i; -My llniband and I. BaUioad Schedule, UTSA Hl.MII.TOjr. When the son la dipping hia crimson brow la the waves of the western sea, I know my darling is leaving the plow For the little home neat and me And his tea. I know he is footsore and weary, For he's toiled all the long summer day; Bat I'll greet him with kirns so cheery, 'Twill drive all hia cares away, And he'll Bay: "Sweetheart, 1 do not mind working From dawn till the night doth come, For e'er in my tboughtsare lurking Sweet viflioDs of wife and home. Wife and home, "Where a loving welcome doth wait me, And a dainty and wholesome tea; With joy to invigorate me. For an evening of music and glee; For you see, "Our evenings are little oases Fountains of love and delight Whose sprays bear away all traces Of sadness and gloom from our sight From our eight." Then may naught our hearts e'er sever As through life's journey we tread; And may it e'er be our endeavor Our labors with love to blend To the end. The Old Homestead. T1EM0 A TREE AND WHIPPED. Ex-Mayor Pritchard, of Wind sor, N. C, Mercilessly k logged. A telegram to the Herald from Windsor, N. C, says: A. J- Pritch ard, ex-mayor of Windsor, was found this morning stripped and tied to a tree, about two miles from here. He was in an unconscious condition from a terrible whipping he had received. His body was raw and bleeding from his neck clear to his feet, and his as sailants had shaved one Bide of his head and face. Mr. Pritchard says that on his way to his farm thiB morning be met three unknown men. One of them walked up behind him and struck him with something and knocked him down, and when he recovered consciousness he was stripped of all his clothes and tied to a tree. The men took turns at the whipping. He swooned away under the terrible ordeal and did n't recover consciousness until brought to town. Mr. Pritchard while mayor was very hard on offenders brought before him, and it is thought that some parties wnoni ne bad punished naa thus taKen vengeance upon him, Killed by a Kiss Exchange. The snow came down like a tine gauze. The people flitted by the Cor oner's office windows with collars turned up and heads bowed to the storm. "This weather reminds me,'' said JenkitfB to the, group about him, "of such a day about two years ago. was requested to investigate a case of sudden death. I had often heard of persons dying of fright, but I was not prepared to believe it. Upon being - conducted into the parlor I was in formed by the owner, a well known merchant, that his daughter had died under peculiar circumstances. She had arisen apparently in good health and high spirits. While she was seat ed at the table talking with her mother, her brother, who was about to leave foi business, came up behind her stealthily and kissed her full in the mouth before she was aware who it was. The girl screamed, sank back in a dead faint and wheu she was brought to went in convulsions and died .before medical attendance could arrive, ., The whole family were of a highly nervous temperament, very excitable and subiect to hysteria, The autopsv showed that the girl had been perfectly healtbly. Death was : undoubtedly due to a very nervous shock. CHIdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wun Baby mi sick, we gv her Castoria. When aha was a ChIM, ahacrtedjor Caatorla, When aha became tfisa, she dung to Castoria, ansbih Children, ahe gay them Caatoria. itisiiiii For Infaata and Children. Castoria rromot Digaetioa, and overouiuea Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diorrhoen, and Feverishneaa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and it sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it a superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arcber, M. D., 111 Boutn Oxford BL, Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castoria in mv practice, and And It specially adapted to affections of children." ALU. ItOBShTaOII. HI. 1S 1057 2d Ave., New York. " From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of Its ex salient effect upon their children." un. u. u. USQOOD. Lowell, llaaa. Thi Cintaub Company, 77 Murray Street, N. X. COTTON MARKET. Corrected daily for the EVBNiNe Vis itor by M A t'arker.Cotton Broser. Good middling 9 Middling to strict middling 849i Receipts about bales. Market steady. TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by JParer & .Harvey, rocacco Man ufacturers. Smokers Oomin on.. 5 8 Good .. 816 Fillers Commcn P Wood 711 Cutters Com men 1014 Good 2028 Fancy 283ft WraDners Common - 14&22 Good 22fi40 Fine to fancy 4070 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected daily for the Evening Visitor by TE11RELL& MOSELEY, Grocers. Meats Bulk Bacon, 8 Shoulders, 6i Sugar cured hams, ' 14 a 16 Breakfast bacon, 12 Lard FlourSurierCne, 3 50 Good, 2 75 Medium family, 2 50 Sugars Cut loaf, 10i Powdered, 10 Granulated, 8 Standard A, H & Yellow, 6i a 7i Coffee Rio, 20 a 25 Laguira, 25 a 27 Ja va, 83 a 83 Molapses Black strap, 25 a 80 PR Molases, 45 a 60 New Orleans, 60 a 75 Bright syrup, 50 a 65 Bait ptr sack, 1 75 V inegar per gal 80 Black pepper, 30 Race Ginger, 20 Tea e- Green, 50 a 65 Black. 50 a 65 Pi kles Sour, pergal) 50 Sweet. " 90 Butter, 18 a 22 EggB, ;12 Chickens Hens, 130 Spring, 15;a 22 Potatoes Sweet. 