VISITOR .r $4.00 PER YEAR NUMBER 8531. KALKHM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 188 THE PRE S S EMPHATIC DENIAL Concerning Alleged New Ev idence Against Evans SWORN STATEMENTS Claudius lioekcry and O. H. Dockerv, Jr .Swear That Neither Gave John Evans the Advice Charged The Charge Clearly Refuted. This paper stated Friday that the object of Mr. Sims' visit to Rocking ham, was to examine two prisoners, who were in the Jail with Evans before his trial and who claim to have over heard a conversation between Evans and one of the Messrs. Dockery, Kis attorney, in which the prisoner was advised not to give certain evidence. Evans Is now In jail here under sen tence to die next Friday for a name less crime committed at Rockingham last fall. Mr. O. H. Dockery, Jr., telegraphed the Governor today: I returned from the country today and just heard of a reported conversa tion between myself and John Evans in Jail. The whole thing is maliciously false. I will come to Raleigh tonight with affidavits and see you tomorrow morning. Postofflce action of council of State." Mr. Claudius Dockery has given out the following statement which has been sent the Governor: I see a statement In the papers to the effect thot when confined In Rock ingham Jail awaiting his trial John Evans was heard to tell me one of his counsel, that after he got up at the livery stable on the morning of the rape he passed along the pain where the nssault was made and that hewas going to the place where his sister cooked to get breakfast. It is further stated that I was heard to tell John Evans never to repeal that statement that "if it were to get in as evidence it would hang him sure." I don't know what two negroes gave this Information. I don't know who got it or heard it was gotten, 'these questions are not material here. I pronounce the statement unjuali lledly ami without equivocation, abso lutely false In tota and in every par ticular and every detail. There Is not the slightest shadow of truth In any phaHe of the statement as a whole or In part. John Kvans most positively did not tell mc in jail In Rockingham that ho passed along the path where the as sault was made on the morning of the assault or at any other time. John Kvans most positively did not tell me that he got breakfast on morning or any other inoriiiug wh.-ie Ills sister cooked. 1 asseit most positively that I ie v.-r told John Kvans to conceal an lot whatever at any time saying it it - ; Into the evidence it would hang hint. I go further than this: 1 assert most positively that 1 never talked over Ills case with John Kvans in Rockingham Jail In my life. 1 never saw him In Rockingham jail in inj ure until arter his trial and conviction. About ten minutes alter seio-e-e hail been pronounced upon Kvans, 1 went to the jail 111 company Willi Sheriff Slllllll lo tell llilll good as the officers were lo leave Willi loin In a. few ininutesfor Raleigh, and there was no discussion of his e:ise. I went with Sheriff Smith. I remained with Sheriff Smith. I came out with Sheriff Smith, and Sheriff Smith h ud everything that was said. Theie are the facts and I swear to them. 1 go further than this: I asei-t most positively that al no time, before his trial or since his trial has John Kvans ever made the sl::te niciit to me or to any one in my i-ie-seiu-e that he had ever passed along the path where the assault was ni-i.le or gone for breakfast where his sister was at work. John Evans never Intimated to me or to any one In my presence by word or deed that such was the fact. I assert most positively that no oth er persons has ever told me or inti muted to me by word or deed t 'tut John Kvans ever told him or inti mated to lilm any word or deed that such was the fact. But on the contrary: I assort most positively that John Kvans has always maintained to me most positively that he not only did not know where his sister was working, but had not seen her since she had been living in liock Ingham. He has always protested his inno cence to me in the most solemn lenns. appealing to his God to witness 'the truth of his innocence. All these are facts. I make the statement upon the honor of a gentle man, and a member of the legal pro fession and I swear to the same. CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2Gth day of March, 1898. 