W II B 8 Tucker ft Co. Rot Weather Garments. Received by express this mo-uing a Dew line of Gent' Negligee Shirts. These gar ments, are the most desirable styles of any we have yet shown. In this department can also be found every requisite for a gents' complete hot weather outfit. Lisle and Game Shirts and Pant, Cambric and Muslin Night Shirts, Lawn Bosom Dress 8hirts. Lisle and light-weight cotton socks, &c, &o. The most moderate prices prevail ihroi ghout the entire depart ment. WnSRS Tucker & Co. Church Services Tomorrow. Baptist Tabernacle Sunday school opens at V a in., N B Broughton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a m by Rev W B Wingate, of Roxobel, N C, and 8:00 p m. by the pastor. Kev JJr J J Han Subject, "Moral Earnestness." Public cordially invited. Central M E Church, South Sun day school at 9:30 a m, R C Redford, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m and 815 p m by the pastor, Rev L L Nash. D D. Strangers in the city will find a cordial welcome, and be seated by polite ushers. A welcome to all. Brooklyn Church Services at 11 a m and 8:00 p in by the pastor, Rev J 1) Pegram. Sunday school at 3 p m. The public are cordially invited. Church of the Good Shepherd Rev W M Clark, Rector Fourth Sun day after Trinity. Sunday school 9:3 J a m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 8:30 pm. Services during the week Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m. All seats free. Polite ushers. All cordis ally invited. Christ Church St Peter's Day. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Sun day School 9:45 am. Divine Service and Sermon at 11 a m. Evening Prayer 6 pm. Services during the week Wednesday 6 pm. and Friday 10 a m. All invited. First Presbyterian Church Sunday School 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m, by the pastor, Rev Dr J S Watkins. Services at Mission Chapel at 4 p m. Polite ushers. Seats free. All cordially invited. Christian Church Sunday school 9:30 a m. PreachiDg at 11 a in and 8 p m by the pastor. Rev J L Foster. Strangers and visitors in the city are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. First Baptist Church. Sunday school 9:20 o'clock promptly, Thos H Briggs, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m and 8:00 p.ni, by RevDr J W Carter. Strangers in the city and the public cordially invited to attend all these services. Edenton Street M E Church South Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 am by Rev E L Pell, subject "Temptations and How to Avoid them," Matt 26-41. At 8:15 p m, by the pastor, Rev Dr J H Cordon, sub ject, "The Moral Harvest," John 4 35. The public cordially invited to at tend all services The Useful Rat. Cornhill Magazine. The pottcffice was once saved con siderable expense by the assistance of a rat. As most people know, the main tale graph wires in London run through the subways in which the gas pipes and sewers are placed. The principal arteries are so large that it is easy enough for men to work in them, but the pipes through which the side wires branch off are much smaller, and great care has to be taken to pre serve the connection between the main and the lateral wires. Some years ago men were repairing one of these latter, and carelessly omitted to attach it to a leading line by which it could be drawn to its place when mended. The blunder seems likely to have serious consequences, for it was thought that the whole of the lateral pipe would have to be dug up in order to get at the broken wire. But one of the men came to the rescue with a happy thought, suggesting that a rat should be procured, and with a fine piece of wire attached to it sent through the pipe. This was done, bu to the dismay of the workmen the new hand came to a stop after it had gone a few yards. The inventor of this idea was not yet, however, at the end of his resources, and by his advice a ferret was procured and started on the dilatory rat's track. 