II i t S 1 If 1 4- i.i .Hi Hi I i j 1 I: 4 1 THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company, Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION OF TH VISITOR, ES TABUSHEO 1878, AND THE PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building. 6REEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. VEKNOfi F. McRARY. Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. OneYesjr M.00 Six Months $2.00 One Month 35 Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter CUN! ON Kggfl LABEO w The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. TUESDAY February 15. W EDDING CEKhMONllS. From antiquity down there is a similarity in wedding ceremonies, says the Chicago News. The pres ents given the bridesmaids and ushers are simply a relic of the rough bribery used by the ancient bridegroom among his personai friends so that they would assist in his capture of his chosen bride when the day arrived on which he bad determined to carry her oil. The best man, too, is but a survi vor of the band of friends who ac companied the suitor in his wife winning and kept watch for him for days over the bride's tribe, while the lover sought an opportunity to carry off his prize. Even the honey moon is declared to be nothing more than the hurried flight of the hus band with his wife to escape the vengeance of the pursuing tribe, headed by the bereaved father. A REAL NOBLEMAN AS AN AI'.TDK. The latest aristocratic recruit for the English stafje is the Karl of Rosslyn, brother of the Puchess of Sutherland and a half brother of the beautiful Countess of Warwick. His skull as an amateur ballet dancer baa already delighted select audi ences in Great Britain and the col onies. In the seven vears since he came of age he has spent $1 ,HMi,Oiio beyond his income in "money-lenders' interest, gambling, horse racing and other extravagances." He has just gone through the Bankruptcy Court, with no assets whatever. He bas made his debut under the name of James Erskine at a London the atre in Pinero's new comedietta and will receive a salary of $100 a week. In Japan a very useful accom plishment taught children is the use of both hands in writing and other work; hence there are no right or left handed people, as a rule, but both hands are used indiscrimina telv Probably the failure of Spain to promptly disavow such of the ut terances of Senor De Lome as cast doubt upon her good faith in dealing with this government may be due to the fact that the contents of the unfortunate letter have not become known at Madrid. It is stated that the text of the letter has not been cabled to Madrid by the (state de partment, and it may be taken for granted that Senor De Lome has not gone out of his way to supply the omission. The American people could afford to ignore the slurs of ft Spanish duodecimo statesman; but Spain cannot rest under the impu tation made against the honesty of her diplomacy by her own repre aentative without loss of honor. The indications are that the Sagasta Ministry is still ignorant of the real gravity of Senor De Lome's offense. I The lonely little island of Tristan d'Acunha, in the South Atlantic ocean, which has a population of about sixty persons, has regular postal communication with the rest of the world only once a year. The island, owned by England, is under the protection of the governor of Cape Colony. He arranges that a postal courier shall visit itannually. This year the ship carrying the cor respondence, the Pretoria, left the Cape on October 14. She started for St Helena, where she was to de li ver the packet to the commandant of the English vessel Mapie, which would convey it to Tristan d'Acun ha. The year's mail was composed of ten letters, three newspapers and two packages of books. Thus the island inhabitants of .'