The Baity Ecening Visitor. JPUBU8H1D BTBRT ATTKR3O0S, I Except Sunday, Near the Drag Store of Williams & Haywood, corner of Fayettville and Hareett street . TUB VISITOR Is served I y carrier in the citynt 25 cents per month, dayable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : $5 per year, or 25 cents per month. No paper con tinued after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are bat the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A crotf "nark X after your name informs yon that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to JBUOWN & FERRELL, Raleigh, N C RALEIGH. OCTOBER 17. 1890. Registration. The registration boks will open tomorrow (Sept. 2Cth) at the follow ing places, and will remain open for 30 days, (Sundays excepted: 1st ward At Yancey St Strohach's, South Wilmington street; Frank Stronach, registrar. 2d ward At Stronach's warehouse South Wilmington street; W. M. Lam beth, registrar. 8d ward At John Y. Mac Rae's drug store; John Y. MacRae, registrar. 4th ward At city lot, coruer Salis bury and Davie streets; Ed Dubbin, registrar. 6th war H -At D. G. Conn's, come Salisbury iud Jones street; D. G Conn, registrar. Outside ast Joseph Blake, regis trar; books open at A. H. Green's place, south of the rock quarry. Outside west-T. D. Watson, regH trar; at Watson's store.Hillsboro road. THE OLD NORTH STATE. The first number of a new paper published at Aurora called the " Au rora Borealis," has been received. It is a good readable paper. We wish it much success. One of Greensboro's fairest mai dens is at present slowly pining away on accoun of the loss of her terra pin. It was a very intelligent terra pin and could do some marvelous tricks according to the aforesaid mai den. The young man that finds the terrapin and returns the same to this offlcr will win the a warm place in the heart of this young lady. Greensboro Patriot. The ubiquitous crying baby was in court yesterday. His honor had a -rule served on the mother to move the nuisance out of the room. Dur ham Globe. Capt. T. T. Smith has taken charge of the Richmond and Danville freight depot here. In fact, he has been in charge for two weeks, 'but hasn't had time to Come up town but twice, and only a few of our people knew he was at the helm. Charlotte News. Winston Daily : Sixteen convicts came up a few days ago from the " pen" and are now at work on the Mocksville Branch road. Lumber ton Robesonian : Hoieter work was continued on Lumber River between joints 48 and 82 miles above the mout n, roughly clearing channel to width of 40 feet and depth of 3 feet at low water. Tarboro Southerner : The abua dant cotton crop, supplemented by the saccpiful production of tebaceo in Edgecombe has made the farmers vastly happier than they have been for many ypars. Diversification, thou art mighty. Tarboro South erner. Colonel ferert A. Hascall, U. B.A ., died in C!i'i.go Monday,after a short illness, 1 56. The p North C 617,840 a. 485. ulation of the State of lina is annouuced at 1 ' that of Kansas at 1,423,- Fire in Snow & Earl's yarn and hosiery mill inProvidence.R I , Mon day did jUO.OOO damage. Insured. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bbwi lick, w gave her Castori. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caotorla, . When aha had Children, she gate them Castoria. millinery, &e. New Goofls MEoob We are now receiving fall styles of Millinery. AND Misses and Cfcildrens' Caps. : NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. AND All the new shades in wools and knitting yarns. AND EMBROIDERY MATERIALS, c. Prices reasonable. Mail orders promptly givf n attention. Miss MAGGIE REESE, Se 8 -tf 209 Fayetteville St. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co'y, 59 Main street. NORFOLK, VA. This is a joii sock company whicn combines tht advantages of the old lines3-6teEi of insurancewith the pop ular plan of r onthly premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued with equitable options it the end of those periods. Tiioc-e who ish to have done akind act in cahe of their death, for their families, h ive here the opportunity. Officers Presidents J Nottingham; Vice President, E V White; Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar; Medical Director, L Lankford; Coun sel, J E Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, E V White, W W Vicar, F Richardson, L L Lankford, TJ D, Judge J F f'eath, L Sheldon, G W Deal. W. B. Boyd, State Agent, New Berne, N. C. S M Parish, Local Agent, Raleigh. N. O. noil If you Want a good Chew ask for STOLEN KISSES, HANES' FROG, ADA BRYAN, or GRAVELEY'S BEST. Can be found at J. R. TERRELL'S. For a good smoke call on LA ESCAPCION," JOSTECO. At J. K. TERRELL'S. When you need nice groceries of all kinds go to J. R. TERRELL'S; he has a full stock on hand at all times. Goods delivered at your door at all hours Prices as low as any first class house in the city.- Don't forget the place. J. R. TERRELL, No. 203, Fayetteyille St. Sept 24 tf. Logal Advertisements. Strayed or Stolen. From my premises, on the evening of th 13th iust.. one dark, medium sized, mare mule, unshod in good condition. .A liberal reward will be paid for any information left at this office or the return of said mule to ALEXANDER SNELLING, 3 miles south of the jity, on the Fayetteville road. ocl5 tf To Business Men ! DO' OU WANT TO Save 30 Per Ct? All t manufacturers of Blaxils: Books have issued r otice that the wholesale prices have bfen advanced by reason of bigh tariff THIRTY PER CENT. Until October 25th we shall give our customers the full benefit of al! former LOW PRICES on all kinds of Blank Books, includ ing Ledgers Day Books, Journals. Pass books, &c, &c. You will' need all these books fr the new year and NOW IS THE TI,ME to BUY THEM. ALFRED - WILLIAMS & CO. Children Cry for Pitcher's jCastoria. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the Ad m i nistrator.ew m testa men to annexo.ot Wiley Wall. deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me at my residence at Rolesville. N C, and those to whom the estate is indebted will present their claims for payment on or before the 22d day of Septeni ber, 1891. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. L. B. Y UNG. Administrator with the will annexed hep 23 Cw. NOTICE. Having this day qunli rid as the Administratrix of the Estate of Nathan Bolton, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons in debted to his estate to make prompt payment to me. and those to whom the est vte are indebted, to present their claims to me on or before the 23d da;' of September, 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. NANNIE H. BOLTON. Sep 23 '00, Ow. Administratrix. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as execu tor of t he estate of Mary Wyche, de ceased, this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before the 20tli day of September' 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ROBT WYCHE. Executor. Raleigh. N C, Sept 20, lfc-90 oawGw Action for Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake county. Iu the Superior Court Cornelia Moore, Plaintiff, vs Allen Moore. Defendant. The defendant above named will take n- tice that an a tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superirr Court of Wako county, North Carolina, for divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and the said de fendant is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1890, fc.-ing the 20th day of October. 1890, at the court house "of said coun ty, in Kaleigh, N C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said compr int. This Sept 11th, 1890. CHARLES D UPCHURCH, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake county, N C. sel2 oaAv6w Sale of Land. On Monday the 13th lay of Octo ber, 1890, we will sell at public auc tion at the Court House door, in Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, 53 acres of land situated rin Houses' Creek Township, Wake county, N. C , ad joining the lands of James R. Smith and others, and more fully described in a deed of mortgage from Robert and-Grizzy Page to James S. Hailey, and recorded in book 84, page 189 of Register of Deed's office of Wake county. Terms of sale cash. Time of sale 12 o'clock, m. LATTA & MYATT, Assignee for Mortgagee. Sept. 9, 1890 30d. NOTICE.