55. F. GAYS, Clerk Superior Court of Rlcion.rnd county. TO THE GOVERNOR. Hon. Daniel I,. Russell. Governor, c: Sir: 1 ei "use herewith a swmn statement Karing upon what is raid in the papers to be new evidence re cently dlst ,'ied in the John i:ahk CKi-e. I kiu.v nothing of the diseoveiy of thla new evidence except wtuu"l see In the papers, and my excuse fi r for warding the enclosed statement Is my desire that, n determining the facts of John Evai. . you may have the facts before you a.-. 4iy are and not as tuuy r supposed i be. If John Evans is guilty of rape he ought to be hung as a monster. I would not raise my finger to shield him. If he is not guilty vengeance should not be visited upon him for the crime of another. He may be but a pebble on the beach, yet life Is sweet to him and should not be taken from him unless forfeited by by some conduct of his ow n. It is said the sentence should be ex ecuted because it follows the verdict of one of the mostintelllgentjurlesthat could have been selected. I believe they did what they thought right and prop er and Just In the premises. But Juries have been mistaken, and Jurors are not Infallible, especially in cases of this sort when the crime is so heinous, so re volting and of such recent toiiooission that public sentiment Is still aroused and Indignant people thirst for re venge. I have made an earnest effort lo as certain for my own satisfaction tin true facts in this case. I have tried to throw aside that zeal which every attorney naturally shows in his efforts in bclialT of his client. I recognize the helnousliess of tie- crime and the absolute necessity of picvciit- Ing a repetition of such an assault again. 1 yield to no man in my desire to protect the fair women of my State. I yield to no man in my d'-sire to throw- around them every sareguard that a Christian citizenship can devise. Hut I fail to see how these safeguards cap. be Increased or strengthened by the hanging of an innocent man an-1 the loosing of the -i-.i''y one upon tin- community. I have already coioiaiinicated to you fully my views as to the guilt or inllo cense of John Kvans. I expressed in that coniniuiiient ion strong doubt a:: to his guilt ami gave you my reasons for the faith that was in inc. :-e no n-iciin yet to i-ban a- my views. As lone, as I en'erlahi ibis doubt I shall believe that Ihe scnti nee should be commuted to 111'-- ,ti. n.ellt. Tl-rli' 'f a in .: v . in... i. d i' h Ills erio.e. :... ,; . . I , . , ,. h I i il! .-lit. If you nnnrit-oii -John for life -i :i Me lolllil is .iflei-w a nl:- el. an.,! no a :a le-I llilll. 1 he . o'iu:o',,j HI (-(ill 1, ... lpf ll'lu and la- . an .i.i no in ee lei rm . but if ll'e doubt is ei in, in hi, f: ,.- hell jnsl K e n a;. s ill Ir .'. n. Iiiti nei MWf.d III" luorlili. a ' i. u ,,f !.n in:; thai .b.lm Kv.m was liar ! a-, 1IIC m i 111 ma il. T, i 'i.Ai'm i s i it k i:i:v. l; ! it- ' ... ,.;,n . mai;i;ii:i last nhhit Mr. Kaine Comes on a Visit and De cides to Wed. Last night nfter service liev. )',. C. Clenn performed a marriage ceremony at the home of Mr. William Tlp-un. Jr., on East Morgan street. The con tracting pajlies were Miss F.nd.rH May Tarkersep. ,.r i:,-,k;.V. Vi-gi-Mj. and William K. Kniiie. of A bh v . !. South Carolina. Miss l'nrl;er-,,n was m I : , l. ; ': ei a visit to her sist. r Mrs. William I' Jr. Her eugai;-euie;tt p. Mr. Kain. h been known to her ielaii..-- f. r time. S.ttinday Mr. Kane- came up i-. ser- Jier. Sunday they h ;.!. d to , .,.-. pone the marri.iue t.o ..:i.i. Mr .1 . Williams was ('..end at : , - t night and he went to t,.- i. j .r . i dee.l ofliee ;,nd IS-'e d i ,e j. . Clenn was t h il i h t : , on- d .;o.; lot mid the ceromoii . .M iss I u U'-rson's !: n o .i i ' .. hi Mil she lias wo'i during h here, unite in wishing ihe Iiapp a long and happy hie. Mr. a Kaine left for their 1i.mii-' i-.d. M . iasTFU or rri:. , i Consul's and Spa uiat d.-" l 'i 1 ! i Si a l a l im. Washington. C. i. 1' I u res taken f i om the ie,...i is of I a Slates Consuls and i'loin Spnush cial statem-iits siio. the i-.:;.e.. deaih.s from starvaiioii in i'uIm: 1 ia ana Province. i:;;,.'u(h. Sania Clara I'n.vun 1 1 '. del Km Piovmce. x.. ...... . Aiataiizas i i o ioi e. ..I'.'f . 1 'th rto 1'i iiu ipe iilid ."-.iiil :,, o j ' itlct S (coiui'olh d h. in. HI A HI-- i. ueu. Total. 4:;o,in;u niSASJ'lUM S l-' Py Telegraph to The Press-VL-u. .r Cii.cinnati, Maica -S. 'i lie ;; . Mt , tinue.s to liood the tcoiial sl.uioa. hiss of the railroads is J i . .iti... . ( the t In saycuke and i duo tiams entering the depot. 