5 1 I:' THE PRESS-VISITOR, fii " AlEIGH, N. C. WILLIS O. BRIGQS . City Editor FRIDAY - February 25. HOLDERS OF SPANISH BONDS Ar Alarmed Over Important Financial News From Madrid. London, Feb. 24. The Evening News says the holders of Spanish bonds are greatly alarmed at the serious news received from Spain to the effect that the Bank of Spain will only take coupons due on April 1st w ith recourse. Anglo-Spanish bankers say it means that the Government has not put the bank In a position to redeem the colli ons. If the bank is not inilemiihii'l by the Government, parties who. haw obtained money will have to repay it. This, the bankers believe, is a grave situation, and indicates government embarrassments. The bank is sate guarding itself, and will not Riiarantcc that coupons will be paid. Possibly they will be paid in paper instead of gold, liondholders are also fearful thai a tax will be put u" i; coupons, or that the discount will In reduced. Leading Anglo-Spanish firms say there is a great question w hether s?;isn will meet coupons integrally. A lieay fall in Spanish exchange is strong e i dence of the difficulties of the i;. cin ment. YESTERDAY IN CONGRESS Corbett Contested Election Case In senate House Discusses Uuarantlne. Washington, Feb. 21. The crb contested election case was ilisciss' .1 In the Senate today, after Seiin- r ; len had withdrawn his lovezy am. .1 ment to the appropriate'!! ii;i u;el : discussion yesterday. The House today consid.-red the Hun. dry Civil Appropriation bill. d:-enss.: the question of iinarani in.- filial. : -Bailey (of Texas), naming 1.1 m...:: the appropriation of money .!- i,, limit the President to lie- us- ..( i only in connection wilh Stat-- r i: officials. He said he would pr.-f.-r t!:.:i people should be afflicted with t':. plague rather than that tie- S r -should be stripped of tli p a is :. : ought to possess and excrcis.-. Other Southern nenincrats 1.. .- experienced and suffered fr -in "shotgun" quarantines, f.iv. : ! t amendment as rep.irt.'l. .nil v.. -agreed to by the narrow mnj n'.'y f .' t to 72. During the discussion Mr. ..!! warned the Republicans that thy n a i attend the sessions regularly, i 1 against Democrats foisting extt ;i i z.r.; appropriations on the co'intry in r to be able during the cami- ii en ! point to Republican extravag.itu - Historic and Valued Relics of the Revolution. We were shown yest-'r-lay t an cient and historic relies ,,f the 1 : , I : -tlonary war. They were a ! .( the ritual of the c'hureh ef i;n :!,iH. printed in 1718, and ni.-.l:. ine ei - . th of which were earn--1 by la-. Kei-.i:-! Donaldson Cooke, .iinni.: tie- u it i ;i Revolution. Iir. i',.,-k.- was i! i. .it grandfather of .Mrs. A. I'., sir n.i --a. .. this city, U lln ser '-.I with hi I - .. a I : distinction in llial ei-ni.sl. i: a! of which Is dear to t-v.-iy A-i n The ritual and tli- iie- h- e: . were taken from Iir. Co"k-- .is ! a ,s found, after being wotin-h-l n, ; gagement. The poekets -i' ih - a cine case are filled with tie which still contain the drugs -i;.a:a placed in them. Their spleadel s? preservation through all tla-- - il ls most remarkable. The i as e---' which Is covered with a sl-'-a! ! quality of leather, il- s net l- gm t show its age. The copy of the ritual .-f the !i-i-. I: of England contains a r--ein-i marriage of I r. t'imli-- to Ins Priscllla, which occtirn-l I'-e. i-i!i-1768. The dates of tie- ler'h , children are also reo-pled. The relics are of great value f historic standpoint, and tic d--ants of the distinguished patta-t used them, may well be pr-iaid i fact that they are in their f lie SAM JO.VKS WTTIH'UA'.'. Atlanta, (la.. Feb. 21. The Jones has withdrawn frem tl natorial contest, but deelar..- 111. 1 reserves the rlRht n, r-.oni-r i' a! 1 time he sees fit. He gives as his reasnn r-.r .... iti li , ing now, the "lack uf ch-anhr, s" n ' State Democratic forces. 1I-. sav- tl In former campaiiAns they ha . -themselves to the vvhislc y cl. ni. nl. a he has no assurance that this 1 atnt.a: will be an exception. He also says that !',- ih- s n..t .-a--.. endorse the "vagaries of ila- i'l:i platform" a step which wmil.1 j.. r dered necessary shouM his aieli.la as a Democrat be continue.! jn-t a -.v For: sai.k. 5,000 cords of woi.il f..r sal.-, - i.n miles from city. Call on Walt. 1 1. Womble, city. ."1 e .. .1 Fine aples, bananas. ,nip an 1' ons at Barbe & Pope's. Try our 20c chocolates. & r, To Cnrea Cold In One I'm Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drutryists refund th money if it fails to cure. "ac. The genuine has L BQnn each tablet. J have Just received a car load of Vir ginia and Indiana horses selected from four hundred head. In this lot you can find anything you want from a nice driver to a farm, draft or family horse. Ages from 5 to 7 years. Sold under guarantee. FRANK STRONACH, 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington St. Ifycu are not fee'intr well, why don't you take Hood s Sarsaparilla ' It wil) purify and enrich your blood and do vou wonderful (rood Hood's Pills are the only pills to tk ltb Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy fend yet efficient. lree rills. Send youraddresstoH E Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sam ple box of Dr King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in ac tion and are particularly effective in ihe cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver TOU )les they have been proved !n tiiuuble. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deles terious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowel . reutly invigo rate 1 he system. Regular size, -5c per box. So il bv all druggists. Seaton liales Lodge. 1 tegular iiiectiiifT of Seaton Gules L.aloc No. 1. O. ( 1'.. Friday nio"lit al T:.'!0o cluck. It U ear neatly ib -sired that every member be present. .Members of sister ludt'es are c r diaily in ited to atleiu. I! I. Fa i si. N. G. Tnicu, Sec. Fill; s.l. p. ill-'.