Tho Dailg Eceninjj Visitor. PVBLIBHXD KTXET IITIMOOS, (Eicept Sunday, J THB Tl$ITt)R U served by carrier! in the eity it 25 cents per montn, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : 5 per year, or sa cents per montn. No paper con tinued after expiration of the time pMCfor unlt-M o;herwise oraerea. Coiuaiuuiciitioas appearing in these ftfamns are bat the expressions of the opinion of the ' correspondents writing the same, and they alone are rMponsibl. A' erost tnarti X after your name Informs yon that your time is oni. Address-alt orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N C AH EXPENSIVE COW. !. Legal Advertisements. Local notices in this paper wil' be Five dents per line each insertion. Larsket City Oinc-jLATios RALEIGH, DECEMBER 10. 1890. Thb Board of Aldermen, of Rich mond, Va., have decided to give the Confederate Memorial Literary So ciety the use of the Jefferson Davis Mansion for a museum of war relics. Thb State officials are all busy get ting up their reports in time for the General Assembly. We have no data from which to make predictions, but weiiear unofficially that there will be no need for much increase of taxation during the next two years, under ex isting laws. Of coarse, we can't tell what our law makers may do, but we hope for the best. ITIS still predicted by our busi.iess meif that the present fall and whiter will be the most successful for years. Many of our merchants are se-ing heavier then to several seasons p ist. The good crops have brought coi res ponding good times. Some in a po sition to know predict that the cot ton receipts will certainly reach 35, OftToales good. THE OLD NORTH STATE. Wflsbn is to hold an election on the 15tH to determine whether it shall hjrvelectrib lights. Mt. Airy, N. C, Dec. 8. -Quite a enow is prevailing in this section and the Blue Ridge is covered as far as the eye can reach. Under the new census North Caro lina will stand eighteenth in point of increase and seventieth in point of population aniorig the States. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, of Burdette, Mecklenburg county, was burned to death Friday last, her dress catching on fire while Bhe was standing on the hearth. Rev. James Ai Weston, has tempo rarily accepted a position as assistant minister at Trinity Church, New Tort. This is bat a temporary ar rangement, as Mr. Weston does not propose to leave Hickory. . Charlotte Democrat: Tax Collector Torance has paid to County Treas urer McClintock the sum of f 10,049, the public school fund for Mecklen bnyg cotrnty. lifcadTy Carolinian: Asheville, we' understand, is overloaded with lum ber; antt the dealers there have re duced the market price. Statesville Landmark: The Lnthe ran congregation expect to have their new ennrch completed ami hold the first services in it by Christians Tarboo Banner: Near R ;d Oak chureh, Nash county last week, a steam mill boiler exploded. Most of the boiler was carried 170 yards; and the shelter torn down One man was hurt by the falling timbers of the shel : ter. ' Rocky Mount Argonaut: The nc cess of out1 tdbactib market this sea- - soEhas ,55afen" far greater than the ' most sanguine eipected. The ware tadnsemen say, the sales ftfr the sea son will reach about five million pounds. J.'A'. Trifcaht, of 'AsbeyiUe, has, in his possession a silver watch yhich has been , in the Tenrant family for 17yeart.- m IsHbBTfey'affair lfnt? of about t he T same' dfamettr , as the modern waebv but ; 'is as 'inch nd thfediefghtni-thldki Th 'cVyWal is very heavy. The effal is marked with Soman characters. . - A . ' - ( Charitv is greater than iustice : Ye. it is greater: it is the summit of iim tice it is the temple of which justice is the foundation; But you cannot have the bottom; you cannot ouild upon charity. You. must build upon justice, lor this main reason, that you have not at first charity to build with. It is the last reward of good work., Do, justice to your brother (yon can do that whether you love him or not.) and yon will come to love hiai.T-Jluskia. ' : 7z TOO WANT TO MAKE SOME Holiday Presents. We have in stcck just what you want for Giiristmss or New Year Gifts, Come and see the Beautiful Assortment Kefore it is Picked ever. HTWe will carefully store all -purchases, if desired, and de--siTed, and deliver them any--wbof e in the city on Christmas -day; so you can make your se - lections nor.J How General Aler Repaid tho Man Who Gave Him an Ed ucation. Chicago Mail. At the fat stock show several World's Fair Commissioners were discussing the high prices command ed by first class stock no vadays. Several instances were cited in which a single animal had brought a sum which a few years ago would have been pronounced fabulously large, "I recall one instance," remarked one of the gentlemen. "In which an or dinary 'liilch cow, without any pedi gree whatever, brought a price which compares very favorably with the case we have mentioned. "Years ago General Russell A Alger, of Detroit, lately the Com mander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, was a youngster without a cont and with but one suit of clothes. He wanted to attend school and went to a physician who lived in the vilage to ask for a chance to work for hi board. The doctor did not need the services of a boy, but he was so much impressed with young Alger's earnestness that he took him into his family circle and sent him through school. Alger did no work except to take care of the doctor's horse and one cow. "But time has wrough great changes. Alger is now a millionaire, while his benefactor is an old man in straitened financial circumstances. One by one his children have died. until he and his old wife have been left alone. All offers of assistance by General Alger have been refused, for the old man is as proud as Lucifer himself. Tn consequence Alger has been force! to bestow his charities in many little roundabout ways so that their source could not be guessed. Recently he visited his old friend, determined to compel his acceptance of more substantial aid than he had been receiving. "Why, Alger, you don't owe me anything,' the old man said, 'and I won't accept anything. " 'But I owe my education to you.' " 'Bosh ! You owe that to yourself.' " 'But I caused you trouble and ex pense, for which I want to repay you.' "'The trouble needn't trouble you, and there wasn't much expense to speak of. la fact, the only expense that you caused me, so far as I can recollect, is the loss of a cow. J)o you know, Alger, when you came to live with me I had the best cow in these parts, and that your awkwardness completely spoiled her ? Well, it did. Within three weeks you had made her so skittish that no one could go near her, and I had to sell her for beef.' " 'Well, then, I owe you for that cow, don't I ? And I'm going to pay you for her and will add a little in terest for the use of the money for about forty years ' "After a long course of argument the old gentleman finally consented, very reluctantly, to accept pay for his cow. And the price paid for that ordinary grade cow is sufficient to support her former owner in fair cir cumstances during the remainder of his lifetime. She was a very expen sive cow." Kale of Laud in Houss Creek TOWNSI1IP. On Monday, the 29th day of ! cember. 1890. I will sell at public --ua tion, at the court hotme dr i Ral eigh, 97 aces of land cituate iu House Creek township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of S J Rogers, John Harrison, deceased, and others and fully described in a ded of ir'tgaga executed to me by John L kuiory and wife on the 2nd day of January, 1833, and duly recorded in I ook 101, page 24 of the Registers office of Wake county. The sale rill b made in pursuance of authority given in said mortgage deed. Tio.e of sale 12 o'clock m. Terns of eale cash. J N HOLDING, no26 4w. Trustee. ALFRED WILLIAMS 'ifc'CO. LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree in the Superior Court of Wake county, in a cane therein pending entitled State ex rel. Harris vs. Mechanics' Building and Loan Association, made at Oeober Term, 1890, 1 will, on Mon day, the 15th day of December, 1890, at i2 o'clock m., at the court house door in Raleigh, expose for sale at public vendue the following described lands, formerly the property of An thony Allen, which are ordered to be sold by said decree. Tenus of sale, Cash. Tho said land ia described as fol lows : Lying and being on Biount street, in the city of Raleigh, and known as the Linke lot, and bounded as follows: Beginning on the east side of Blount street (extended south to wards Bledsoe's old residence) at the northwest coiner of lot owned by Henderson Smith, and running nearly north along sail Blount street one hundred and fifteen (115) feet; thence nearly east, a line perpenJicular to first line, one hundred and forty (110) feet; theuce nearly south, a line par allel to first Hue, one hundred and fifteen (115) feet to paid Henderson Smith's north line; therce along said Smith's north line to the beginning, containing one half of an acre, more or less, being the same lot which was