TUE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIQH, N. C. Published by tha Visitor-Preaa Company. Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION 01 TH VISITOR, K8 TABLISHED 1878, AND TM PbESS, BSTABLI8HD 1894. Office In the Pullen Building. 6REEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. VEHNON F. McKAHV. Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 00 Six Mon'hs -'-00 One Month 33 f Entered aa Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News ami in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 16?. THURSDAY ..February. JOURNALISM AND FAKIM1. From the New York Tribune. During- the war the publication ..I gome journals were suppress.-.! ly tie government, not because their ..piua.us were unwelcomed. but because in He. it greed for anything to create a sensa tion t'.iey printed miieh thai had re. foundation whatever in fact, and was injurious to the royal eause. Su. h a power can be exercised only w itr. n-at discretion, but the people will always heartily support the suppression ! falsehood. It is for some new spapers to eonsid- r whether pretended dispatches from Key West, at a time when it is proved that no telegraph line from t hut point was at their disposal, ami dispatches an nouncing the results of investigations by divers in the harbor of Havana, at a time when the pivernnicnt officials in charge report the sea so rotieli that diving was impossible, uive the km'' ernment reason for stopping publica tion of false and mischief-making re ports. This is a very tolerant country. But it does not tolerate everything, as Borne people discovered In 1V,1. Freedom of the press has always one condition. Without reasonable honesty no journal has any business to exist. It cannot serve anybody, and can ..r.- Itself only by robbing everybody else. Rights in this country are broad and liberal, but they do not Include the right to embroil the nation in war for the sat isfaction of private greed and amh tioti Errors in judgment of information can not always be prevented, but a paper which prints dispatches that could not by any possibility have been sent or re ceived cannot plead error. If the coun try ever gets anywhere near war with any foreign power, such Journalism will have tt be lodged In a military prison, the ""question w hether its interference can be tolerated when Issues of juiic-. or war are pending is one which public officials have some reason lo consider From the Boston Tost. There are papers in I'oston. as well as In other less enlightened cities, which have reveled in "fake"' stories ahout the Maine. I'ut it is a mistaken policy. It may sell a few more papers one day. but It does not sell more in the long run. And whether It sells pa pets or not. It Is a disgraceful, unpatriotii business. Twenty years as Mr. (tladstone's prophetic eye discovered approachin.t: danger from the American competition which Is today the bete noir of the British manufacturer. It Is true that Germany has made serious Inroads on English trade, but the drawbacks of her continental position, with an enor mous military establishment and few and feeble colonies, are limits, and Sir Joseph Aekland admits that "however long the event may be deferred, it is inevitable that the t'nited States. If they maintain peace and adopt a Bound economic policy, must come to the first place." In Warsaw Iron of local manufac ture costs $55 r. ton and English trades men, confident that they can lay down their own product at