GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Dr. John R. Boynton, the well known lecturer, died at his home in Syracuse, 27. Y. Monday. At Chili, Ohlo.on Baturday.Charles Vender shot his wife and killed him eelf. The woman may die. Domestic troubles are given as the cause of the tragedy. The Prince of Wales and Emperor Francis Joseph exchanged visits at at Vienna yesterday. At night a royal banquet was given in honor of the Prince. The homoeopathic clinical societies of Maryland aud the District of Columbia have united into one so ciety with Dr. Charles H. Thomas, of Baltimore, as president. Today the lace manufacturers at CalalB, France, will reopen their fac tories, but it is doubtful whether the employes will resume work until the wage dispute has been settled. The "New lork Tribune is authority for the statement that three out of every four people chew their food on the left side. But the piactical thing with a large percentage of people than that is where to get the food to chew. In the house of a small milliner in Dublin there was a pet monkey. One day in the same room with him was placer) a basket of kittens, and on the fire hie mistress had put some soup composed principally of mutton. Having occasion to go out for a mo v ment, as soon as her back was turned the monkey fished out the meat, ate it, and substituted the kittens for the mutton he had stolen. There is a large size row going on at Philadelphia, Pa., over the at tempted transfer of a negro girl to a white school by one of the school board. The teachers in the white school refused to teach her and ap pealed to the board, which maintain ed them and sent the girl back to the school from which sh? was transfer red. The member who made the transfer is wrought up over the mat ter and promises to give the, board more trouble about it yet. This is a pretty fair indication that they don't want social equality in the North. New Orleans Delta. In the State Convention of colored men which met recently in Columbia, South Carolina, it was declared that as far as the State government was concerned, "the whites owned the lands, did the business, paid the tax es, and it was for them to govern." All they asked, it was also declared, "was a minority representation on the floor of the Legislature, so that the feelings and opiuions of their own race could be expressed.". If they are correctly reported, the negroes of Boutn uarouna differ widely from the mass of their race. .Norfolk Ledger NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD. Ladies, if yO;i have cast off clothiDg of Mb?, Women or Children you wish t' dispose of, or any Bedding, Quilts, Blankets, Sheets; &c, st-nd them to the BEE HIVE with lowest price a:d pin any No. you choose ou them instead of your name, and send us your name and No. chosen and we will register whose property they are and yell by number. If you ex pect to sell do not have us to try and get enough to buy the same goods new, as that is impossible. If we fail to make a sale in a reasonable time, they can be returned at any time. We have on; of the best stands in J he city to d npose of such articles, and will be l uasoxiable in our charges. Should you have any odds and ends in Furniture, Crockery, Hollow, Wood Stone and Iron ware, we are ready to buy at any time, paying the highest market value, CASH. We solicit your trade in buying or selling. BEE HIVE Office, 118 8. Wilmington St. Valuable Real Estate - FOR 8 ALE. Two f ore ho u sen, favorably located on Martin street for trade, and near the center of the large cotton mart and business part of the city. Will pell them together or separate ly. For particulars enquire of ocl5 eodOfc JOHN K WILLIAMS. .. Notice to Builders.'ONE cofxtry, qNEI Passenger Station, Ralelgh,N.C. Bids will be received until Novem ber 1st. 7390. for the construction of the Union Passenger Elation at Ra leigh, N C. Plans and specifications can be seen at th office of the Ra leigh Gaston Railroad, 313 Halifax street, Raleigh, N. C. JOHN C. WINDER, Oc20 tno 31. For the Committee. For Sale or Rent. One seven room house, second door from corner Swain and Hargett sts. Good garden and water. Also, residence on East Hargett st. On this lot is one four room dwell ng, one three room dwelling and two stores. All of above property will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Mrs C R Hollkmak, ocl3 Ct East Hargett street. rIlTiGH BHjjflffl CO. J. M. Brighton, Sec'y and Treas. FOR RENT. That splendid residence on the northwestern suburbs of the city be longing to Col Hinsdale, and former ly occupied by him, is offered for rent at a very low price, six acres sur rounding if, hundreds of grape vines, fruit trees and all the conveniences and comforts desirable. f 5 room house on Saunders Hill, new and neat, price $12.50. 4 room house on East South street, near Shaw University, $8.00. 