-J THE ITOR NUMBER 8U0O. KALKKjII, X. V. SATURDAY EVKNrLT(. KKIJUrAKY 12. !!) $4.00 PER YEAR PRE SB VIS WRECKED AT SEA Passengers and Crew of the Veendom Safe MIRACULOUS ESCAPE The cendem was Slrnek h a SurmiM'i;ed riL-k nl Sea uad wns sinking U hen I lie si I.imis 1 Hint.' tothc Heseue. Nkw Yonu, Feb 2 The big Netherlands Ann rienn bout, Veen dam, of ( Mterdam, from New York, was lost .it sea Febrbarv Ulh, and tin1 A iin'!i-:i ii liner. Si. Louis, brought tier passengers anil ci'i'W safi'iv into piirl today. She had car ried ni in cabin, IIS steerage pas sengers and a crew of eighty live A submerged wreck tore a great hole in her bottom and broke ontthe propeller shaft. All the pumps were set to work but tne water gained on them. The boats were made ready. The passengers joined the crew and worked the pumps all night. This was kept, up in a heavy sea. The morning came stormy. At ten o'clock the Si Louis was sighted and was signalled that the vessel was sink ing. No mishap o any kind at.ten ded the transfer of the passengers. Though the sea was heavy the work of transferrin!,' begun at two in the morning was completed , it live. When the last boat left IheVcendam she was sinking rapidly and she was tired, 'i he Veendam was rated a an iron sciew triple expansion en nine. She was three days out when she struck t he w reck. The passengers of I he Si, Louis passed resolutions commending the gallant service and splendid sea manship displayed by the ollicers and crew in rescuing the Wendceins ' passengers ai d crew. FIRED AT P. LAKE. Wultci' luwlei slim in v. H. Illukc Last Lust night Mi. Walter howler and Mr, VV. Ii. ISIake met on t he rail road track south of the -1 1 v Fowler told lilake that he was tired of his troub ling him and cursing him said that he would li. Ii i in Fowler then went back to his home and got his pistol. Blake hail started away but Fowler overlook him and standing upon the railroad embankment Ii red at Blake. 'J he ball struck loiko in the back but d id not. pent-1 ra'" I In- sk ' n. The above is ll e subslai.ee of the evidence gi veil in t he mayor's court this morning. Wh.it the trouble between I he I wo men was did not appear a' ihe trial 1 1 is 11 ndersto. d that Ihe relation between them has not been pleasan' for some lime. Mayor Buss bound Kow or over to the next term of the criminal cunt under a $."( bond or ussau t with a deadly weapon. The bond was inis mediately given. Mindii the huv. On February 11t h in Rome a good many centuries ago, the good Saint Yi.lftit.im' w,.s belie ided because he would not profess the idolatrous faith of Kiiipcror Claudius. According lo the K iman legend, Yuleutiiius was imprisoned and bon ded over to Culphurniiis, who in turn employed As'erius to win him back to ido airy. Yalentinus mirac ulously resio ed t he sight of Aster ins' blind daughter, whereupon As lerius with all his house believed and was bapl zed. The saint was then beaten with clubs and finally executed on I he Flaniiniaii Way. In commemoration of the death of the martyr Saint Ya'.eiiline's day is now celebrated throughout the world. For centuries it has been the custom on that day to sead to persons of the opposite sex letters or some expressive token, contain ing sentimeuts of love or admiration. According to an old belief the meet ing season of birds began on St. Valentine's day. A ItepnMican'H t rediction. Tommie Settle has a number of folks guessing regarding the object of his visit to Wiusnu on last Sun day !-omesay it was private mat ters, but a well informed Republi can ventures the prediction that the extcongre-binuu, with the assistance of District Attorney Holton is for iqulatiug a plan to sound the politi cal death knell of Senator Pritchard and "Actui't Governor" Russell. ' Greensboro Iieeord. The work of laying t the curbing on Blount . street Is progressing rapidly, A CHILD KIDNAPPED. The l-atlier Steals it l-roin Its Mother and I'iSCHp.'N. Special to Charlotte () iserver J Sai.isiii iiy, Feb !'