'There was a mo ment of suspense before it was settled whether the rat would show fight or rnn away, but this was soon ended b. the paying out of the wire, and in a short time the latest edition to the staff of the post office appeared at the other end of the pipe. It was caught, the wire detached, and then it was set free in reco nition of the service it had rendered. By means of the wire the telegraph line was secured and a long and laborious price of work saved. Standard - Flavoring y HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single riaf that these Extracts are the chest, jftey are true to their names, full measure ' utd highly concentrated. Tbf Crops In Halifax County. The Roanoke N ews says; For sev eral years past we hare fail, d to rake an average crop in this section The outlook is glorious. The earth is bursting with a mighty trial of its fruitfulness, and if we mistake not the signs, the patient and lalorious farmer will be rewarded for I.U wait ing when th harvest comei. Seeds mistrusted and supposed to be worth less have brought fort l their kind in abundance and thrift Angry clouds that tpilled destroying floods a year ago now dispel gentle showers that fructify. Grass no longer grows to annoy and call the husbandman with a score of plows and hoes to conquer, but comes with a gentle intimation that the use of these implements will encourge the objects of our care into greater thiift and early maturity. The peasant drives his team atle'd and grudges not his task nor the sweat ; of his brow when nature smiles with the promise of bounty upon his ef forts Crops requiring miu have had enough to yield a fair harvest; those preferring a dryer soil suiile at the warm sunshine, and rejjice because the mellow de trickle over their spreading leaves to satisfy thirst but but not to satiate, nor quench desire for more. All natur- is aglow, and w hen the Autumn runs turns upon his winter course the scourged and smitten planter will once more raise his voice to heaven in praise ror tne returning smiles of Providence. Base hall Yesterday. ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION. Baltimore 13: Worcester 8. Wilmington 19; Jersey City 15. Newark 5; Hartford 4. Washington 2; New Haven 10. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Louisville 8; St Louis 6. Columbus 9; Toledo 5. Syracuse 8; Brooklyn 7. Athletic 9; Rochester 2. PLATERS' LEAGUE. Pittsburg 10; New York 8. Buffalo 5; Philadelphia 7 Cleveland 6; Brooklyn 6. Chicago 2; Boston 0. j NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg 5; Boston 7. Cincinnati 4; New York 8. Cleveland 7; Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2; Brooklyn 7. ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. Won. Lost Washington, 25 24 Baltimore, 36 4 New Haven, 34 14 Newark, 28 24 Jers'y C'y, 21 30 Hartford, 13 32 Worcester, 28 15 Wilm'gton, 10 39 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 33 21 Cleveland, 16 83 Chicago, 27 23 Cincinnati, 86 16 Brooklyn, 31 21 Pittsburg, 13 88 Boston, 29 25 New lork, 23 31 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Athletic, 37 17 33 21 27 23 25 27 Toledo, 22 27 Columbus, 28 26 Syracuse, 21 31 Brooklyn, 15 86 Rochester, Louisville, St Louis, PLAYERS' LEAGUE. Chicago, 28 23 Pittsburg, 25 26 Boston, Brooklyn, Philadelphia 34 20 28 28 29 25 New York, 27 25 Buffalo, 15 36 Cleveland, 21 27 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Who Wants It? I will sell my tract of land con taining 233 acres, 1 miles south east of this city; in good state of cul tivation; will produce well. About 150 acres in heavy woodland; about 400 peach, apple, pear, pecan trees ana grapes oi tne nnest variety. Come and talk with me about it at 126 E Martin street, Raleigh. Ijel7 HA BPENCE. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. Wishing to reduce our Stock be fore taking inventory, we wi'l offer bargains in all de partments. 4-ply Linen Colars, Sand 10c, former prices 15, 20 and 25c each. Gents1 fine hand-made Shoes, 3.50, $4.00 and $4.50, former prices $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 pair. Gent's fine colored half hose, former prices 45c, 50c and 65c, your choice only 25c pair. THESE ARE GOOD BARGAINS. am CLOTHIERS SHATTERS ap25. o 5 Q. ft. to O 'JZ C " o CL c "E o c o o C3 MB o o o KkrJ C3 O a o H 0 H rH !H H til H 0 D H . 