Speetal Ratal ri Southern Kailway. MARDI IRA8 CARNIVALS. Onaccoutof the above occasion, held at New Orleans, Mobile and Birmingham, February 22d, 1898, the Southern Railway Co. will sell tickets Raleigh, N C to New Orleans Mobile and Birmingham at one fare Tor the round trip, tickets to be sold Feb 1( to 21 inclusive, tfcod to re turn until March 5th, 18118. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. On account of the above occasion, held at Chattanooga, Tenn, Feb 22 and 24, 18!H, the Southern Ry. Co. will sell tickets Rilelt'h, N C, to Chattanooga, Tenn, and return at one fare for the round trip, tickets on sale Feb 2D, 21 and 22, good re turning uutil Feb 28, IK'.IS. I NTK It NATIONAL CONVKNTIOS FIHU'IN MISSIONS. On account of the above occasion, held at Cleveland, O, Feb 2:! to 27, 1MI8, the Southern Ry Co. will sell tickets Ri'einli, N C to Cleveland. O, and return at $1S 10 for the round trip, t'ckets'on siile Feb 2i. 21, 22, good returning March 2. 18'.K r'ISII, OYSTKU, liAMK, I.NIM'STItlAI FA I It. Oil account of the above occasion, held at. Newliern, N C, Feb "-N to March ii. 1S!H. the Southern Ry. Co. will sell tickets Ujleigh to Newliern anil retimi at 1 for (lie round trip, tickets on sale Feb 2(1 to March .'!, inclusive, good to return until Mar, 8. For Turllier information call on or write Thad C Sturgis, ticket ag't. Sp. cial Kiitcsia NeohonrJ Air Line s' ATIONW, Kill i ATloSAI. ASSOCIATION (In account of the above occasion the S. A. Ij. will sell round trip tickets from all stations to Chatta nooga. Tenn , at rate of one first c'ass fare for round trip. Tickets to be sold February 21 and 22, with linn! limit February 2li, I MIS. m I ; I I ii; A On aei'ouiit el II. e allove occasioe, held at New t !' u,s. !'., Feliruary 22, Islls, the.S A I,. wi, sell round trip tickets bum l!.i!'i;.'h to N"w I r leans, li . fur 2." ."Ml 'or tlx- r.mnil trip TU'Ut-is in I '! F. ru.tr v lli lo21 inehisie, ,'i- li'.a' nihil M ircb ."), lS'.IS. inti.i:na tionai. nim" "i ,:. KINHS m'ieN. On account of tie ,i I i. ve i ci-h , i, he d at Clevelaml, hio, Fel ni.iry 2.'l, to 27, lXK. the S A I. v. i,l seil rouid lil;; tiek'-ls from R.eiiito C.ei i,.iii), HI in. n.. '!' la. Tickets In !! s.eil l'i iii ii.n v 20, z and 22, with liual limit .M.tieh 2, 1 S!IS. For further information in regard In schedules ami rates cad on ihe uii'lersVm il II S Lend, '!' 1 ; W C Kimball. 1) T . . . I' Sii.ii ii, T A: Raleigh N. Fell 18 lo i III, II - .,1.1 in I Mil- Hay. T.iV 1. 1 .ve -u.ii.) ta nnine T ,,,.,.(, ! d r'lggisls re'umi lie e iii.-v ii i ' i io-. to cure. 2."e. The t'.-i, ii.is I, 15 i) on each tablt t. Ll jK I Of tIC .llll' . (, i'e Si. It HI o.iv eM'liillg the COio ner's jnr iutli.- case of the death of the c. lor, d child, lien Howard, brought in a v -rdiet ill it. the obi let came lo i's deal b liy falling out. i f tlu cradie T;i- verdict exonerates the girl. f,-liu Siiiolh, and she wis dismissed ftvin custody. The girl cl i;m d all the I one that her brother had i-o. kcd 'he baby out jf the cradle n ot Ilia' in f-'lling it had slrucii rs head aeainsl a 1. Tl e bre-her i n the nt her hand laid the blame on his sister by charging her with using a stick of wood on the baby'.s head Winston Journal Impure III.M.J in Sprfnu. This ,s the almost imiverpal ex pei ienee. Diminished erspira'inn dii'i:,g wii.t'-r, ricii foods and clo-e eoiilini hi ',' indoors are some if the cans,-. A ,.o.mI spring nc dicinc, liiie I loo.i 's S.irsapari la, is al)nluti -1 y iirc. ssirv to purify th blood ani put tin- si. in ' i . a hea.t hy ondil.ioii at. this se isen Hood's I'i ls are .he best family eatiiariic ami liver Ionic Gentle, reli ,ble, sure I'ree ol' charge to Sufferers. Cut tills nut and lake it to your drueg si and oet a sam; le bottle free ol Dr King's New Discovery, for cousi;mili.ni and co'ds. They do not ask you id buv before trying This will si. a you the great, merits of this trinv ivciinierful remedy, and show ivii what can be accomplished by the iceuhii- size bottle. This is no ex p-riineiit . and would be disas trous ;n tic proprietors, did they noi km'.