r VOL. IR A LEIGH, SATTTBDAT, J"UTT5r 5, 18QO. r .1 ft? V V The Daily Eucning fisitor Local notices in tbis paper will be Five' Cet.ta per line each Insertion. L1RQK8T ClTT CIRCULATION. Index to New Advertisements. JPH Adams. Notice. WH&RS Tucker & Co Bargains. In and Around the City. Z Still hot. The fourth is an event of the past The crowd has left us alone in our glory. See notice of J P H A-'ams, Regis ter of Deeds. The watermelon trMe yesterday was simply enormous. The Wake County Alliance held a long meeting in the court house yes terday. The sunrise pra er meetings were generally well attended yesterday morniDg. Lots of Durham people here ester day, as well as from other sections of the State. C R Spikes was committed to jai yesterday by Just.ce Barbee for ar assault attempt to commit rape. Alex Barnett was committed to jail yesterday by the mayor for an affray use of deadly weapon. The beautiful speech of Gov Powle vesterday is the subject of much com mendation. It was a splendid speci men of patriotism and oratory. Senator Vance was visibly affected yesterday, when alluding to the long Hm h resided in Raleigh. He said our city felt like his home. Did you f ee those beautiful blocks of ice place ! at the corner of Fay ette ville and Hargett streets yester dRV bv Messrs Leach & Andrews? Did you notice the boquets of beautiful flowers eclosed in them? Rev W P Fife will Btop over in Raleigh Monday night on his way to Canada and will conduct services at the Union Mission. All his friends and ' the public invited to be present. Ser vices will begin at 8 o'clock. Gov Fowle has appointed the fol lowing directors of the NorthCaroliim Railraod: J L Morehead, A Burwell. RW Thomas. T F Klnttz, M A Au gier, W H Pace. B Cameron D Mac Rae. Armistead Jones, Esq, was ap pointed State's proxy. A little colored girl about five years old was picked up on our streets this morning about 2 o'clock by our police She could give no account of herself whatever. After some considerable enquiry it was ascertained that the pa rents lived near Neuse in this county. A relative came for her. Don't forget the grand excursion to "Winston Salem, July 15th.1 Leave Raleigh 6:28 a m, arrive at Winston Salem 10:14; returning leave Winston 6:20 p m, arrive at Raleigh 10:87 p m; special cars for ladieB. Go by all means, electric street cars and moun tain scenery, one of the prettiest and liveliest towns in the State. The best of order will prevail. Fine Melons. M A Parker received on yesterday a car load of the finest melons yet received in this city. They aie for sale today and tonight at J R Fer rell Ss Co, Grausman & Rosenthal, Barbee & Pope, Mann & Co, Terrell & Mosely, A E Jordan, J 0 Marcom, EV Denton, Crowder & Rand, also at Jones & Powell's ice house, W H & R S Tucker & Co. A Snplemental lot of those 1400 Dress Lawns at 10c. They are spe cial values. , WH&RS Tucker & Co. W. II. & R. S. Tucker & Co. For gentlemen. The new Green land Shirt. Just the thing for this weather. & R g TucK?B Co nuuuian Conduct. On yesterday while the last sad ights were being performed over the remains of a little boy in the south eastern portion of. the city, his inhu man father was too drunk to be pres ent. This is too bad for a Christian community like ours Mayor's Court. His Honor, A A Thompson presid ing: Two parties for being drunk and down were arraigned; His Honor tak ing into consideration that it was the effect of being over patriotic on the 4th of July, they were reprimanded and discharg d. One party for being drunk and, disorderly was fined f 1 and costs. Closed. The Soldiers' Home Festival closed last night. We deeply regret that the rainy weather to some extent, in terfered with the entertainment, but nevertheless tne net receipts, we are reliably informed have been between $600 and $700. This is a most credita ble showing under the circumstances and the highest praise is due to the noble ladies and others who took part in the entertainment. Congressional Convention. The following is the number of votes to which each county is entitled in this the 4th Congressional District at the Congressional Convention to be held at Durham, July 24th. Alamance 35, Chatham 50, Durham 36, Franklin 44, Johnston 60, Nash 43, Orange 32, Wake 92. Total 392. me nunarea ana ninety seven votes are necessary to a choice. Special Kates. The Richmond and Danville rail road will sellJiparties attending Wo man's Christian Temperance Union, at Concord, N C, tickets to that point and return at the following rates from points named. Tickets on sale July 16th and 17th, good returning until and including July 21st: Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Durham, Raleigh, Hendersuii, Selma, Goldshoro, $1.20 1.25 3.85 5.00 6 10 6 90 7 45 7.70 8.20 points in Rates from intermediate same proportion I. O. O. F. Tomorrow, Sunday afternoon, at Metropolitan Hall at 5 p. m., Rev Dr J J H all, will preach a sermon to the Odd Fellows of Raleigh. Of course the public generally are earnestly invited to attend the srvices. While the in trinsic virtues of this great brother hood cannot be thoroughly known by the outside world, enough is known to readily conclude that the order is a power for good in the land. 1 Statistics tell us that $10,000 per day is expended for the relief of the distressed, the care of the sick, bury ing of the dead and educating the orphans of our land; still this is but a little of the intrinsic virtues of this noble institution. The order is making rapid strides in our city as well as elsewhere and what a glorious country we would have if our men and women all would worthily live under the mandates of the three links. Dr Hall being a well versed mem ber of the order will no doubt do the subject justice on to-morrow after noon. W 11 A It S Tucker & Co. Another Gents new Shirt, "East India Madras." This is another com fort for hot weather. WH&RS Tuckkr & Co. W II & It S Tucker & Co. Scotch Grass Cloth Shirts for gents, jast opened today. . The most com fortable garments imaginable. WH&RS Tucker Si Co. Church Services Tomorrow. Baptist Tabernacle Sunday school opens at 9 a m., N B Broughton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a m by the pastor itevJJr j j Hau subject at 11 o'clock: "Humanity the best evi- dence of Christianity." At 8 o'clock, 5w3ffit5,IWMlKe,,iedy- Al1; Central M IS Church, South Sun day school at 0:30 a m, R C Redford, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m and 815 p in by the pastor, Rev L L Nash. D D. btrangers in the city will find a cordial welcome, and be seated by polite ushers. A welcome to all. Brooklyn Church Services al 11 a m and 8:00 p m by the pastor, Rev J V I'egram. Sunday school at 3 p in. The public are cordially invited. Church of the Good Shepherd- Rev W M Clark, Rector Fifth Sun day after Trinity. Sunday school 9:30 a m. Morning Prayer, Sermon and Ho ly Commnnion at 11a m. Evening rrayer and Sermon at 8:30 p m. Ser vices during the week Wednesday at 10 a m All seats free. Polite ush ers. All cordially invited. Christ Church Fifth Sunday af ter Trinity. Sunday School 9:45 am. Divine Service and Holy Comiu union at 11 a in. Evening Prayer 6 pm. Services during the week We nes day 6 p m. ana Friday 10 a in. All invited. First Presbyterian Church Sunday School 9:30 a in. Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m. by the pastor, Rev Dr J S Watkins. Services at Mission Chapel at 4 p m. Polite ushers. Seats free. All cordially invited. Christian Church Sunday school 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p in by the pastor, Kev J L Foster. Strangers and visitors in the city are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. First Baptist Church. Sunday school 9:20 o'clock promptly, Thos H Briggs, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m and 8:00 p m, by KevDr J W Carter. Strangers "in the city and the public cordially invited to attend all these services. Edenton Street M E Church South- Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. breaching at 11 a m 8:15 p m by the pastor Rev Dr J H Cordon. The puWjc cordial ly invited to attend all services Personal Mention. Rev Dr N B Cobb passed through the city today on his way to Warren Plains. He paid us a very pleasant call and we were pleased to see him looking so well. Joseph McAllister was released from jail day before yesterday under bond. Mr. Joel D. Whitaker, of Fort Payne, Ala., is in the citv visiting friends. Rev J L Foster returned last even ing from Burlington and reports his brother improving, but still very fee ble. We were glad to see in the city yes terday our esteemed friend, Dr J M Worth, of Randolph county former Treasurer of North Carolina. The Dr while looking some older, isjin b t ter health than we had expected to see him. We hope a long lease of life is yet before him. We are glad to learn that the Hon Julian S Carr will commence to re side in tlie city of Raleigh about the first of the year 1893. He was here yesterday looking around. Prof Eugene Branson returned from Morehead yesterday evening and will spend a few days with his parents in this city, after which he has an engagement in Greenville, S C From there he will visit Inter-State Normal School at Asheville where he is under an engagement to deliver a course of his lectures on Training and Methods. H L Watson Esq, arrived in the city on July the 3rd and is the guest of Hon J C Scarborough, on South Bloodworth street. Mr Watson is the Treasurer of the Thomas ville Or phanage. He says the unusual amount of sickness they have had there is passing away, and that at present very few are sick. C B Edwards Esq, and his brothers J F and Walter E Edwards left for Morehead City today. Miss Sal lie Richardson, of Mark's Creek township, who has been visit ing Miss Amanda Harris, on east Martin street, left for her. home this morning. . Miss Robena Atkinson, one of Sel ma's most accomplished and lov- daughters is visiting the family of Dr. J. B. Dunn, 124 Hillsboro street. Rev N S Jones returned home yea terday from an extended and delight ful trip to Morehead. South port and Wriehtsville. He reports a erand time, sailing, fishing, turtle hunting &c; says it's big fun to find a huge turtle nestling on the beach, and have him take you for.a ride back to old ocean. If you want some solid fun go turttleiug some moonlight night on the beach. Prof E McK Goodwin, elect presi dent of Wake County Alliance in stead of Mr Upchurch as stated in morning papers. Labor Statistics. We are under obligations to Hon J Scarborough, commissioner, for a copy of the third annual report of labor statistics for the year 1889. The report, in accordance with the stat ute is made to his Excellency, Dan iel G Fowle, Governor of North Car- olina, Commissioner Scarborough says these reports, have had a .wide circulation in the various States of the Union and in Europe, and calls are now on file from various quarters for the present report. The subjects embraced are as follows : Agricultural Statistics, Public Roads Reports and Views of Physi cians, Financial, Moral and Educa tional condition of laboring people, Reports and views of physicians, Re ports of mechanics and other laborers. The Commissioner says, as the Gen eral Assembly is not in session, he defers suggestions on the state of the bureau until the report of 1890. It is evident that the report is the result of much care and untiring in dustry, for which Commissioner Scarborough will be entitled to the thanks of the people of North Caro lina. He has proven a most efficient and valuable officer. SPECIAIi NOTICES. Send orders to A Dughi for cream for dinner tomorrow. ice Wanted to Sell A nice family turnout, including a kind, gentle horse and top buggy and harness, almost new. Apply at this office. jyl 5t Go to Raleigh Shoe Store for bar gains in shoes. A new lot of very de sirable styles just arrived, Hargett street, No 7. You can get any kind of trunk lock or key at Brockwell's. je30 6t Ladies Underwear. We will not comfine ourselves to the costs of these goods, but sell them regardless of their actual value. It is our purpose to close out the entire line of ladies gowns, chemise, corset covers, drawers, skirts and- infants dresses right away. Remember good fitt ing, well ma 1e garments can be had for less than the materials to make them will cost you. This op portunity should not be lost eight of, but acted upon at once. - . Norris & Carter YOU WILL FIND THE HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF SLIPPERS FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN IN THE CITY AT SWINDELL'S. ALSO ELEGANT LINE OF WHITE GOODS, LACE NETS AND ALL OTHER SUMMER FABRICS FOR LESS MONEY THAN ELSEWHERE IN CITY AT SWINDELL'S. Hardware, &c. ADJUSTABLE WIRE SCREENS FIT ALMOST ANY WINDOW LA-Td solntely MOSQUITO AND FLY PROOF. BY ITS USE YOU SECURE PERFECT -VENTILATION- AND KEEP OUT CARPET BUGS, MOTHS, DUST &0., &C. , iPRICES: 25, 35, 40 CENTS EACH :o:- THOMAS fl. BRIGGS $ SONS. v RALEIGH, N C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. - OFFER0 At Reduced Summer Prices pRENCH Zephyr Ginghams, JADIES' Muslin Underwear, "yHITE Embroidered Flounces, pRINTED and Figured SUkB, "y HITE and Colored Table Damask FRENCH Satteens, and JJLAIN and Fancy Lawns, QOLORED Parasols, P P P : Popular Prices Prevail. JlJOTHING Stale. Cut Strictly. JEW and Fashionable Materials. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee 129 and 131 Fayetteville St. W. H. ft R. S. Tucker & Co. BARGAINS AND UNDERVALUES IS 12 cits. Another case of those beautiful lawns at only 12ic per yard. 5 cermts. Another case of the best Zephyr Ginghams ever shown in Raleigh at the price only 5o per yard. 5 cemntso Lovely, sheer, White Victoria Lawns at only 5o per yard. 5 cemiils, Nice White Checked Nainsook at only 5o per yard. White lawns of every description. The largest stock and the lowest prices of any house in the trade. W.H.&R.S. Tucker Co. f r t. 5

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