- l'.-k.-t l-'ell' i . K" fe. I I lltl- V .LITIS M.MII.KIi'S. fehjl-ll North HI, unit SI iU-tioii, Auction Degilillili,' wilh loniglit we Mill sell al auction I ! it- ell I ire stock of Till ware. Hindu rile. Kuril; me, N.'lii.ns, etc. S;t!e te I mil illllc.i tl'.illl lllillit to nielli 1 1 , 1 1 i -lock is lii-piiM-il of. lc' n II ' . 11 I'.i'Mi-: A: Co. l'i il'Nh yof i-:i:k ('' '.':' $75 for $35 Wori.D VOl IH'Y IT imi is Hr on i:k i I '97 CHESCEHT 1 BICYCLE I SOLI) AT $75 00. I Our Price $35. 1 T H. liriggs & 5ons, a t V l ltiH. N C. XitiHut in "en nui iiimuiiiiuainuii j . . . I!..! at!. CVU Drinks Sci -,! i ..,:!y .1'. .... King's Popular Fountain 11. : i 'le li t i .a II.,: i:. ah-lte II,.' I I ril.-l'iel'' ,1.1 T Shalie-. -1-1 I -I I 'i.l.-i. la 111-11 I '!:,,-; ilelte. .,' i ' r iii 'e rii.is. I o!,i I. hen-V iii!:-,n ..!.! Milk Huyler's Candy Fresh Every Day. Do You Walk or Ride ? I :' y.m ride lie sure to jet a 'Cleve land Wheel. Absolutely the Oest li e . c:e en ! lie market lojuv, J C S LUMSDEN Ai.kx 1 Knit Kai.nuii. b :: af ir. ;. Jn;s Wfttllii'rftiri'i 'isl: h'nir din! i iihh r : I 'n 1 -.nnj t-'nl nrd'y BIG ATTRACTION AT THE BIG STORE. Beautiful line of Ladies and Childrens' Underwear BRAND NEW GOODS, Just arrived, best makes and best Qualities, this line consist of all style garments used. Also, afull line of Corset Covers and you will find the prices lower than you ever bought the same goods before, to be seen, is to be appreciated. Lots of new attrac tions at the Big Store for you. Respectively w. E. JONES. I jOne of !The Sights In the city is our store ft is worth your time to si e it. also our display of Jewelry, Silverware Novelties, eter You mig-lit limljj t something to take home w ith you t H. MAHLER'S SONS, t Jewelers and Opticians A No eliatvc 'or examih-ttinn off 4.,..,. 1 l f f The Big Racket Stoi I f ViMl wai t to t-;trealn t, Ihe l.v.-n I! i.-Uet store. Tllt'V 1 live out ;in I hil.o tell wal.l ill the way 'I linss if,,,,', she. s. in' linerv Aini a ane of ivi'n- , ep'1-i.-rv S."e i b-.es f r i: T.".- p'a'e liOe. -He ctip-s and saucers Im- lil fruit saucers we -1 Ui for lie. r iliueil to liiK- f,).- s x: butter p a'.-s Jile per ilo."n. Then we have a 'ine ef Me tl,:e:.-s Come look a' our luai.Uels, eeiii' -r's mil pM'o.vs. Knur pin, ml p !'ew s fur ." I Tl fee ai.il a l a f peiiml ie ' ;mv I -r l!c ("etne ami -nek b. fere bu, le' else w here. Yoiii's tru v. LYQN RACKET STORE 16 East Marfin Street. Bicycle Exchange and Livery Department. Uu' c l.l-s, nlil ami new . bought and sold, i e i hanoa-il. iiy,le Saddles el' al' makes and sizes. We rent lieeN. si n;h in' Tandem : lowest pi i, -per hour or w eek. The Celebrated Craw ford Bicycle. UTMOST HF.l.l Mil LIT) Prices: $25, $39, $3 .1 and $50. Yoi'R Mo.NKY I'iAi'K 11 NOT SlTTKIi. Our M.illn JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO. TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doctors ami paMents in neei! i f Nursea' M-rvii't's can rct full inlnitn i- j tion at McK iininLin's Drue; stere. Kaleitrh. N'. I .. i'4 1 II'. K Jo.XKs. For Hiilt iiih, Febrviirij IAL INTERNATIONAL DRESS GOODS REVIEW. The now season's stre.rn is (low i. o, h.tnk-UiIl. A host ot v.