!7 degrees 3 minutes south latitude will soon be informed, albeit rather meagrely, of what has taken p'ace in the world during the last twelve months. To Cure a Coldin One Day" Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the mohev if it fails to cure 25c. The genuine has L. 13. 0. ou each tablet. Mrs P H Andrews is visiting friends and relatives in Beaufor1 county. HnekJen's Arnica salve. The hest salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cnappea hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively curespiles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For sale by all druggists. When H:iny was si'k, we paw her Ca-tona. she v;is a Child, she cried for Castoria. Mien she heeame Mi-w, she eluiij; to Custoria trVflec she had Children, she gave hem Castrrig PABST. If vou want to drink the finest beer lot .mm on earth call for PABST. If you dealer does not kee; it telephone to Acme Wine Co. ( Phone 1-1115 .) A cask, a dozen or a single bottle will be delivered to you in a few minutes. WANTKP To buy a second-hand safe, medium size, it. good condition Acme Wine Co. Opposite Postoftice. FRESH SEED. BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. Early Rose, Burbank, Peerless, Beauties of Hebron . . . All Kinds of Garden Seed. Make vour Hens Lay! Buy Wilhcrs Egg Food ! J. R. Ferrall & Co. Phone 88. DOBBIN & - AT TUCKER'S STORE, 123 and 125 Selling Out The Stock of Dry Goods Bought From thk Trustees ok W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. It is our intention to entirely dispose of this stock, and to do so, the clearing sales will be continued for the next few days. Notwithstanding the immense success of last week's sales, many of the very best articles yet remain to be sold. These are great bargains. Yours for the seeking. Dobbin & Ferrall. Prayers for Munyon. A Leading New England Clergy man Invokes Divine Blessing Upon Professor Munyon's Humane Work. Peopl like ministers of the Gosrel who live for thoir fellow-men, are most. ardent In tbelr approval of anything that iM of material bcuclit lo the human, racd. Among the strongest en dorsers of Pro fessor M u n yon's Remedies are leading clergymen of all denomina tions. Rev. M. K. Andrews of W e s t ti e I d , Mass., writes: 1 wish to add my testimony In favor of M u n y o n s H o moeopathic Home Reme dies. T have used the Cold Cure, lypep ela Cure, Nerve Cure, and Headache Cure In my family with perfect latls faction. These remedies are worth, their weiht in gold. In my family they hve curt-Hi the worst ca.-i's of eoM In dyspepsia of seven years' one flay, cured with ihiee vials of the I I Cure. 1 h;iv.' ha J Very aehes. which were driven a .iy in iiall an hour by the ileadaehf iur. l v wife suffered greatly from sl-'.-j.Ies-n. -and one vial of Nerv Cure k.iv. !.. c j--r-feet relief. 1 sincerely pra "e-t s l . Ing upon the proprietors of the v.i ...it' 'a remedies.' Munyon has a peprinre sp.-cif" '. - disease. For Mle hv drel r !v cfn(s a battle If in d" j' '. Prrf. Munyon at I'M!. i l, ;!. i... ';. :-:id iret medical advice free. "Mothers' Friend" MAKES CHILD BIRTH EASY, Colvin, La., Pc:." 1806. -My wife? u; -MOTHER'S FR1 K?,D before her tLn onfmement, ai i ki she would no 1 iLout it for hundreds of dollurs- dock mill::. Sent bv expres'; or. receipt '-f wi i ie book "To Mothers" Ti;.i led I.t BRSDFIELD r.