I V 1 t , J.-f THE FnESS-VISITOn, jtALEIGH, N. C. WILLIS G. BKIQQS . City Editor MONDAY.. April 11, 1898. DOBBIN & FERRALL, At TUCKER'S STORE, 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street. GREAT SBECIAL BAR GAIN SALE OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT 75 CENTS BER YARD JUST ARRIVED. Two lines of Wool Poplim one in plain colors, shoicing ull the newest spring and summer colors, and are in illuminated shadings, showing the very lat est combinations. These Pop lins the most desirable and stylish fabric either in plain colors or illuminated ue hare secured from an Importer at a great Bargain and we give them to our customers at a great Bar gain price. 75 cents per yard, 40 and 42 inches wide worth from $l.0 to $1.25 per yard. Making the greatest Bargain in Summer Dress Goods our people ever had offered them. These Poplins will be arrang ed on -a Special Bargain Table just as you enter the store. This Spec al Bargain Sale will be of interest to all ladies who expect to buy a Spring or Summer Wool Dress- This Special Bargain Sale will begin Tuesday morning. April 12th. Come early. DOBBIN d- FERRELL. Supt. E. McK. Goodwin, of the s.h.w.i for the Deaf at Morganton, Is in ttie city. Mr. John D. BrlRgs returned te Wake Forest today to complete the wk putting the metallic ceiling in Winiuiic Memorial Hall. PHALANX NO. 34, K. K I'. Meets every second and fourth Thurs day nights. Members arc exi'e. i,-.l t. be present. Visitors are cordially in vited. LOST. On Edenton between Dawson and Sal isbury streets, a plush collarette. Fin 1 -r please return to this office. It Stolen. An 5897 Crawford Bicycle Inch, rim of front wheel new, en from Mr. Robert Cain at night by a negro boy tramp, formation concerning same gladly received. ROBT. Car April 11 2t frame, was s c'ary 1 An y will CAIN, y, N. t.,1 ast he mifmm We start on Thursday, April 14, 1898, to conduct our business on an entirely new and original plan; we say new and original for we will be the originators of NEW PRICES. Prices that this or no other town has i ever heard of. We will explain ourselves. Take for instance, we buy an article that the market value of is $1.00. We buy it for 40c; we give the community the benefit of the price. Goods that the merchant makes hs: money on we will sell at just the rates as those that there is little or no profit on; we are determined to do the busi ness; we are going to do the business. Our prices will make the business. Every Article, no matter what, will be HARKED DOWN, down to the lowest notch. This is no BLUFF. Gome and see for Yourselves. The public have been fooled by advertisements time and time again, but WE mean business. We are going to do the business of this town and we think we have struck the right plan. The old prices will be left on the goods, the new ones put on; you can see for yourselves the difference; every thing is marKed in plain figures. We have rented this space in this paper and in a day or two we will publish a list of some of our low prices which will be in effect on our " New Principle Plan." This is not for "justcne day," but for good, and all our store will be ready with its new prices THURSDAY, April 14th. We have always bad the reputation of selling goods Cheap, but under our new system the prices will be ridiculously low People will wonder how we can affprd : . it All We say is that we are satisfied, all you have to do is to take advantage of it. Our stock is complete. New goods are coming in every day. We have determimed to make our store the busiest in town business, therefore we will have the trade. Give us a call and be convinced. Very respectfully, HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if you kid neys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bit ters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, cures pim ples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guar anteed. Sold at all Drug Stores. DOcts. per bottle. For Rent. Four room house on Harington street, opposite the Oil Mill. Apply to A. W. FRAPFS. March 21 tw TO CURE A COLD IN ONE PAY. Take Laxative Brmo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B Q on each tablet. You can tind Schlitz, Hudweiser and Crystal l'ale Export Beer on ice at M. Maxwell's.- Frapi's' old stand. I'll. me 1S7B. M'hen dry call for Keck ami 1'al. Beer on di aught, ice old. at Maxwell': Saloon. Frapps' old stand. l'h 1ST I!. WANTED. Old clothes and hats, old shoes and all kindsofsecoud hand goods houulit and sold at Hairs' Steam I've Works. East Harnett street. .Raleigh. N. C. Suits cleaned, 7.V. Cleaned and dyed $l..r(. .March 7. tf. Weather Korcast: Fairtonkdit and Tuesday. Shoes, Shoes, . SPECIAL SHOE SELLING For this Week at the Big Store Brand New Stock of Spring Shoes Just Arrived Today. r,;i'l es, Mens, Boys, Misses, OhiWIrens ami Baby's. Never l as such a Stock of hioh class Shoos been shown bere Ltr su.fh low PRICKS as we are jfointf to offer this line for. We have them in Similes. Slippers, Ox lords' II i'h cut, lace ami bution iUl siy'es in Ihe newstt.es Atlend II is sale at once, as such Bargains "'ill n 'I last very long. JONES' WOO ew Tou can find a select stock of old Rye and Corn WhiBkies, Wines Cigars and tobacco. Old Nick's Corn a spe cialty at M. Maxwell's. Crescent Ghainless Bicycles $75. Manufactured y Western W' .ecl a'orks. THIS is a guarantee of their Kxcellence. Thev manufactured first-class chain bicvcles at 7S when others charged $150 for a bicycle that was no better. 'I his brought the price of a lirst-class bicycle to .. The Western Wheel Works are benefactors to the riding public. Their beneficence is distributed in Raleigh by Thomas H Briggs & Sons. We Have Two Bargains. Path Light Lanterns 51.75 ouch. 20 Century Lanterns $2.00 each. April 11, 18118. Big Store. LLCOTT P Telling the Truth. That's the complete science of good advertising ;' talking to the common sense of the buying public ; stating in tersest terms, facts concerning matters of merchandise and store policy, striking straight at the root of the matter, nothing added to or detracted from the merits of the different articles held up in print for your inspection. Your intelligence will tell you if the goods advertised are best suited to your needs, if they possess those virtues which we emphasize, if the style and price suitability are just as repre sented. When you rind them thus, the sore has gain id a new friend or strengthened the confidence of an old one. This store grows by the practice of these principles. Women's Hosiery, I Never was hosiery so bright, so beau tiful. The demand for "fancy" designs has been met w itha liberality approach ing; lavishness. Hut the great showing: is of fancy hosiery at $1.00. The styles would be tireless counting. I. isle thread almost without exception. Some of them are hinted of in this list: lilack with fancy front in vertical shaded stripes. Hlack. with ziz-zui; stripes of colors. Plaided tops, black feet and ankles. All-over plaids. Fifty Cents. Scotch I'laid fancy 1 .isle thread with boot l.isle thread with fancy stripes black pattern black open work. Twenty-five Cents, They come in fancy stripes tans and blacks. The black l.isle double sole spliced heel and toe is a special value, also the dropped stitched, the tans, the whites all our own importation. NINETEEN CENTS. Just two styles at this priceone black, the other tan the blacks are Hermsdoi f dye -both spliced heel and toe they are the usual twenty-flve-cent kind. "YICI KID" The most careful makers use It tin y can't afford to use anything; but the best. You'll never find genuine "Vlci" in a commonplace, ill-shaped shoe. This kind is made only by 11. H. Foer derer. Our new spring; lines of women's "Viol Kid" ttxfords and Hoots are com plete. All the latest and best shapes are represented; all the new styles of toe and heel; and the goods arc of a strictly liih character. Special attention is called to our line nf Women's Tan and Hlack VIOI KID oXt'oUKS AND Hl'TTOX HOOTS at if.'