50 Iiish, 90 a 1 00 Dried apples, 6 a 7 Dried peaches, 8 a 10 Railroad Schedules. Cape Fear& Yadkiu Valley liauroau toiupany. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. northbound D'vexS'y I D'yexS'y Nol ;No8 Le Wilmington, Ar Fayetteville, Le Fayetteville, Le Sanford, Ar Greensboro, Le Greensboro, 9 40 a m 1 45 pin 2 15 pm 3 53 p m 6 40pm 7 10 p m Le Walnut Cove, 8 43 p in ArMtAirv 10 45 Dm Le Bennettsville, 8 20am Ar Maxton, 9 85am Le Maxton, - . 9 45 a m Ar Fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 15 daily except Sunday. Lie Millboro. . 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 9 00 a m Le Greensboro, 10 10 a m Ar Madison 12 35 pm southbound D'y ex S'y I D'y ex S'y No 2 No 4 Le Mt Airy, - 535am Ar GreenBboro, 9 15 a m Le Greensboro, 9 50 a m Le Sanford, 12 83 pm Ar Fayetteville, 210pm Le Fayetteville, 2 40 p m Ar Wilmington, 6 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 8 80pm ArMaxton, 0 20pm Le Maxton, 5 80 p m Ar Bennettsviiie, 6 45 p m . No 16 daily except Sunday. Le Madison, . 1 40 p m Ar Greensboro 4 00 p m " Le Greensboro, 4 40 p m Ar Millboro, . 655pm W E KYLE, , General Passenger, Agent. ; -J W Fbt. Gen Bupt, lialel&b. ftHULngaBta A-L 11 U To take effect 9 am, Bandar. Sept 7, 1890. Traina mov lag North. O 86, fast and. Mail. Daily ex Sun aiaina mov lug South. No 48, Past and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Lieave. Arrive. 9 00am. 917 " Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, 7 10 p m 6 60 pm 6 85 pm 5 57 pm 5 80 pm 6 01 pm 4 29 pm 9 20 " 10 07 " 10 85 " 1103 " 11 86 " 12 45pm Hamlet, 3 80 pm 1 60 " Gibson, Ar 2 40 pm Northbound Southbound Trains. Tbro Frt and Pass 26. Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 25. Daily exct Stations i Daily exct ouiiday. Sunday. p M Lv Ar A. M 6 (0 6 40 7 8 8 89 9 26 Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern Pines Hamlet 10 60 10 25 10 05 9 02 8 16 10 13 11 03 7 80 6 38 4 45 1 00 a ni Ar Lv PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro, 11 00 a m Arrive Moncure, 10 15 Leave Moncure 8 45 p m Arrive Pittsboro, 9 30 CARTHAGE R R. ES3 Leave Carthage, 8 00 a in Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, v 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 80 Leave Carthage, 4 00 pm Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron, 5 50JU- Arrive Carthage, 6 85 WM BMIIH, Bupt, ATLANTIC fc N. C. It 11 , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains JNO0U Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve Dm 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 a u 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 64 Kinston 10 09 1014 6 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 pm MoreheadCity am 6 Dajilv. JALEIQHA 9A8T0S E E. To take effect Sunday, Nov 23, 1890 Trains moving North. No 88. No 26. Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Raleigh, 11 20 am 7 15 p m Wake, 12 08 8 43 Franklinton, 12 21 9 35 Kittrell, 12 88 10 00 RAndAi-ann- 13 E6 10 26 Littleton, 2 01 1215 pm Ar Weldon. 2 40 1 20 a m Trains moving South. - No 41, No 25, RtationR. Mail train. Fast Fr't Le Weldon, 12 20 p m 2 40 a m Littleton, 1 00 8 60 Henderson, 2 28 5 50 Kittrell, 2 44 616 Franklinton, 2 69 6 45 Wake. 317 7 20 Ar Raleigh, 3 60pm 820am - Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass. No 8, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Louisburg. 11 20 a m 6 55am ArFranklint'n, 1155 6 80 Trains moving South. KT. A-t D... OK A A SUDD, AV NV Stations. Mail & Express, Le Franlint'n. 315pm 7 20am Ar Louisburg, 8 50 p m 8 00 Wm SMITH, Supt. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad and Branches. uonaensoq aeueauie. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 6. No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. F't m'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y lie Weldon, lasupm 043pm ouuam Ar Rocky Mt, 146pm 710am Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm; Le Tarboro. 10 20am Ar Wilson, 2 20pm7 00pm 743am Le Wilson, T2 80pm Ar Selma, 880pm ArFay'tville 580pm LeG'dsboro, 815pm 740pm 835am Le Warsaw, 4iopm V34am Le Ar Magnolia, 4 24pm 8 40pm 9 49am WiTgton, 5 50pm 9 55pm 11 20am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No40, dally, d'y, ex tdaily Sund'y. Lv WiTgton, 1201am 900am 400pm Lv Magnolia, 1 21am 1084am 586pm Le Warsaw, 1048am 553pm Ar GPdsboro, 2 23am 1) 45am 6 53pm LeFav'tville, t? 80am ArSehna, 1118am Ar Wilson, 1220pm Lv Wilson, 803am 1287pm 7 47pm Ar RookvMt, 1 10pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro, 217pm Lv Tarboro, 1020am Ar Weldou, 4 80am S 46pm 9 80pm (Daily except Sunday. JoHsrFDiyiNB, GenerarSujMrintendent. J R Kenlt, Sup't Trans. T M Emerson, Genera ;Pass Act. : Established, HTO.. THE CHEAPEST AFTERNOON PAPFRIN NORTH CAROLINA. S-ix"bsoz?2)i3onL Price r Per Year, $3.00; Per lonth 25 Cents. THE EVENING VISITOR, PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY Brown - & - Williams, rwenty-Five Cents Montli, SUBSCRIBE NOW. ALL THE LOCAL NEWS, STATE NEWS, GENERAL NEWS REMEMBER, THAT '4f TOE DAILY M 18 THE OLDEST AFTERNOON PAPER Published m the City of Raleigh. BROWrJ & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. ItfJtgtyJtoMjl CaorjJ Children Cry fortchJfcg AT MISCELLANY.

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