11 tKiritor. i VOL. IXXL R A TuEUGKELV lERUD-ATST, JTTJETJE 0, 1890. The Uailtj Evening f isitor Local notices la this paper will be Five Ceots per line each Insertion. Larqkst Citt Circulation. Index to New Advertisements. Parker & Harvey Plug Tobacco. Whiting Bros Close Promptly. In and Around the City. Hotter and hotter. All quiet in police circles today. Soda fountains in all their glory. The Board of Aldermen meet in regular monthly session tonight. Mr C H Ireland, of Greensboro, is in the city. Several Chapel Hill boys are in the city, taking in the eights, before going home. Don't forget that the funding act expires July 1st. Bring in your old bonds, or else you may "get left." Cleanliness is next to Godliness give us a swimming pool convenient for all. Market abundantly supplied this morning with all kinds of vegetables and at cheap rates. First class companies are making amplications for Metropolitan Hall j- K - during fair week. We are glad to hear that the health of Ex Governor Holden has some what improved of late. The Demorest Medal Contest will coma off at Edenton Street M E Church tonight. Don't forget it. Prepare your reports, gentlemen of the chamber of commerce, and let us hear from you especially on the hotel question. A considerable crowd thronerh the city, this morning, on their return from Chapel Hill com mencement. We believe Mayor Thompson will do his duty in the premises we mean about a 4th of July celebra tion. The dull season is tbejtime to push, and, the way to push is to advertise, It fa meedlesa to add that one of t.hfl hfist mediums for advertising is the Visitor. Ver bum sap, etc. Mr Bilyew says that the grapes in his vineyard are not as much injured as had been supposed, and that the yield will be a pretty fair one. This w ill be good news to the lovers of this delicious fruit. The JEFF Quartette will sing at Edenton 'street Sunday school room tonight, at the Demorest medal con test. Mr J W Cheek will sing with the auartette in place of Mr H L Hanes, who is out of town. Gentlemen of the Board of Alder men: At your meeting tonight, re member that the people of Raleigh want a fourth of July celebration, and expect some encouragement at your hands and "don't you forget it." J R Barkley, Esq, says he was through the Southern part of Wake county on yesterda , and that there was the finest prospects for a good crop of cotton and corn he had ever seen. That he saw a field of about ten acres in tobacco that was the finest be had ever seen at this season. 'Such reports are coming in from every quarter. Let us take courage and press forward. ED. As an evidence of their popularity there has not been an evening since MessrsWhiting Bros have commenced closing their place of business at 7 o'clock but that they were compelled - to turn away at least half a dozen customers. They have so right to admit any one after the door Is closed in justice to other merchants. ; Read what Mesi-rs Whiting Bros have to say about it in their new "ad." . Noti e. I will be at my office over J H Bob bitt's drug store from 8 to 9 a m; 1 to 2 p m.and 7 to 8 p m. A 11 messages left at the drug store will receive prompt Attention, jeo w ju jooiax, Graduates. The following is a list of the gradu ates of the University who delivered orations, as far as we can obtain them: R H Holland, Charlotte; C A Bankin, Fayetteville; W F Shoffner, Salem: Geo V Tilley, Chapel Hill; J T Philips, and H B Shaw, Tarboro; H L Miller, Greensboro; J D Bellamy, Jr, Wilmington; J B Puilbeck, Shel by; W S Snipes, J vV Graham Ker nersville; V L Bryant, Charlotte; Henry Johnson, Tarboro, and Alex Mclver, Jr, Pittsboro. No Growlers. We met a friend today from New Light, Wake county He said he had driven leisurely to Raleigh,and made it a business to enquire of every one he saw on the road about the pros pects, and, strange to relate he did not see a single "growler." "I never saw it the case before in my life," said he. "I really believe if nothing unusual happens, we will raise enough in Wake county to feed the whole of North Carolina." These are iudeed cheering words and calcu lated to make us all feel happy, in view of the g'ooni that surrounded us last season. A Live Industry. We invite special attention to the advertisement of Messrs Parker & Harvey, plug tobacco manufactureis These gentlemen are putting up some of the finest brands of chewing tobac co to be found anywhere in theSouth and their reputation is daily increas ing, There are no better business men or more estimable gentlemen in the State than Messrs Parker & Har vey, and they are doing much to spread abroad the fame of Raleigh in the manufacturing line. We are pleased to know that their trade is daily increasing, and we hope it may develop into enormous proportions. The General Delivery. We have authority for the state ment, that our efficient Postmaster, Col Shaffer, will use every possible endeavor to have the general delivery kept open longer during the day than it now is, but this arrangement can not be made sooner th&n the month of July, at best. We are aware that there is some little inconvenience ielt in this respect, by those who do not have boxes, and whose delivery is not made by the carriers, but, it requires time to bo arrange matters as to f uit all. Col Shaffer is indefati gable in the discharge of his duties, and, we feel sure that nothing he can consistently do to promote the efficiency of the service will be left undone. Raleigh Male Academy. The commencement of the Raleigh Male Academy, Messrs Morson and Denson, principals, passed off bril liantly today in the presence of a large and deeply interested audience. 