-GULMOR CO., UK si'KK vor v.y.v Till-: "Os n Rki.iaiii.k" Ti ii n kh N C Ai m -NAC For sa'e at AITied Wi1- liams A Co. ' , Bookseller-;. City Price lilc, or ov J s 11 Knms. Puhlisher. Ra'eigh. N C R A LK Kill, . C. We have received (resh seeil for this season's plantino. FERRALL - Fayetteville street. We are Making it Hot for Hard Times! You can 't feel poor when you see our goods and prices. What, though your dollars may be fewer, we will mak them go much farther. Values were never so marvelouslj low as right now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come and see this cluiicc M'lectioi. uf inmost qualites, and learn why -,ciisiOle. economical mvine invfrr to mci d their money with us Our prices will i vo your O' ncv awav your last ilouot. isn l sensible. is You'll trade with us .simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders of tlp - A PALM FOH EVERYBODY ! Having a large s!..;-';'f Taiins i.n hand, and wish a:: to m:ilc romn. I shall from lion . ;i great y reduce pi'i-es imi tl en . a -ii as on other jilaiits. Kn !i Suiilj ..t I in purl ctl liul! Ai I in .1 . I ! anciiiths. T-i Narsissus, l-'rc sia. Chinese i.-ml ;iml Kastcr ' l.:':;es for fun m .. .! os.nWr plant ; Choice Out Fiowers i Of Hoses, Can a' .. etc. 1'anal I Designs and for all occa- I n'mi s and at aP i i , j Kvergreens ai - .eie Trees. i j H. Steinmetz, Florist, r'li Halifax s -rtiiU' Phone ;ir I 'ell ocm; Nieic' of snk- 1 n.l r I Mitini '- virtue of ;: - x . . -1) " i - r : . I i reet . ii -. ' tin' m i.i. -: j i.e-1 from 1 lie Si, i .e; V- i . . 1 1 1 ' -' i i lit v i ii an act:. in in',':. :;:!: s,:','"j's Trox. Iri' to :! ii" '' W i lting l!rox. vs W T einl. ". 1 ,1 o ' ', .i.,I.iv the ''"' li il iv of I' 'ii'iiov !v-'a' 'wi'ive " e'.ieli M a' ' 'ie Coiiri ll"'.i--e door of U'.ll-e i-o:m ', sr'i to 'lie Mglle-t led ier for e , oi. lo x a'ixfc a i ex ,-cii' i. :' . x,,: , ' 1 1 ,- r iglo t , and i n -i..r,'0 i h i ii ,. -.a .i W T Won. i'le. defer. ! t. I. , in tl.e" f .l iui ing ,le--,-rilieil ri i' estate, 'o wit A e " 'ain "t or p ,re"l nf lai d I v ii'gon Ktvt ! large t slrei". extend e. i , !i i t - f. .. , r ! eet in 'a ai I h aid a ' ion t egti'v fi'.e i in i!.,'i, kiio.vii as . irt , .' " in N. !i 1. t I'i'il ml I ! i ,i in- id.- Nun i, !"t. on the ii.ir' i I e. a part of tie !e nie-.teail .isvlgne.i '.' V T H"nn tile, in, the nisi (.', a l'-' o-.vneil tiv Dr .1 inn s 1i K- e ;n o ..ii the south Ov Hargett sTi',.'. neir.g a part of land d- l . '-ed to W T W lm llV W I! Womli e. II T .l-.M-s. heritT Uke couMy. ,1:P. ''I; lo'.ls. :ii,. nf Valiiahk' Insurant:..' I'tiliccs. Wake i.i to- virtue of a i :. ir 'oiii't in a ea il,. . 'I'itleil .lohn T Piiiii'ii. ..r of Marv A. Mor. ,ea,l. i i 1 1 1 i i i -' .! '.-i-i.i. I ,vill on Thnrfday. the Jal ilav of I 1 eemlwr. 1 S'i7 , expose to Mir at I'liMie auction, for rush, the fnllowii.g i!e-,-ribed policies of insur ance, uali the right to pay th" prem iums tlii i-eoii and keep the policies in force lo-u ': Policy No. H7.il of the Marvl.-i'il Life Insurance 'ompanv, i-Mi.'-il Mav t. 171. on the life of YV. K. Davis 'or 5.(KNI. Policy No sii7lof the Ciin'ii'"tii' it Life Insurai Company of Hiirlforil, Connecticut, issued October 111. si;s, on the li e of W K Davis for 10.(lo(i. Also, at same time, anil as a part of the sale of said policies to tie trans ferrer! therewith, one judgment of Wake Superior Court in favor of .1 T t'ulien, administrator, against W K Pavis for 1 . 4 -with interest on JI7.M thereof frlm lith day of February, ls','4. untilopaid, for which piid policies of insurance arexecurity. Tenna cash. John T. Pit.i.kn, A llmi " ist rtor of M A Morellead MOItTUAOK SALiK. I!v virtue of authority conferred in a mortgage executed bv John K1 wards deceased, and recorded in Register's olliee nf Wake countv, N C , I!ook l-'s, pagp 3dt dated Jan. 1st, Is'.Ki 1 will on Monday the 'JSt.h day of Feb . 