Wemau. BT C. H. CRA5DALL. Fairer than all the fantasies that dart Adowa tbe dreams of oar moat fa' vored sImd. Thy perfect form, ainoe Bden'a day, doth, keep ; .. The constant pattern of a oerfeetart! Yet mora must we 'admire thy better part The ipirlt strong to imile when others weep And well know we who sail life's ocean deep There Is no haven like a woman's heart. Thua, often weary ere . the strife la won. . Tired of my task; my head I fain would lay In some good lady's Up, as did Dane." "the And watch the action of the world go 'i.Qnn Knowing tia bat a play within a play, The fleeting portion of an endless pian. Lippincott'a Magazine, GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. New York city has 8,885 saloons. Pittsburg makes shovels for Japan. Eleven hoars is the average day's labor in Belgium. , A new foundry is in operation at Astorfa,'Ore. More carpet la woven In Philadel phia than in all England. In Portugal from sunrise to sunset la the usual length of the working day. There is talk of erecting a woolen mill at Brownwood and San Antonio, Tex. Fall River has 2,123,228 spindles, 100 per cent, greater than 25 years ago. Fifty two families of Decatur, Ill.s have united to maintain a co opera tive boarding house. Sailors shipping from Dundee, Scot land, have increased their pay Irom $13 to $20 in two years. A company Is organizing in New Bedford tor tbS construction of a ship building plant In that city. The Baltimore Cigarette Machine Company was incorporated' with a capital stock of $70O,C0O. fcj&fisil& 'to , be. 1,500 Chinese inv new xois. city, earning over $3,500,000 annually. The normal work day throughout Saxony Is 13 hours, with 2 henrfe' al lowanee for meal taking. Denver Road: A cheerful old man or Id? woman is like) the sunny side of a JwodlsHed In the fast 6f winter Binghamton Leader: The swells are always in the swim at 1 he sea shore. And the swims are generally ' in the swells. Somerville Journal: There never waeVwomAn. who didn't long to tell somev'othfr woman just how she ought to do up her hair. mi tt . n.uii. ! ti r ; ' ... . I j. ue uuvjb jraoiuo nauroaa win ant i me oava nan-pour eacn year lor its shop employeea till the 8 hoar day is I reached. ' I i ae American ueu i eiepnone uom-1 1 pany last year divided property f amounting to $2,658,738 on a business of $1,044,704. I AX.tA tliiU uA'iiii2kiiJiAj iJS lnhltflA mak. lift hnnr. I In mflli. This gives a half holiday on Saturday, Ah American company has been or gaalzed to work the Japanese coal mines, which are expected to easily yield 1,000 000 tons a year. In February 29 vessels were launch ed in Scotland,' at" of them on the Oly.le. The Clyde output is the great est ever known for that month. The Kansk! board of Railroad com missioners have, finally ,, refused to adopt th wiiqkiore'ibip .11. '.ij; -a . . . I me car iuuu aysieui, aa neie.coiore. Although it is years since Alexan- der T.Stewart diedr a&d althoagh his estate haa, been divided amonc neirs recognuca oy me courts, there I arc still some people who think them elyes entitled to a share In the prop erty. It is only a few weeks ago that another claimant on'the ground1 of Mlatlonship turned op and wanted to know when he could get his Inher itance. It Is estimated by some of the lawyers copnectod with the Stew i I art litigation that of eoasins alone I . a. a m i a AiA m f mere nave appearea nearly j.wu.anu from the number of other alleged connections it Is thought by the law yers that Mr. Stewart had more rela- tivea than any other man In tbe world. It won't be long, perhap, be fore the notion that one Is a Stewart heir will become a reoogniied form of insanity. A saloonkeeper at Reed City.Mich., haa been fined $500 for selling liquor to a woman's hatband after he had been notified not to do so. Once upon a time the seas were in habited by no leas than 867 different species of sharks, while today only about 60 varieties are known. Democratic Primaries. The Democratic votera of1 Raleigh township are hereby requested to meet at the places below mentioned in said township on Saturday, Au gust 9th, 1890, at 8:30 o'clock p. m , to select delegates to represent this township in the county convention to be held in tbe city of Raleigh, on the 16th day of August, 1890. 2d and 5th wards at Metropolitan Hall. 8d ward at Mayor's office. 1st and 4th wards at court house. Outside East at office of Clerk of the Superior Court. Outside West at office of Register of Deeds. W. R. Womblb, Ch'n Raleigh Township Ex. Com. Charlotte Newt: On Wednesday last, a man by the name of Wesley Jones, applied to Mr. M. Cagle for board and obtained it. Yesterday afternoon he went to his lodging place and complained of a severe headache. He was placed in a room and the windows opened. It was no ticed, some time after, that both the windows and curtains were down. Upon investigation it was found that he had searched the bureau drawers, obtained $5 50 in money belonging to Miss Maggie Cagle, and had skipped out. His whereabouts had not been ascertained up to this writing. Elizabeth City Economist: The Nor- folk and North Carolina Canal Com pany has made a deed of trust to the Holland Trust Company for $1,000, 000, which sum will be used In im proving and deepening the old Disma Swamp Caoal. Low Rates The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell parties attending the North' Carolina State Democratic Convention, tickets to Raleigh, and return at the following rates from points named. Tickets on sale Aug 18, 19 and 20, good returning until and including Aug. 25th: unariotte, f 7 45 Salisbury, 6 30 Greensboro, 4 30 Durham, 1 65 Oxford, 815 Bel ma, 165 Goldsboro, , . 2 75 Winston-Salem, 5 KATAH from InhArmoHiafa nnina in . " same nronornon Low Bates. The Richmond and Danville Rail . . , " . v1" auemiing mo -"pnn uaronna state armers- Ain- ance AshevUle, N. C., tickets to that point and return at the following w 'Km point named. Tickets on m ttuK' w lalu mciUBlve, gOOU returning until and including Aug, 19th: Charlotte, 4.50 Greensboro, 4.95 Durham, 6.25 Raleigh. 6.90 Selma, 7.65 (Joldsboro, 8.15 Henderson, 7.40 Winston-Salem, 5.50 Kates from Intermediate points in same proportion. Reduced. Bates. The Richmond ami Danville Rail- road will sell parties attending the ....... . ... : . roana trip ticKets to mat point and "turn at the following rates from poats named. Tickets on sale Au- fn81 6tn 6tti jmd 7th, good returning " uu ""juuiuk ugusi. vm Charlotte, $8.70 Salisbury, 2 60 Greensboro, 90 Durham, 1,40 Henderson, " 2.70 ; Winston-Salem, 2.10 Raleifeh, 2.16 Rates from Intermediate nointsln same proportion. -1 Railroad Schedules, c. Raleigh A Angnsla AL RR To take effect 9 am, Sunday, Juue Trains mov Trains mov ing South. No 43, Paaa and Mail. Daily ex Sun. ing North. No 82. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Bun iieave. 9 80am 9 51 " Arrive. 6 45 p m 6 26 pm 6 14 pm 6 01 pm 5 50 pm 5 40 pm 5 28 pm 5 15 pm 5 01 pm Raleigh, Cary, Apex, New HUU. Merry Oaks, Monoore, Osgood, Sanford, Lemon Springs, Cameron, Winder, 10 06 10 20 10 82 10 44 10 68 11 12 11 28 1140 11 63 4 60 pm 4 su pm 4 25 pm 12 09 a m Manly, 13 12 " Southern Pines. 4 22 pm Aberdeen, 4 13 pm 4 03 pm 8 50 pm 12 P" " x3 47 " Ar 1 20 pm Ar 2 00 Keyser, Hoffman, Hamlet, Gibson, Ar 8 20 pm Ar 2 35 pm Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Pass 24, Daily exct Stations Daily exot Sunday. Sunday. AM Ar 6 45 7 13 7 86 8 10 8 20 8 29 9 03 9 26 9 53 10 13 10 34 11 12 11 OS 11 24 11 41 12 05 1 00 A M Lv AM Raleigh 8 20 Cary 7 49 Apex 7 25 New Hill 7 01 Merry Oaks 6 41 Moncure 6 21 Osgood IV 69 Sanford 5 35 Lemon Springs 5 07 Cameron 4 46 Winder 4 25 Manly 4 00 Southern Pines 3 52 Aberdeen 8 35 Keyser 3 17 Hoffman 2 5) Hamlet 2 00 P M PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro. 5 80 a m Arrive Moncure. 6 15 Leave Moncure 8 45 p m Arrive Pittsboro, 9 30 CARTHAGE R R. Leave Carthage. 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45p m Leave Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, ATLANTIC AX. C. BR, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains Ho 60 Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve p m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 am 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 54 Kinston 10 09 10 14 618 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 p m Morehead City am 6 88 Dailv. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Weldon Pallroad and Branches. Condenseo Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 15, No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. F't m'l d'y, ex Sund'y 6 00am Daily. 543pm LeWeldon, 12 3Cpm Ar Rocky Mt, 1 46pm Ar Tarboro, 2 00pm LeTarboro, 10 20am 710am Ar Wilson, 2 20pm 700pm 7 43am lie Wilson, T2 80pm Ar Selma, 8 40pm Ar Fav'tville 600diu LeG'dsborO, 815pm 740pm 85am Le Warsaw, 410pm 934am Lel Magitolla, 4 24pm 8 40pm 9 49am Ar WU.'gtoa, 0 60pm 9 55pm 1120am V TRAINS' GOING NORTH. . No 14 No 78,; No 40, daily; d'yi ex dailv Snnd'T. LvWil'trton. 1201am 900am 400bm iiv Magnolia, 1 aiam iu 04am o wpm Le Warsaw. 1048am 63om Ar G'dsboro, 2 23am 11 45am 6 53pm iieJJ'ay'tvlllo, T40am Ar Selma, 11 00am Ar Wilson. 12 10mn Liv Wilson, 3 03am ia87pm 747pm Ar Rocky Mt, 110pm 818pm Ar Tarboro, w2 oopm Lv Tarboro. 10 20am Ar Weldon, 480am 2 45pm 9 80pm Dauy except Bunday. John F DiyiBT , General Superintendent j R Kenlt, Sup't Trans. , , T M Embrsoh, General Pass Agt. THIS PAPER IS PRINTED WITH INK MANUFACTURED BY THE FAIRMOUNT PRINTING INK WORKS. J. K. WEIGHT ; GO 26th SU above Hare St. Philadelphia, Pa. Pasturage for Cattle. I have a SDlendid Dasture and will aeture cattle on liberal terms. y88w . , JOS A HAYWOOD. . . ... . Railroad Schedule. Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley Railroad Company. C05DXH8ID SCHKDCL1. BOKTHBOUKD D' ex S'y I D'y ex 8'y r"oi noo Nol Le Wilmington, Ar Fayetteville, Le FayettevilJe, Le Sanford. 9 40am 1 45 pm 2 15 8 53 p m 6 40pm Ar Greensboro, Lie Ureensboro. 710pm Le Walnut Cove, i 43 p m ArMtAIrv. tflUnm Le Bennettsville. 8 20 a m Ar Maxton, 9 85 a m Le Max ton, 9 45 a m Ar Fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 15 daily except Sunday Le Mill bo ro 7 25 a m Ar Greensboro, 9 00 a m Le Greensboro, 10 10 a m Ar Malison 12 85 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y No 2 No 4 Le Mt Airy, 5 85 a m Ar Greensboro, 9 15am Le Greensboro, 9 60 a m Le Sanford, 12 83 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 10 p m Lie Jfayettevllle, 2 40 p m Ar Wilmington, 6 45 p m Le Fayetteville. 8 30 p m Ar Maxton, 5 20 p m Le Maxton, 5 80 p m Ar Bennettsviiie, 6 45 p m jn o id dally except Sunday. Le Madison, 1 40 p m Ar Greensboro, 4 00 p m Le Greensboro, 4 40 p m Ar Millboro, 6 55 p m W E KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J W Fry, Gen Supt. JALEIQH& GASTON R R. To take effect 9:00 a m, Sunday, juay ix, iovu. Trains moving North. No 88, No 52. Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Raleigh, 11 35 am 7 00 p m Wake, 12 14 8 25, Franklintonl2 35 9 04 Kittrell, 12 51 9 35 Henderson,. 107 ;10 05 Littleton, 2 15 p m 12 05 Ar Weldon, 2 55 1 20 a m Trains moving South. No 41, No 53, Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Weldon, 12 20 a m 1 40 p m .Littleton, 12 55 2 56 Henderson, 2 07 5 04 Kittrell, 2 23 5 35 Franklinton,2 40 6 06 Wake, 3 02 6 48 Ar Raleigh, 8 40pm 8 00am Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving West. No 38, Pass, Stations. Mail & Ex. Le Louisburg,ll 00 am ArFranklint'n,U45 Trains moving East. No 41, Pass, Stations. Mail & Ex. Le Franlint'n, 2 45 p m Ar Louisburg, 3 80 d m Wm SMITH, Supt. Legal Advertisements. Auction Sale of City Property. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain moitagage deed exe cuted by Thomas G Jenkins and Lucy kj jenKins, ms wire, wnlcn said mort cracre is dnlv recorded in honk Nn mr at page 290, registry of Wake county, 1 win oner ior saie an me court nouse floor In t.h nlt.v of RnloiorVi TJ f! tn - J V WHI.VfcU, -fc V, W me nicnesi niaaer. ror nsh. on Mon day, August 11, 1890, at 12 o'clock m, a certain vaiuaDie 101 01 land located on South Blount street, in said city amoinintr rna innrta or A if a ThAmn. son and others, f rontincr ?& it on aa SH street and running DacK 210 feet, d r MONTAGUE, MortcACPft Raleigh,.N C, July 11, 1890 jyl2 td Action for Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake county Superior Court. A A Wood vs Lula C Wood Action for Divorce. The summons in this action havincr been returned, defendant not to be round, and it appearing to the satis faction of the court by affidavits filed that after due diligence the defend ant cannot be found in the State of North Carolina, bat is in the State of Arkansas. And it further appear ing to the satisfaction of the court by the complaint herein filed that a cause of action exists against the de fendant, it is ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Evkhiug Visitor notifying thede iendant to be and appear at the court house in the city of Raleigh, on or oeiore tne zist day 01 October, 1890, being the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday, and answer or demur to the complaint herein within theflrst three days of said term of the court or the relief demanded will be granted. Said defendant is further notified the pur pose of this action is to obtain a di vorce a vinculo matrimonii. Witness my. hand and official seal this the 10th day of July, 1890. tBlgned) CHAS D UPCHURCH, I O B C. T a PCRKBLL, Pl'ffs Atty. jylO 6w Legal Advertisements. ' W OT1CE.-Having tlia day been il appointed and Qualified a th administrator ol tbe estate of Abbie Terrell, deceived, this is to give no tice to all persons Indebted to ner es tate to make prompt payment to me of the same, and those to whom the estate is indebted will present their claims before me within tbe time pre scribed by law, or thia will be plead in bar of tbeir recovery. J BOOKER HUTCHINS, Administrator. June 3, '90. Notice. TO ANTHOHY ALLEN ' Tou ere hereby notified that the following order was made at the April term, 1890, of Wake County Superior Court, in the action State ex rel., James M. Harris against the Mechanics Building and Loan Asso ciation. It aDoeariDor to the court that An thony Allen has not comnlied with and performed the order of this court heretofore made, and that said An thony Allen has departed from this State 60 that process cannot be served on him: It is on motion ordered by the court that publication be made weekly for six weeks in some news paper published in the city of Raleigh for said Anthony Allen to appear at the next term of this court and com ply with said order, or show cause wny tne laud mentioned in f aid order be not sold and the proceeds applied to tbe payment of the amount con tracted to be taid bv said Anthonv Allen for said land. jas. c. Macrae, Judge S. C. A true copy attest, CHAS. D. UPCHURCH. C. S. C. jly9 Action for Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County. In the Superior Court July 1, 1890. E V Gruendler vs Frank Gruendler Publication of Notice. To Frank Gruendler, the defendant in tne above entitled action: Let the defendant taka notion flint. the Plaintiff. E V Gruendler. has this day instituted an action against him ior a divorce irom oed and ooard and from the bonds of matrimony, and that he is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint which will be filed therein, at Octo ber term 1890. of the Sunnrior fionrt of Wake county, N C, beginning on tbe 20th day of October, 1890. UnAo D UPCHURCH. jj'2 6w Clerk Superior Court. Argo & Fleming, Attys for Plffs. Miscellanea o. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co'y, 59 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. This is a ioint stock comnanv whlnn combines th nHv line system of insurancewith the pod- mar piau oi mommy premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are tesued with equitable options at the end of those periods. I ThOSe Who Wish to havoriona n lrinl act in case of their death, for their families, have here the opportunity. Officers Presidents J Nottingham; Vice President, E V White; Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar; Medical Director, L Lankford; Coun sel, J E Heath. Directors T J Nottlinrhjim v. v White, W W Vicar, F Richardson, L L Lankford. M T). .TuriVa T v. T4ai, L Sheldon, GW Deal. W. B. Botd, State Agent, New Berne, N. C. S M PARISH. Local Acnnt. Ttnlafo. N. O. -Tff Qrand gxcursio TO- RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. The United Order of Odd Pll will give an excursion from Raleigh w uwuuiuuu, va, uu w eanesoay, August 13, 1890, over the R & G. Rail- roaavia weioon. Tbe rate for the trip will be only $2.50 and it will be th most enjoyable occasion of the kind yet given. There will be special Cars for white unft nolorAri anrt w. v. v, HUM .UU firreatest care will be takpn to the most perfect order. There will ba a refreshment coach under the man agement of Professor D. A. Lane and Peter Cobb. All the delicacies will be on hand. For information correspond with WAllttEa A. ALSTON, ' Secretary. NOTICE. I have AflRDoi Atari with ma m eon - " Mv Ul J CWU Henry Moore, and we. are now pre Dared to do all kinrU of hv. Shoes of ail styles are made to order uu, m prices mat will prove satis factory to every one. Repairing of, everv kind onfoklv nA n..tiv 4nn. Everybody - knows old Shoemaker Moore. 1 am, by the help, of God, trying to lead a better life. " ' 130 via onoes ana Boots bougnt. WmMoork, . 819 East Martin St,