.- Council street was startled about 1 o'clock today by the sight of a (leeing man, hat less, bearing a shrieking baby and followed by a well dressed woman, who was crying, wringing her hands and shouting for the police. After running a few hundred yards the man jumped into a buggy, carrying the baby with him, and whipping his horse to full speed, disappeared from view in the direction of Mocks vdle, Davie county. "He has stolen in y child, " the heart broken woman repeated over and over again, to the crowd which by this time had gath ered . The dramatis personal' w re Robt Farris, his wife, Mrs. Mamie Farris, and their infant son, and the scusa tional incidents marks the latest de velopment of a romantic marriage. About three years ago Robert Farris, an apparently ipi ict and well-behaved young, man, was lilli ng acceptably the position of b ggage master at the Southern passenger station hi re. and .Miss Mamie Lynch, an exceed ingly pretty anil well-connected young lady from Jersey City, X. J., was visiting her aunt. Mrs John l!uis. I'pon Miss Ivynch's return to her home, Farris opened correspondence with her. which re suited a year later in it secret mar riage in Jersey City. Farris took the I rain home immediate !v af!cr I he ceremony, anil resueed his duties as baggage master and for a year nothing was known of the marriage Then his friends were surprisi d by the arrival of his wife andthei.u nouuceinent. of his year old mar riage. The young people settled down lo housekeeping in aiiiiet way for about a year, when Farris surprised his creditors by suddenly disappearing from the scene, u attachment of his personal elTeets followed. Ills wife followed him, and since then i hey have lived in Jersey City, until recently, they re turned to Salisbury with t heir t wo children, a hoy and a g' rl, and pro eeeded lo the home of Farris faili.'r, in Datic cnuiilv. Some (lavs;, go Mrs. Farris left her husband, a 'b g iug and showing i ideuces ol hi u ai treatment on his part, bringing her seventeen-monl lis old boy with her. Siie W'as unable to secure. iussi s sion of the little girl, i'.i Mm, il iv a sister of Fan' s, nv fair means or foul, Mrs. I'airis' friends allege I he latter, secured possession of tie' lit tle girl and took her to the home i f Farris' fat her in D.ivie Ti isaliir noon Farris appeared at I he home i f his wife's uncle, Mr. John II. links, with whom she had taken refuge, knock, dor pushed hei down, seized the child and rushed , l! with it a above stated. As he lied down Council street, with his frantic wife pursuing, Farris' tlight w-as urro-,1-ed for a moment by a man placing a hand on his arm. Hut the kidnapper turned upon him wilh a mad light in his eyes and said, "Let me go: this is my child. " And he looked so dangerous that his captor was glad to release him, Mrs Farris at once swore out a warrant for her husband's arrest. Deputy Monroe set out in pursuit rf the fugitive. When the ollicers reached Lindsay's mill they were told that Farris had crossed the Yadkin lifteen minu.es before and was, of course, safe upon the soil of Davie comity. I'pon the return of the ollicers with'the news that the fugitive was uncaught, Mrs. Farris decided to follow her husband, and immediately set out for Davie. Mrs. Farris returned from Davie this evening. The object of her go ing was to get her little daughter, as Mr Farris this morning had told her that she might have the girl. She said that when she drove in sight Mr Farris was seen hitching up his horse, and soon drove away with the littie boy, whom he took this morn ing. The little girl for