1"!)8 at the court house diKir in the city of Halei'h. at 12 o'clock M sell to the highest bid der for cash the property described in said mortgage adjoining the lands of V C Glenn. W A Lamb, and oth ers, being; l"t with brick cottage corner of Hloodworth, and Pace streets, conveyed by W C Sfronach to said John Ed wards deceased. At same time and place onp hundred acrps more or less adjoining the lands of Mary Ann Rogers, Stafford Walder, and others more fully ops scribed in mortgage executed to W 0 and A K Stronach bv Duncan Moring dated, March 22nd. 1888. and recorded in Register's office of Wake county, Book 104, page 88, being tract of land on which Jacob Moring formerly resided. W C Stronach, Mortgagee. jan 26 30d dignity. Our line qualities will clear law against paying big prices, but it fo - Oaie Clothing. A WARNING. Ccli Weather Coming ! Coal is a necessity. Now is th Mime to lay in ynursupp'y. P"ca , liontas is the very best high grade ! coal that, can be had. Suitable fol grates, open stoves, cooking pur I poses and for steam is far ahead ol j any other coal on the market. We have any and all ki-ids of coal. We 1 are the old reliable Wood furnishers -short wood, long wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wood, in auy length. Weight in coal, measure in I wood guaranteed. Have you horses, cows, hogs, nr ,u v other live stock to feed? We a uavs keep a fresh supply ami give vou Just What is Suitable I of fresh, palpataole, wholesome food I Don 't forget where to gel any or all I of the above. We are leaders and I can't be undersold We buy in large I quantities, at low prices, and give our customers t he heuelit of our cash . price. ; Telephone -11 for i Ilice , yard tele ' phore. 7 1 . Jones & Powell, Coal. Wood. Ice. I'Yed, Laths mid Shing e Dealers. WAtTF.it A. Pun. i, irs P. C. Smith. Hew Firm. MewGoUds Have just opened at Emery 's old stand, corner of Dawson and Cabar rus s'reets. with a full line of Staple and Fancy eocenes. Sat isf.ist ion given in all sales. A delivery wagon to send all orders to your clout. Prompt attention given, (iive us a ca'l fur your holiday goods and . insure you will he satisfied. Also we have a nice lot of cry pine and oak wood on hand. Wo also receive ft-' sh tish and ovs'ers daily lw PHILLIPS & SMITH. I NOTICK OK SKIZI ItK AN II 1,1 III II,. j "-'.astern District of North Carolina, at Halcigh. United States against one six-horse engine and machinery, two wooden stills, four fermenting tubs, one mash tub, one fan and two packages of whiskey, seized as the property of W. J. Lancaster. To W. J. Lancuster and to all whom it may concern lireeting Notice is hereby tiven that the above mentioned property was seized hy V. M. Simmons, Collector of In ternal Revenue for the Fourth Collec tion District of North Carotin on the fflth day of January. 1SH7, as forfeited to the uses of the I'nited States, for violation of the Internal Hevcnue Laws, ani the snnie Is liliellcd and prosecuted in the Circuit-Court of the United States for condemnation for the can -"a in the said libel of informa tion set )i th: and thai the said causes will star..! for trial at the court room of said a, ,rt, in the city of Kaleigh, on the tirst Monday of December next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the, next clay of jurlsdietiin thereafter, when and where you and all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and judgment accord ingly entered herin, and to intervene for their interest. Given under my hand, at office in Raleigh, this 4th day of October, lMt7. O. J. CARROLL, XT S Mnl at. Hellngiicnt Taxpayers Take Notice. I am compelled to close up