A Comparison. J1XKS WHITCUMB RILRY I'd ruthir lay oat here among the trees. With the singing birds and the bum'l bees, A knowng that I can do as I please, Than to live what folks call a life of ease Up thar in the city. For I really don't 'xactly understan' Where the comfort is fer any man In Walk in hot hripka n1 nain a fan An' enjoyin' himself as he says he can) Up thar in the city. It's kinder lonesome, mebbe you'll say A-livin' out here day after day In this kinder easy, careless way; But a hour out here is better'n a day Up thar in the city. As fer that, jus' look at the flowers aroun , A peepin' their heads up all over the groun', An' the fruit a been' the trees 'way down. You don't find such things as these in town, Or, ruther, in the city. As T Raid nfnPA mipli things na tlioso The flowers, the birds and the bum'l Dees, An' A-liviri' out. Vippa mnnne tViA trA a Where you can take your ease an' do as you piease. Makes it better'n the city. Now, all the talk don't 'mount to snua 'Bout this kinder life a beiu' rough. An' I'm Oil r it's nlpnt.v conii Anonu-h An' 'tween you an' me, 't ain't half as rough As livin' in the city. North Carolina Enterprises. Manufacturers Record. Burlington The Aurora Cotton Mill will, it is reported, be enlarged. Cane Creek Nathan Stafford and G. vv. Sylvester, of Clover Orchard and W. P. Beall have incorporated the Cane Creek Quirry Co., with a capital stock of $6,000. Charlotte The company mention ed in last issue as organized by W. E. Holt, J. S. Spencer and J. C. Smith has been incorporated as the Queen City Shoe Co , to manufacture shoes, harness and saddles. The capital stock is $50,000. Durham The establishment of a co-operative iron foundry and ma chine shop is contemplated. Goldsboro F. H. Bain eonteni plates starting a broom factory Hilleboro R. E. Lyon will, it is stated, open a granite quarry Littleton W. A. Johnston is re ported as erecting a tanning factory. Monroe The city will hold an elec tion to decide upon the issuance of of $25,000 of bonds to improve streets and erect the electric light plant re cently mentioned. Monroe It is stated that two brick yards have been established. New Berne A 6team laundry will, it is stated, be erected. , Ninfty Six A cotton gin and two I cotton seed oil mills are reported as being erected. f j 'Oxford The election reported last ( eek to consider the issuance of $50, 000 of bonds for the construction of water works will be held September 8. Price's Store -Breem & Freely will, it is reported, develop silver and iron mines. Raleigh J. H. Wiggin, of New York, lately reported as having pur chased the Jones & Powell Ice factory, has organized the Raleigh Plate Ice Co., to operate it. Salem The city will probably amend its charter authorizing the is suance of $40,000 to $50,000 bonds for paving streets. H. E. Ives, mayor, can give information. Salisbury Peacock & Barriar, of China Grove, will it is reported, re move their spool thread and shuttle- block factory to Salisbury. Swain County O. E.Graham, Natt Atkinson and J. M. Thrash have, it is reported, purchased the Whittier timber lands of 70,000 acres. Wilmington The city is develop ing rock quarries to pave the streets, Winston Northern parties are re ported to build large brick works. Onlyi a Mistake. New York World Little 3 year old Tom Gibson, of California, ought to make a good law yer if he keeps on. One day not long asro his father said to him: "Tom, get my slippers. They are iinder the bed." Pretty soon Tom came back empty handed. "Fader," said he, you told a big lie." -How is that ?" said his father." "Well," replied Tom, "1 looked un der the bed.and no slippers there. 'o slippers there, fader." "That wasn't a lie. my son," re plied his father. "That was a mis take." The slippers were found and the incident was forgotten until a few days afterward. Tom came running into the house with his lips betray ing visible evidence that he had been eating. "Tom," said his mot her' what have you been eating?" "Nothing, mother," replied Tom. "Why, Tom," sad his mother, "there are crumbs all ever your mouth Don't you know you have told me a story?" "No," replied Tom promptly, "that was a mistake." Big lot of Cut and Roe IloniDgs at D. T. Johnson's. Standard Flavoring HOUSEKEEPERS car. crave by a single trial that these Extracts ar..