IE ' vol. zs:n. EALEIGH, TS:TinRSIDj.T5r, JTJX-5r 3, 1SQO. Jsro,e3 r The Star Spangled Banner, Old long may it wave. tt7G. Yorktown. Lexingtou. Bunke,- Hill. Ilail Columbia. Valley Forge. Yankee Doodle. Guilford Court House. "E riurilms Unum." Our g'orious country. The American Eagle. Liberty and Independence. "Columbia," the rem of the o'ean. Goto the Soldiers' Home Festival Here's o the snges and heroes of 1778. Here's to the Fathers of the Repub lic. "When, iu the course of human events, etc " "We hold these truths to be self evident, etc. "Our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." "With freedom's soil beneath our feet, and freedom's banner floating o'er us." Not one cent for tribute, but mil lions for defence. "In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." "No pent up Dtica, contracts our powers: For the wholo boundless Continent is ours " Index to New Ad ertiaenients Jos A Hay wood Pasturage. J M Broughton For Kent In and Around I lie City. Bee adver-isenirnt of Mr Jos A Hay wood. gee advertisement of the Ra eigh Real Estate C'oiui auy. Senator Vance aud wife will be a? the Soldiers' Home Festival tonight The Ladies at e working with all the energy possible to m ike the Sc. Idlers' Home Festival a grand success. Let the people turn out in large numbers and help out. We regret the error in the commu nication of Rev Dr J J Hall, of yes terday. We are glad the doctor to day has corrected us; we hope this will be satisfactory. Julian S Curr. Esq, president of the State Confederate Association has issued a card calling upon the citizens of Durham to come to the Soldiers' Home Fair. This is in full keeping with Jule Carr's great big heart. In common with our people gen- erally those connected with the Eve king Visitor desire to participate in the celebration of Independence Day. There will therefore be no paper is sued from this office tomorrow after, noon. Lonnie Winston, daughter of Mrs L A Winston, died at GreBjifboro yes terday and will be brought toRaleigh tomorrow on early train. The burial sei vicf s will be held at Oakwood Cemetery tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are invited. The ladies of the Soldiers' Home Festival will furokh dinner for the Knights of Pythias and several other order's and companies tomorrow, and request the public to contribute as liberally as possible of chickeus.hams, bread,' cakes, pickles, etc. Please send to Nash Square by 10 o'clock. Every one should lend a helping hand to aid In this good cause. j OUR ZEB COMING. Mayor Thompson received the toU lowing dispatch this morning: Richmoxd, Va, July 3, 1890. Mrs Vance and I will arrive this f f ternoon. Z B Vaxck. Post Office Notice. Tomorrow beicg a National holi day, the letter carriers, will make on ly the morning delivery. The general delivery will be open frm 10 to 11 A. M., and from 2 to 3 P. M. No money order or registered letter business will be transacted during the day. Personal Mention. Mies Maude Young r: turned today from a three week's visit to f 'lends in Louisburg and Middleburg. Mrs Jos Kreth left this morning on the 1:45 trait for Baltimore to visit her daughter. Rev. J A Spright left the city to day for Norfolk, Va. Master Kit Rand arrived in the city esterday evening, lie is visiting his uncle, Mr E B Barbee, Esq. L J Lebarbe arrived in the city to day, aDd will take in the 4th to ruor row. Sunrise Prayer Meeting. There will be a prayer meeting at sunrise at Central Methodist Church tomorrow. Let all .the members of the congregation be present who can. The committee in charge of the 4rh of July celebrat-on request the churches to hold Runrise prayer meet ings, and it is eminently proper that we should meet on the anniversary of our nation's birth, and render thanks to our father's Godv as well as to our God,. for His great goodness to us as a nation. L L Nash1. Our DovH's Speech. Hre we are assembled on tha g!o rious day on which our eagle first flopped his majestic wiDgs. A few years ago we were in the throes of desperation. The wheels of our gov ernment had ste pped, the machinery was deranged, the rudder was un shipped, the boiler had Iwsted, conquer vnvax ana trie river was rising. Oa "ious ah.p of State that. 1 1 ad ueei Coating down the scre im r.mie was on the point of being disastrously