1 iuvaua, March l'n. A Spanish of li ter, wearing the uniform of iiie Havana Custom iluiihe, spent ,.sur day on board the Maiigiovc prmg into ciosela and doing cxiei t -m ret service work tor his govci ntociit. J.e kit oniy on the vigoieus luoiesi of i,. -lt liiaiKo. A una pi d is, March x.Ttn and lot pedo unit lias releg; to the back ground at lite n liny. How it,: t.-d bo.. lal aea lly Telegiap!) lo Cie I'm . i . iisam. i.i u. ,u.; . i ii u ui tin- eii..ii , a tie' : . am. nt lii.- . pa na h .!...- liciatiy know n ai I n - w ar ; p:l iilieil IS idol w ir in cp. believe Hum th. Iiotliidu s u I e ll.ipj oi..i ioi . Ke West, Matcli 2s. --Tb e.u!i. I is ready fur act. on and are . u ;h. . out not to be taken unawaies. Chicago, March 2s. The reveniUMin ter Calimel received orders today from WaHhingtoii to prepare; el y for sea service. El-Paso, March 28. Fort I His w as thrown into excitement today by .- n order from the war department l pi pare and hold two coinp.nae in uadi nesss for marching unit r.s w ithin un days. Key h West, March 3s. Itls under stood that the Mangrove awaiting at Havana tak Americana awai' in event ot -troubla. PLAN FOR ARMISTICE Spaiu Agrees to McKinley's Plan tor Arbitra tion HE WANTS NO WAR But Desires Peace on the Island REPORT OF ROAM) The He port Whs ent to i impress Mils Af ternoon U ith n Short Mcsiij-je I r. in the President 1 he Incitement in Washington is Tro mentions. Hy ToU'Kraph to The Press-Visitor. WashinRtoti, March -S. Spain has agreed to accept 1're.sidmt MeKinley'rf plan In regard to Cuba. The follow ing Is the I 'resident's plan : First Armistice or truei between the Cubans and the Spaniards until October. Second The Cnited States to feed the reconcent radon with Spain's con sent. Third Th-Maine report to h- h,M in committee imU finitely. The President believes that the coun try will support hhn in thus avoiding war. Ho has already won over to this plan some members of the Senate committee on foreign relations on the pb a of military necessity and the f aft r T' yellow fever. The plan may be ballet,, d in tin Senate but th lea.l rs may be able to hold the H-nise. THK KKPOKT. A Concise Synopsis of the P.oard of in quiry's Keport to McKinley. C.v TeleiraTdi to The Cn-s-Visitor Washington. March 'js. - -An auth -r-ilative synopsis of the- Court of in niiiry's report tlnds: I-'irst The explosion was in six faihoms of water. Second Thcdiseipline t if (he battle ship was excellent and all in perfect ord.-r. Third The explosion occurred al nine fort y -1 w o'clock. Fourth -The court can form no de finite ..pinion of the n.mliii n of the wreck from the divers. Fifth - From lecliuical details (he court deduces that a nunc exploded ender the ship. Sixth Tie- t-vj r.--'ji.n v as dhe t , io :'i-'i Nl.-aid. Se'eiuh lii lie' opinion ' 'h.' .-nivt I ! .p;..s:-ai w as d;ie t.. a ini-i . lr !." Th.- eeurl canooi j-id I--e-n. . I ! t --poie-ibilit v. ; i i n i ,ph t. i ICS SI''1 Tie l'i'.- !..r.h L'v Th. tor. ahin-t he in , or. t i mi. ms s. s of that 1'ods ;ue el i be le i. f in;. -I v - 1 lo eollf-relp . l ! ill :!.-! Ci- or th id i I. IN I!,- I -lid I ting Wh. !h- r an- e pnbU.-. e-. Visitor. Ai noon "e S p . 1 ! - ' ;:iMtd. I. eg 'M. r ;.d n 1 1 a . d i -.i.i - ... - pt in-: I he prop"; al of 1 '. C ii i' d ) I l: l ISl lee. p IL I i II" -ll.el e II ' ! III. -lion f. r pel n.'.ie at . ell I),.- PI. 'I.'i of Cuba. The . ;t! 'iie t i - i onid. dn tln r ii i !'..;.' I I" ani'oinee .i Colimess and Mi (M" I I" ihe U;.uit of th ' lle.'.oli 1 : .n '. i . 1 1 Spa in. .1 ude 1','iy, a ft -r lea In ; I lad ': . si-Jeid . eon Cm- i S.-e- r-taiy I'roct'.r.s :,!atetiu nt thai I !: Pi. sidenfs n".-.i':e today will be cm lined to He iviioi t of the court in ijuii y. Pi: 'Ci :i-,t w i 'ACTIO i'y T tet;r;.ph to The Press-Visitor. Vashinton. March IX- S -nalor Plall i ailed on the President at t ;:. o'ei. ck. lie said bis vMt was for C." pill pose of pi'i;iMH the PlVs'iih Ml to pio- i d w ii h ca ut ion. C.i iTuh TUlit tXOKO. people J leiran Seeking Admit tame at l:iv 1.1 nht - Tremendous ('row d. Py Teleurapb to The Pr ss-'isi1or. Washington, March S. Kxcept upon ihe occasion of the imiumiration of a pi . side nt no such crowds ha ve surg ed t hi oiiL'b t hecapitol orridors and stoinied the galleries for admission. People heiran seeking entrance at dalnht. Soon afterwiird every inch of space was taken. Many distinguish ed persons were in the galleries. On the Moor there was almost as much ecit etneiit us in the gaNaries. CdNCKPSS HAS IT. Presideiil's Message Brief Kvidence Now With the