-Having this day been appointed and qualified as the administrator of the estate of Hack ney S. Liles, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me at my home in Marks Creek township, (Shotwell, N. C.,) and those to whom the es-ate are indebted will present their claims on or before Sept. 8, 1891, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. M. J. POOL, Administrator. Sep 9, '90. 6w Action for Divorce. NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County. In the Superior Court Aug 26, 1890. Elijah Outlaw vs Nancy Outlaw PubUcation of Notice. To N ucy Outlaw, defendant in the abo e entitled action: Let he defendant take notice that the rlaintiff. Eliifth Outlaw Vino i instituted an action against her for a aiv rce irom bed and board and from t he bonds of matrimony, and that h ue is required to appear and an swer' or demur to the complaint which will be tiled - therein, at Octo berte- m 1890,of Wake Superior Court beginning on the 20th day of Octo ber, 1H90. CHAS D UPCHURCH, sel 6v- Clerk Superior Court. Argo & Fleming, Attys for Plffs. MOTICE-HaviDg this day been Vil appointed, and qualified, as the Administrator of the estate of Atlas B. Ye .:es, deceased, this is to give no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me, at my home in Ca-y, N. C, and those to whom the estate are indebt ed, tc present their claims for pay ment on or before August "1st. lMi, or th s notice will be plead in bar of recovery. A. F. YATES, Administrator. Legal Advertisements. VTOTICE. Oaviue this dav b. en a np o in ted, and qualified, as the auiniiji(rator or the est&'e or W. 1. Rogers, deceased, this is to give rotice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to mi. and those to whom th estate is indebted, to present their claims for payment on or before October (ith, 1891. or this notice will be plead in bar of recov ery. J. M. B HOUGHTON. Administrator. Notice of Land Sale. On Monday the 31 day of Novem ber, A. D , 1890, as Commissioner un der special proceedings, entitled An drew Syine, Administrator vs. Nan cy Jones, now pending in Wake Superior Court before Charles D. Up church, C. S. C , I will sell to the highest bidder a lot or parce' of land in Wake county, North Carolina, city of Raleigh, situated on the west side of Manly street and on the routh side of the North Carolina Railroad, at the said street and railroad and more fully described in the petition and order of sale. Terms of sale cash. W. J. PEELE, Oc 3, 1890. 30 Commissioner MiscellaneiiOM. Hog Cholera Cure. A Positive. Remedy for the Dis ease in Hogs and Poultry. I have .purchased the right to sell F. B. Major's famous Hog Cholera Cure in the counties of Wake and Chatham. This is one of the best and most serviceable remedies known. It has been registered in Washington; it has never been known to fail when taken in time. It is a positive cure. A full supply constantly on hand, in 25c, 50c and $1 packages, at my stall, No 8, City Market. se20 lm THOMAS N BRYANT. Valuable Farm For Sale, If not sold privately before that time will be sold by auction en Mon day, Oct.5th,that valuable farm lyiu' on the Holleman road, the property of Mr. Geo. T. Stronach. It is gen erally conceded to be one of the best fa me in the county, much of the land will produce this year two bales of cotton to the acre. It is well wood ed and lies prettily. Has good build ings on it and is altogether very de sirable property. Will be sold in sep arate tracts if desired. Apply for terms, &c , to W. C. STRONACH. Raleigh, N. 0., Sept. 10, 1890. Ira. City Property for Sale. A brand new eight room house on East street. Street Railway runs in front of door. Terms very easy. Apply to W. O. STRONACH. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 10, 189o. lm. J. L EMU FRESH AND RELIABLE Groceries 333 Fayetteville Street. Evaporated California Apricots. Peaches, Prunes, Raspberries, &c, JN u Dried Apples and reaches. New York Medium Beans, California Dried Lima Beans. Imported Parmesian Cheese, grated for Macaroni, Edam and Pine Apple Cheese, Tarbell Cheese, Hazard's Strawberry Tomato Ketchup, best in the world. Smoked Salmon, Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Cream Codfish and Fine Mackerel. 