-v it ( ii variably cure Many f the ties, physicansare now using il in their pnieiice with great results, and a.e re yingon it, in most, severe cases It. is guaraiileed Tria bottle free a; auv drug slore. Regubir size Till cents Hid II 00 Mm. Union or Fil m. Notice is I "rebv given that the firm, couipi se I of L 1' Sorrell and J T Holloway, ha- been dissolved by mutual consent, and J T Holloway is auu oriz'-d m receive all payments due the firm and he will also pav ary iudebtednui the firm owes. L F SOBRELL. Raleigh, Feb 5, 1898, tf SCROFULA It is Foul Blood's Advertise ment But It is Soon Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilia. Yes, Scrofula, it anything, may liecnlled tho advertisement of foal tiiood. Il in Iho ecourgeof the world offeusivc. painful, debilitating, stubborn aaJ well nigh unendurable. Outward applications do not cure, they only drive the difficulty to new quarters. Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. Thero h bet one euro way out, and that is lo elimimUo tbo taint from the blood. There is one rt nicdy I iiat can effect this, and it is the only one that, so fur as wo know, has almoM imarLbly succeeded even w here the system hail been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages lo be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Head this: "My daughter was nl'.liited with im pure blood. There were running Bores all over her body and they caused hi r much suffering. We tried medicines taut wcro recommended as blood jiurillers, but could not see that they did any Rood. A friend told me about Hood's Harsapa rillaand I began giving the girl this med icine. The result was t hat she w as per fectly cured after taking a few hollies. She has had no symptoms of scrofula, sores since that time." M All! TTTA il. Smith, South Middleboro, Ma:is. Hood i Sarsa- pariila Is the best -in f:n't the Our Tnip lt I'ur.ih r. Insist lipdii l'p ; liikft lit) Siil'Sl:Lil1'. hood's Pills ;-t liiiriiKniiDii -1, '. ;ih Hr. Vm. La Blanche, I'irtoriul Siyn ami Frexvo rainier. Artistic Interior Decorations and Land Scape Work a Specialty. Will b'i ead ,to dinw samples to those intere-led Calls .-ft at Mr. Heed's boarding hou.-i: West Martin strict I !; Ihcf I i't . cars M rs. Winsiow 's So, ,1 liing Syrup h:s been used for over lil'iy e.trs bv millions of mot hers tor their chil dren while leething. w--th perfect success. 1 1 sooth' s ' iic cli:'d. softens lie emus, ali.ivs all p .in. cures wind colic, and is the. besl remedy for drrhn-s It w'ill relieve the ,o, r .ilt'e sulVcrcr i miuediate! v . Sold 1 v ill draogits i" every part of the w.irhl. 'Ja cel.'-. a. Iiotti- l'.e sine l Mil asi, fir "Mrs. Wmslow "s So 0 ', i n g S c r ii t . " in lake no oliicr . ,1 Sale of I mi. I. I ' ude " I'd 1 r virt lie of t be pro vision nl . i ee- iaiu niorlgaoe li.-eii. execute I ley K V Iia e,l ai I 1 1 1 a II 1 1 I 15'lL'Wldl. h:s wife. ;n: ' I. .1. H.lgWeM. ie, th. l'lh i'. h f I" ceinber. 1 SS!I, which .;.id nion c e is dill v r. corded in the lie'.' i-'rr of Deed's i, lliee, of W :ik eouiitv. in book 1 10. at ti ige :!!-'. 1 will n Mo,,.a. lie 'JSih d.iv of I". brnarv. ISIIS. at I "J o el ick noon, a' I I e Con M House .1-nr. in the citvof Ha eigh, oiler f-.r -ale to Ihe highest Ii ,ld. r for ci-h. a certain tract or parcel of lo d. Ivim.' and being in Iheeo oi' v if 'Vake. said State, aiij ei.iug lam's of A. H. Andrews (now C A liooilu in). W D. Williiims and ti e ('Impel Hill road, and bounded and de-eribed as follows : lieeiiiiiing at a large white eak en the north side of the flian d lli'l road, runs north 10 1 '' degrees M';t 1 poles to a si ike, thence norlti hT degrees, west 1 poles to a s' ike and pointers on a small branch, thence S I! degrees we t lo'l poles to a slake in the eenlr- of the o'.l rthapel Hdl road, V D WiMlams' corner, thence with the old road 57 1 2 poles to a stake, W D iVil iiams' corner, thence with said Wil liams' line south, two degrees west :?l poles lo the centre of the X 0 railroad, tlc'iiee with said r.i liii.ul 11 poles, thence L' 1 "2 de -roe- e;,-i. 12 1 a poles