whom she had come was taken away from the Farris home by his sister yesterday. Mrs Farris' sorrowful refrain is: "If they had only caught him before he crossed the river." Pnsnes Again The Southern announces by cir culars that in the future free trans portation will be given families of employes of the company. The circular says that the con struction recently put upon the law was not what was meant and that the order forbidding the issuance of passes to employes' families is there lore revoked. Rer Mr Bronson spent the morn ing ia tbe city. ZOLA TRIAL. .tddilieit.il (iunid- lime Now liecii statio ned Around the Colirl. Iiy Cable to Press-Visitor.' Pahis, Fid). 11'. The usual crowd arrived and an increased guard was stationed about the assizes court for the V. ;la trial today. Gen liillet, foreign minister of war, las instituted procet dings against Courant, who at the close of yesterday's proceedings, wasassaul ted by onlookers for shout ing " Down with commanding ollicers Col Picq uart , w ho was called . s.i d j he believed Con Pcileius to be the j cause. The Dreyfus case was set - tied. Ii was not t bought I hat it was incumbent upon him lo order I !or dereau to mi bmi i to an , x pe ii exam iuation for the purposi of ti e I'ster hazy inquiry. Maor Ruvury doubt less un w it t ingly took the -aine course and louuded his judgment on incom plete and i nade, ual e document s. A LIVELY COURT. Two er Iiiteivstinn Mattel - 1 1 1 - , vi-ie j l':ls-e.l upon ut ilMtll. I t The termof court which has just c! ed at Wilson w.ts Hi.us"av I'veiy Among ot her t hings yeslei day every publicly known lewd woman in the town of Wilson was tr'od audi viftetl at the instance of the scci..! purity league. Fx Judge Connor announced in theeourl room thai in the future any man who rented houses for such purpo-o would be proseculetl. A murder M-e tried life In. I a uiieer ending. I' wasS:;pe:i i i st Lamb, for killing I'a'in.oi, Jiitiiia.iv J , L'"gh last. Kitman was drnn;; a-! had his wife and two son- n. !., i wagon, lie went to Lamb's house. I called him out in tic yard, shot lorn in the right breast so near in it his clothes were set on tire L.'.nri knocked Katinan down and beat him I'iitiiiiin's sun. pulled I aino o!l ii,:t he tori' away, and returning to I '.a' man stamped oil the i-i.i uv top ! his head. Lamb is vet in i,cd. but will recover, A biil for ic.ois'auglit er was ret u rued Lamli's ,ilP l eys today entered a plea ol ',i.i eon tendere, paid M rs. K it man Si .' md she assented to a siisoeiisi,,- , f j ' id gineu t . A PE( I LIAR AC( IHEM' Ai Ihnr Olil e ol Koekt Meiint l,et itn I titlinel Oenlli in Ii icliiiion.l I5y Telegraph to the I 'i ess V i -1 n uv l!u Iimomi, Fell 1. Arthur i ..ir ey of I lock v Mount. Noi-'l. Carolina, v hi le d ressi ng at Murphv's bote', t uis morn ing Uv I through a p.me-l g'ass and severed a jugular vein. I le died within ten inni ut is I .plind I'ead Ne.-ii Hi- II, tine Piidieulars were received here , last evening of the suddi n de;,ih , l" , , M r M P I lolcoinbc. ol Ya I. i n vouie v , . lie was found (lead ,'u-t Sunday ' evening by some children who hao sta.'tcd t i school, lie was lying' on I ne round mar a path. Deceased wa- al' years old I hie report has il that M r llolcuinbe was drinking and thai he laid dow n and fr, z to death. Another says he went t() a neighbor 's house and on his return home was attacked with heart trouble and died instantly . C rcensboro Record. V.eiehnnts' l.xeur-ion-Plans will be discussed on Mon day by the transportation commit lee of the Merchants aid Manu facturers' Association to arrange reduced rate excursions fiom the Southern states to Baltimore. New York has already taken steps to secure excursions Inni the West, and a round trip rate of a fare and a third has been secured