru.'i.'its in everv of t lit world. -." cents a l)oi"i ur iitul ask fir "Mrs. V",S lie iw '.s Soot hi in; Syrup. " anil talx f nil other Sale of Land. Undiv anil by virtue of tin pro visions of a certain murl airj il.'etl, ex.'C.iitC'l hy R V Hawi'll and Anvmdi, Harwell, hi'- wif-. and K. .1. 1 inwell, on tin l.'ith it. iv of Pi t.f ii i !-. 1S!I. which said mortal 'P is dn y rcordt'd in tin Kt'jjistcr of Dci'd's olli. e, nf Walio nuirlv, in tiookllO. at iiu'p I will on Monday, the Slh J.iv "f February, 1S!S, at 12 o'clock noon, at thi Court House door in the citv of lvalcifh, iflVr for sale to the highest bidder fur cash, a certain tract or parcel of ard. lyinif and beinf in the county of Wake, said State, adj lininir 'he lands of A. 1$. Andrews (now 0. A. Goodwin), W D. Williams and the Ohiipel Hill road, and bounded and described a follows: Kettinnintr at a luive white oalr on tbe north side of the Chapel Hill road, runs north 401 '1 decrees west 1LH poles to a stake, t hence north 87 dcyrcHs, west 48 poles to a stake and pointers on a small branch, thence S3 degrees wet lo! poles to A stake in the centre of the old '-hap. l Hill road, V V) Williams' corner, thence with the old road 57 1 2 poles to a stake, W D Wil liams' corner, thence with said Wil liams' linp south, two decrees west, 34 polps to the centre of the N C railroad, thence with said railroad 1111 poles, thence 2 1 2 decrees east, 12 1 ft poles to a stake on the south side of the Chapel Hill road, thence south till decrees, west 15 12 polps to the becinninjf, containmc 85 acres. A B Ashrfws, Mortiicee. This 25tb day of January, 18!8, A B Andrews, jr, attorney. Are you bright anil clerer t If to, you hW plfiity 'or idfa o( jour own, also Bense enough jn grasp good new "ties when offe .d. WhatlO oulhiult of aSaooiiimn Illintrated Monthly l'a per, Plea of Music, vocal -jr Instniiiiotal, latest Fashio-a. Good Stories, Dramatic Nowa and Fortraila of Pretty Actresses, Household, Toilet and Fancy Work Hints, all for 4") cents year postpaid t Seems too good to Dr true, lint we gjjfe you ejractl? what we advertise Buud tb ceutsaod we for yourself . TUB NEW IDEA CO., Mi Broadway, New York Clt ugenta wan tad, Liberal oominlnsJon paid. KEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. The tmodaotnenl muslcnj and fannton Journal M 1 merica, full ahset music push, 83 t-yosand hand soma cover, containing from ten to twelve pieces ot vocal or Instrumental ornate, besides four r five portratta nf leading actresses. 8uhaoiiptl by the year, l.W, a&tnple oopy, 10 eta. Adorn Tka HCrT fORK Ml'SICit KCH0 CO., Bnavtwiy Theatre UuIMIdh, New Yorf nmanwaH Uhnl norouil.'" "a j 1&- BE SURE YOU OKT HE "Old Rbliablk" Tubnkb N r- AtMA hao 1898. Tor sole at Ah - d Wil llatns 0o.', Bookseili rs. Fhy Price lOo. or by J At H ;'uat Pabllahar.iltoltlgh, N Ci A LARGE STOCK OF Goods at Cost. THOMAS Are receiving a well selected line of Fur niture which they will sell at sacrifice prices; fancy Rockers of every description. Don't foil to see them. Centre tables in endless variety. The prettiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in llaleigli; wardrobes-plain and fancy--oak, cherry and walnut. A beautiful line of Sideboards from 87 up. A beautiful extention table, 0 feet long, for S3.98. A $30.00 Fancy Leather Couch now for 82. A few Fancy Corduroy Couches whiejb ? sold from 10 to 815, we will now 'i n G to 10, slightly damaged in tr: ation. Single and Bed Lounges will " same fate. Yours for busiij' Thomas & ! and 12 .Murtin .898. THE SUN 1898. BALTIMORE, Ml). The iiajier of the people, for people and with the people. Honest in motive. Fearless in Expression. Sound in prin ciple. Unswerving in its al- lepiane to right theories and right practices. The Sun publishes all the news all the time, but it does not allow its columns to be degraded by unclean, immoral or purely sensational mat ter Editorially, The Sun is ihe con sistent and unchanging champion and defender of popul ir rights and interests against political machines and monopolies of every character. Independent in all things, extreme in none. It is for good laws, good government and good order. Uy mail Fifty Cents a month. Six Dollars a year. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. One dollar a year, Inducements to getters-up of clubs for the Weekly Sun Hoth the Dailey and Weekly Sun m&led free of postage iu the United States, Canada and Mexico, Payments invariably iu advance, Address. A S A BELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. Baltimore. Mu. '(solution of Firm. Notice is hereby given that the firm, composed of L P Sorrel 1 and J T Holloway, has been dissolved by mutual consent, and J T Holloway is authorized to receive all pay menu due the firm and he will also par any indebtedness the firm owes, i LPSoiutU, Bal-lgh, Fab 0, 1608, tf C Street. Pnone X' . ,A OVER. iTS AT COTS! Buli!iirsliS0r(i Prices 2s, .15 50 and 75c. KiiHuT C'nals, Mai'Uln ii '.sin's, ( ilivo ami M us OWN CHEAP. -Something hi in Raleigh. Nickel i!-iling, lira-.-; p.i'isliini.' and l;ir lie 1 ins Speci.ii attention paid to rt'irwing old rhandeleei's, etc 1 also have th, In st titled bi cycle rrpiiir simp in the slate. Al work guaranteed. Prices lower that. Ihe lowest. Work cnlli'd for and delivered Ja.mks M. Hishoi, No, '.'It!. Kavetleville St. At. Oak City Steam Laundry. Notice ot -inle. Under and hy virtue of a deed of trust from William Ki:erinand wife to the undesigned recorded in biok 127, page li.'ili. I will o i Wednesday !)lh tin v of February, 1WI8 at 12 o'clock in , expose to sale at public, auction at Ihe cou t house door of Wake county, a certain lot or parcel of land Ivingand being in the vil lage nf Olierlii , county of Wake near Raleigh, hounded and described as fo'lims, to-wit: I5y a line beginning on the South side of Flag street or the line of Daniel Martin's lot run ning thence south 101 feet to corner of lot known as the IJrvati Fort lot, thence east 12(1 fret to the lot of John F Flag (formerly) thence north 101 feet to Flag street, thence along the south side of said street west 120 feet to the hegiuningcontainingone half (1-2) acre, more or less, and being the lot of land conveyed to the undersigned by said deed. Terms of sale rush. i7:i0 t R T l-i ray, Trustee. WANTED upright and faithnfl gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established housein North Carolina. Monthly $K5 00 and expenses Position steady Refer ence. Enclose oelf-addressed stam ped envelope. The Dominion Com panVf Dept. K.Cbieago ? - tY7 FARMERS' B. I l i i. I -S DEALER IN Agricultural GO S lilCYCLKS, HARDWARE, STANDARD SEWING MACHINES. & RALEIGH, N. C. KLONDIKE! on't go there unless Simpson's You are more than likely to be don't use Simpson's Ointment . which OVEU $100,000,000 Annually Earned by Opera tives of the Remington Standard Typewriter. Just think of it ! More than the. GOLD RESERVE Oi THE UNITED STATES. The "Remington" does the writing of the world. 'J )i,nrrters. Ribbons und General Snpplies. T. !?. HEARTT, Agt., Xv. J-Hf RALEIGH, N. C. I have used O Q for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is sellm?; like 2SS Gome Boys, Boys ll'c r.rc after yon iritli n fnll 1'iic of Sleiihs ut ''Or, il.'t- and What is voire s"trt than to see hoys and girls out sleigh in .g Men Folks! Men Folks! 11V are looking for yon irillia full line of Unbber shoes. 'c. J,'-e and '.'.'V. Rubber fouls, ."" to t;.oo. Ladies send lis your order. We will send your Rubber shoes to your house ie to .'.''. " stoel- of Rnbbi 1 for Misses and Children. Xoir is the time for Dhiuhels, (Jnilfs, Pilloirs and La) Holies. We hare all yon want at LYON RACKET STORE IS East Martin Street. TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doctors and patients in need of Nurses' services can (fctfull Informa tion at McKimmon'a Druu Store, Raleigh, N. C. sep24 Cavet. and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fa ent busineuconducted for Mooehatc Fen. OonOrrictiOFPoiTCU. S. MHTOrficrJ and wecansecure patent u. lest luao tuaa aokeS remota from Washinrtoo. J S Send model, drawing or photo,, with da Tip-( Jtion. Vf advise, it patentable or not, fr j oft tchnrg. Oar fe not due till patent Is secured. 