& tltfittor. VOL. IXIII. BALEIGH, PEIDAY, BTIXXj 18, 1890. JLTO. 146 Hie Dailtj Eucning Visitor. Local notices in this paper will be Five Certs per line each Insertion. Lakqkbt Citt Circulation. Index to New Advertisements. To the Public. H Steinmetz Flowers. Metropolitan Hall Chas Bowser. In and Around the City. Dull in the local line. Any quantity of mud. Moon changes tomorrow. Candidates already looming up. See advertisement of .Mr H Stein metz. Huiry up the new depot in time for the fall trade. Phalanx Lodge, No 84, Knights of Pythias meets tonight at 8 o'clock, Visiting brethren invited to attend. The Governors Guard fair and con rt is the next bis sensation. It commences on the 29th inst and con tinues three nights. They are taking large quantities of nan fish out at Milburnie. Parties K from the city have much enjoymenl going out catching the fish and eat ing them upon the grounds. fOwing to a pressure of business in cident to the meeting of several im portant boards, Governor Fov.le was unable to attend the celebration at Wilmington. OnSaturday afternoon from 4 to C:8(! nV.loftk a "Donkev Party" will be open at the residence of Mrs T C Har ris on Saunders street. A lively time with nice refreshments may be ex pected. Object orean fund. No charge for admission. A Sad Summons. R H Bradley, Esq, the efficient and worthy Marshal and Librarian of the Supreme Court received a telegram this morning, announcing the death of his father. Elias Bradley, which took place yesterday evening inEdge combe county. He was eighty years and seven days old at the time of his death. Mr R H Bradley leaves thi evening for his o'd home in Edge combe county to attend the funeral The Visitor extends sympathies to all sorrowing relatives and friends The funeral will take place tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock at the residence of the deceased, in Edgecombe coun ty, ten miles from Tarboro. Prompt Action. The case ot the negro charged with stealing clothing, etc, four miles from Durham, was placed in the hands of Sergeant John D Thompson of the police force in this city, to work up. and upon information received om cers Woodall and Bashford arrested Will Wright who claimed to be from Richmond, Va, and confessed to the theft. Sergeant Thompson sent off! cer Woodall to the house of Wright'i wif. out at Col Turk's place. The officer was accompanied by Wright. and the stolen clothing and part of the jewelry were found. Sergeant Thompson then obtained information upon which he found the watch and chain. The watch had been traded to Mr Hartsfleld of this city and the watch chain had been traded to Mr Han Harris. AH the goods were secured except one cuff button and black hat. These goods belonged to W A Dawson, Esq, and Frank Gun ler, (colored. We cannot too highly commend the perseverance and energy of Sergeant Thompson, and officers Bashford and WnndaltV in this case. They have shown themselves to be most faith t ul in the line of their duty for which deserve and will receive the ,nor.kl thanks of our people. "We done, good and faithful servants." French bread, cakes and pies every day at E V Denton's. What Is "better than promising ; man A paying one. Supreme Court. Argument of cases from the 11th district was continued this morning : Marsh vs Richardson, from Union; J Vann for plaintiff, D A Covington for defendant. Hodgps vs Hodges, from Mecklen burg; C W Tillett for plaintiff, P D Walker for defendant. Pullen Park. We have been informed that last Sunday while some ladies were out at ullen Park seated near the spring, some men near oy were engaged in conversation, and their language was so obscene and vulgar that they were compelled to leave the place to avoid hearing it. Would it not be well for the city to furnish an officer at least on the Sao oat n to iook atter tne park. Official Permission. The Adjutant General of North Carolina has issued general orders to the following effect: "Permission is hereby granted to all regularly organized troops of other States to enter and pass through, w'th the privilege of halt ing at pleasure in the State of North Carolina, armed ana equipped, en route to and returning from the cer emonies connected witn tne dedica tion of the monument to General Robert E Lee, at Richmond, Va, on the 29th day of May, 1890.'' New Advertisements The Bowser Vaudeville Comedy Company which is to appear here on the night of the 21st inst, is spoken of by the Reidsville Review in the following terms: The Bowser Comedy Company played to a full house at Ellington's Opera House last night. It is seldom that the people of Reids ville have such a rare treat. The show was in every lespect up to the high standard. Charles Bowser, the comedian, deserves special mention also the ballet dancing. We call attention to the large auc tion sale to takt- place tomorrow at twelve o'clock by Messrs Yancey & Stronach. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the ''Bee Hive" store where a ere it variety of articles of almost every description used iu house -keep ing can be found. Read .vhat the "ad ' nays and then call and examine the stock. Special License Taxes. An important meeting Of the Board of Aldermen was held last night, the main object being to consider the resolution recently introduced by Al derman Holding relative to the re duction of certain special license taxes. The matter was fully discuss ed, and tin illy the resolution was adopted. The following are taxes repealed Upon the proprietors of each hote with a capacity tor ttlty or more guests twtnty five dollars, ana upon the proprietors of other hotels, twelve and one half dollars each. Upon the proprietors of each res taurant or eating house, twelve dol lars an J fifty cents. Upon every auctioneer or crier of goods at public auction, a license tax of twenty five dollars a year. Upon every stock and bond broker, sewing machine company or agent for such company, dealer in or man ufacturer's agent of musical instru nients, keeper of sales stables or stock yards, doing business in the city, a license tax of twenty five dollars a year. Upon every lawyer, physician, den tist, coi ton' broker, bill poster, street huckster, photographer, merchandise or produce broker, ice dealer, dealer in wood and coal, or either insurance company or insurance agency for every company represented, a license tax of ten dollars a year. The license on junk dealers and pawn brokers was reduced from twenty five to ten dollars. t The taifor is an obliging man. tries to suit everybody. ; He Y. 91. O. A. We sincerely hope that the proposi tion to reorganize the Toung Men's Christian Association will not be al lowed to lag for want of proper en couragement. It should be borne in mind that Raleigh is much behind some other towns in the State in this most imporant matter, and it is noth ing to our credit as a moral commun ity that it should be so. On Sunday, the 27th inst, Governor Fowle has consented to deliver an address to the young men of the city on the subject, and we hope that this will prove an incentive to such exertion as will ensure success. The fact is, Raleigh should not only havea well organized Young Men's Christian As- ociation, but we hope the day is not far distant when it can boast of a suitable building for tne purpose with a good library and other induce nients as a resort for all young men disposed to follow in the paths of morn lit y. Let our people take hold of this matter in earnest, and success is certain. A Kind Act. Mr D L Shively, who for several yaar3 has been a citizen of our city, and who enjoys the fullest confidence of all our people left yesterday for Philadelphia where he is to undergo treatment in consequence, of a ner vous trouble from which he has suf fered very great inconvenience for the last few months. Most of our readers know that he was severely wounded during the war between the States. At that time he was under the immediate care of Dr S Weir Mitchel who was' the Surgeon of the regiment in which MrSchively served but who now it seems is in charge of a hospital in Philadelphia. A short time ago Dr Mitchel issued a circular of inquiry having special reference to those severely wounded soldiers un der his treatment at the time above referred to. Upon receiving informa tion relative to Mr Shively, he imme diately invited him to enter his In firmary and be treated till recovery, without money and without price. Such kindness is to be commended and we but voice the sentiment of our citizens when we express our ap preciation of this favor shown to one of our fellow citizens. We trust our good friend will soon be well again and returned to us more thoroughly equipped for continued usefulness. Fairview Farm. We are in receipt of a most elegant ly gotten up descriptive catalogue of highly bred stock owned by Mr B P Williamson, of this city and kept on his splendid Fairview Farm about two miles northwest of the State Capitol. . This is the first instance within our knowledge in which such a catalogue has been issued in this vicinity and the list of "thorough breds" owned by Mr Williamson will be perused with great zeal by all who take an interest in fine stock. The accommodating proprietor is anxious to have the public visit his farm and see for themselves the won derful improvements in stock that have been added of late years compris ing offsprings of some of the most celebrated horses in the country. Not only does be solicit the attendance of visitors, but with his usual urbanity, he says he will be glad to meet them, on notification at the depot or the hotels and accompany them ' for the purpose of giving all information de sired. Mr Williamson can be truly said to be the pioneer in introducing blood ed horses in this section of North Carolina, and, we are pleased to say that his efforts have been crowned with the greatest success. Indeed it has now become proverbial that Wake county has the lead in this re spect over all the counties in the State. Fairview Farm is one of the great attractions in the vicinity of Raleigh, and no Btranger should omit the op portunity of visiting it. It will cer tainly be a source of pleasure as well as of Information. i : Personal Mention. J G Brown, Eq returned from Bal timore yesterday afternoon. Col R M Douglas, of Greensboro, is in the city in attendance on the Rail road investigating committee. Miss W Hie E Speight, daughter of Rev J A Speight, associate editor of the Biblical Recorder, left this morn ing to visit friends in Richmond, Va. W