to a stake on the sou'h side of the Chapel Hill road, thence south ii!l degrees, west la 1 2 p 'o the beginning, containing S.'i acres. A I! A Ninmvs. Mill lilL'I'l' This 25th davnf January, 1S!W. A li Andrews, Jr. attorney. Thsy Offer $100 I'ornny Case of Nervous or ScmiiiI Wcuh ncss in llcn they 'Preat mid fail to Cure. fake cure, but a scientific treat ment administered by physicians in good standing, and specialists in their line. The Mute Medical Company cuies Lost Vitality, Nervous and Sex ual Weakness, and restores life force in old and young men. They will guaran-(,-e to cure you or forfeit $1011 should they fail, where their medicines are taken icrording to directions. NO money hkqitihed in ahvancr. Deposit the money with your banker to be paid to them when you are cured not before. The State Medical Com pany is an incorporated company with a capital slock of $.",0,000. and their guarantee is worth M0 cents on the doM.-ir. Their treatment is tru'y a MA'ilCAIj TKKATMKNT. nnd may be taken nt home under their directions, or thev will pay railroad fare and hotel bills tii al who ptefer to go to hindquar ters, if they fail to cure. This Com pany does not supply nnythinir free; they ehnrce a reasonable price if they effect a cure, and nothinir if they don"t, and they will tell you exactly what it w ill est before you take it. Full information on request. Write today. STATE MEDICAL GO. OMAHA, NEK. Suite 644 Ramge Blk. A LARGE STOCK OF Goods Arc receiving a well selected line of Fur niture which they will sell at sacrifice prices; fancy Kockers of every description. Don't fail to see them. Centre tables in endless variety. The prettiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in Raleigh; wardrobes-plain and fancy oak, cherry and walnut. A beautiful line of Sideboards from 87 up. A beautiful cxtention table, 6 feet long, for 83.98. A $30.00 Fancy Leather Couch now for 820. A few Fancy Oorduroy Couches which we sold from 10 to 815, we will now sell from fi to 10, slightly damaged in transportation. Single and Bed Lounges will share the same fate. Yours for business, Thomas !l ami 12 Kast Martin 1898. THE SUN 1898. HALTIMdUi:, MO. paper of the people, for p "P anil Willi Hie people. Ibine-t in motive. Fearless i-i Kxpressiini. Sound in prin- I' Uusvvurvinir m us al- lan e In rieiit theories and hi practices. ii Sun publishes all the news all tune, but, it dues mil allow its tn a-. In be deorailcil bv unclean. :ir.lnr purciv sensational inat- :ntci ir. 'i r l'.,lii(irially, The .Mm is llie con s'sienl and iinchaiiein champion anil 1. fender of popular riohts and interests syiiinst political machines anil tiiouop ilies of every character. I nilep "lul.-nt in all things, extreme in p.. i e. It is for eood laws, ouod onvr. moot ami omul order. i't mail Fifty Cents a month. Six )n i.. i.-. a year. 'I'm; li.M.TiMuiii: Wkkki.y Si-n. ( ne di !ar a year. 1 ml ucements to ec'tcr.--u.i of eluhs for ihe Weekly Sun Ho' h the Dailey and Weekly Sun maied frc of poslaee '.n tiie I'nited States, Canada and Mexico, l'a menls iuvaiial.lv iuHdva.iiee. Address. A S A HKIyL COMI'ANY, I'ublishiTs and I'roprielors. Baitimouk, Mu. Sale of Land lly virtue of a certain mortjrafre Iced executed to me by Win. M. Ma in on y and wife, M F. Mahoney, and ( has. II. Clarke and wife, M. A. I'larke, and retristered in llie i llleeof lleyit. r of Heeds of Wake county, N. ','., in book .Mi, p ,'i-i-l, I will sell to tin; lielicsi bidder b publie auction, at tile Court, House in the city of r rgh, hi the .'Id dayof January. A. I).. 