Senate Committee, liy Telegraph to The Press-Visitor. Wash ins ion, March US. The report of the naval court of in-piiry upon the loss of the Maine was sent to Confiress today with a brief message from the President. The report of the court of inquiry does not exceed l.SnO words. The testimony of the court sent to the Senate makes 100,000 words. The for eign relations committee vigorously protested gainst withholding' the tes timony. One importai point as cor rected by the testimony namely, that the Maine's position was not changed after she entered Havana, She moor ed on a hfiuy and remained there until destroyed PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. I liy Telegraph to The Press-Visitor. Washington, March 28. Complete synopsis of the President's message Is as follows: In Its finding the board says the bat tleship was moored In five and a half or six fathoms of water by the regu lar government pilot, authorities hav ing been previously notified of her coining. Discipline on the Maine was excellent, everything was in inrfect order at the time of the explosion. In the opinion of the court this effect could have been produced by the ex plosion of a mine situated under the bottom of the ship at about frame eighteen somewhere on the port side of the ship. The President adds the conclusions of the court are that the loss of the Maine is not in any respect due to fault or negligence on the part of an any of the officers or members of the crew of that ship was destroyed by explosion of a sub-marine mine which caused the partial explo sion of two or more forward maga zines and that no evidence has been obtainable fixing the responsibility for the destruction of the Maine upon any person r persons. The I 'resident says according to conference with Spanish minister in J miliary it was agreed for renewal visits of our war vessels in Spanish waters at the pen insular and the authorities at Madrid atllavana were advised of the pur-: pose of t bis government to resume friendly naval visits and that the Maine would forthwith call at Havana. This ;' lllloUU; eniellt ;h reei -i veil b Spain with a onteeia t ion and frieiidl.v character, with not ifiea l imi "f intention ( return the courtesy b sending Span ish ships to priie IjmI pi. vis of Cnited Slates. Meanwhile Maine entered I la v;.n.L January iT.ili. her arrival marked wiih no s;neial incident heid-s ex ehanue of ciisl oin a i ".' s.t In t- s. The .Maine remained three w . . No ap pn ej;ib!e cxcitenieiil d her stay. feeling of r lief foil. -w. . I ihe resump tion of friendly intereonrse. So noticea ble was this immediate (.f!",-.t that the presence of our ships in f'uban waters was si '''lv unred bv i'-eil Ce'cral I.. . February Cth the Maine was de s ! iye I ,: ml the ferw a i - t t of tlx P in lei lv wrei ked 1 y mi hundred and sixt y- r. i-.i-l-t -I. l 'riiini.i ass i.-i ; red b neighboring" ' eposioll. f ih" crew . n Ten 's in the :i ii by b.... aid being esp. beats of Spanish cruiser Ah.ln nro . I'll.- V minded Were Selier"ijvv i-n-l for I hi Ml' he itit s at ll.iv mi l hospitals t r. opened to Ih " i. The ap- i ah'iilllv fell upon Ihe J ide of nt i v with crush 'm; !' m -. i-Vr i . i int' iise e it 1'i' til pre hi. h in a co-i muuil y b-ss jut " . oMtiolh-.l Ih in i.!i' mi I ' I-. hastv acts of b tn I n-.-nt- d. n-.'ni. Ties spirit s.- n - iy lo a:!' ei pro. .'SM S of v;i"t'!i and resolve ! i,e. -tiat' the fuels ac! : ad ma -h !.'! 'ivi !' b. fore foriiori : it -n to u i n ;, , .-, proof .( re fofioinL- jed--.::' n' as to i,. e-'iive. reS'.oll-ete'lU and I'ae v. ill -I. A IVMedv is' d-le. This course rendered itself lo the ex. nil i e. Csual ni oe. dure followed in cases of en sun lit y t" disaster in nalioii.fl essels of maritime state. Naval court was immediately organ ized and findings of court reached nf ter twenty three thiys of continuous labor. It is herewith laid before Con gress. Kvidence of divers establishes that the after part of ship is prnclfeal ly intact at frame seventeen the not or shell of the ship from a point eleven half feet from middle line of ship, six feet a hove keel, w he ii in it "s normal position, was forced up sons to be now about four feet above where w ould be had ship sunk uninjured. Outside pin to Is bent into reversed V shape, the nft.r wimr which is about fifteen feel b-oM'l thirty t w o In length is doubled bad; upon itself a era i list con-iMin-.tion of same extending forward. At fr.ini eighteen. Tli" v"i i. a I keel is broken in t wo. 