1 C c o o H ti si 1 0 p - - 11 Q ft . ri r-i 1 1 -a 2 II) W a 0 "Sid P 2 .IS (D r. 2: S r n as S i Si ; iff) if! CD UJ o -a H .r t3 a -- CO CD osOS C S CO 3 J r 8 3- O '10 i uco n 0 W o cr CL E o (!) CO hi 0 (AM 111 3b 0 H H Pi 0 10 Pi p : 1 CA StsASOW'S alc Cause: The imperative necessity of selling our magnificent stock of TAILOR MADE AND CUSTOM CUT Clothing during the present month compels as to cut deeper and deeper into all pricts the profits are all yours) EFFECT We have reached the point where our rhals and competitors dare not follow us, and make the unqualified assertion that we sell the finest "tailor made clothing" at lower prices than cny other house in the State. AT SI O.OO. They were $20 and upward. Sur prising sale! SuperiorSergeSuits in black, blue and gray. Guaranteed all wool and fast colors besides. AT SIO.OO. fti EN'S HATS. Genuine Mackinaws, $1 00 Flat Brims, black or brown, 65 Boys' Straw Hats from 25 Soft and Stiff Felt Hats at all prices. The Summer Stock has to be closed out. Now is your Golden Oppor tunity. Call and examine. DAVID N. C. Leading Clothing Ecnse, Andrews Building, mu29 Raleigh, Ji. C. 117 FAYKTTKVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N C. NEXT TO A WILLIAMS A CO. T. W. BLAKEf JEWELER AND SILVERSMITH, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A full line of EMBLEM PINS, PLAIN RINGS, SEALS and STENCILS made to order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry solicited. Ice Cellar! We have opened an ice cellar under tne Henry Building, opposite the post office, where our Mr R H Mur pney win be pleased to give every one full value for their cash or tick ets. This ice is made on large iron plates, then cut into blocks, and has no porous or Boft parts. This process insures Absolute Purity, wonderful transparency, great dens lty and freedom from air bubbles. It is more nearly like natural lake or river ice than can be . made by any other process, but t is more pure and more durable, as ' demonstrated by actual experiments, with both under tne same conditions. Our White Covered Wagons go wherever wanted in town, both morning and evening. FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. Car loads verv low rates. PrornDt snipments. Jones & Powell. Agents for Raleigh Ice Factory. QOODWItf & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BRICK, RALEIGH, NC. Yards one mild south of the city. The dav we nsn in snnprinr tn nntr clay found in the State. All brick handmade. Orders solicited. mv24m Q LOCKLEAR, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. Work done DromDtlv and well execu ted. Orders filled at residences on application. Shop open ' during;the day and until late at night, except Slindn.VR. at. O.0.1 Pa-oof tovillft fitrftfit. under store of-Julias Lewis & Co. Eggleston $ Bouldin, , REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Careful attention given to the pur chase and sale of real estate and stocks at Glasgow, Va. Kererences: omoers or kock bridge Co, Glasgow, Va. Judge T li Irving, JJarmville, Va. Got P W McKinney. ap24 tf SUPREIU2E AT $15.00. They were $25 and upward. Gentle men's Fine Spring Suits, all shapes, styles and sizes; costliest cloths and present patterns; silk lined and hand sewed; "tailor made" and "custom cut." AT $15.00. Men's Furnishings. Silk Striped Shirts, $1 75 Flannel Shirts from 45c io 1 60 Gauze Underwear, each 23 Four in Hand Scarfs, 45 Silk Fey i'ies, 13 Windsor Ties, 5 British Hose, 12 Collars, Linen, 5 Cuffs, Linen, ' 15 ROSENTHAL, ap4 3m Important Sale- On Monday, the 30th day of June, 1890, 1 will offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, at the place of business of L D Taylor, on Wilming ton street, in the city of Raleigh, a stock of Liquc rs, Cigars, Tobacco, Bar Fixtuies, Furniture, &c, &c. W M RUSS, June 19th, 1890. Assignee. FOR SALE. One Black Mare, 6 years old, per fectly gentle and a good buggy horse. Price reasonable. Apply to E V DENTON, Fancy Grocer. Paper and Paper Bag Dealer, No 13 Exchange Place. jl8 6t NOTICE. I have associated with me my son,. Henry Moore, and we are now pre pared to do all kinds of Shoe Work. Shoes of all styles are made to order by us, at prices that will prove satis factory to every one. Repairing--of every kind quickly and neatly done. Everybody knows old Shoemaker' Moore. I am, by the help of God,, trying to lead a better life. C2F"0ld Shoes and Boots bought. Wm Moore, 819 East Martin St. c AU11IAOES, BVGCilIKS.ROAD CARTS and FAR JUL WAGONS ATCOST. We will sell our stock of Vehicles consisting of about three hundred jobs at cost. We do this in order to improve and enlarge our business. We have control and in stock, all of the best makes of vehicles manufac tured in the United States. Goods that are standard and of wide repu tation Give us a call. We mean strictly business. xANCEx & STRONACH, Dealers and Manufacturers. Lynn Adams AT Yancey &Stronach's. Ileadouarters for all kinds of coun try produce. You will always find a fresh supply of Chickens, Eggs. But ter, and, in fact, everything in this line at our produce market. Nob 819. S21 and 823 Wilminsrton street. jel8 . YANCEY St STRONACH.