from the central passenger associa lion. Last year's excursions brought lo Baltimore a Urge number of mer chants who bought their spring supplies while visiting this city The excursions proved a big success, and it. is planned to secure their re petition in the early spring. Balti more Sun . Supreme Court. Cases from the first district dis posed of yestertiry : Timber Co vs Rountree, argued by Shepherd and Busbee for plain tiff, and Jones and Boykin for de fendant. Hughes vs Pritchard, argued bv KK Avdlett for plaintiff, and J H Sawyer for defendant. Cobb vs Norris, continued by eon sent, and f jur other vases put ti end of the docket. Special attention is called to the change of "ad." of J. R Ferrall & Co., ia today 'a issue. Read it carefully. I TODAY'S HAPPENINGS The NVws INreivnl l Wire Today I NOTIIINt; OK Y00SKII:I! ! , ... j j il I ire nl I le el. I n d -HK'ulc te I'oliec Coloiado S 1 1 ikel- I I'iHU I'is.i-iei I lu la. i.olj I 'enio. i HI w.wiiv.-r-.v Fei. r: I l dejt.i r! in, h1 healing' I,' further ia dent. ! ;-, C 'il.. I, Ilia! on i w or r. , d .- I. To .o ' . , s IV UV In , I, . I! . d j : , . , Feb. IJ u; c press I j . ij, ., j i A w Wa! i no... lu's inn nda .e , '! I'r, V ; VI.. I'ell. ! J z ! o'.s ivrl I . -i ! !n- MMt V V, I'ress 'i- ;. i ., . F. b. 1 I . t ! oil ,i. e. ; I-,!'! lie llil'l ( r: Co or.ido , .. o,iie- 1 ouiid p ,i nt ii in tin- i v , : he I Vc-Vi-. . Feb 1L'. Ti e hod , s Fii ch. "Lilt ,- Ci.ii I ' iniii . i nsjiec'"'' el ' I e N.l1 u IV 1 1 las t o W , I e rioi.s ,, the .-'. T.. v .. re w ork i. ,e lie I'll I W i . I I'io a, j I j j ',"r' I The II 'Vt ! o i I in,, ripu io Pr e.i,. !'!. (I ' U ' i : e iive slorc Ii, ok j ' I'' ," h W'l'st Co Ol j ' air si,, vis. . o,i v I : o el, .r t lo .i, ufac! u n ng I'l ed 1 I IS llioio,; llg onii .il Is 'lsil,nv t .' lie- 1 1 a i meeting ,,f I' ei'i'iiai'V v w hieh -ie, ee S'l 1 1,, I'., P. y I'd,.-: LoM-oV st, ., .,! in.,' : Kllgl.K-.i f ' i is under i v a ,pii, d t. PIJKS. AXDiiKWS. (UUTOK W ill O. Iii i di.- d J i , -- ai Hake hiic l - I u l ii una it I a. uleiit. P,e,i,n n: I'. II, of i ! ro n I 1 1 i i r has In rii i n v i; , socio' ,c of deliver the ,,1'jh, iccnt of 1'1's. an, that he has , " And row s llhode Island, . I lie iiterat v 'ii" conanene -. nndci lood : There is scarcely a be'ter k n .v n man in the I'll. ted Malms now ... he will nr. ilouii'edlv be gre, i by a very I airge and em c. ( vv, n cement i,ay j is May L' 1 1 1 1 . I T'ne (i.'.id aui.i ei - rv exercises y.'-t, rdnv were we ; a' tended and thoroagnlv enjoyed The query ".should all gov, run ent appoint ments be subject I1 , ivil service regulations" was denu'. d by Messrs Jackson hamiltoii ami Walter L Ci -boon for the nili .nd ve and C S Burgess and .1 C i 1 m-ii against civil service. The indience de cided in favor ol the a'lirnutive by a vote of 1-pl m II F isconcccdid th it the result would have been dif ferent but for an unfortunate sta'e ment made hy Mr O.ven in the heat, of debate I le chargdig t hat one t f his opponents had boasted that his speech was not orignal. This sta'e ment from Mr Owen was greeted by a storm of hisses and lost the ques tion for the negative. William Henry King,, of Wake county, and Miss Bettie Kin)jf ob tained license today to wed. LOVKii'S KISS LE(;ALLY A f.,.i.;ill icur';i luJc I Ikih to LifiLl .li.i)J. A' aiit.j, i'i t) !' The kissing vt dt in i w hch Ii as ln-i'ii rain ia so rictv itrli s has I'l'achnl tin- 'jourts ii'ni (,( iial (jiu'stion of Uissiti or not !, pas-it'tt u j on judicially. A Kngesscr hasaprcuy ll vear oli, daughter, .Mary, and .Mary lias a serious neau. Louis Carcina, w ho. w h i ie a rden! U Wool ng lie r . i l.d ulged i I,, ll tii.m- ,,f I. is-, o i -r I,,. I- rilllV ! p-. i'apa I'.njesser belongs to the a,;i k iss, rs ,, , i ,iso believes that Mirv is ioo y oun-j lo permit of such f .no I ,. ri" ,es i in : l,e ,. i r : of her - -.si fa ,1V I ! I; . . ,,t . I..., I a oil': rent view of the in i'b i .. ol pei nulled her lover to in, in je ,,, s pr. pen si' f ir kiss I I ' .