o Stall) V VOL. B A TJHim, SAJHTTEHDJrST, OCTOBBB 18, 1890. JSTO-22 The 35aiig Evening Visitor Local notices la this paper will be Fire Cents per line each Insertion. Index to New Advertisements. Metropolitan Hall Gruber Family. LA.R9EST City Circulation. In and Aronnd the City. The circus comes next. Raleigh looks lonesome. Blight frost this morning. The coal pyramid at the fair vr?u an object of much attraction. Very few country people in the city to day. They are quieting off after the fair. Col. James E. Boyd, of Greensboro' wi 11 deliver an address at the court house tonight at 7:80 o'clock on the political issues of the day. We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket to the colored fair which commences next Tuesday. Is it not as plain as anything can be, that Raleigh needs another first class hotel ? A delightful reception was given by the young ladies of Peace Institute last night to the visiting students of the University, Wake Forest and Trinity Colleges. It was a most en joyable time. Those Fine "Pilgrim Brand" of To matoes, Peas, &c, which Mr D. T Johnson had on exhibition at our Fair, have been sold to Rev. Bennett Smedes, Principal of St. Marys School;amount realized will be turned over to Mr. Stronach for the benefit of the Soldiers1 home. These goods were donated by Messrs Sharp & Per kins, of New York; said firm being represented here by Mr. O. J. Carrol Norris' Iry Goods Store. Shows pretty ladies slides at $1.50 and $2.00; and the best gents1 shoe for $2.C0 on the market. Baptist Tabernacle. Rev. Dr. J. J. Hail, the pastor, will preach tomtrrow morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no services at night. Mr. Jonathan Wood will preach at the Mission Chapel on Swain street at 7:30 o'clock p m. Personal Mention. Mrs. Z. B. Vance is iu the city. Mr. John Munson is in the city. ' Col. A. M. McPheetere has returned from a business trip to Baltimore. Mr. N. L. Brown, of this citv, has accepted a position as book keeper with Messrs. Eberhardt & Pescnd w here he will be pleased to see bis friends. Mr. Brown is a most accom plished book keeper and one of our most popular citizens. We congratu late the firm upon securing his valu able services. The Colored Fair. The Annual Fair of the Colored In dustrial Association of NorthCarolina will commence in this city next Tues day. Governor Fowle will deliver the opening address. On Wednesday ' Rev. A. G. Davis, will deliver an ad dress of welcome, and on Thursday, an address will be delivered by E. E Smith, Ex-Minister to Siberia. The prizes to be awarded will amount to over $00. Rates at one cent a mile will be allowed over the different rail roads.' Concert. Prof Gruber ' and family, wel known throughout the State as most accomplished musicians will give a concert on Monday ' night next 8t Metropolitan Hull. They are just frm Maryland and Washington, D C, and have had large audiences ,. everywhere. They have Mr. Claude. Powers, fine ( singer, with them! making . the number nine in the family. Th4 troupe has lot roved y and little Josie. three year-old, 1b a little charm, The price of admission (ill be 10, 20 and 80 cents. Seats can ?e secured at McRae's Drugstore. - Fearful Cyclone. A terible cyclone prevailed in Robe son county, last Thursday. It passed ust west of Maxton about 4 o'clock in the afternoon; its direction was nearly north. Fortunately its track was not wide. At Floral College, the belfry of the Presbytrian Church was demolished, the beautiful grove was ruined, a house occupied by col ored people was blown rfo'rn and three colored Mldren wore injured one seriously, if not fatally. Mc- Kinnon's saw mill was de-L.ohnhed; and one man there was seriously in jured. At Hasty, a small town on the Cape Fear Si Yadkin Valley railroad, about eight miles from Maxton and twelve miles from Bonuettsvill S. O., four tenement houses occupied by colored people were blown down and one col ored man !s reported killed and sever al persons injured. Trees and fences in the track of the storm were levelled with the ground Come and Gone. The Annual State Fair of 189 has come and gone and left behind it many reminders. That it was a great success, no one denies. In fact, it has come up and even beyond the highest expectations. It is due to candor, to state that the exhibits .were not as numerous as on some former occasions but they were a fair average. So far as the attendance of people is con cerned, we must think the record was splendid. It is a source of much grat ification to note that the week has passed off without the slightest acci dent of any kind to mar the occasion, Although our city was thronged with people representing almost every sphere of life, the utmost good order prevailed. This speaks well for us, and will have its influence on all fu ture occasions. Today has been pass ed at the grounds in sending off ar tides, and on Monday the place will resume its usual quiet for the 'next twelve months. Another Hotel. It was appareet to almost every observer during tf