Baptist State Convention. Special Cor. Eyksibq Visitor. Bhklbt, N. C, Nov. 15. The body wu called to order by the Vice President W. H. Graham, who by-theway is an excellent parlimen tartan. The report oo publications recom mended the Biblical Recorder and all our southern papers. Dr Bailey was called upon for a speech and in his usual felicitous way addressed the convention. Eev. J. T. Tichenor, D.D., of Geor gia, Corresponding Secretaiy of the Home Mission Board made a speech of great power. He devoted a large part of the address to the work in Cuba, the Imprisonment of Diaz and his impending trial. He mentioned how Diaz had said " I was never so happy in my life as when I was in prison suffering for my Lord. I never seemed so near to Him and He to me, Bretberen, said Dr. Tichenor, when I go to Cuba and get among our con verts there I eeeni to be getting back to primitive Christianity. All the work of our Home Missions is dear to me. I am like the man who when the Indians were ready to attack his household first thought to save his dearest child and escape with him ; but when the trial came which one he could not say, so resolved to stand by them all and die if need be in the struggle. Think of what this south land is destined to be. The world's market, and thousands of persons will come and settle with us and we must meet them with christian ideas. Dr. Carter said, " the subject of Home Missions is on 3 of the most im portant that can be brought before us whether we consider it as patriots or as christians. Birmingham has grown to a great city in a few years but in the western part of this State we shall have another Birming ham. Do you, want to be great, be identified with a great cause.' The report on Sunday Schools re o ommends that a Sunday School con ve ntion be held with the First Bap tist church at Raleigh, March 5th. Saturday night was devoted to the Female University. After the read ing of the report of the Trustees speeches were made by Drs. Carter, Hufham and Skinner. Dr. Carter aid : " I plead for justice for woman. I do not say they are angels and per fectly beautiful, but I say give them justice. They do not' have it now in wages for the same kind of work as done by the men. Thejr do not have it in education. Female schools should be endowed. We have put our hands to a great work, and it means strug gle and sacrifice." Dr. Hufham said, I am glad I have lived to Bee this great work begin. We must succeed in it. We have succeeded in the past. There are no graves of buried hopes and abortive efforts in the past. Dr. Skinner pleaded for a practical education to be given our daughters. The pulpits of the town were all oc cupied on Sunday by delegates to the convention, the pastors from Ral eigh preaching in the Baptist church to large congregations. At the close of the preaching service at night the farewell exercises of the convention took place. The scene will never be forgotten byithose who were present Drs. Ovsrby, Sanderlin, Hufham, and the presiding officer made brief re marks, but what they said reached every heart and brought tears to the eyes of many. The people of Shelby cannot be excelled for hospitality, and the convention was entertained with thoughtfulness and a largd hearted liberality. It was de 'lard to be the best convention by some of the oldest men in it; not a ripple of discord, but brotherly love prevailed in every session. Many eyes already turn to Raleigh, where the next con vention is to be held. J. J. H. 'Laases and Granulated Sugar Ban Together. Tarboro Southerner. A gentleman from the country met a negro who is a strong Republican and asked him what he thought of the great sweep last Tuesday for Democracy all over the country. 