stranded and its harmony seriously distr-bed like a bobtailed gander in a whirlpool. Fi nally we had to root hog or die," and here we are rushing at two forty speed towards a grand magnificent destiny. The e vail bov with all the American proclivities of his nature is speeding on to man's chiefdglory, and viu nuasly enter on fternM libercvto all thank you, gentlemen for your attention. An Tut ores ti Kg Ltlur. We have been giveu tha privilege of reading a letter ivdmlUv 0 H flow er, of Lincalnton, to Rev Mr Spuight, of the Biblical Recorder, of date Jane 30th, 1890. Mr Gower says: "Brother J A Hoyle came in Sunday morning and helped me some. I preached Saturday night, Sunday morning and night. Had good congregations and gracious meetings. ColDavidson (the man who so'.d you your railroad tick et) lost his wife, the mother of eight children. The son of the other depot agent eot his leg broken next morn ing. A telegram received here about that time, announced the killing of Mr Clarence Henderson, inMcCombs, Miss, a young man highly esteemed in this place. His corpse is expected here tomorrow. Humor says that a young man near here has just had his arm broken, and a livery stable man in Gastonia had his neck broken last Saturday evening. Soma new acci dents or sudden deaths are reported almost every day, but there is very ittle sickess in Lincolnton. Mr Gow er says he is well, busy ai.d happy in his new home, which is a source of mucn satisfaction to his many friends in ttalelgh and elsewhere. JHE FOURTH OF JULY. Prograinm for the Cruud ebratlon Tomorrow. CcI- At 10 o'clock in the morning there will begin a general parade, starting at the Centennial Graded School. The exercises of the day will b 3 held at a stand at the South gate of the Cpitol square. There will be an opening prayer, and a Fourth of July address will be delivered. Th.- Declaration of Inde pendence wid be read oy A D Jones, Esq The following are invited to occupy seats on the platforin: The tftata offi cers, City officers. Justice of the Su preme Court and Judges of the Supe rior Court. The afternoon will be devoted to amusements for all These will be on Fayetteville street, from 1 to 3 o'clock, and will comprise foot races, races by three legged men, climbing the greafy pole &c. There will alto be races and e xhibition drills by the colored flremon. At 4 o'clock the white fire depart raent will give exhibition drills aud there will be a test of the water works At o:.M o clock the match game of baseball, Oxford against Raleigh, at Athletic Park. 'J. he day's pleasure wi'l be ended uy a magniuoeni Gt.-sp:ay o. l!'eworl8 at the south gate of the capiio! square which will bf-gin at 3:30 o'clock sharp. The grand fair in aid of the Sol uiw o .liim will u3 UV-l IU i.atilj tqnr,re during the ecMe f-ue end uotii midnight by th? Lad ion' Mem orial Associatioa' At 2 o clock sn old fashioned Fourth of Jaiy dinner will be served there, with the finest bar- beone as ODe of tho specialties. The pastors of all the churches are specially requested to hold prayer lueelings at sum ise and to have the bells rung a-' taa; hour. The owners or all factories are requested to cause their wkisiivs to blow aud beiia to be rung at 6srjnse. A Card. To the Editor of the Visitor, Jn your paper lu;i evening a typo- ... - - V " I i 1 gfa,jii;ai miara&e maue me say some thing very differtnt from what I did say. instead of resib'orr, "not that it expressed ouu opir.lcn," it should have resd, "not that it expressed an opii. ion upon dancing.'' As I did not understand Mr Brongh ton's article passing judgment upon dancing, but objectia to its connection -uthsuch general and public occasions which ought to receive the hearty support of all classes. Allow me further to say that I con sider the object undertaken by the ladies of Raleigh 60 worthy a one, that I wouM tot suggest, that be cause there is to be dancing, any one should decline giving the most libe ral financial sr.ppoi I, while regretting that the dancing I'taluie 6howld be included J J Hall. Tomorrow. wutta you wans nice canny oranges, cocoa nuts, lemonade you will find the very beat at D T Johnson's. Ike W Sogers', Esq. has accepted a position with the Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, vvhers he will be en gaged in gelling machines and mak