0 tin a uctttm VOL. XII. A T.EIG-H, TUESDAT, AJPTITZ 22, 1890. isro. i a w The flaihj Evening Visitor Lonal notices ia this paper will be Five Ceots per line each insertion. Largest City Circulation. Index to New Advertisements. A E Jordan Germetuer. Woollcott & Son Something Im ports nt. In and Around the City. Splendid time now for working the roads. The outlook now is for some gen uine spring weather. Regular meeting of Manteo Lodge tonight. Initiation and other busi ness. Prompt attendance desired. 1 he trustees of the Baptist Female College will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Mission Board room of the BaDtist State Convention on West Hargett street. We are glad to hear that but little damage was done to the gardens in this vicinity by the frost of the last two mornings. The committees on invitation and arrangements for the chamber of commerce banquet., will hold a joint meeting, this afternoon at 5 o'olock, in the Mayor's office. Let every mem ber be present; business of inipor tance. Mr T R Jernigan announces that the first number of the North Caro Una Intelligencer, will make its ap pearance, in this city, June 21st next, It will be a thirty two column we kly, and will be democratic. The Governors Guards fair and military entertainment promises to be the most interesting of any enter tainment held in Raleigh for some time. The ladies and members of t he Guard are enthusiastic in their work The box sheet for the music and mili tary features to be held in Metropoli tan Hall is now open at Alfred Williams' Book Store. We are indebted to Hon George W Sanderlin, Auditor of the State of North Carolina, for a copy of his most admirable report of the receipts and disbursements of the Treasury for the fiscal year ending November 80jfch 1889. It is a most valuable doc ument giving an interesting insight into the finances of the State. The book is elegantly gotten up in all particulars. Wake Superior Court. April term 1890. Court met at 10 o'clock this morning, Judge James McRae, presiding The following causes were taken up: Andrew Syme, trustee, et als vs Ridley House et als. Jury empannelled, tes timony being taken at the time our report closed. Early Closing. We hope the early closing will take place very soon, that during the week all places of business will close at least by 7 p m, and on Saturday night not later than 10 o'clock, so that, all may be iible to get sufficient rest and attend Sabbath school and services at the churches Sunday morning. We bWdeve if this movement is adopt ed, if will be an absolute gain to all .onctrned. " Ueovcred Deiapeey Webb, t who took the fri;.'h- fal fall through the sky ligntof. t Andrews Building, into David l-.-.seathal'-' store, has entirely recov- . r,- ; from his injuries and was out on streets yestarday evening, bright .i: A .-tieer ill. He was tenderly cared fu it S. Johns Hospital. To the ( :J-:t car- and attention he received f,0 ... jhj i'lsiaas and ntirses, Dempsey owes hu re-oration. All honor to yt Johns K M ital an the physicians ana ni.THu! j-: ,;y.?.'v : ForRAleifcU-ftti' eather, warmer. Free. The Richmond and Danville system will pass delegates to the Southern Press Association which meets at Charleston S C, April 3-ith, free of charge, provided up licatk ns are re ceived in time to issue passes. All delegates who int nd going should send their names "tonce to W A Turk, Esq, Division Passenger Agent, Ral eigh, N C. iVew Advertisements Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Messrs Woollcott & Son, the "One Price ''ash Store." Their announcement is of great importance and we aavise the public to read it carefully It is a matter of much in terest. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mr A E Jordan, who an nounces the well known Germetuer and all kinds of fancy groceries, of which he has one of the most superb stoaks in the city. Give him a call. Fine Polish. We have received a sample bottle of Excelsior furniture polish, manu factured by the Excelsior Polishing Company. It is superior to anything in that line we have ever seen. For cleaning and polishing furniture, painted wood, iron, etc it has r.o eaual. It irives a fresh, beautiful and elegant lustre, making old turni ture look as well as new. It can be purchased at Mr Robert Simpsons' drug store, corner of Hillsboro and Salisbury streets. Price 23 and 50 cts per bottle. Supreme Court. Appeals from 12th District were dis. posed of as follows today: State vs Rinehart, argued by At tornev General and kH A Gudger for State; no counsel contra. State vs Bruce, argued by Attorney General for State; H A Gudger and V S Lusk for defendant. State vs Hunter argued by Attor ney General for State; Jon' s & Shu ford for defendant. Personal mention. Senator Pou, of Johnston county, is ia f in- Ly. 4J rs F R Rose, of Fayetteville, is in the city, visiting her sister, Mrs R T Gray Mrs W N Snelling is quite sick at her home corner Person and Morgan Streets. W