S PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Prcs Company, Incorporated. ) Consolidation 'of the Visitor, Establish- . err-18T8,-"ana "the -Press. -Established i .VTff ' : - ; ' OFMcfEJlJr THE PULLEN BUILDING J GREEK O. ANDREWS 1 f f EDITOR AND MANAGER. VERNON TV M'RART, L" ' " . ADVERTISING AGENT. ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. One Tear $4.00 Six Months $2.00 'One Month 35 -(Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter.) -i!,Viw,ys JNION toJKl! ,ABri '"''w.w'fvv' (THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND I IN CIRCULATION. TKI.KI'IIONK NO. lsW. WEDNESDAY April IS, 1SHS BUSY AT FOliT JKFFEIWoX Now One of the LivelUt of Hie (Jnvorn J nicut Stations, i" . Port Jefferson, at Iny Tortuyas. 'which within a few irks has l..-.-;i awakened from a. ."O-y.-ar si. ). is u a only one of the larsresl and nvsl vstly miii.ary structures masonry in this icountry, but is iilsi.' one ef th.- mst is.' lated military structurrs in (he world. Built in a. part of the coumiy where all the numnel la bur .:s at iliat line done by slaves, eolnreil bnals:nen were. ,of coins", largely i inpluyi-d uimn it. ' Pasivni-e-i s by Ihe steaiu-Ts ii'.'in Key West to New M k-ans. v h.-n four or fiv e hours oui e.l" i-it. s.-e ihr.-e lon-.'s.-m.-structures, .isini:' a piui rent ly out nt" lie water, with no land in si'ht. ntnl n foliage to protivt tlirm from the burn ing fun of the Culf of Mexico. Tin largest of tin- trio is Fort Jefferson, which during: the civil war was the dreaded military prison of the Dry T.u tugas. The Second, a mile or more to the northwest, is the lighthouse lieurin'-: the official name of Tortuiras l.inh'.. but locally known as the I. overhead Key Light. The third building, almost within pistol shut of tlie fort is a rousrh. temporary house of boa i ds. cheerless and forbidding enough to seem what It has been for some yarn -the pest house of the Tortugas Quarantine Sla tlon. As the vessel it ppnatehes the builil lngs it Is seen that each stands upon its own little islet of sand: and these three sand keys are till that remain of the Dry Tortugas. A generation as" thorn uwo wevei-i.l rillu't- iul:ii-ou i ,1 th. .'i group, but the Oulf Stream has washed - them away. The sharp eyi- of the nav i igator, however, sees thai only the san Sdy tops have disappeared. leaving the '"dangerous coral formation rinse to 1 1 1 . -"fa surface. With Its double row of rained portholes, Its six great bastions, each J large enough to be a fort in itself, ami M its broad granite-walled moat. Fort 1 Jefferson looks far more imposing than .? the modern fort of earthworks. A "; COST OF THE FORTIFICATION, f j congress macte ttie nrst appropria te! tlon of $.",0,000 for the construction of 3 the fort in 1844, and the work w as be- f gun In 1846. Garden Key. upon which it stands, was not as large as the fort "SS that was designed, and several neigh v 4 boring islets of sand were taken up by the shipload and deposited upon its ? Kaali rt cri.-t, or.li.1itt- 1,. h c fnun,.,tin ;ui grttime uhh-ks uini readies iui iiovvn i Into the coral. For 1 ri years the work jj dragged slowly on. and at the outbreak lof the war the fort was still incotn Iplete and hardly defensible. When it i was at nrst garrisoned in the winter . Sol 1860-61 It had cost $1,400,000; f,.r every J brick in its 8-feet thick walls, .-v. r J block of granite. '5 the five-acre Inclosure within the walls. -had to be earled by sea from New- York land other Northern ports. As soon as Jthe War Department determine,! to use llt for a military prison, Contrress began 9 to lavish money upon it. In 1S00 and i 1861 '$250,000 was appropriated. On Feb jruary 20, 1862. a bill appropriating $2. 