thp tax books as speedily as p ssibV, but desiring to avoid rpsorting to harsh measures or attaching penalties and costs, I hope all those who have failed to pay their taxes for 1897 will come at once to my office and pay same on or before February 15th. 1898. After that date I shall codpet as law directs, which will Involve costs. I 1 have granted the fullest indul gence and those not paying by P-b. 15th cannot shift the responsibility upon the law or officers in enforcing the law. February 15th, 18118, is positively the limit of indulgence. If you want to avoid costs or being garnisfaeed, pay up at once. H T Jones, fb!2td .Sheriff Wak countv. SEE THIS! From now on we will keep a full line of roses, carnations and other cut (lowers. Bouquets and floral designs nade up in best stylo at shortest notice. Call on us for palms, ferns, and all kind of plants and bulos. Shade trees and ever greens to order. Plants kept reason able. 6sSC3 J.L.O'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELEPHONE 149. MISS MAGGIE REESE Clearance Sale. WK WILL CLOSE OUT ALL MILLINER Y REG A RD LESS OF COST. Expedilly offer bargain in trimmed quods and infanta cap?: UV fire st'llinqa yiiod fitting cor.se. Sat is fact ion qnaranteed or moneii refunded after tiro weeks trial- Price, 50,75c,$IOO Cape Fear k Yadkin Yalley R'y John Gil.l.. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN KFKKCT J.IN. 22. 1 80s. NORTH noL NII. No. 2. D ui.v. lieave Wilmington - 9 00pm Arrive Fan ueville 1:5.10 " Leave Fayetteville 12:1S " U'ave Fayetteville J unctionl2;" " Leave Sanford 1:48 pm Leave Climax 3:47 " Arrive (ircensboro 4:20 " fjcavl' Oreensboro 4:H0 " Leave Stokesdale f17 " jcave Walnut. Cove 5:47 " Leave Rural Hall.. . :15 " Arrive Mt Airv :4a SOITHBOINII. No. 1. DAILY, Leave Mt Airv Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove. . . . . Leave SUikesdale Arri veGreensboro Leave Greensboro I cave Climax . 8:40 a m .10:04 " .10:33 " ll:0ri " .11:55 " .12:1 p m .12:45 Leave Sanford Ar Favetteville Junction, Arrive Fayetteville.. . Ieave Favetteville. . 2:31! " . 3.55 p m ..4:00 " ..4:10 " ..7:20 " No. 4 Daily. . 8:00 am . 9:02 " ..9:07 " . 9:35 " .10:20 " .10:40 " Arrive Wilmington NORTH BOUND. Leave Bennetsville. .... Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs Uave Hope Mills Arrive Fayetteville SOUTH HOD ND Leave Fayetteville .. Leave Hope Mills. . . . Leave lied Springs . . . Arrive Kaxton LeaveMaxton Arrive Rennettsville . NOHTII BONN l. No. 3 Daily .. 4:50 pin .. ..5:07 " 5 43 " .... 0:11 " .. .0:15 " .... 7:15 " No. 10. mixed. Daily Exc'pt Sunday. . . . 6:40 a m .... 8:30 " 9:17 " 9.35 " 11:07pm .... 11:66 " No 15 mixed Daily Exc'pt Sunday. 12:35 p m .... 1:25 " . . 2:45 " . ... 3:15 " .... 4:25 " ... 6:10 ' Leave Ramseur. . . . Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Stockesdale Arrive Madison . . SOUTH BOUND. Leave Madison . . . Leave StocKesdale . . Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro , . Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur. . . CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and Rowmore Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard Rai'way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nut Cove with Norfolk & Western Railway. J W FRY, W Jt KYLE, Oea'l Managsr. Geu'lPitM Agt. SAL TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEHRUARY 7, '97. south hound. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N. Y. . Pen R R Ml 00am 9 OOpn Lv. Philadelphia" 112pm 1205am Lv Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington. 4 lOpin 430m Lv Richmond . A C L. C. 9 05am Lv. Norfolk. S A L. S.'