Died. At her home ia this city, last Wed neBday sight at 9:15 o'clock, Mrs. J. P. Wyatt, aged 29 years. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence on North Dawson street. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. The strike of the dock laborers ia Limerick has ended in a victory for the men. The ship builders at Qreenock have conceded thedemaads of the striking ship joiners and the men will return to work. Samuel Linn, a Williameport law yer and formerly Judge of th,i Centre county district.died yesterday after a long illness, aged 70 years. The French Cabinet has resolve 1 to cover the deficit in the budget by means of a surtax on rice and phar maceutical and bygienic specialties. W. F. Goad was nominated -for Mayor of San Francisco by the Demo cratic Municipal Convention Mon Iiy night, vice Frank McCoppin resigned. Jose Castro, who is charged with the mu'der of a Mexican Judge a year ago, was arrested near Stone wall, Cal., a few days ago and taken to San Diego Monday. The overland stage was robbed Sunday night eighteen miles north of Ukiah, Cal., by a boy lBjyears old, who succeded in getting $100. The robber was , captured. Emau n el Kraus, wholesale dealer in hosiery at 398 Church street, New York, tin 1 Jacob Samuels, manufac turer of pants at 53 Mercer street, have bfn, closed by the Sheriff. The bodies of Ferdinand Hesse and James Kelly, aged respectively six and seven years, who left home Sat urday afternoon to play, were found in Eau Claire river Monday. John Gill, an inoffensive negro, was called to his door in Jackson, Tenn., Saturday night, and his Jbreast filled with shot, one of which pierced his heart. No cause is known for the tragedy. Fire broke out in the busiuess por tion of Fairport, O., Monday nigbt in F. H. Carroll's trame business block, which was destroyed, together with ten other buildings. Loss, $75,C0f; insurance light. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When the was a Child, the cried for Castoria, When the became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When aha had Children, she gave them Castoria. Standard---Flavoring HOUSEKEFPERS can prove 0 a sinh rial thai thj.-,e L -tracts are. tr.- .,. flhey are trve to thou narrei. ui ( NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE. Two storehouses, favorably located on Martin street for trade, and near the center of the large cotton mart and business part of the city. Will nell them together or separate ly. For particulars enquire of ocl5 eo'16t JOHN R WILLIAMS. For Sale or Rent. One veil room house, second door from c ier Swain and Hargett sts. Goof ..rrlen and water. Also, residence on East Hargett at. On this lot is one four room dwell ing, one three room dwelling and two stores. All of above property will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Mrs C R Hollkman, ocl3 6t East Hargett street. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: R&LEIGH REiUSTiTE CO. J. M. Broughton, Sec'y and Treas. FOR RENT. That splendid residence on the north wester a suburbs of the city be longing to Col Hinsdale, and former ly occupied by him, is offered for rent at a very low price, six acres eur rounding it, hundreds of grape vines, fruit trees and all the conveniences and comforts desirable. 5 room house on Saunders Hill, new and neat, price $12.60. 4 room house on East South street, near Shaw University, $ 8 00. 2 room house on North East street, near Polk; large yard and garden, $5. J MBROUGHTON. Office over Lee, Johnson & Co's drug store. sel3 tf D. S. WAITT, Agent. Single and double breasied black frock suits. Single breast ed straight cut sac k Clothing, suits. Boys' and chil dren's suits. Which will be sold at the lowest possible price for CASH. Gent's underwear all grades. The Dia Seasonable mond fine white Furnishing shirts, collars, and Goods. cuffs. Hosiery.gloves suspenders. Collars, Nobbie soft hats Soft and Stiff for youngmen. La fials. t( st styles stiff hats in Duulap and To mans blocks. Umbrellas and From 75 cents to Rubber Coats $3.50. Call and examine my new goods. D. S. WAITT. ocl tf H. H. CROCKER, No. 9 East Hargett St., North Side, DEALER IN in nnu nnnna u, uiii wm, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, GEKT'S Wmmk GCGLS, Notions, &c. Now in store one of the best and most carefully selected stocks to be found in Raleigh, purchased for cash in the northern maikets. Citizens and visitors to the city are requested to call and see for themseves. Every thing to suit in quality and quantity. Remember the place. No. 9," East Hargett Street. oci lm IMPORTANT For the Ladies A lady who is thoroughly read on the diseases of women, is here for a few weeks to introduce Dr J A McGill's Remedies AND THE FAMOUS SPEOIFIC- Orango -:- S lossom Those having the treatment will do well to call and those suffering in auv form do not delay, as when the treatment is thoroughly understood It Will Hot Fail to Cure. Consultation free. Office hours from 10 to 12 o'clock a m; 5 to 9 p m Ex change Hotel. Mrs T P BISHOP. , cell Assistant State & gent. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ CLOTH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GROCERIES, &C I have just received a full line of all kinds of CANNED GOODS consisting in part of Canned Beer, i'ottcd Ham, Oysters, Apples, Poaches, Pearw, Tomatoe, Ac, Ac. Al ;o Pickles, best brands, Mustard, Rai. ins and Candies, Cream Crackers, the beet Cracker on the market. A fresh lot of PIGS FEET, Just arrived. Any one wanting a good smoke call on me. Lhave just received a large lot ot the best brands. Call on me for all kinds of Groceries. I keep the best grades of Molasses. Flour, Meal, Sugar Cured Hams and Shoulders. A fresh supply of fine Lard received today. Call on or send your orders to C. A. PERKINSON, Oc-i tf No. 12. Eat Hargett street. ONE COCXTRY, ONE ONE flag ONE AND ONLY ONE FRENCH & lift BAKER in North Carolina having had 25 years experience in the leading bakeries of France & America. We are prepared to do the Best and Most Artistic Work at the lowest prices. N.DEBOYS&CO., 103 FayetteTille St. WEDDING CAKES a specialty.olO AGreat Surprise OurFall Trade, Graater than our most sanguine ex pectations, necessitating our dupli cating many of our Pall orders so our customers will have the benefit of brand new goods at rock bottom prices. CLOTHIERS X NATTERS 7 ap 2"5. BARBEE& POPE 1C5 Fayette ville St. CHOICE HOME-MADE FRENCH AND PLAIN FINE -:- APPLES, ORANGES, LEMON8. NUTS, RAISINS, COCOANUTS, &c Cigars & Tobacco, For a good smoke call for Kramer's CAPRICE. Chew Graveley & Miller's PLUG HAT or NINE INCH. CAM FIIAIIIIIRSWIIEIIEIIKH! THE ATTENTION OF VISITORS TO THE STATE FAIR IS RESPECT FULLY CALLED TO THE LARGEST Stock :: of s: (Dlothiimg Ever shown in the State, embracing all styles, shapes and shades of every imaginable grade of fine, medium ami low priced tailor made gar ments, purchased for cash, and at a time before the tariff did not affect the market. Special Medtactfioii foil tliils Week. Prices from 25 to 60 per cent lower than elsewhere. TT A mn We have all the latest blocks on hand, which TT A mH -LAxi. X kJ wii ha sold at reduced nrices. J-LXi. A.KJ Shirts and Collars in profusion. 2,000 pair all woolen Pants, to close at $2 85, worth $5. Neckwear the latest Ring Scarfs, 25 and 60 cents. Suspenders, cost to manufacturer 25c, at 14c each. Uulaundried Shirts at 33c. worth 7c. tSTAll we ask is for an inspection and we are sure that nobody will leave the house before being satisfied that this is the houi-e where fine, high grade goods can be obtained at low rates. YE ARE THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN RALEIGH. DAVID ROSENTHAL, Andrews Building, VaMaMe IsafoirnBiiatfioiiu FOR THE CilseEas of italeSgln ! ! Ten Important Facts: I THE BEST Soda Fountain Dri ks are to be had at J Hal Bobbitt's. A CHOICE line of Domestic and Imported Cigars at J Hal Babbitt's. FINE Chewing Tobaccos and Chewing Gum at J Hal Bobbitt's. 4 AN elegant display of Toilet and Fancy Goods, at a bargain, at J Hal i Bobbitt's. 5 A FRESH and well assorted stock of Family Medicines kept at J Hal . Bobbitt's. f FINE Chemicals Instruments and Medical Appliances canbesup- U plied by J Hal Bobbitt. F 7 THE most delicate and fragrant Perfumes eer brought to Raleigh among which are Wright's, Palmer's, Ricksecker'B, N ace's, Colgate's, Seeley's Orchid Flowers (which took the premium at the-i aris Expo sition) and many others are obtainable at J Hal Bobbitt's. 8 IF YOU want your Pre? criptions filled with care and dispatch, entrust them with J Hal Bobbitt. 9 THE trade of every person in Raleigh is solicited by J Hal Bobbitt. 1 A AND LAST, but not least, you will find that you can save money by I J trading with J. Mai JBofoMiM, Druggist and Pharmacist, 235 FayetteYille St. Raleigh. H. C-, VVJvl ' o:o mh29 Raleigh, BT. C. Rainbow Pebble," THE BEST. NICKEL. tiOLD AND STEi L Spectacles. PSmiC Silver Plated Ware, Forks Spoons, Knives, oTp2 &c. at 117 Fayetteville Street.

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