DEPOSITIONS BEING TAKEN In Suit of Smith - Heir for Two Mil lions. The contest of the heirs of the late Mary Morehead Smith to recover prop. erty in the State of Illinois, valued at two million dollars, has begun. As was announced In The Post several weeks ago action was instituted in Quincey, Illinois. Yesterday Mr. Weldon T. Smith, the special commissioner appointed to take evidence and depositions, began the hearing in the law office of Mr. K. T. Gray. There was present Mr. A. W. O'Hara and Mr. M. P. Berry, two well-known attorneys of the State of Illinois, who represented the defendants. Mr. B. T. Gray and Mr. W. N. Jones, of this city, were present as counsel of the heirs of the late Mary Morehead Smith, who instituted the action. This case promises to be a celebrated one, on account of the very large sum Involved. It is of particular Interest to Raleigh people, because the heirB of the Smith estate reside largely in Wake county, and a number of them are well-known citizens of Raleigh. It has only been a few years since the Smith estate, which was a very valuable one. was sold and the money divided among the heirs. The suit, which has already been in stituted in Quincy, Illinois, is brought by Edwin It. Harrison and others. Mr. "arrlson is a native of Forestville. this county, but at present resides in Chicago. Mr. Turner, a well-known lawyer of Quincy, 111., made Beveral trips to Ral eigh for the purpose of getting the Smith heirs to bring action. There be ing many heirs it took some time to obtain the consent of all the parties Interested. He signed a contract with the heirs by which he is to get half of the property. If the action Is suc cessful and in return he bears all ex penses of the suit. The action Is brought to recover pos session of thousands of acres of farm lands In Adonis, Hancock, Warren, Knot, Henderson, Mercer, 1'eorla and other counties in Illinois. The defendants, who are In possession of the very valuable land referred to aboe, secured It through purchase from Penelope Smith and her daughter. Mary Morehead Smith. It Is claimed by the heirs at law of Richard Smith, who was the husband of Penelope Smith, that he only willed his daughter and grandchild a life In terest in the property and that the sale of the property was, therefore Illegal. Smith's wife died long ago and his daughter died some six years ago in a Philadelphia insane asylum. The will of Richard Smith, who was one of Wake's most wealthy citizens, bequeathing his property to his daugh ter and grandchild will no doubt be contested by the defendants. The doc ument is on file In the office of the Clerk of the Court of Wake county. It is said that the Supreme Court of North Carolina has decided in a former case that Smith only w illed his daughter and HiulchiUl a lifetime estate in the P Vrty. Ti.e heirs-at-law instituted action against the Illinois defendants before the seven ear's of limitation, as pre scribed by statute, expired. Lawyers here express the belief that the heirs-ai-lnw have an exceedingly clear and fclroiig c:ise. Tile suit, if gained, would dispossess over 1'iO occupants of large farms in Illinois. The property is said to be worth not less than $2,000,000. Mr. Smith, the special commissioner, yesterday examined four witnesses. They were Mrs. I.. Cosby of Raleigh. Mrs. J II. I'rcnshnw of Wake Forest. Mis. V. Harrison and Mrs. O. J. Car ver, of Forestville. Their eveidence consisted of establishing family Iden tity, (iiiier witnesses will be examined. HOARD OF KXAMINERS. Meet Here Today to Arrange a Course of Study for Teachers. There will be a meeting of the State Hoard of Examiners today In the office of the Superintendent of Tublic In struction. The members of the Hoard are I'rof. C. II. Mebane. the State Su perintendent of Public Instruction, who is chairman ex-olflclo; Prof. W. L. Potent, of Wake Forest; Prof. L. I,, llobbs, of Cuilford College, und Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of the University. At the meeting today a course of study for the public school teachers of North Carolina will be arranged. The course will be printed in pamphlet form for the benflt of the teachers In the State. The Board will also complete ar rangements for the annual examination for the benefit of teachers desiring life time ceitllicates. An examination is held each year by the lioard and the teachers who successfully pass the ex amination are awarded diplomas per mitting them to teach for life. CADET WASHINGTON ESCAPED I'NHCftT. The Cioldsboro Argus gives the fol lowing interesting information concern ing Naval Cadet Washington, of North Carolina, who was aboard the "Maine'' when the explosion occurred in Havana lu.i bor: "Since arriving in Key West, Fla., wheie he Is now stationed. Naval Cadet Pope Washington, who was of the offi cial corps on board the Ill-fated war ship 'Maine' at the time of the explo sion, has written to his parents. Col. and Mrs. J .A. Washington, In this city, notifying them that he escaped any Injury. He does not atte.npt to describe the fatal catastrophe." BARNES ACTS VERY STRANGELY. J. II. Barnes, the white man, of Wil son, charged with rape, who Is In jail here for safe keeping, acts at times as If he were unbalanced. One of the Jail ers states that he believes Barnes is not responsible for his actions at all times. He la continually wanting something, and would keep several servants busy. He can never be satisfied. He Is in the corridor with W. 8. Browning, who has the meaalep. Barnes demanded his re moval to another cell, and (wore If he was not let out of the corridor he womld break out of Jail. CONTRACT TO BE DRAWN AT ONCE Government Will Give State 25c Per Day and Labor of Each Convict. Mr. Claudius Dockery, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pen itentiary, Is here to see the Governor with reference to drawing the contract, subject to the approval of the Govern ment at Washington, for the locatii n of a Federal prison for Southern con victs at the State penitentiary. The announcement in The Post yes terday of Prison Inspector La Dow's favorable report and the almost cer tain location of the Federal prison here was read with much Interest. Chairman Dockery says he has Just received a letter from Col. James E. Boyd, of the Department of Justice, Informing him of the favorable report made by the prison inspector. Col. Boyd Informed Mr. Dockery that the contract should be diawn at once, so that the spring convicts may be sent here. Mr. Dockery states that, as yet, no terms have been agreed upon between the State and Federal authorities. It is very likely that the Government will give the State 25 cents a day for the care of each prisoner, In addition to their labor. Impure lllood in spring. This is the almost universal ex perience. Diminished perspiration during winter, rich foods und clo-ie confinement, indoors are some of the causes. A (food spring mdicine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, isabolut. -ly nncessary to purify th- blood aai put the system in ahealthy condition at this season. Hood's Pi"s are the host family cathartic und liver tonic Gentle, reliable, sure JIM YOUNG WANTS ANOTHER ELECTION. Jim Young says he will lie returned to the Legislature next year as a mem ber of the House for Wake. "Are you a candidate?" Jim was asked. No; the people are calling me," the Radical leader of Wake remarked. "How about your present Job?" it was suggested to him. 1 will retire from the manure pile long enough to go to the Legislature." he said. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinine rahlets. All d ruofjists refund the l.nev if it fails to cure 2w The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Special Kates via MAI. io onvcntlon o Insurance Agents at ( ha ilotte, lib 2 2. On account of the sibive oceisinn the Seaboa' d i r I, t no will se I round trip tickets from RaU-it'h lo Char lotte, N C and return for J" 30. Tickets to he sold 1-Vh 21 :it d 22ml with final I'lii't Ke'i 'Jli Km- furthi r information call on the uinli,r.ii.'ii. H SLonrd. TI'A; W O K mhali. 0 T A ; 'A l .Smith, C T A, R.l.'iol, N 0. The surprise of All, Mr James Jones, of the druo lirm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in peaking of Dr Kim' s New Discov ery, savs that hist win er his wife whs attacked with La (rrmpe, and her case o'ew so verimis that physi cians at Cmvile.i ood I'ana could do not bins fur her It seemed to de velop into hasty consumption. Hav- ny; I)r runt? s .New Discovery in store, and sellintr lots of it, he took i bottle home, and to the surprise of all she boiran to tret better from first lose, and half do?, mi dollar bottles urid her sound and well III Kino's New Discovery for consuinp tion, c.oiiyhs and colds is irtiiiran'eed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at any druy store. Special Kates la Southern Hallway. MAKtU GRAS CARNIVALS. On accnut of the above occasion, held at New Oi'Uans, Mobile and Birmingham, February 22d, 1H!H, the Southern Railway Co. will sell tickets Raleigh, N C to New Orleans Mobile and Birmingham at one fare for the round trip, tickets to be sold Feb 10 to 21 inclusive, good to re turn until March 5lh, 1 8H8 . NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. On account of the above occasion, held at Chattanooga, Tenn, Feb 22 and 24, 18!)8, the Southern Ry. Co. will sell tickets, N C, to Chattanooga, Tenn, and rc'urn at one fare for the roui d trip, tickets n sale Feb 20, 21 and 22, g -od r -turning until Feb 28, 18118. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION V 'REII'.N MISS'ONS On account of the above occasion, held at Cleveland, O, Feb 23 to 27. 1898, the Southern Ry Co, will sell tickets Ra)eigh, N C lo Cleveland), and return at $18 40 for the round trip, t'ekets on sale Feb 20, 21, 22, good returning March 2. 1 898. FISH, OYSTER, GAME, INDUSTRIAL FAIR On account of the above occasion, held at Newbern, N C, Feb 28 to March 5, 1898, the Southern Ry. Co will sell tickets Raleigh to Newbern and return at ti for the round trip, tickets on sale Feb 2ti to March H, inclusive, good to return until Mar. 8. For further information call on or write Thad C Sturgis, ticket ag't For Over Flft r Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens he gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor .ittle sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggist in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask f-jr "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other ud 8p elal pates via seaboard Air Line- NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION On account of the above occasion the S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets from all stations to Chatta nooga, Tenn , at rate of one first class fare for round trip. Tickets to be sold February 21 and 22, with final limit February 20, 1898. MA Hill ORAS On account of the above occasion, held at New Orleans, La., Febraary 22, 1898, the S A. L. will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh to New Or leans, La , for $25 50 for the round trip. Tickets to be sold February Irj lo 21 inclusive, with final limit M irch 5, 1898, INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF r-'Oh EINCIN MISSIONS. On account of the above occasion, he'd at Cleveland, Ohio, February 23, to 27, 1898. the SAL will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh to Cleveland, Ohio, toi 'W.15. Tickets to be sold February 20, 21 and 22, with final limit March 2, 1898 For further information in regard to schedules aud rates ca.l on the uuders'.gned. 11 S Leard, T PA; WO Kimball, D T A; Z P Smith, C T A; Kaleijh N. C. Feb 18 MAKY'S LITTLE USUI lifcnme famous thniuKh its pranks at s lniol. Thp lambs yvn ileal in arc-equally famous, but tin. re for their Kood taste than srholarly habits. All unr meats are rleli in Mayor, ten- let' ami contain the maximum quan tity of nourishing juices. Our efforts on behalf of our customers are direct ed towards nivine them the best meats at the lowest prices. Semi your orders for what you want in meats and reeu Krocorb'S. We have it. I'KNTItAI. MA UK KT AND fol.p SToltAUK CO., Kayellevllle St. $10,000 mTnTTTTTmTTnTmTTnnnTTnmrnTmnTtiTnrmtmiTTtTTtTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTT Worth of Furniture Jo Be Sofd By June the First. We have moved our entire stork of goods 10,000 worth into our house we occupy next, to Woolleott's Sons. We are crowded for room and !y the time we get our new building completed June the 1st, we intend to sell every dolhirs worth of goods we have. Bed Room Suits, Chairs, Rockers, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers KITCIIING Fl liM I l UE Of every description. A larue line of fancv CENTER TAHLES, Pictures and easils to be sold at some price. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR lm OF HEW MATTING AND FLOOR OIL CLOTH. We have bought the prettiest line of '- Baby Carriages A ever shown in Raleigh. We cannot make tervfOW room lor ineni ami must sell them out at once. A full line of Cook - ... stove. All goods will be sold either for cash or upon easy weekly payments. Thomas i 9 and 12 East Martin POISON I A SPECIALTY. Prin.crv : -poniary or Tertiary ELOOO ftOii&4 licruianeui ly Cl!!i:!) IN 15 TO 35 DAYS. Yon can be trtatrd at home for s:nne price uii'lcr same guaranty. H you prci ;r to come Nere we will contract to pay iai road fiire and hotel bills, and no charge, if we fail to cure. IF YOU HAVE Intern mercury, Iodide potash, and still have itclR's aud pains, Mucous Patches in incut li, 5ore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, FJlCt 9 on any part of the both, I W'. or Lyet owa falling out, it is MM W GUARANTEE TO CURE. We -. it ll'.e most obstinate cases awl c'lal' r t'.ir ski" '. .orld lor a case wecarjt'it i : ,..( ..s-.' lins nlu-av- bcf.Ted the . r-. eminent phy ji.ians. ; i' .1 behind our imi.- m: !;' Absolute proofs s t:t : ! i loo njee book sent i: . Rf :.V co.. 307 LIIH-.V,IO, Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the pro visions of a certain tnorlya re deed, executed by K. V. Harwell and Amanda Harwell, his wife, and K J. Harwell, on the 15th day of De cember, 1HS!I, which said inortirasje is duly recorded in the Uejjisterof Deed s oflice, of Wake county, in book 110, at pane :S!2, I will on Monday, the 28th day of February. 18118, at 12 o'clock no in. at the Court House door, in the cilvof RaVioli. oiler for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain Ira l or parcel nf 'ai d. Iuif und beinj,' i i 'be county f Wake, said State, adjoin'"" the lands of A. B. Andrews (now C. A. G.todwin) VV. D. Williams and tbe Chapel I Ml toad, and bounded and described as fol ows : liei.'inn ni' nt a lare white oik on the north side of the i h. pel Hill read, runs north 4"1 - deoe(.s west poles toil stake, thei ee notth 87 dejiee-, west 48 pules to a stake aid pointers on a sioa I branch, theoce S 'i d. "trees we I l.'Ili poles to a stake in the centre of the old Chapel Hill road, W D Williams' corner, lltenoe with the old road !7 1-2 poles lo a stake. V D Wil liams' corner, thence wiilisald Wil liams ' line south, two det'ives west. 34 poles to the centre nf tin- X C railroad, thence with said railroad 111) poles, thence 2 12 decrees east, 12 1-5 poles to a stake on the sou I h side of the Chapel Hill nml. thence south (111 deerees, west 15 I 2 poll s to the berjnninj,', coot .'nut l' 85 acres. A I! A n hiimvs. Mnl taoee. This 25111 day of Jammrv, 181W, A B Andrews, Jr. attorney. A o-:V:r' $.! 7$V UilU: V A VV;-. ';V XZV Vv V Streeti Phone 261 C m PARLOR SUITS, Campbell FARMERS' B. I DEALER IN Agricultural i Field! 3 Garden Seeds, 5 BICYCLES, HARDWARE, STANDARD SEWING MACHINES, g RALEIGH, N. C. OVER $100,000,000 Typewriters, Ribbons and T. B. HEARTT, Agt., Sor. IS-If NEW MACHINE SHOP. Eyi'ii'i'i-'.n With Latkst I.iriuvj-:i . . . M.utiinkky and Tools . . . P. D. G. Machine Company, S. Salisbury St., Raleigh. PRACTICAL MACHINISTS & ENGINEERS. We tin nil ur own work nml know it is ilmir rij;ht. I ur iriTs arc riirlit. Milisfiicli'in siiiinintiT'l. Slriiin nml pus rniriiirs, 1 ilrrs :nnl mm, saw mills, hangers, pulleys und slutting, iij.v anil pipe lii-tinys. Supplies nf all K imls. STEAM AND HOT Repair Work II. G. KLONDIKE! Dnn 't e;o ih re unless you are well supplied wi h Simpson's Liver Pills! Ynu are more m;m liki-y ', lie troubled with Nasal Catarrh if you don't use Simpson s Ointmei.t. whirh Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. And secure the sible. J. K. I have used Q for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling- like hot cakes. ,rfc GUSTAV FALK, Druggist, tOJRtCosivmtorfSS Sale of Vuluoble Personal Hropcrty for Taes. I!v virtue of the authority vested in me hv See. 52 cf th charter of the City of Raleigh and in pursuance of a ievy made by me February 11, 1S!S, on the property hereinafter described, I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder fur cash on Thursday, March 3, ISilS. at 1 o'closk p m , at the printing shop of K, M. Uzzell, in said city, the fo low itift personal property, to wit: Print ing presses, type and bindery in said printing s op, the same beinj; the property of said E M. Uzzell, said sale being for taxes due said eitv bv said E M. Uzzell for the year 1HII7, amounting to $57.35, and also for tbe penalty authored by tbp charter of yaid city, aud the cost .f levy, sale and advertisement. C F. LtfMsDEN. Tax CollPtiMf. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 19, 1898i SUPPLIES! R B Y, o 3 Implements, Feed and Fertilizers, Annually Earned by Opera tives of the Remington Standard Typewriter. just think of it'. More, than the GOLD RESERVE Oh THE US I TED S TA TES. The "Reminufvn" does the tvriting of the icorld. Oeneral Supplies. RALE J an, s. a listimatt'S and Plans I'urnUhed Without Cost. WATER HEATING Stale Aircnts ('lurk's ( 'ompM Lining Metal a Specialty. DEWEY, St I'KUINTKMU-NT, is a sure cure. best laundry work pos MARSHALL. IMIOPHIKTOK. August 3i, 1897. Metropolitan Opera House. THURSDAY, FEB. 24. AUG USTIS DALY'S COMEDY A NIGHT OFF. Produced over 100 Nights at Daly's Theatre New York. Roars ol Laughter. Pri. es 26c , 50c , 75c, and $1.00. feb21. i&p BE SURE YOU HET THE ' Oi n Reliable" Turner N C Alma NnlailH. Alfred Wil Hams & Co. 's, Booksellers, City Price lOe. or bv Jas H Ennibs. Publisher, Raleigh, N 0. Cure Fof Housetop era. We take pleasure In offering a very fine line of icasonable goods, such a PURE FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jams in fancy patent glass jars or by pound. Atinore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NEW prepared Buckwheat, with pnre sap maple syrup In quart or i gallon cana. NEW CROP Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, etc , Olives, Olion Oil, Cutsupa and Sauces of finest quality; CANNED GOODS in endless variety from-bent packer! WE believe we have the best Flour on the market. Htva you tried it? Our famouH "MELROSE" brand. EVERYTHING purchased of us is guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Orders tilled carefully and delivered witb dispatch. J. D. TURNER, "eleDhone 1? Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administrator r. the estate of Wra E Manley, de eased, late of Wake County, N. C, h s is to notify all persons boldiDg a aims against the said estate to pre sent them to tbe undersigned at his iflice in Raleigh, on or before the 12th day of November, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted 'o the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C Maroom, adm'r. Argo & Snow, att'ys. For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage wltti kitchen, north end Halifax street,' known as the "oaks." Nine rooms, bath room, large garret etc. One of the handsomest and most convergent inside finished houses in Raleigh, No. 526 N. Blount street. For particulars apply to, or address, 1" "1 1 Wm T Harding, oct6 tf Park Place, Blount st.. citv. IS m PATENTABLE? Send Sketch, description and $5.00 for exam ination and GUARANTEED report, l'rlnted information about PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS, DESIGNS nd bualneai before the Patent Office FREE. EUGENE W.JOHNSON. Attorney, Established iswt Warder Building, Oppoait Fatent Office, Washington, D. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14. 1 806. Trains Leave Kaletgh Dntty. "Norfolk and Chattanooa Limited. 3,40 p. m. Dally, Solid ventibuled train wi sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. Ball bury. Morganton. Aslievllle, Mot springs M Knnxvtlle. CcDnecta at Durham fo. Oxford. Clarksrlll and Keysville. except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and Boutb western Vestn tiled (Limited), train for point North and with main tine train No. for Danville aud Intermediate loca stations ; also h s connection for Wln9txn-8ateni and with main line train No. 35. "united states Fast Mail" for Charlotte Spartanburg Oreeu v , Atlanta and all points South ; tso Oolum hla. Augusta Charleston, Savannah Jacuson ville and all points In Florida steeping Caj for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wttb keeping Car for Augusts. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1 1:48 A. n. Daily Solid train eonalstln Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Ch tanoona 10 Norfolk arriving Norfolk 6:00 p In time to connect with the Old Doalnlon Merchants' and Miners ' Norfolk and Wahs Ington and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich m.ind 8 8 Co's tor all polntnorth and east. Connects at Helina tor Kayettevllle and in termediate stations on the Wilson and F ettevllle Short Cut. dally, except Sunday lo sew ern and Morehead city daily for Golds horo. and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tlons on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Fxpress Train. 8 .H A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford. Keysvlll-. Ki hmond; at Ureensbor lor Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:40 P. .1. Dally-For (loldsboro and Inter mediate stations Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for al p hits for North and South and Wlnston-8alem and points on the Northwestern North Carotin Railroad. Al Salisbury, for all points in West em North aroiina Knoxville Tenn, Olncln natl and western points; at Charlotte, fc Hpai tanburg. Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. 3:40 P. M. Dallv I'rom Attala, Charlonn. Greensboro and all points Souih. No -folk and Chattanooga. Limited j lOP M Dallv from a p( lutrt east. Nor folk Tarboro. Wuson ano water tint. From Vllmliiiton, Fayet erlll and all points In Kastein Carolina Norfolk and ChattanooKa L'uil'ed. .....a n liilv From New Vork. Wiuhtn t -43 ' - . 1 Dnphhiim nanville and Greensboro. t-a taiuMiga, Knoxville. Hot springs and AshevU. Express Train 8 53 a, a. Datlyrrom ooldsboro and tnU' mediate stations. Local. i m A fl. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and South. Sleeping Oat Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m Dally exc. pt Hunoay rron uoint, boro and all points East. Local freight tralas also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh Greensboro Through Pullman vesttbuled Draw 0 Buffet sleeping Car and Vesttbuled eoaek without change on nortolk limited. Double dally trains between Ralelgn, Otiat iotte and Atlanta. Quick time; uueiceUad ae eommodatlon. . 11. OHKBM. Ueueini upertnteodax. w. A. TUKt Genera' 1 amouam -!"-" 9 auiiMwu. 0 0 J. tyi. UOup. TrafBrt M anallt

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