THE PRESS-VISITOR, ALEIRH, If. C. WILLIS G. BBIGGS . . City Editor TUESDAY February 1. TWO QUARANTINED. An Epldemto of Smallpox is Sow Feared at Salisbury As mentioned Saturday a negro who had small pox stayed one night recently at a camp in this county on the Mocksville-Mooresville road. The next moning he discovered that the disease had broken out on him and he set out for Charlotte without telling any one his troubles. But he soon got down and is now one of the small pox patients near Charlotte- When the fact that the camp had entertained a victim of small pox became known there was general alarm. The sick negro had stayed in a house with two men the night before be broke out The county health superintend ent, Dr. John Whitehead, derided to take prompt action against the spead of the oisease in Rowan, so yesterday he went tj the camp, ac companied by Drs. and Brown. The doctors vaccinated about thirty people all thev couid find about the camp, both white and colored. The two negroes who were expos ed to the disease by sleeping in the house with the sick man, wt-re ordered to stay in a house to them selves, and guards were sent up to -day to remain with them. Dr. Whitehead says there is irreat danger now of the disease reaching Salisbury aDd he urges everybody to vaccinate. Salisbury Sun. To Cure a Cold in One lav Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tli. money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tin genuine has L BQ on each tablet. bothered by Ice. By Telegraph tothe Press-Visitor. Milwaukee, Feb 15. Kor the first time this witter ice bothered boats in crossing Lake Michigan. Several steamers are last in ice floes, also the ferry boat, Shenango, which left here Saturday night. Supreme Court. Appeals from second district were disposed of as follows today: Gooch vs Boone, motion of defend ant to docket and dismiss the plain tiff's appeal allowed. State vs Pegram, appeal dismissed by consent. State vs Ballard, argued by attor ney general for the state, no counsel contra. State vs Shields, certiorari on !e balf of defendant. Vick vs Baker, argued by W W Peebles & Son for plainti'T and R H Peebles for defendant. Johnston vs Williams, remanded Tor judgment of the court below Montomery, J. did not sit in this case). Staton vs Wimberly, argued by Staton & Johnston for plaintiff Bridgers, rattle i Mordecai for defendant. Wright vs Railroad, argu d by I! B Peebles for plaintiff: MacRae & Day and W W Peebles .v Son for defendant. Appeals from the 3rd district will be called Tuesday, Feb. 22, as fol lows: State Vs Barnes: Sugg vs Bernard: Wilson vs Bank: James vs Lumber Co.; Morris vs Railroad; Tucker vs Satterthwaite; McCJowau vs McGowai, two cases; Rawlings vs Neal. If you are not feeling well, whv don't you take Hood 's Sarsaparilla ? It will purify and enrich your blood and do vou wonderful good DOBBIN FERRALL. 123 and 125 Fayette vi lie St. AT TUCKERS' STORE SELLING OCT THE W, II. & R. S. TUCKER d CO. STOCK in the next few days'. There's many a big harguin yours for the seekuig at prices never to be had again. Come and see us. DOBBIN & FEE R ALL. TarbeU's Cheese 12c at J W San derford s. 'Phone 18-iC. E Har gett street. Best Jellies, all .kinds, pound at J W Sanderford s. 1840. E Hargett street. 5c per Phone Picnic Hams, 7c, at J W Sander ford's. 'Phone 184C. E Hargett street. Four Year Old Apple Vinegar, 20c per (rallon, at J W Sanderford s. Phone 184C. E Hargett street. Dried Apples 6c per pound, at J W Sanderford's. 'Phoue 184C. E Hargett street. J W Sanderford makes a special on hay, bran and chops. 