2 room house on North East street, near Polk; large yard and garden, $5. T RROnfrTTTO'N'. Office over Lee, Johnson & Co's drug store. sel3 tf D. S. WAITT. m ' Single and double breasted black frock suits. Single breast ed straight cut sack looming. suits. .Boys' and chil dren's suits. Which will be sold at the lowest possible price IOT CASH. Gent's underwear all grades. The Dia Seasonablc niond fine white Furnishing shirts, collars, and Goods. cuffs. Hosiery.gloves suspenders. Collars, Nobbie soft hats fcolt and Stiff for young men. La Hats. tt st styles stiff hats in Dunlap and Yo- mans blocks. Umbrellas and From 75 cents to Rubber Coats $3.50. Call and examine my new goods. D. S. WAITT. ocl tf MENS' HATS, 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c, and tl.00. BOYS' HATS. 25c. 35c40c, and COc. AIJE.JMB- DD'Jr'8, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and &2.50. BOYS' SHOES. 75c, $1 0", $1.25 and $1.50 WOMEN SHOES, $1.00, $;.25, $l.!i0, f i. yd ana f'i.uu. Our Stock recently replenished with JNHJW and J? LtrcSH G IODS, and we will give you rock bottom prices. 7 ? , TA CLOTHIERS SHATTERS 7 ap 21 HATST ONE el ag ONE ABD ONLY ONE in North Carolina having had 25 years experience in the leading bakeries of France & America. We are prepared to do the Best and Most Artistic Work at the lowest prices. N.DEB0YS&C0., 103 Fayetteville St. WEDDING CAKES a specialty.olO If you Want a good Chew ask for STOLEN KISSES, HANES' FROG, ADA BRYAN, or GRAVELEY'S BEST. Can be found at J. R. TEBHELL'S. For a good smoke caii un LA ESCAPCION, OR JOSTEC. At J. R. TERRELL'S. When you need nice groceries of all kinds go to J. R. TERRELL'S; he has a full stock on hand at all times Goods delivered at your door at all hours. Prices as low as any first class house in the city. Don't forget the place. J. R. TERRELL, No. 203, Fayetteyille St. Sept 24 tf. BARBEE&POPE 1C5 Fayetteville St. CHOICE HOME-MADE FRENCH AND PLAIN fflE -'APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS. NUTS, RAISINS, COCOANUTS, &c C'gars & Tobacco. For a good smoke call for Kramer's CAPRICE. Chew Graveley & Miller's PLUG HAT or NINE INCH. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co'y, 59 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. This is a ioint stock com nan v wln'p.n combines the advantages of the old line system of insurancewith the pop ular nlan of moiithlv nreminmB nH payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies Tunnincr for 10 vears or fnr 20 rears are issuer! with amiit.flhln options at the end of those periods T 08e who wish to have done a kind act ia case of their death, for their iamnies, nve here the opportunity. Officers Piresident.T J Nottingham; Vice Presirlftnt. K V Wliif.A- Rnnrrtarv F Richardson; Treasurer. W W Vicar:. Medusal Director. L ford: flonri se!, J E Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, E V Wbi.e, W H' Vicar, F Richardson. T. L Lf aaford, M D, Judge J E "eatli, LShfldon, tfWDeal. W. B. BOYIX Statu Apen, Nw Borne, N. C. S H Pabish, Local Agent. Raleigh. N. O. noil Children Cry forPitchers Castoria. FRENCH & VIE HA BAKER All FIIAIIIIIReeWIIEIIEIIKII! i THE ATTENTION OF VISITORS FULLY CALLED Stock :s of Ever shown in the State, embracing imaginable grade of fine, medium ami low priced tailor made gar ments, purchased for cash, and at a time before the tariff did not affect the market. Special E&ethictffoiii ffoa this Week. Prices from 25 to 50 per HATS! We have all the latest will be sold at Shirts and Collars in profusion. 2,000 pair all woolen Pants, to close at $2 85, worth $5. Neckwear the latest Ring Scarfs, 25 and 50 cents. Suspenders, cost to manufacturer 25c, at 14c each. Uulaundried Shirts at 33c. worth 7"c EST All we ask is for an inspection and we are sure that nobodv will leave the house before being satisfied that this is the house wheie fine, high grade goods can be obtained at low rates. TVE ARE THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN RALEIGH. DAVID ROSENTHAL, Andrews Buildiug, ValiaaMe Infbiiiiatiom FOR (Ditmem of Ten Important Facts: J THE BEST Soda Fountain Drinks are to be bad at J Hal Bobbitt's. Q A CHOICE line of Domestic and Imported Cigars at J Hal Babbitt's, g FINE Chewing Tobaccos and Chawing Gum at J Hal Bobbitt's. 4 AN elegant display of Toilet and Fancy Goods, at a bargain, at J Hal . Bobbitt's. 5 A FRESH and well assorted stock of Family Medicines kept at J Hal Bobbitt's. . 6 FINE Chemicals Instruments and Medical Appliances' can be sud- plied by J Hal Bobbitt. ' 7 THE most delicate and fragrant Perfumes e er bi ought to Raleigh among which are Wright's, Palmer's, Ricksecker's, face's, Colgate's, Seeley's Orchid Flowers (which took the premium at the i aris Expo sition) and many others are obtainable at J Hal Bobbitt's. 8 IF YOU want your Prefcnpti s filled with care and dispatch, entrust them with J Hal Bobbitt. Q THE trade of every person in Raleigh is solicited by J Hal Bobbitt. if AND LAST, but not least, you will find that you can save money by I V trading with J. Mall Botobfitit, Druggist and Pharmacist, 235 Fayetteville St. ' Raleioh H. C 0:o- TO THE 8TATE FAIR IS RESPECT TO THE LARGEST :s (Dfloitliiniig all styles, shapes and shades of every cent lower than elsewhere. blocks on hand, which HATS! reduced prices. mh29 Raleigh, X. C. THE- Mallenglii ! ! "Rainbow Pebble," THE BEST. , NICKEL GOLD AND STEl L Spectacles, ?Gr Silver Plated Ware, Forks Spoons, KniVnm 9 alrlm Ac. at . 117 Fay eUeviUe Street, v " ' -: -: -

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