-i-v iiist oinicis 1mo ln-n ami air nn'. Same li.ippy latewill .piicklv ctune to the line s'.u'l's np.-neil t' r this weeks's showing;. i:cltisivenessiiiaiks v.U .!r-s 's 'lil,it- .Tlu' l'"1"' scheme t'er spring is mi)! Ih atutli.l. I ray, tlie silvery rati proilomi nates.' Then o.nu-; the hncvacr o. ay ;ho reis;e. 'I hey blues Xav . r.ri-ht, M-.rie l.-tn-c ami fa.lel. Hurnl Or.m-e is .mite eorreet for w'aisls i-r In; nim nil.- : U. intense i'-h enstnmes. 'I nis lai'oelv in silk . Iihuk (!. a -ils arc ;n ret were more eh-jfant i r v.i 1 ic c er where, v'l tm .r:-l oiauls seha tii'ii lu re tow ne hetween se.iscii ill i " ,-1 :i i i:i:ss i a " ds l-'.-iir gn at : -, i'w i: rv i'i i: uhlt- Sh-I-'. :; - , - ill 111:.- I..i!f '. hut 111" rn 'i'v iiiN'i Sek and , i ' , I , - i 1 : i : N i' v j le-p.-it.-l I I le- a . . i : i " 'i.i . l'i. le h I'-'- n i. i K i a " 1 I'll rv i i:.'. : :a- !i i::., A Word About Linings. V.- .ii e., a,- , ,1 ,1,'e ' l.al in1 win. tu nc bl!' tl-. Ill , slere s f I n e I. (Ml A I i ie" i I r ..: I.IMMi-s hill, !'h !l I ill , !,e - it s v. al.l ' rv w an ,. ' 1 t i 1 ' '.' the il.-.i .a Us ,1, a 1 R. & B. CO. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. I;. .. , 1 i . s .i i Tin I.- i- .;-..i: 11-, e .ie.:i c REDOOTIO GF TEN PER GENT. e Ie Royall Sorden Furniture Co. v , i f nl II. .! f -..n'ttin:TTfHrtnTT';t(t . :t;e nnu in ,,e,i n - . i I l cl e r s . ii .el st a ii. 1 It, a Ie . i-.- t nne a liicsi .i-i, w , l.a, (..tnel'v i-lll- ll'iliie. i e now i v.'iv i in - i ' -it "sinal; .r !.!- in : ( If,- II- ',. , ' niii-rs Sli i s h ;i,aisi.. ii .11 I v -lie, I. 131 Favctteville Street, - ALL ilK.WY WLKJIIT WINTER GOODS AT COST OR LESS ! New SM'incf Goods up-to-date in styles and down to Rock. Bo UE LEAD ! i .,,1 r.i.ir i ', crvw here. They niei' ''i',is -strip ellects an d plaids are ! e enhimi'ii AH tliroii;:!) tlu' tlress ;ib,ine,ils he the want lor simplest -! elaborate '.'ostirnc lor l-aster. i.Mial value " ' '' rii-i'v i'i'"i's .. , M .li. ir Si. iha i: .-. Hi ( i r --. I ; i "i i-'i i-: ' t:.vi I - , a a :,: inch Kiga .1 M -ha r-. 'S STKIli: , r. i::.'i ", r: i: mx i's N , l'i Ml' S 1 1 . K S d . . a i. l-i na I i- :; I . !- .an .,h 1 i 1 . ; 1'al -a'lel sll -- - .. 1" -i- v. J'l I'.i'. -1 n l - I .i ; : -. '. I- -ii-. . ' 1 ill-----. l-'il-'TV MM'. , i:"i'.-. I ' . II Hi-" -el -1 'I'- ' ill lite v .jtlalliy. - S'!. lel'd '. .ii 1 1 .i li. 1 1 a : T! l'll'TV I'llXTH ! pi'-. .- f y l 'i " i.' a-. ! ..lie f..r '.' l ;l,e f.,(-t ! . Ie ful'e l.i e... i, I I. Ill (1 I" r v u .1 11 1- e , re a 'I 1 hone b I ', . ai t i b it l he ! 