... i " : i f-, riV ".-' -' tig A TiJBIG-B:, "W 7, The Dailtj Euening Ifisitor i AROUND THE CITV. Qood evening. Change of gauge. How do you like us ? We strive to please. Send in your subscription and ad vertisements. For special notices there is no more popular medium than the Visitor. Rev J L Foster, will preach at the Union Mission tonight at 8 o'clock. The receipts of cotton, in this city, are now quite Bmall. And now there is talk of a shooting club in Raleigh. Our special notice column presents unusual advantages. Only five cents a line. There are but few localities the city that the Visitor does not find its way. No better channel through1, which to advertise your business than the Visitor. Try it and be convinced. Willie Forest, of House Creek Township, sn of W E Forest, Esq, died this morning of typhoid fever. James Elder, deputy sheriff of New Hanover county, brought two con victs to the penitentiary today. Where vill be the site of the Bap Hst. Female College? This is now the all absorbing question As a family fireside paper we pvo- aa runWn the Visitor welcome j;uotJ t w to all. Have vou lost anything? If so ad vertise it in our local columns, and vou will stand a go d chauce tore- cover it. Rev Dr,J M Curry, former Minister iV8pain, expects to be in attendance 'at the session of the Teachers' Assein bly, in Morehead this summer. We regret to hear that Rev J mtiann o nrnminent Baptist minis- If llOVUf w jf ter of Merry Oaks, Chatham county, was recently severely injured by be ing thrown from his horse The subscription list of the Visitor and there is no IB UCbiEJ o better advertising medium in the city Now is the time to subscribe and to moiro knnwnvour wants and wishes. aAvart.iftAmant of Mr. A. E. X HO Jordan will be found of a highly in teresting character. He fpecially calls attention to the Royal Gernia- tuer, which is causing the best re sults to all who try it. Give it a trial. In the caso against Dr. Eugene Grissom, for assault -with a deadly weaoon. judgment was suspended on payment of costs The Solicitor staiea ssH l"r. that. h' would not have 8ent the bill to the grand jury if he had known the facts in the case, A telegram was received this morn intr announcing the death of Mr, William Hall, of Columbus county. He was a brother of Mrs. James A. Briggs, of this city, and Mrs. W. B. Royall, of Wake Forest. The Register of Deeds reports to day that about the usual number of mortgages are registered this season; that he has not issued a single mar- riaae license this week. This speaks rather badly for the energy of our young men in the matter of popping the question. The commencement exercises of Tannard Medical College of Shaw University, in this city, -will be held on Thursday evening, the 27th inst Rev J W Carter will deliver the ad dress and Gov Fowle will present the prizes. Eleven years of existtnee has made T-T M A n anVi A i- m n IT Vwk k Vt Ol tne visixuM. ua standard institution in Rah-igh. find its way to nunareosoi nnme - and our doohb buuw iui mo i i subscribers is rapidly increasing daily Sand in your names, and make known ,oar wants through the advertising columns. No better medium in the! For Ralei&ffair weather, city. ' Business men If you desire solid prosperity let the public know what you have to sell. The Visitor is an admirable channel for the purpose. The Governors Guard will have their monthly dress parade and prize drill tomorrow evening at their ar mory after which they will give a grand military ball. The public is cordially invited to attend both features. The armory is being b3au tifully decorated and all who come will be insured a pleasant evening. Gveeasboro Workman It is only a fer. years ago that a house and lot here now neiu at $o.uuu could Lave been bought for $300, and other va cant lots now held at $iC0 to $000 com? not have been sold any at price. Thee are some of the marks of a boron about which there can be no mi&t.ke. Ai advertisement for a wife in a Coloado paper brought such a heavy mailto the advert iser,Mr Paul White, pDsptrous ranchman at Rocky Foid Col, that he had to couvey it from the postofflce to his ranch in barls iu his farm wagon. For a monh he-has spent his evenings pe rusSu- his correspondence, and hehas not y t ira !e a choice. fcujuMne Court. Tlnfollowing cases were argued to day: Wakice vs Dougla-s, from Iredoll; C H irmfield for plaintiff, Win M Robbis for defendant. Ulicftheiuier vs Bost, from Cabar rus; u.v Harris. Buiwell & Walker for plaitiff, W J Montgomery for defendnt. Goble vs Henderson, continued. Mentful Day. 1 1 Ladies Memorial Association is m ing preparations to celebrate Mem4al Day in appropriate style, and lve chosen Mr Fab H Busbee. orato if the day. The subject selec ted is ie life and services of General W D ander. Mr Busbee is one of our fc most orators and theselection is in , respects a most admirable one. ie Association will hold a