v g centra VOL. IXHI. irXjJeig-ib:, MioisriD.-r, nvc."" &, i89o. 4 The JDailtj Evening f isitor . Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largest Citt Circulation. Index to New Advertisements. Mrs Ada Sears Notice. Bee Hive Lost Dutchman. D S Waitt-Notioe to Teachers. In and Around the City. Warm and sultry. Gardens booming. Regular meeting of Ruth Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah this evening at 8 o'clock. Come to the fair tonight and see the best drilled man of the "Guard" win a silver cup. Neither Wm G Hill Lodge or the Raleigh Commandery will meet to night. A detachment of the Guard will drill for a silver cup at the fair to night at 9:30 o'clock. Come if you want to see a close contest. The Board of County Commission ers were in regular monthly session today, and transacted the usual rou tine business. Ruth Lodge No 4, Daughters, of Bebekah will give a basket picnic Wednesday, May 7th at Maj R S Tucker's pond. Members of both lodges are requested to join tham at 8:30 o'clock a m, at Capitol gate on Hillsboro street. The painters of this city are reques ted to meet at the paint shop of Messrs S M Parish & Son Wednesday at 10 a m, for the purpose of paying a tribute of respect to the late Alex Hardie. Geo Scott, an old colored man, fell dead last Saturday afternoon while at work in the rear of Upperman's shop, between Swain and West South streets. He was about 75 years old and well known in this city. Some thieves stole all the ducks be longing to Wm M Utley, Esq, Satur day night, Chicken thieves are get ting very numerous in the city; but our people may rest assured that the vigilance of our police force will soon put a quietus upon them. In conversation with' Capt B P Williamson this morning he said that the rains of Saturday and Sunday were a great blessing to the crops generally, especially to the grass crop, in which many of our people are becoming interested. Grass and clover were suffering from the dry weather: now they look well and promise a fair crop. At Edenton Street M E Church yesterday, three persons joined the church by certificate. Rev Mr Cor don preached on "prayer" to a smal congregation on account of inclement , weather, but he done ample justice to his subject. Dr B F Dixon, Superin tendent of the Oxford Orphan Asy lum preached a most interesting and remarkable sermon at night on the "Liberty wherewith Christ makes us free. C D Upchurch, Esq, Clerk cf Su perior Court, of Wake county, went out with a fishing party to Clements' pond last Friday; they fished two days; they say Mr Upchurch caught two very small perch; in this number is not enumerated the number of two legged fish he caught. On this line he must haye had excellent luck as they left the city early Friday morn ing and did not arrive at the pond until late in the afternoon. Such is life. For St. Louis. , Revs F. L. Reid, B. F. Dixon, D D., W. S. Black, D. DM and Hon D. W. Bain, left this morning at 1 o'clock to attend the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which convenes at St. Louis, May the 10th. These gentlemen go directly to Salisbury where other members of the prthCarolina delegation will gather. New Advertisements. Attention is called to the advertise ment of H J Dowell, manager of the Bee Hive." Call and examiue the immense stock on hand. See notice to Teajhers, by D S Waitt, Secretary. See notice of Mrs Ada Sears, Ad ministratrix. DIED. A telegram has been received in this city announcing the death of Mr A. W. Wood, which recently took place at San Antonia, Texas. Mr Wood was about 33 years old, and well known in Raleigh. He was an uncle of Mrs. White, relict of the late Capt W. W. Wh!te, former Reg ister of Deeds for Wake county. T he Raleigh papers are requested to copy this announcement. At his residence, on New Berne Av enue, yesterday morning at 8 o' clock, after a lingering illness, Mr. Alex Har die in the 70th year of his age. Mr. Hardie was well and favorably known in the community where he was born and raised, and has always enjoyed the respect and confidence of a large circle of relatives and frie nds He leaves a widow, four children, two brothers and one sister to mourn his loss. The funeral took place this morn ing at 10 o'clock from the residence, Rev Dr. Carter, of the First Baptist Church officiating. Personal Mention. R N Wynne, of Panther Branch township, is in the city today. He reports fine rains in his section, crops looking well, cotton coming up nicely and will get a most excellent stand. Mrs B F Montague and children left the city this afternoon to visit Dr S J Montague, of Winston, and will be absent ten days or two weeks. Right Rev Bishop Haid, O S B, who is quite a farmer, went out today with W G Upchurch, Esq, to visit his splendid farm and exchange ideas upon farming. The Bishop is said to be devoted to agriculture. The following persons were regis tered at the Yarboro House today: H S McCleskv, Atlanta, Ga; Nathan O Berry, Goldsboro, N C; T W Clark and wife, Va; W W Buckingham, N Y; B W