1 h t i .a, .1. ' -rt. fe ,. !' . , v . r c :-inuuuiiaiiuuiiiii.ituv I R. a B. F. CO. . nTTTnrrrnfTnrttnr?Tnt .;. iii.l CI. iir- 1 1, i e i.n ti. e...'i !!. '- '.muj.'iijuiuuiiiiiuim 1 R & B F CO I New Shoes! New Quarters! New Prices! I'll r'avetleville slrect. jllt acrn-s lie- 1 lie -i.- ol' 1 lie tul iiier. w liel- u e will carncl sii as In lift I tl' ncciineiii lie tint e. iiii:Ncw tJ.iinl-. :ei 1 are m 1 1 K i ti tr lliein en the a'li. k sale--. ' liin lew ii inaiiiin-' f.ili ai.1 l :,:c h i frrr of 'Imviff. .lues nolhiiii: 'ail ilrcss ladies mnl eenis lim1- ie ri '5 Raleigh, N. C Say Just One Minute Please. OUR SPKlXc; STOCK 1ms 1 1 nn to iirnvc ami we must have the room, so if you are int' rested in anything in our line it wiil pav you o call. FECIAL BABOAK m SALE From Feb 25 1,000 Ladies 12 l-'2c. llandkriThicfs at 7 1-2c ,00OY(Ls Fine 10 and 12 l-2c Porcals to go at 7 I -2c. 50 ELEGANT WHITE COUNTERPANE'S VALUE $L25 AT 82c. (), e Li't Selected Hamburg ICdinjjs in i-J am! 5 yil. lengths, put up to he sold at 75 cts. Oar price lot' this Sale jo ami 5 ets. Slioo Makers wil! find a i;ood stock of Leather and findings at our store. WOOLLCOTT & SON. "Swept-Down" Prices' Si... k-takino out;lit to iut lest um as inmh as it does us. It means an tinlimileil use nl the "i' l'i i 1111 . ' .,1 '.he broken bins," "nilds and ends." are swept Kioether, ami Mn help ourselves at 1'iices that pav no attentinii In 11 1-1. h I al. in- to pn lit. We've laken siin'k. Are all thoiio h . V'e've matched up" our entire suit stuck. We tint! J50 Coats and Vests that have 1111 pants that match 'em. The prices thev are marked wuiildn I pay h'l' the chdli. Ihith sacks and Irncks. dnnhle and single brea.-letl. in the cnl eclieii. Snme id the vert besl styles i. the cle iiest p uterus e hav e had this seaseii. Another Find-400 Pairs of Pants. They lust their Coats and Vests. What we've dune with the price ini can see at a jdance. Kwry pair a bai'o.liu. Be Sure to Come This WeeK. If mui want a Suit or Ovcrcii.it at J5 per cent nil". This is the last vi ck. 50-Cclit Club Tics ai.d llnws lor J;c. He iprck tul' nur selec tinn. .Ml the mid-season 11 ipiiremeiils and niceties are here. Also seme nl' the advance stvlcs for spring. (il.id to have ymi see 'em. A, B. Stronach, Spring Novelties 111 ( 'um 'inn' uiir nnrcx iritlt .su-rntl- . -S n iiilx" uiiil'-diKil lleii- nr! urns. .nnn . r- -J 1898 Spring Dress Goods Cheviot, t cctl, lioincsjiiin ami illnini - n.itcil Hcnvcj, ex ee it i i I Iv "im I vul iir.. r.M. l i, '-' yd. 1898 Spring Silks I !i sirini; i-ilU. Ilc uil ifill x n m l- i I I lie iiiucl wciivet anil coliirinir in plain iin.l chiini.'.Hli.. liilTctiis, nliliil tal iflsi-, i-i k clicviols, fancy ilk IhiIIk. Ac, Oiiciojl i . ry.l 1S!W LACKS AND DI K-S TI1! MI.MiS. All nf lliciimcltiiof tlic season, inclml inir ni ls, sets, luiiuliiiu's. Inccs anil inser liims to niHtch ill c ream, while, hotter anil lil.ick. Also Mils uiini (Ie l'aris ami nieclilhi laces lo maicli, 2(lr iloz. up. 1MW W ASH niKS FA 1 5 K ICS Fine French orirHmlics, satin s'ripe oriran.lics, Mnlhousc oi irumlies, oiiian ilies Cove, French mid linen batistes, genuine linen lawns, Scotch nnil Irish iutvns. 