1898, at 12 o'clock M.. the property described in naid mortt'ae, to-wit: A tract of land in Wake county, be-rinninsr at the North Carolina ltailroad in Carl voii'b line, thence with his line S. 8 polos to Murr.y'8 cornel' in the I 'Impel Hill road, thence with said road N IS degrees, 10 minutes. W. 44 poles to a etake near the edge of the lane, thence S. ".0 decrees, W. to a siakc near an ash on the side of Reedy Hranch near its junc.t.on with Walnij(p Cnek Murry's corner thence up said branch S 2 decrees, ".V 30 poles, th;nce S tin degrees, W t'O poles, thence W m polls, thence S 2 degrees, W :! poles to a post oak.Weniey Jones' corner, theuee N 100 poles to a stake and pointers, tioodwiu's corner, thence E oil poles to a pine, A. Morris' cor ner, thence ls poles to a siaKe and poin'i is, said Morris' corner, thence K HS poles tii a rock, said Morris1 corner, thence N ,'li poles to the rail road line, thence with said lint of road to the beginning, containing 300 acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. W. I) UrcHURCH, Mortgagee. M N Amis, At. nrnev :ttl cjav WANTED upright and faithnfl gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established bousa in North Jarolina. Monthly $K5.00and expenses. Position steady. Refer ence. Enclose self-addressed stam ped envelope. The Dominion Com pany, Dept. K.,. Chicago. at Cost. CAMPBELL Street. Pbone !t)l C. SomBfhing New in Raleigh. Nicl"'l (ilatintr, brass polishini; and laeijiierino Special attention paid to rerewinp; old chandeleers, etc. 1 also have the besl fitted bi cycle repair shop in the stale. All work ouaranteed. I'riees lower Ibar. Ihe lowest. Work called for and delivered. J.vmks M. Uisimp, No, -Jlfi, Fa.vetteville. St. AlO.ik City Sieam fyaui dry. Notice of snle. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from William Kl ierbe and wife to Ihe undesigned recorded in b ink l'JT, pae;,. :;.'ii;. I will o i U'edi esday lllh day of February. 1!X at l'i o'clock ill .expose to sale at puolie aucM.in at ihe con t house iior of Wake ciiiin'y. a l eruun in: or parcel of land Iviiigand bein in the vil Uioe of Otiei ii, , eounly of Wake near aleigh, hounded nno ih seiibcd as fo lows, to wil: l!v a line t t;inning on Ihe Soulli s de of K.air sireet or the line of Haniel Marlin s Kit run nina thence south 101 feel tn "iirner of lot known ns the Hrvan Fort. lot. thence east ll'O feet to '.he lot of John F Flag (formerly) thence north 101 feet to Flair street, thence alono the south side of said street west 120 feet to the hegicningcontainintr one hall (1-2) acre, more or less, and being i he lot of land cuivved lo the uiidersioned by said deed. Terms of su le cash. j..7:til t it T tin.vv. Trustee. Trustee's Sale of blind. Cnder and by virtue of the powers contained in a deed ot trust executed by V. I'. Will ams and wife to the un dersigned and recorded in Hook 110 page 4;i;i. Ueaister of Heeds ollice for Wake county, 1 will, on Thursday, the .'(till day of December, 1-W", expose to sale at publie auction, for cash, that certain tract of land in St Matthew's Township, adjoining the lands of S. C. Co ley, James VIooreand Sidney Hart in it in others, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: By a line beginning at the southwest corner of the tract of land conveyed to feidney Hartin by E. II stamps et al. by deeo recorded in Book 110, at page 242 f the Register of Deeds olii : of Wke county; running thence south, 3 west, 4H poles to .. stake on the north side of a hranch m ar Its mouth on the north side of Orabtroe creek near a beach pointer; thance down and with the said Crahtree ere"k to a white oak, James Moore's corner; thence with his line north SoJ east, 12.3:1 chains to a pine: thence north 1 east. 2. MB chains to a pine; thenc" north 4.) J east, I1.H5 chains to a pine; then 'e north 4 east, 4.1H chains to a stake; thence south 84 east, 4 55 chains to a pine; thence north 121 east, 5 DO chains to a pine; thence south 8HJ east, 5.25 chains to said Moore's northeast corner; thence north 21 east, about 124 poies to said Sidney Partin'g southeast corn, r; thence with his line westward to th-t beginning, containing 130 acres more or less. Tarma cash. R. H. Battle," Cor. 29, 18W7. Trurte. Campbell FARMERS' SUPF'LIES! B. I R B V, DEALER IN f Agricultural It'nliliiin fl'iPMiill nfifk' IW nml PlJ.r'il 171 II Ml (Hill Ul U , , lltU UlIU 111 iJiitu 5" U1CYCLFS, HARDWARE, STANDARD SEWING .MACHINES, g RALEIGH, KLONDIKE! Don't go there unless you are well supplied i:h Simpson's Liver Pills ! You are more than likely lo be troubled with Nitsal Catarrh if yoa don't use Simpson's Ointment, which is a sure