Warsaw's door, duty paid, for a like sum. and banking on Its presumed better quality, are preparing to enter that market with rails, railway material, machinery and other like manufactures. TREASURER WORTH'S PATRIOT ISM BELOW PAR. Treasurer Worth is not bubbling over with enthusiasm for war with Spain. Indeei, the Treasurer's patriotism at this time is hardly at par. Treasurer Worth, who as is well known, Is a Quaker by belief, was asked yesterday whether he thought the Unl ted States should take the aggressive against Spain. "I don't believe in war, and I don't believe w ought to war wltb Spain." CONTEMPLATED CHANGE. Senator Prttchard's Bill to Change Time of Circuit Court. The Congressional Record for Mon day says that Senator Pritehard intro duced a bill "to change the time of holding the United States courts In the Eastern District of North Carolina, and to provide a salary for the clerk of the District Court at Elizabeth City; which wes read twice by its title, and re ferred to the Committee on the Ju diciary." It is 1 understood that this proposed change of time for holding the Cir cuit Court was prepared by Judge Pur nell and endorsed by Judge Simonton. The bill Is drawn for the purpose of preventing any cotlict between the Cir cuit Court of Appeals and the Circuit Court, which meets at Wilmington. If the circuit judge Is notified to be at the session of Court of Appeals which meets in Richmond on the first Tues day in May, the Circuit Court, which mi ets in Wilmington the first Monday in April, has to be adjourned to a sub sequent date. Many important cases are heard there, and Judge I'urnell is, of course, desirous of a full Circuit Court, and the contlict prevents this. The proposed change will make the Cir cuit Court tit Wilmington meet the third Monday in March. The date for holding the court in lialeigh is not af fected. The Circuit Court of Appeals. Fourth Circuit, comprises Maryland. Virginia. ,'est Virginia. North Carolina and South Carolina. Judges: Melville W. Fuli.r. chief Justice of the United States; Nathan Cot'f and Charles H. Sitnonton. circuit judges, cunt lio'ds three terms a year at Itiehiu.'iid. one on th- tirst Tuesday of j February. "0- t'l- first Tuesday of May ' end the tirst Tuesday of November; 1 and sits at su.li other places in the cir . u.:. and at sin h times as the court may determine. 11 -my T. Moloney, lib hiii-nd. clerk. This curt was established by act of 'in. itcss. approved March 3. lvq, to which all appeals from any of the I'liit-d Stales .Circuit and District c.-nls "f the Fourth Circuit must be taken. -. . pt ir oases involving the jui i-.n li.at of the court, prize cases. Hncklen'w lrntca .salve. I The best s;i:vp in the world tor cuts, bruises, son's, uievrs, salt rSieum. fc'.or surfs, tetter, chapped minds. o!ii!!i';:ii:s, rnrns ai!tl a!! skin rru plums, and pos't i ve'y t'ti res pi les, r no pat rt"inrt'il. It is t'liarrat: ood to m1 perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price- 25 cents per ii'ix, I-ir s'l f bv ail druo-oists. PABST. If vmi wan" lo drink the line" t bee" h" i ,i i n earth call for I'AnSi'. If you dealer does not keep it Ic'i pli.u Acme Wine Co. t I'lione 11 I'm cask, di ..-n or a sinele li.it ! i wiii oe d -1 i v.-f d I vmi in a few riii'iites. WANTIol ro buy a see kuI I and safe, iiii'i! ' n il si.' . it. if",,.'; em I i .u, Acme Wine Co. ( )ppnsiu' ru-Kd'ticc. BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. Early Rose, Burbank, Peerless, Beauties of Hebron . . . All Kinds of Garden Seed. Make vour IIkxs Lav! Huv Wilbers E''' Food '. J. R. Ferrall fi: Co. 