-V iff' PUNISHMENT CAMS SWIFTLY. A Xegro Murderer llauged ami Ittddlcl With HullH by Xegroes Qukkswood, Mies., Dec. 0. Gus Aron, one ot the bfct kDown i-itizen of the county, was murdered yester day at bm More at Boebuck Landinp, Yazoo river. Dennis Martin, with several other negroes, enraged In a game of crap close to Mr. Aron's store A disturbance was raised, when Mr Aron went ont to remonstrate with them. Martin made some slighting remarks about Mr. Aron, when Aion advanced on him. Martin drew his pistol, remarking he would al'ow no white man to come near him. Aron being nnamed, retreated, when Mar tin fired upon him without effect. Mr. Aron went into his store, and Philip Thomas, followed by several other colored man, went out so search for Martin, and upon finding him, carried him to apologize to Mr. Aron, saying nothing serious would be done with him. They took good care to search his pockets, and not finding any w eapon in them, considced him harmless. Mr. Aron, upon meeting th- negro, said: "You scoundrel, I have Keen a friend to you ever since I have been here." The negro pulled a revolver which he had concealed up his sleeve and fired point blank at Mr. Ai m, the ball taking effect in the refcioii of the heart, killing him almost instantly. Martin then turned and fired upon several others who were in tl e store at the time.among them Phil Thomas who took up a double barrelled shot gun and fired at Martin, breaking both his arms, and mistaking him for dead, all attention was turned upon Mr. Aron. In the meantime Martin managed to get away, and his ab sence being discovered, a posse of colored people started out to hunt for him. They found him and he was swung to a limb and his' body riddled with bullets. Mr. Aron was from Germany, and was a prominent Mason. He leaves a widow and one child. Joyless Childhood New York Journal. - The streets ot Antwerp, Belgium are paved with stoiii. What lb strik ing in the inhabitants at first sight Is their small size. The-Belgians are a short race and exceedingly in dustrious. Their country is said to be the most densely populated in Europe. WageB are very low, and on the farms and in the gardens the wo men do the same laborious work (and sometimes more laborious) that the men do. They are excellent gardeners and nothing is allowed to go to waste In a sense they may be termed the Chinese of Europe. The children in Antweip show the effect of the heavy monotonous life of their parents. They dress in clumsy, awkward garb which gives them an old man look, and they wear wooden shoes which prevent any of the light frisky movements of gamboling child hood. ! Their games are few and simple; in fact, they seem to believe thev were ' . made to work as soon as they could vatand, and .their play bears the air of f those who think they ought really to be doing something el pa. , Shoes and Shots. It is a well known fact that there are shoes, that wear and shoes that do r not wear. Shoes - that fit and shoes that do not fit.'. In buying of us it is all smooth sailing. We buy only goous mac nave stood the tost of trial, and have them made to our own order by. the beet makers of the country?! .-. . r$ : MCKIMXOK, Mo.SKLBX & AfcG KB. , Clothing! 'tilolhlnjr! . Don't forget that D. S. Witt is aauy recmng new goods in Over oats, Back and Frock Suits. Boy's . and Children's Clothing Has just opened a fresh supply of Boy's Cloth ing. Iowa has a four year old curiosity In the' shape of a child , which was born without eyes. ' There is no sign of an eye in the face- where the eyes 'jOOffnt to De. ' Xr.'.V ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. Hanutr ouIifiet us fT-urri of th lat will and tentiMi ci t 0 Jordan Wonible, Sr. deceased, this is to uoti fy all persona hiving r!aiui against his estate to present thf suiue to the undersigned on or hnforo the lQtb dav of December. If 91; and th se in debted to said estate will plte make immediate pa ment. W R WOMHLE, O G WOSIBLE, delO 6w Fxecutors. Cnange of Business. I have this day sold to Nicholas De boy, Jr. my entire stock of Fancy Groceries. &c, at No 13 Exchange Place. TbankiDg the public for their past patronage, and boning my suc cessor a continuance of the same, I am, respectfully, ED V DENTON. December 10th, 1890. I have this day purchased of Ed V Denton his entire stock of Fancy Groceries, No 13 Exchange Place, where I shall keep a full line of gro ceries ana oaKers' goode. KICK DEI30Y, JR. December 10th, 1890. del02w D S. ITT, Agt. HAT?, CAPS, UNDEliWEAR.HOSIERY, GLOVES 1INE DRESS SHIRTS, HTK'FS - SUSPENDERS, NECKWEAR, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c, &c. Has removed to the HENRY BUILDING No 305 FayetteviUe street, Opp. the Post Off ce, RALEIGH NO. BECOME AND SEE ME. I) S WAITT, Agt ocl fjhristmas Coming. USEFUL PRESENTS. LOOK over our stock of Boy's uiotning, Wats, Caps, Keots. Shoes. Jewelrv. Watches. Vallses.Trunks underwear, Umbrellas, xvuooer uioiumg, ate, c. CLOTHIERS X NATTERS ap2V REMOVAL. In order to be more convenient to my patrons and to enlarge mv work- shop, I have moved into the base ment of Henry Building, opposite Poptoffice, where I will be pleased to receive orders ror Tin, Sheet-Iron, Stove, and Furnace work. I do mv uwu wuris, anu ao 11 promptly. vuuj.'iiK. viuiterine ana .fi run a a specialty. Respectfully, de4 lw C. F. LUM8DEW. IS jpal Fire Insurance AND STOCK BROKERS