Ragged Robin. ' '.', j OM Robin; rafged Robin, That stands beside the door. The sweetheart of the country child The flower of the poor. - X loTe to tee your cherrv face lour struggling bravery. Than many a stately garden bloom, You're dearer far to me. ' ' ' 'F 'on it Deed no sheltered nook, If d-well kept "flower bed, By cottage porch, by road side ditch, Ton raise jour honest head. ' The small hedge sparrow knows yoa well. The black bird is your friend, With clustering bees and butterflies Tour pink-fringed blossoms bend. Oh t Robin, ragged Robin, The dearest flower that grows. Why don't yoa patch your tattered cloak t Why don't yoa mend yoar hose T Ah, no 1 says jolly Robin; 'Twould never do for me. The friend of bird and butterfly, , Like them I mast be free. The garden is for stately folk, The lily and the rose. They'd scorn my coat of ragged pink, Would float my broken hose. Then let me bloom in wayside ditch, And by the cottage door. The sweetheart of the country child, The flower of the poor. Items of Interest. 1 1 " Emperor William has started on a shooting tour in-East Prussia. . The suspension of Henry S. Qodet ' & Co., was 'announced on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. The Grand Opera House in Mem phis,Tenn., was opened last night by the Emma Juch Opera Company. The' Italian societies of Baltimore Tuesday celebrated the anniversary of the entry of the Italians into Rome. The steamers arriving at New York Tuesday were the Arizona, from Liverpool, and the Anchoris, from Glasgow. Mrs. Mary. Alana Whitten, of West port, Me., aged 16, shot herself dead Sunday night. She had been mar ried only three months. A notice has been posted in the Government arms factory atSpandau, Germany, that women will no longer be employed at night work. John Hawk, aged 19, of Middle town. attemDted to board a Western bound freight train at Bainbridge Tuesday morning. He was struck by a train going East and instantly kill ed. The Comptroller of the Currency has authorized the Uniou National Bank, of Atlantic City, N. J , to com mence business, with a capital of $100,000. Edwin J Bethel, wanted in Phila delphia, and Thomas J. Burns, want ed in New York, were arrested in Boston Tuesday. They are charged with larceny. Fourth class postmasters were ap pointed Tuesday as follows: S. Hoover, Poynton, Pa.; S. B. Gibbs, Clementon, N. J.; J. W. Fredericks, Oak Ridge, N. J. The liquidators of the Cape of Good Hope Bank reported that the deficit ' in addition to the total loss of the fully paid up capital and reserve fund, amounts to 111,C00. The Oakland Bank. Chicago, sus pended payment Tuesday morning, an assignment having been made to William L. Moss. The liabilities are stated to be $00,000 and the nominal assets $T000. The Rer, Frank Forsythe, a Meth odist Episcopal clergyman, who was summarily dismissed from his church at Rockland, N. Y., for;playing base ball, has established an independent charge at that place, and is to have a big benefit, for whloh the attraction is a game of ball, in which the pastor v will play. It js jepdrted from Mltohellyllle, N. If 7m! htn ' Moi$ay; i jnjngi Mrs. V JofinBeam, of that piaoegave birth . to twins; that on the same evening Mrs. ' Stratton, her daughter, who r ' '- lives In a neighboring township, ras " x also blessed with twins; and at a later ,. k$BOtuV 'i then same evening, Mrs. Strat c 1 'ton's daughter gave birth tatwins. So th grandmother, daughter- and ! granddaughter collectively contribute j. , ?ed1six childre"n to the, population the aime evening. ' ' 7 i Standard FlavQrij f HOU8EKEEPERScanprovbya!ng1e bial that these Extract are the chist; Jlhey are true to their names, full measure, tnd highly concentrated. . TI3.0 Maa?lszol3S, COTTON MARKET. Corrected daily for the Evisise Vis itor by M A Parker, Cotton Broker. Good middling,.. Middling to strict middling Receipts about 600 bales. Market steady. TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evbnino Visitor by Parker St Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. Smokers Common. 5 8 Good 8SV; Fillers Common Good .hU Cutters Common ...1014 Good 2028 Fancy.. 283 Wrappers Common .... .. 1422 Good 22lb40 Fine to fancy 4070 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected daily for the Evening Visitor by TERRELL &MOSELEY, Grocers. MeatB Bulk Bacon, Shoulders, JSugar cured hams, Breakfast bacon, Lard Flour Superfine, Good, Medium family, Sugars Cut loaf, Powdered, Granulated, Standard A, Yellow, Coffee Rio, Laguira, Java, Molasses Black strap, P R Molases, New Orleans, Bright syrup, Salt per sack, Vinegar per gal Black pepper, Race Ginger, Teas Green, Black. Pickles Sour, ipergal) Sweet, " Butter, ' Eggs, Chickens-tHens, Spring, Potatoes Sweet, Iiish, Dried apples, Dried peaches. 8 6i 14 a 12 $8 60 2 75 2 60 10 .10 8 7i 6i 20 25 83 25 45 60 7 25 27 83 80 .60 75 65 50 $175 80 30 20 50 a-65 60 a5 60 90 18 a 22 12 80 15 a 22i 60 90 a 100 61 a 7 8 a 10 Railroad Schedules. Cape Fear dc Yadkin Valley xiaiiroaa uompany. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. northbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y jnoi no 9 Le Wilmington, 9 40am Ar Fayetteville, 145pm Le Fayetteville, 2 15 p m Le Sanford, 8 63 p m Ar Greensboro, 6 40 p m Le Greensboro, 7 10 p m Le Walnut Cove, 8 43 p m Ar Mt Airy. 10 45 p m Le Bennettsville, 8 20 a m Ar Maxton, 9 85 a In Le Maxton, 9 46 a m Ar Fayetteville. 11 46 a m No 15 daily except Sunday. -ffeMillboro 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 9 00 a m Le Greensboro, , 10 10 a m Ar Madison 12 85 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y a . JMO 3 DO Le Mt Airy, 085am Ar Greensboro, 9 15 a m Le Greensboro, 9 60 a m Le Sanford, 12 83 pm Ar Fayetteville, 210pm Le Fayetteville, 2 40 p m Ar Wilmington, 6 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 3 30 p m Ar Maxton, oxupm Le Maxton, 6 80 p m Ar Bennettsvlne, 6 49 p m No 16 dally except Sunday. Le Madison, 1 40 p m Ar Greensboro, 4 00 p m Le Greensboro, 4 40 p m Ar Millboro, 6 55pm WE KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J W Fry, Gen Supt. tlOTIpE. T- hitvA. aasoAlated wlthm mV hoti. RAnr MnnrA. and W Amnhtt nm. Sated to do all kinds?, of SheWork. hoes of all styles are mkde to order bi hsjafc prices that wllfcrirtitfe satis- facfoltfCta every one. JUtiahrfng of everxTkiAd, quickly aidWatly done. EvtokytfodvliknOws fld,!Sjie'emaker Mo W kam,.by.,tM6efirof God, l YnnA A. hAt.t.ftHJtfh. " ' eA," Railroad Schedule, &. - 3 Ilalelfh and AngnRta A-L 1KB tTo tbakfteffect Sam, Sunday. Sept 7, 18V0. '4 raaua hiov- Trains mov f jg South. lug North. Zlo 48. No f 8. Pass arid Mall. Pass and Mail. Dally ex Sun. Dally ex Son Leave. Arrive. WOO am Raleigh, 7lupu. 9 17 ' Gary, 6 60 piu 9 80 " Apex, 0 8-5 piu 10 07 " Monoure, 5 67 pm 10 85 " Sanford, 6 80 pm 11 03 " Cameron, 6 01 pm 11 88 " Southern Pines, 4 29 pia 13 46pm Hamlet, 8 80 pm 1 60 " Uibson, At 9 40 pm Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23. Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass-20, Dally exct Stations Daily exct Sunday. PM Lv 6 CO 6 40 7 88 8 Stf 9 20 10 13 11 03 1 00am Ar Sunday. Ar AM Raleigh 10 60 Cary 10 26 Apex 10 09 Monoure 9 02 Sanford 8 16 Cameron 7 30 Southern Pines 88 Hamlet Lv 4 45 pittsboro r r. Leave Pittsboro. 11 00 a m Arrive Monoure, 10 15 Leave Monoure 8 45 p m Arrive Pittsboro, 9 80 CARTHAGE R R. Leave Carthage, 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage. 10 80 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron, 5 60 Arrive Carthage, 6 85 WM SMITH, 8upt, ATLANTIC fc Ti. C. R R , Time' Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going, west No 61 Pass trains No 50 Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve n m a an ftoldnhoro It 28 a n 417 4 20 La Grange 10 46 1048 4 49 4 64 Kinston 10 09 1014 6 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 844 9 26 p m ' MoreheadOity a m 88 Dailv. ALBJ&HA GASTON RE. To take effect Sunday, Sept 7, 1890. Trains moving North. 'No 88. No26. Stations. Mail train. FartFr't. Le Raleigh, 1120am 715 pm Wake, Franklinton, Kittrell, Henderson, Littleton, 12 00 8,43 12 22 9 85 12 88 10 00 12 67 10 26 2 16 12 15 p m At Weldon, 2 55 '120 am I Trains movinar Bottth. No 41. No 25. Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Weldon, Littleton, (Henderson, i Kittrell, Franklinton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, 12 20 pm 2 40am 100 850 2 28 5 50 8 48 6 16 8 08 45 8 82 7 20 415pm 820am , Louiflburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pajp, No 8, Stations. Mail St Express. LeLouisburg, 1120 am 6 59am Ar Frankllnt'n, 11 65 ft 80 Trains moving South; No 41, Pass. 