je present week, that Raleigh is lacking fn hotel facili ties, sufficient to properly accommo date the large crowds that frequently come to our city. Those who noted the many persons during Wednesday and Thursday evenings last, eagerly enquiring for hotel conveniences roust be convinced that there is a sad de ficiency in this respect. We are totally unable to account for the backwardness of some of our leading financial citizens in respect to building a new hotel. It does seem that there could not be any better ordinary investment. We hope this matter will receive the attention of our Chamber of Commerce, and, that at an early day we may be enabled to announce that Raleigh is'to have an other establishment which will do credit to herself as the Capital of North Carolina. Let us be no longer subjected to adverse criticism upon the subject. Norris' Dry Goods Store. -Call for "Little Giants" if you de sire a good school shoe for boys, any size, from ll's to 6's at $1.25 and $1 50. Two Handsome New Churches. Charlotte News. Two of the prettiest churches to be seen in any city, North or South, are now in course of erection in Charlotte. One is the Associate Reformed, at the corner of Third and Tryon streets, and the other is the Episcopal, corner of Seventh and Tryon streets. The walls of both are 'now under way. They are built in the latest design of church architecture, and are not on 1) large and roomy, but exceedingly handsome and imposing in appear ance ':' Brown stone and dark colored brick predominate in the Episcopal building, while terra cotta brick and granite trimmings characterize the Associate Reformed - church. When these two churches are completed, j Charlotte's claim to the handsomest j churches of any city in the State (and ! more of them) will be still iurther strengthed. Church Services Tomorrow. First Baptist Church. Sunday school 0:20 o'clock promptly, Thos 11 Briggs, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m, by the pas tor. Rev J W Carter. Strangers in the city and the public cordially in vited to attend all these services. i Baptist Tabernacle Sunday school opens at 9:15 a m., N B Broughton, : oupT,. rreacning as n am, oy me paewr nev xr i j nan. juu service at night. All cordially invited. Central M E Church, South Sun day school at 9:15 a m, R C Redford, superintendent, breaching at 11 a m 1 11 1 A 1 . T T T Nash. D D. Strangers in the city ; U"B "' will find a cordial welcome, and be ! a D 8 Wattt s. seated by polite ushers. A welcome - -i to all. j Citizens, visitorp, and in fact, the , Christian Church-Sunday School at jwhole State if derired cm visit old 9:30. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 pi a . . , , ! m.by the pastor.Rev J L Foster. Ail i maQ Schwartz and see for themselves ; cordially invited to attend these ser- the splendid suprly of beef, pork, j vices. j mutton and everything else in the ! Brooklyn Church Services al 11 a ; ,.t . . . . , ,. m nnd H:M n m hv the TOwtor. Rev .T meat lme' lie 1S Offering to the public j D Pegrain. Sunday school at 3 p m. The public are cordially invited. ! Church of the Good Shepherd Rev W M Clark, Rector Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Commu nion at 10 a m Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 8 p in. Sunday School at 4 p m. Services during the week Wednesday, and Friday at 10 a m. All seats free. Polite ushers. All cor dially invited. Christ Church Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. SundaySchool at 9:45 a m. Divine Service and Sermon at 11 am. Evening Prayer at 5 p m. Ser vices during the week Wednesday 5pm and Friday 10 a m. All invi ted. First Presbyterian Church Sunday School 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a m. and 8:45 p m by the pastor Rev Dr John S Watkins. Services at Mission Chapel at 4 p m. Polite ushers. Seats free. All cordially invited. Edenton Street M. E Church Sunday School 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a iu and 7:45 p. m., by the Rev. Dr. J. H. Cordon. Public invited. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. The population of Texas is announc ed to be 2,232,220 and that of Tennes see 1,763,723. The new Alva Glass Works at Sa lem, N. J., went into operation Thurs day with twenty.five blowers. Seventy members of the Iron and Steel Institute have accepted the government's invitation to visit Can ada. W. H. Hilligas has been appointed postmaster at Dividing Ridge. A. C. Engle at Lafayette Hill and L. For quer at Ursina. Burglars entered the clothing store of D. T. Holland, at Shippensburg, Wednesday x ight, and got away with articles valued at $300. The Perseverance cotton mill, situ ated near Bolton,Lancashire,has been destroyed by fire; 30,000 spindles were ruined. The brick works of William T. Walker in Virginia, just across from Washington, D. C, were burned yes terday. Loss, $15,000; slight insu rance. A large Catholic Church in Audie, Kan., was lifted from its foundation by a hurricane Monday and thrown a distance of many