-a 1 ' ' -J i 1 k . - ; 5 , f TOE PRESS-VISITOR, '. RALEIGH, N. C. Published by tb VUltor-Prew Company, Incorporated. OON80LIDAHON Of TH VISITOR, 18 TABLrSHWxJ87 ANll IHI PRESS, ISTABU8HD 1894. Office- toe. Pullea Building.. 6REEK O. ANDREWS, Editor and Manager. VEKNOM F. MaRARY. Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year M Six Months. '. 2-00 One Month 35 ( Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News ami in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. WEDNESDAY. .February 23. i.i: mocra I IU i:o Mil I t. K. There was a very full weftms f tlu' Stale Executive iVminilUf "I' ttv lidiiwr.uy last r.iirlii eb.-.!:e:e v to Chairman Manly' '" 1 h" ' :" ai held .a til-- Y.irt- : - : scssioii Jr.. in 1 - " All-.':' a r'u:. a:. : ::'-- '- folio" ills iv :; - : ' - " h- : .x '!"" ' ' '' dun of North i.'.ir a is -'. ' National L'e::'.e,.'.u'.'-- .lai-.-a v. . -Whereas. Thi s.v:i::'..:'.t----.- :s todian o the interest vi --'-"-zation in North Caivhni. "KesulveJ, That tins c . ir.::-..:-.-. - :. dorsis the patnot.c aiMr..s : --' tlonal chairman, Hon. Janic? K. J-..t.-s. seeking to unite the slUer iT in the impending eenBrvssictiul contests. "Resolved, That the chairman of our Executive Committee he requested to call a State convention to meet in Ral eigh on the Jtith day of May. lw, which convention has supreme authority, and will shape all mattes ,..r party policy. -Iiesolved, That in accordance with the resolution heretofore adopted, all white electors who intend to vote with us in the next election, and who desire the re-establishment of Anslo Saxon supremacy and honest govern ment in North Carolina, are cordially invited to participate in all "1' our pri maries and conventions." The merlins was entirely harmonious and the best of l'eeliiin prevailed. The committee atrreeJ not to out anything for publication .-nvo tie- w. lutlon above ref-rivl to. The following inroihers of tie- i-m-miltee were present: T. J. Janvs. T. F. Kluttz, J. 1L W li ster, K. J. Hale, K. J. Brevard, V. f. Lamb. J. J. L.aushini;h"U.-o, T. 0. Skin ner, J. W. Grainier, K. C. UtMUingrt'.-M. II. A. London, 1'. S. Spiuill, J K Young, A. K. Wallers, Samuel M. ilal tis, Heriwt .'laiksen, Walter 11. X-al. Paul U. Means. S. J. IViiili-rton, A. 1 . Watts II. li. Yarn-T. II- -V. Ila.kott. j. n. Th. Lewellyn. and S. Call. rt. following numbers were repre sent hI by pr x : J. ri. Graven farr. In U. W. Winston, I'. S i, by T. H. Whnak' r. VY. I: lie 1- Tliau, by W. M. lia.l I. I!. f-H'--n by H oiuier, . A. I u j i ii, ly F K. Arriidoil; F. 1. Wii.sf.ti. by ' '. li. Ayooek. Jas. I. ilicnn, by F. A. "o.,d- ward; E. i'. Smith, by K. 11. I'.-bles; W. II. iwn.il!. by c'l-.nient Manly. Tut si u rm kn sunt n New York. Feb. The air was full o ratrlotipiii ut the twelfth annual dinner of the Southern Society of Nov York, at the- Hotel Savory tonight. The baniui-t hall .lrae.l w it h llio Stars anil Stripes, ami Aiio-rioa" ami "Star Si.am.ieil Llanrn t'' suns with the same fervor as "iixiy." rr -si-dent Thomi'Son said. "Lot us hope thai the war i loud, which seems to he Kiithenno, will be disrupted, l'.ut if it is not. 1 know, and you know, that from the lakes to the gulf, from ocean to ocean, Americans will crowd over one another in the rush to lay their gifts (it the eommon altar of our country." ' At the suggestion of the president, a toast In memory of the dead of the "Maine" was drunk standing. The principal speaker was Senator Lindsay, of Kentucky. Among other things, fie said: "For thirty years the South has consented' to accept a secondary place in the Governipent of this country. But now it must assert itself for the pre servation of Americanism, in which the North's'ee'ms to be lax. The South must assert itself in the council chamber of Government, for the maintenance of the dignity of the nation. "It a' call to-arms fs sounded, from no part of the country will the response com mora quickly than from the l.JN!QNFn A number of Raleigh citizens went to Ftnehurst yesterday afternoon to at tend, a unique, celebration, of Washing ton's birthday, which occurred last night. The gentlemen went as the guests of Mr. Tufts, the princely owner of the splendid little city. The courtesy was extended the Ratetgh gentlemen as a result of the kindness and hospitality extended Mr. Tufts' brother-in-law and a number of other gentlemen from Pinehurst, who visited Raleigh last week. Among those who composed the party that went from Raleigh were Mayor Russ, Mr. C. B. Edwards, Mr. George Allen. Prof. John E. Ray, Mr. John C. Drewry, Col. W. J. Hicks, Mr. A. M. McPheeters, Mr. J. E. Royal!, Mr. W. W. West. Mr. Tufts arranged the celebration of Washington's birthday. The hundred of guests and many visitors Joined in to make the occasion most enjoyable, and an address on Washington from a Northern standpoint was made by a prominent and eloquent Hostonian, who is spending the winter at the Holly Inn. He was followed by an address from a Southern standpoint by I'apt. Cooke, of Lollisburg. M. Circula."- Letter to l'eltnquents- Sheriff Jones is sending out the fob lowing circular loiter to deliiniii-nt lax payers: "Permit me to call your attention to the matter of your State ami county taxes, which are now past due. 1 do not desire to push this matter any further than I call hell'. The State Treasurer has demanded of me n settle ment in full at i nce, ami the Hoard of 'oiliity i 'oinmissloiiers have requested ,l settlement at tte-ir next regular inci- As a mallet' of c-ncern to ou I ake tins method of advising i-m of ar delinquency, and also b-lieving 'hat ' U do not wish your name to ap- I '1 Vllll'iUellt I.lt" f e t pllhlu.t- . :. 1 iei-wlih enclose statement of . :: :a-s. with roquot that you soitV :' - :e. .it oii. e or if this cannot be dom . l ast i all at my ofl'o e and adise : e matter." Hneklen's Arnica Salte The best salve in the woriil Ut cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt -he :in. fever sores, tetter, cluipped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is iruarnin '.eeii to trive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price -5 cents ptr box. For sale bv all druL'i-'ists. PABST. If vou want to drink the tiuest bee" tin .' i d on earth call for I'AiiST. If vou dealer does not keep it teleplhuie to Acme Wine C.V (Thone Mil!) A c.isk. a doon or a sinoie bottle will oe deiivond to you in a few minutes. WANTK.D To buy a second hand safe, medui'it sie. it. oond cot iliiiop Acme Wine Co. Opposite lVstofnce. BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. Early Rose, Burbank, Peerless, Beauties of Hebron . . . All Kinds of Garden Seed. Make vour IIf.ns Lay ! Ruv Wilbers Loo Food ! J. R. Ferrall 6c Co. 