'Phone 1840, X Hargatt street. The Coming Woman. Who goes to the club while her hus band tends the baby, as well as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sl eplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonder ful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters. Thousands of suger ers from lame back and weak kid neys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Dervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electric Bitter. Delicate wo men should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50c per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Found. A bunch of keys on North Jones street. Owner can get same bv ap plying at this office, paying for this notice. feb 1 tf Furniture for Sale A good new set of antique oak furniture for sale cheap. Apply at this office. tf 1 ound. A lady's pocket book on Hillsboro street; for information apply at this office. Auction. Auction. lieirinniiii; with tonight we will sell at auction tlie entire stock of Tinware, Hardware, Funikurc. Notions, etc.. Sale to continued from niidil to night Until stock is disposed of. fib ti tf C. II. Bf.nik A Co. (iood ireen Coffee 10c per pound at ,1 V Sanderford's. 'Phone 1S4C. K Hargett street lirst tat'le Peach, liV per can, at. J W Sanderford's. 'Phone 1S-4C. K Haroett street. liill.tloil Best Heart Shingles sawed or drawn. 200 bv. best Peas known. toiod line country produce from the N C mountains, all fresh ami good. A few elegant and nice rooms for rei't in residence all furnished. r. II A cams & Son. IVM2 lit i4rmiTTTTTTTTTnTTTTmtTmTTnfTmmTTTnTTif c 3 t l 'APPROACHED POPULARITY a t c c t c BICYCLES e - t t C For MEN e AND LADIES. c c e t e e t CRESCENTS 1 $30 35 $50 RAMBLERS $50 t t $60 3 E Cuksi kst and IUmih.f.k Hi- 3 P r ... i ..i. . . . i : ... i . . t made at any price. e c e c c t s c c c c T. 11. Brigjrs & Sons, a C RALFKiH. N. C, t . .. 3! UUUU UilUUUUUtiUUliUUUilllUUUllKt . . Hot ami Cold Drinks Served Dailv at ... Hot CliocalKte. Cold Coca Cola, Hot Coffee, ( old Lemon Phosphate. Hot lieef Tea. Cold Orange Phos plmte. Hot Clam riouilh.ui. Cold Cherry I'liospliate. ilot Tomatto Bouillon Cold Milk Snakes. Huyler's Candy Fresh Every Day. II". E. JONES I Weather forecast : Fair tonight and Wednesday Popular Fountain Special Bargains for You - AT THt BIG 2,000 Plaids Cheap at 5c, our price, long as they last, 4c the yard. Fifty rolls table oil cloth, beautiful patterns extra; also white and marble quality, worth 85c, our price to you 18c the yard. Good quality yard-wide unbleached domestic 4Jc the yard. Extra heavy A. A. A. domestic, wortn 6c, our price 8c the yard. Best quality Sea Island yard-wide domestic nice aud smooth worth 8 l-3c, our pr ce 7c the yard. Good mattress ticking 8c; extra good 10c, and lots of great bargains at the Big Store. W. E. JONES. f t 4 t J t One of The Sights in the city is our store. It is T worth your time to see it, also our Novelties, etcr You might findjj something to take home with you t H. MAHLER'S SONS, t Jewelers and Opticians 4 f No charge for examination off 4 eyes. I f I i Something Nice. Kerri Hams. Springfield Hairo. wiuier currl. Minittilleld, Vs.. Hams. Large invoit'es of tlie alttive goods have just been received and arc offer ed for vour selection. New Roe Herrinirs in bam Is and half barrels. New Shad Moo in kits. We have something particularly- ap petizing in our StutTed Swvet Mangti t'iekle, and ihe famous Kalamazoo Celery I'iekie. They are both mviii arrivals and are worthy a trial. Ful". line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Cilass. Our Mocha ami Java Coffee- is the best that can be produced at an price. Try it. 04? 00 TIIOS. PESCUD, rPll (Jroeer. Gome Boys, Boys We are after you with a full line of Sleighs at .'"c, flic and Uliaf is mure spurt than tuscr hoys and girls out sleighin.g Men Folks! Men Folks! TIV are hulking for you n itli a full line of Hiihher shoes, ,i'Vr. '-)c and tl!'C. llnliher Coats, .' to Wi.oi). Ladies send us your order. We trill send your Ruhher slim s to your house ",c to ,Vc. Full stock of Rtdilier? for j Misses ana I iniaren. Now is the time for Blank Is. Quilts, Pillows and Lap Bolu s. We hare all you want at LYON RACKET STORE 16 East Martin Street. JONES. For Tuesday, 15, ISO's Fell - STORE. Yards Homspun and Checks... Interested in Low Prices! Most everv body is. There's a daily assembling of Kaleigh's wide awake buyers at Higgs'. Undoubtable reason for it the attractiveness 0 the merchanclise, the prices, the methods, the store. The New Organdies. The wonderful success in selling French organdies in February Controlled styles-t'u'V have .-real id a sensation Organdie Liuiiigs to match--also the Kibhoii-.. I . splay centre of stoi c New Spring Sailors. We have just placed on sale six for early spring the sMi.dard is new IVci Special 'n Hnmls Sil!- ' in,! that II' Inli ! I ii ml i cii s. TWKNTV-FlVi: Cl'.NTS This week we intcd to give vou more of those Ml n.cti .i.i i! suit irgs that were so s.a-cessful las! week. The new p.mis s!;os are very pretty for skirts ,u. d r w H ne hi i possible to d u pi . a' e t i. i pur. i'.i-e this season-- we wv-i ,e i -.c v . 'U to conn: early. THIUTY-NINK ( liN I'-s. pl inch all wo..' -. lit :n;' su.-li a servicei.i .!, l r . e Toi. li' Noil' I : .eg: alii. TF.N CF.NTS, J i j t received '' " . lie Noir liini no .v on s;ile. '!"! ' ....oils List wi v . -a it shn s that 1 1 ' t i i ug'i..:ns for i: .. -' ItV piece: ,s of these .' ! lot i s. a ml ..ppvove of AN INC1 HKN'T ! N s1 1 1 i ; I' sd'll.l I Ml Ma.! ras l!o . :. .rts for men not such sliirn- .!-. ' cry man wants i hit if il- I 'n of. : ! T which he'd ii-ua:ly pav r .. . .ioiiars. We found a maker ' 1 an overplus; and the shirits , -. i.s to sell at ;ust ha f price. CI Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. And secure the best laundry work pos sible. J. K. MARSHALL. PKOPP.IKTOli N t W MACH I NE SHOP. I'.UJ I 1 ' 1 1 I Willi I.ATKST ImI'KOVKU . . . M u mi i am) Tools . . . P. 0. 0. Machine Company, .'ii-1 S. Salisbury St.. Raleigh. PRACTICAL MACHINISTS & ENGINEERS. Wr i t'! our own wrk :tmi know i( is dune riirht. Our prices are ii:r .ii if l.u i i"ii niur.iuU'fd. Strain and i:a en trine, b ilers mid I .in; -. mil!-, )i!tni:-; v ;ulry- and -hailing, pipe and pipe 'tit - ! 1 ii STEAM AKD HOT WATER HEATING I- I.ininir Metal. Repair Work a Specialty. II. (j. DEWEY, Si I'KKINTKNllHNT. A. B. STRONACH. February Items for Our s':iiino;s unil values "are as of today," and for this sea son s pun 1i.ims. The (ualityaml (lianlily of our stock, and our strong pur pnsr to always (tiote llio Lowest Prices on ojir merchandise lias made our tore the best retail store in tlie city. New and Beautiful Lines of Embroideries, Laces and White Goods, in an assortment unequalled for exquisite designs and patterns. New India Linons, new plaid and stripe Nainsook, new Or gandies and Persian Lawns, long Cloths, Cambric, &c. -New Table Linens, Towls, Napkins, Sheeting and S :.rting Muslins, all widths and the best standard makes. Sheets, pillow and bolster cases, all sizes and qualities Plain and checked linen, Russian, German and toilet trasl.cs. Plain and embroideried white Flannels. Liberty Silks, in black, white and cream. The new things in Ladies' Leather Belts. The new things in Centenieri Kid Gloves, $1.50 pair. The new things in Cluze Thumb Kid Gloves, 76c to $1.25. Advance showing in new spring Dress Goods, Watsh Fabrics and Waist Silks. A. B. STRONACH, Ladies' Dry GoocT Store. c.sos of new sailors in solid colors .- it.i'Vei'c.l lit is the price. KOI; TV N I N K CKNTS. From li e neatest little checks to theiasiv p'auls, with seperatei'ull; they have split ueck bands, in fact, through and through they areas good a dollar shirt as we know of A.I siz 's in full supply. SASH MliUOXS- Al.L TIIK NKW SHADK.S Pain TatT'ta. Moire Taffeta, Do'i liie Fact d Satin, Peau de Soee and l' in a l the new shades. Pl.MTI-n Id liKHTY SINKS' I For ti iui'ii i gs all shades very V V ldl .,.'. I A IIF.I.T SALK. j L'." .1 'ii I.idies' Fine li'.atlier It.. . i: ; y one of a kind from l,"c o " prices half the usual all SPF.Cl.U.. a di v. 'ii children's tain O 'Shunters In in 2'ic to allc now lilc. M I FI.1NKKY DKPAKT.M KNT. T do.." 1 1 Windsors from l.'ic to 2ac - mostly solid colors now Pic. TIIK FK3UUAKV SHOKSAKK Three hundred and forty four wo men's tl Oil and fii HO shoes will be sold his week at 1 fill. Tl ese goods are from our regular stock and comprise the entire line. I .tlmate. and Plans Furnished W ithout Coal. Careful Housekeepers. NOT CE TTTTTITIITTTTniiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiTiTiiii Reduced prices on all the new Butterick Patterns. Fashion sheets for March given away upon application. We keep a full assortment of Butterick patterns at all times. Delineators for March now ready Call and see the new Spring Goods. Our Grocery Department is a very Popular Place. WOOLLCOTT & SON. MOVED. Moves on Opposite Side ofStreejt from old Stand to the Large and Spac ious Store Formerly occupied by the Ral eigh Stationery Company , 11 I'avettevelle street. Owing to the increasing trade we have been forced to seek larger quarters. Therefore we have leased the above store, where we will be better prepared to serve our customers. In doing this we double our capacity and also our stock. We will be glad to have our friends call and see us in our New Quarters and inspect our New Spring Stock. S. C. 131 Fayetteville Street, It Didn't Take us Two Seconds to siiv yi-s, when a certain well-known manufacturer offered us 15(1 Tup Overcoats, made of Globe Woolen Mills Covert Cloth, at a special price. He made 'em upon special order to sell fur Jill 5ll. The delivery for them was changed and we've g .t 'em on our table to sell for JlUftd Tbink of it! The very coats you need no, when your heavy Overcoat is netter in your House than on your back, and these Top Coats are just the imics you need and ikelv want every day from now till next November They jfo on sale Monday morning at $12.51) sizes from 34 to JO. two shades of the newest tan effect, and thev fit. perfect. Tan II have more real comfort and neat, looks for $12 SO than you ever had fur double that amount. Some Marvelous Suit aud Overcoat Sellintr since the past two weeks. Our 2" per cent discount on all Winter Suits and Overcoats made quite a change in business. People know a (food thinjf when 'hey see it, whencrt our special sales are better attended than others they are trenuine and full of worth Although a temporary loss for us it is a remnant tja'n of your future purchases and you are welcome for aim her week to the special prices S. & D. BERVANGER, WIDE AWAKK Leading One Price Clothiers. I R. & B. F. CO. I A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Before the Spring Trade Is upon us, we prepaie to make a REDUCTION OF TEN PER ' CENT. on all our Cheap Line of 8uiU and Chain. We have ome Eye Openers. You have oniy to come and be convinced. Royall fc Borden Furniture Co. Corner ot Hargett and Wilmi y on Streets. TEL.KriiorrJEJ sea b. R B F CO. Pool's Shoe Store.... POOL, - - Raleigh, N. C. I R. & B. F. CO. I 1 R & B F CO. I