THE PRESS-VISITOR, WILLIS G. BBIGQS . . City Editor SATURDAY March 5. ' WASHINGTON LETTER. What la Happening in the Capital of Our Country. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington .March 4, 1898. ' That no Immediate action is expected on the Maine catastrophe was shown by the departure for Cuba, this week, ot a party Including Senators Thurs ton, Money and Oallinger, and Repre sentatives Amos J. Cumminga and Wil liam Alden Smith. These gentlemen are going directly to Havana on a pri vate yacht, for the purpose of doinn a little investigating on their own hook, and they expect to get information that will be useful when the matter gets before Congress. They expect to be gone about ten days. There is quite a stir anions members of the House over a report that Czar Reed Intended to try to rush the rest of the appropriation bills through and to force an adjournment of Congress jn order to prevent a declaration of war or any other action on Cuba. A paper was at once circulated by Republicans among Republicans pledging the sign ers to vote against adjournment under any circumstances before satisfactory action had been taken on the Cuban question, and enough signers have al ready been obtained to block any ad journment scheme, with the ai.l of the Democratic and Topulist voles, which have been promised. A bill for the conditional repeal of the Federal tax on currency issued by State banks has been introduced by Senator Piatt, of New York, inm-h to the surprise of Democrats, who have at various times sought the repeal of that tax, which they have always considered unjust. Mr. Piatt s bill authorizes Slate banks to deposit with the I'niied States Treasurer the bonds of any State, city or county anil to receive in exehance circulating notes to the extent of SO per cent of the deposits and To per cent of the capital stock of the bank. The securities to be held in trust for the redemption of the bank's clrcuilntim; notes. Just as United Stales bonds are now held for national bank notes. It was officially announced this week by Secretary Alger that the govern ment relief expedition to the Klondike miners hd been abandoned, and au thority to sell the stuff purchased, in cluding the reindeer, has been asked of Congress. No official announcement has been made to that effect, but it i stated that it Is now fully known that the whole business was a systematic scheme on the part of certain sharpers to "do" the government. RAILWAY NOTES. The new schedule on the run to Nor folk puts two of the conductors hai k in Greensboro who have not been here in some time. Capt. Witherspoon and Capt. Will. Coble, who have been run ning from Selma to Norfolk, now run through to this place. Capt. Tom Fowler, who had the night run to and from Raleigh, Is the other man on the new run. Jim Graves the other conductor on the Raleigh train, has it is said, skip ped the country, not for anythin-. wrong, but the "boys" say .lint v-i thrown with a man who had sui.tM )-. and the company told him h,. mu-t i into quarantine, whereupon .Jim l--;--i and has not been seen lately. However, this is likely a f.ike. !' r a man yesterday said he as in Hui ham. Greensboro lteeotd. There are now six conductor of Southern passenger trains running into Raleigh, three on the run bei , e.-ti th!s place and Norfolk, and three on ih,. Goldsboro run Captains Fry. l'oilock and Ollllland. The Monroe Enquirer says that a man was granted a divorce In I'nion court last week and the next night was mar ried again and Is now living with wifs No. 2. The npcd of a sfood Sprino Medi cine is almost universal and Hnod' Sarsaparilla ex n tly moots this reed. Be sure to get Flood's. Bam Allison, colored, who lives i Chatham has a pig that su. Us the i. as if she were its mother. Ti- M stands on Its hind feet an. I pins ii fore feet upon the cow. WANTED. To rent a Remington Typewnt-r. Ad dress "L," No. US E. Harnett sln-l. L'l TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if ii falls to cure. 25 cents. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. LOST. A pointer puppy, about ten months old, white with lemon spots. Answers to the name of "Audit." Reward will be paid for his return. J. F. FERRALL. MANAGER Compensation J!L'0. ex penses and commissions. :,n cash re quired for merchandise; fully secured and returnable. Yearly Contract. Monthly settlements. Address " Re sponsible," this office. Ml 31 FOR RENT. Old W. B. Mann place. East Hargett street. See Walter L. Womble. March 6 3t FOR RENT. Seven room cottage on North Person street, near Polk. City water, bath, to. Inquire 604 North Person St. WANTED. Forty spinning room hands at once. Apply at ' CARALEIGH MILLS. Nlo lot of Apples Just received. W. S. BARNES & CO., Mar S St Academy of Music. FOR SALE. ,000 dorda of wood for sale, seven mllaa from oity. Call on Walter L. Womble, city. Bt e o d FOR SALE. - flrst-slasa second hand cent's Wheat. 8. A. M sk tf ear Press-Visitor. Consumption Positively Cored Mr R B Greeve, merchant, of Chilhowie, Va , certifies that he bad consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr King's New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottle. For past three years has been attendingito business, and says Dr King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, sis it, has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr King's New Dis covery is guaranteed for coughs, colds and consumption. It don't fail Trial bottle free at any drug store. nnTmnnnnTmnTTfnnnfimnTTifmm IF you WERE I OFFERED $75 for $35 f THAT IS WHAT WE OFFER I I '97 CRESCENT c c fc c fc e c BICYCLE I SOLD AT $75.00. Our Price $35. -4 3 3 T. H. Briggs & 5ons, C RALEKJH. N. C. 3 JfaUiiM UUtUUUiiUililiiililiiiiillUiMU m s I s LANDRETH'S ; Garden Sesds Are the Best... t Sold Exclusively by s I I Druggists. 5 Riggan's Special Good for 10 days from today. Maxh 5. ovs ar.s In I IJ I Willi e''i- ."'i. Ii I ni' p. t . wri i no or ' "nii - i ii -u ii ok . v. p ;ive a ri ii il. 1, m i' Ii'. s. ;i 'op, U ite. a b,i' ' of cot (I . Ii , tocos if can ly. a sheet of lupi r clous :i !ms ol olurt'il eh 'I; or a Jew's p We wan! nu lo s v we give tlit vggt st and host tablet for 5 cent ii Kal-igh. Set dli ss nra'grs atid jutcv. sweet u'an-jes ai d j iiev, oranges md juicy. California ('ranges ur.t. :uicv. a'! ft ir !."! tic z . ''II ill .iiwl '-.V. a ili z. Til"-1 arc all sweet ai d roo( anil if von hiiv 'h in at d thev ire tut' sweet w- t ! ;i turn in.' in tncv. K'-.-sh new tin's. tl,. u ,1 . . i i mMv mil f- csh ai (1 if y u t'o cut Ii, d TIB si i m, .11 . ' , j I tl If U i(l"d Riggan's Toy Stare. win i Raleigh's Biggest Store. Is all a bloom with the new Spring Wash Fabrics ; faithful imitatons of natures sweetest blosoms, and rarest flowers. The most delightful blending of richest colors into harmonious crea tions of rarest loveliness. Dteams of loveliness from over the seas, are side by side with the soft filmy fabrics of America's brightest artists. Marvelous pro ductions of high art fabrics to adorn Raleigh's fair women, and all at prices which place them in reach of all. We have the most elaborate collection of all the most an tne new tilings we ever had, even at The Big btore, where all women have learned to come first, for style, beauty, grace, worth, and lowness of price, Our First Opening is Monday, On which day we will have this Wo lniritd oil u lnjaa with us, and take the time to look If vou love to look at lovelv you will be well repaid for coming. We invite you Cordially. JONES' BIG STORE. FOUND. A lady's small watch. Apply at this office. FURNISHE ROOMS FOR GENTLE MEN. A number of comfortable rooms at Park Hotel, with fires, lights and at tendance at very low rates by the month with or without board at the Yarboro House. t Bring Your ! Eyes to Us; j ll your eves g v you tru ih' . 