Will Continue. Such has been the success of the Governors Guard fair and festival, that it will be continued during the present week. Everybody are expect ed to take in the great event. It is an occasion well worth the patronage f our people. XE1V ADVERTISEMENTS. f Miscellaneous. Morgan Horses. One third of the horses that got a mark of 2.20 or better in 1889 had more or less of Morgan blood in their veins. There is great satisfaction in breeding to Morgan horses. If you do not geta 2.10 track horse you get a beautiful high style fast all day roadster. Anniversary. We are pleased to learn that the North Carolina Farmer, of this city, will celeorate its fourteenth anniver sary this month by an enlargement and change of. name. It will be known as the Southern Farmer, and published by the Farmer Publishing Company, with Mr P C Enniss as business manager. The editorial control of the pape.r is lodged with Mr James H Enniss, the founder of the Farmer, and one of the best ag ricultural writers in the South. We wish it abundant success. I.OST0iirDutclimaii i msus apto CATAWABEHNIS, THE BIGGEST Supreme Court. Cases from the 12th district, here tofore put to the end of the docket were called this morning, aDd the fol lowing cases disposed of : Hilhardjv. Oram, from Jackson, argued by E. C. Smith and J B Bachelor for the plaintiff ; George A Shuford, for the defendant. Zachary vs. Wiggins, from Jackson sounty, continued. uudger v. K. & D. R. R. Co., from Madison, argued by D. Schenck by brief and F. H. Busbee for defendant No counsel for plaintiff. Falls of Neuse Manufacturing Co. vs. Brooks, from Buncombe county, argued by E. C. Smith for plaintiff ; George A Shuford for defendant. Base BairSaturday. National League Brooklyn 7; New York 3. BostonO; Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 3; Pittsburg 3, (10 inn ings); called, darkness. Chicago Cincinnati; postponed; rain. Player's League Brooklyn 4; New York 13. Philadelphia 4; Boston 6, (12 inn ings). Pittsburg 6; Buffalo 2. Cleveland Chicago, postponed ; rain. American Association. Syracuse 4; Brookly 5. Rochester 12 ; Athletic 2. Toledo 8 ; Columbus 4. St Louis 9 ; Louisville 6. Atlantic League. Wilmington 2; Washington 11. Newark 10 ; Baltimore 6. New Haven 7 ; Hartford 5. Jersey City 10 ; Worcester 6. A Georgia editor has an old Con federate shoe, manufactured for the Government in 1864, just before the war ended. The sole is fully three quarters of an inch thick and is made of poplar wood, evidently shaped with a hatchet or drawing knife. The upper is attached to the sole with a strip of rawhide, running entirely around the shoe, the leather being neia to tne sole witn large carpet tacks. The upper is of rough cowhide aressea only on the inside. In the hurry and con fusion of waiting on "dose fife tous and beeble" during the past week our Dutchman got "oxcited" and sudden ly disappeared. We will give a row of brick bones for his return, and we want five thousand more people to call this week and give us informa tion concerning bis whereabout. Alo to examine our large and increas ing stock of goods of all descriptions. We have nice table cloths, napkins, a One lot of dining room chairs, nice dining tables, beds, washstands. tow el racks, crockery, and a large range in good order, besides other useful articles too numerous to mention Now ust reason with yourself and you will find it to your advantage to give us a all and inspect our stock. We want your cash and you will want our goods You are bound to buy if you wisn to economize and have the cash to work on. Let us Bee you, we will be glad to welcome you. and re lieve you of any spare change you may nave about your old clothes, Und of you see dot Dutchman vat vas losd lasd veek yust brought him oacK by der BEE HIVE, H J Dowell, ap8 Manager. Is what a learned naturalist calls our Wonder of the Amphibious World, but we will stick to our plain old North Carolina ways, and call it a terrapin patterned after the SiameseTwins. It is a wonder and you should see it. It is on exhibition at our store. CLOTHIERS X NATTERS ap25 W. H. CAUDLE. L. C. NEAL. CAUDLE & NEAL. HEAVY AND, FANCY GROCERIES, No 12 East Hargett St. Raleigh, N C. Keep constantly on hand meat, flour, meal, sugar, coffee, lard, fresh country butter, cnicKens and eggs, full line of canned goods, soap, to bacco and snuff. We keep everything usually kept in a first class grocery store. All goods as cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call. Goods delivered free of charge. m3 CAUDLE & NEAL. W. H. CAUDLE & SON. Groceries and Confectioneries, No 501 Hillsboro Street. Raleigh, N C. Keep constantly on hand a full sup ply oi FRESH GROCERIES, CHICKENS and EGGS. FRESH CO UN TRY BUTTER At all times uur prices win compare with anv otner nouse in town, (iive us a trial. we wm piease you. Goods delivered free of charge. Ice Ice FOR THE CITY 111 COITfiY. Our ice wagons will be ready to start delivering in the city next Mon day, if weather be favorable. Persons desiring it will please let us know, and we will be pleased to resume the business of serving them with ice of BEST QUALITY At present, at the following Prices for Tickets. 