'Phone 88. Dry - AT TUCKER'S STORE, 123 and 125 Our Btiver. Mr T W Dobbin i now for the SprinL' Season. Eyerv article purchased will be selected bv hitn in person, and this is a iruarantee that our Spring Showing of Dress Goods Embroideries and Trimmings n our capita! city. Bpfore our new oods come in the remainder of the Tucker stncK. not mweh of it. is left, hut there are some mighty trood I hins in the lot. Come Dobbin & capital crimes, construction of the Con stitution of the United States, or the constitutionality of any law of the United States, or Constitution or law of a State. Appeals in cases coming within the above exceptions go to the Supreme Court of the United States. The United States Circuit Coui-ts of the Fourth Circuit. T. R. Purnell and C. H. Simonton, Judges. For the Eastern District of North Carolina, meets in Jtaleigh first Mon day in June and last Monday in No vember, and in Wilmington tirst Mon day after the fourth Monday in April and October. The time for holding the Circuit Courts in the Eastern District of North Carolina have never been changed. The Chief Justice has Always been as signed to this, the Fourth Circuit, re cently, in deciding the Smith's Islu ml suit. Judge Purnell based his decision on an opinion given by Chief Justice .Marshall here in Raleigh. By llOIII'isllilie every part of your system with blooil made pure by inff Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thru will have nerve, menial, luulilv tak yoti ami In the Spring digestive strcn-lh. Then you savd ii.it fear disease1, because your system will readily iv.-ist scrofulous le r.iloin ics and attacks ot 'Mines-.. Tien ,ui will know I lie absolute iniiiii-ic merit of 8 Sarsaparilla,!.. i'.,1;,.,- cine. All dn.iti.-i-. ?l. only b (.'. I. 1 1 1 " - I ' Hood s Pills ,.rT,,.t,.!y. :fl ,-vms rntt Li' . ica it lor ti if or ftivcon 1-1- ' f - ,J' tBM fc d' i f 1'iitiPli. - . .'.:lri. it i. w:r t i c ni-i..e i.leutj. ' :. . .x-t i -ud d ucmi r v ut !t ' . ! i-ct f"it 'eni ii1 ' fi tui'i" j jur nimt rt to inr .till i i r: : t. :r. v. ' ii: . j'n.ft.'.- ii t! .ir - o ? Ci , it's flU tuT a "I- O Mt Ql tH I t ai ii - v i.U r- - I- iti uitl e' , ,i ,iic - a ;t: ? jrt . c i." n-T tH4. ' w'tu id- invirnH Ai tnr - . .-.iiw- -' i.'.T ' 1 ' k .civ k AVutf-s i v:H N'V RAIJCICll. x. e Y liave li'fi'i veil tivsli scci! lor this season's jdaiitipo. oocSs - Fajetteville street. ia New York, mibinsr sel ctions will be the most select ever shown house we want to close, out the id look for them. Ferrall. SBUIbO Your Health n m wrro .-rs. wvi w We are Risking it Hot for Hard Times! You cunY fee! poor when you see our poods and prices. What, though nua' (lol!;,:'s m v be few er, we will muk tbem ifo much farther. VinLfs we iv never so marvelous!;, low as ri'ht now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Cniiie and see tiiis cl ' sel.-cti.m of honest qualites, and learn why sensible. . c. pt'tn tv.i people pr. .. t to .spend their money with us Our prcos u til ci p iiuirilo. a a n .litrnity. Our line qualities will e'ear awav your last uoubt. I'll. e :- I ciw .io;:ii!si payiujt bif prices, hut it isn 't sensible. You'll tnulc with us simply because you can't duplicate the uoods at prices elsewhere. A icadsrs cf rc-Oafe Glothing. A P 1 i-. i 1! .o i.e.. a :.; !..c ,!. ,i v -! a i !feo i . plants. . fill I. s on m.iue room, 1 tea! y reduce i . ;ts on ot her l'1'.Kh S.,,,,t, ,,r tiupori.'il Itultis . . , . I I I V O . !!v , . i- ' . .. . ; ... n. o ti ii at d Ktister ! i i u1 door nut: t , Ohoise Owi Ftawers Of Rosos, ('.. ' i' 'lis. etc. Floral IVsio-ns and si.O,S ;ip, ,t ; la.T.n s t -. for a'i occ. i lie T H. Stein T.etz, F!or near I'i : Xieice of sal. 1 n. I i I xcviltlon i ... J C ;je c e . e,".i' ' Ol It ! rel'O ..; o il ip ' - id from '!.. j s.;, ,.',, f M" .,,,,1 ; j,, j i -i,,: c.