'No 2$, Etations. ' Mail & Express. eFranlint'n, 815pm 720am Ar LouiBbttrg, 8 60pm 800 WM SMITH; Supt. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington St Weldon Railroad and .Branches. . uonaejoseo Bcneauie. TRAINS GOING BOUTH. Dated Sept. 15LNo 28 'No 27 No 41 1890. Dally. F't ml d'y, ex La Weldoh, 12 8Cpm 6 43pm 6 09anl Arrvocay jaa, -1 4opm t mam AiTarborb H 17pm Le Tarboro. 10 20am Ar Wileoiij 8 80pm 7 00pm 7 43am Le Wilson, T 80pm AiBehna, 880pm Ai Fay'tTflle- 930pm Le G'dsboro. 8 15om 7 40Dm 8 35ain Le Warsaw, 4 10pm 9 34am Le Magnolia, 424pm 840pm 949am Ar WU'gton, 6 50pm 9 65pm It 80am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO 14 No 78, N40, daily. 4 ex idaily Sund'v. Lv Wil'gton,1201am 900am 400pm Lv Magnolia, 1 Slam 10 84am 6 86pm Le Warsaw, 1048am 6 68pm Ar G'dsboro, 2 23am 11 45am "658pm LeFay'tvillfl, t9 20am ArSelma, 1118am Ar Wilson, 1220pm Lv Wilson. 803am 12 87Dm 747Dm ArRockvMt, 110pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro, 2 00pm Lv Tarboro. 1020am Ar Weldon, 4 80am 2 45pm 9 SQppa "Dauy except Sunday. John jF P4yinb, GeneraJ SuperUitendeitt, J R KinT, Bnp'tTmni. T M EMRaoH, General Paw Agt I Clothing, Ac. I ECeep fovu IH YES and don't but tour Clottiingats, Sboes, Underwear, &c. &o, till you see our stock and prices. Remember our stock is new and we make low prices a hobby. SHOES, of all kinds, 1b a specialty with us CLOTHIERS SHATTERS ap 2R Vgirinia Classified3 Life Insurance Co'y, 59 Main street, NORFOLK, VA This is a joint stock.company which combines the advantages of the old line system of insurancewith the pop ular plan of monthly premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued , with equitable options at the end of those periods. . Those who wish to ha vp done a kind act in case of their death, for their families,' have here the'opportunity. OffJcers-"President,T J Nottingham; Vice President, E V White: Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar; Medical Director, L Lankford; Coun sel, J E Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, E V White, W W Vicar, F Richardson, L L Lankford, M D, Judge J E "eath, L Sheldon, G W Deal. . W. B. !Botd, State Ageut, New Berne, N. C. 8M Parish,, Local Agent, Raleigh. If. O. noil THE CHEAPEST A FTERHQ 0 ft PAPFR IH I0RTHCAR0LIHA. Six"bso3?it;oxL Price r Year, 03.00; Per Month 25 Cento. Trine Evemnimg Visfitt PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY - Twenty-Five SUBSCRIBE NOW. ALL THE LOCAL IEWS. REMEMBER, THAT toe oAoikY mm IS THE OLDEST AFTERNOON PAPER Published fn the City of Raleitfi. SROWW & FERREtl-yPrbpriOaOro. lVood, Oeal, etc. flHEAPER ThTlND BETTER E lin UKTTKR HKAPKK IIDaMJ BETTER The weather having moderated so that the produe ion of lee equals the deuiKb'1, and to encourage the more liberal use of ice in cool as well as warm weather, we have eat down the price, wholesale and retail, and moved our retail deposit from Fayetteville street to our store where we will be pleased to take orders for ICE or COAL and WOOD as preferred, as well as Grain, Feed, 8hlngles Laths, Lumber, 4c. JONES & POWELL Agents for the Raleigh Plate Ice Co. Cotton Gin at Cost. We have a new 60 saw Eagle Cotton Gin Feeder and Condenser, said to be as good as any gin made, which we will sell at cost if applied for at once. JONES St POWELL. Coal Dealers- We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea son, and which we are receiving daily. Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint Superior to any In the United States for grates nd open fire places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It is the equal of any and surpassed bv no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for, this coal and can ship for domestic and steam user to Charlotte, . Henderson, . Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what we ask. i HARD ;IfliljssriaSfi for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to ourujostomers. Buy now and save money. -Write for prices. Oak, hickory . and pine HI A A ft allSX AK0REW3 ,& GBQ3S. & - Ferrell, AT Cents Montii ! I AIMS TO GEHERAL SEWS MISCELLAHY.

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