'lii Ue l bent inlo an nmde similar to arnde formed by outside bottom plates. The; hi e.i k. now a bout six feet b- low -Mfa. e water, ah mt thirty feetnbove i ' s norma I posit ion. In opinion of e. nt tb's conhl only have been caused hv e plosion sit nated nn tier hot t orn -bin I ba.- direeted that the find-in.- of . oiirt ,.f inquiry and views this '.'uv.'i nn;ent thereon be commun i' d-d to lief Majesty's covern ;e. id . tel do ii"t permit myself to doiibt that s' i;se of justice of Spanish naC. n m dl ib. iaie the course of neth.n sii'.'i.'.'.'.l l. honor, and friend ly re I t ... -t i . o L'liv.'i nni.'iits. It .vill be del e. ol e advice 'oiurress fe--n't and in n iea iM ime deliberate con--id. at em m oked. WM. M'KINI.KV. C T"'. .laj.b t.. The Pive-VisiP.r. W: -b in.: ion. March LN. Senator Von. )' ,s li."-'i!M an address on cop-ibt'.-n of .'fi.tii in Cuba. He says 1 1 1 1 i 1 1. i - e d ii a 1 moment . he run- r:o1 :,-: j .. tin- l'es polisi hi 1 i J V of pel'- foii..itn a -'-jleinri duty to bis counirv. C.ii 'oi.r was merely the a Kent of l be St-.- i.ish i;io rumen t that planned ,'ii. I i-xeeitt. .) the policy of starvation. Is maMii'- stroni speech nainst Spain emph-'--ies ibe fact that no meas ure relief yet been sinruested by Span ish i'.o .rtnnent . that the new plans of autonomy are fuiih' and imbecile, and that the insurgents will accept notbim? Ie;rs than eompleie independence. That y. llow tbm 1 1 1 Spain must pro (nni this inland and (hat Cnited States must intervene. ' to ,. 'r.-ss- v is'lor. d. t M.h- -Woodford declares I" t" he has no d-ubt i' i n e 1' vrv prompt n-.'i'-. ; i i :. i ' -h to in;st ry were -d i;. c-if..-. Anier'enn Intei-ests . i;. j-. i . ted and peace nieain- to Ih. Pr. -Visitor. .ten March L -Cable from l a e: e. at the State )e- -' 4 Sajiasta .erin neeot in - diately inseilfjeiUs looking to n of neaee. Spanish sovern objer t to national distribution re, ..n. out radoes hy the Cni- , ni it. . d COI.CMHIA SAILS. liv Teletrrnph to The Press-Visitor. Philadelphia. Pa., March 2N. The Columbia one of the swiftest of modern cruisers will sail within a few hours to join Schley's squadron at Hampton P.oad. which, it Is believed, will sail shortly under sealed orders to watch the Spanish torpedo flotilla now head ed for Porto Rico. ACT PRIVACY. p c-ib'e to the Press-Visitor. Madrid, March 28. The statement is reiterated that Spain will consider it an act of piracy if the United States tries to prevent the Sapnish torpedo Hut ilia from reaching Porto Rico. A NEW OULTCANS COMING. She Leaves Knglund and Will Reach New York Tuesday. ' By Cnble to The Press-Visitor. I.omlnn, March 28. The Initial cruise of the United States cruiser New Orleans formerly the Braxillan Ama zonas will be in thenature of a test of her engines and seaworthiness. The New Orleans left in company with the cruiser San Francisco but not belns; aa fast thenew boat will not be pushed to her speed Omit. Both ships will be In Nw York naxtTutsdajr, RELIGIOUS WORK Special Sci vic s IVj-nni at Central M tliudist El WORTH REVIVAL Hcv. I). It. Parker, of I cnusj Ivaiiin, at the first Itaptist lather ConK-y, of New Jersey, at the church of Sacred Heart. A series t.f special meetings were be kiiii in the Central Methodist Church yesterday morning by the pastor. K"V Kdw in c. c len n. II is subject in tin morning was. "I leaven, a place of llcsl. lie described beautifully and bun hinuly the place which iod has pre I .a red f.r his saints. Heaven is place of perfect rest. of niury and beauty, but nt Idleness. Cod has du ties f.r h:j- helmed to perforin i'..r Hon tb.-ri. It !s a ph. of a tivity (..rC.'!. e I so lii sor'al ill I et foUISe. Ti.e '; .e sa - tin saints have sit .town t"-;eth-er. I ) es thii. not mean th u In- ran talk i'Vi r the trials and onllins ibir It!"' llIiil rejoice together over the ( t"iies won. These meetings will be le id each ninht this week. Father Coiihy. of New Jeise.. pi t i.i bed an excellent sermon at the Church of the Sacred lb-art yesterday. Father Copley is in the South tryiiur to ret on bis health. He has spent ab.'ii; two verks in Paleib. Peienlly lie pie s nled lo the Church of the Sa red Heart a b aiitifel brass ci.iss. est'Hho ni'.rnini; at I'hrist Church Pev. Mr. M. M . Marshall, at the ic-piest of the .Hiy. made a siateinein in ie ard In tlx- li n.i ih i;i J ciiIi(i"ii !' the chunh. A ! the seriie at the Kdentoli Street Mt ! hoi list 'hureb yesterday nieiuini;, lb v. Mr . V. C. Norman announced ihi.l a set ies of special nieeiiiii;s w . uld be be ,1111 ill abi.Ut two Weeks. le v. Mr. J. W. Carter prea. In-d yes t i la mot iiiioj: at the First Huptisl ci-uich. Al niKht l;e. I . 