7ln, i ' ,ii f .r t Iiihi lo iet rc'iieii 0 i! t In m-e' vi's. Ini eiiinc to n a 1 ' I i' us Ii r vim ii h p - o' ' JI. S K YOU"' " sigh! .'l: J lulled never can he ret ov ! il I 'on t I r tic wi' h so itni or t c ' g fa mat cr It is no trouli h to" Jwe.n glasses if they are rulilly 4 made, and to some people the made, and to some people are i ect ini ng. If you are half blind. It t u how you wh:o means SEE H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers and Opticians re f you want to get a bargain go lo the Lon Racket store. They i ave got any thing you want in llie way of dress (nut's shot s. millincrv Also a line of reduce croek"rv. S;V plu:es for tile: .V plates fur ,')tlc; Sue cups and saucers for : fruit :'.aui'Ts we soul for J7e. -dined to 20c fo six; batter plates 20c per dozen Then we have a line of 10c things Come look u' our blankets, comforts and p;Hows Four pound pillows for 54c Three and a hu'f pcimtl pillows f.. 49c. Come and look h fore buying e'se where. Yours tru'v. LYON PACKET STORE 16 East Martin V,.zi. THE UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPER CHOPS ALL KINDS OF FOOD into Clean Cut Uni form Pieces as FINE or COARSE as wanted. 0her machines chop meat only. THIS DOES AWAY WITH THE CHOPPING BOWL ALTOGETHER. CHOPS Potatoes, Meat. Apples, Cabbage, Bread, EVERYTHING. v A machine you will use every day. Call and see it. - JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO exclusive and best patterns of line of goods on display. J : . 1 . ..1. . 1 - J through the whole stock. eowns and beautiful natterns TheBig Racket Sto A RIGHT STORE SERVICE We bav aim d to buiUl this buMtirss on the solid rook of public 0011 fnleuce, and it- bas beru our fan t-st endeavor to have every statrmeot true and free from inisrej-reMMiiution or exaggeration. Toacueious public who niade us a -uecess we -wh and extend our mast grateful ack nowledgement. You will ;ilavs fit d us enterprising, (impressive and aggressive in ever i hintr pertain in to busines- lib rai in cur ways of deal'ng anxious to plt-ase ylud toriybtuuv wron, and ever ready to take back anyth;nt? bought of us that isn't entirely satisfactory How well we have st rvt d vou is a matter of history; how well B vhal! do it -s what concerns us The look is a! ays ahead . NEW SILKS. Time was when tht? buying of a silk ilress or waist was an event; ,nov-a-days it Is merely an inoidt-nt. Price and the wonderful proKTfssivt'ness of this Ki'it Nineteenth iVntury inakt'M it im possible for these o.urcnly fabrics to come within the rea-h "f all. ur pric es will agreeably surpiis yon. lilaek Plain Swiss TanVta S-lk 4Hc JM;ii-k Pb'tn Swiss TalT.'fi Silk . . . . r.!r Plain itlark French Taffeta -2lm--75' P:ain I'daik French TalTe-a -.m T.".t- (No!.' width.) Plain Htack French Taf-'ta 'iV-w -in usual value $1 Hlack Taffeta t'oin !-ts Morie Velours Ilyadfre Stripes 2 qualities $l. . and $.:A Salin Duchess-all Silk-2rt in. Special r!c $1 .00 A YAHD. White Shot Taff.-la with bars and si ript s fnrmin idiet ics i;i a y . i t'srda. cardinal and navy bhn. A nnvi'ity. ( Hate T;i ffel;i st riped while i ! ti black - splinters f color between L,te ii and brown, cardinal and navy. 75c A YAKT. Neat iti stripes and in Sh- pbetd (''berks ;re the best styles in 1 lie t'aney waist silks, but we are sh"vin.; quit a qua n tit y of t he new spi ni; sb.olr.: rnnibinutituis. at jr. ( 'i:tp. ((!- KFT SPIMN'i; ii:kss hmhs. The colored dicss i;.n.ds d .-pa il nieiit is s,'rminc more in favor every day. All-wool Fanry M ied i 'h'-viius. Fa ncy ('hevittts mixeil with siik, .tll-wo.d. sol id colored ooltu suiliiiirs. AT TIUUTV-NINK t'KNTS. Faney Mixed Suitinus. AT FIFTY CENTS. -'anr- Woven 'Ii Fam y Sidl inns, pre Silk Mixed ny entnhinat inns, iik Mixed Arniures. i 'overt Cloths and AT Si:VENTY-KlVi: CENTS. ('nrhemine Vk'oreanv S IU Mixet lim eades. Fancy Poureit ("ie-vnus. PEACK IPESS STPFFS. v Watching the markers as we do, there are often oppor tuiiit e- to buy reliable merchandise of man kinds at prices milch iwer tha n t le-.r in-rmal va hi.-. Such an opportunity li.ts b-en taken ad- (ur line of umtcies wi 1 h.ive all (Hi and prices the lowest Se our line b( fo e huvin&.r Hesponsibt parties can arm njre to buy bicyc f s en a 'beral p'ao Sundri4 s sold for cash only. BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. Early Rose, Burbank, Peerless, Beauties of Hebron . . . s 43 nmx f Make .H.r I Jli.iV U i!l er J. R. Ferrall & Co, PHONE 88. All Kinds for Pool's Shoe Store, 131 Fayetteville Street, - TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doctors and pa'.lenis In need of Nursee' services can pet full informa tion at McKimmon's Drug Store. Raleirb. N. C ep24 For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the "oaks " Nine rooms, bath room, large garret etc. One of the handsomest and most eonretient inside finished houses in Raleigh, No 526 N Blount street. For particulars apply to. or address, Mr T HABOtHo, oct6 tl Park Place, Blount st. t city vantage of In this black goods purchase. If at all interested, an early inspection in advisable. HICYCLE SLTNDU1ES. In Lunis we have 1898. 20th Century l.aini), our spreial price $2.2.r; iet;ular price 2.5a. Search Eights. '?S inndel SX2o The Imperial Eamp $l.eo In Saddles we offer iv.ts Christy, men's or ladies", at $'l.r0 lMiS IMew fit's nose Is soft") at $:!.ot) lMs genuine Me-inrer at..$..iO ami '.'Tii Hrown Uacinj; Saddle at $:t.O Frost Cear Cases, keep out mud. $.V00 "Hear I -ni Hells a-ltinini;" New leparture Hells at 'Jf. :!.".. t!0and 7'c Sak's Continuous UiiiKiiiK Well at..$l.a0 ( -clomet ei s - New Era 1 miles, our price 7'ic; reg ular price Jl.oo. C. S. Trip Cyclometer, our priee sr.e; revrular price $1.0iv registers sinKle trips and up to 10.000 miles. New 1'epaituie "S ki" Foot special price. Tf.c. Hand Pumps, double acting Stop your leaky valve with Valve Cap. b'c each. Sailer Toe I'lip Tire Plushes Chain Prushes Spoke Brushes Nickel -plated Wrenches Morgan & Wright-- Pumps Pusch's ami Me "Siii ky Stuff" ' Knhber Cement" "Slippery Stuff" Dixon's Oraphite .la and . . 10 and 2re hie . . ii and hV Uip;iir Hit tits - JitTy" outfit Trw- "'in:oid" t nit ti t fine. llartfoid Cuttit LT.c :i in 1 nil :T.e Cust Kemnver M. and W. Tne Tape. . Tires M. and W. Poidde Tul Hartford No. s- liartf -:d No. 77 Hat tfoid Wizzaid .$iV70 a pair . j.air . IN.aa pair . . J.."ln pa li the laies t'o ds ad l'-d u :in'v me Wc have received fresli seed 1;M this season's planting. Ikn-; I, v ! !'-' l'ooj : of Feet i , ' Can he suited from our up-to-date ti sim'lv fit shoes. V' h:ive evoiiisi'e V-v ) sloes 'or slim feet, haiulsome shoes Vt, t j for any kind of feet, liirht and heavy f. h j slioes to please all tastes, hut all ! ' ' irtfiA hnne. Sliew wilh stvlr Am- rabiiity and comfort combined, made of the best leather, and made lo wear well and feel well. 2.000 New Oxford's just received Ladies' sprinsi wear Raleigh, N. C Do You Walk or Ride ? If you ride be sure to get a "Cleve land Wheel. Absolutely the nest Bicycle on the market today, J C S LUMSDEN Agent For Rai.fkiii. frb 23-tf - BE SURE YOU GET THE "Old Riuabli" Tcrnek N C Alma n Ad 1898. For sale st A I rrd Wil liams A Co.'f, Uooksellern. City Priee 10c, or ty Ja H Ehmiss. Publisher, Ralelirh, N O. LAST SWEEP wmmmmfmmmifimmrimmm We've t it' n stock 0 com e we found a V of things that ou ca use now and ti fdva ta?. thai we can'', and won't carry over. The bargain broom fol 1 .w d us closely and e' eryih ng e I. ft s quickly sweit to one si le fof yoir benefit We v- gone through ilicse 'sweepings" and cut and giished prioes right, and left. Here they are not a description we haven't the space It inc udes: Every Winter Suit, Ever" Winter Overcoat, Ail Winter Furnishings, All Neckwear, Every Pair ot Separata Trousers. 