'Well, boss," said he, 'de 'lasses and granerlated sugar is run together tor one time,' XEW ADVERTISEMENTS I lo L Having moved my headquarters from Winston, N. C, to Raleigh, all those suffering from FEMALE DISEASES of any kind will find great relief and permanent cure for the worst cases by Dr. McGrill's famous discovery. ORANGE BLOS SOMS. Do not delay but come, as understand thoroughly the diseases of our sex. Those having already the treatment will please send in their names and residence at once as it will be greatly to their benefit. ufflce hours fron. 9 o'clock to 12 a m 1 4 o'clock to 9 p. m. Mrs.T.P. BISHOP, 11 West South Street Raleigh. N. C, Nov. 17, 1890. lm Notice of Sale. HOUSE1AXD LOT IN ODER LIN VILLAGE. By virtue ot the terms of a certain mortgage deed made by John Jongs and wife April 27, 1887, and recorded in book 95, page 42, in the office o Register of Deeds for Wake county, I will offer for sale the premises d& scribed in said mortgage at the court house door in Kileign on Monday, December 15th, 1890, at 12 o'clock in This piece of property is in Obeilin village, on the old Hiueboro road The lot contains about acre and has a 4 room house on it in fair condition CHAS. McKIMMON, Assignee of Mortgagee. J. M. Bronghton, Agent. nol5 tds NEW GOODS. Fresh Goods arriving every day at ED. Y. DENTON'S No. 13 Exchange Place. 150,000 Paper Bags, all sizes. One car load of Straw and Gray Paper, 50,000 Butter and Lard Trays. 1 0 Barrels Paper and Cotton Twine, at lowest factory prices. Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. ' Bakers' Goods of all descriptions. The most popular brands of Tobac co and Cigars. All orders filled promptly. ED. V. DENTON. ZEPIZDsTII! DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED Wines, Liquors, Brandies AND BEER For Medicinal Purposes, at ED. V. DENTON'S First-Class Saloon, NO. 9 EXCHANGE PLACE, Next door east of Berwanger's. We have on hand the following well Known Dranas : WINES. Mu in iii'b Extra Dry, Imperial Extra Dry, Sherry, Scuppernong, Black berry, Port and Claret Wines, &c. LIQUORS. The celebrated Old Rock Bridge, Old Windsor, G. F. Wysor's, Jacob Grover's. Pheiffer and Monongahela Rve Whiskeys, all guaranteed pure. Pure Old N. C. Corn Whiskey, Nash Brandy. EXPORT BEERS. Schlitz, Budweiser, Anhauser Bush, Pale Lager and also Beer on Draught. Orders f or med ici nal purposes prompt ly filled. Remember the place, No. 9 Ex change Place (old Gill stand). nol3 lm ED. V. DENTON. J. S.W ynne&Co., Fire Insurance AND STOCK BROKERS Bonds and stocks bought or sold. Man Charges reasonable., no7tf JUST RECEIVED! -AT- G. A. Perkinson's No 13 EAST HARGE1T ST. RICH CREAM CHEEStS, FRESH MINCE MEATS. BEST GRADES OF FLOUR SUCH AS Dew Drop and Floating Pearl Beside a general stock of TTEAVY& 17ANCY ROCERIES INCLUDING Canned Goods, Haius, Breakfast Strips, Shoulders Bologna Sausage, Molasses, Nice Pigs Feet, Sugars, Elegant Pickles in barrels.&c Call and see us. Free delivery. no8 tf C A PERKINSON If yon Want a good Chew ask for STOLEN KISSES, HANES' FROG, ADA BRYAN, or GRAVELEY'S BEST. Can be found at J. It. TERRELL'S. For a good smoke call on LA ESCAPCION,- OR JOSTECO. At J. R. TERRELL'S. When you need nice groceries of all kinds go to J. R. TERRELL'S; he has full stockt on hand at all times, Goods delivered at your door at all hours. Prices as low as any first class house in the city. Don't forget the place. J. R. TERRELL, No. 203, Fayetteyille St. Sept 24 tf. Notice, Tax Payers. Please come forward to sheriff's of nee and pay your taxes immediately The time has expired in which the law gives to pay without being liable to a levy or attachment, Pay now ana save tnis trouble and cost. J ROWAN ROGERS. nolO 4t Sheriff. J. B. FEERALL & CO FRESH AND RELIABLE Groceries: 332 Fayetteville Street. Evaporated California Apricots. reacnes, r runes, Kaspnernes. etc, JN U Dried Apples and Peaches. ixew lorK Medium .Beans, . California Dried Lima Beans. Imported Parmes'an Cheese, grated tor Macaroai, Edam and Pine Apple Cheese,. Tarbell Cheese, Hazard's Strawberry Tomato Ketchup, besi in the world. Smoked Salmon, Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Cream Codfish and Fine Mackerel. JS ew Catch N C Roe and Cut Herrings. It is universally conceded by EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who has used bread from Strcnacli's Bakery that it is the sweetest, whitest, nic est bread they ever ate. BETTER BREAD. On and after today, Oct. 28th, we shall use Minnesota Fancy Patent Flour and our bread will be better than ever. November 1st We shall open the store in front of the bakery and our customers who wish can be supplied from the bakery. To tlie Toadies We extend a special invitation to call and see the bakery from and af ter Nov. 1st. STIIONACH'S BAKERY, East Hargett Street, between Wil mington and Blount. Anything and everything in bread ies and Cakes. ' - oc4 Children Cry foitchesXastoria. X. W- i 1 1 7 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Clocks, Jewelry and Silyerware. a specify i AMERICAN WAT3HES xsl Spectacles and J FOR RAILROAD TIMERS. (No. 85 Movement! Repairing Solicited and Neatly Done. Rainbow Pebble Spectacles VaEuiiaMe IwfoFimatiioini , FOR THE (Cfrnzei&s of Maflengln 1 1 Ten Important Facts: J THE BEST Soda Fountain Drinks are to be had at J Hal Bobbitt's. 2 A CHOICE line of Domestic and Imported Cigars at J Hal Bobbitt's. g FINE ChewiDg Tobaccos and Chewing Gum at J Hal Bobbitt's. 4 AN elegant display of Toilet and Fancy Goods, at a bargain, at J Hal U Bobbitt's. 5 A FRESH and well assorted stock of Family Medicines kept at J Hal Bobbitt's. fi FINE Chemicals Instruments and Medical Appliances can be sup- U. plied by J Hal Bobbitt. " 7 THE most delicate and fragrant Perfumes eer biought to Raleigh among which are Wright's, Palmer's, Ricksecker's, Nace's, Colgate's. final ClmhiA T?l.-o l,hiu U 4.1 1 ' i. A. '. , 6. , ' """-J ""-""i iiunno nm;u uuuiv l lit) premium ah I LIB 1 ariS EiXDO- sition) and many others are obtainable at J Hal Bobbitt's. 8 IF YOU want your Prescriptions filled with care and dispatch, entrust them with J Hal Bobbitt. 9 THE trade of every person in Raleigh is solicited by J Hal Bobbitt. mAND LAST, but not least, you will find that you can save monev bv trading with B. Mai IBofoJbiM, Druggist and Pharmacist, . 235 Fayetteville St. FACTS mD FS CURES WILL ALWAYS SHOW UP. Everybody Knows 1 hat we are DILflTIHIIIM& I ha the it a t e . We are thankful to a generous public for their liberal Datronace. as w are selling more garments than all the ciothing houses in Raleigh com bined. The reason is simple and plain : Because we are always on the look out for bargains and if we can catch them, we have the mpney ready to get them. Last two weeks sales were trlmendous, but we are filling up, and are able to offer for next week, in all our departments, the entire stock at LOW fxt.iiiiS never ootainea Heretofore. All Woolen Men's Suits, worth $15.0a at $8.50. " high grade, worth $20.00, at $11.0. . ' : " " Youths' Suits, worth $12.50, at $6.20. " " Boys' School Suits from $1.50 up. t Pants, worth $4.00, at $2.20. ; . " " Overcoats from $5.00 up. - : Hats from 35 cents up to $7.60. Negligee Shirts from 25 cents un. Sus penders 5,0; 0 pair displayed msid o0 cents. Ring Scarfs, latest out, 25 THIS WEEK WILL BE A DAVID ROSENTHAL, Andrews Building, BLAKE, Ralebh H; C Cany ing the Largest Stock of We will mention the store your choice 15 cents, worth and 50 cents each. STUNNER FOR BA ItGALWS. ' ' N.- C. LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE;, mh29 Ilaleijlh.N. O.