'Rev Dr Carter offered an impressive pray er, and was followed by Maj Eugene G Harrell in one of those stirring ad dresses upon educational subjects for which he is so well known. He stated that he hai just returned from the University where he had been happy to learn from one of the professors that one tenth of the entire number of students were from, the Raleigh Male Academy,' and that they stand in the very highest rank of scholar ship. A fact gratifying to our city, and to the friends of the Academy. The roll of distinctions was read and list of honors rewarded. Rev Dr J H Cordon then delivered the annu al oration, upon the subject of the value of Higher Education, and it was one of the most remarkable liter ary performances that we have ever heard in its fine analysis, and splendid flight of oratory. In the con elusion, he paid a high compliment to the proud standing of the student's academy In the various colleges, and c ongratulated the citizens of Raleigh. I Tne ceremonies were concluded by I the benediction pronounced by Rev iati jaso. Special Rates. Davidson College Commekce- mebt. The R & D R R will sell par ties attending Davidson College com mencement round trip tickets to that point and return June 7th to 12th, in clusive, good returning until and in cluding June 16, 1890, at the follow ing rates from points named: Charlotte, $1 10 Greensboro, Durham, 6 15 Winston, $4 50 5 45 6 65 8 05 Henderson, 7 00 Raleigh, Selma, 7 35 Goldsboro, Rates from intermediate p ints in same proportion. Teachers' Assembly. Round trip tickets to Teachers' Assembly, More head City, on sale June 15th to 30th inclusive, good returning until and including July 31st, 1890: Charlotte, $8 05 Concord, $7 55 6 70 5 90 4 40 710 7 80 610 Salisbury, Greensboro, Durham, Selma, Winston, Oxford, 715 6 35 SCO 3 25 6 9) 5 00 High Point, Burlington, Raleigh, Ashboro, Elkin, Henderson, Rites from intermediate points in same proportion. Grand Commander? Kkights Tbmplar. The Richmond & Dan ville Railroad will sell parties attend ing the meeting of the Grand Com mandery, Knights Templar, Ashe ville, N C, low late round trip tickets to that point and return, i une 8th to 11th, inclusive, good returning until and incliding June 16th, 1890. Sum mer excursion tickets can be pur chased to Asheville and return for this occasion from points at which they are on sale. Tickets good to re turn until and including October 31, 1890. Chapel Hill University. The commencement exercises at this institution closed last night with the usual ball, and the old campus, will soon bear the appearance of "Gold smith's Deserted Village" for several months to come. The students have separated, some never to return, while twenty one graduates are now entered upon the busy scenes of life It is a mingling of the sad and joyful when the session closes. Many who have been bound together by the silken chords oi friendship part to meet no more, while others go out in the world to do better for wealth and fame. In looking over the trials of the University we have something, at least to be proud of. The grand old Institution has arisen as it were like Phoenix from the Ashes. At the close of the Civil War, it was .indeed in a sad plight, but, remembering the glories of the past, the people of our grand old State have not only reviv ed it, but placed its standing on the plane of the most favored universi ties of the land. The outlook for a proper endowment of a chair of His tory is indeed a cheerful one, show ing the interest taken by the Alumni in their glorious old alma mater. The following are the prizes award ed: Greek Prize Frank C Mebane, of Wentworth. Kerr Prize in Geology; first prize $30, J C Bras well, Brattleboro; sec ond prize, $20, P K Woodard, Black Creek. Representati ve Medal R W Bing ha B , Bingham School. Henry Johnston, Tarboro, N C.won the Mangum Medal, Special certificates were awarded as follows: Latin Alexander Mclver, of Pitts boro. v Greek Frank H Batchelor, of Ral eigh; J L Cunninggim, of Chapel Hill; J M Fleming, Jr, of Raleigh. Chemistry Gaston Battle, of Rocky Mount;' Hugh Lee Miller, of Golds boro. Natural Philosophy Jul! us J Faust, of Graham. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fresh country butter 20 and 25 cts per pound, at A E Jordan's . If yon want fresh bread, for supper, call at C O Ball's at 5 o'clock every evening. Use Royal Germetuer for summer complaint and all bowel tioubles. It will prevent and cure it in the young audold. Try it. A E Jordan, Agent, Raleigh, N C. Choice (Va) hams, sides and shoul ders lowest market price.R H Wonible Cholera Infantum. Dr King's Royal Germetuer cures this trouble in young children with a speed and certainty that seems like magic. It has never been known to fail. Try it. A E Jordan. Agt, Raleigh, N C. Go to the Raleigh Shoe Store for bargains in shoes. We have them from 85 cents to $5.75 per pair. m27 m w f A large stock of gentlemen's white shirts, outing shirts, collars, cuffs, silK handkerchiefs, fine clothing, etc, to be closed out at D S Waitt's, 213 Fayetteville street. J S Wynne, Trustee. W. II. & 11. S. Tucker & Co. Beaded Wraps -Some twenty five only left remaining, some of them the best styles we have had at any time during the season. We are now sell ing them at $2.75 each. Fine beaded wraps, worth $5, at $3 50 eao ; fine beaded wraps, worth $6 50, at $4 75 each; handsome bead ed wraps, worth $10 and $12 50.Every lady in Raleigh, who has not sup plied herself, should see these gar ments A grand offer is made you. See them. W H & R 8 Tucker & Co. Hot Weather Means lighter wearing apparel. You will find at Noris & Carter's a full and complete line of light weight dress fabrics, such as batists, nuns veilings, albatrosses in colors and evening shades. The -.most interest ing feature of these goods is the hilf prices at which they are being sold. New styles in ginghams and challies at remarkably low prices. White goods and all over flouncings at about two thirds what they cost you at other places. See the 50 and 65c full depth flouncings. Gauze vests for gents, ladies, misses and children's at a great bargain. Parasols at half values. Ladies silk mits at 15c, and all silk gloves at 85c and 40c, reduced from 65 and 75o. Bargains in all lines at Norris & Carter's. Off to the Seashore. This strikes you at once, don't it? When you saw the heading of this "Off to the seashore" it aroused your interest at once. Now the most important question is, are you going? Can you go? Is your wardrobe in a seaside condition, if not, can you put it in said condition, considering all available revenues, in time to be off with the crowd? If you only have six or seven hundred dollars to fit up with for this season, where can you spend this sum to the best advant age; or in other words, is there a place in the city where you can fit yourself up a wardrobe to correspond with others that you will see at the seashore with that six or seven hun dred. Tou will need lots of morning, evening and ball dresses. You will need lots of Oxfords and operas. You will want 16 fans. It will require lots of laces, handkerchiefs, hose, bon nets, wraps, &e, &c. You will need just 1,000 other things .we can't men tion. To put the whole thing in a few words we can furnish you every thing you will need and we will give them to you at 20 per cent less than any house in the city can at Swin dell's. Hardware, &c. ADJUSTABLE WIRE SCREENS' FIT ALMOST ANY WINDOW -A. Id s o 1 ix tel MOSQUITO AND FLY PROOF. BY ITS USE YOU SECURE PERFECT -VENTILATION- AND KEEP OUT CARPET BUGS, MOTHS, DUST &0., &C. PRICES: 25, 35, 40 CENTS EACH :o: THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS. RALEIGH, N C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. GREAT SALE OP- LADIES MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. To closa out our entire stock of Mus lin Underwear, we will offer at a sac rifice, this week 3,500 GARMENTS. DRESSING SACQUES DRESSING SACQUES marked regardless of cost. These goods are of superior make and fin- ' 1 T71 f i A 1 isa. J? lb guarauieeu. CORSET COVERS CORSET COVERS. We call your special attention to the various styles in corset covers. They are made from fine cam brie or muslin. perfect in shape and finish, and sold at prices to satisfy all. BEST WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED. We warrant eery garment made with lock stitch machines and only the best sewing thread used. Night Gowns, Chemises, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Covers, Infant Dresses and Slips, at just about one-half what they are worth. .Ladies only in atten dance at this counter. BEADED CAPES AND SHOULDER WRAPS. If vou want one of them come and make an offer for the one you like. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee 129 and 181 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C. W. 1 SR. S. Tucker Ko, JUNE 2nd. WE BEGIN OUR ANNUAL JUNE SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR To make these sales a success we mark the garments in plain figures, open up in our underwear depart ment every gar ment for easy handling and start the lines at prices that will surprise you. Say gowns at 25o " chimeses " 18o " drawers 15c " skirts " 21o " corset covers " 18c And other lines marked down in same proportion and equally as cheap. As these lines are closed out they will positively not be DUPLICATED As we lose money to sell them to you at these prices.

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