N Snelling is also unwell, although he is at his place of business. Mr Frank T Glasgow ,-.nd wife, nee Miss Grace McPheeters oldest daugh ter of the late Rev Dr S B McPheeters are in the city, guests of A M Mc Pheeters. Mr Glasgow is one of the leading lawyers of Lexington, Va. The Medal Contest The contest for the DemorestMedal last night at Edenton Street M E Church was one of the most interest ing occasions that has taken place in Raleigh for a long .time. There was a very large crowd in attendance, all of whom seemed to be exceedingly in terested In the programme, which, was in all respevts appropriate, and was as folio wb: Prayer by Rev F L Reid. Song service bv the choir. Master t el fair Horton next came on the rostura and recited nicely an address on Temperance. Song service by the choir. The Sunday School Deacon's High License Ideas, by Miss Daisy Young, who did her part well and with pleas ore io the audience. V ' Vocal solo, Save the Boys, by Miss Laura Cordon. -Oar National Curse, by Miss Delia Blair in a very- tender and touching manner. . : '.':V Solo, by Mr A B Yearby, with full chorus, which was Rendered in a most delightful ina.nntr. Liquor traff c, by Hiss Laura New- ; Song by the i B.'JP F Club, Oh! Gloriou Morning. Personal Responsibility, by Miss Winnie Biown. Duet, Now the Silver Moon, by Miss Nellie Young an-i Mr Hunter Harris. Black Eye for Lag?r Beer, anl a Bier for Lager, by Henry Young, in fantastic costume. Solo, Vot as you Pray by Miss Mamie Woodell. Vote Against the Saloon, by Miss Sallie Whitaker. Save the Boys, by Mr Hunter Har ris. Saloon, the great problem of the hour, Miss Eliza Moore The judges of the occsio'i were Messrs W N Jones, J L Foster, Mr Seymour Whiting. After a few min utes session the judges reported Miss Eliza Moore as being the winner The au. Hence had already voted it to her. Miss Moore certainly showed skill as an elocutionist and she surely de served the honors which were be stowed upon her in the Demurest sil ver medal. Miss Sallie Whitaker won the sec ond honor, which was richly de served. The Rev Dr J V Carter presented in soma very striking remarks the medal to Miss Moore. Mr Young then arosw aud seated that it wax uot intended to let the other contestants go without prizes and that suitable little souvenirs had been provide for each one of them, These were presented in happy style by Mr W J Peele. The spacious Sunday School room was crowded almost to its utmost and the audience was highl delighted with the exercises. Miss Whitaker was especially ap plauded for the charming manner in which she acquitted herself. Miss -Daisy Young won rounds of applause on her rendition of the Dea con s Sunday cnool sermon. SPECIAL NOTICES. Rogers & Carroll, headquarters for Brestch's bread, received daily, every morning and in the afternoon. The Metropolitan Fashion Sheets for May arrived today and can be had of McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. . A six room new, neat cottage, with gas fixtures for rent, on Edenton St. apr21-3tp. R. H. Womblk. There was a big stir with buyers at Messr- Norris & Carter's this morn ing. No 6uch bargains were ever of fered in fine dress goods, silks, white goods, corsets, hosiery, gloves, under wear, shoes, carp ts, trunks, &c, as can be bad there. Fine laces at half price. Dress i 'irts at 90c, reduced from $1.25, 20c cjs at 12c, 5c cuffs at 22c, 50c scarfs iXIc Straw hats at half price, at dailt NORBi o y IRTTCR'S, t Ma, Millinery Goods. Our millinery department has grown t. rapidly In the last two months, that we can not help feeling elated, and we feel sure that we have adopt ed the right way of n jt only holding the patronage that we already had, but of doubling it in the future. We do not Mlow anything, whatever, to be used or sold in this department that is not absolutely correc in style, and of good quality. We have beyond all doubt got one of the best and most popular trimmers that has ever been in Raleigh. Having these ad vantages, is it any wonder that we have the best patronage of. the city? We furnish none but first class goods and work, and at the same time guar antee our prices to be lower than you will find elsewhere. While you are selecting a hat or bonnet we would be glad to show you one of the nicest lines of. dress goods vou have seep in the city. We have just received a big lot of buckles and slides for dress ornaments, at . i '.