cure. OVER $100,000,000 Annually Earned by Opera tives of the Remington Standard Typewriter. ,m.s think of it ! More than the GOLD RESERVE Ob THE UNITED STATES The "Reminyton does the writing of the icorld. Typewriters, Ribbons and (leneral Supplies. T. B. HEARTT, Agt., AW 13-tf I have used iso s P for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling" like hot cakes. puree 'T CfJRZroHGrtvnrriOH'r25S North Carolina THICK. SIIOR T-S TEM COLL ARD SEED ;rown. put up and warranted by J.K.MOORE, Raleigh, N. C. If v.1.1 plant a garden in '!)S you eannot ulni-d to sow any other va riety, as the are thoroughly re liable. For sale by Henry T. Hicks, Cor Fayetteville and Morgan sts Large Loans On life insurance polities in Htand art' English and American Companies. Ten per cent more 'han the compan ies themselves loan on the same poli cies At lower rates. Write or enquire of Phili" Williams Avirctt, investing agent, Knglish American Loan and Trust Co., Citi zens' National Pank Building. Ilal elgn, N. C. TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doctors and patterns In need of Nurses' services can get full informa tion at McKimmon's Drug Store, Raleigh. N. C. 'ep24 tie Dew lefev. Are vou bright and ciever f If so, you hav pli.ilj"of iiie.ua of your own, also sense fHou(rh jo KrP good new nea when offf pd. What lo ou think of a i coii.mn Iiistratt Monllily Pa p,T, each issue conuUu..4ra Vieoof Music. Vocal r Instrumental, Lrtlest raliio... Good Stortea, Ilniiimtlc Newaand rrtraltgof I'rettv ActmM, Household, Toilet and PancT Work Hints, all for IB cent a year postpaid f Bemfi too goo.1 to lie true, l.ut we i;lre you exactl what we advertise BuuU lis ceuteAnd see for youraeif. THE NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, New York Clt agento wanted. Liberal oommlnaloa paid. NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. "he handsomest muafcnf and fashion Journal h A merioa, full sheet music aiae, S . and hand m.ine cover, oontaininir f roin ten to twelve pieces ..1 vooal or Instrumental musio, besides four of Ave portraka of leadlna; actresses. Bubacriptlon hy tun year, $I.Su, sample copy, 10 eta. AUillaM Taa IBW TORI MfWCU. BCH G., .Braadwxr Tkaaara BalMtna, Hew Ym WMWMM. MM o Implements, CO c N. C. R A LEI mi, N. a cure GUSTAV FALK, Druggist, Winton Place, Ohio. August 31, 1897 Metropolitan Opera House. ALL WEEK NIGHTS. 25c. 35c. 50c. 31 1 1 in res 1 1 'cilnesda y and Saturday QSc SUSIE KIRWIN. Wilbur Opera Go Tuesday Mascot te. Wednosdav Matinee Said Pasha. Wednesday G nolle Gerofla. Thursday I ra 1 )ra volo. Friday Bohemian Girl. Saturday M ainee Queen's Lace I landkerchief. Saturday Two Vagabonds. MARY'S LITTI-E LAMB became fnniou? throtish its pranks at school. The lsmbs we deal in are equal ly (anions, but more fur their good taste than scholarly habits. All our meats are rich in flavor, tender and contain the maximum quantity of nourishing juices Our efforts on be half of our customers are directed to wards giving them the best meats at the lowest prices Send your orders for what you want in meals and green gro eerie. We hare it Cintkal Mk 't 4 Cold Storage Co. - - 122 Fayetteville street. For Housekeep BIS. We take pleasure in offering a very fine line of seasonable goods, such as PURE FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jams in fancy patent glass jars or by pound. Atmore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NEW prepared Buckwheat, with pnre sap maple eyrup in quart or i gallon cans. NEW CROP Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, etc , Olives, Olion Oil, Cutsups and Sauces of finest quality, CANNED GOODS in endless variety from 'best packeri WE believe we have the best Flour on the market. Htv you tried it? Our famous "MELROSE" brand. EVERYTHING purchased of us is guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Orders filled carefully and delivered with dispatch. J. D. TURNER, ""eleuhone 1? Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administrator o the estate of Wm E Manley, de ceased, late of Wake County, N. C, h s is to notify all persons holding e aims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned at his office in Raleigh, on or before the 12th day of November, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C Marcom, adm'r. Argo & Snow, att'ys. For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the "oaks." Nine rooms, bath room, large garret etc. One of the handsomest and most convenient inside finished houses in Raleigh, No. 52G N. Blount street. For particulars apply to, or address, C"H iWm T Habdino, octh'-tfg.Park Place, Blount St., city. IS St PATENTABLE? Send Sketch, description and $5.00 for exam ination and GUARANTEED report, l'rintcii iuformatiou about PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS. DESIGNS nd business before the l'atent Office FREE. EUGENE W. JOHNSON. Attorney, Established iRdR Warder Building, Opposite l'atent Office, Washington, I). C SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1 806. Trains Leave Raleigh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 3,40 p, m. Dally, Solid vtstl billed train wl sleeper from Norfolk to hattaoooa via. sail bury, MorRauton, Astieville, not springs an Knoivllle. Connects at Durham fo. Oxford. ClarksYlll and Keysvtlle, ex.ctpt Sunday. At Greens tioro with the Washington and South western Vestii tiled (Limited), train for points North, and with main line train No. for DauvtUe. Richmond and Intermediate loca stations; also hs connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 36, ' united state Fast Mall" for Charlotte BpartanbHrK Green, v , Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Ooluai. Ma Augusta Charleston. Savannah. Jacitson Title and at) points in Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with wieeplnn Car for Autnista. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:4s A. n. Dally solid train onslstln Pullman sleeping cars and coaches from Oh tanoopa 10 Norfolk arrlvinR Norfolk 8:00 p In time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners' Ni rfolk and Wahs tntfton and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich mond S 8 Go's for all polntfnorth and east. Oon sects at Melma for Kayettevllle and In termedlate station on the Wilson and P pttevllle Short Cut daily, except sunday fo vew ern and Morehead nty daily for Golds horo. and Wllmtuetou and Intermediate sta tlonson the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. n-53 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford. Keysvill"' Ri hmopd; at Greenshor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:0 P. n. Dally-Kor GoIdslKirn and Inter Mediate stations Local 4ccommodntton. a:00 A. M. Conm-cts a( reeuslK)ro for al 0 lots for North and Hotith and u instou-Salem nnd points on The Northwestern North Carol in Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points In West tii North arolina Knoivllle Term , Ctncln natl and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spai ranburg. Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Kaletjrh. N. C: Express Train. j:40P. M. Dally Prom Atlsnra, Charlotie Greensboro and all points South No -folk and Chattancogu Limited J:0P M DaIN Prom a' ptlnw east Niw 'lif TarlnT.. Wus, hi Hnn water lint. Prom Goldsb,jo V'llminm. Payet evlll tnd all points in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and ChattanooKR l-'mled. 11 48 A n. Dally Prom New York, WhaMu. on Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, t-4 anooga Knoxville Hot springs and AaheH. Express Train 8,53 a. n. Dally From ooldsboro and tntt medlate stations. Local. 7:20 A. II. Dally Prom Greensboro and a points N'irth and South. Sleeptug Car GreenstNiro to KAligh. 9:00 p m Daily exc pi Sunday Prom OoMo, boro and al) points Kast. Local freight tral js also carry passengen. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh w Greensboro Through Pullman vestibul d Draw 00 Buffet steeping Car and Vestlbuled coach without change on Norfolk limit d, txubie dailji trains between KAtelgn, Guar 'of e and Atlanta. Quick tltue; uiibACulie4 ai oommodatloD. W. U. GRKKN, W. A. TURK ii"Um' Ulrlnttllei V ouuwwu, D c'i