'Phone 88. DOBBIN & FERRALL Dry - AT TUCKER'S STORE, 123 and 125 . . . Fayetteville street. Our Buyer, Mr T W Dobbin is now ih New York, raakino selections for the Spring Season. Eyery article purchased will be selected by him in person, and this is a guarantee that our Spring Showing of Dress Goods. Embroideries and Trimmings will be the most select ever shown in our capital city. Before our new goods come in the house we want to close out the remainder of the Tucker stock, not much of it is left, but there are some mighty good things in the lot. Come and look fur them. Dobbin & Ferrall. Embargo on to Tobacco Exports. New York, Feb. 22. According to the Commercial Advertiser, there has been a revival of the interdiction upon the exportation of tobacco from Cuba, and as a result there is in this country a scarcity of both tiller and leaf tobacco. It was said by officials of the Tobacco Hoard of Trade that certain grades have already risen 7 cents a pound. At the Spanish consulate all knowl edge of the embargo was denied. It was said, however, that the Consul General here would hardly be notitied of such tin action on the part of Gen. Hlanco. one of the officers of the To bacco Hoard of Trade said: "I suppose that Hlanco is follow inn in Hie footsteps of Weyler because of the income tin- insurgents derive from the tobacco. Even if the growers In Cuba do no comrihulo to the insur gent cause, as it is reported that they do. the iMibans get an income lioni the eigarniukers here. Most of the ciear-niakei-s an- Cubans, and all of lle-m earn e I wages. There are at leas' imt.alid who eoiut ibule $1 a we. k to the insurgent cause, ll is this fund that is helping to send so many cargoes of ammunition to the insurgents Clam ' doiiblless thinks tlmt by slcppaig the teha.io he call Sl.q. these ...mnbu- tions. Mow Is the time when you should take a iSprino- Medicine to purify your lil.nul, give you g-oo.l appetite. oqml -deep, steady tu rves ami perfect die, -i i,,n. That scrolulous lain', thai -kin trou ble. i!,.ii lii ei IVIlity. ;!;:'.! biiion- teiidency, that Take tired tcciitijr, are all cured by Hold's Sar-aiari!la. (live this medicine a lair trial and joti w ill realize ils positive merit. It U not what we say, but what the people who are cured say, which prove that InJOO Sarsaparilla cine. C. 1. Moiul X Co.. l...w M M.i Hood's Pilis ;:.:u,v;-,:;,e raij:k;ii, n l Wo have ivceiwd tn-sli r, d Inl" tUi- scismi's jil.ltl'.ilio. Goods - We are Making it Hot for Hard Times! You can 't feel poor when you see our poods and prices. What, though your dollars m y be fewer, we will mak them ko much farther. Values were never so marvelously low as right now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come and see this choice selection of honest qualites, and learn why sensible, economical people prefer to spend t heir money with us Our prices ill nive vour dol'io a new ditriiii y. Our Hue qualities will clear awav vour last doubt. There is no law ayainsl payiny bitf prices, but it isn't sensible. You'll trade with us simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders cf Up-to-Date Clothing. A PALM Fen m lllf! of I 'alius on ni.il,e room, 1 "oat y reduce I as on other hen) mm in, Ho in, , puints. h'ri-Kli Supply ol Itnporleil A ri lo il. It ii lbs irlhs, Chinese r fori u. I s. Narsissus, rod and KnMer ; i mi ih ir iilunt Choice Gut Flowers Of Poses. Cart ; Designs and V Nioes and at nil ' V. eforoeiis ai . ,;"i:. etc. Floral ei-s for all ocea- e S- aile Trees. H. Steinmetz, Florist, j N'oj-'b Halifax S reel . nenrlVaceln -T-7 1 1 1 1'hone I i 1 oct 17 V:iee of .ale I nj. r I cenrion 11 virtu', if at i v ecu ion ii i root , t i he u ode- ' i.eil from 1 ho sij !1( rat epei rt i I "iV i e e -ii o t v i ii a o n ! ' on ' i 1 1, u " ' 1 I '. a lo ! is. Tins ' i ' i the u-o ,.' VI. ti' o I'.ros vs 'V T W.