Ballard, Franklinton, N C. The many friends of Prof Mangum, of Chapel Hill, will be glad to learn that his condition is somewhat im proved. H Mahler, Esq, who has been very sick for several days, we are glad to note was some better this morning. Mrs S J Freeman is quite sick at her residence on East Hargett street. Southern Baptist Convention. The following gentlemen left on the 4:45 train this afternoon for Fort Worth, Texas, to attend the Southern Baptist Convention: Rev C. Dur ham Rev J. J. Hall, J. W. Carter, G. W. Sanderlin, L. L. Polk, N. B. Broughton, W. H. Pace, R.D. Weath ers and L. H. Adams. The above are all regular delegates. The following persons left as vis itors : G. J. Heflin, Mrs E. H. White, Mrs D. C. Murray and Mrs George Cook. Rev. C. Durham says that he re ceived a telegram Saturday night from the Treasurer of the Home Mis sion Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, stating that North Car olina had given over, a thousand dol lars to Home Missions more than she gave last year. The amount given this year was $3 698. Col H. T. McCleskey, the traveling passenger agent of the Georgia Pa cific Railway Company, reached the city this morning to accompany the Noith Carolina delegation to Fort Worth, Texas. Everything is com plete and the trip promises to be a most delightful one in every particu lar. Sleepers are in waiting at Greens boro. , ' : Important Meeting. The regular montnly meetio of Rescue Fire Company will be held to night at 8 o'clock sharp. Pic Xic. On last Saturday Miss Helena H . Horn er gave her Sunday School class a very enjoyable picnic at Carolina Vineyard. There were several invi ted guests present, and all expressed themselves as having had a delight ful time . Death ot Mrs W A Graham. We deeply regret to state that this most estimable lady died last Satur day night at the residence of her son in law, Judge Walter Clark, in this city. Mrs Graham had attained the age of nearly seventy five years, and was the relict of North Carolina's great Statesman. Hon Wm A Graham. Her remains were taken to Hillsboro yes terday for interment. Accident. This morning about 11 o'clock a vi- cious cow got loose from a drove and made a fearful plunge down Fayette ville street. At the corner of Fayette ville and Martin streets she made for a crowd of gentlemen on the sidewalk causing a considerable panic. Dr R B. Ellis, in the effort to escape lrom the infuriated animal, attempted ti descend the steps leading to the base ment of Lee, Johnson & Co's drug store, and in to doing missed his foot ing and fell. He was badly hurt on his left side near the ribs causing much pain. He managed, however, to get home and at last accounts was doing well. Query. Should not such animals beJopt pff pf .our main thor oughfares as much as possible ? Memorial Day We have heard it suggested, and we think with much propriety and force, that the observances incident to the 10th of May, be postponed from Sat urday next to Monday the 12th. The reasons why, in our opinion, this change is desirable, arises from the fact that Saturday afternoon is the busiest of any time during the week, and if the ceremonies shpuld take place then, it would fall far short of what should be expected in the num ber of persons present. Besides this, the merchants of Raleigh, generally would e unwilling to close their pla ces of business at the time designated. We find that the change suggested meets with the universal sentiment of the business community here, and many of the farmers of the vicinity with whom we have conversed enter tain the same views. v We hope those having the mat ter of arrangements in hand, will consider the suggestion in all its bearings. We are confident that the change is not only desirable, but most important to a proper observance of the day. Fine Portraits. Our friend, Mr John W Brown, un dertaker and funeral director of this city, has received two pictures repre senting a cluster of photographic likenesses of leading funeral direct ors in different parts of the country. In all there are four hundred and ninety eight photographs, and they are as fine looking body of men as can be found anywhere. Among the number are only five from North Carolina. There are, our fellow citi zen, John W Brown, Robt J Parker, High Point; Henry E Sheetz, Fay etteville; Frank H Vogler, Salem.and John M Harvey, Charlotte. The pic tures (or clusters) are three by four feet, and make a very valuable ad 3i tiontothe already very pretty and Bome'what extensive selection Mr Brown already has on hand. In faot, his portrait gallery is one of the in teresting features of 'Raleigh, com prising, as it does, some of our most prominent citizens of bygone days. Complimentary. The Gazette, of this city, of which John H Williamson, colored, is the editor, has the following: It is said by many of our readers that Mr L O Lougee is one of the moBt polite and courteous officers in the court house. And his demeanor and general liberality is so noted that he will prove a very, acceptable can didate to the colored people of Vae, who are now more determined than ever to vote for good men regardless of party. SPECIAL NOTICES. Situation Wanted. A youth wi hes a situation as clerk in an office; can use the Type writer; with good reference. Address "Visitor." m5f Go to D S Waitt's for bargains in new spring clothing and gent's fur nishing goods, the stock must be sold. J S Wynne, Trustee. Notice to Teachers. An examination of candidates to fill vacancies in the Raleigh Graded Schools will be held in the Murphy school on Wednesday, May 21, 1890,at 9 am. By order of the committee. my5 3t D S WAITT, Sec'y. Straw Mattings Just the styles and qualities you are thinking of, and more different patterns than you have thought of, are displayed in our carpet depart ment at prices that will astonish you. These cool, clean floor coverings are in popular demand, and we want to show our China and Japanese mat tings to every housekeeper, W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. We are showing this week some 1500 imported light weight suits at only $6 50, also a beautiful collection of French serges, camel's hair suit ings, light colored henriettas, etc, at two third what they will cost you elsewhere. White cream and light blue cashmeres and albatrases at a saving of 10 to v5 cts on each yard; $1.50 to $3 saved on each suit. Nob bie stiff hats at only $1, cost you else where $2.50 to $3.50; straw hats at 50 cts on the dollar; shoes at less than wholesale priees. Everything else in proportion at Norris & Carter's. Just received a fine lot of Graveley's Tobacco at Barbee & Pope's. 2t Valuable Eots For Sale. The lots on South Bloodworth streets known as the Mary Belvin property will be sold at a bargain Title perfect. Apply to may2 3t John jhomas, Box 353. Greensboro, N. C Raleigh lias Never Seen. In all the history of Raleigh it has not been equalled. We have pur chased at a great sacrifice the entire production of a hat factory, ladies' untrimmed hats mostly, and today they are on sale at Swindell's. There are 50.0C0 of these hats, of all the new shapes, and we are offering the choice of them at 25c each. Now we really hope that there will not be any who are so blind to their interest as to neglect this opportunity. Lady, when you read this, make up your mind to to see this lot of untrimmed hats and think if you have a friend who could be benefitted by the knowledge of these hats. I hope you do not think this a catch penny advertisement. I hope you give us ere' : it for having more sense than to put this in the papers if it was not tiue. We have also this day equally as big bargains In double faced heavy all silk ribbon at a price that we neyer before dreamed of. Do not fail to see those two big offerings at Swindell's. New dress goods this day at Swindell's. Strawberries and green peas getting plentiful. Hardware, c. FLOOR PAINTS We Offer Floor Paints of a Superb Quality. They combine natural minerals with hard drying- liquids. They are finely ground and thoroughly mixed. They cover well and dry hard in twelve hours. They stand exposure to weath er and the wear of washing,hence, are especially applicable for piazza and kitchen floors. The following colors in stocks: Light Red, Dark Yellow Stone, Light Yellow, Slate and Light Brown. All kinds of PAINTS in small Cans. Stains of different colors, and Hard Oil Finish to varnish with. THOS. H, 8RIGGS 4 SONS. Raleigh, N C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley j McGee. MANY NEW THINGS JUST OPENED. Dress Goods. New Mohairs.new Checks, New Plaids, new Stripes. Dress Trimmings. The grandest collection ever shown in Raleigh. French Satteens. It is a pleasure to have these exquisite goods for your inspection. Our Challies Are simply'elegant, popu lar and very cheap. Special Mention Our SPRING WRAPS are handsomer, more stylish and by far cheaper than anything you have seen. Embroideries Await your verdict. We pride ourselves on our se lections. White Goods. We do not believe you can serve yourself have as well elsewhere as at 129 and 131 Fayetteville St W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. SEASONABLE ANNOUNCEMENTS SEASONAB LE ANNOUNCEME NTS FROM THE NEW DEPARTMENT THE NEW DEPARTMENT OP BARGAINS AND UNDERVALUES. BARGAINS AND UNDERVALUES. New attractions have been 'added to this popular section of our house, lack Silk Lace Flonncings 42 inches wide 75 to 95c. These are new goods, bought at a price and are fully one third under actual value. White and Cream Lace Flonncings 35 cents to $1.50 per yard. A great variety of Trimming Laces, all widths, Cotton Trimmings. TORCHON EDGES, WHITE and COLORED EMBROIDERIES. Many of which are in short lengths, and all at about half price. Compare these goods with anything that has been thus far offered, and the yalues we are giving at the prices named will be quickly shown. GENTLEMEN'S LINEN COLLARS. A new lot of t iw styles, and all sizes, at 10 cents each. : . W. H. ft& S. TUCKER & CO re;

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