5 'o '.."ic yd. , ii.SGlN'oH M NOVKLTIES. Great Abundance Coricct. f, r sh rt waists anil entire cos- railll,,i . , . , , KIVt. llllV oilo-r vh limns Scon h, French and Aniciican ,,.iv t.ev ,orouolil v re uiiilniiii in ciircks. stripes, Ii i r lines, ia))0 iancy anil Tartan ilaii!s, 3c lo l.jc yil. Fiir ilc In' ISS8 PKUCA, KS ANDS IIUT.N' e HiCkS, Novellli a for slnrt w aisis ami ilresscs, ' 5c, Tic, Kte yil.' j I'ur Fa i Itev il le iind Morgan sts 1811-4 KID tiUJVKS: ! Ptfuctiun of wear, tit aud finish gua-j ranteeil, ifl per pr. 18118 KID GLOVES -MHirgion-Hros.' foraiulas, sold as 1'. Centemeii, $1.50 pr. 18118 SHOES: We believe we sell Ihe best filling and best wearing ladies' niissn' and child drcn's shoes. Uouipare our prices w ith so-culled special pricaa. to March 4 0. 3ERWAKR, Aiwa) s in The Lead. ftlGGAN'S MIXTURE Mai I. a s. 11. .ops nnil 1 K l.iils Ti anis Hal's . .. I ia . ' ill 1 1 1 1.1 a 11-1 i latn a: li- an.) I 'an. lies. .1 in . le.p-'i. I lo 111 -1 1 . . - I 1 1 a 1 1 i I e ';i re. I . : a--. a ttni nt an I e !! . besl nra.-s 'lialea C. el Ha. Ie A,l i. -mill, ., U Hi... All Kinds of Odd Cliina i Inn.a l'i i Sits. r,.r. l.i in.- iin.l f.ranite, .11 r-,1-- .1 ,- i. i-i.-. . s. T.nuare t,I' any kile! I.aliit s. nil ilesi ri lii.ns. W'e Ikivh i m. ill j I. I.. i ..I Id ass Centre l'raft I. a In 1- I.e. n! r a lae s" r.n. while they l.isl 1 I ' I f. 1 il '' ni .- l'.;:,.-s 1,.. ne i n ll-.iilar Title. Oil.' I'.l .e. Bird Cages. Bird Cages AW K I 1 1 lV I'llHK 1 1, .nl i.e.. I v. e sell ymt the best , at,l al .,i , ' Ills Jneinil. The , i y la i t V'rnll Talilels made, ine i'n,. iieim-l. Mini. I.enniii, I.iinc, C,,-,,lale aiel I'eaell. .Inst try ear fine .Milk Kisses, P. ,'. V. -1 i 1 1 1 . ! . If Veil want, the best eat ini; Taffy eat this. j CLASS OF KxT.I.'Y K I N D ! A i l 'A Inn. -rie I'm , s lii veil at. i: i.i If . ii Inn.. Kais ami Mt.-e. buy the 1 ' '"' "' i - in iiai1. warraiueu 10 i, n n. ,ni .m., ..r money ' ivl'iin.!...!. ! iiumicis. 11' it in 1 l.'i cents duz., irood hici .mi. . l-'iii niiv N'uts. 1" (cniR t)unil. II. 1 a Haiiil'l'1 i.f S-intc l-'rce to la.lie. lliggan's Toy Store M-v-4-- O-a i r5 IN UI LII OCl I Ulllld , THICK, SHOUT-STEM COLLARDSEED GROWN. PUT UP AND WARRAXTl'I) PA- J.K.MOORE, Raleigh, X. C. ' If '.i i)l;i u a ir. ml, ii in !.- vou Large Loans On life insurance pot lien ill stand ard Kn;lish and Anicricaiil i llilialiii . Ten per eent more i.aii ti iv c n'puri ieB tliemsclvo loan oa tee satue m1i eiep lower rat' b Writt-or eiiqiine ni I'liilo rt'ililanjs Avirelt, iiivi-i;ii acn , Kiis lioli Amcriiuu jjiiiii ai ii Trust. 'o ,'. iti '.ttnn' NuiIiuihI rank Uulldiuu, ttliru, N. (I. V'.'.,.V- ' ft t;tsr. m

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