tfonds and stocks bought or sold lnarges reasonable. no7 tf Children Cry forPitcherrs CastoriaJ ' 13' j' :i Which every one should remember and therefore should do their utmost in preserving their eyes. Prof. Nye, 1 the optician of New York City, who is now and has been at thelarboro House for the nasc four weeks, will give the best advice and a thorough examination of the eyes free of charge and will adjust his superior glasses so as to give Bight similar to that, one experiences in youth. He does not only give his attention to fitting per sons requiring the use of glasses from age, but also making tests for ab normal cases which are more frequent ly found in young patients, such de fects as Uvvermetrovia (far sight). Myopia (near tight), Presbyopia (old sight), simple, mixed and compound Astigmatism (irregular curve of the cornea), Anisometropia (Unequal re fraction of two eyes, &c. Those de siring to be iitte l at their residence will be called upon without -uy extra cnarge. Very respectfully, 8. B. NYE, no 28 Iw Yarboro House. OUR BAFERY in m mm ARE OPEN TO ALL. We cordially invite everybody espe ctally THE LADIES To visit our Bakery and see bow and 01 wnat our .Bread, See, is made. WE USE HO ALUM East Hargett Street, between Wil mington aud Blount Streets. oe4 wEW LAUNDRY. I will open a Laundrv busines next Wednesday in the uppr end of the rnirie building, on VViimincton St and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Work neatly and promptly done, fnce moderate. dec! lw. qOP LEE. TED. 5,000 Sticks of Post Oak, White Oak, Cypress, Cedar or Jnnipar, six feet long, six inches across small end. To be delivered on or before December 20th, 1890. SEND PROPOSALS FOR ANY OR ALL, STATING WHEN THEY CAN.BE DELIVERED, TO Jones & Powell RALEIGH, N. 0. Beautiful, Artistic CALENDARS FOR 18 911 We have a " larcn nHRnrtmpnf nt iseautllul O'alenderB.' on Grd Rnord. ! Banners, &o . from which to makn selection. - v xuoj.tf FjOO jii k l HPiHirincr tr nan Calendar advertisiner will find it to 11. - S .. 3 t . . tueir inieresc to call at once and get priceB. - . - We shall not be able to fill orders after 15th December. call at once. EDWABDS & BR0UGHT0N, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, RALEIGH. N. C. del lw SECRET STROfiACH BAKERY 1 -A-HANDSOME LQR3E HOLIDAY CAN BE SEEN gJ. HAL. BOBBITT'S DRUG STORE WHERE YOU WILL BE SHOWN EVERY POSSIBLE ATTENTION. THE QUALITY OF ALL ARTICLES 18 GUARANTEED. I AM SATISFIED TO STAND BY THEIR EXAMINATION. Hy Drug Stock i iDnxra-a-iST, Raleigh, N. C. w 1 1 7 Favetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Clocks, Jewelry and SilYerware. Aspeeiauy , AMERICAN WOTS i .BjJt2sB-J Spectacles and ) FOR 11AILROAD TIMEKS.(No. 85 Movement. Repairing Solicited and Neatly Done. Rainbow Pebble Spectacles lew Ms mm We are now receiving fall styles of MOBfimiepyj AND Misses and Cbildrens' Gaps. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. AND All the new shades in wools and knitting yarns. AND EMBROIDERY MATERIALS, c. Prices reasonable. Mail orders promptly given attention. MISS MAtttflJS REESE, Se 8-tf v 209 Fayetteville St. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co'yf 69 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. This is a joint stock company whicn combines the advantasres oi the old ine system of insuranoewlth the non- ular plan of monthly premiums and payment of death elaims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued with equitable options at the end of those periods. Those who wish to have done a kind act in case of their death, for their families, h ive here the opportunity. Officers President. T J B or tinaham: Vice President, E V Whiter Secretary, P Richardson; Treasurer. W W Vicar; Medical Director. L Lankford: Coun sel, J B Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, E V White. W W Vicar, F Richardson, L I, Tjintfnwl M-TV: Thm T K U..l. ' L Sheldon, UW Deal. W. B. Boyd. Ptate Asrent. New Berne, N. C. 8 W Whitisa. Local Asrent. Raleigh N. O. noil OF GOODS! BY CALLING AT IS ALWAYS IS ALWAYS IS ALWAYS Complete. 1857. 18 I 1 I I ' I I I to Siiice the firs' I I i I t . I the last date above written the undersigned has .repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clockB, besides thousaDds of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of Wptch, Clock and Jewelry tfojk at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of FUSE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Grold and Steel SueotaolesI ? and Jewelry for sale at the low-, est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss calling on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of ine Desc classes. Mis workman ship none better. Call and see him at 13 WEST HARGETT STREET, Raleigh, B.C. sel5tf J W. COLE. il to Having moved my headquarters from Winston, B. C., to Raleigh, all those suffering from 1 FEMALE DISEASES ' of any kind will find great relief and permanent cure for the worst cases by f JOrl McGrlll's famous discovery, ORANE BLOS SOMS. Doinot delay but come, a? understand the roughly the diseases of bur sex. Those having already the ' treatment will pleascj send in their names and residence at once as it will be greatly to their benefit. X Office hourB frou.fi o'clock to 12 a m. 4 o'clock to 9 pi m. ' . - M rc.T. BIS H OP, 11 West Souti Street near St. John's X flospitaL Nor. 17, 1390. Moor