000 was passed, and on the same day 1 another for $10u.0(i: and later in the 'day a third, a total of half a million j dollars in a single day. As the fort Hil led up with prisoners, ninny of them ot Importance, i4: was proposed to enlarge ?the Hiccommndntinns by building an an Inex fort on the adjoining Bird Key. and i $650,000 more was appropriated for the 1 purpose. But this project was aban .doned, after the plans had been made. ;and the money was used upon the oriir 'inal structure. The last appropriation Jwas made in 1878. and the garrison was withdrawn In .1878. Up to that time ,Uhe structure alone had cost $2,935,000. (The solo representative of the army in the fort for years was Ordinance Ser geant William Keller, who painted the ?old 0lumblads with coal tar once a . year. 'INCLOSUHES OF THE FORTRESS. I Since 18S8 Fort Jefferson has been 'used as a Federal Quarantine Station. 3 under. .the charge of D. R. D. Murray, and In the summer months it could he ,vilted- only with his permission. The Adjutant General of the army describes ith fort as "a double -casemated. hex agonal structure of brick, standing on liardon, Key, Tortugas, the most South western part of the Florida reefs, ia lattilude, i4 degrees 37 minutes 47 sec onds north, longitude 82 degress 52 minutes 08 seconds west." In 1864, he nddjj, "Jt contained about 1.000 prison ers. Th key contains seven acres, five of which are within the walls of the fort. . The average height of the kev above th sea Is three and one-half feetj but an excavation over two and a half feet develops the primitive coral and the Salt water of the gulf." V'he landing, place is In front of a j ,den structure. In which the fumi gating apparatus of the quarantine station, and a wooden bridge leads icross the flfty-f not wide moat up to the heavy granite portal. A steam aunch and several .smaller quarantine xiatB float peacefully In the moat, and n a dosert steps from the entrance the isltor is wtthln the -fort: On every Ida utretch away the long rows of case nates, one above the other, in as good ondition now ks when first built. The h t proper is too sblid a struc ore to become. a ruin in anything less ban centuries. The only signs of decay er evident have been In the wooden slleries to lv access to the barbette l icanlnev extending in front of what . fivilian would call the roof of the irt, , Tbese have been weakened by se, and occasionally a hurricane has own one down. ' To the right is a t trice for the keeper of the Tortugas lit. or light, which shines from the . i f one of the bastions, and beyond j Is an Immense three-story brick ling, barracks for the men. s Di v opposite the entrance, across the urea, la the pffleers' quarters, . r large three-story brick build-I i'o the left of this Is a row of one-story brick houses for the non commissioned officers. A SCENE OF DESOLATION. The inclosure up to the time of re cent activities was a picture of deso lation, flushes had overgrown it. and there were trailing vines that trip the exploring visitor, and buttonwood trees in clusters. Thirty cocoanut palms have grown till their feathery tops are far above the walls of the fort. When there were 1,000 prisoners and about 800 sol diers within the fort outbreaks of yel low fever were frequent, and all the victims but two were buried on neigh boring sand-keys, which have since been washed away. A small monument near the barracks marks the resting place of the two who were buried w ith in the walls Brevet Major Joseph Sim Smilh. Assistant Surgeon, who died ot yellow fever September S, 1S;7, aged thirty years, and Henry Price. onl son of Poseph Sim Smith, who also di of yellow fever ten days later, agi three years and six months. Water was always a serious que tioii at Fort Jefferson, and immett stone tanks were built for its stiTaii extending under almost the w ho( structure, mill undrr a lare seeiiei the inelosure. A giant steam eomleit ser was kept almost constantly work: but this expensive machine ha stood so many years idle and urn-arc for thai it is ruined by rust, and is tal ing lo pieces. The quarantine estal lishnient was supplied with rain watt caught upon the acres of roofs. QFAKTIOKS I'K UK. .MI I'I). Tlie most noted prisoner the fort hehi was Or. Mudd. the physician who tended John Wilkes I'.ooth. after the snssination of President I. in. oln. In .Mudd's cell was one of the huge cast metits in the lower tier to the left . the tntrance, and some one has paint e.l upon the exterior of its heavy wood en door: 'Leave hope behind, who . tors here." It was a gloomy but si cious room, from which I r. Mudd mad Scleral llllsllccesstul ellorts to escape At the time ..I one ol th,. serious yell fever epidemics in the fort, when i a surgeon was left alhe on the island Dr. Mudd offered his professional ser vices. rhey were accepted, and h woi ..e.l so faithfully that the garrison united in . signing the petition w hich Secured the pi Isoller s pardon. In on., way and another, mop' than .. nee. it. .a lis been expended upon th tort and until the recent discovery liia it was a valuable base for naval opera .ion-- in l i ... t.iol :i- th ni;!:t:lvv a;i naval men wr.- disposed to l;uii;h a it as a useless work. It is so we built, however, that with small expen dillire it . Mil be collv.-rted into it for mi-'al.ie modern fortress. AN 1X1.IA.V RF.Pl l.l.l,'. A I iehil n V i b-serv York is Ruled. ti-'ii in N'.-w l"n ill Ih I'hilii l.aphia Tiin. s Tlie I'r. ll'lller lire-public full .l..t. peopl.-. Wl 1 p. rpi. .v ih.- pr.se Republic St ill, s. I h .-nt Republic. II. small till lecessity hi .1' iv be. has of 1" ma i t.-rs , . !. 1 1 1 1 v .- a p r and i'.iirasst. !im... ihe i:. He- world. l' ci nin h.:- lii.il sou nl. Just St ,.o!f. tile I nn l-'tan. .. a .t in u ' n lie snub Soiilh A i ii'-ric; then lo ..pal hist elll.ii.l. all in. Ile l-ii .f lia m all in public of the ; rn New York R ..I WVs. s ..!' a, l 1'hal his hand ry .'in.. i Mxas i tile I'lesi. f litem h.'l.- um! cv, ry .lie .1' no i if the w iliiin has h. trouble mall , lirst .Ii: U three named the boundaries ..i ard as much eon. as he. perhai des added information v ..us. lltil of the 'last mid be saponin ind not the leas alls, ihe in. lai ibie.lly heard hi liter. -sling l.y any means Republic, he it. is lllldouble. tie, if anything , . . n, .i inn:; of state. The All.-uhiinv Indian r one mil wide and f, n't y m and runs alone U.e bank, leghany riv r. which div i. us troulil .-.ia .ii i..ii !,.- in .nan of Ihe Al eS this tllli .lle Republic h llglhwiSe into m parts. There are t hie,- 1 n.lnin r lions in Ihe vvesiern pan ,,f ih ..f New York, all of iheni b in; ual I ii t. pi-d by the s.-no-ii Indians. which tribe was once .-ry numerous, but now i.ip.on lessenim.- in milliners every v,ar. 1 lie i .iliar.iuutis l eserval ,. .n l: a tract of r my tine., miles w id. and twelve mil.s ion-. throm;li ivhiel llows ihe Oalinratmus , 're, I;, fi.,,, which the reservation is named. h Erie county is an-.'l'. r small na. t ,, land set apart f..r ,iie i einn min- m,.. bers of this tribe. It is known a tie i oocim .mo, i les'iwiii.iii mi i ...:i'a I:.- omy a tew hundred poop!, . 'fh,. u. diitns upon this last name i r.-erva t ion ind a number ,,f those living up. n Hi, Ciiltarnuuus reservation :ue pn.n,s and still retain ih.-ir :m, ',-:i: form voiship and perform the eel ;, ,., j... and lelebtate the rites of I r i,.,,.. failers. At .Newton, on the 'atiarn ii'.us .ation. stands the old Council House. Ala re every year ooeuts th.- e.-I.-l., a t,..! "i.t. en Corn'' "Harvest'' dunce .hi h lasts three davs. And hoiv tie- .New Year's iurice" ami i e,. " I '.-. , : .f th- Whit.. l.,e-." which b. gins when be Jiintiiit v new moon is five .1 .ld. aid continues nine davs. Tr eiltiniloUS period ,,f f. ,. , ., I!!. I inn inu. I lose dances aie wild gr .'esiiie and startling thai tie- spee- ,.,,o, can nanny imagine thai h.