1 i i i 4--i 1 THE PRESS-VISITOR, AALEIGH, H. C. WILLIS G. fi BIGGS City Editor NESDAY. .February 9. To Cars a Cold In one Nay e Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab 8. .'All druggists reiuua mo nev if it fails to cure. 25c. The eDuine baa LBQon each tablet. Three parties have applied for the reward for Booker's capture id Bal timore 1 Work Resumed. "After repeated attacks of the mrip I was so weak I could hardly drat; myself about. I was nervous, had palpitation of the heart and food did Dot agree with me. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and after taking four bottles I resumed my work and ow eojoy the best of health." .Mrs. M. F. Murry, Stainback, N. C. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, head ache. DOBBIN & FEB BALL, 123 and 125 Fayetteville St. AT TUCKERS' STORE. THREE DA YS ONLY LEFT TO SELL OUT The stock of dry goods bought from the trustees of W. 11. V- li. S. Tucker & Co. The grades and qualities of Tucker d' Go's gootls every one recognizes as the best in the world. We are busy selling them l one half the trustees' market! down prices. There's a rush of eager buyers every day. for nev er again can the people get such great big bargains. Store opens at o'clock every morning and selling begins at once. Come earli. DOBBIN FERBA L L. DOBBIN & FEB BA L .. 123 and 125 Fayetteville St. AT TUCKERS' STOKE. SHOES and OXFORDS. SPECIALS for Till' BSD A Y'S SELLING. To rapidly handle these shoe and Oxfords we take I he en I ire line up to the front of the store, north side of entrance, makittg a new shoe section. Every lady who can irear 1 -? and 2 and every mother irho has children wearing S to Jo i- . null be fully repaid by coming to see us. Come early. DOBBIN & FERBA I. L. DOBBIN & FERRALL, 123 and 125. Fayetteville St AT TUCKERS STORE. CORSETS. We are selling oat the lines of corsets bought from Tucker l Co.'s trustees. It is hardly iri.se to advertise them. We sell them so freely at our prices, just half the trustees marked down priees. We have a great many yet re maining in sizes running from 24 to SO. You who can wear these larger sizes must be inter ested, as you can never again aet such big bargains in corsets. N DOBBIN & FERRALL. DOBBIN & FERRALL 123 and 125, Fayetteville St. At Tucker Store. FABRIC CLOVES Selling out a whole counter of silk gloves at 35 cents per pair. You will miss a big bargain by not buying. Come and see them. Doiihim & Ferh.m I.. DOBBIN & FERRALL. 123 and 125, Fayetteville St. At Tucker's Store. ANOTHER RUSH I Nil TRA DR. All day the store was croicl ! with eager buyers Eager for the biggest bargains the world ever saw. Three days only are left, THURSDAY, FBI!) AY, SATFRDA V. Come early and come ever: day. Dobbin it Fkhh i i.. Tarbell's Cheese 12!c at J W San derford's. 'Phone 184C. Best Jellies, all kinds, fx- per pound at J W Sanderford's. 'Plume 184C. Picnic Hams, 7$c, at J VV Sander ford's. 'Phone 184C. Four Year Old Apple Vinegar, J ZOc per gallon, at J W banderford "Phone 184C. Dried Apples 6Jc per pound, at J W Sanderford's. 'Phone 1H4C. WED Til let 4 ... . f i J W Sanderford makes a special , on hay, bran and chops. 