(0pm 9 05am Lv Portsmouth , " H4riiun 9 20am Lv. Weldon, A r. Henderson, " 11 2Spm 11 55ai. "12.ritiam M39pm Ar. Durham, Lv.Du rham. Ar.liiileigh, Ar. Sanford. Ar.Sou 'n Pines, Ar. Hamlet, Ar.Wadcsboro, A r. Monroe, t732am t4 0!lpm t5 20pm til 10am 21liam :t34,M. 5o:ipm 5.Vipm t 53 pm S 11pm 912pm 3 35am 4 22am ft lC him 5 54am (U3am Ar.Charlotte, " 830am 102" )pir. Ar.Chestcr, ' S10am I0 17pm Lv Polumbia.CNALUK fllllilim Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 9 45;ttn 1210am Ar. Greenwood, " lOHoam 1 07am Ar.Abbcville, " 1 1 05am 1 40am Ar Klberton, " 12 07 pin 241am A r. Athens, " 1 15pm 3 45am A r. Winder. " 1 59pm 4 30am Ar.Atlantafcnt liiiie)2."0pm 52o.un NORTH HOUND. Lv Atlanta, SAL. LvWinder, LvAthcns, " LvKlberton, " LvAbbeville. " LvGrcenwood," LvClinton, No 402. 12lt0pm 240pm 21tii)tn 4 15pm 5 15pm 5 41 pin 6 34pm No. :is 7 50)in 10 42pm 1 1 2t!pm 12 3.!air. 1 lOam 1 09am 3 05am t7 00ain 4 33am S :)0ani ! Ooaio 8 15atn ArColumbiaON&LUR LvChester, S.A.L Sl:i,)m ArCharlotte, LvMonroe, Lvllamlet. M025mi 9 40pm "1123pm ArWilmington " 15 30am 1230pm LvSou 'n Pines LvRaleigh, Arllenderson. ArDurhatn, LvDurhamf 1211am 2Hiani S2Ham t732am 5 20pm 9 2(iam 1 1 35am Oilpm t4 09pm til Kla.n 3 00pm !50ptn 1 1 lOpm 12 48am 3 4aair t! 53am 550pm 6 05pm ArWpldon. 4 55an ArRichmond, ACL S 15am A .Wash 'g PenRR. 1231pm ArRaltimore, " 1 4 "im ArPhiladphia. " 350jmi ArNewYork, " l!23pm ArPortsmouth " ArNorfolk, " 730am 750am Daily. fDaily Kxocpt Sunday, JDailv K.xcept Monday. Nos. 403and 402. "The AtlantaSpe citl, " Solid Vestibulcd Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester. S. C. Nos. 41 and 3S. "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Company sleep prs between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia. Mexico, Chattanooga. Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, Gen. Airt. P Dept. 6 Himball House, Atlanta G l H. s. l.ard, Sal Pass. Agt.. Ha' eigh, N. C. K St. John, Vic. President and Gpiicral Manager. H. W. B Glover, Traffic Manager V E. McBee, General Superinten dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General oflic.es: Portsmouth. Va, Sale of Land. Ry authority of a judgment of the superior court of VVukecoun'y.inade in special roeeedinjs cut itled Anne Sykes and others vs Serapha Ray and others No 801 S P docket, as commissioner nppi luted by the court. I will on Monday, 27th day of December. 189i. at 12 n clock m, at the court house dixir of Wake county Raleigh. N C. sell to the highest bid der for cash a tract ol land in Now Light township. Wuke county, being lot No 6 in the division of the lands of Wiipy Harrison, ilpccased. among his heirs at law. Naid land begins at a black uum on thp spring branch, corner of lot No 5, thence down sid branch to Neuse river, thencp with the river to the mouth of a branch, thence up said branch to a willow, thence south 40 degrees east 70 poles to the Raleigh road, thence south- westalonnsaid road toastake, thence south 05 degrees east 56 poles to the begitinirg, containing nt acres W N Jonks, Com r. no2430d Notieo of Sale. Rv unihoritv of a mnrtcftee from Mc- Clure anil Hales to the Southern Distill inir Comn inv recorded tn Book 144, paire 877 recor.ls of Register of Deeds ottlce for Wake - nunty, I will on Monday 2Xtu of Febrniii 18!t8 at 11 o'clock a. m. at No 2:12 F '-etteville street, Raleigh, N. C, kuowi. .n tne "lionanzn waloon. Bell at public s H ion for cun lo the highest bidder all '" nnr' nitures ri sain place of bnsines , consisting of showcases. partition,!. u lers glass casus, ice box. etc., etc, oi tact all the fixtures and furniture i'i'l "iiing to said Saloon and and deacriin tl in the aforesaid moj'gage. w. a. jokes, A'ty. Ftb 7 80 day..