Oorernors Guard Fair and Fes tival. Go to the Guard's fair tonight. Tbe decorations are beautiful. Fresh strawberries and cream and anything in the way of refreshments. New Advertisements. Read the adveitiseineut of the Ral eigh Real Ejtae Agency. Read the advertisement of house and lot for sale by J H Fleining.Coni niitsioner. Lee Monument. We acknowledge the receipt of tn invitation from the Lee Monument Association of Richmond, Va, to at tend the ceremonies of unveiling the statue to Gen R E Lee, on Thursday, May 29th, lfc'JO Smoke Kramer's choice gems cigars also the LaElita cigars and other pop ular brands on sale at E V Denton's. An Explanation. We have been sked frequently why the Government does not pave the sidewa!k in front of the United States Court House and Postoffice. The city has used every means to get the work done E A White, Custo dian, has done his duty in the matter and 6till the work has not been exe cuted yet. We publish below a let ter from James H Windrim, Super vising Architect, which explains itself: ( Treasury Dkpartment,Office of supervising Architect, ( Washington, Feb. 18, 1890. Mr E A White, Custodian, Court House and Postoffice, Raleigh, N C. Your letter of the 15th inst, for warding a copy of the charter and ordinances of the city of Raleigh, calling attention to section GO, therein regarding the regulations for paving streets, and asking if the department would authorize the sum of three hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents, ($333.33), being one third of the entire cost for paving in front of the Federal buildings, is re ceived. In reply 1 have to advise you that there is no appropriation under control of this department against whijh an expenditure for paving streets would be a proper charge. Work of this character in connection with government buildings requiring special legislation of Congress. Respectfully yours, James H Windrim, Supervising Architect. Personal Mention. Hon John C Scarborough, who has been in attendance upon the Superior Court, of Granville county, as a wit ness in the case of the County Board of Education against the State Board, returned to the city yesterday even ing. He reports a sudden death in Oxford yesterday evening. A Mr Jenkins, who was a brother cf the County Superintendent of Education, of Granville, dropped dead upon the street in Oxford yesterday evening, just after eating his dinner. Mr Scarborough does not think he ever breathed after he fell. The opinion was that heart disease was the cause of death. Mr and Mrs John Cheek, who have been on a short visit to relatives and friends in Durham, returned to the city yesterday afternoon. Rev N B Cob'o, is in the city today, looking bright and cheerful. Our esteemed friend, R N Wynne, Esq, was in the city today, shak ing hands with his many friends. His name is prominently mentioned as a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Wake county. The condition of our esteemed friend Jordan Womble, Sr, is reported to be somewhat improved today. Andrew Khog, the clever traveling salesman for McGahan, Brown & Evans, arrived at his nome in this city yesterday morning looking bright and cheerful. He will spend some time with his family, before going out upon the road again. We are glad to learn he is meeting with suc cess, and hope it may ever be so with him, for Andrew is an upright clever gentleman. J D Pegram, pastor of Brooklyn M E Church, is conducting a meeting of some days aud is meeting with much encouragement. Considerable i terest; good attendance. Go out help him. rCN? i ITS My line of fancy groceries is new and well assorted. I have anything usu ally found in first class grocery and can fill your order at bottom prices. Country produce always on hand. Big lot of fancy Irish potatoes on hand, low prices per barrel. Give me a call and see what I have to offer. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. mVl A. E. JORDAN, Treatment of Children. "Put the little onts to bed happy" says an exchange, alluding to the habit some parents have of deferring punishment for faul ts committed dur ing the day until l.edtime "Never whip children just before they retire to rest. Let the father's caress, the mother's kiss, bo the las-t link be tween the day's path of pain or pleas ure and the night's sleep. If there is sorrow, punishment, or disgrace, let them meet it in the daytime and have hours of play in which to re cover happiness, which is childhood's nVhf T.fc the wpflrv feet, the busv Viroin roat in hed hannv." We like! vthat fellow's philosophy and human 3 ny. XEW" ADVJSKTISEMEXTS. HOUSE AND"LOT FOR SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior court of Wake county made in case of Riley Yearby et als ex parte, I will sell for cash, in Wake county, on Monday 2d day of June, 1890, at 12 m, a house and lot in the city of Raleigh, near the Raleigh and Gas ten depot, and bounded by tbe Ral eigh and Gaston Railroad lands, known as the James Yearby lot, con taining about one fourth of an acre. This property is sold for division. Title good. J. H. FLEMING, Commissioner. The Raleigh Heal Estate COMPANY, J. ft IllifilTIl SECRETARY AND TREASURER. . Real Estate, Rental AND Collection Agents. OFFICE: 303 Fayetteville street, 2d floor. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATED RENTS COLLECTED, TENANTS SUP PLIED, ETC, ETC. City and Country Property Bought and Sold in any Part of the State. About two weeks ago between the Poor House and Willis Whitaker's Mills, one heavy buggy- robe, fawn color, one buggy cushion, nearly good as new; suitable reward will be paid for its delivery to ROBT E PARHAM. C. T IiOCKLEAR, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. Work done promptly and well execu ted. Orders filled at residences on application. Shop open during the day and until late at night, except Sundays, at 224 Fayetteville street, under store of Julius Lewis & Co. Wood for Sale. I have one hundred and fifty cords of nice, dry pine wood five miles south east of the city, on Rockquarry road, which I will sell at the place for one dollar per cord. For full particu. lars apply to Messrs Wyatt & Taylor. ap28 1 w ROBERT E GATT18. AtftemitiioM I Property Owners. Pain onnoliino hpn.f and cold, ex pansion and contraction all affect j your tin roofs. Keep them in order and C F LUMSDEN, No ll'J Fay-1 etteville street, is the proper man to ' do this. Tin roofing, guttering and piping, repairing and painting roofs a specialty. Best material used. Tin ware made and repaired. ap2G IKJng's Royal Germetner Is being railed for all over tbfr State. People are being convinced that there is virtue in Germetuer and that it sone of tbe beet remedies ever offered. If you have any disease or a complication of disease, don't fail to give Royal Ger metuer a trial. 'Tis harmless, pleasant to take and will cure you. Over 800 gal lons have been sold here and those that have tried Germetuer, recommend lt9 use. Send for circulars and testimo nials and see what those who have used it say about it. A. E. JORDAN, Agent, Next to Citizen's Flank, Haleiph, N C. Next to Citizens' Bank. Miscellaneous. V4T? BEEP I.E. How many ? Yust aboud fife tousands Shiminy Moses man, vot you wand mit dose numbec of beeble? Yust do visset df;t Bee Hife und see, urd look. und dalk aboud dere gread sthock of croots, und den buy dem ritrhd out Veil, by der gread hon sphoon, dots peeznes , dond id? Vot you got down 1 IT II T -3 - 1 7 uere; veil, l uoie you. iuu see, ve puy ver cash und ve sell ver fun, und it's funny like plazes ynst to see how shnap ve sell. Marple top furnitur, a full suit, proKen sets or ouer lurmtur, yust aboud a dree horse car loadt; vatches, glocks,cuewelry, cbina.sares, taples, sphring bedts, mattresses, tin ware, sdhoves, lamps, glas-ware.vard ropes, cooking udensils, roller skhat s. pooks, pictures, guns and oder dings doo numerous no mendrion. Lr you see vat you dond vant yust ask for id, und der opliging shendle peebles in cbarge vill get him, even of it vaa a bost hole righdt avay. Ve vand room und ve indend do have it of ve sell efryding by de sdhore. Ve haf a lot of bureaus dot ve musd got rid of. Dey vos in der vay, und oder ding also. Of you mean peezness yust call on der Bee Hue, und der unterrined vill sell you dings yust so sheap like efryding. Call righd avay, before dose oder peeble make a rush und broke der house. Yours, respectfully, Dose Bee Hile in dot rraine Build ing. ap8 Ice Ice FOR THE CITY 1DJ0ITRY. Our ice wagons will be ready to start delivering in the city next Mon day, if weather be favorable. Persons desiring it will please let us know, and we will be pleased to resume the business of serving them with ice of BEST QUALITY At present at the following Prices for Tickets. 20 5 lb Tickets, 100 pounds. $ 95 50 10 " " 500 " 4.50 40 25 " " 1,000 " 8.00 40 50 " " 2.000 " 15.00 Ice packed for shipping at $1.00 per 100 lbs. Special rates for large lots. Not less than two tons can be ship ped without being packed. TERMS CASH. JONES&POWELL, Agents for Raleigh Ice Factory. ap25 RALEIGH, N C. . Eggleston $ Bonldb, Careful attention given to the pur chase and sale of real estate and stocks at Glasgow, Va. References: Officers of Rockbridge Co, Glasgow, Va. Judge T D Irving, Farmville, Va. Gov P W M cKinney . ap24 tf phonograms: Phonograph and Phonograph Graphophone Phonograms transcrib ed on Typewriter. Attention will be given to copying of all kinds. Legal dictations and evidence taken on the Phonograph G raphophone. For fur her information apply to GUY L. BUNCH, Raleigh, N O. As resident manager of The Old Dominion Phonograph Co, 1 am pre pared to lease thtir machines and furnish supplies for the same. aS lm GUY L. BUNCH FOUND. In a baggy at R E Parham's b tables a ladies' valuable breast pin. Owner will call at Visitor office, describe property, pay charges and pin will be delivered. ap2B 6t WITH KM ESTATE AGENTS THE CLOT HI NO'S ALE COMMENCING MONDAY APRIL 14. WE WILL OFFER 500 SACK AND CUTAWAY SUITS Just received, which are handsomely trimmed and flnished.and their actual cost to manufacture is no less than $15 00. They consist of the la est nov elties is Cheviots and other high Grade Fabrics. These ' suits will be sold during the next few days without reserve for y Without Doubt This Is The BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE Ever Inaugurated in this City. LOOK AT OUR NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT. LOOK AT OUR NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT. Call Early for the Choice of the Bargain Sa , DAVID ROSENTHAL, N. C. Leading Clothing House, Andrews Building, mh29 Raleigh, ST. C. 117 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N C. NEXT TO A WILLIAMS A CO. T. W. BLACCE, JEWELER AND SILVERSMITH, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A full line of EMBLEM PINS, PLAIN RINGS, SEALS and STENCILS made to order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry J. HAL BOBBITT, PHARMACISl CO u RALEIGH, JT. C. TELEPHONE CALL 109. " a fine LisBrcigafs A FINE A FINE A FINE :cigarettes. hes: Chewing Tobacco. HMiSmoking Tobacco. U Prescriptions a5pecialty Apart from the regular Spirits Turpentine, Spirits Turpentine, Spirits Turpentine, CO c Oil of all kinds, Oil of all kinds, Oil of all kinds, Garden Garden Garden MY LINE OF TO I LET--A N D-- cannot be surpassed . An inspection is invited to convince. Recent imorovements have made my store one of the most attractive of the kind to be found ORDERS SOLICITED. J. HAL BOBBITT. BIGGEST M solicited. ap4 8m CO O O POSTOFFICS I BOX 105. 3 m medioino line, I have for Bale 7 r i 70 CO Seeds', Seeds, Seeds King's Royal Germetuer. King's Royal Germetuer. King's Royal Germetuer, FA N CY--GOO DS any wh ere.