G Riddick, of Wake Forest Col lege is in the city today. Rev A D Betts and wift?, of Nash ville, N C, are in the city, the guests of Rev Alvin Betts, on North Person street. N B Broughton, Esq, and Rev J A Speight,left this evening to attend the Sunday School Convention of the Eastern Association, which meets to day at Clinton North Carolina. Capt W S Harris, who has been confined to his room for more than a week 'with 'sickness, we are glad to say is better and indulges th.i hope that he will be out again in a few days. Our Street Crossings. We are not disposed to be captious but we must think that there is great room for nn improvement in the con dition of our street crossings. The remedy, it would seem, is a simple one, and wny it is not applied is a little hard to understand. The cross ings are entirely too low, being in a large majority of cases lower than the streets. They should be raised, and on each side of the crossings should ibe inclined planes for the protection of the wheels of vehicles This could ba easily done with but comparatively little cost and would be of the greatest advantage to pe destrians in such weather as we have had for the past few days. As it is now, the crossings are almost impas sible. and is anything but a credit to the city. SPECIAL. NOTICES. It will pay you handsomely to make your shoe purchases while you can buy them at a saving of from $1 to $2 on all fine goods. Dress goods. silks, velvets, wash goods, laces embroide ries, underwear, etc, at a great ad vantage to purchasers, a' Norris & Carter's. Large Auction Sale, 12 O'clock S aturday. We will sell tomorrow a large lot of nice furniture, consisting in part of walnut bureaus, bedsteads, chairs, J. 1 I A 1 A 1 . iaoies, eic, etc. Also one nice piano, 12 letter copying press, four setts tel ephones and attachments, one eood buggy and one good horse, carriage and harness. Yancey & Stronach. City Auctioneers. Go to E V Denton's for nice ba nanas, oranges and lemons. Another Supply. We have succeeded in getting an other lot of those beautiful beaded capes which sold so rapidly last week at $1.25 each. The supply is limited, and because they are sold at about half value, a very few days will finish them. A beaded cape for $1.25, and a perfect beauty at that. W H & RS Tucker & Co. Rain and Umbrellas. The one suggests the other. We have j ust received an elegant line of umbrellas and parasols, and we call your attention to them as being the largest and best selected line to be seen in Raleigh this season. Plain, oxodized, silverine, gold and rubber handles, all cheap and nice. Our spring clothing is handsome and cheap. If you want to buy dress or business suit we can and will suit you. All of our stock is manu factured by one of the finest clothing houses in this country. The styles are all the latest; we guarantee satis faction iu cut, fit and finish. We also guarantee prices lower than you can find elsewhere. Shoes a specialty and we sell them 15 per cent lower than any house in the city. We carry none but first class goods. D T SWIAOBLIi. Hardware, &c. THEY ARE HERE. The Nicest Line of CARRIAGES Ever offered in this Market. BEAUTIFDL DESIGNS, Trimmed in Silk Goods, Satin K U88e, Cretonnes and Plush PARASOLS IN COLORS with lace edges. We offer Carriages AT 7 82 WORTH 10 00 8 50 " 11 50 " 9 fS2 " 12 00 ' 10 10 " 12 50 " 12 20 " 14 00 ' 13 12 " 16 00 " 15 10 " 18 00 " 15 87 " 19 00 " 16 12 " 20 00 " 18 22 ' 22 00 " 18 72 " 23 00 " 19 62 " 2 00 " 20 43 " 25 00 21 48 " 2J 00 Call and get a Bargain. THOS. H. BRIGGS $ SONS, Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley McGee. MANY NEW THINGS JUST OPENED. Dress Goods. New Mohairs. new Checks, New Plaids, new Stripes. Dress Trimmings. The grandest collection ever shown in Raleigh. French Satteens. It is a pleasure to have these exquisite goods for your ir spection. Our (Mies Are simply'elegant, popu lar and very cheap. Special Mention Our SPRING WRAPS are handsomer, more stylish and by far cheaper than anything you have seen. Embioideries Await your verdict. We pride ourselves on our se lections. White Goods. We do not believe you can serve yourself have as well elsewhere as at 129 and 131 Fayetteville St W. H. S R. S. Tucker 4 Co. iixtraordinary hale iixtraordinary ale Extraordinary Oale OF - SEASONABLE HOODS. EASONABLE l-OODS. EASONABLE UOODS. From among the- many attractions in seasonable and desirable goods now being offered at our counters, we se lect for special mention the following: Four in Hand Scarfs 25c, worth 50c Teck Scarfs 25c, ' 50c Windsor Scarfs 25c, " 50c Gentlemen's Gauze Undershirts, real Gentlemen's French neck, 25c, worth Gentlemen's 50c Gentlemen's Hemstitched Handker Gentlemen's chiefs, all linen, 25 cts, Gentlemen's worth 50c. Gentlemen's Embroidered Handker Gentlemen's chief, all linen, 25 cts, Gentlemen's worth 50c. French Balbriggan Half Hose at 25c. French Balbriggan Half Hose, Fancy French stripes, 25c. Stainless Black Half Hose at 25c. Unlaundried Shirts. Perfect fitting, pure linen fronts, and made to Bell for 75c. They are offered at 60o. A Window Full of these goods giye you a notion of what the exhibit really is. W. H. &R, S. TUCKER 6 CO, ypung i v

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