-it'. ,; r. i: .,!,. Tins . ... .. :- . i it, ,. lit. . vv ! V '!' ,.,. " 1 v ,. -, e.i.n f .. i I's-l- ,: ,v , p I,,",-, - 1 -.'N p . ,.;Vl, I i" . M . h- ll-'us.. j . w . -v. - !' t.. "i " I !..: -' i 'e. '.'.' f... ,!,. ' . - ,';-.' ,-: .1 ,-V I', . ' ! ii',.: , d io -! 1 '' " s I V r We, I ... ... ,, s ;, -i ' .i. el ' ,! 1 . e.l. .-,'. ,!.', : . -v'. i V I V- . ... .. -I e ' ! '-v !' Hif'S .! M.e 1, '.c '" ' ' ' "'-"! :. c !o '." I,' W, ,p. e. I! T .!.,is She, ' "I '.'.' 1 , , e ;,'V. I s,.!,:,,l ,I,,,H.' Ix-l.l'III'v'O I'oliCCs. ' t ,-. I !.- V I Of .1 ... eree ,,f in (.... i i ' i a" it ii lni.u Y i ' i en. a.! n;e:-'i' of V.l'v' A Morel;, i,i. .!., ! vvd ' 'I'I :--e:i V. : c ...iv 11 en I..1-. '-''7. ei to -I e ;-' .V," ainteOl. f,ir C.l-'l, t!,i ti . !, !' i ;',e , '. -.'I'i'u'll pn'ceof ln-ut'- l o '' '. ! ':c reh! i pa y lie ci'.-in- :':-t - ci. ,.;! and ki t-y ,l c iM.'i.e,. in I'.d'.'v No. i"::i of the M il l ' : i , l.;'e In - :c: I oe ( ninv. ' ! V (V I. 1s-. the i fe i f W. K' . n iv :. ',: -.. ". IN-'-'-V :." . S"lT,,f f CM l.i'c iii-'H-oiv '(out a i y ;' ll't::forii. Co nectieie. i-t-mal I fc'tnVr In. .,, on the !; , .,f V l Paw- tie- lo.Oi'o. .Vso. a: -ait, e time ami a- a i art of the aVof a'll io!tci.r. to re .rana 'cere.l '!-reith. ot jtnl'neiit of "'a'-e s' :,,.,;,,,.( 'on' t 'tlfacoi of .1 T I'i.:i,e, :t.li.i;r;-tra'"r. ;iL':'.i:i-: X W t:,j- ,, s.4'iT " ". i:h ii'. t-ton ;i.'-i '.'icre.if frini :'r!i of I'cliruai v. I'.i4. untilotiaiil. for which p .1 pn1 -cie- of in-nrance Rt-e-ecurity. Tartu ci-'i .lidis T iTu.rN, H,l,n:iii-ir-. ,.i- ..f M A Muni e . d lo;Tit(iK SAI.K. Ill' viituo i f nuthoritv confi rred in a tin ifi o.iL'e executed l)V John Kd w.i'rl s -leceased, ami f ! riled in R.-fister's oflien of W.ii.o couptv, N C. H'i: Il'S. paifp iH'i'i d.i'ed .1 in 1st, t on Monday the :Kth day of Fell . at the com t house dour in tie- edv of Raleo'li, at TJ o'clock M. sell to the hie' est did der f'r cash the property described in said rnortoaye adjoinino t ho lands of V C" n tin. V A La-h. . r d oh ers, beiiv.' lot with brick cntta-op oorrier of niood worth, and Pace streets, convvetl bv C Stronach to said John Edwards deceased At same tin e and place one hundred acres more or less adjirnino- the lands of M:,r- Ann Rogers. Stafford Wa'dor. iird others more fit ly oes ST'ti'ilin nv-rtira;"' r xecu'i d lo W f and A H Strnnaeh hv Duncan Moritiif daVd. March 22nd. 1888. and recorded in Register's office of Wake couritv. Hook 104. pa ir? 88, beinjz tract nf land on which Jacob Morintr tormerl v resided. W C, Stbonach, Mortjra(ri jaa 3d 30d Jnehan, A WARNING. kti Weslhey Coming ("oai is t.ccessitv. Now tl.t our sunp'v l oii'as is I he very best h ij.-h or,nl( cotn 'lat can he had Suitable fol rales, open slaves, co..,ini' pur post s and for steam is far ahead ol I' ! i n y ot her i oal on the market. We i ..'