1 s a rattPHLET. " How to Obtain PAtents," with! Icost of some in th U. S. mtA (eceiga ctti-thsj Mil IrMt. Address, Orp.P mnr .Owe'..Wai;-iBTfii, D. jB f HM k SUPPLIES! R B Y, o Implements, you are well supplied with Liver Piils ! troubled witb Nasal Catarrh if you is a sure cure. hot cakes. GUSTAV FALK, Druggist, Winton Place, Ohio. August 31, 1897. Sale of Land By virtue of a certain mortgage .h;i'd ix ciiU'il to me by Wm M. Ma honi y ami wife, M K Mahoney, and Chits. II. Clarke anil wife, M A. Ciarke, and n'jrisu-n-d in the olllce of I tfiri Mt t of Oieds of Wake county. N. ('., in book Mi, p 'AM, 1 will sell to the i.ighi-s, biihliT b public auction, at thi' ( 'mi ft I bin kc. in the city of Hp leigh. on the :id ila.vof .lanuary A.D 1WH, at 1-o'l'liirk M.. thf priipt-rty di'M'ribeil in sniii mort'atre. to-wit: A tract of Unci in Wake county, beginning' at thi' North Carolina Railroad in Carl Lon'j line, thence with his line S. 8 pules to Murr-y's corner in the Chapel Hill mad, thence with said rtd X 7 d'-rees, 111 minutes. V. 44 pnl, f. to a f-take near the edge of the in lie, ibenee S. degrees, W. to a s ake rieitr an ash on the side of Reedy li'ai eh near its junct on with VValnut Cr ek Vurry's corner thence up said branch S "J degrees, W :t0 poles, tl.eiu'e S ii-" degrees. W td iiilcs, thence V Mi pol's. thenee S Ii2 degrees, W ;illi to a pust oak, Wesley Jones' corner, thence N liKl poles t a stake n nd pointei s. tiooihvin's corner, tlicnce K 'ill poles to a- pine. A. Morris' cor ner, thence N 1"; poles to a stake and po u'ers, said Morris' corner, thence K te poles to a roek, said Morris' corner, thenee N :cii poles to the rail road line, thence with said lim of road to the beginning, containing :I00 acre, more or less, lcrros of sale ea.-h. W. L) Ul'CHURCH, Mortgagee. M N .amis, At orney, ,'iU dav Trustee's Snle of Land. ITndcr and by virtue of the powers contained in a deed of trust executed by V. I'. Will ams and wife to the un dersigned and recorded in Book 110, page 4,'l't, l.'egistcr of Deeds otlice for Wake county, 1 will, on Thursday, the ,'i 'th day of December, 1W7, expose to sale at public auction, for cash, that certain tract of land in St Matthew's Township, adjoining the landsof s. C. Coley. James Moore and Sidney Part in and others, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: By a line In-ginning at the southwest corner of the tract of land conveyed to feidney l'artin by K. U stamps et al. by deeu recorded' in Book 110, at page 242 of the Register of Deeds ofli : of Wake county; running thence south, 3 west, 4w peies to stake on the north side of a branch near its mouth on the north side of Crabtree creek near a beach pointer; thance down and with the said Crabtree crek to a white oak, .lames Moore's corner; thence with his line north Mi east, 12.M chains to a pine; thence north 1 east, 2. SB chains to a pine; thenc north 4.11 east, ll.t5 ehains to a pine; thenee north 24 east, 4. Hi chains to a stake; thence south 84 east, 4 55 chains to a pine; thence north 2i east, 5 W) chains to a pine; thence south 86 east, 5.25 chains to said Moore's northeast corner; thence north 2! east, about 124 poiestosaid Sidney Partin's southeast corner; thence with his line westward to th- beginning;, containing 130 acres more or less. Terms cash. K. H. BATTU, MOT. , 1V7, Trwttaa, For Housekeepers! We take pleasure in offering a very fine line of seasonable goods, such as PURE FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jams in fancy patent glass jars or by pound. Atinure's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NEW prepared Buckwheat, with pnre sap maple syrup in quart or i gallon cans. NEW CROP Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, etc , Olives, Olion Oil, Cutsups and Sauces of finest quality. CANNED GOODS in endless variety from-best packeri WE believe we have the best Flour on the market. Hits you tried it? Our famous "MELROSE" brand. EVERYTHING purchased of us is guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Orders filled carefully and delivered witb dispatch, J. D. TURNER, "Ylrtihone 1? Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administrator c the estate of Wm E Manley, de ceased, late of Wake County, N. C, 'h s is to notify all persons holding c aims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned at his office in Eialeifrh, on or before the 12th day of November, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C Makcom, adm'r. Argo & Snow, att'ys. For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the "oaks. " Nine rooms, bath room, large garret etc. One of the handsomest and most convet,ient inside finished houses in Raleigh, No. 526 N. Blount street. For particulars apply to, or address, Wm T Harding, octfi-tf Park Place, Blount St., city. IS &T PATENTABLE? Send Sketch, description and $;.oo for exam ination and GUARANTEED report, l'rinted information about PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS. DESIGNS "" businesl before the I'alent Office FREE. EUGENE W.JOHNSON. Attorney, Established iSSK Warder Iliiildinir, Opposite Talent Office, Washington, D. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR- NE.) Condensed Schedule. In Rffect June 14. 18o6. Trains Leave Kalolgh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3,40 p, ra, Dally. Solid vestibuled train wl sleeper from Norfolk to hiittdiioofta via. Ball bury. Morgan ton Asheville, not HnrlnKs an snoxville. Connects at f . Oipord (Hark 8 Till and KeysviUe except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington aud South western Vesti uUhI tLlniitd) train for point Nortti and w th main line train No. for Danville Klclnnond and intermediate loca tar1nns; also h n connefnon for Wlnaton-Aaleiyi and witb main lint train No 3ft ml ted state! rast Mall" for t'harlotte Mpartauburic Ureeii v Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia Augusta fharlston. Savannah .laOKSon vllle and all polnt In Florida sleeping Oar for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wlU "MeeptiiR 'ar for Autnmta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid :ra1n MD8lstlD Pullman Sleeping rars and coaches from Ch tauooa 10 Norfolk rrivin Norfolk B;00 p tn time to connect witb the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners' Norfolk and Wans IngUin and Kalrintore Chesapeake and Rich mond ft S Oo's for all pointunorth and east. Connects at Selma for Kayettevllle and iu termed late station on the Wflson and F ette vllle short -"'nt dally, except Sunday fo New ern and Moreliead i lty daily for Gotds boro, and Wilmington and intermediate sta tlons on the Wilmington aud Weldon Railroad. Kx press Train. 8:53 A. M. Daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvilk-, Ki hinoiid ; at Greensber for Watdiinton and all point north. Ft press Train. 3:40 P. n. Dally For (loldsljoro and Inter mediate stations Local Accommodntion. j:00 A. M. ('ounects at (rreenaboro for al p ints for North aud South aud Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carotin Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North arolina Knoxville. Tenn., CIqcId natt and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spat tan burg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at KalcKh, N. C: Express Train. 3:40 P. M. Daily From Atlanta, Charlotta Greensboro and all points South. No folk and Chattanooga Limited 3:40 P M- DalW From all points east. Nor folk Tarboro. Wilson and water llneb. From Goldstar o WilmliiKton, Fayet evil) and all points in Kastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally From New York, Washin ton. Lyuchburg Danville and Greensboro, ch tanoofra, knoxville, Hot springs and asherlU Express Train 0,53 a, m. Dally prom ooldHhoro and lot mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. n. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and South. Sleep' ug Car Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m Daily exc pi Sunday From Gold, boro and all points East. Local freight tral as also carry passengers. Pullman cars on ulght train from Raleigh u Greensboro Through Pullman vestlbul d Draw 00 Buffet sleeping Car aud Vestlbuled oo-aoae wlthoutchnnge on Aorfolk limited. Double oally trains between RaleigJi. Obar lotte and Atlanta. Quick Uruo, tuoiUe4 a oommodation. M. li. OKBBN, UeuokAi uperlnteMM. W. A. TURK wentrm t -m-uhi -anent 4 M Uffur, IraiUo MtuNrt