1 1. i'atker. .f .b hIm nsl ow a. Peiinsy E a ii ia. p: e;n be I He is an intunaie tiieii-l t Mr. c.uier. :.1,U lias Stopped .e Wltll I J 1 1 1 a tew da s "li Ins w ay li"in. I nun ;i 1 1 ip . Florida l.-r his heaiib. Mr. 1 ark.-r t,.,.k his Iim ('in Ccfiesis. Hlh Chapier and Mill M i:e: "(or How Shall I (in to My Father and the Pad ben.d With Me." He preached a plain, practical esrmoii. iii'l-te-siiie, upon parents their respeu sibility io ;..d f..r t tn-ir .hihlien. 1 r. C:t,te aiiiiouii. -d that Mr. A. c Ca. ion. ot 'h.ii lotto, will be here April Hi; to be.ein a sei ies of sp" ial services This .S lite Week of Seldlem.ll I.. I Heine Missions, ami Mr. Cattcr s; i 1 11 :it theie v.oidd be ciuilte u pia. . ue-. tiiis this week. The W . . . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Mis sionary Sei i-'i y will u:c"i ca ch a l"t er noi.n at 4 ;:, and (he V-iun Ladies' So, i(t at .". o't l.Mk. In ahnti u to this a 't a e- meei ini; v. ii I be held in the Sut.da Seh. ... iiirin ea. b . .-nii,e at N IH i . i k. At Hie " 'hill , b of l),e l ; 1 Slleph. J d ih - r. - h r. pev. I r I. M.'K. Piitiu-. r ecnlay impf'-sed upon his "ii: . iv;:;i -t ion the importance of attending re- liioll-: Sei it es le.ularl.V. Ill tile e, - iiii; Mr. and a nun. her Lis con;-reuat ien wtii to Cary an 1 con ducted servi. e lliere. PcV. A. K. lluil it i pie;i,heil last ni'iht and iu- nave an ' lb lit Scl liiell. l!e. T. II. Pain piea ie d thtee s.-r-II e,is estel da . He pi i-:i( II. d l'i I ;i rue on.; t ct;a I i"i; in 1 ' i .'..(: I n 1 u (he iri'in'iiL' from the text "nili-r Will Tm y He persuaded. Though i:e I i 'i . in t h. 1 lead. ' I ii 1 1 . a 1 : ". u b ji: . ache 1 a I Tu. i. i s i . .nm ,, nil. 1. 1 he dosed the rci;.l v hl h ba: he. n in piomessai Kpworth hap. I for I be i st ' v o w e. ks. He preached a sp cla I sei ni'ii P. t h ton verts from the t. t. Crow in c.ia.e and iu a KiioaI ed; e i i" i inr Pi. rd and S.l l iar ,b sir-Cl,i;-t." Thelf vile IWi'lllV-SlX ivIIV'T- : i ns in the revival just cloved. Next Sunday afternoon Mr. Pain will bap tize several by immersion. The baptism wili be administered in the p d ,.f in t 'hi .st ian i htii cli. Pev. Mr. A. M. Sin.ios pieai-bed at the Paptist Tab-rnacte on ' I'.-nte ost Sl.ow t i s." This is w ba the church of Christ needs, be said. Beinnim; w i i It iu At Sunday a week nf prayr for 1'or elfcii Missions will he lield. At the Weft Raleigh Paptist church, Ib-v. A. P. P.etts preached morn v,j; and evening on the "Holy Spirit " le i via ltetts pleached for him ai Pdot church. A secial scrvii'e of the First Papiist Sunday School, c. .hired, , vest -rda aliet noon, J.;r..5 was raised for Fovimi Mis sions, besides the regular Sun da y S collet ticn in th. nu'raiii::, w hi h amounted to JT.nn. Hev. J. Iv. Foster preached two fine sermons at the Christian church Sun day. The special services continue with increasing interest. Hev. Ir. Eugene Manic! continued his scries of sermons before the Wesluiiiv stei League on the "Pife of Christ,' in the 1 'resbyterian church. Thene yer- mons are very instructive and fu-' of rich truths. They are st imula.1 inp; the younj? people of this deiiemiiui! 'en. miot'diiT hy nLiMi v, y.. Deputj- Stierift Chaplain nf li-flur.ut brought one prisoner to th Jtrte prin on Saturday nlht to begin a fclu.rt sen tence. Mr. Chaplain is the Jailor '5f Reaufoit county and he is blind. l la a novel thlnjr for a blind man to b ftnn prin.trN.rii to the "pn,"- STATK UNIVERSITY. CataloKue for the Year Has Hern Is sued A Gratifying Showing. We. received hy today's mail a copy of the latest catalogue of the Univer sity. Fpon examination you will find the teachiriK force to consist of 3S in structors; 377 Academic students; pro fessional J4:i; Summer School for teach ers isr.. making a tidal enrollment of Our., exclusive of al! duplicates. The attendance not counting the Summer School, exceeeds the highest number ever reached (in 1sr.7-5S) by 47, and include for the first time women among the list of students, one of whom, it will be noticed Is a member of the Senior Class, a graduate of Cuilford College. A new deparUncnt, that of Pharma cy, has been added, which enrolls 17 students the first year. This issue of the catalogue was was printed entirely by students, and