-' O I. el , i, , U! ! e Z ..s C. i CO I II LI I, I. e pi-er... y ar ' noi on ! - ;','!, !, j i ,,! lover Ol! .'.I ! he I h.i'-.o-s t : V I I UV i II , ::,', ! Ivr. . - : , ..gill , i, I ' , s V I ' I' , I V , I , ..III. 1 ' 1 I .MO l ' , II!' is-, ,i. (.':., , ,1a di i .. I : , l l.t.-n - ti,n ot iu.,lT,'uig .Viarv. iii,n . Judge ! v. r. . af ' ,-r Miu nd ly u t ,in' on i ng l! i oT for ivs il.terlerc: ee. ad I (.'a, o o V, go ah ad vvi! Ii h.s ng and love miking. ! . i w i v . I- ,1,. '.I. .1 aool, ,n'ii I u.au was i.n'il dav a boarder wilh Mr. and Vr-, I. ,..wit.- at No. I.' I, Ih'gi a'.'.' s'1,','1, 1 1 . lainsliu rg. I le had iiim v ., ni 1,1. d b ,., : d,'r for some I :ve. lint ia.st mgiil he wa- u.. iking lill'ough the 11. Hi II! ill- sleep, when of I he I. :,d.t .' 0- be v.. V w ''II. '.I c I. ik.,v. v lo uim Ve ins, and 1,'eb i!,.:i! w.,s .,. i. ed I . ,' a b , e.v he i .'. ," i! ; i.e i yes. .. nd 1 1, .-, in, ov. i ng he w ,, s ai1' '-.' ed . In , ' , : rl d u ,le , o ' , e . i : i . a , a ;ss g '.en i a man when w.o.iing o: l is s!,-ep was lo-t 1 nt el, lie, 1 , 0 oil L , , n o'; eseu p,'d l aid I.- r I , ill isiillicnt I In loo,, I MiJ.lv Np. .o. i ng , '1 I he I loyal M uldy to be s ing' t,,v' Vi.ii on- iiz iusie hvrw ;n ihe ' i In, ; i gtoii v,ir say s ' liiOse who witnessed ihe lil'st ,i. r!.n :nau,' ,,' the Wiio i r- K ; r vv i u ! I h l a L',.::.',U! , ol, Miilnl.iV nig'lil . a' les ed I he, i a p p : , -c i a 1 i o : i hy bei ng pr, s,u t .,! 'j,' night s pei I'ormance a ' d , n ! ,, 1 1 ..' ' I, e . r I . e , g I, I , . l's lo go. i'o sp.'-vil a p.ea-.nl eve.lligl'y s- e ;ng a , , ,r c e.,.,. uj,., da'e p!;t ,,,, Ij,,. , uu'.ieleis I 1 1 ' !' i i I '1, ,,!' ,,-ls :n II., ;:' r. -;.'. '.ie ,.'..-. is a,, I,t alivu -p. nl imieru. "Ii; llo ., Y. i ..sail !,,,,, i'; ,, e; ,,;, ... " .., ,-, s,. Ml-s .S ,s o K I'B in. us l ulu'hetle a!.,! , I'll VsMU ie I','--. s,,s'u;i,e, II 1 ii e '.', i ' 1 1 a , I the e,, -u .oui ace w u ; ii she : s g : !, ,,1 w , i ii . and i i on 1 he j-ri-t i- v.s i she i-uarmed h, r un,v, n,e. ia-1 logid she cel'tuiulv c,,p Hided 1 In-111 . She has a sweet. , .ear voice, and her ciiariuing mans I n,-i s ui 1 1 w inning w i s are enough to have gain, ii for tor 'he rep,, ta! :, - n she has so desei wngiy earned M iss Baxter, as Mary, ' ., en , ,f .", ,r! ug.i 1 . I phived her pari n'lol ' I . i-i. hut not leas', w'e haie M'e-si's. !!urey ulul M z v. the coined;. ins. .M'hough their par' s u ere i , a prouii nei t eu"u g'n lor 1 : : en i to d i s day the r tal ent, slid lln v made ab that possibly C'i'ld hive been out of these ohar ai'tors. The cl j, a ') e e elii l,gr clo scd will, W,. loir's high art living picMires. which are s:n,p; gr..nd and .v nth t,,' pru e ,,!' .niinl-slon ,e. I ailed ll'ltl a I utr aivl a .ni.lei h, It . In the superior court Tuesday Claude Fesperman and Tip. Oslwalt wre tr'i-d for lighting. A witness named Kuss testilicd that Fesperman called i -! w .i't "a liar and a Vandcr lu t. "and thai Oslwalt responded with an opprob'ous epithet where upon th"v went at M w it lio.it wa it ' ng for a formal recognition of belliger ent rights. It is not generally known that to call a man a Yanderbiit in thisconn try is a signal for war, lint il seems that it had something to do with it in this case. Statesville Landmark. F.'mcr Woodward of i ' ran ville. Pa,, a respected young man of twenty seven years, hanged himself on the afternoon of February mi Ids wife's rnfu-al to read the Bible to him. He was about the house attening to his duties until about