'Phone ' Found, A bunch of keys on North Jones street Owner can get same bv ap r plying at this office, paying for this 7 Dotioe. feb 1 tf i t Ftm of Charge. y BeginnioK on Thursday, Feb 10, and lasting nly 3 days, I will pivp ' ' J free o( charge, 1 photo to all ititi- tent of Raleigh and vicinity over 65 years ot are and 2 photos to all over 80 year! of age. Please eome for Bentlre. A Miobilow, ftbs8t 113 FayttteTllli st The Coming Woman. Who goes to the club while her hus band tends the baby, as well as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonder ful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters. Thousands of suger ers from lame back and weak kid neys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electric liitter. Delicate wo men should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only fide per bottle. For sale by aii druggists. Notice of Sale . rilv of a niort ::;er(' :lUll. fiom Jlo- I'lun inir I and Halo t inipHiiv ri-o the Southern IMstill nletl i:i liook 1 14, pairo 'uisler of lVc.ls otl'ue I ill on Monday -Jstli :: records of li for akr c.mntv. of I'V! No : nan 2 l'a I- ix a I villi 11 o'r street m. ii t :h. X. Hale i, know n a I lie at piiMii lion I liiddi-r all the liar llonana Salt r as 1 1 to ill livturcs at - hlL'llCM Oil piarr of !l!Mlii-, eotlMM ji.i! I iti mi. t mino rs. etc.. . ill I II I f n rn i:n re 'n'luti L-i and tlc-lTil'cii ill II I show ses, i(t' ho. li l u res ami III, aid Saloon ami aid inert Lr:ii:e. Jiims, Ally. W. X. Fell : for sale of autiiue ( cheap. Apply A oi f u r 1 1 i ' : id new -e for s. if mind t I I. II illslioro at this MM1 Viutiiui. nctlon ill s.-ll at Tinware, His. etc.. to ni 'lit ami i liar': Sali i ii 1.1:1 Noli- I 111 Ml Co. 10.' per pound I'hone IMC. 11 111 lerfor ai J l!i-- w IV. per can, .me 1SIC. I'll 5lTTTfnTmTtTTTTnn?(rfrfrT7TrfTTTnTTTTTTTTTTlf 1 s M'i:;o CHI I) l-oi'l l.f!irv BICYCLES 1 MIZ.N AND LADIES. CRESCENTS $.30 35 $50 RAMBLERS $50 $60 1 Mild K I pi- 5 ,-les 4 I 5 3 ill oN , : ..... ,, '.-. ,.; t. n. & Sons, a a a !.' t I loll. N L. aj.aa .....j-i oi ..iiiiuiuiiuuuuuiiK King's Popuiar Fountain ('obi. Phosphate nu'e Phos Cold Cherrv I! .1 T. ('.Id Milk HuyJer's Candy Fresh Every Day. LADIES! LADIES! This Will Interest You-. Our Notion .l'ist fll f.f Mm! lliiiiL's; read the tiling .it our .rices are a big llfse litti. I'niicr iiitis, L'noil I'.ii.ei' '.ins, h.-tt Puticr lit" i lins. In-st Mla. k 1:1.1111.11 jiins. liox Pure aluminum hair pins 1111' nili'ier hair u'ns Assorted sice! ( in h..es) hair .ins Steel hair pins, assorted lin Imndle) f'hildrens' hose sii.iorters Hooks :iiid eyes while anil black, 3 Jozen s"fi'iv pins Needles, all s ves I)ress bone none easiiiir. 1 yards tor Dress shields liarter web all colors Uarter web all silk Velveteen l.indiiii;, "i yard piece Velveteen hind inir, 'i yd, extra wide Brush braid, irood I'inishintf braid, fi yd lieces Black darning cotton Side combs, new lot Soap Special. Octason soan . . . Floating bath . , And hun.lraiU of other n.rfiials for you at r One of IThe Sights t I in the city is our store. It is T 4 worth your time to see it, also our display of Jewelry, Silverware Novelties, etcr You might find t something to take home with you H. MAHLER'S SONS, t Jewelers and Opticians 4 No charge for examination off 4 t Something Nice. KcrrlH Hams, Spr!nf(fl"l1 liatiiN, winter cured. SmlthnViil. Va . Hams. Larjre invoices of the above goods h.ive just