- is in the midst of tlie civ ilization ,.f the nineteenth (entiiry. inning these excit.ng times there are given witch dances, war (lane, s, scalp dames, and numerous other dames in dulged by their ancestors for many generations back. The lapse of time however, has worked little change iri these tribal dances, and on these reser vations they are reproduced today with all the relish and wild enthusiasm of th savages of a century ago. It seems rather strange that the In dians living on the two above named reservations still maintain their sav age customs while the Alleghany reser vation or Republic is mostly populated with Christian Indians who have long since renounced their old creeds and put on the garb of civilization. Stranire as ii may seem, it is nevertheless a fact, co., nif Mxiy years ago me Indians of the Alleghany reservation renounced paganism and all of its barbarous cus toms and since that time thev have never once relapsed. When they be eane Christians they gave up "chief rule" and adopted a Republican form of government, the only tribe of Indians evei known to relinquish the customs of their lar. forefathers in every particu- Their constitution was formed after that of the State of New York. Their executive department is composed of a i-iesiueni, a ciei K and a Treasurer. tney have a Judicial Court, which is nresnica over by three Justices known as Peacemakers. They have jurisdiction civil cases only, however, criminal cases being tried by the regular State courts. Sixteen Councilors, eight from eacn reservation, form the legislative uouy oi me rtepubiic, and enact the laws governing their affairs. Of late the Alleghany Republic has been exper iencing a great deal of difficulty with Its affairs, and Congress has felt com pelled to take a hand in the adminis tration of the affairs of President Theo dore Fi Jamerson, who Alls the execu tive chair at this time. Naturally President Jamerson feels that suspicion Is being cast upon his methods of con ducting his high office. The action taken by Congress was to introduce a bill, which, If passed, would deprive the Alleghany Republic of Its power to collect rents and administer the financial end of its government This measure President Jnmersnn iw- lieves will, work an injustice to his peo ple, and he does not propose that tt will become a law If he ran nneaiiov ; help it. He at least believes where there is a will there Is a wit. and an h la an Intelligent and well educated Indian he stands a cood ehajio nf vtnntn his Cg-ht ,.,v .... .,,,,, ,,. . , TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her. but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cur ed her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers. i;i9 Florida St.. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery anil in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful, it is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at any Drug Store. Reg ular size f.uc. and $1.00 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tike Laxative Hrmo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if i' ''"ils to cure. LTie. The genuine has I I! O on each tablet. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is ti e best remedy fr diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Re sure and sak for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. RIBBON'S ToyStorg. o Cakes Fine Toilet Soap in a box. each cake wrapped, and trood soap, too. ac. a box. If it does not prove to vour entire satisfaction money refunded. Wc oiler you a package of 2: s iim fnl aiticles, a hoti-eliol.l iieces-ity, all i'nr Cents. Our Easter Stock is Now Com plete. EGG DYE AND EGGS. Candy Kg'gs an.l Novelties, Tov Chick ens anil liiibbits. 1 bov Paper, 2.1 Kavclopcs anil 2.1 Sheets Paper for .1c. Also one better for 1(V. And one better for lie. Fancy Cilt Box for Children, 10c. (Jardcii Tools. Tops and Toys, Jump Ropes and Swing's. China. Class. Cranile, Yell, Wi imi Rockingham Ware. Almost anything von waul for the Children, House or Kitchen. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE. BICYCLES. New iiinl attractive: 1.. anil price. Sec us before t li in iti:tlilv .'on buy. E F Wyatt & Son, MAXI FACTI RF.RS AM) DKAI.KRS TN HARNKSS AND SADDI.KKV F KVKHY DKSC'IMPTIiiN. No. Illii K. Martin Street, mar M-tf -- --:-, -S WEDOiflS ' PRESENTS U , att r ov lU- i)) j , - ilp ..in- i,f 1(, t!,r fiirr iVirrr.s err (ii as CHIXA LA MI'S. VORCEI.A IS f LOCKS REAL nnoszFs, HRIC-A-JRAC. Attractive store, a beautiful A i stock with attentive clerks.-; Make the selection of your crift an occasion of pleasure. 4 5 t 4 No charge for engraving. 4 H, Mahler's Sons 4 Jewelers anil Silversmiths x NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. According to resolution adoDted bv the Hoard of Alderman of the city of naieign, April 1st. All Dack taxes due the city will be received and receipted for, remitting penalty on same. If set tled at once. C. F. LUMSDEN, Tax Collector. Aril 5 lw ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Raleigh, N. C, April 5, 1898. Sealed proppsals will be received at this building until 2 o'clock p. m., Monday, April 18th, 1898, for furnish ing fuel, lights, water, ice, miscellane ous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes, and sprinkling streets for this building during: the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and all bids is re- served by the Treasury Department. F. M. SIMMONS, Custodian. Large Loans Oo life insurance polities in stand ard Enpliah and American Companies. Ten uer rent more than the ei.mnn ri les themselves loan on the same rtoli- cief at lower rates. Write or euauire of Fbtllti Williams A vlreM, inrestinar a-retr. - Eniriish American Loan and Trust Co.Citi isns' NnHona) Pralr BuUdins-, RaI- Sft COmPany S!o Gripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which teaYvyou all to pieces, are not In it with Hood's. F.-iV to take uul easy to operate, Is true f Hood's Pills, which are p to date In every respect lie, certain and sure. All i ii:gists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Muss, liu only 1'llls to take vvltb Hood's Sarsnparllla. Asetylino Osc THE LIGHT OF IHl FCTt'IlK. Why mt be independent ami own yciii own Utile fts plant which wll Lvive fniir titms more lltfht than ordina ry as ir elctrir lights at nin' h:ilf the cost? .Applicable for use In churches. stmvH, factories, hotels, residences and country homes; safer than ordinary or kcNisene lamps. Appivved by a!i the Hoards of Underwriters thrnuKh ont tlie United States. We want a first cl iss nLeni in every town. Write for i i : a 'oiit' ,'irnl prices. Tl I IV A ' K T V U N K GAS MACHINE (i., Akron. . hio. Match :;rd l-w. i'i:i:kk ti.v fkksii sai saci:. fan b obtained only where ili s made Thiii which we oft'--r is prepare 1 here. dit. cilv under our own supervision and with the greatest care, t'lioiee fresh pork is used not scrap meat. If you like this delicious dish in per fection let us have your order. (Mir IN'cf. Vc:i, .Mutt.. 1 . . ti 1 and I'.-iillry will be found of superior guil ty. i'KNTKAI. MAKKKT A NO ( '( I.P STOKACK CO.. VIZ Knyettevllle St foreign and Native Wines Liquors, Kir era! Wafers, Cigars and Tcbacco. .ipp, I'oslnftice. N. C N f G( ( ('s Arriving fiver v Dav Wi Pills are Making it Hot for Hard Times! ti. Vi Mensand Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps. Gent's Furnishings,- etc. The completeness of our , stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Com am! e this choice selection of honest qualites, and learn why sensible, w ino.D l people prefer to spend their money with us Our prices ii srivv -.tin- dollar a new dignity. Our Sne qualities will clear awav ynur lusi, t jubt. There is no law against paying big prices, but it isn't sensible You'll trade with us simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere.. Cross & LJnehan; Lenders cf b-t:-C:ii C!:!h!:.: Something Nice FERRIS HAMS, SPRINGFIELD HAMS,winter cured. SMI THFIEL D, VA HAMS. Large Invoices of the above goods 'uive Junt been received and are offer ed for your selection. N'KW HOE IIEHKINGS IN KARHELS AND HALF BARHELS. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango Pickle, and the famous Kalamazoo Cel ery Pickle. They are both recent arriv als and are worthy a trial. Full lines of Curtis' famous Preserves in Class. Our Mocha and Java Coffee is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. THOS. PESGUD, The Oroce- SALE UNDER EXECUTION. By authority of an execution to me directed by the C. S. C. Wake county In an action entitled D.L. Adams vs. John H. Rogers being an action in which a warrant of attachment has been issued and levied upon the prop erty below described, I will on Monday, the 25th of April, 1898, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Wake county sell to thehighest bidder at pub lie auction for cash all the right, title and interest of John H. Rogers in the following described land in Wake coun tv: First tract: A certain tract which was allotted to John H. Rogers and Emily F. Byrd known as lot number one in the division or the lands of Peleg S. Rogers, deceased, containing seven ty-three and one-fourth acres, partic ularly described in book 34, page 323, Recrds Clerk's oftice Superior court for Wake county, the interest of satd Rogers being one half interest in said tract of land. Second tract: A tract of land known as the dower land of C. C. Rogers, widow of Peleg S. Rogers, deceased containing 120 acres particularly de scribed in book 139. page 426, Records Register of-Deeds office. Wake county, The Interest of said Rogers being interest of said tract of land. The said saleis made pursuant to a warrant of attachment Issued against the defendant and the Judgment ob talned In theactlon to satisfy said Hen H. T. JONES, Sheriff. March 26 30-d. C A RALEIGH MILLS SALE. STOCK FOR On Saturday, the 9th day of April 1S9S, at 12 m., I will sell at public auc tlon at the court house door in Ral eiiih thirty-five (35) shares of the cap! tal stock of the Caralelgh Mills Com pany, in lots of five shares each. Terms: ('ash. R. H. RATTLE, Extr. of Geo. H. Moore. March 19 to April tub. n ill is 11 OF EXCELLENCE. Ol'R SPUING STOCK OP A. UNDERWEAR, ETC. Variety I' Styles. Reliable Quality. Low Prices. ii ,(n when y - tt jur goons and prices. What a av be fewf r, we rill mak them go much farther i marvelous! low as right now. A WARNING. Gold Weather Coming Coal Is a necessity. Now Is the time to lay In your supply. Pocahontas IS the very best high grade coal that can be had. Suitable for grates, open stoVes, cooking purposes arid for steam is far ahead of any other cool on the mar ket. We have any and all kinds of coal. We are the bid reliable Wbod furnish ersshort wood, long wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wood, in any lenBth. Weight in coal, measure In wood guaranteed. Have you horses, cows, hogs, or any other live stock to feed? We always keep a fresh supply and give you Jus. WSiat is Suitable of fresh, palpatable, wholesome food. Don't forget where to get any or all of the above. We are leaders and can't be undersold. We buy In large quan tities, at low prices, and give our cus tomers the benefit of our cash price. Telephone 41 for office, yard telephone 71. Jones & Powell, Coal, Wood, Ice, Feed, Laths and Shingle Dealers. Easter Lillies Roses. Carnations and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Drsigns tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. Decorations I a mi-'. Feins and all other decorative plants for house culture. For orna mental Bardenlng at lowest figure. All kinds of bedding plants: Roses, Gera- ims, Heliotropa, Colest, etc. Chrysan tlieimtms In the best latest varieties. Vines for the varanda. Tomatoe plants once transplanted in best sorts. Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown Egg plants. Celery at proper season. AH mall orders promptly attended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Florist, Raleigh, N. C 'Phone 113. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y John Gill. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. Wedding IN KFKKCT J 22, 1898 north iioi;np. . No 2. Daily. fji'ave Wilmington...-..- 0 00 p m Arrive Faw rteville li 10 " OaveFayetteville 12: IH ' Leave Fayette ?tl n Junci-mi ; 2.") " Iji'iU'e S iiifonl I :1H :. ii !ji'iivr Cli'i ux .... 17 "' i ri ve i roen-,li.iri 4 JH " ' .I'ilVo IJr.'fi.v ...in .:U ' Oiive StnUrs'l ill- i7 " Leavi- W.ilnu: uvc ... ;.;47 " Leave Rural H i1 ':l.i " Arrive Ml Airy 7:45 ' SOlTIIROI!Ni. N' . I n.vi:., L aw Ml Ai'v ... 8: 1'' , : i." uve- Rural Mali . . 0:iU f.i'iive Walnut Cove. . . 1H:::m wave Stukesflale ...11:0.: rri vi Greensboro 1 1 :r Ln'avi- Givi-.-sbtivo 1 2: ! 7 i t 1.1-nvi i -iini.ix . I?:4f Tn'tive S.ilifnrl .':'M'i ' r I'nvi'ttcvilie J unriiiin . H fi.'i ;. rrivo Kiiyetlt-ville . . . . 4.M) f.tnve Fuvetipvillo ... .. 4:10 ' Vrnve Wi minium 7:20 NoaniBOUNP. No 4 I'a.lv. Iy-iivp Bennetsville 8:00 a u Vrrp.e VhixKin 9:112 " Leuve Muxi.'i. 9:1)7 " feave Ki d Sirini's 9:8ri " r'iive H .i- Mills lll:2 " Vrrive FayelU-vi le 10:40 " SOI7T1IBOCSD No 3 Daily Leave Fayeltevi le , Leave Hope Mills. . .. 4:50 p m .. .."1:07 " ....543 " ... (i ll " .. ..fi:i5 " ... 7:15 " N... 26. inixe J. Leuve lVd Springs . Arrivr ax tot) ... . T.e .iveMaxion . ,. Arrive Mi-ifi I'ttsvil'i Nf'rrti H'is.'-u. D.ilv Kxr'pt Siind.-v Le.ivr !-imti'nr (i:-10 a Ui Leave Climax 8:J0 " Arrive GriTnHtmm ....... . 9:7 " Leave Gi ertisborii 9 J5 " Leavi- RiN-ln's(lale 1 1 :07 1 in Arrive Madison . . .... 11:65" No 15 mixed Tiuily Kxc'pt Simony. ....12:35 pin .... 125 " .. 2:45 " ... 3:15 " .... 4:25 " ... 6:10 " Leave Madison . . . Leave Stockesdale . Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax ... .. Arrive Ramteur.. . on.niOTioN , at Faetteville With Atlantio Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Spring and Row more Railroad,' at 8anford with Seaboard Railway, at Golf with tbe Durham and Charlotte- Railroad, at Greenaboro with Southern, at' Wal not Cove with Norfolk A Western Railway. ..;v -t- -- J W FRY, . W K KYI.R, : Gen'l Mrpof. Cea'lP Aei. CALL OK i. L. O'QUIflU & CO. For Cut Flowers, Boquets and Floral Designs, also Pot Plants for the house. Roses, Chrysanthemums, and all kinds of bedding plants for outdoor, and veg etable plants, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Let tuce, Beet and Pepper Plants. Fine headed Lettuce now ready. Call at Heartt & Heartt's Drug Stbf for all vegetable plants. J.L.O'Quinn & Co TELEPHONE 143 3 RESIDENCE 149 Q. Rnleigh, N. C Fof flousekeepers. We take pleasure In offering a very fine line of seasonable goods, such as PURE FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jame in fanc patent glass Jars or by pound. Atmore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NEW prepared Buckwheat, with pure sap maple syrup Ih quart or gallon cans. NEW CROP Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, etc., Olives, Olion oil, Cutsups and Sauces of finest quality. CANNED GOODS In endless variety from thebest packers. WE believe we have the best Flour on the market. Have you tried It? Our famus "MELROSK" brand. EVERYTHING purchased of us Is guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Orders filled carefully and delivered, with dispatch. J.D. TURNER, Teipphnlif 12. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a Judgment of the Su perior court of Wake county, N. C, entered at this February term. 1R0S of said court in the case of B. F. Monta gue vs. Jno. W. Ryals, Nancv A. Rrltt, Joseph Austin, Carl W. Ryals and M. E. R. Ryals, the last two by their guardian ad litem Jno. W. Ryals number 7076 upon the Civil Issue Dock et of said court, we will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In theclty of Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock m. on Monday the 18th day of April, 1898, the following described tract of land Bituated In Panther Branch township said county and state. Adjoining the lands of George Partln, A. E. Smith and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on Little Creek, running thence N. 4. E. 4 chain and 22 links to a stake, thence S. 87 E. 14 chains and 44 links to a stake, thence N. 4 E. 1G chains and 90 links to a stake thence S. 87 E. 15 chains and GO links to a stake, thence N. 3 E. 11 chains to a utake In the Penny road, thence N. 83 W. with L. J. Weathers' line 49 chains to a stake on Junlnor Praneh, thence thence down the various courses of said branch to Little creek, thence down said creek to. the beginning con taining 102' acres, it being the same track of land that was conveyed to fno. W. Ryals and his wife M. E. R. rivals by a deed duly record-? In the iffice of the Register f eeds of said ounty In b.ok 97, page 510. Time of iale Monday the 18th day of April, S!i8, at 12 m. Terms of sale cash. T. M. ARGO, ArmiRtead Jones, Commissioners. March 11th. 1898. SALE OF LAND TO MAKE ASSETS. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Wake county, In special pro ceedings, entitled J. C. Marcom, ad ministrator of the estate of Prince P. Page, deceased against Edith Page and others, I will, on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 1898, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of. Wake county sell to the highest bidder for cash, two certain tracts or parcels of land lying In Holly Springs township In said county, bounded and described as fol lows: First tract, adjoins the lands of Edith Page, formerly Reuben Hillock and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a He Whortleberry bush, on the north bank of Reedy Branch, runs north 79 poles, to a take and pointers; thence west 26 poles to a stake on the Adkln road: thence south with the meanders of the said road to the Reedy Branch ford; thence down tbe meanders of said branch to the beginning, containing eight acres, more or less. Second tract. Adjoins the lands of Reuben Blalock. D. C. Adams. Mrs. Upchuroh and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, Reuben Blalock's corner, runs east poleB to the said Blalock's corner In Mrs. Up church' line: then south poles as the said line to Reedy Branch; thence up the meanders of said branch to said Page's wife's corner; thence north poles to the first station, containing sixteen acres, more or less. J. C. MARCOM, Commissioner. April 1st, 1898, td. t Le Hew Idee. Ai Ton ftrfirhl Anil ciava Tf Ml ma halt iloi.tj of ideoii of your mil, also sunse enough o iri-rtxo rood unr nvm vImhi olfc mL WhAt'io ou think of &! column !JiMtniMd MoaUilyFa- ior,i9u:ufsviiououainiug nev'Bi hufio. vww r ln-triini.-iitJ, Latest FmIiIo.j, Good 8tortea, intiiuiic f evi na rortnuw or ratty jucttmom, uiiim.'ui'j, immtMiiu rwioy wwi fiima. mi put .'i txtiXn a yew soxtpaid t Beenu, too good to ur nw, tuit we triv you exaotlr what we advartiss .feud oauta and ana I or f outsell. , Villi NUl WUACO., f44l Broadway, Hew YorkCttv rat nrad, Liberal nouuninaloa paid, MMWMBMMMMMMMUHMMHaM r Kltf Y03K UCAUCHO. . , "he h-itmmut tMN and famloa journal M .- ifr ur annm music msa, sv . ana nana A-rsdof-, Kmrainuie; ntnu ten w twelve pawes !l ' eoal or aiatninanlal music bawdee four or 'twnortmlianf leadluor artromiiia Hubectintloa - ti yeai fl.Su, aitraple copy, 10 ota, AddrjH . Ike IIW TOEa BimiCaL SCHO CO., BmaJway Thaatra flulMlna, Hew Tory mm wt . tiham) aeuie-i" r- -