-ml.'.v - I c.ill Votclavtl..- . h .1 iv H"' bruiiev !.'' a' t.-;v' . e . I. M ,' " e r...jr. , ,), .' V .,. O , o - ' l . Se 'o Hie Piol.et '-:. -r for i -' to - .' i - 'c v; , , co'. o .1 . rj..: t tl: ;,..,J in- I sa ' '.V T V...i.-.',.. .! for .: ,i . i - 'li lie '.. , io. : I o iio - r -. .1 i ea -' .tf. ' w.! e ,, p ,1-ee! ei 1 I ' l! IV ' V. li !' I -'eee. e..o , . 'a-- . T in .l'i- :u ii ,( ' ' I , I !.' ''-. ' in lie.. I I.: - ' ,i '. 'a ,. ... ! ,,,, , .-'! ' e le i. v.- . ' T W.,t, ni 0 i i,v w i; w... II T ,oMl W l-.-'c ol .1 I ii vi i a all. I ' 1 'lll-t ''. .'. o;l 'I,, ro- . .' 'loil Jul II T 1' i'iei:. o ,,' Mart A Voiehe in. l ' s i ' ti Ti . o i -1 ;:t v . ,. ' I '. . il.r. 1--7. . Oiee III Hietloll. fot -h. the . -ei . ...! iiul e nf iii-ii- r..",. ii Pee. 1 ' , , iht tli 1 I V 'I," I'felll e , I ; .. I . , e ;i ij koi)- e.e lilO ei- - if '..eee ... ' I'oliCV X.l. Of the M;lfV,i,0 1 '' ttlvUI'ai.ee I I ill! ; ill ti -. l.i' i -'.. nil !... lllo ,.f W. K l.n 'or oinl. l'i . y N . --"Tlnf th ' ' .p, IJ'o It, -in, it.- i Yimpii iiv i if I I.i i ". '. ii-.l . I'ero el loot . - -eed I Vo'i, r .l. I ol, lin 'I," :' e ill V K PltVi- fill' !0 l'l'l. A'-n. -ii -:u t Imc :te'' as ii I'niM nf the -11 le of '(ilieie . ) tr.tltf fel'leil t ' i ' I". '.' i 1 1 1 . Illle i:..oil'e,l ,,f V; l;o Siip-i l.o- l 'inn t :i. fa rm nf .1 T i'ol ee. a i ! e 01 ivt ra ti ir a:.rai:-t W K '"a v '- ". o -1 s i :i; ., i. !, in;,..i t un M i1 eiei.r Mill ' '-Hi ilnv "f r.'l'i'iiai' . Ivl niitiliioii:.!, fur which p .1 iiulii ie- nf iiiHtirnree arc -ee.irity. Term- .-: -h John T I'riiii, illllii i-li'ul.o of M A More) e ,.1 H)I! I t; ItiK S.AI.H. 1! viiti f ituthnritv conferred in :i iiiorii.ioe cxecti'cii nv .Hint) Kil wards .'ci o.iseu. mid rif..nieil in Register's ollii't' of Wnlie I'linntv, C . Hook i'.'-J. page M', du'ed .1 un 1st. IV a 1 will on Monday the I'Sth day nf Feb . IVS at the cnurt hnuse dnnr in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'chx-k M. soil to the highest bid dpr fur cash the property described in said mortgage ad jnini ng I he lands of V C flienn. W A Ti'imli, and oth ers, being lot with brick cottage corner of Blood worlh. and Race streets. 1-nnveved bv W C Slronacb to sal. 1 John F,d wards deceased. At same time anil place one hundred acres more or less adjoining the lands of Mary Ann Rogers. Stafford Walder. and others more fully oes S"ribed in mortgage executed to V 0 and A H Stronaeh bv Duncan Moring dated. March 22nd. 1888. and recorded in Register's office of Wake county, Book 104, page 88, being tract of land on which Jacob Moring formerly resided. W O Stbohaoh, Mortgage. Jan 26 30d A WARNING. Cold Weather Ooming Coal is a necessity Now istbt lime to lav in vour suiip'v I' -m I hontas is the very best hiyh k'rad coal that can be had. Suitable foi J urates, open stoves, cookino pur poses and for steam is far ahead ol I uny other coal on the market. We have any and all ki-dsof eoal. We are the old reliable Wood furnUhers short woorl, lontr wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wixid, in any length. Weioht in coti I, measure in w rod guaranteed Have you horses, eons. hoj.'s, or ui V other live slor k to feoil? W always keep a fresh M.pplv at.i' irive you Just What is Suitable of fresh. palpataoU, wholesome food Don't forovt where in jfet any or all if the above. We are loaders and can't be undersold Webuv in laroe (iianlities. at low prices, anil t'ive our customers the benefit of our cash price. Telephone 41 for office, yard tele phone, "1 Jones & Powell. Coal. Wood. Tee. I'Yed. tilths and Shiny f Dealers VV ai i k.,1 A 0. Smith. New Firm. New Goods II ivc just (p'n' at Kincrv s old s'i.inl. i'ni !iiT of D.iwsnn mid Onbnr ruv v i-i'i K. vv i' h .1 f u ' I i tit of Sl;i p :c itt ii Kn i'V (Inn-nits S;i1 isf..st ion in rii ill s;iU.. A df i i vcr ii'nii :n M-mi or ItTS to vour !'i"f. INoiupT attont'hin jivn (itv "s a fii'l it r v"iir holtilnv troos arui ,i sijr,' vou vvjii he val Ufirf Also vv.- iiiivc ,i t'irt'ti't of ilrv ()in';ifwl .to, wootl on iia'io1. Wf ilso ri'i'f'i v'r ir sli livh mul nvs'prs (ia'lv i'Hl LF.I PS A SMITH. Mil ici'i oh' sm.t in: .i i.iiiiii, Ka-tern Oistriet of North tnrolinn. at Ualcigh. I'niu-il Sluti's against one si - hni'se engine a till niaehinery , tun wiiniien stills, four feriiieiili ng till.-, one mash tub. one fan anil two paekaces of whiwKey. sei.etl as the iri'ierty of VV. .1. anoa.-lcr. To W. .1. I.anc-sler and lo all whom it may concern lirceliug .Notice is hereby t'iven that the above mentioned property 'h seized by M. Siniinons. Collector of In ternal Revenue for the Fourth Colle'' :ion District of North Carolina on tin' JUth day of January. ls"7. an forfeited to the uses of the I'nitcd Stateo. for violation of the Internal Kcvcntie Laws, an.) the same is lilielled and prosecuted in the 'lretiifCourt of the I'nitcd Slates for condemnation for the catifs in the said liticl of informa tion set --irth: and tha' thesnid causes will star 1 for trial at the court room of said oi.. .ri. in the city of Ualcigh, on the first Monday of Dei-ember next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and all crso!n are warned to appear to show cause why condemnatuin should not lie decreed, and judgment accord ingly ent red herin, and to intervene for 'heir interest. Given under my hand, at office in Raleigh, this 4th day of Oetoher, lx7. O. J OAKROIL, IT. S. Mhi-mI hI. Iicllnqlictit Taxpayers Take Notice. I am compelled to close up the tax books as speedily as p ssib'e. but desiring to avoid resorting to bursh measures or attaching penalties and costs, I hope all those who have failed to pay their taxes for 18!7 . ill come at once to my office and pay same-on or before February 15tb, 1898. After that date I shall codect as law directs, which will involve costs. 1 have granted the fullest indul gence and those not. paying by F-b 15th cannot shift the responsibility upon the law or officer in enforcing the law. February 15th, 1898, is positively the limit of indulge' ve. It you want to avoid costs or being garnlsheed, pay up at once. H T Jonbs, febl2td. Bh iD. Wk county. SEE THIS! From now on we will keep a full - line of roBCB, carnations and other cut flowers. Bouquets and floral desigos made up in best style at shortest notice. Call on us for palms, ferns, and all kind of plants and bulbs. Shade trees and ever greens to order. Plants kept reason able. J.L.O'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELEPHONE 149. MAGGIE REESE Clearance Sale. WE WILL CLOSE OUT ALL MILLTXERY REG A RD LESS OF COST. Especially offer bargain. in trimmed ijonds and itifnuls enps. We are selling a jnod fittinc corset. Satisfaction guaranteed or inane li refunded after tiro weeks trial. Price, 50,75cf$IOO Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y. John (Jill. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN KKl'HCT JIN. 12. 1HIH NoFtTII llol VII No. 2. n.Ml.V. Leave Wilmington ! IMI p in A rri ve Ka t tieville 12 Hi " Leave Kiiyctteville -12:18 " Leave Favetie.illc J unction 1 2:5 " Leave Sanfoiil 1 :4S p m Leave Climax 47 " A rri ve l i rcciisboro ....... -T2H Leave 1 1 reenstioro . . .. . 4:Mll Leave S'okcsilale . . . . . . 5.17 " Leave Walnut Cove 5:47 " Leave Rural Hal1.. . 11:15 " Arrive Mt Airy 7:45 '' sot Tiinoi'M). No. 1. HAII.Y, ycuve Mt Airy 8:40am I ,eyve Rural Hall 10:114 " Leave Walnut Cove ....... W.'.tt " lenve Stokesilale 11 :IW A rri vt Creeps boro 1 1 :55 " Leave (ircensboi o 12:17 p in I cave Climax 12:45 " Leave Sun ford 2:llti " Ar Favettcville Junction. . .'t.55 p m Arrive Fayetteville.. ...4:00 " Leave Ftivetteville 4:10 " Arrive Wiltningtou 7:20 " north hound. No. 4 L'ailv. Leave Bennetsville 8:00 am Arrive Maxton 9:02 " Ieave Maxton 9:07 " leave Red Springs 9:35 ' Leave Hope Mills 10:20 " Arrive Fayetteville 10:40 " SOI TIIHOtlMi No. 'A Daily reave Kayettex ille . . Leave Hope Mills. . Iieave Red Springs . . Arrive Vaxton LeavcMaxton Arrive Hennettsville NOIITIl HON N I. .. 4:50 pm ..5:07 " ....5 4:t " . .. . (5:11 " .. ..drift " .... 7:15 ' No. Hi. mixed. Daily Kxo'pt Sunday -. . . . ti:40 a m .. .. 8::H0 " 9:17 " 9.35 " 11:07pm .... 11:65 " No 15 mixed Daily Exc'pt Sunday. 12:35 p m .... 1:25 " .. 2:45 " ... 3:15 " .... 4:25 " ... 0:10 " Leave Ramseur. . . LeaveClunax Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Stockesdule Arrive Madison . . SOUTH BOl.NI. Leave Madison .. . Leave Stocnesdale . Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur. . . CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and Bowmore Railroad, at San ford with Seaboard Kai'way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nut Cove with Norfolk & Western Railway J W FflY, W E KYLE, fn'l iyiniMfr 0VIP Kti. TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans Chattanooga,-Nashville -and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SOHRDUTiK IN EPPRCT FEBHUARY T, 'P7 RO0TI1 BOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N. Y..Ren R R.ll OOarn 900pa Lv. Philadelphia" 1 12pm 1205am Lv Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington. 440pm 30am Lv. Richmond, A. CL.P.vIlpm 905am Lv.Norfolk.S.A L. 830pm 905am Lv Portsmouth. " 84.'.m 920am Lv.Wieldon, Ar. Henderson, Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, 11 28pm 11 55ar. M25tiam 139rn t732am 4 ll!