. i ..li i-!..... ..r i u' iiiiii .no iitiii ,iu m n in ci ut i . r a re I he old reliable Wood fit rni -tier. short wood, iutie wimiiI. ;awop" .wod pip' woi-d. oak wood, in any ctio'li WeioM iii coal, ti.i'a.su iv it v1 i i .it auaraiiti'i'd Have von horses, .on s, boos, ci a- v other live sl. i-l, lo '. W. ;I,1VS ki'l ji a fl't sl. s pp' .,!,P e i ve vou Just What is Suitable if fivvl,, i :i 1 1 (i f i 1 1 f. whi'li' nii'f.ini 1 .n l-'Pirt w liM't' ti jji't a ii v "i' ' llii' ;invi 'i ;irt U'Hitrrs ;unl ;;h't he uiiti.'i sttitl Wctmv i" iiitv i, iiiit ti i-s. at Itnv lii ircs, and j' t Mir i 1 1 1 1 'iiii'fs ! ( i ' l.'i''t!T (if :jr c.tl :n'irt" ' f'i-lfjlst'' -41 for i. Hi. r, vurd t-!.- . Mi:,!! , , 71 Jones & Poveli, Coil. vV.mil. lee. Feed, Laths and Mdno'e Dealers. U .tt.TiM A rnii.i.ii's I). C. Smith. lew Firm. New Gods Hive just opened at Kmer 's old s'.iiid. corio r of IViwson at.tl '"".ihar rns cnrK. with a fii.l i i '' of "s ;, ,,,. ;;id F.ii'cv (iriMi'itis Satisf.stion o . i ' i: i p ill sa 'c , A de iv-ry a..'-i send ad orlers to miir 'i"t. I "lollitit attention oi ven flive i's a cal I for o i r luc idav oi .oii aol o siire vmi wi;i In' satilied Also ic i ave a nioi'li't of f'rv iiir.eatid n ,1: wood on 1 1 .i t 1 1 . We .oso n etuvo 'n sli lisli :nd ovs'ers da;)v. i 1 I'illlddl's, ,t SMI I'll. l K Oh' sKI.ri:i; M I.IKKIj. 'ia-n rn District of North Carolina, at l'.aleiL'li I'n'.ti'ii States against one :x-lioie engine and maeliinery, two VMiod.n Httlis, fou: ferment inLr tail-, one inaidi tub. one fan and iwo iiackan' of whiiKey. seied a-, the j,i-,,.crty of VT. .1. Lancaster. To W. .1. l.ane-iHter anil to ail hom 't may concern tireetitiL' Notice is hereby eiven that the aiiove mentioned properly wan seized liy K M. Simmons. I'oll.ctor of ln-t.'i-nal Kevetiue for the Fourth Colle" tion Ilisti'iet of North Carolina, on the luh day of January. Js'iT. as foi f, iu il to t'ne uses of i he Fniu d Stag's, for vioIatii.ti of the Internal Kevenue l.as, ant the same is ltlielled and prosecuted in the Circuit-Court of tin; United tita'cs for condemnation for the cai-s in the said lihelof informa tion scl 'orth: and thai, the sa id causes will siat.i for trial at the court room of said ei. .rt.. in the city of l'.aleiuh, on the tirst Monday of December next, if that be a jurisdiction dav, and if not. a; the next day of jurist! ic'I'tn thereafter, when anil wheii; you and ail person-i are warned to apiear to show cause why condemnation should not he decreed, and judgment aeeoril inply ent- red herin, and to intervene for 'heir interest. Given under my hand, at olllee in Fal it'll, this 4th day of October, 1H7. O. J CAKIUH.L, IT St. Mnr.,1 Ml pelinqucut Taxpayers Tokc Notluo. I am compelled to close up the tax books as speedily as p ssihi -. but desirmir to avo d resortin); to harsh measures or attaching penalties and costs, I hope all those who have failed to pay thpir taxes for 1P3" rill come at once to my office and pay same-on or before February lfith. 18!8. After that date I shall coded as law directs, which will involve costs. 1 have upaned the fullest indul gence and I hose not payinjf by F"h l.'dh cannot shift the responsibility upon the law or officers in enforcing the law. February 15th, 18. is positively the limit of indulge' ce. If you want to avoid cots or heintf (farnisheed, pay up at once. H T Jonbs, fbl2td fiha Iff. Wak county SEE THIS! From now on wo will keep a full line of rosea, carnations and other cut Dowers. Bouquets and lloral designs made up in nest style at shortest notice. Call on us. for palms, ferns, and all kind of plants and bulbs. Shade trees and ever greens to order. Plants kept reason able. J.LO'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELEPHONE 149. E REESE M d-Winter Clearance Sale, WE WILL CLOSE OUT ALL MILLIXEHV REG A 1U LESS OF COST. Fxpcriullii offer harqniiin in liinnifd (otitis and infants fnpx. We art' sell inn a (jond tit tint: t-orsft. Sat infttct ion tpiarantt cd or inonci refunded after tiro icttl.s triut. Price, 50,75c,$IOO Gape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y. John (Jn.i.. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN KKKKCT J IS. 22, tHOrt NoltTU HOI'VK No 2. Daily. Leave Wilminolon !l on p m Arrive Kan iieville.. .. .1-10 " Leavel'avett.'ville 12:18 " Leave Favet e.-ille Junction:.") " Leave Sanford 1 :4S p m Leave l"i',:iiax M 47 Arrive ( i reet: si loro -1:211 Leave (Ireetislioro A:'.V) " Leave Siokesilaie .. . . . . a. 17 " Leave WaiiitH Cove ii:J7 " Leave Rural Ha". . . . elfi " Arrive Mt Airv 7:4.") " sol'TIUIorMi. No. 1. PAll.V, Leave Mt Airv 8: Id a m Leave Rural Hall 10:04 " Leave Walnut Cove. ...... KKW " Leave Stokesdale .U:0d " Arrive! i reensboro 11 :;a Leave lii'eensboro 1.2:1 1 p m I eaVeCliiuax . 12:4: Leave Sanford 2:Mli Ar Favetteville Junction. . H.fi.i p in Arrive Favettevtlle 4:00 " Leave Favettevilli' ...... .4.10 " Arrive Wilmington 7:20 '' north iiol'NP. No. 4 Lailv. Leave Hennetsville 8:00 am Arrive Maxton !:02 " lieave Maxton M:07 " Leave Red Sprint's !' " Leave Hope Mills ... .. ,.10:'.'0 " Arrive Fayetteville 10:411 " sor'niiiorNp No. II Daily Leave Favetleville .. .. 4:50 p m Leave Hope Mills 5:07 " ta-ave Rod Springs 5 4! Arrive .Vaxton ti:ll " Lea ve Max ton H:l5 " Arrive Heunettsville 7:15 No. 1(. north Bonn i. mixed. Daily Exc'pt Sunday . Leave Ramseur ... t:40 a m Leave Climax 8:a " Arrive Greensboro 9:1" " Ieave Greensboro 9.35 " Leave Siockesdtile 11:07pm Arrive Madison . . .... 11:55" No 15 mixed south norso. Daily Exc'pt Sunday. Leave Madison 12:35 pm Leave StocKesdale 1:25 " Arrive Greensboro .... 2:45 " Leave Greensboro 3:15 " Leave Climax 4:25 " Arrive Ramseur (1:10 " CONNECTIONS at, Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and Row more Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard Rai'way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nut Cove with Norfolk & WeBterp Riiilwav J W FRY, W B KYIaE, flen't Ma'iH'rr fnnl Pl Ait MS TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Auuusla. Ath ens. Wilminjfton, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New York. Boston, Philadelphia. Wash iugton, Norfolk and Richmond. RrtHpnit'I.K IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7. 'fll softh bocnd. No. 403. No 41 Lv.N.Y . Pen H Rl 100am ''O0n. Lv. Philadelphia" 1 12pm 1205am Lv Raltimore. 315pm 250am Lv Washiti.rton. 440pm (30am L v Richmond . A . CL. f! ".o im 9 05am Lv. Norfolk, S A L. 83fipm !'05ara Lv Portsmouth. ' 84."M'm 920am Lv.Weldon, "112St.m 1155ar, Ar.Henderson. "12a(iam 139pm Ar.Durhiun. " t732am Lv.Durhat'i. " t5 2llpm Ar.Rdcif.'h, " iiam Ar. Sanford. " 8aram Ar Sou 'n Pines. " 422am A r. Hamlet, " 510am Ar. Wadesboro, " 554am Ar.Monnx', " h'4:iam t4 09pm til 10am 3:4.1 oni 5oHi,m 555pin H53pm 1 1 pm 912ptn Ar.Charlotte, " ,s!-0am 10a5pm Ar Chester, " 81llam I047pip Lv Columbia. CN.v LRU . ttilKInn X Clinton, S A L 9 ."ain l'0:,u, . (1 recti od, " lol'.'iatn I H7a.n Ar. oliev ill,.. " 1 1 ii;k,i,i j 4i,..., r Kliierl.in. " I'.'o'pm 2 11 am r A Hum,-,. ' iripm :: i;,:,, v Winder. " 1 .Vipm l.'itian, A r. Atlanta 'cut tinie)250pm 5"-!0 north not no. No 402. No Lv At iatita. SAL. 12oiipin ; .Mi,,... LvWinder, " 240pm lit lli-.n. LvAthei.s. " L'llinm HL'tiiei, LvKlberlon. " 415pm 12.'".a'i LvAbbeville. " 5 15pm 1 4liatn LvfJreenvvood.'' 