- the chest; fhey are true to their nrrru ... fj'l treasure, VTid highly concentrated ISailroad Schedules. tape Fear & Yadkin Valfcy Kail road C'o:Mai)y. CONDENSED SCiiEDCLE. XSrORTF bound D ex S'y D'yexS'y JMol JNo3 Le Wilmington, 9 40 a m Ar Fayette viJle, 1 45 p m Le FayettevilJe, 2 15 p m ije amora, 3 53 p in Ar Greensboro, 0 40 p m Le Greensboro, 7 10 p in Le Walnut Cove, 8 43 p in Ar Mt Airy, 10 45 p in Le Bennettsville, 8 20 a m Ar Maxton, 9 35 a m Le Maxton, 9 45 a m Ar b ayetteville, 11 45 a m JNo 15 daily except Sunday. LeMillboro 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 9 00 a m Le Greensboro, 10 10 am Ar Ma iison 12 85 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'yexS'y No 2 No 4 Le Mt Airy, 5 35 a m Ar Greensboro, 915am Le Greensboro, 9 50 a m Le Sanford, 12 33 p in Ar .Fayetteville, 2 10 p in Le Fayetteville, 2 40 p in Ar Wilmiiigton, (i 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 3 30 p m Ar Maxton, 5 20 p m Le Maxton, 5 30 p m Ar Bennettsviae, 6 45 p m No 18 daily excej t Sunday. Le Madison. 1 40 r m Ar Greensboro, 4 00 p m Le Greensboro, 4 40 p m Ar Millboro, 6 55 p m W E KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J W Fry, Gen Supt. JALEI&ffa GASTOlf H 11. To take effect 9:00 a m, Sunday, May 11, I860. Trains moving North. No 38, No 52, Stations. Mail to ain.Fast Fr't. Le Raleigh, 11 35 am 7 00 p m Wake, 12 14 8 25 a Franklintonl2 85 9 04 , Kittrell, 12 51 9 35" Henderson, 1 07 10 05 g Littleton, 2 15 p m 12 05 Ar; Weldon, 2 55 1 20 am Trains moving South. No 41, No 53, Stations. Mail train. FaBt Fr't. Le Weldon, 12 20 a m 1 40 p m Littleton, 12 55 2 56 Henderson, 2 07 5 04' Kittrell, 2 23 5 35 ;,Franklinton,2 40 6 08 Wake, 3 02 6 48 Ar Raleigh, 3 40 p m 8 00 a m Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving West. No 38, Pas, Stations. Mail & Ex. Le Louisburg.il CO am ArFranklint'n, ll 45 Trains moving East. No 41, Paes, Stations. Mail & Ex. Le Franlint'n, 2 45 p m Ar Louisburg, 8 80 p m Wm SMITH, Snpt. llalltoad Schedules, &c. Italeigh fc Augiiata AL It It To take effect Sam, Sunday, June 29, 1890. Tialns mov- Trains moT ing South. .ing North. No 43, No 82, Pass and Mail. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Daily ex Sun Leave. Arrive. USflani Raleigh, 0 45 p in 9 51 " (Jary, (j 26 piu 10 0(1 " Apex, o H pin 10 20 " New Hill, B 01 pm 10 'Si " Merry Oaks, 5 50 pui ID 14 " Moucure, 6 10 pm 10 58 " Osgood, 5 23 pm 11 12 " fcianford, 5 15 pm 11 lie " Lemon fcpriutrs, 5 01pm 1140" Cameron,. 4 10 pm 11 53 " Winder, 4 JU pm 1,12 09 a iii Manly, 4 2) pm 12 12" bout hem Pines, 4 22 pm 12 ?i " Aberdeen, 4 13 pm 12 ii3 " heyser, 4 03 pm 12 47" Hlluian, 3,0 piu Ar 1 20 pm Hamlet, Ar 3:i0 pin Ar2U0 Gibson, Ar 2 35 pm Northbound Southbound Trains. Trains. Thro Frt and Thro Prt and Pass 25, Pass 24, Daily exct Htatious J'aily exct bunday. i.-uuiJay. A n Ar Lv A M G 45 Raleigh b 0 7 13 Gary 7 4'J 7 ;.B Apex 7 25 a to New Hill 7 01 8 20 Merry Oak 0 4 1 8 '2d itfoncure 0 21 9 03 Osgood ( It 'j 20 Saufoid 5 35 1) 53 Leuion Snr ul'S 5 07 10 13 Cameron 4 4u 10 31 Winder 4 25 11 i2 Manly 4 00 11 fco (Southern Pines 3 52 ll 24 Aberdeen J io 11 41 Jieyser 3 17 12 05 H oilman 2 5j 1 00 Hamlet 2 00 AM if M PITTSBORO R R. Pittsbcro, Moncuro. Lt ave Arrive 5 SO a in 0 15 Leave Moucure 8 45 p m Arrive Pittsboro, 9 30 CARTHAGE H II. Carthage, Cameron. Leave 8 00 a m Arrive 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthaure, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 OOp m 4 45p m Arrive Cameron. Leave Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 8 35 WM SM1TD, Snpt. ATIiANT I ilc X. C. 11 ll , Time Table No 15. -VI In eftV.p.t T)pcemher 1Mt.li. 1883. Going east. Schedule. Going west j o oi r a,68 trains j o ou Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve Dm 8 30 Goldsboro 1128 am 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 4!) 