in typography, appearance and quality of work is excellent. Any one desiring a copy should send his name to Presi dent Alderman at 'hapel Hill. Moan J. W. Core, acting president, wished very much to obtain Ibe correct address of every Pluniinis of the Uni versity in order to supply them with all the publications of the University, and thus keep iu t-nieb with thein. FUNERAL 'F MISS WHITE. The funeral service over the remains of the late Miss Mary White was held in the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A large num ber of friends gathered to pay this last tribute to her mortal remains. The service was conduited by Rev. Dr. Eugene Ma nit d assisted by Rev. Dr. W. C. Norman. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. The pall-hearers were A. M. Me Pheeters. Sr.. V. J. Younir. J. G. Prown, T. Il.Priees, p. R. Lacy. V. T. Harding, C. W. Thompson, C G. Whiting. MEET REVERSES. Many Prominent Autonomists Me feat - ed for P.e-election. Py Cable to The Press-Visitor. i lava na, March lis. Reports this morning from the election show that tin official ticket of the autonomist and conservative parlies were voted throughout island as previously arranged. . Twenty autonomists and ten conscrvat ives were elected. The failure of the autonomists to return a number of men of prominence is the si rotigest indication that Hie new re gime is a total failure. MAS 'NIC. William C. Hill Podge Nu, :Ms A. F. and A. M., will meet in regular com munication this eventing, at 7.:0 o'clock sharp. After thcclosing the plue Po.lge. Raleigh ( 'ha pier No. M. Royal Arch Masons, will convene in special con municatii.n for work In the Most Ex cellent Master's Degrees. Visiting companions invited. TODAY'S 'M.vRKIiTS. Till-: MOVI-..MKNT IN NKW YORK M I- KIM'H. MAKKKTS. liv.iii' v. ire In V. A. I'orti'rlii'ld & f Viii;in NKW VoUK COTTON.!i. 0m-ii llisjli. l.uw. C us. M:in h -". "ii -". !H ". HI 5 lll(.r 112 April ". TH "i !i-' .r "il Itliif.ii !r2 Miiv ." lis ". si r li-H" ". .luiii ". "I .1 !i" ." SH !i 7v 5 'J luU- s ii n-.i .-, sr iiHi.Hi nn Aiei-t '. '.in ii n"i ". '.HI (i nil!' (I Se ii-ml r ii nn . I I'll .".'."I 5 !.!!..( li 0(1 o-li.l.i-r -"i !i; li mi ." "Il r. !isr.'i H'.i i in! i-r ii lie ii mi ,"i !)il ,"i '.IIH..5 (Ml nil rr li HI ii c-J .". '.lii li (Mi II (II January li ni "i HI li (I'Jittii (li! I.1VI Wool, COTTON MAltKKT. I.i I . i: l'i ii M;ir. is 1 p. in. .M...l,-i-iit.. il.-m, ;i n.1,1 . rii'.-s un.-ha ni; 1 -Hi. Sales Atm-ili;iii iiiilliiii; S.noo speellllllii'll anil t-X'vrl Hec-eipts i, Itiu. Aiiii-rii ini .4llil. Futul'.'S npent-d (jui'-t. il. iiiainl nnMl.-l-at.-. Closed sleady. I 111- InllllW Ilie M-n- tllL- r!oMll.r (pl(- Uitimis I In- Liv rrpoul I'.illon market ti.ilay. .Mari li. I Ti Man-h an. I April. :I lTli. A pril atul Mav, il 1 T. luv ami -linn''. I Tli. Jun an. I .1 illy, i! I T. .h.iv an.l Au'iisl. :l l'-. Aneiivt ami Si piriuhrr :'. IT. Si-pit-mla r an.l rlotrr, :'. I irl i ln i anil Nn riiiln-r. :i lii Nmi'inlirr :iiiil 1 Irri-inlicr.:' lii. IH'i-i nil'rr ami January, il l'i. Futures cUisi'it steady CHICAdO CHAIN A N 0 I'HOVISloN SIAHKKT. Th'' folliiwiiifr were the clusiiiff ipio tatii.iisi.n Hie Cliieago (Jiaiu ami I'm i-t.ii tn.ii Kel tinlay: Wheal - May 1 ll"i: .Inly s"!2. C.rn--ln i!i;; July iiii. ( liils Ma :: July i:!4. l'..l l. -May July '...IM.. - M.u.l 11".; Julv "i.i'-. Cli iir liili Siiles May ('- July o.O.-. THE DESERTERS. They Will be Taken Rack If They Re turn Now. Hy Telegraph to The Tress-Visitor. Washington, March 2S. Although the navy department cannot make terms w ith the deserting officials they have, nevertheless, stated unofficially today that it apprentices and others who deserted, return to the nearest receiving ship the charge of desertion will be removed and they will be al lowed to serve out their unexpired twin. SALISBURY FEEBLE. By Cable to The Press-Visitor. tjMirion. March 28. Salisbury start- ed for Rtvir. today in search of ' healthi SHORT STATEMEMTS Miuor Matters Manipulated for the Many. AKOUND IN THE CITY. Pot I'ourr. of the News Pictured on Paper Points and People I'ertlaently Picket and Pithily put In Print. The 1-lst Supreme Court Reports will Ie- tilaeeil on Bale tomorrow. Mr. L. C. Weathers la beatlfully p- periii k Hlek a druK store. Two Mormon elders arrived today and begun work in this city and vicinity. Durham will have a swell wedding next June. One of the prominent young attorneys of that city will take unto himself one of Durham's fairest daughters. Mrs. Josephua Daniels left till morning: for Wilson to attend a recep tion given there by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Woodard on their return from Florida. Two foreigners are today carrying? performing bear around the city much t the delight of the small boys. The Supreme Court will devote thlB week to the call of he eighth district appeals. Of thesrlhere arebarely five on the docket. They will be heard on Tuesday, as follows: State vs. Woif, Whitley vs. Railroad. Patterson vs. Cjalliher, Newman vs. Bost, Jones vs. Itenbow. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Waddlll, of At lanta, ate at the Yarboro. Mrs. Wad dill, beforemarriage, waa Kiss Ella Petty, of Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiddill arehere for Mr. Waddlll to consult with Dr. Lewis about one of his eyes. He recently got some cigar ashes in his eye and there is danger of his losing it entirely. Congressman Stroud has very kind ly sent Alderman A. M. Powell, chair man of the Park committee, a quantity of assorted flower seeds to be planted in Pullen Park. This will save the city considerable expense and aid greatly in beautifying the park. The number of the park committee de sire to publicly thank Congressman Stroud for his kindness. Everything which happens now is thought to have some bearing upon IheMiiinedlsaster. This morning the Cnited States flag nn the postofOce building fluttered pitifully from Its pole upside down and at half mast. An investigation, however, showed that It was only a mistake and in a few mo ments the star and stripes were float ing properly in all their glory. Honor It-.11 of Asr. nibly Hall of Cen tennial Sihi.ol f..r week ending March LT. isn. Tom Aik.-n. Minnie Bagwell. Irvine cheek. Annie Coniber. James Harden. Mod. lie Ellington. May Flem ing, Wlld.-r Fort, Metta Gulley, Roy llainl.-t .Iim Hayes. Mamie Hayes, H. niy J. II. rvey. Ceo. Holman, Pon nie Howell. A.lna" Junes. Wm. Larson, YVinii- M 1 .yon. Carland Myatt, John Park. Joe I'ogiie. Henry Primrose, Bur ton liny. Percy Royster, C. Smith, Ju lian White Bessie Wharton, Nellie Wharton, Win. .Myatt. ' COCRT MEETS. Judge Tiniljerlakes Charge Womble Cot Two Years on Roads. The March term of the Superior court In Wake county convened this . nln.. f..f Oia trial nt .rlmlnal ...o,.....B t eases. Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Sf t Louisburg. presiding. The Judge's 9 . charge was brief but he covered the . principal i.fffences. There areslxcolor- cd men on the grand Jury. Mr. fc. Thomas Part in is foreman. TJ,-S The Jury was charged especially on the point of escape. The Judgesald that when a prisoner escaped the law presumed the officer to be guilty and he must show that It was not due to j his negligence. Escape does not mean simply getting away. If an officer al- ; lows a prisoner to leave Jail, or, as has been done, gives him a key, that offl- -cer Is guilty. If tin- superintendent of the work house gives a prisoner special privilege he Is guilty and , should be indicted. "I call your atten- ,j tion to this, not Lecause I know of any . instances of the offence in this coun- j ty." said the Judge, "but because it la my duty." s The Judge called attention to the crime of Belling whiskey without M 1 cense. "If I had my way none of It should be sold," said JudgeTlmberlake. "but when license is granted theatf -"-"-v. people must be protected from men selling without license. I found In a f western county nine men In Jail for t . murder a.idupon inquiry I found all came from moonshine distilleries." , " The Judge said that there was very , little difference between gambling an4 lnrcenv. It doesn't matter in whose house the gambling goes oh. The first case before the court WM E.M. Womble, charged with larceny of a watch from Mr. C. M. Hawklna. Womble came Into the court faultless ly attired. He plead guilty and was , ,4 DCni to theroads for two years. . .... Rev. Wjlltam Jones, (colored), waa v tried for obtaining a horse from Mr. i f C. O. Ball by pretending to own cer- ;, j, ' tain lands. The Jury now baa thU oaaa , . r in their hands. The Langdon and i Merrtett cases are about the last on - .1 the docket and will not be reached tor . , several days, if thecourt eontinuei to 1 take the cases up In their order. Jim ;. Booker, charged with murder will , . probably betrled Wednesday. He haar broken greatly and la eempletely - , nerved. ".'-.' . "e . .. 4,, ir -i r l ,' - , '.; 'e i ,' . i 4 .- f' 0