541pm I 0'lam LvClinton. " H34pm o5...m ArColiiinbiaONivLRR 7 oiiatn LvChester. S.A.L 8i.ipm 4 Htm ArClitirlotte, ' Lv Mon roe, ' Lvllaiiilet. ArWiliniiiLrloii ' LvSoll I! Pi lies ' LvRaleioh A rlleuth'rson ' ArRurham. f.v Durhaitif 1025pm S30am 9 40pm Ii0.rum 1 1 23pm 8 1 a.itn :.'M'l.,t,, 1230t.m 121 lam 21 nam S'JSain t7 32am "II 2oain 1 1 .kiate 1 ' i 4 09pm tl! loam t.'i'JOpm ArWcldon. " 4.Vi:i.. :!00pin ArRiclitnond. ACT, s loam liaOpm A.'Wasl.V PoiiRPv 1231pm 11 lopm A rlialf imoro. " 1 l.'liiin 124Sati: rPhiladihia, " ,'tMipin 3 4,'i.nt ArNewY'.rk. " ii23pm l!5:i-in A rPortsiiiout Ii " 7 30am 5.iip.c. ArNorfolk. "' 7 50um (!o5)u: Daily I-Daily Kxeept mday. JDaih loxccpi Monilav. Nos. 03a,,,l 402, "The Atlanta Spe oil I, "Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man slei-pers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers bet n eon Portsmouth and Chester. S C. Nos 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train. Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth ami Atlanta Company sice;1 ers between Columbia ittii! Atlanta. Roth trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for ,'.iito;oiM('rv, Mol.i e, New Orleans. Texas. Cab fornia. Mexico, Chal tanoofa. Nasli ville, Memphis, Maeon anil Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc.. applv t Ii A "ewl,ind. Gen. A L't . P Dept. li Hiii. ball House, Atlanta, fia H I,'atd, Sal Pass. Aot.. Rd eijrh, N. C. E St. John, Vic. President an I General Mana.rer H. W. R Glover, Trallie Manager V E. Mcliee, General Superinten dent T.J Anderson, General Piesen ffer Airent. General ollices: I'ortsmouth. V;., sale uf Land. Hv au'hori'y of a judgment of the superior eouv: of VVaki coiin v. made in special iit'oeeeiliiios entitled Anne Svkes and others vs Serapha Ray and others No SP S P docket, as commissioner app. inl.-d hy the court 1 wi'l on Motnlay, 27ili day of December. 'KM7 tit 12 ', lock in, at the courthouse door of Wake county Raleiirh. N C.sell to the li e;hesi bid der lor cash a tract ot land in New Lit'ht township. Wake county, beinif lot No t in the division of the lands of Wiley Harrison, deceased, timnnt! his heirs at law Said iattd begins at a black (ittii on tliesprirj.' branch', corner of lo' No 5, tlcnee down sdd branch to Neuse river, thence with the river to the mouth of a branch, thence up said bra:ch to a willow, thence south 40 ilejrees east 7t poles to the R.i'eic'li road, thence south west alo ur said road toastake. thence south Ii5 decrees east 5H poles lo the beoinnirt'. eontaintno; fill tcres W N Joxks. Coin r. no2430d Notice of Sale. Hv authority of a mortiinire from Me Clufe and Hales to the Southern Distill- ins: t ompRiiv rernrded m Hook 144, paire 877 records of KeifisiiT of Deeds oltlce for Wake coiinlv, 1 will on Vonday 28th of Feh-uary, 18118 mil o'clock a. m. ot No 8S8 Favefevilln street. KaleiL'h, N. V., known as the "Hoiihiizh Saloon, " sell at public ton tion for rash m the lushest hiiliter sli the hsr n Mures t said place of business, ronsistini; of show rases. partition, touniers ulns cases, ice box. etc., etc. Id tact all the fixtures anil furui lire heotn;iii to snid Saloon and and described iu the iforrsHld nuuifftiite. VV . n. Judas, Atty. F.b T 0 days;

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