yards. Lighter buildings were tossed about like box es. No lives were lost. A. M. Macre, secretary and treas urer of the Security Loan and Sav ings Company, of St. Catharine's, Ont., has left the city and an exami nation of his books has divulged'the fact that he is a defaulter to the ex tent of $25,000. Congressman John L. Wilson, of Spokane Falls, Wash., who returned from Washington a few days ago, re ports the loss of his pooketbook con taining $10,000 in securities, $350 in greenbacks, gold and other valuable papers. Cardinal Gibbons, Monsignor Mc Colgan, Chancellor P. J. Donahue and nearly every clergyman of the Baltimore diocese, attended , yester day the Mass of Requiem for Mrs. Agnes Kelley Dougherty, the found ress of St. Agnes' Hospital. SPECIAL NOTICES. Lot. Black feather fan lostnt or near . Metropolitan Hall last nij;ht. Fin I er please return to Visitoji 0:H ;e. Xorris' Dry Goods Store. Today is offering a broken lot of childrens' shoes at 3 50 a.ud 75 cents a pair. Women's grain bala at 75 cents, and split Polkas at 03 cents. Cut Flower, Baskets made of choice Bouquets, flowers at short notice. Hyacinths, : Tulips and other bulbs fr-i W plant iug. olots H. ;tf ix metis Fioi-itt. Seasonable underwear, Hosiery nd I a rare treat to see the old man's delicacies, which are unsurpassed, not only in Raleigh but in the South. Call at the great emporium of "good living." oclO lw Latest novelties in Gentlemen's Collar8,CuS'8 and Neckwear just open ed at I) S Waitt's. Go to see the old una Schwartz who has the new Alaska Refrigerator in which all hiss nice meets can be kept perfectly fresh and nic. until you want them sent to your house. cclO lw Another'fresh arrival f Rend j made Clothing New, stylish and cheap.at D S Wattt's. It is a ft ct! D S Waitt is selling Readymade Clothing cheaper than any other house in the cit.3'. Go and see his bargains. An elegant line of Umbrellas from 75c to $3.50. Call and see them at D S Waitt's. ... . r . . . Old man Schwartz, our first class butcher does not propose to be left. He is going to have a big fair at which a splendid show will be made of his fine cattle and porkers. oclOlw For Sale Cheap. A house and lot within four blocks of the capitol can be bought for $550 cash by addressing Justice, Box 54, llaleign, JM U. Wanted. A position as salesman, or book keeper have had long experience- ten years in retail and wholesale grocery business extended acauain tance in Wake and adjoining coun ties. Address, A h;x K4, Raleigh, JN. U. - f Hon. John C. Scarborough Will address the people on the po litical issues of the campaign at the following places: Berea, Durham Co., Oct. 21st. Merry Oaks,Ch'thm' co." 25th. oct3 lw New Dress Goods at Swindell's We received, during the past week, several new designs in nice dress goods in worsted plaids, also a considerable lot of different styles of black silk dress goods. We also added largely to our millinery department in some of the new shapes in French felt hats and frames; and in our clothing de partment we received quite a lot of black Melton suits, those new nobby styles All the new things can be had at Swindell's. -T in oroer to test the comparative meritsoft.be various newspaper advertising mediums, and at the same time benefit the readers thereof, we shall consider this ad- 1 vertrsement for one dollar in pay ment toward purchase or $20 or more worth of goods, if cut out and presented at time of purchase either in person or by mail. Swiadk : L. Children JJryJbrifchsJJtqrii Hardware, &c. S&3SS. BEFORE Cold weather com mences coat your walls and ceilings with JLABASTINE ! Destroys all disease germs and bright ens op your homes. Thousands of pounds have been sold in this market. It is no experiment but has been proven to be all we cliim tor it. Send for Circular and sample card of twelve beautiful tints. SOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N C. EBBS Dry Goods, Notions, &c. HcKimon, Moseley $ McGee. RICH SHOWINGS IN COLORED D3ESS FABRICS EXQUISITE New sty es of Knotted Cheviots ENGLISH nOMESPUNS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, CAMEL'S HAIR SUITINGS, WHIP CORDS, HENRIETTAS, SERGES AND BROAD CLOTHS. Snrperb Combination Suits, Great care and tnsfo Viaxra hum Aa- voted to the selection of our Dress Goods, as well as to our Handsome Dress Trimmiugs. Special attention is called to ourj" NEW MOUKNIXG GOODS! We show a line of Black Goods which has never been surpassed in market Inspection costs nothing and a visit to our establishment might be to your benefit. - W. .B. O. s.. Tuta ft Cq. 0- EVERY PERSON VISITING RALEIGH FAIR WEEK Is cordially invited to visit our mam moth establishment. We will take pleasure in showing you through all the departments, whether you wish to purchase or not. Under this one roof may be seen the largest and fin. est stock of Dry Goods and kindred wares, at retail, in North Carolina. DRESS GOODS, SHOES, CARPETS, ' CURTAINS. FINE FURNITURE, 1 BRIC-A-BRAC, &c, &c. . H. & R. S. Tncicf & Co. '. - A " 1 i ' ? ' il -'1 i