The lailj Eccning Visitor. PCBLISHKD XVKRT AFTIRS0O3, lEicept Sunday,) Near the Drug Store or Williams & Hay wood, corner of FayettviUe and Harcrett afreet a. TUB VISITOR la served by carrier lathe cltypt Barents per month payable to tlie carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : $5 per year, or 25 cents per niciitu. iNO paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for uuloss otherwise ordered. Coronjunicatiocs nppoat ing in these columns are but the digressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing tbo sanie, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name Inform yon that your time is out. Address all orders and touimunica tions to UKOVS & FERRRLL. Kaieigh, N C RALEIGH, JULY 16. 18S0. ilore Taxes. While th' met ycFterv? plaints con' ., ren' state etrotxirn t. jeveru. ' .' the fjet t br ibe Sleigh had receruiy , m.vr.iy "Sag the i.i .;.;' her v:.-.'- he CTth i Coiuiu't-iiHiers to henrcon 'F'tSSTVeiltS f li.ev do voted v : involvin. T.S t-3'vcU O olin.i and and Gaston Railroads pur. h.. sed a n u ni her of lots as a sif e .'or a rvw depot. No de cist; at ton or. t-ie parr oi the 'aitroaos to t-5 v . ax r-n Vc: yvr.-pi rry, but the CoinmL's'oners evotlv thought it best to "take ti;u? by ti9 foe!oek'' atifl p? a'"r,ic ''':i? ill. & ?. It. U ers summer r I t lie c Hit: yesterday to show c;;: e whv a county tax should no' r- prcpey: . Solvent cm $19Sy2 One t hi !.'d of chiaeshor.s in 1 oa the fohowing to t!'3 ;mo:irit of of the ma- i7-. Tien f'. ths vp' 'his cty One third of the value of thoRcuad House in ti e c't,v, 3f5,?3Q. The cott-n p'slcrra, $"10,000. Lot xsar the TT..rgt street station $4,000. Total for ih-s It. & O. 332,523 011 which the eomrrnssictjers wou'd like to have t pair! to the county. Maj Jno. 0. Vitde:Genernl Mana ger, and Maj. Jno. W. Hinsdale were before tb.3 board, and after some con saltation the matte? was deferred for further consideration until Juiy 8 th, when the coirroissione-s wid ba in session as-in. Began Wiil Flay s ml Ended in luriler. Eichmccd Pi'ptch Chabloit::, X C, Ju'y 11. A spe cial from Lexington, N. C, 'ays that a cold blood d .nd cowar iiv r. urder was ecinrai.c-:!-d tliere o-j i'elU'i v. he particnb rs a'e about; as fot'ows A week or '"a dsysaao a party of young ineu irce bathing in rhe Yad kin river,, in what i known as the Horsestoe bL::!, in Boone township, ome twelve or fourteen miles west of Lexington, iu Davidson county. Whi'e the p:v ty wasin the river Bob ert P.ii:tli au 1 T omas Shrpa com menced throwirg mud on each ether io a p'ayful manner at first, but.fin aily they gov, ma i and. engaged in a fight, in which it is siid Sharpe got the better of ir. Nothing m:re was thcught of the matter until Friday, 11th instant. On .that day Sharpe for some reason went to the house of ifr. Dedmontl, where Smith was stay in. Sharp was sitting on the porch when Smith came up aul began abusing him. . harpe begged him to go away and let him alone, as he did not want to have any difficulty. t?mith then re entered the house, went to his room, and got his pistol. He crme bck and struck Sharpe on the head with it.knocking him down. While he was down he tuok aim apd deliberately ehot him through the utomach, from the effects of which he , died Saturday night, v Young Sharpe was the son cf one Davidson county's best river farmer. He was jast twenty one years old, was well educated, of good character, and is said to have been studying for tbeministry. He attended school at Trinity College, and recently return ed from a two years' co'iree at the Cnivertity of North Carolina. K. h. Finith has a very unsavory reputation in his neighborhood. He je charged with, Mffm 9fim: One charge is that he beat and eat an old man bo severely some time ago that he afterwards died. He is gen erally looked upon a beirg the lead er of tha party that lyDched Robert Perrier some aoo'.hs rgo. He is said to bave boasted that he broke open the jail door, and that he was the man that put the rope over the limb of the tire and that he helped to draw him up. He has succeeded in making good his escape. JTo coroner's inquest was held. 31 rs. Dailyng's True Shot. if rs. Fiv ncii Darlyng, of Fort Pierre Fla., is a native Kanean, says the St. Louis Gljbe Peruocrate, but her ex ploits with gun aud ro I have proved that she is well fitted for frontier life. She in a great nViierwrman.and equal ly proficient with the gun. Two weeks ago she killed a big pant ier under uioso exulting circumstances. Necr their house flows a small crock. and mar it is fixed th-3 wash houee Big tr??s s'HTOiind and hang over it uiaiuig it c'Ku &ipi uei,,;r.'iu! in the hottest day. O.i this d.:y JJrs. Darl yog'si 6 girl was doing tho weed's washing there, and with her was Ifrs. Parly ng's youngest daugh ter a baby of 2 year-j. The mother was at the house doing some vo: K,wtien a'l at one-she heard ierriMe scresm from the colored rl. ff.iiowfld hv Rhri'l er-'os fpnm her Ivi'tr . Snstriiog up a Wictdiester that i-iiu'? up beside the door, the : med r.-ov'-pr darted toward the crecs. A ha reaetiM tt sne heard a loud j y, or uncarShy yell, that she rec0g i.'V.i too wei; as rue tones or an enraged pan flier. Tho si'ene tht she beheld as she ernerg upon ! ne creeiv s banK wilJ never be effaced from her memory. Seated uadra long, low, branching rob of a water oak was her child, looking un ?ato;the tree and crying: piteoui-ly. The servant girl was lying iowo nee.r by, her head buried In her ap-on. almost aea-J witn lright. The mother's q',ick ey3 glanced up in the trco, and there encountered tho fierce eyes and snarling face of a huge pan- her that crouched low on its belly on he limb, eyeing th child below.ever n i emu lick'ng its chops at the prospect ire feast before it. The mother's nerves grew as stee at the per;', of her beloved child, and phe rai.-ert the gnn to her shoulder end w ith steady jhiu polled the trig ger. A hcrrii !e scream followed the shot and a long yellow body shot sw:My downward. The huge beast had leaped the roommt -she had fired, but. the r;3e ball had changed its co i) "se.Ko thai it alighted severai feet from ! he chiid. It landed on the ground, ro'led over several times, and b-n roe up pnd faced the woman, s vei'ow fangs showing as it snarled 3d ?' e.i with r-ise and Dain. feiowly advancing toward the he- oic mother, the big cat snarled in- cesiandy and us tan switched from 6ide to side, its rage increasing all the while, When within a dozen feet it gathered itceif together and sprang at the woman She pulled the trisr- ger, but the cartridge failed to ex plode. St u n ned for a moment at this mischance, the brave woman never for and instant lost her wits. Spring ing forward she grasped the big dip per used for dipp'ng up water, and, standing beside the big kettle that was filled with boiling water, she ladled it out freely and dashed it in the face of her ferocious assailant. This weakened the cat. and it fell back, rolling over and over in its ago ny, as the water was scalding hot. Mrs. Parly ng continued to dash on the hot water.and finally the panther with a baffled cry of pain and rage, hastily scrambled up a low tree near Then the woman's pluck showed itself. Beaching for her rifle, she ex ancined the cartridges carefully, and taking gco 1 aim at the yellow, furry body amid the leaves above her, fired three shots as rapidly as possible The panthi r tumbled down in a hur- y. and with one Ions$ wan d.ed uira. lmnyn ciaspea nercnua to ner bosom and ran swiftly to the house, wh,cre she feu in a luint on the door steps, iier nusbana, an hour later on bis return from the post office, found her just fitting up, the baby patting ner moiner s cneeas ana say ng; oae mamaia dooa- she it big kitty." The panther was skinned, and its pelt now adorts Mrs. Parlyngs cosy sitting room as a reminder of the THE CHEAPEST AFTERHOOH PAPFR IN NORTH CAROLINA. S-ix"bsox,p"boxL DPz?lce Per Year, $3.00; Per Month 25 Cents. PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY Brown - & - Ferrell, AT Cwenty-FiVe Cents Montli. SUBSCRIBE NOW. ALL THE LOCAL NEWS, STATE NEWS, - GENERAL NEWS, MISCELLANY. REMEMBER, THAT YH OADLV VISITOR IS THE OLDEST AFTERNOON PAPER Published ?n the Citv of Raleigh. BROWN & FERRELL, Proprietors It illroad Schedule. Bichtcond & DasTlIIe B R Co'y. Condensed Schedule In effect May 18th, 1600. tfonthbound. Lv Richmond, Burke ville, KejBVille, Danville, Ar (ireensboro, Lv iioldsboro, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Btatesvitle, Ar Ashe ville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. ho 10 3 00pm 5 06 6 48 b 40 10 27pm J 40pm 4 40 4 45 64b 8 20 10 30 A0 37pm 12 iJtiaui i 4a 7 2i&m V M 2 05 4 51 5 6(1 1100 am i 20 a m 0 30 10 30 am Daily. Daily. Ao 6g 2 80ain 4 80am 5 10am BOoam 42am t5 00pm V 00pm 1 00am 2 55am 7 80am 6 15 J50 11 19am 12 Otspm 4 22 6 55 11 24 aw 12 40pm 888 4 40 U4lpm 100pm 61k VOOpm No 61 No 53 o30pm 8 00am 10 35 12 50pm 3 13 am 5 15 0 00pm 710am 12 35 am 1 48pm 1 39 2 52 4 25 5 30 (S 02 7 05 Lv Hot Springs. 11 10 pm 12 25pm Abuevuie, - i4 40 am z oa Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotiu, Lv Atlanta, Ar Gieenviiie, Spartanburg, Charlotte, balisbury, Statesvilie, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh, Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, 5 02 am 5 68 5 63 (J 42pm U 07 1 7 47 8 40 11 40 am tl2 80am 9 45 ll 00pm 12 01pm 5 00 am 105 , 745 105 t9 00am 2 55 12 60 7 55am 8 60pm 9 32 10 20 12 18pm 155 am 1 Oo 2 45 3 30 5 15 WEST POliNT, RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham. 54 and lu2 Stations. 55 aud 103 K8 00am Lv West Point, Ar 0 00pm 9 40 am Ar Richmond Lvt4 35" ll(J0am Lv Richmond Ar 4 30 ,k 1 00pm " Burkeville " 2 25 . 2 05pm " Keysville l 45 "i 2 44pm " Chase City. " 12 80 9 3 15pm " Clarksville " n 65aut t- 13pm Ar Oxford Lv10 46 4 00 " Lv Oxiord Ar 10 00am 5 45 " " Henderson " 8 55 " 4 13 " Lv Oxford Ar 10 4ttam 6 67 " Ar lialeiuh Lv 8 15 " tDaily except tiunuay. Daily. IJJaily. except Mondav. Sol Haas, JajuTayloh, Traffic Jw an g'r. Gen Pass Agt. Vv'AToeu. Div i-asH ;iein. Haleiirb. W O. Q LOCKLEAR, BAKBuB A.N1I HAIR DKKS3MIC ft'oi ii ovufc pi-omptiy and well efinm. ted. Ofruerj ailed at recidoucs on appucauou. tiiiop open during the day ana until late at night, except Sundays, at 21 Fayetteville street, under store of Juliut. Lewis St Co. BARBEE&POPE No 105 Fayetteville street, Palmer's Old Stand, Manufacturers of ciLsriDir-. Dealers in Oranges, Lemons lianana&, C'ooa Nuts &c, &c. We call special attention to our stock of French and Plain Candy this week. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENDERSON, LAWS & GO'S Cream Lunch Biscuits. EST'Come and see us. AIMS HUES We have added to our Wood and Goal -A- Weed tUuve Just Received: And now in our warehouse. 1 car 25 000 flbs Prime Timothy Hay, 1 " 25,000 " No 2 . 20,000 " Rice Straw,! 20,000 " Bran, , 1,000 bu Oats, 6C0" Ccm. " 20,000. D8 Chops. Orders received shall have prompt: attention, and : filled at thejlowest ' cash price. , - ' it it AWHU5W ft QWCEg,

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