.oo a Pair "YICI KID ' FOR MEN. It is the best intrinsic value possible to obtain for the price. We guarantee every pair of them. Manufactured for us by deorge E. K'-ith Company and are considered the best shoes manufactured at 50 a Pair rincinle Store JEL WOOLLCOTT & S Advancs Sale of Straw Hats. Ninety-eight Cents To be exact, just one huridred and eighty straw hats for men are now on sale, north from $1.50 to $2.50 each. They will Include hats for young men In yacht style and the latest shapes for older men. This will be a sensa tion to the hat trade and the people will appreciate our effort. 98c (fee our show windows.) Ninety Dozen Ladies' Collars, Ten Cents: We have placed on sale ninety dozen of 2100 LINEN COLLARS IN ALL SHAPES. They are named for our own streets, and called Fayetteville, Hillsboro, Newbern Avenue, Blount, Halifax and Park Avenue. This we consider the greatest value in Ladies' Collars ever offered. Now do not get these confused with cotton goods at that price, but come expect ing to see all-Linen Collars and you will not be dlsaonointed. Price IOC SHARP'S THE WORD FOR THESE SPECIALS. These lots of fresh, seasonable nur-rhiiTniij-t' are l'Uketl and put here for quick selling ; you'll know if they're cheap the moment you set eyes upon them. You'll have to be among the early ones n get the first chance at them. Indian Uncus Special. 3 3 4c Curtain Scrim Special. 3 3-4r Turkish Hath Towels, Special ."ic Amoskenff iiiiKhams (kind that don't fade) Special "e Simpson's Silkoline, Special 10c A. B. Stronach, THE LADIES' DRY GOODS STORE. YOUR WANTS FILLED AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. A NEW DEPARTMENT OF i Household Goods and Upholstery. JUST AS NEOESSARY FOR COMFORT AS SOMETHING TO EAT OR TO WEAR THE ACME AT CLENLINE3S IN THE DINING ROOM IS A CLEAN LINEN CRUMB CLOTH. WE HAVE THEM. SEE SIZES AND LOW PRICES. 11-4 x 10-4.. ! $2.25 10 x 12 e.....'. . 2.50 10 x 14 , 3.00 12 x 12 3.50 12 x 14 3.76 14 x 14 5.00 16 x 16 6.00 50 Inch striped inen for Furniture Covering, 50c per yard. 34 inch Striped Cotton Damaskj for Furniture Covering, 15e per yard. 50 Inch Damasks Jand Reps, in rich and handsome colorings In Satlna and Silk Finish, from 50c to $2.25 per yard. 28 Inch Velour's for Portlerras, 75c per yard. 36 Inch Plain and Traced Denims, for Art Work. 64 Inch Pantasote (the new thing) for making old sofas, old chairs, old lounges as good as new; equal to leather. FURNITURE GIMPS, ALL. COLORS, Acme Wine Company, Foreign and Native Wines Liquors, Mineral Wafers, Cigars and Tobacco. Opp site Postofflce. RALEIGH, N. C For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottage with kitchen, north end Halifax street, known as the "oaks." Nine rooms, bath room, large garret, etc. One of the handsomest and most convenient inside finished houses in Raleigh, No. 526 N. Blount street. For particulars apply to or address. WM. T. HARDING, oct tf. Park Plae. Blount t.. city SON 28 inch China Silks, Drapery Designs, 50c per yard. 36 inch Silkollnes, all of the new ef fects. Including the gold and silver tracings. 30 inch Roman striped Silkollnes, 10c per yard. 28 to 36 Inch Cretonnes from 74 to 15 cents per yard. Handsome Scroll and Jardimere Designs. 18 inch Plaid Linen for cushions, 10c to 15c per yard. 0. handsome line of Boufet and Splasher Scarfs. We do not keep a line of high price Curtains, but If your wants come with in the bounds of 75c to $10.00 per pair, we con suit you in price, quality and design. 36 to 40 Inch Curtain Muslin, 10c to 50c per yard. 30 to 36 Inch Curtain Scrim, 5 6, 7V4, 10. 12 He per yard. Linen Stair Trackings, 20c the yard, 6 CENTS PER YARD. BICYCLES Differ us much as anything in the world. If you want the best. One that will not always be in tlio repair Bliop, one that rides easy, docs'nt tire but pleases the rider, one that is a pleasure to own. There is but one the Cleveland For 8:.lc by J C S LUMSDEN Money to Lend. CUAS. D. WILDES, Attorney. MAtlLKIt BUILDING, Raleigh, N. C. ap 4-tf .stt Low prices make , 'ill. ' ... - ON v

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