Iven received and arc offer ed for vour selection. X'ew Uoe Hcrrintrs in barn Is and half barrels. New Shad Hoe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango fickle, and ;he famous Kalamaoo Celery i'ickie. They are both recent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Full line of Curtis' famous I're si .'ves in (Mass. Our Mocha and .lava Coffi liest that can he pruduced price. Try it. the anv THOS. PESCUD, Tin Valentines! Valentines! dentines all K tons at s Toy Store. This week we have ten boxes Cal ilornia oranges to sell at 12c doz. lc each: f boxes lac do., 1 e each. We have two trross Dairy nans. They got wet: to sell t'lis week We sell you 2 it size at .'! cents and S .)t si.e cents Hig bargains' We are still giving out samples of egg whne soap and Cutanious soup to ladies, (ict a sample free. It is simply ele gant. 1 he large cakes are 10e each or three in a box for 2:c. Tuesday is our candv day We have made a big improvement in our 40 cent French candy. We sell at 20 cents, and we sell you as a simple marshinallow drops and chocolate drops. One lb to a customer at F! cents a pound on Tuesday. One lb for l.'fi: for sample. Wednesday is our glass pitcher day. Half gal pitchers in glass l." cents each. Thursday, Friday and Saturday glassware days. Water bottles 12c, celery trays 12e, large bowls with feet l;')c, round bowls 10c. table dish 10c, celery stand with feet 12c. fruit bowl 12c, cake stand I2c. All of this is line fire polish pressed glass; .'ilio pieces of it, and if uot all sold in li days the sale will continue on M ni dav. Valentines, all kinds sentimental and comic. Fresh mixed nuts 10c a pound. Department list carefully and saving for you: note the prices. All lc jc "2c IV 'doz Hlc doz 4C box .'..'.' .lc pkg 8, 10, 15c pair for 3c 8, sVscVhedozen tc paper 5C ,i07cn pjeeea jo. .' .i, h, 6c jiair 5C tne yj '.'"' ' ' "' ' 'lllc tl. l joe : ...i5c ; 6c the vd t ........ .5 8 10c . . .lc the crd ifc tne pr 34c the cake .4c cake, worth 10c I Rip Standard Patterns for March and advance patterns for April now ready. Fashion sheets free. Mandv catalogues free to dress makers. Standard Designer for March, 10 ceut Large Fashion Catalogue fur spring and summer, 18!tS, 20 cents. The advance patierus for April are three new styles of ladies one piece Bell Skirts. Fiv3 new styles of ladirs' shiet waist for spring also ladies circu- lar devided bicycling skirt, the new sleeves, etc, etc. The Standard Patterns are guaranteed to be the cheapest, most stylish acd best fitting compare prices. WHAT CASH CAX DO. IX III K SHOK DEI'ART.M F.XT. The (Ireat Line of Ladies Fine Shoes that will be so d this week at $1.50. itifTtoN Ma chine Welt, coiit- mo u sense everywhere ji-.OU; Kss tella I'at Tip Dongola Kid I ulion common Sense toe reduced from $2 0(1: Dongolu Pat Tip fair stitch, Cincinnati made regular $2 00; su perb. Opera heel and toe fauliess in lit aud finish cheap at $2..'0; up to date 'ici K d Hut'on. I'at tip regular $2.50; Ox BlooU and Tan Polish regular $:!.uo All the above at one price, fl ,"0. The (ireat Tiine of Lad ies' Fine Shoes tl'.at will be sold this week at $2.00. DKSCKIPriON.- (ieuuine (i.mci year Weit, kid pat tip button. K se where S2.;"iii, McKay sewed pat tip -Common Sense toes. Worths-'.")