ing collections for the company. Ike we know to be a good fellow and a good salesman and collector. We vish him unbounded success in his ew field. OrauseCccoauiats and Lemons received today at D T Johuson's. Thfl thriving and enterprising town of Plymouth, Pa, has a novel society in its midst. It i3 known as the Young Ladies' Protective Association, and its primary object is the protection of the matrimonial interests of the young women of the place. Girls be tween the ages of seventeen and thir- ty are eligible. No woman can be admitted over the age of thirty. SPECIAL NOTICES. Household furr:tue for sale, ply at once to S J Bctts. Ap- Wanted to Sell A nice family turnout, including a kind, gentle horso and top buggy and harness, almost new. Apply at this office. jyi 5t Special ! Special ! Special ! The sale of tomorrow -cravats and straw bats. McKim in on, Moseley & McGee's. Go to Raleigh Shoe Store for bar gains in shoes. A new lot of very de sirable styles just arrived, Hargett Btreet, No 7. You can get any kind of trunk lock or key at Brockwell's. jeCO 6t Sacrificing Sale of Goads. Seasonable No bombast, no egotism, no pretty pictures to please the children: but real genuine, sincere bargains, wor thy the inspection ofjsbarp, shrewd buyers, who know a good thing when they see it. McKimmon. Moseley & McGee. Ladies Underwear. We will not comfine ourselves to the costs of these goods, but sell them regardless of their actual value. It is our purpose to close out the entire line of ladies gowns, ' chemise, corset covers, drawers, skirts and infants dresses right away. Remember good lit! ing, well ma le garments can be had for less than the materials to make them will cost you. This op portunity should not be lost eight of, but acted upon at once. Norms Si Carter. Our Big Summer Sale, Uf ladies blouse waist, and boy'i Bhirt waist. These are all fresh and stylish goods, elegantly made, and the best in the market. They are marked down this week to close out. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee FINEST AND LABGEST LOT ALL SILK RIBBONS, ALL COLORS AND WIDTHS. AND JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS VERY VERY CHEAP AT S illS DELL'S. McKimmou, Bioseley & McGee Habere ash's rt: Gents and boys furnishings. The most complete de partment; the mo&t superb stock; the cheapest prices in the city. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. W. II. & It. S. Tucker & Co. &Wash Silks; What are they? The name tells Bomethiag but not U;here goes far the rest they are 8'J inches wide, white grounds, in stripes and checks, very soi't, admirably adapted for both ladies' and childrens' hot. weathor wear. Two grades, they sell everywhere at $1 and $1,25, but we have them just at our Fayetteville street door, and we only ask 85e and 9oc. These prices, will cause a little excitement for these goods. W H & R S Tucker & Co. McKimmon, Moseley & SIcOee. Corsets! Corsets I Corsets 1 We must unload this great stock; prices cut deep down to do it quickly. McKimmon. Moseley & McGee. Ban?, Dans, Bangv ' Boys buy your fire crackers at D T I Johnson's. llardware, &c. ADJUSTABLE WIRE SCREENS FIT ALMOST ANY WINDOW LA. DSOlTLtelT MOSQUITO AND FLY PROOF. BY ITS USE YOU SECURE PERFECT - VENTILATION - AND KEEP OUT CARPET BUGS, MOTHS, DUST &o., &c. PRICES: 25. 35. 40 CENT8 EACH THOMAS U. BRIGGS 4 SONS. RALEIGH, N C. Pry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. - OFFER0 At Reduced Summer Prices pRENCH Zephyr Ginghams, JTADIES' Muslin Underwear, yHITE Embroidered Flounces, pRINTED and Figured Silks, HITE and Colored Table Damask JTRENCH Satteens, and JJ LA IN and Fancy Lawns, QOLORED Parasols, P P P : Popular Prices Prwall. NOTHING Stale. Cut Strictly. N EW and Fashionable Materials. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee 129 and 131 Fayetteville St. W, H.O. S. Tucker & Co. THE BIGGEST TRADE YET IN WHITE - GOODS. We have just secured about 1,500 yards of Sneer Plaid White Lawns. These goods are worth 12e per yard, uui! we tot, mem at a price, so we can let them go at ONLY - 9c. - PIt - YARD. ARRIVING: Another case of those pretty patterns. laau liuiun, JJlluieu IJttWnS, worth 5c, At Only 2 1 -2c. ARMYED: Another case of ZEPHYR GING HAMS to sell at 5c. 5c. 5c. 5C. 5c. 5c. 5c. V. MR.S. Tucter & Co, t F t V J Si I f