$ 'A;'--; ' Swindell's. - Queen Victoria's yearly doctor's bill is $4,000. ' I The Enthusiasm Is Greater, If our new department of Bargains and Undervalues was popular on yes terday, it is even more so today, as the increased throng of visitors will at test. Tomorrow the enthusiasm will be greater, as new bargains will be added, and the department assumes the proportions of an ordinary store, filled with choice and seasonable goods, at undervalue prices. W H & R S Tucker & Co. Two Men Shot One Stabbed. Richmond Dispatch. Another tragedy is reported in Mitchell county, N C, at a bar room just on the Tennessee line. A gentle man who lived near learned that there had been a quarrel and a shoot ing affair and went to the place. ' He arrived Saturday and describes the scene as terrible. . here was a dim light in the miserable cat in and the cries and groans of men apparently dying. Behind the bar, on a lude frame work, lay Hamilton Oaks, a young man, in the death agony, hav ing two pistol wounds through the body. On a bench in another part of the room was David Oaks, the young man's uncle, with a bullet wound in the groin. Around them stood a half dozen jther men, all of whom had been drinking. The woundel men named owned the place, and they had quarrelled in regard to a settle ment of their business. One accused the other of cheating. Pistols were drawn and firing began in the little room, only eight by ten feet in size. Ham Oaks lived two days. A man named William Bass was stabbed with a dirk and will die, it 1b believ ed. Bass shot both the Oakses with a 44 calibre revol"er. David Oaks injury is serious. This drunken quar rel and this terrible shooting affair occurred in a prohibition county. The tribe of Delaware Indians in the Indian Territory,; have requested the Secretary of the Interior to re commend to Congress that the funds now held in trust for them by the government be placed in thoir own custody. The Indians maintain that they are fully competent to take care of the money, as is shown by the ac cumulation of property which they have made. They say further that if they had the money i hey could get from it a better return than the 5 per cent interest which the government now pays. The Delawares number about 816, and the fund, including the State bonds, the interest on which the Government guarantees, amounts to nearly $900,000. A re commendation to Congress that the fund be turned over to the Indians was made by President Cleveland. Prof Zweibeer, of the University of Bonn, is a very absent minded man. He ws busily engaged in solving some scientific problem. The servant hastily opened the door of h'is study and announced a great family event. "A little 8tranger has arrived." "Eh f" "It is a little boy." "Little boy. Well, ask him what he wants." Humor is tische Blatter. The D wight manufacturing compa ny of Chicopee, Mass, lost 900 bales of cotton by fire. The Puritan struck a rok on her way from Fall River to New York, making a small hole in her hull. A coal vessel, bound from Shields for London foundered at sea. Eleven were drown and three saved. An attempt was made to assassinate C H Edmonson, postmaster at Belairs Mills; Va, v few nights ago. The shopshire Canal sheds at Liv erpool were burned Saturday. The loss is $150,000. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Alabama, meet this week in Birmingham. Five militia men were killed in the battle with outlaws at Black Moan tain, Ky. Hardware, &c. THEY A HE HERE. The Nicest Line of CARRIAGES Ever offered in this Market. BEAUTiFnr. npsroTCH Trimmed in Silk Goods, Sating xvukbb, ureionnes and flush. PARASOLS IN COLORS with lace edges. We offer CarrT AT 7 82 WORTH 10 00 8 50 9 62 10 10 " 12 20 13 12 15 10 15 87 16 12 18 22 18 72 19 62 20 43 21 48 11 50 12 00 12 50 14 00 16 00j 18 001 19 00 20 001 22 OOl 23 00 2t m 25 00 29 00 Call and get a Bargain. raos. h. briggs a sons. Dry Ooods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. MANY NEW THINGS JUST OPENED. Dress Goods. New Mohairs.new Checks New Plaids, new Stripes. Dress Trimmings: The grandest collectiou ever shown in Raleigh. French Satteens. It is a pleasure to have these exquisite 'goods for your lcspection. Oar dallies Are Bimplylegant, popu lar and very cheap. Special Mention Our SPRING WRAPS are handsomer, more stylish and by far cheaper than anything you have seen. Embi oideries Await your verdict. We pride ourselves on our se lections. White Goods. W e do not believe you can serve yourself have as well elsewhere as at 129 and 131 Fayetteville St W. H. Sr R. S. Tucker & Co. ANEWFEATURE -OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO ALL THE PEOPLE. ON MONDAY, APRIL 21st we will inaugurate anew dennrtmAnt. in our business to be known as the Department of .argains and Undervalues. It Will be SUDDlied with riAafrahla and seasonable goods from allsections Of the hOUSe. Whinh will ho mavlra in plain figures at. undeivalue prices. u.uu ,b au times win oe nued with positive, telling BARGAINS in the greatest profusion. WONDERFUL VALUES, WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT. A lflrcrA Orall lin.Vlfa1 anno.. M1 V c , ...... auitvt djcmjo nui wo ever anything worth having and urtu BtuuiiK is uuereu us ior casu, under the real value, our customers shall have the benefit of it. ' The very people hav'ng the least tW money to spend are the one's tST" this department means most to. ' W. U.&R. S. TUCKER & CO. my k,k. v p-.r. Ash . ... ,ki;. Tfc '

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