5 ew Catch N C Roe and Cut Herrings. ROYSTER & CRAWFQHD MERCHANT TAILORS. We take pleasure in informing our friends and the public generally that we are now prepared to supply them with the nicest fitting suits at the most reasonable prices. Repairing and cutting a specialty. We will please you both in quality and price. Call on us at No. 44, 2d fioor, Fayett- viue street. sep. 24tf. raoricE. I have associated with mf mv nn Henry Moore, and we are now pre pared to do all kimlw f Shnn Wrirk Shoes of all styles are made to order uy us, at prices tnat will prove satis factory to every one. Repairing of every kind quickly and neatly done. Everybody knows old Shoemaker Moore. , I am, by the help of God, trying to lead a better life. Eir Uld Snoes ami Hoots bought. Wjh Moobb, 819 East Mrtw at. II lilroad Sckedale. Rich it ond & Danville B R Co'y. Condensed Schedule In effect May 18th, lbVO. Houthbound. Lv Richmond, Burke ville, keysville, Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv G'oldsboro, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem. Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte. Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Gieonville, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs. Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh, Lv Raleigh Ar Golds ooro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, No :o 8(Xpiu 5 00 5 48 8 4o 10 2?pm 2 40pm 440 4 45 6 48 8 20 t6 80 . 10 37pm 12 2taui 1 49 7 22am 9 34 12 32 2 OS 4 61 5 50 11 00 am i 20 a m tfbO 10 80 am Daily. No 63 2 80am 4 80am 6 10am t)06am 9 42am t5 00pm 9 00pm lOOaiu 2 55am 7 80am 6 15 9 60 11 19am 12 Otpiu 4 22 5 65 11 24 am 12 4tpm 8 88 4 4B 9 4' pm 1 00pm 6 It 9 00pm No 51 6 80 pm 10 85 8 13 am 6 00 pm 12 35 am 1 39 4 25 0 02 11 10 pm 12 40 am 5 02 am 5 63 tt 07 7 47 Daily. No 53 8 00am 12 50pm 5 15 7 10 am 1 48pm 2 52 5 30 7 05 12 25pm 2 02 558 6 42pm 715! 8 40 11 40 am fl2 30am 9 45 12 01pm 1 05 1 05 2 55 7 55am 9 32 12 18pm 1 0t 3 30 11 AfllAVYl 5 00 am 7 45 t9 00am 12 50 8 50pm 10 20 1 55 am 2 45 515 BETWEEN WEST POINT, RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham 54 and lt2 Stations. 55 and 103 r8 00am Lv West Point, Ar 0 00pm 9 40 am Ar Richmond Lv 4 f. " 11 00 am Lv Richmond Ar 4 30 " 1 00pm " Burkeville " 2 25 "2 2 05pm " KeyBville 44 1 45 "J 2 44pm 44 Chase City, 44 1 2 3 0 4; 3 15pm 44 Clarksvilie 44 11 55am 4 13pm Ar Oxford Lv10 40 44 4 00 44 Lv Oxford Ar 10 00am 6 45 44 44 Henderson 44 8 6 5 44 4 13 41 Lv Oxford Ar 10 46am 6 57 44 Ar lialekrh T.w is fDaily except Sunday. Daily. H Dailv. except Mondav. . Sol Haas, Jas L Tayiob. Traffic Man'g'r. Gen Pass Agt. W A Turk, Dlv Pass Aerent. Raleifirh N O Miscellaneous. SfRttffiSBAiERY C L WOODALL, Manager. Fresh Baked Every Day, Everything of the Best, in BREAD, CAKES & PIES. Loaf Bread all Kinds, Graham Bread, Brown Bread. French and Plain Rolls.Biscuit Rusk, &c , &c. Apple. Peach, Damson, Cherry, Blackberry and Gooseberry Pies. Fruit, Pound, Silver, Sponge, Cocoa- nut, Jelly, Plain and Fancy Cakes of all kinds. The best of Materials Used Only. Any Quantity of Anything in Bread,, Pies and Cakes Furnished at short notice. oc4 Dissolution. The co-oartnershiD of Trw.n Xt Moseley has, this day been dissolved by mutual consent. J. R. 1Wra)i purchasing the entire intnront nt t B Moseley, and will in future conduct the business in his own name. All accounts due the firm will be paid to nini,ana all accounts against the firm will be paid by him. . In retiring fro'm the firm T i , . . v VDU to thank my friends for their liberal patronage, and cheerfully commend J R Terrell as worthy your esteem and patronage. T B MOSELEY. Aifuiu xjj y buauno auu tippreciA- f 1A ri 4 in T7 fvianHa fsvw Ma i . vivu w am j iiiouuo iui luo nut? m 1 pax ronage extended to me in the past, Iouu cuiivm a uuubiuuoiiijce iu ine m t.nrA whip.h Yiv nnunni n . , j k1vufu oiicuuuu ItU business I hope to merit. ' , J R TERRELL. ,