The Bailg Eccninjj Visitor. SjPCBLISHlD XTXRT ArTIRJIOOff, Except 8unday, Near the Drug Store of William & Haywood, corner of FayettvIUe and Hanrett streets. THB VISITOR U served by carriers in the elty t So centa per month, dayable to tbe carriers in advance. Price for mailing : $8 per year, ok 20 cent per month, no paper con tinued alter expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are bat the expressions of the' opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name Informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to .BROWN & FERRELL, Raieigh, N C RALEIGH, OCTOBER 23. 1890. THE OLD NORTH STATE. J. M. G "Trill, of Craven county, while out hunting Tuesday, killed a 400 pound bear. Mount ii"lly News: We have it from a reli ble source that the tails of a spoke ai-.l handle factory for Mt. Holly, is avi assured fact. Lincolnton Courier: Bishop Lyman confirmed 18 persons at the Episcopal church here last Sunday week, ami 10 others iu Rev. W. R. Wetmore's charge. The coreregation of the First Bap tist churcti at Fayetteville onSunday increased the salary of their pastor, Rev. W. B. Olever, from $900 to $1, 200 per annum. Goldsboro Argus: The delightful bird show that was such a pleasure to visitors to our fair last year, which is conducted by Prof. Dughi, is again one of the features of the Floral Hall this year, and it has lost nothing of Its merit Rutherford Banner. One potato weighing f pounds sent to us by Mr. I. P. Guffy, we thought was about the top of the market, and enjoyed it Immensely. Mr. Billy Hampton now comes to the front with one weighing 10i pounds, and measuring 27 inches in circumference. Concord Standard: Jerry Caldwell, a colored man living on Dr. Young's place, has a novel way of cleaning out cobwebs in a potato house. He set a match to them on Friday, and about "one hour afterwards his "tater"house was reduced to about one bushel of ashes. West Schenk, who runs a govern ment distillery in Rowan county, on Friday evening, captured a five year old colored boy and forced him under threats of death to drink four glasses of mean new corn whiskey. The boy after drinking it, was thrown into violent convulsions, from which he soon died. Marshall Halsey, of Alleghany county, after becoming on more than friendly terms with his neighbor's wife, persraded her to elope with him Friday while her husband. John Dixon was away from home. Dixon met the couple on the public road and without a moment's notice shot and killed Halsey. On Monday Bud Halsey metDixon and tried to avenge his broth t's death, but the latter was too quid ."or him and shot and killed him ah' Dixon made his escape, but the ablie sentiment is in hi? favor. The Utica Herald was sold yester day in Utica, N. Y., and brought fifty thousand dollars. Yesterday at Darlington, 8. C, J. H Witherspoon shot and killed in self defense his uncle, J. H. Raines. The difficulty was about some cotton. Representatives of thirty labor or ganizations of the Nationalist and Socialist societies attended a meeting of the United Labor Alliance Tuesday night at Boston Mass., pledging themselves to endorse the aim and object of the Alliance and promising to support the measures adopted. A Chicago morning paper says: "Diseoutent and murmuring preva'.l in tho local offices of the Western Union Telegraph Company." Ad vice from Quebec from the vil lage of St. Anne DesMonte, Quebec, near the mouth of the St. Lawrence river report two feet of snow on the ground yesterday. A Florence Ala., special says: much excitement prevails over the discov ery of natural gas seven miles from Nashville, Tenn., found by H. 0. Waller and others His Last Words. "Help! Help! ' cried a man who was floundering in the water. "Can't you sswini?" frantically cried a man on the ank. "D'ye think I'd call for help if I could swim, ; ou blamed fool!" ex claimed the V' n in disgust as he sank for the last tiue Cape Cod Item. We Might Re Astonished. 'Tis just as we cannot know And better too we may suppose What thoughts through woman's brains may go When, with her two hantfs in the dcuffh. And powerless to strike a blow A fly his weight drags to and fro Across her tickled nose. Chicago Post. An Emperor's Earache. Referring to the chronic earache from which the Emperor of Germany suffers, Harold Frederic says in the New York Times: "Just what the affection is no one as yet been able to determine. It grows worse in cold and wet weather, and that is about all that is known of it. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. From " s.'erday's Dispatches .A diss rous collision occurred ut 4:45 yest ay morning on the Cincin nati Sor ' rn railroad in a tunnel a quarter a mile north of Sloan's Valley & riou. The killed were fire man God i, Welch, the brakesman, J. E. Montgomery, express messen ger and Edward Raffner, mail agent, and others badly hurt. The Secretary of the Treasury has awarded agclilife saving medal to Thomas M. Webb, of Wilmington. N. C, for rescuing Miss J. J. Hayes and Miss Irene Jackson from drowning at Wrightsville beach in August kst. A very serious accident happened ', yesterdft ' net-r Birmingham, Ala., in which thrpe men were killed and a great m . ay were serioubly injured) from a collision on the Kansas City J and Memphis railroad. ins k mm, Coal Dealers We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea son, and which we are receiving daily. Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint, Superior to any in the United States for grates Dd open fire places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It is the equal of any and surpassed bv no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal and can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what, we ask. We have also a very choce lot of Red and White Ash for grates ard stoves, which we screen before sendirg to our customers. Buy now and save money. Write for prices, Oak, brckory and pine l wood, long oi cut, on hand I J all the time. II ANDE1WS & GRIMES HARD ODD To Business Men ! DO YOU WANT 10 Save 30 Per Ct? All manufacturers of Legal Advertisements. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the Ad ministrator.etm iestamento annexo,ot Wiley Wall.deceaBed, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me at my residence at llolesville, N. C , and those to whom the estate is indebted will present their claims for payment on or before the 22d day of Septem ber, 1891. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. L.B. YMUNG. Administrator with the will annexed, pep 23 6w. NOTICE. Having this day quali fied as the Administratrix of the Estate of Nathau Bolton, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons in debted to his estate to make prompt payment to me, and those to whom tbe estate are indebted, to present their claims to me on or before the 23d day of September, 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. NANNIE H. BOLTON, Sep 23, '90, Cw. Administratrix. Executor's Notice. Havi ig this day qualified as execu tor of : lie estate of Mary Wyche, de ceased this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate to r resen' the same to me on or before the 20th day of September' 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ROBT WYCHE, Executor. Rale' ;h, N C, Sept 20, 1890 oaw6w Legal Advertisements. VTOTICR Hvin. thla Aav h. n " appointed, and qualified, as the aumiiiiMrator oi tne estate or w. r. j Rogers, deceased, this is to pi v notice to make prompt payment to in, and those to whom tb estate is indebted, to present their claims for payment on or before October eth, 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of recov ery. J. M. BKOUGHTON. Administrator. It illroad Schedule ' Richmond & Danville R R Co'y. Condensed Schedule .In nect May lbtb, 1890. Southbound. fio.'-O Action for Divorce. NORTM CAROLINA, Wake county. In the Superior Court. Cornelia Moore, Plaintiff, vs Allen Moore. Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, for divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and the said de fendant is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1890, being the 20th day of October, 1890, at the court house of said coun ty, in Raleigh, N C, and answer or demur to the coil plaint in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This Sept 11th, 1890. CHARLES D UPCHURCH, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake county, N C. sel2 oawGw Sale of Land. On Monday the 13th day of Octo ber, 1890, we will sell at public auc tion at the Court House door, in Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, 53 acres of land situated in Houses' Creek Township, Wake county, N. O, ad joining the lands of James R. Smith and others, and more fully described in a deed of mortgage from Robert and-Grizzy Page to James S. Hailey, and recorded in book 84, page 189 of Register of Deed's office of Wake county. Terms of sale CASH. Time of sale 12 o'clock, m. LATTA & MYATT, Assignee for Mortgagee. Sept. 9, 1890 30d. NOTICE. Having this day been appointed and qualified as the administrator of the estate of Hack ney S. Liles, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me at my home in Marks Creek township, (Shotwell, N. C.,) and those to whom the estate are indebted will present their claims on or before Sept. 8, 1891, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. M. J. POOL, Administrator. Sep 9, '90. 6w have issued notice that the wholesale prices have been advanced by reason of high tariff THIRTY PER CENT. Until October 25th we shall give our customers the full benefit of all former LOW PRICES on all kinds of Blank Books, includ ing Ledgers Day Books, Journals, Pass Books, &c, &c. You will need all these books frr the new year and NOW IS TF.3 TIME to BUY THEM. ALFRED Wil l TMS & CO. Children JJryJortsJJastoni Action for Divorce. NOR H CAROLINA, Wake County. In the Superior Court Aug 26, 1890. Elijah Outlaw vs Nancy Outlaw Pul lication of Notice. To N; ncy Outlaw, defendant in the abo e entitled action: Let ' he defendant take notice that the laintiff, Elijah Outlaw, has instit ted an action against her for a div jrce from bed and board and from the bonds of matrimony, and tha,t f-'ie is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint whicV will be tiled therein, at Octo ber tt vm 1890,of Wake Superior Court begin ning on tbe 20th day of Octo ber, 1890. e CHAS D UPCHURCH, sel 6w Clerk Superior Court. Aruo & Fleming, Attys for Plffs. N OTICE Having this day been appointed, and qualified, as the Admiuistrator of the estate of Atlas B. Yates, deceased, this is to give no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me, tit, my uuuh n a'-y, n. v., ami those to whom the estate are indebt ed, to present their claims for pay ment on or before August 1st. 1891, or th 3 notice will be plead in bar of recovery. A. X . i AiJfio, .'Administrator. Notice of Land Sale. On Monday the 3d day of Novem ber, A. D , 1890, as Commissioner un der special proceedings, entitled An drew Byrne, Administrator vs. Nan cy Jones, now pending in Wake Superior Court before Charles D. Up church, C. 8. C , I will sell to the highest bidder a lot or parcel of land in Wake county. North Carolina, city of Raleigh, situated on tbe west side of Manly street and on the south side of the North Carolina Railroad, at the said street and ra ilroad and more fully described in the petition and order of sale. Terms of sale cash. W. J. PEELE, Oc 3, 1890. 30 Commissioner MigcellancnoM. Hog Cholera Cure. A Positive Remedy for the Dis ease in Hogs and Poultry, I have purchased the right to sell F. B. Major's famous Hog Cholera Cure in The counties of Wake and Chatham. This is one of the best and most serviceable remedies known. It has been registered in Washington; it has never been known to fail when taken in time. It is a positive cure. A full supply constantly on hand, in 25c, 50c and $1 packages, at my stall, No 8, City Market. se20 lm THOMAS N BRYANT. Valuable Farm For Sale. If not sold privately before that time will be sold by auction on Mon day, Oct.5th, that valuable farm lyinu on the Holleman road, the property of Mr. Geo. T. Stronach. It is gen erally conceded to be one of tbe best faims in the county, much of the land will produce this year two bales of cotton to tbe acre. It is well wood ed and lies prettily. Has good build ings on it and is altogether very de sirable property. Will be sold in sep arate tracts if desired. Apply for terms, &c , to W. C. STRONACH. Raleigh, N. 0., Sept. 10, 1890. lm. City Property for Sale. A brand new eight room house on East street. Street Railway runs in front of do r. Terms very easy. Apply to W. C. STRONACH. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 10, 189a. lm. JJ. FERRALL k CD FRESH AND RELIABLE Groceries: 332 Fayetteville Street. Evaporated California Apriccts, Peaches, Prunes, Raspberries, &c, N C Dried Apples and Peaches, New York Medium Beans, California Dried Lima Beans, Imported Parmesian Cheese, grated for Macaroni, Edam and Pine Apple Cheese, Tarbell Cheese, Hazard's Strawberry Tomato ,Ketchup, best in the world. Smoked Salmon, , Yarmouth Bloaters, Boneless Cream Codfish and Fine Mackerel. :- ew Catch N C Roe and Cut Herrings. RQYSTER CRAWFDHD MERCHANT TAILORS. We take pleasure in informing our friends and the public generally that we are now prepared to supply them with the nicest fitting suits at the most reasonable prices. Repairing and cutting a specialty. We will please you both in quality and price. Call on us at No. 44, 2d lioor, Fayett ville street. sep. 24tf. MOT ICE. I have associated with me my son? Henry Moore, and we are now pre pared to do all, kinds of Shoo Work Shoes of all styles are made to order by us, at prices that will prove satis factory to every oue. t Repairing of every kind quickly arid neatly done. Everybody knows old Shoemaker Moore. I am, by the help of God, trjiing to lead ft better life. BSrOld Shoos and Boots bought, ' Wv Moo UK, ' 819 East Martin St. Lt Richmond, Burkeville, Keysville, Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Uoldbboro, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham. Ar Oreeusbor j, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte. Ar Columbia. Augusta, Northbound. (Xpui 5 X b 48 b 40 10 27 pm i 40pm 440 4 40 648 b 20 t6 80 10 87pm 12 28 am 1 49 7 22am 9B4 12 32 2 05 4bl 6 66 11 00 am i 20 a in d30 10 bU am Daily No 61 d o0 pro. 10 35 t; I'd tm 0 00 pro 12 tfo am 1 89 4 25 6 02 Dally. No 63 2 80am 4 80aro 6 10aro OCain V 4 am 16 00pm 9 00pm 1 00am 2 Si; am 7 80aro 6 15 9 60 11 19am 12 (fcpm 4 22 5 65 11 24 am 12 40pro 888 4 44) 9 4 pro 1 Oopni 9 OOpni Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Gieen ville, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs. 11 10 pm Asneviue, vi 40 am Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Saiem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh, Lv Kaleigh Ar GoldoOoro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysviile, . Burkeville, Richmond, 5 02 am 5 68 (J07 7 47 No 53 8 00 am 12 50pm 5 15 7 10 am 1 48pm 2 52 5 80 7 05 12 25pm 2 02 6 58 6 42pm 7 la 8 40 Ml 40 am tl2 80am 11 00pm 6 00 am 7 45 tUOOam 12 50 8 50pm 10 20 1 55 am 2 45 S 15 u An 12 01pm 1 05 1 05 2 55 7 55am 9 82 12 18pm 1 0c 8 30 2 25 "2 BKTWKEN WEST POINT, RICHMOND AND KALEIGH, via Keysville. Oxford and Durham. 54 and iu2 Stations. 55 and 103 118 00 am Lv West Point, Ar 6 00pm 9 40 am Ar Richmond Lv t4 85 1100 am Lv Richmond Ar 4 30 1 00pm " Burkeville 2 05pm " Keysville " 1 45 "J a 44pm " unaie city, " 12 30 3 15pm " Clarksville " 11 65am 4 18pm Ar Oxford Lv10 46 " 4 00 " Lv Oxford Ar 10 00am 5 45 " " Henderson " 8 65 " 4 13 " Lv Oxford Ar 10 46am 6 57 " Ar Kaleigh Lv 8 15 " fDally except Sunday. Daily. IIDaily, except Monday. Sol Haas, Jas l Taylor, Traffic Man'g'r. Gen Pass Agt. W A Turk. Div Prsm Airer.t. Raleicrh N O. Miscellaneous. C L WOODALL, Manager. Fresh Baked Every Day, Everything of the Best, in BREAD, CAKES & PIES. Loaf Bread all Kinds, Graham Bread, Brown Bread, French and Plain RoIls,Biscuit Rusk, &c, &c. Apple. Peach, Damson, Cherry, . Blackberry and Gooseberry Pies. Fruit, Pound, Silver, Sponge, Cocoa nut, Jelly, Plain and Fancy Cakes of all kinds. The best of Materials Used Only. ! Any Quantity of Anything in Bread, Pies and Cakes Furnished at short notice. oc4 IDissolvLtion- The co-partnership of- Terrell & Moseley has, this day been dissolved by mutual consent, J. R. Terrell purchasing the entire interest of T B Moseley, and will in future conduct tbe business in his own name. All accounts due the firm will be paid to hiin,and all accounts against the firm will be paid by him. , TERRELL & MOSELEY. In retiring from the firm I desire to thank my friends for their liberal patronage, and cheerfully commend J R Terrell as worthy your esteem and patronage. T B MOSELEY. I return my thanks and apprecia tion to my frjends for the liberal pat ronage extended to me in the past, and solicit a continuance in the fu ture, which by prompt attention to business I hope to merit.' JR TERRELL. t iiiSi