()tn t520pm til 10am Ar.Rjvleigh, Ar.Sanford, Ar.Sou'n Pines, A r Hamlet. Ar. Wadesboro, A r. Monroe, 21liam 334iiiii 335am 503tm 422am 510am 554um 6 43am 555 pm li53pm 811pm 912pm Ar.Charlotte, " 830am I025pm Ar.Chester, " 810am 1047pir Lv Columbia, CNitLRR . . tiiOOnn r (Minion. S A L. !i l.'ium "IJlOinn . r Green w d. " !"35ain 1 07;un Ar. Alihcville, " 1 1 (i"i;ni) 14li.nn Ar Klbertim. " 12l'i,in 241am r Athens. " 1 lapm 3 l.iam r Winder. " 150pm 43nam Ar.Atlanta (cut titne)2."i0pm 520 un NOKTM lllU Nll. No 402. No. 3s LvAtlanta. SAL. 12o(ipm 750oin LvWinder, " 2 40pm 1ii42pm LvAthens, " 21iipm 112lipm LvKlberton, " 4 15pm 12 33au LvAbbeville. " 515pm 1 40;un LvGreenwood,'' 541pm 1 oOatn LvClintnn, " ;34pm 3 05am ArColumbiaCNALRR t7 l M lain LvChester. S.A.L 8 '3pm 4 :un ArCharlolte, " 1025um 830am Lv Monroe, Lv Hamlet. OlOpiD ti 05am 1123pm 8 15am ArWilmington " Ja.'tU.ii., 230pin LvSiou'iil'ines " l2l4am H 'Joinn LvRalcigh. " 21l'iam 1135am Arllenderson. " s'JSam I'Mlmn ArDurham. LvPurliainf t7 32am t4U9pin 520pui tl 1 lllatn ArWcldon, " 4 55ii"i 3 0llpin ArRichmond. ACf, 8 15am ti50pm A.'Wasl.'g PenRR 1231pm 11 10pm ArBaltiiniire. " 1 l.'ium 124san. ArPhiladphiu. " 3511pm 3 45arr ArNewYork, " ti23pm i!53.nn ArPortsmoiith " ArNorfolk, " 7 .'iOain 7 50am 5 5opm Ii05pn; Daily Hlailv K.vopt itnday. JDaily Fcept Moiiilay. Nos. 403aml 412. "The AtlantaSpe citl, "Solid VcstilitiledTrain of Pull man sleepers and emu lies between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers betw n I'urtsiiiouth and Chester S C. Nos. 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Ex press." Solid Train. Coaches and Ihillmau Sleepers between Pijrts tnoiithand Atlanta Com(ianv sleep ers bet ween Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nootionsat At'anta for Monfgoinerv, Mobile, New (Means, Texas, Cali fornia. Mexico. Chattanooga. Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc.. apply to I. A N'eivl.md, (icn. Agt. V Dept. li Hiir.ball House. Atlanta, Oil H- S I'ard, Sal Pass. Agt . lial eigh, N. C. E St. John, Vit . President, ail I General Manager II. W. B Giover, Traffic Manager Y E. McBee, General Superinten dent T. J Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth, Vi, sale nf l.und. Bv authority of n judgment of the s'lperinr court of Wake cou n 'y, made in special pr ieeeiliiiL's enl itled Anne Svkes ami others vs Seiapba Ray and oile rs No SII4 S P docket, as commissioner app. inted by the court 1 will on Monday, 27th day of December 1807 at 12 o', lock in, at the courthouse door of Wake county Raleigh. N C.. sell to ihe h'ghest. bid der for cash a tract ot land in New Light township. Wake county, being lot NoP in the division of the lands of Wiiey Harrison, deceased, among his heirs at law Saul 'and begins at a black gum on thespring branch, comer of lot No 5. thence down said branch to Netise river, thence with the river to the mouth of a branch, thence up sa'd branch to a willow, thence south 40 degrees east 7(5 poles to the Ra'eigh road, thence south west along said road to a stake, thence south (15 degrees east 5ti poles to the beginning, containing 5t! acres W N Jones, Cotn'r. no'2430d Notice at Sale. By authority of a mortgage from Me Clure and Hales to the Southern Distill' inir Company recorded iu Book 144, page 377 records of Register of Deeds office tor Wake county, I will on Monday 28tu of Fehrtiary, 18118 at 11 o'clock a. m. st No 232 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C, known as (he "Bonanza Saloon," sell at puhlio auction for cash to the highest bidder all the bar ti stares at said place of business, consisting of show cases, partition, counters gla cases, ice box, etc., etc , In fact all the lulu res and furniture belonging to said Saloon and and described in the aforesaid mortgage. W. N. Jokm, AU. Ft) T 0 day:

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