'on are i cquainted wllh u and mir . ft lis siifftViru ly well lo krnw Ih t we wouldn't i.ffr on anvili nir ai any I'ri. c t al we c uM .'I vouch for. Thus iissureil.w dc in and lii'lp vurndvi-x The Store is H SU llapid-'y with the Jew Tp Gvccoats &rd ?pri. s of an 1 2;, ttis. t eikwear en .' r &cAj Kc&iety. I oim- and see the bright new alylo AnhuW jo . cnu be imsU'd awhile, S. & D. BER THE PROGRESSIVE We are taking it Hot for Khrd Times! Y o can't feel poor when yi. - mi jut gooaK and prices. Wiu.t, ibough our (biliars may be fewer, we ill iriak them go much fa ilu r. Values ere never so marvelously low as right bow. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come ai.d see this choice selection of Imiiest qinlilrs, ami leuro why sensidl", i m mical people prefer to spend their money with us Our prices ill L'le your dollar a new dignity. Our line qualities will ('tear iwav your lu.-t doubt. There is no law , gainst, payint; bii.' price-,' btit it isn 't. sensiblt; You'll trade with us simply because you vnrt't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders cf Up-to-Date Clothing. North Carolina THICK. SIIOR T-STEM COLLARDSEED CROWN. PUT IT AND WAKU.WT'"!' i;V J.H.MOORE, R;iloi-h, X. C. If .'.i iruoi a L'nrd' n in '98 you cannot iiloi-d 'o sow any tv hi r va r'e'v, as lh" nre thoroioblv iv liable. For sab- bv Henry T. Hicks. Cor. Fa, i ttcv illc mid Moi '(.'an sts Large Loans On life Insurance pol tio in Mtan! arc Knglioh and Amcricaul Joinpanie. Ten p;r cent more han the c- miu ius t-iiemselveii loan ou th saini! pidi cicr' al lower rates Write or euquim ot I'loll" tVilliaiun Avirelt, invealing ai'en , Kueli-d' American Ixmu and Trust o . ' it ten' National Hnnk Kuiblin!', "a A B STRONACH Recognition. Said one of our old colored friends and patrons to us : 'JMr. Alex I certainly is (,d,id lhat you has at last recognized Wilming. ton St." We Have recognized Wilmington street and "We are also glad" to say, that Wilmington street has recognized us, Our Store now extends from 215 Fayetteville to 216 Wilmington street.. I he largest, liest Lighted, isest .Arranged Ury Ooods Store in the City. OUR UMBRELLA SALE. We have just received a large lot of Umbrella. We bought them cheap and offer them this week at unusally low pi ices. ONE TABLE LADIES' UMBREL LAS. Twilled Gloria Congo bandies. 2ti and 28 in.. 75c, 89d Ribbed Gloria, Dresden and natu ral wood bandies, silk covers, $1 00 Twilled Gloria fancy Dresden si I ver mount d and natural wood b n dies, silk covers, tl 25, $1 50 Taffeta silk, black and colors, plain nd fancy Dresden and silver timun ted bandb s, silk covers, 12 to (3 50 Come and see the new store and the new goods. OF THE SEASON. ftfjttrthffWtWttfftfHrtttTTlTtiiTriWWHWWWHWWfMWyf for spring. Il will be in eating to you. OXE-PR1CE CLOTHIERS. For Housekeepers. V'e iii!' iU'Mruie ti- tTeriiitf a xery ni line ni .-asi'iiKli'i l.'lHi,HMJr a I'I'I'.K KKI'IT I'lesc ves, .lellie.H and lanii in fai.ey pHU ia kIhio j. is (Why po mil. AtHi.'i'e's mince ineatj 'pluin pu-iilin. e.U'. NK'.V jie.iinil Itinkwtieat. vmh i r .ai niiii!i' syruji inqimrlorl .I'ii'ii ''are-. NKW ( Ki)' llaifiiix. Currant, C'il r"U. etc , Ulivei-, tliiun Oil, l'utup antl Sauce of tim xt quality. v'ANNKH (iOOlis Inendle variety In -in lx. it (mekei y 1,1' ' 1 lielievr w,. I j, v. !,. I - 'ur un tlie UuUkcL yull LI'li.'U il'f ('ni Unions " MKl.Hul '' brand. K KISM'IIIM; iiiii'ilihse.l of u IB l' liiii Hiii' ri to tie of the dm quality. n ili rt tilled carcfull) ami delivered itt di.Miatel . D. TURNER, ONE TABLE MENS' UM BRELLAS Steel rod. Tailed (, Conyo Prince of Wales conks, si k covers and tassels, tl each Extra quality til e 1 G ori Con go crooks ami h tiulles. silk covers and tassels, $1 2f, 11.50. '"Ye old time ' Scotch k milium "Ruinberellers."!, tl 25 School Gloria urn n eilas. -JOu. 60c. 60c. WANOEti,

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