noon when he re quested his wife to read the Bible to him She. being busy, replied that she had no tmie to devote to reading. This highly incensed h m, and he use! some very uncompli mentary remarks, which were spiri edly resented. Soon after he went up stairs, and his wife found him hanging to a bed post. P.KKNAKl) DESIGNS. Vt heeler Mailin Appointed Solieilnrol' Ihe Second Judicial IMstricl. District Attorney Claude Bernard, of Creenville, was in the city this morning. He received 'bis commis sion this week as United States at torney for the eastern district of North Caio'ina He was holding court in Wilson at the time and as soon as court ad journed he came to llaleigh. Me went before Clerk Fortune of the I'nited States district court this morning and took the oath of olliee. Mm Heruard also seuttol iovernor llusseli this uinriiiiig his resignation asso.icitor. It was announced at the governor's olliee that a commis sion would be Issued to Wheeler Martin, of Wi lianistou, for this po sition this evening. Mr. Martin was the McKmley elector in ihe first (lis t rid last year LATTLMEI! TKIAL Ailiiines lor the Oeleilee Intend to spring a tSen-iiliinl. U'n m.-u.miuk, Feb !''. -The law yers for Ihe defence in the Lattimcr trial espeet to spring a sensation eilh, iate today or Monday. They claim they have evidence of two prominent mine owners who per sonailv authorized intimidation and kept J w ay men who would others wise have testilicd for the state. ( ither men, it is claimed, have been induced to come to court to be pro tected from any intcrferrence by 1 heir employers. I.w kii The likelihood now is that the attorneys for the defense of the deputies will rest the case without, eai.ing any witnesses. It is argued that the sheritl had a right lo order his men to shoot even if it was a "mistake. ' PLEASANT SIN HAY I 'ait anJ Ceoler is the Prediction for To morrow . The forecast of the 'weather bu reau f ir Raleigh and vicinity says fair tonight and Sunday colder. The slorin has moved I nun the lake region lo Ihe SI. Lawrence val ley. The area of cloud v weather and lain now covers the entire lountrv east of Ihe Mississippi, w hile it is clear and colder west of the river. The heaviest rain was '' 'J I incliesa' Mobile Sm.ill amounts occurred northward to the lakes. The temperature has fall n slightly in t lie cent rai valley Personals. Mr A W Haywood is in the city. Co! Paul B Means is in the city. Col B S Roysler of Oxford is in lo vi, loduv. M r .1 .lines Thomas of Wilson is at 1 he Yarboi o. .1 inlge W S O'B Robinson oftiolds- boro is in the city. Mr ('has. I Parker has returned from a business trip lo New York City Miss Mamie ('ritlin of Clayton spent Ihe morning in this city on her way lo Youngsvilie. Miss Blanche Brings of Durham is visiting Miss fill la Briggs on llillsboro street Health olliee T P Sale is ill at his home, corner of llillsboro and west streets. Ma-'er Delma Kilington left last night for Troy, N C. to s end a few ihivs wi'h his father at the miils. M rs . b Vance Walser and chil dren arrived today from Lexington to join her husband attorney Cener al Walser. Mr Joe Walser also ar rived. , Col F l Winston, of Bertie and Capt 1! B Peebles 'ere here today to appear before Judge Purnell in a case involving the possession of some lumber in Hertford. M rs J L Oquinn, of Boston, Mass., MrWHLawton and Mrs Monny have returned from a very pleasant trip to MrS R Bagwells farm, near Farner. .Miss Mae Wood, of Klizabeth City who has been visiting Miss Kliza beth Briggs left this morning for Henderson to spend a week with Mrs Richard Corbet Miss Wood made many friends and admirers during her short stay. t'entre Lodge, h. of l. Centre Lodge, Xo. o, K- of P., meets, every Monday night. Mem bers are expected to be present. Yisitors cordially invited E. T. Hau., C. C. W. W. Wilson, E. of R. and S. SHORT STATEMENTS Minor Matters Manipulated for the Many. AROUND IN THE CITY. Pot Pourrl of th Hewn Plctnrtd on Pm per Points and People Pertinently Picked and Pithily Pot In Print Dr. William J. Hayesdied yester day morning at 1 o'clock at thehome of Captain S. Ii. Alexander, two miles west of Charlotte. Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday and no market reports were received since the stock markets took holiday. Jim Youngsays his Sunday school raised $57." last year and gave $313 of this amount to charitable and benevolent objects. Or Alexander of the state univer sity, late minister to Greeoe, de livered a most instructive and de lightful lecture on Greece in Metro politan hall last evening. Harvey Perkins, colored, wasseDt to the pest house yesterday afternoon with a disease pronounced by Drs. Strong and Hawley to be smallpox. Charlotte Observer. Dr A D Mayo, of Boston, one of the foremost educators in the coun try, is to deliver the anuual address at the A A M College for the colored race in Greensboro on the occasion of the closing exercises in May. The young men's Bible study class of the Baptist Tabernacle is growing in numbers and interest. The class .meets every Monday night. Good music is al ways a fea ture. Solicitor Marshall Mott is in the city, 'le will be a candidate for res election this fall, it is understood. A bitter light will be made against him by Sherill' Call of Wilkes. J. W, McNeill of Winston is out in a card denouncing Call and saying that he can't carry a precinct for any olliee now. "Prosperity may not have struck Raleigh yet, " said a prominent build ing contractor this morninfif, "but 1 do know that a brick cannot be bought in Raleigh ;odav. There is so much building going on in the city that the supply is entirely ex hausted and it will be four months yet before the weather permits any more brick being made." Mr J W Hollingsworth, formerly employed inM r W K Jones' dry goods store, has accepted a position as salesman with Ihe Rnyall and Bor den F'uture company. Mr Hollinp;s- worth is an excellent young man, and his friends will be pleased to call on him at his new place. Rev J L King, rector of St. Am brose colored F.piscopal church, has returned from Wilmington where he attended the funeral of his wife's mother. He and Rev J H M Pol lard, who succeeded Rev Mr Walker as arch deacon, went to Louisburg today. Rev Pollard enters upon his ministration Sunday. Governor Russell has received an invitation by President and Mrs MuKinley to a reception at the mansion Feb. 111. fiomf to 11 p m; also invitations from the Michigan club to a banquet in Detroit Feb. ''L', and from a Republican club of New York city to the administra tion ball March I!, to celebrate the return of prosperity Sunday school at the Christian church tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, J A M ills, superintendent. There will be no preaching at 11a. m., as the pastor. Rev J L Foster, will be absent, but he will return in the afternoon and occupy his pulpit as usual at night. It is always a pleasure to note the success of a Raleigh boy but it will afford our citizens especial pleasure to hear of the success with which Mr Bailey F Williamson, son of Capt B P Williamson, is meeting in Chi cago. He has been employed in the Armour retiuery at Chicago for about twelve months and during this short time he has been pro moted three times. He has now been made superintendent of the Armour refinery. Attention! Lumsden Degree Team. The members of the Lumsden de gree team are earnestly requested to meet ia Odd Fellows hall Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. By order of the captain, H. J. Yocno, Sec 'jr. -.,;! if 1 ; i - t t c 1 t i. t . r f - " t