!: ladles !)ongni;i kid button pat tip -l.ent.ox toe iloiisjola U id bnl ton pal t p Lenox toe shivs ( ;iera toe pat. Tip - regular 2. "." . 1 .ad ies fat an k lc full size K K McKay sewed - usual price $2. .'HI; ladies ol.ice kid (ioo l year Weils pat tip. Iresden; reoa- lar $.'! oo, a harguif 'an k Lenox toe high cu'-all duced from Jii.OO. P Mens Slioes 1KKAT ' A LI ' i'.S Men s soi'td pg Sew ed French toe" from $2 oi). mens' - !!ai s tlou ble sole , VxWarde I dm ed from .2 00, . S f Sew - Laundry. And secure the best laundry work pos sible. J. K. MARSHALL. FI'OFIII ET l NEW MACHINE SHOP. i.JT 1 1 ' 1 I " I V I 111 . . Macuim -in P. 0. 0. Machine Company, 2o) S. Salisbury St.. K : 1 1 1 I ; 1 1 PRACTICAL MACHINISTS & ENGINEERS. W'r .to ; mi . inir own work mni know ii is done riu'lit. Our prii-rs hit f;ielioii i:ii:ir;uiteed. Sieam mid t;is fiiL'ilits, h iters and iv mills, liuiiiiers, jmiiey mnl -.IkiI'i ini;, pin' iiud pipe I'm Supplies nf all KiipU STEAM AND HOT Repair Work II. (j. A. B. STRONACH. Free WordsGreat Values Inventorv V.'i i k S.ileB of Broken Lines values we ntTer are Boys' Shoes. 7 pairs bovs' i were 2 no. 8 lairs boys' a'f lials,cork soles, 1.50, i alf bals, cxlra iiiyh. 1 SO, were 2 on. ft pairs boys' call' bals 1 15, were 1 "i0 11 pairs boys Vici Kid bals, spring heel, 1 25, were 1 TV 5 pairs calf bals, spring heel, 1 OO.were 1 50. 9 pairs bovs' Em;, bals, sizes 5 and 51, 1.00 were 1 ."id it pairs boys' calf bals, 1 00, were 1 50. Mot's Shoes. 9 pairs men's plain toe bals, 1 25, were 1 50 and 1 T5. 8 pairs men's globe toe cong, 1 15, were 1 .'0 and 1 T5. 7 pairs men's opera toe coug.l OO.were 1 50. 5 pairs men's French toe cong, 1 50, were 2 00 Men's line calf bals and congress, 2 60, were S 50. Men's fine calf bals and congress, 3 00, were 4 00. Men's fine calf bnls and congress, 3 00, were 5.00. A. B. STRONACH, Ladies' Dry Good Store Mens Shoes CKEAT VALUES $2-00 Muiiheims Metallic calf bals Lon don tip. Ili'xible insole, reduced from fi! 00; Linden box ca'f ba's sleeper (latent. Ilexible insole Uertrain welt, reduced from $i 00;tieorge K Keiths' caif (ioodyear welt bals jewel tip, reduced from $.'! 00: (ienls'calf bals, Yale last plain French toe, double sole. Scotch Hot torn, reduced from $1..")0, ANOTHER 49c MEN'S SHIRT Sensation. Last Mason ue made a double barrelled sensation now e are ooiiio to have another one ' A laroe assortment of Madrid shirts with w hite hod v intended to sell for sfl.oo and wort h it. Mens' fen ale bosoms wiMi white body intended to sell for 7.V. With every shirt we give a pair of cull's to match free whole nut lit J'.'e. Men's 50c Neckwear ; 25c Each. I An tillering in neckwear .hich ! would bring vmi here even without the other attractions. Ftftv cent 11 ou.ilitics in pulls, leeks ami four in d hands, made ti p lor us. Fre.-di, new st lish and si'ks jml u --2.V each .1 goods. iii'i'ii rati sha pes. nosira'de patten price wit hout pre rich lent I. ii AMI T I Ml'U(l I I) Till 1 1. S . . . "I'llOXK js(. K. Istimatfs and IMann I urni-heJ U iltntut Cist. WATER KEATING Stiilr Al'I'IIIS Clark' ( 'innu'il l.iiiin Metal. a Specialty. DEWEY. Sri'i: kinii.mii: nt. of Ladies', Men's and Boys' Slioes. Tin; "real," uot imaginary. Ladies' Shoes. Ladies kid button shoes, No fill'.i:! 