speciaeeting in a few days to make furthcarrangeinents for the exer- cises. ' i Build g and Loan Association. A BuMng and Loan Association's AdvisoiBoard. which is a branch of the Uuid Banking and Buildine Companbf Richmond, Va, has been organize Durham. The following are the cers : Presidfc R D Blacknall. Vice Hident-C C Taylor. Sect'yjd Treas-W M Morgan. Attorn W W Fuller. The Brd is composed of the fol lowing Mness men of Durham: Messrs Morgan, R D Blacknall, W H Mro, C C Taylor, W J Gris wold, A, Lloyd, F L Fuller, W H Proctor 1 W M Yearby. Specialdition. We acwledge the receipt of a copy of t special Cape Fear and Yadkin V iy Railroad edition of the Wilmingti Messenger. It is one of the most plete issues of the kind ever gottip in North Carolina and reflects thWeatest credit upon the energy offe proprietors. The edi- tion is m beautifully illustrated with cuts (Jaany of the important ----- Tmm'J vm- . vmv iui;vi UUil V points alotfhe line of Railway, and pays spciittention to the places of interest fcnd around Wilming ton. The best style. won is gotten up in the Burned. The parage and office atBlan- I hein, S. C,s destroyed by fire yes terday, inclpg most of the furni- Q I . mi ture me -Bonage was occupieQ It by Rev. Rufbord a most excellent , pagtor and y esteemed gentle man. tie w native of North Car olina and mtld in Wake county. Weather Ert. sta- I tionary tempfare. line and now it is our v.- the columns under it, with sii ing as will make our paper one ani, iously looked for at the setting sun of each of the six days allotted to us in which to labor. I Today's issue could not be prepared quite as well as we had hoped for, but it is an improvement, and aloDg that line we propose to press. Our field is not a broad one at present, but we recognize that it is important. The Evening Visitor has had success in the past and found its way into many a home that knew noth ing of a daily paper before it came and many of them today have never seen none other. The New York Herald would not be any compensation to them for the loss of the Visitor. The London Times, they have never heard of As the advertisement of Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has it. "The old folks like it, and the children cry for it." Going into the home Bix times a week we hope to be a blessing and shall strive to keep our' columns bo clean and pure that they 6ball edu cate and elevate all who peruse them. It is, of course.human to err, but it is also God -Like to be charitable, and if in our course we deal otherwise than what appears a strict sense of J ustice may dictate, it will be our pleasure as it is our duty, to make amends. On the other hand, we will claim the privilege to assert our hon est convictions on all occasions. The increase of our patronage dur ing the past week has been exceed ingly gratifying. Old friends have renewed their allegiance, and scores of new ones have joined them. Words of cheer are extended us on every hand and we appreciate them, and hope to meet public expectations. The Daily Evening Visitor has no equal as a local advertiser and we trust our merchants and business men generally will freely take advan tage of it. If instead of biting at every catch penny scheme that comes along, our business men would learn that the first and best of all mediums for reaching the people is the news paper, it would be much better for them and greatly aid those of us who are here to stay. W e ask again that our friends give us tneir aid in extending our useful ness as a publisher of news and as the special medium for the pr esent and future development of our beautiful city. It is Wonderful How so many goods can be put in one store. We have been receiving goods for the past two weeks, and not in small lots either, but in car lots. Our stock is not quite all in yet, and we have paid more than $200 for freight. Now, when you think of it. $200 will pay the freight on a pile of goods; we have got a pile of them, and our stock this spring is the pret tiest, largest and cheapest we have ever had. We are offering special in ducements to merchacts and whole sale buyers, and we can make it to your interest to trade with us. We have just opened our spring clothing and we want you to see it. We have just 397 new spring suits for you to look at, and if you can be pleased in style, quality or price in the United States we can do it. We say posi tively, we have got the nicest selec tion of spring styles of clothing there is in Raleigh, and our prices are less than any other house can give you. Bltr KAUHiSi' iSl UKrj. When you want to buy anything in the country produce line, give our old friend Lynn Adams a call. You will And him at xancey & otronach's Wilmington street, where he keeps on hand at all times a full and fresh supply of chickens, eggs, butter, sweet and Irish potatoes, North Car olina bacon, hams and shoulders, black, yellow and white