4 04 illusion JU Utf 1UM 6 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 p m MomheadOity am 6 3S Daily. Atlautic Coast lane. Wilmington & Weldon Pftllroi'd and 1 . J urancues. v;cnaenseo caenuie. TRAINS GOING SOUTH Dated June 15, No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. F't ni'l d'y. ex Daily. 643pm Sund'v Le Weldon, 12 3fpm ArRocky Mt, 1 4Gpm Ar Tarboro, 2 00pm Le Tarboro. 10 '20am 6 00am 710am Ar Wilson, 2 20pm 7 00pm 743am Lie Wilson, T2 iOpm Ar Selma, 3 40pm Ar Fay'tville 6 JOpm Le G'dsboro, 3 15pm 7 40pm 8 rfoain Le Warsaw, 4 10pm 9 34am Le Magnolia, 4 i4pm 8 40pm 9 49am Ar Wil'gton, 5 50pm 9 55pm 11 20am TRAINS 0JOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex .f?ailv finnHV. Lv Wil'gton, 12 01am 9 00am 4 00pm Lv Mfl.cnnlifl . 1 21flin tORinm fi Sfitrm SS5 LeFay'tvillo, t8 40am ' " A. Ar Selma, 1100am Ar Wilson. 1'2 10nni Lv Wilson, 3 03am 12 37pin 7 47pm Ar RockyMt, 1 10pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro. r2 OOdui Lv Tarhoro. 10 20ain Ar Weldon, 4 30am 2 45pm 9 30pm liauy except isunaay. John W T)tvttmw. General Superintendent. .1 R Khnt.v. ftiin't. Trans T M Emerso:.', General Pass Agt. NOTICE. I have associated with ma mv son. Jienrv Mnnvft: and we are nnn t-r. Dared to do all Icindn of Shnn Wnrlr Shoes of all stvles are in ado tn rrrtr oy us, at prices mat win prove satis factory to every one. Repairing of every Kinu quicsiy and neatly done. Evervbodv knows old Shnpinnk-er Moore. I am, by the help of God. i trying to ieaa a netter me. Esy uia noes and Joots bought. Wm Moorh. Mlfccellaneuott. Ice Cellar! We have opened an ice cellar under the Henry Building, opposite the post oillije, where our Mr K H filur phey will be pleased to give every oneiuuvaiue lor tueir casu or iick- Ptft. Thiu iro w funiln on Iuplpa Iron plates, then cut icto blocks, and has j no porous or son pans, i nis process insures Absolute Purity, wonderful trnnKiaren(-v. iTcdt. dem ity aud freedom tiom air bubbles. It is more nearly like natural lake or river ice man run it ih:hIh tiv nnv Oiner uroct8S. hut, ik innro nnro niwl ... j more durti.blt. h iiotunnKii-ntpH hv actual experimen!s, with both under A. 1. .... me same coiuitions. Our VJhito Covered Wagons go wherever wanted in town, both uiorniDer and f-fmntt. FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. Car loads very low rates. Prompt smpineJuB. Jones & Powell, Agents for Raleigh Ice Factory. J. 1. Fill tr ll FRESH AND RELIABLE !G-roceries: 222 l ajcttevillc Street. FvfiDOmtPll Cfllifnnn'n A Peaches, Prunes, Raspberries, &c, N C Drifid Ai.i.i j."-'" iurn medium tseans, California Driprl T.inu vtcnm. Imported Parmesian Cheese, grated ior macaroni, Edam and Pine Apple Cheese, xarDeii uneese, Hazard's Strawberry Tomato i.n.etciiup, best in the world. Smoked Salmon, Yarmouth Hlnflt.pra Boneless Cream Codfish and Fine Mackerel. . ewCatch N C Roe and Cut Herrings. US IN MIND when you need any thing in the way of 3IKX,i;)YS AND Clothing, HATS, SHOES, UNDERWEAR, &c. We are laving in a full stock nd will make it, to vnnr intArpsit t. O BOA our goods and prices before buying eisewiiere. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS ap 25 University of Korlli Carolina. FaUTe:!a ess Sept 4. Tuition $30.00. Four reirular courses of studr HIhbb icai. I'nilOSODMlcal. L.lterarv. Soien tific. Special courses in Chemistry, Civil j m a l -n . . . auu iLiectricai finineermg, inar macv and other studies. Seoarate schools of La w anrl Men?. cine, whose students may attend the university lectures Address HON KEMP P BATTLE, LL D, President, Chapel Hill, N C. ..I ...... RALEIGH MAIS ACADEMY. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION BE GINS SKPTEMBBR 18T. Bovsand educational training, preparatory to College. Or for the nctivn hnainuoo .i- suits of life. Board in citv the at sonble rates. For patlilflfUPS or infni-mtiAn A dress the PrincmalR. AT J (Legal Advertisements. NOTlCE.