mortgaged by Paul Linke and Susan F. Linke, his wife, to the Mechanics' Building and Loan Association of Raleigh, N. C. JNO. DEVEREUX, Jr., novll-tds Commissioner. Notice of Sale. HOUSE AND LOT IX OBi It LIN VILLAGE. By virtue of the terms of a certain mortgage deed made by John Jongs and wife April 27, 1887, and recorded in book 95, page 428, in the office of Register of Deeds for Wake county, I will offer for sale the premises de scribed in said mortgage at the court bouse door in Rileigh on Monday, December 15th, 1890, at 13 o'clock m. This piece of property is iu Oberlin village, on the old Hilleboro road. The lot contains about i acre and has a 4-room house on it i fair condition. CHAS. McKIMMON, Assignee of Mortgagee. J. M. Bronghton, Agent. nol5 tds Mortgage bale. On December, the 11th, I will sell at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 m, that tract of land on Saunders street, in the ity of Raleigh, adjoining the lots of L D Heartt on the south and I C Blair on the north, being the lot conveyed by J G Brown to Nannie B Hay by deed, dated July 1st, 1889. Terms of sale, cash. This sale will be made by virtue of a deed of mort gage executed by Walter D Hay and Nannie Hay, his wife, to Jos G Brown dated July 1st, 1889, registered in Register's office of Wake county,book No 107, page 411, in which the said land is described. JOS G BROWN, nolO tds Mortgagee Executor's Uot ice. Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of MrsT A B Scarbor ough, deceased, this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate to t resent the same to me on or before the 3d day of November, 1891, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the estate must present them to me. W D SCARBOROUGH, Ex'r. Wake Forest, N C, Nov 3d, 1890 6w Notice. Having qualified as executors of Madison B. Royster, deceased, .we hereby notify all persons having claims against our testator to present thorn to us with-n the time required by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment to us. GEORGE O.RAY, J. M. DENNIS, Executors of M. B. Royster. Oc 28, 1890. v ow6wpd NOTICE. Having this day b en appointed, and qualified, as the administrator of the estate of W. T. Rogers, deceased, this is togive notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to present their claims for payment on or before October 6th, 1891, or this notice will be plead . in bar of recov ery. : .-, ,. J. M. BROUCHTON, Administrator. I?al Advertisements. Trustee's Sale. Hr virtue of a deed of trust made by W. O Upchurch, I will tfferfor sale at the Conrt boune door, in Ral eigh, to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, th 12th day of January, 1891, the bout and lot on Wilming ton street whereou W. C Upchurch now lesides For further description see deed of trust as registered. This Dec. 6th, '9'i. F. O. MORING, Trustee. Railroad Schedule Richmond & DanTilld B R Cfty. Condensed Schedule in fleet May 18th, 16U0. rale of House and Lot, Situate in Obeilin On the 7th of January, 1891, we will sell at the Court-house door, in Ral eigh, a house and lot situated in the town of Oberlin, Wake County, N. O., adjoining the lands of Marion Nor wood, Rose Crenshaw, W. G. Up church and others,; known as the Richard Whitaker lot. Sale made by virtue of a mortgage executed by Richard Whitaker and others re corded in book 104, Page 594, Regis ter's office of Wake county. Terms of sale cash. Time of sale 12 m. PACE & HOLDING, de6 80t. Att'y for trustee. Sale of Lot. By virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage, executed on the 21st day of October, 1881, by Joseph Braan and wife, Caroline Braan, to Rand & Barbee Brothers, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Wake County, in Book 65, page 532, we will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court-house door, in the city of Raleigh, N. C , on the 23rd day cf December, 1890, at 12 o'clock m., the lot of. land conveyed by said mortgage, described as fol lows: Situated at the angle of the Rock Quarry street, on the Tarboro Road, near the Eastern limi s of the city of Raleigh and bounded on the north by the Tarboro Road, on the west by said Rock Quarry street or Tarboro Road, on the south by the lot of Mary Davis, and on the east by the lot of Ed. May, containing be tween a third and a half acre. Time of Bale December 23rd, 1890, 12 m. ARMISTEAD JONES, del. Atfc'v for Mortgagees. oouthbound. ! Lv Richmond, iiurkeviile, Keysville, Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Uoldsboi w, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv balem. Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Gieenvillo, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh, Lv Kaieigh Ar Goldtiboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, Rrlortgagee's Sale. In pursuance of the authority con tained in the deed of mortgage ex ecuted by M. J. Olive and Frances Olive, his wife, to William M. Wray, on the 22nd day of May, 1889, registered in the Register's office of Wake County, book No. 117, page 857, I will sell at public auction, at the Court-house door, in Raleigh, on the fcth day of January, 1891, at 12 o'clock m., for cash, the interest of said M. J. and Frances Olive, in that tract of land known as the Johnson Olive tract, bounded by the land of C. A. Council, B. J. Pollard, and W. R. Gower, John W. Olive, J M. Jones and W. K. Jones. Also the lot formerly belonging to said Johnson Olive, in the town of Apex, adjoining Ransom Jenks and J. M. Hoiltman, formerly known as thx Baucom lot. WILLIAM M. WRAY, by J. W. HINSDALE, Att'y. Dated Raleigh, Nov. 29, 1890. Executrix Notice. Having this day qualified as execu trix of tbe estate of J & Jolly, de ceased, and thi is to notify all p ir ties having claims against said estate to present the same to me, on or be fore the 3rd day of November 1891, or this notice will be plead fn bar of their recovery. no3 6w BETHELD JOLLY, Ex'x. Ml&cellaneiioH. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED Wines, Liquors, Brandies AND BEER For Medicinal Purposes, at ED. V. DENTON'S - First-Class Saloon, NO. 9 EXCHANGE PLACE, Next door east of Berwanger'B. We have on hand the following well known branus : . WINES. Mumra's Extra Dry, Imperial Extra Dry, Sherrv , Scuppemong, Black berry, Port and Claret Wines, &e. LIQUORS. The -celebrated Old Rock Bridge, Old Windsor, G F. Wysor's, Jacob Grover's, Pheiffer and Monongahela Rye Whiskeys, all guaranteed pure. Pure Old N. C. Corn Whiskey, Nash Brandy. ;-v EXPORT BEERS. Schlitz, Bud weiser, Anhauser Bush, Pale Lager and also Beer on Draught. Orders for medicinal purposes prompt ly filled Remember the plsce. No. 9 Ex change Place (old Gill aiand). r nolSlm . ED V. DENTON.- JNobO 8 uupiu 6 00 6 48 . 10 27pm a 40pm " 44U 4 543 8 20 tttao 10 87pm 12 20 am 1 49 7 22am 12 32 200 4 51 5 56 11 00 am 2 20 a m 0 30 10 SU am Daily. No 63 2 80ain 480am 6 lOaiu 8 06am V42aw t&OOpn 9 00pm 11 00am 2 65am 7 80am 6 15 9 60 11 19am 12 Oepin 4 22 655 1124am 12 4opm 8 88 4 40 9 4pm 1 0t-pm 511 9 00pm No 61 6 80 pm 10 85 8 13 am 6 00pm 12 85 am 139 425 0 02 11 10 pin 12 40 am 5 02 0 6a tf 07 7 47 Daily Tin IV 800ain 12 60pm 515 7 10 am 148pm 2 52 -5 30 7 05 12 25pr 2 02 558 0 42pm 7 1 840 11 40 am 112 80 am 9 45 ll 00pm 12 01pm 5 00 am 105 7 45 1 05 f9 00 am 2 55 12 60 7 55am 8 60pm 9 32 10 20 laiepni 155 am 1 0i 2 45 3 30 5 15 Ar WEST POINT, RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham. 54 and lu2 Stations. 55 and 103 H 8 00 am Lv West Point, Ar 0 tOpm r iuenmona lv T4 85 IjV tticnmond " Burkeville " Keysville " Chase City, " Clarksville Ar Oxford Lv Oxford " Henderson Lv Oxford Ar Kaleitdi 9 40 am 11 00 am 1 00pm 2 05pm 2 44pm 316pm 4 13pm 4 00 " 5 45 4 13 0 67 tDailv oxceDt Bundav. VDaily. exceDt Monday. SolHaas, Jas L Taxiok, Tralhc Man'g'r. Gen Pass Agt. W A TUBK, Dlv Hags Awnt' Kaieigh N O. 4 80 "u " 2 25 "Q " 1 45 u 12 30 ''i 44 11 65am Lv10 46 Ar 10 00am " 8 65 " Ar 10 40am Lv 8 12 " Daily. Miscellaneous. lllSlil Coal Dealers We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea son, and which we are receiving daily. Kanawha, West VirginiaSplint Superior to any in the United States for grates nd open fire places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It a the equal of any and surpassed bv no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Kaieigh and North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal and can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what we ask. We have also , a very choice lot of Red and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Buy now and save money, write lor prices. Oak. hickory and pine VI wood, long or cut, on hand all tne time. v va a ANDREWS & GRlbS. HARD COAL.; nnn li I EMS00A13 '. - I am prepared to tune and repair organs and pianos. Also to give ma sic lessons on these instrunientsand the guitar and banjo. All business entrusted, to; my care will receive : prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. References given ifrt quired. DAVID W BADHAM, ' no7 1m 211 West Jones street. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorfcJ