She roxi- xii. JEl A TIGH, 3yCOITJD."5r, -A.TXG-TXST 25, 1890. JfcTO. 107 The Oailij Evening Visitor Local notices in this paper will be Five Coots per line each Insertion. : s. Largest Citt Circulation. Index to New Advertisements. Raleigh Shoe Store. 8hoes. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co-Shoes. In and Around the City. Feels like fall. Colored convention tomorrow. Get ready for the grand excursion to Wilmington next Wednesday. Regular communication of Wm. Q. Hill Lodge, No. 21-, tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Visiting brethren invited. Don't forget the lawn party to be given by the ladies of Edenton Street Methodist Church next Tuesday eve ning in the Sunday school yard. Quite a number of friends will come from Louisburg and Durham to be present at the Mary Jones concert next Wednesday night. Business courtesy and printer's ink are two of the groat magnates that make trade boom in and out of sea son. A merchant who uses these two levers seldom has more spare time than he can conveniently spare. The Republican County Conven tion for the purpose of electing dele gates to the State and Congressional Conventions met in the court house today. The attendance was small.but the objects of the meeting were car tied out. The average length of the days of this week is 13 hours and 14 minutes. The days have grown fifteen minutes shorter than those of last week and one hour and twenty two minutes shorter than those the last week in June. The Kittrell Institute concert com pany will give an interesting musical entertainment at Metropolitan Hall tonight. J. W. Wilson, a native Afri can Prince is oneof the company and has wonderful power in the musical line. Let there be a crowd. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of the Raleigh Shoe Store, where can be found a splendid assort ment of shoes of all grades. Those in want of such goods can be accommo dated on as good terms as can be fourd at any establishment in North Carolina. Call and examine the stock. You can certainly be suited. Personal Mention. W. H. Moore, of Greensboro, Ala., youngest son of Mrs. E.B. Thomas, is spending a few days with his parents, J. A. Spence, of the firm of J. A, Spence & Bro., left today for Balti more and New York to buy their fall and winter stock of general merchan dise. Mr. Johnnie Marshall, we are glad to say, is able to be out at his post of duty again with Messrs. Barbee & Barbee. " Rev. Dr. L. L. Nash left today to assist Rev. J. J. Barker in a meeting near Selma, N. 0. Mr. E. A. Hicks has been in the city for several days attending the bedside of his sister who is sick. Miss. Ida. Betts has returned from a weeks visit to relatives and friends at Apex. ' Mr. W. H. Dodd we are sorry to say is confined at home with a severe at tack of musoularrheumatism. Mr. H. H. Crocker left this after noon for New York and other north ern cities to purchase his fall 'stock. He was accompanied by his wife as far as Greensboro, where she will re main a week or so visiting friends.) Mi. L. 0. Lougee, our efficient County Treasurer, has been confined to his room for the past week, with a carbuncle from which he has suffer ed very much. We are glad to say he is improving and hopes to be out again soon. ' Mr. Greek 0. Andrews, the city ed itor of the News St Observer, has re- turned to his post after a brief and interesting tour far up in the North. He looks as brown as a Camanche In dian, showing that he has romped around considerably. He says he had a daisy time in all respects.and comes back with a head full of news and ad -venture. Married. On Sunday afternoon at half past three o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Jessie Beal on North Person street, Mr. Charles Beal to Miss Dora E. Johnson, J. M. Broughton J. P., of ficiating. Religious Meetings. Rev. Dr. N. B. Cobb commenced a series of meetings with his church at Cary on yesterday. There was quite a large attendance and considerable interest. There will be three services daily during the week prayer meet ing at 10 o'clock a. m., preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 o'clock p. m Parties desiring to attend will find the schedules of the railroads con venient for so doing. Manteo Lodge, No. 8, 1. O. O. F. There will be a regular meeting of this lodge tomorrow night; work in initiatory degree. We are requested to state for the benefit of the mem bers that the meeting will be a most interesting one as there will be quite a number of candidates to be initia ted. Business of vital importance will be brought to the attention of the lodg , and every member is most earnestly iequested to be present, Visiting brethren are cordially invit ed. Our Churches Yesterday. Rev. M. A. Adams, of Wake Forest College, whose home is at Wilson, N C, and who is only twenty three years of age, preached two very able sermons yesterday at the Baptist Tabernacle. There are few young men his equal at his age He has not yet graduated, and should he be blessed with health he. will become at no distant day, one of the ablest preachers in North Carolina. Rev. J. H. Cordon preached two able sermons at Edenton Street M. E. Churcli yesterday to large congrega tions. At the Church of the Good Shep herd, Rev. W. M. Clark, Rector, de livered a fine sermon in the morning on doctrinal points in the New Testa ment. Rev. Baylus Cade filled the pulpit at the First Baptist Church, morning and night delivering sermons of great ability. Important Case. A few days ago Messrs A. Spain and W. G. McCune, two salesmen of the house of Gately & Conroy, of Charles ton, W est Virginia, were arrested and held for peddling clocks and other goods without having obtained li cense from the state and county. The case was heard before Justice J. C. Marcom and the defendants were found guilty. Messrs Fuller & Snow represented the state and Mr. J. C. L. Harris the defendants. Mr. Harris contended that the facts constituted the defendants drummers and not in any sense peddlers. As soon as the trial was over before Justice Marcom Mr. Harris proceeded to Baltimore and obtained a writ of habeas corpus, from Judge Bond, of the 'United States Circuit Court, and the case is set down for a hearing on September 2nd. Mr. A. L. Sanderson, the manager of the house in Charleston has been in Raleigh since Friday last and is determined to carry the case to the Supreme Court of the United States if necessary, in order to have a final adjudication, Mr. Harris contending that the traffic of the defendants con stitutes commerce between the States and is protected by the.recent decis ions covering the "drummer" cases, and that the State law is unconstitu tional aa applied to the defendants. Kaleigli to the Front. I Spkcul Premiums. P. C. Ehsiss, business mauager of the Raleigh Southern Farmer, desiring to aid the agricultural fairs of the State, makes the following liberal offer to any fair association in North Caro lina. One years subscription to the Ral eigh Southern Farmer (a weekly agricultural and family journal), for the best display of sheep. One year subscription for the larg est and best display of grapes. One years subscription for the best display of either field or garden seed. One years subscription for the largest number of manufacture! ar ticles exhibited by any one factory in the State. It is expected that these subscrip tions be offered as an additional pre niium for these exhibits. The Southern Farmer is a week ly agricultural journal and one of the oldest and best in the country, and is considered a safe and reliable guide to the farmer. The value of special premiums, in arousing an interest in the fair at this city, and in bringing people here is tun appreciated by the managers, Who will add more offers ? A Splendid Opportunity. The excursion to Wilmington on Wednesday next, will, in many re spects, be the most attractive given this season. It should be remembered that no pains have been spared to render all who go as comfortable as possible. This is the last opportuni ty this season to visit the seacoast and enjoy all the pleasures such a trip affords. Messrs King, Lacy and Sherwood are experienced in the business and the public may rest as sure! that the excursion will be con ducted upon such a system as to meet the expectations of all. The fare is only $2.50 for the round trip, and never before has as much enjoyment been offered for so small a price. We must think that a very large portion oi our people win tame in tne occasion mi ju ... xney win never regret it. X. C Wagon Factory. We called at the Wagon Factory this morning and found everybody and energy in every depart ment. Superintendent W. H. Hollo way says they have the machinery well in hand; that the employees had learned their duties, and everything was moving on nicely and eatisfacto rily. We found President W. G. Up- church and he told us the outlook of the factory was very encouraging that they had no trouble in obtain ing a good supply of the best of tim ber; that the employees having the machinery so well in hand, that they were making as good wagons as could be made anywhere in the country and as rapidly, taking in considera ion the number of hands they work They shipped a car load of wagons today and they received an order this morning for eleven wagons, and mai had not been opened since Saturday on account of Secretary W. H. Dodd's illness. Mr. Upchurch says that or ders are now coming in very rapidly; that the farmers and merchants of Raleigh and surrounding country are taking hold of the wagons made by this company in a manner that is most encouraging. We hope the people of Raleigh and the surrounding coun try will take a still greater interest in this institution, as it is ' one which will help to build up our city and vi cinity in a substantial way. it is or fleered by our best citizens and busi ness men. W II & It S Tucker & Co. Among our, men's shoes, we have a line of L. Boyden & Co., genuine hand sewed work which we are closing out at $5 per pair; the former price of these shoes was $7.50. We have also quite a lot of Zieglers and Laird Schober & Mitchell, slippers and low quartered shoes which we are selling at prime cost rather than carry them until next season. ' V l V7H&RS Tucker & Co. v SPECIAL NOTICES. Auction Sale. The auction sale of the entire stock of Norris & Carter commenced this afternoon, and the eager purchasers seemed more than pleased with their bargains. The sales commencing at .o'clock p. m. will be exclusively for the ladies. At night the men have a chance. Mary Jones. This distinguished colored elocu tionist will appear at Metropoli tan Hall next Wednesday night. Of Miss Jones' appearance in Dur ham the Daily Sun of that city makes this note: The Concert. The oue given by the colored people at Stokes Hall last evening was a very creditable affair. The great attraction was Mary Jones in song and recitation. She exhibited a high order of culture, and some of her renditions were cf such a charact er as to elicit tte wai mest applause and highest appreciation of the many whites present. She possesses a splen did voice and it has been wtll trained. She is an honor to her race The col ored people here will give her a public reception at the Reams Warehouse to night. Box sheet open at McRaes drug store. White friends will select eeats'on the right. Admission 15 cents; Reserved seats 25 cents; Gallery 10 cents. The Beginning of the End Has come; that means that this week is the beginning of the end of the reduced priced carpet eale Yes, this week closes an opportunity which we have offered you to buy a carpet at figures that in all probability you will never have offered you again. If you have not already bought of us, you still have the opportunity of do ing so this week. We have sold a great many carpets in the last two weeks, but we still have some very good grades to show you. We do not say that we have "any grade that was ever kept in Raleigh." VVe do not believe we have, but we do say that our stock is varied, and 33 J- per cent under any you will find in the city in price, that ought to be inducement enough to satisfy you.don't you think so ? At any rate that's all we are of fering just now. New goods arriving this week at SWIXDELL'S. Our New Department. We will in future devote special at tention to "Shoes," and we can always supply you with the best makes,pret tiest shapes, and best fits. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. Mrs. Justice's school will begin Monday, September 1st, 1890 at her residence 228 N McDowell street, Ral eigh, ft. C. Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! We have now ready for your inspec tion a new and complete stock of shoes. Reliable Goods. Correct Styles. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. For Bent. A nice cottage on Saunders Street, good neighborhood, water, &c, healthy locality. Terms moderate. Apply to T. T. Hay, over Citizens Bank, Fayetteville Street. au8 Iw They Mean Every Word of It. The last week of August, will wit ness the closing of the last vestige of Summer Stuffs. Now owned by McKimmon, Mosely St McGee. Witness the havoc at 129 and 131 Fayetteville street. They Have Struck it Rich, and instead of hiding their candle un der a bushel, are willing, the whole "shoe world,' should know that they bought their new shoe stock before the prices advanced; and are giving customers the advantage of their good luck. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee. Hardware, &c. WE VVAXT to SELL EVER Y CIIILDS' CARRIAGE HOW ON HAND. MUST HAVE THE FLOOR ROOM. WE OFFER EACH ONE AT EXACTLY COST. AND HERE LET US SAY, THAT, WHAT WE MEAN BY COST, Is exactly net price charged at fac tory with freight added. THIS PRICE IS ONLY FOR CASH THOMAS E BRIGGS 4 SONS. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. On Making Ready FOR FALL BUSINESS WE Must Rid Ourselves OF ALL Summer Goods, PRICE OR NO PRICE. THE.SE goods Must be Sold. WE WILL NOT CARRY 1 DOLLAR'S WORTH OVER. McKimmon, Moseley & McGee 129 and 131 Fayetteville street. W. H, & R. S. Tucker A Go. SHOES-- SHOES. SIIOEN. SHOES. $125. LADIES Kid Button, Opera Toe, Patent Leather Tips. $1 50. LADIES Opera styles. Kid Button, in both the Toe and Common Sense $200. SAME styles as those at $1.50 but of finer materials. WE ask the special attention of every lady in Raleigh to these three lines of shoes. AT OUR SHOE COUNTERS CAN be found everything in the way of shoes for men, women and children, and at the lowest prices. W. H. &R.S. Tucker & Co.