-IIaving thU day been appointed and qualified a tha administrator of the estate of Abbie Tetrell, deceased, this is to girt no tic to all persona indebted to her es tate to make rrcinnt navment tn ma of the same, and those to whom the estate is indebted will nrfunt thoir claims before me within the time pre. Bcribed by law, or thia will be plead iu bar of their recovery. J BOOKER HUTCHINS, A dm in fat rotor June 3, '90. jj OTICE Having this day been ai pointed, and au&lined. aa th Adminibtrator of the estate of Atlas B. Yates, deceased, thi la tn rriv no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me. at my home in Cary, N. C, and those to whom the estate am tnrlpht. eu, to present their claims for pay . ... .. . i c . . . . y i u ton or ueiore august 1st, lbUl, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. A. F YATES. Administrator. Notice. TO ANTHONY ALLEN You pre herebv notified that, th following order was ntl At. th April term, 1890, of Wake County Superior Court, in the action State ex rel.. James M. Harris ncninat tha Mechanics Building and Loan Asso- Ulii LlOli. It anDearincr to t.hn rrmrt. that An. thonv Allen has nnt and performed the order of this court uereioiore maae, ana tnat said An thony Allen has departed from this State so that Drocess cannot h nerval on him: It is on motion ordered by me cuun mat puoncation De made weeklv for paper published in the city of Raleigh iiu etiiu Auinony Alien to appear at the nest term of this court and com ply with said order, nr show on n an why the land mentioned in raid order ue not soiu ana tne proceeds applied to the payment of the amount con- trant.Ail to ha nairl Vtr oniA A4.UAn ... u..u wjr nam autuuuy Allen for said land. jas. c. Macrae, .JnArre, S f! A true copy attest, CHAS. D. riPCHTTRflH nan jly9 - Action for Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County. In the SuDerior Court. .Tnlu 1 ion E V Gruendler vs Frank Gruendler- I'urjiication of Notice. To Frank Gruendler, the defendant iu tne aoove entitiea action: Let the defendant t.nkn the plaintiff, E V Gruendler, has this day instituted an action against him for a divorce from bnH anA hoar1 from the bonds of matrimony, and ",' 'o ictiuntru iu appear ana an swer or demur to the complaint which will be filed therein, at Octo ber term 1890. of tha Sn of Wake county, N C, beginning on the 20th day of October, 1890. CHAS D TTPCrlTT'RP'H jy2 Cw Clerk Superior Court. Arqo & Fleminci, Attys for Plflg. Action fori Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake county Superior Court. A A Wood vs Lula C Wood Action ior uivorce. The summons in thie notion konVn, been returned, defendant not to be found, and it appearing to the satis faction of the court by affidavits filed that after due diliVermn ant cannot be found in the State of North Carolina, bat is in the State of Arkansas. And it. fnrth mg to the satisfaction of the court by the complaint herein filed that a Cause Of action cviata acrainof V.o A . . uguiUQU fendant. it is orriArAri thot. tion be made for six weeks in the Evening Visitor notifying the de fendant to be and appear at the court house in the citv nf Raiaih - before the 21st day of October, 1890, being the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday, and answer or demur to the wujpiami uerem witnm tnenrst three Cavs Of said term of tha nnn.t - 4.u relief demanded will be granted. Said defendant is further notifiaH tv w....v. tin; ijui pose of this action is to obtain a di- voi ce a viu cuio matrimonii. Witness my hand and offlo.inl fiOol fVtia fViA 1A4-K - w-r MVW hXXXO .JJLC7 AVuJA day of July, 1890. (Signed) CHAS D UPCHURCH, vJ s c T R Purnbll, Pl'ffs Atty. JvlQ 6w SA, 9F LAND.-On Friday the 12th day of September, 1890, 1 will Sell at Dublin filiation at thn i. house door, in Raleigh. Wake county, S'm 26J acres of land situated in Barton's Creek Tnnnoi.j to.i.- COUntV. N. C. and Anioinlno thlj of irancisRnv PranV ft-, j others, and more fully described in a I h.t iJl"ri8ase irom irancis Ray ai d N. Hunter, to J. Holding, rw 6t-e?J and recorded in book 83, page 634 of Registers office of Wake coun- J?' i ' . ,ms of 8ale ca6h Time of sale 12 o'clock in. ' nij J. N. HOLDING, aug!2 tds. Trustee. School for Boys. The second session of my school will begin on Monday, September 1st. The number of pupils will be limited. Terms on application. 819 East Martin St. all tf MOKSON & DENSmvr al4 6t CHARLES a. nnT.np.v

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