20 5 lb Tickets, 100 pounds. $ 95 50 10 " " 500 " 4.50 40 25 " " 1,000 " 8.00 40 50 " " 2,000 " 15.00 Ice packed for shipping at $1.00 per 109 lbs. Special rates for large lots. Not less than two tons can be ship ped without being packed. TERMS CASH. JONES&POWELL, Agents for Raleigh Ice Factory. RALEIGH, N C. ap25 CLOTHDWCSALE COMMENCING MONDAY APRIL 14 WE WILL OFFER 500, SACK AND CUTAWAY SUITS Just received, which are handsomely trimmed and flnished.and their actual cost to manufacture is no less than $15 00. They consist of the latest nov elties is Cheviots and other high Grade Fabrics. These suits will be sold during the next few days without reserve for I0.85 Without Doubt This Is The BIGGEST BARGAIN SALE Ever Inaugurated in this City. LOOK LOOK AT AT OUR OUR NECKWEAR NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. Call Early for the Choice oi the Bargain Sa', DAVID ROSENTHAL, mh29 N. C. Leading Clothing House, Andrews Building, Raleigh, N. C. 117 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N C. NEXT TO A WILLIAMS & CO. T. W. BLAKE, JEWELER AND! SILVERSMITH, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A full line of EMBLEM PINS, PLAIN RINGS, SEALS and STENCILS ma'ie to order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry solicited. ap4 8m m3 W H CAUDLE & SON. Standard Flavoring 'Vr av j HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest , jftey are true to their names, full measure. Vnd highly concentrated. Notice, Having this day qualified as admin istratrix of C E Sears, dee'd, this is to notify all persons indebted to eaid estate to make prompt payment to me at once. And those to whom the estate is indebted to present their claims on or before 5th May, 1891, or this will be plead in bar of their re covery. MRS ADA SEARS, V May3, 'J?0 6w Admx. A. E. JORDAN, FANCY GROCER I have just received and opened u: a new lot oi lancy goods. Canned fruits and vegetables,Pickles, J ernes, rotted meats, Cakes and Crackers, Spices and extracts, Dried Beef, Sugar Cured Meats, etc, etc. I have the best brands of Flour, Meal Sugars, (Jotfees and Teas, Syrups and Molasses and anything you want in the Grocery line I also have fresh country and North ern butter always on band. Can give it to you from the refrig erator cool and nice. Country Produce, such as Chickens, j&ggs, csweet ana insn Potatoes, Dried Fruits, etc, on hand. Give me a call; see what I have to offer; get my prices and I am sure you will be pleased. PROMPT DELIVERY AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Don't Forget to Try a Bottle of ROYAL GERMETUER. A. E. JORDAN, mhll Next to Citizen's Bank, THIS PAPER IS PRINTED WITH INK MANUFACTURED BY THE FAIRMOUNT PRINTING INK REA Eggleston $ Bouldiir, L ESTATE HOTS Careful attention given to the nnr- -i , . , cnase ana saie oi real estato and stocks at Glasgow, Va. References: Officers of Rockbridge - m tt w uo, uiasgow, v a. Judge T D Irving, Farmville, Va. Gov P W McKinney. ap24 tf CO u J. HAL B0BBITT, PHARMACIS PHONOGRAMS. - Phonograph and Phonoerraoh- Grapbophone Phonograms transcrib ed on Type Writer. Attention will be given to copying of all kinds. Legal dictations and evidence taken on the Phonograph-Graphophone. Forfur- her information apply to Raleigh, N C. As resident manager of The Old Dominion Phonograph Co, 1 am pre pared to lease their machines and furnish supplies for the same. a8 lm GUY L. BUNCH. o Q hi TELEPHONE CALL 109. RALEIGH, N. C. POSTOFFICK BOX 105. A FINK LIHElBg-Q 'iQtXT S- a fine LiNsa- q jgarettes. AFINELINEBff-QheWjng TofaaCCO, i52!Smoking Tobacco. A FINE W T ROGERS. I 3 D CARROLL. Rogers & Carroll, wnoiesaie ana itetau Grocers & Commission Mercbants AND DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No 204 East Martin Street, RALEIGH, NC. Meat, Meal, Candy, Cheese, Molasses, Coffee, gr'n and ro'd Matches, Cakes, Crackers, Mustard, Cigars, Cigarettes, Pepper. Corn. Corn. can. Powders.baking, Chickens, Chops, WORKS. T. K. WRIGHT & CO, 2Mh St. above Hare St. Philadelphia, Pa. Wood for Sale. I have one hundred and fifty cords of nice, dry pine wood five miles south east of the city, on Rockquarry road, which I will sell at the place for one dollar per cord. For full particu lars apply to Messrs Wyatt & Taylor. ap28 lw ROBERT E GATTIS, Peas, Pickles, irrunes, Peaches, can, Sugar, gran Sugar, C Shoulder, S C Syrup. Sausage, Salt, Strips, br'kfast, Soda, Snuff, Soap, toilet, Soap, laundry, Spice, grain. Oat Meal, I Oat Flakes. i Potatoes, Irish, Hams, sugar cured Hams, N 0 specialty Tobacco, Tomatoes, Butter, country Gutter, Goshen Beans, Bran, Blueing, Blacking, Lard, best tierce, Lemons, Lye, Loaf Bread, Oranges. Oats, Everything that is kept in a first class eruoerv store GoorU Potatoes, sweet, delivered in anv nart of the city free of expense, p8 CO 3 Q Q. Prescriptions Specialty Apart from the regular, medicine line, I have for sale Spirits Turpentine, Spirits Turpentine, Spirits Turp entine, Oil of all kinds, Oil of all kinds, Oil of all kinds, CO o o Garden Seeds, Garden Seeds, Garden Seeds, King's Royal Germetner. King's Royal Germetuer. King's Royal (iermetuer, MYaLINE OF -AND--FANCY--GOODS cannot be surpassed. An inspection is invited to convince. Recent improvements have made my store one of the most attractive of the kind to be found anywnere. ORDERS SOLICITED. J. HAL BOB B ITT.. 'fiit;;:'.1!"- it,: tf ".fU'H U''h . : , .-'"S t' :-' - '- ' ' ' ' - ' - 4 ;.- rr -. ' : i v -- "". y' i 2 PI 73 r dJ PI CO

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