2 38, were 3 00. Ladies' kid button shoes, No. 0ti!l4, 2 8". were 3 K1 Ladies' kid button cloth top, No. 2153, 2 3i, were S 00. Ladies' kid button cloth top, No. 2154, 2 3', were 3 00. Ladies' kid button shoes. No. G86?, 1 T3, were 2 f.0. Blankets at Hot Weather Irices i , 25 pairs fine Southern wool blankets, 10x4, white, 40c per pair. 25 pairs fine Southern wool blankets, 10x4, grey, 40c per pair. Knit Underwear at Hot Weath Wtaiher Prices to Clear Balance of Stock of Ladies' Misses', Children's and In fants' Vests, Pants and Union Suits. Vork to the Seven Interesting Bargains For Week Commencing Feb. 7, 1898. Bargain No. i. 250 Men's linen bosom white shirts size 15J only regular price 50c;. price for this sale 25c each. 4 Bargain No. 2 Masonville 4 4 Bleach at lij cents. Not over 25 yards to a customer. Bargain No. 3 Our entire stock of stamped linens AT COST. Table covers, splashers, doilies, bureau ai d wasbstand covers, etc., clc. A large assortment to select from. Bargain No. 4 Entire 131anket Stock at cost. Bargain No. 5 Kntire sock of Fancy Cretonnes from 5 to 17 ccuts at cost. Bargain No. 6 Entire stock of Messes' aud Children's Caps at cost. Bargain No. 7 About 500 yards 25 cents Turkey Red Table Damask at 121 CHiits a yard. This is a good offering. Show your appreciation by coming early in the week. WOOLLCOTT & SON MOVED. Moves on Opposite Side of Street from old Stand to the Large and Spac ious Store Formerly occupied by th? Rul--ioh Stationery Company, 111 Fayettevelle street. Owing to our i 111 Te.isino trade we have been forced to seek larger quarters. Therclore we have leased the above store, where we will be b iter prepared to serve onr customers. In doing this we double our capacity and also our stock. We will be glad to have our friends call and see us in our New Ouaiters and inspect our New Spring Stock. S. C. 1.31 Fayetteville Street, - Berwanger's Banishing Sale. We are Mill flourish in; the knife. We slfan'l let up on this husiness until ( net tin i-iiii k down to the Imre boards. Watch out Mid see t hat you supply yourselves In-fore the huult is called! Qualities loom up like giants beside the poor crippled prices! THE SLAUGHTER IS COMPLETE Every Man's Suit! Every Man's Overcoat.' Every Boys' Long and Short Pants Suits! Every Boys' Overcoast, Ulster and Beefers Oo at a Discount of npt pp. for this entire week yet, and if possible, we J-JCI vd 1 L. may continue longer; it depends entirely on condition of the stock. We have no bidden treasures. Every Winter Suit and Overcoat is within the limits of this extraordinary sale. Wp want to lay special stress on the importance that you buy KNOWN qualities for less than manufac turing,' cost. NFVVS' ew l)res Suits, Top Overcoats, Derbys and Fe doras, Midseason Neckwear Novelties. S. & D. BERWANGER, WIDE AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. The People's Store. CASH OR CREDIT. R o Y A L L Suits three pieces Polished Oak, Hard w to d Finish, French Plate Mirror at S10 00. FURNITURE A Lot of Bargains ! Corner o( Hargett and I CASH OB CREDIT. iiiUiiiiiimu Pool's Shoe Store.... POOL, Raleigh, N. C. CASH OR CREDIT. B O R D E N DINING and Sitting' Room Chairs 5 00 for aet of six. COMPANY. Come and See ! WilmtDg.on Streets. CASH OR CREDIT. JONES' Big Store. f ,

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