peas. You can save money by buying from him anything in his line you need. All roods bought from him will be de ivered promptly. Read his adver tisement. of Frt, -' call youi" there lie V the following . j ;l ' ginia, North Ca?' . lina, Georgia, Fiy. Mississippi, Louisiana,: sas and Tennessee. The wooden posts, WlC.. names on them, are rapidly dec: S: and is is necessary to replace the.: soon as possible. Having no mea at our disposal for this purpose, we are compelled to ask for aid, feeling sure that our appeal will not be in vain. Many of these graves, which we have lovingly cared for so many years, contain the dear ones of South era homes, where their memories are still cherished; and a throb of sym pathy will go out to us in our efforts to rescue their names from oblivion Mothers, widows, orphans, sisters and comrades, help us in our sacred work, and we believe that before another year we will have money enough to begin our work. If some responsible pewon in each city, town and village will offer to receive contributions for this cause, and will forward tliem to Chas Wallace, Esq, President 1st Na tional Bank, Fredericksburg, Va, we will be very grateful. Mrs Capt JNBi rnky, Scc'y Ladies' Memorial xVssociation We can state as a matter of fact that, of all the States mentioned, tieorgia, alone has responded and sent suitable head stones to mark the grayes of those who fell in her defence. Shall the ' Old North State" be behind in a matter so just?" The Visitor sincerely hopes not. An Attractive Place. T i i . in our rounds tnis morning we dropped into the Drug Store of Mr J Hal Bobbitt and found that it has been entirely renovated, and presents a most pleasing appearance. It is decorated with very bright and beau tiful wall paper, the ceiline beinsr divided into two large panels with handsome borders and corner figures, The prescription department is sepa rated from main room, by an elegant lurKeman curtain, suspended at either side and directly over the pre scription desk. A poison case is pro vided, which serves the purpose of keeping distinct that class of medi cines. This latter feature is being universally adopted in all modern appointed pharmacies. Enterprise of this kind always im presses itself upon the minds of the public who are not slow to their ap preciation in a substantial way. Hal is a good fellow, and the Visitor wishes him unbouuded success. Guilford College. We briefly ackt owledged in our issue or yesterday, the receipt of an invitation to be present at the second annual entertainment of the Henry Clay Society, of Guilford College, on April 8th. The invita tion was received from Mr ED Rob inson, formerly of this city, and one of our special friends, who is President of the Society and who is also pub lisher of the Guilford Collegian, issued at the college. This is a high, but deserved honor, as Mr Robinson is a writer of much merit, and a most deserving gentleman in all the walks of life. We bespeak for him a bril liant future and hope he may realize his fondest hopes in all respects. X. Ill x : Dry Goods, Xot GREAT SALE OI MUSLIM 1'XDERIVE,, OUR STOCK OF Ladies' Muslin Underwear ,; is more complete now than ever. Each successive week we find our sales largely in excess of the last, assuring us that our determination to keep this the Ladies' Muslin Underwear Mart appreciated. More and more are ladies finding out that with the great stock we always have to select from, it does not pay to make Rfluslin Underwear 1 he garments are here in perfect fit, all the grades of material, lock stitch ed, and made in THE BEST POSSI BLE MANNER, at about the COST of material when bought in a SMALL WAY. SIT Muslin Underwear gives you better fit, more comfort and altogether more satisfaction, whether night gowns, corset cover, chemise, drawers, skirt, apron, infant slip or what not, than to buy the material. Ladies only in attendance AT THIS counter, and full satisfaction in every particular we guarantee. Prices range from 15 to 25c and 50c to any and all of the higher prices for the choicest goods. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee, 129 and 131 Fayetteville St. W, MB. S. Tucker it Co. sfflruiE. Our great stock of the most re liable makes of shoes for gentle, men, ladies, misses and children has never been more complete and attractive than at. the present time. Not only is every style that is considered desirable shown, but every size and width; and we have been careful to buy only such goods as we know to be reliable. For Ladies and Misses, ZIE51ER BROS.' SHOES, In Goat, bright Dongola, Imperial and French Kid, made in a great variety of popular and comfortable styles. For Gentlemen: Ziegler Bros,' L. Boyden t Co's, Banister's, Beiry & Hilliard's, And a number of other well-. ' known and reliable makes. OUR PRICES are uniformly the lowest for the best goods made. ( W. H. & US. TUCKER & CO. - i i -. f . ft: - a: