I mm . ictiitt R A J.-Bia-S:, S.TTJRID.ir, .TJG-TJST 123, 1890, isro.ioe Shi 3' , f Is : - Tliu Daily Eucuhijj Visitor Loal uotlot-e la this paper wilt be Fire Cei ta per line each Insertion. , Larskbt Oitt Ciroulatioh. Index to New Ad ertlsements. IfcKinimon, Moseley & McGee Fall Goods. ', . In and Around the City. A little cooler. We are betting on the ni arr led men. ' Cotton couiinenciugtocome in quite freely. ' ' The fair grounds ill ; soon present a bustling appearance. . A cot sKlerable crowd left on the excursion to Littleton) this morning. .( The school girls will soon be with -us again, v's ' Several of our merchants will leave for the Northern ciMes next Monday to purchase fall goods. Rev. O. L.'Btringfleld will, preach at Third Baptist Church tomorrow at ' 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. All incited tq attend both services ' The ladies of Edenton Street Meth. ' odist Cbnrch will ghe a lawn party in the Sunday school yard next Toes day evenings August 26th :' A hearty welcome awaits all friends. . Arrangements. ; it je said, wil1 MJ-n be effected lobciugto aebange of the locomotives on t'.wutJeaDoara syeiera - mi that coal instead of wood will be used.:' ,"v , ' The coloied State Alliance is in oes sioh in the: Adams Hall, this city. . with aaite a large attendance. We " learn that all the high officers are - filled with .white men who are paid '"good salaries : Official announcements have just been made giving Fayetteville 4.220 - and Wilmington 20,009 Inhabitants. flow is it that nothing official is made public concerning Raleigh. It would Seeta that the capital of the State Ought not to be snabbed Rev."' Dr." L L. Nash,.' returned to the city, this" mornings from ffouogs ville, where he nas been all the week in a revival meeting. The meeting is n of 'unusual nowi-ft The entite opmmunity is thoroughly aroused vand a large number f conversions to God, and A general revival of all t churches In the community has been the resuty up ta date. The meeting wUUJontini'i next week as the inter est is deep , and widespread, JDr Nash "will fill his pulpit tomorrow as usual. In opt eommt nts yesterday after noon on the renditipn of the pro gramme given bj the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at the Baptist Tabernacle, on Thursday nliht: the vocal duet rendered by Miss Effle Broughton and Miss Gen erteve Jordan was inadvertently omitted." These young ladies won much adiniraHon for the efficiency with which they rendered the part assigned tbem adding to a great de gree to the enjoyment of theocca- slon.. One of our young bachelor mer- I. ' 1 - ' .. .. , : ' t. . ' i a . cnants; more; promiueni, w . man sociepy circiea, -uu wuv id v. i t remel v d iffldent in the presence of .V Slady friends, met with an experience ;- that seems to have completely cored - bashf ulness. i Several evenings ago , he Ventured to make first call at a f i lends and , while he was sitting on the porch in the twilight mentally . gtrungli 'g over what to say, quick as a flash, out of fthe lattice door glided ' the lithe form of a pretty miss to ' wa,rds him; and before he could rise from his chair she waa smothering hipivilth kisses nf.nnghop greav was the shock that . it was - several moments before he could speak, an4 v when be "did hl voice broke the e pell there was a scream! Exolama Mionsl. and obi ohll "I thought it was covsin Jsmes." "Oh, my. you IrrHJc' " Tilt. Uiss D.lla Wat k I us died last Wed nesday night at her residence in this city and' was buried in the city cenie tery. on 'Thursday evening, at four o'clock.- , - - The Governor hs -appointed Mr. Charles H. Spencer,of Cary township, Justice of the Peace for said town ship, the legislature having failed to elect the number of justices to which said township was entitle. He is appointed for the term of six years commencing Aug.' 6th, 1890. Balloon Ascension at Nisrht If the necessary arrangements can i be made, one of the attractions at the next S ate Ff It will be a balloon ascension at night. The Steele's are a company which carries five balloons and employs three ladies and two gentlemen. They claim to be the ool y parties who make balloon ascen sions at night, and who use an ilia minated parachute. 1 Buch, a sight must be very pleasing, and remind one of Longfellow's line in Excelsior A voice came like a falling star.' ' ' For Wilmington. The excursion to be given by Messrs. Kintr. Lacv St Sherword on the 27th linet. will afford a most splen lid op port unity ior all fond of fishing, boat ing &c , to enjoy, themselves ' at i trifling cost. Every possible arrange ment for the comfort of those who participate has been made, and our people should remember that this is the last opportunity of the season A visit to the sea coast at this season of the year is particularly attractive and when it can be Indulged in at so small a price all should go. Remem ber the price is only $3.50 for the round trip. " ' Personal Mention. Wn regret to! hear that, Miss Lena Battle, daughter of R. H. Battle, Esq , is quite sick.' --:'J ' ' Ma. W. W. Vass and family have returned from their. Northern trip. The major looks younger than ever. Mrs W. M. Brown and Mrs. Lovie Youug returned yesterday afternoon from a pleasant visit of two weeks to relatives ' and friends in Chatham county. ::.f:.r Mr. G ek O. Andrews, city editor of tire News and Observer, has re turned from a pleasant Northern tour. He looks as bright as a new pin. Mrs. Dr. Foushee, accompani d by the three children of D. T Johnson, Esq., Miss Gerti ude and Masters Clar ence and Henry, left today to spend a few days at her old home in Chat ham county. Miss Hattie Hervy has returned, from Littleton. Misses Mary and Laura Cordon, the lovely, daughters of Rev. Dr. J.' H. Cordon,' have returned to the city from a protracted visit to the eastern .part of the State. ' Miss Rose Young, of Wilson, accompanied them home and will be the goest of the Misses Cordon for some weeks. 8. W. Whiting, Esq.; of the firm of Messrs. Whiting Bros., has just re turned 'from the Albemarle1 Presby tery, which held its session at Oak- wood church, Johnston county. He DUI 9 .was says . .there was a large attendance d th mmnnUy wa8 most hospifr able and ; kind and vied with each other to make all the delegates com fortable and happy. , Mrs. Jno. C. Scarborough and chil dren left today to visit relatives and friends in Johnston county. iT , - - They Have Struck It Rich, ( and instead of hiding their caudle un der o. bushel, are willing, the whole "shoe world,' should kn6w that they bought their ntw shoe stock before the prices advanced, and are giving customers the advantage of their good luck, V MoKimmon, Moseley McGee. r 'Tfc la sti-ancn tYta ties that attach us to disagreeable things at times,' as the dog said to the tin can sequel, Still in one's life such things are boi'id to c:r." i, Church Services Tomorrow. Baptist Tabernacle Sunday school opens at V a m. if B Broughton, bupt. Jfreachlng at 11 a m by Rev Mr Adams, or Wake orestj and 8 p m , by Rev Geo J DowelL All cordially , Central U E Church. South Son- day school at 9:15 a m, R C Redford, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m .n1 M.lS n m hr th niutnr. kv I. I. 1 l X V a A. J . J. i will find a cordial welcome, and be seated by pome ushers. , A welcome , to all. . Brooklyn Ch urch Services at 11 a m and 8:00 p m by the pastor, Rev J D Pegram; Sunday school at 8 p m. The public are cordially invited. Church of the Good Shepherd Rev W M Clafk. Rector. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday School at 9:30 a m. Morning Prayer and Ber mon at 11 a m. Evening Prayer and Kermon at 8:15 p m. Services during the week Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m All seats free. Polite ushers. AU cordially invited. Christ Church St. Bartholomew's Day, (Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 9:45 am. t Divine Ser vice and Sermon at 11 a m. Evening Prayer 6 pm. Services during . the week Wednesday 6pm and Friday 10 a m. All invited. Christian Cbnrch- Sunday School at 9:80. Preaching at 11 a m and 8 pm, by the pastor. Rev J L Foster. All cordially invited to attend these ser vices. -' s First Presby terian Church Sunday School 9:30 a nw Preaching at 11 a m and 8.15 p in, by the pastor, Rev Dr Wm B Lacy. Services at 'Mission Chapel at 5 p m. Polite ushers. Seats free. All cordially invited. Edenton Street M. E Church Sunday' School 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a in and 8:15 p. m., by the cas tor, Rev. Dr. J. H. Cordon. Public invited. .v,-, : i They Don't Spoil Your Feet. Burt and Packard's "Korreck shape" Gents Shoes for sale by, McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. Do Not Procrastinate. It is a great evil and often causes regrets. Do not put off until next week, what you could have done yes terday. Never say of 'imperative duty another time will do as well; It will not. The experience of the past teaches us that an opportunity lost may never return. Do what you have to do with all your ability And. da it at once. Procrastination is the thief of time and robs men of golden op portunity that might have borne them to fortune and prosperity. Re member the present is yours but the future is did by a veil of mystery through whose sable folds no eyetcan pierce. Be instant in season and out Of season in buying and in selling, but more especially in buying before our reduced carpet sale is past. We sell all carpets at I of former prio up to September 1st at Swindell's. Mary Jones Metropolitan Hall v Wednesday Night Next. ' The Philadelphia Sentinel says: Miss Jones made her first appearance in this city last week, captivating all who availed themselves of the oppor tunity to be present.. Box sheet open at MacRae's drug store. Which is Tour Right Hand ? St. Louis Republio. An anatomist told me the other day that I could not tell ' him which was my right hand. I immediately held out my right hand, , but he objected. He said that he did not say that I could not show or extend my right hand, but that I could not tell him which was my right hand that is, that I could describe it in Words so that one who had never, heard of the distinction we make between the right and left hands would be able to find it. I thought that would be easy enough also until I took Jtlme to think the matter over, tnen i gave iiup, for, on the outside of a human body there is nothing to distinguish the right hand from the left No one can describe it in words bo that an Ignor ant person (one nob knowing the dis tinctions we make) can find and locate "it J- ' ' ' ' ' 1 A lengthy brief is one of the nume- 1 reus paradoxes of the legal prof es- SPECIAL NOTICES, , ' , ' ' ""- "uuu"1 umw Jost received a fresh lot of Edgertoa port gooteh nnff whleh they propoie . , imnt. v Our New Department. . We will in future devote pecial at tention to "Shoes," and we can always "PP'T Jon with the best makes.pret- nest snapes, ana oesi nis. McKiinmon, Moseley & McGee. I have just opened a first clas gro eery, at No. 19 East Hargett street, where I shall keep constantly on hand a complete line of heavy aud fancy groceries, and will be pleased to have my friends come to see me as I can and will please you. It O. A. Pkrkikson. Shoes ! Shoes S Shoes I We have now ready for your inspec tion a new . and complete stock of thoes. Reliable Goods. Correct Styles. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. $20 Reward. Missed, lest or s'olen, a small gold watch, with red enambled face. $20 reward will be paid any one return ing same to 804 East Jones street and no questions asked. .. Announcement. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 23, '90. To the Voters bf Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer. ; Respectfully, ang20 It W. W. Wtbbk. They Mean Every Word of It. The last week of August, will wit ness the closing of the last veetige of Summer Stuffs. Now owned by McKimmon, Mosely St McGee. Witness the havoc at 129 and 131 Fayetteville street. J - VM &n S Tucker & Co. Shoes. A broken line of Misses and childrens fine shoes, worth, and sold for $3.00 to $3.00, are now $1.00 to $1.50.' This lot just half price. A e have ' the nicest kid button, Datent leather tip. Ladies shoe for $1.25 in the city. Our gents calf skin, good year welt for $3 OO.has never been equalled as a $3.00 Bhoe in this market. "We are now overhauling our shoe department, preparatory to receiving our fall stock, and we have a good many broken lots, which we will close out at much less than value Now is a good time to save money in buying your shoes. V ' WH&RS Tucker & Co. - Mr. J. Rt Barkley, 1b now prepared to accommodate boarders ' at his boarding house.No. 218 East Edtnton street, in the house known as the "Pnllen House," recently purchased for the Baptist Female College. Rea souable terms made by the day, week or month. ' aulfttf Mrs. Justice's school will begin Monday, September 1st, 1890 at her residence 228 N McDowell street; Ral eighiN.C. For -Rent A nice cottage on Saunders Street good neighborhood, : water, dec. healthy locality. Terms moderate, Apply to T. T. Hay, over Citizens Bank. Fayetteville Street. ' au8 iw Li ! v Norris & Carter. ; Tremehdous Bargains are being Offered through our entire' stock. Everv article in our store must be sold in the next few weeks Prices VinvA hnn nnt on ever thlDfir that ! will surely make them 4 go. . Many lines of goods have been, marked at less than half price. Those having q buy any kind of dress goods, silk. notions,' white , goods, shoes, under wear or dress goods of any description will save 40 to 5C per cent, by buyiog at the great closing out sale, at v e, ,-v Norris & Charter's ; "Indigo" is the name of a hew play. Its prospects are blue at present, j f "I have a - presentment," as lh foreman of the grand jury remarked. Hardware, TO SEIL . . I KVEIIY CIIILD8 0ARR1AGE tOW ON. HARD. AH MUST DAVE TIIE FLOOR ROOM. WE OFFER EACH ONE, AT EXACTLY COST". " ' '' AND HERE LETUS BAY, THAT, WHAT WE MEAN BY COST, Is exactly net price charged at fac tory with I reign t added.-" . THI3PRJCE IS OaLT FOR CASH ! 1B0HAS H. BRIGGS 4 Dry Goods, Notions, '&er McKimmon, Moseley r. McGee. On Making Ready FOR FALL BUSINESS WE ' ' ' Must Rid Curcblvbo ' i I 1" f-i 1.1 ) i 1 ,,.:.OFALL- "''if n'ily Summer Goods, PRICE OR NO PRICE.' vj. - THES.E GOODS .'H ' . Ml3 1 bo Sold- WE WILL NOT CARRY 1 DOLLAR'S WORTH OVEB. IIcKtomon, Ilcssley k EcGea 129 and 131 Fayetteyille street. r W, H. & R. S. TuckerS Co. v. ".at t-tri- CARPETS. .1 i " a- 21c. This is for a fairly good cotton carpet, worm aoc oi anyooays money. We have still cheaper carpets,too. 25c. Gets abetter and prettier carpet, and iooks as good as one much.niguer pucea. - 40c. When you get up to this price yon 1 will be surprised to learn what . ' yon cau buy for 40o per yard. i 42 1-2c At 4?ic you can now buy ; a carpet , that you had to pay 50o for. t ' i , We are headquarters for carpets, and everything hat pertains to car pets, and we dont care what kind of carpet, rug, oil cloth, &c, you want. w Let us show ' you what we have got , and you need look no further. Prices , and everything else will suit - . Si -r. ? Wrt i i