Educational. The famous English essayist Fred rlfl Harrison give expression, ia the forom, to tome strong criticisms on the modern school, which will Hod strong endorsement up and down the land; he says: "I have now an ex perience of some 40 years as student, teacher,' and examiner; and it forces - on me a profound eonTlotlon that oar modern education Is hardening into a narrow and debasing mill. Educa tion Is overdriven, oversystematized . monotonous, mechanical. At school and at college lads and girls are being drilled like German recruits forced into a regulation style of learning, of thinking, and even of writing. They all think the same thing, and it is artificial in all. The round of end less examination reduces education - to a professional 'cram,' where the repetition of given formulas passes for knowledge, and where the ac curate meincjy of some teacher's tips' takes the place of thought. Ed ucation ought to be the art of using the mind, and of arranging knowl. edge; it is becoming the artofswal t lowing pellets of special information. The professor mashes up a kind of mental 'pemmican,' which he ranis into the learner's gullet. When the pupil vomits up these pellets, it is called 'passing his examination with honors.' Teachers and pupils cease to think, to learn, to enjoy, to feel. They become cogs in a huge revol ving mill wheel, which never ceas jb to grind, and yet never grinds out any thing but the dust of chaff." i As to Breathing. Exchange. A boy fourteen years old, handed in the following as a composition on "Breathing." The instruction was: "Tell all you can about breathing." He said: "Breath is made of air. We breathe with our lungs, our lights, our liver and kidneys. If it wasn't for our breath we would die when we slept. Our breath keeps the life agoing through the nose wkn we are asleep. Boys that stay in a room all day should not breathe. They should wait till they get out doors. Boys in a room make bad, nnwholesoma air. They make carbonicide. Carbon icide ' is poisoner than mad dogs. A heap of soldiers was in a black hole in In- dia. and a carbonicide got in that there hole, and nearly killed every one afore morning. Girls kill the breath with corosits that squeeze the diagram. Girls can't holler or run like boys, because their diagram is squeezed too much. If I was a girl. I had rather be a boy, so I oan run and holler, and run and have a great big diagram." A retired newspaperman of Colum bus Ohio 60 years old was married to a Blizzard on Christmas day, she was a charming Miss of 21 years. "That Sallie Harkins is the greatest girl for gbtting bargains at second hand, hyntshe? I understand she's ... . . . .. 'jroinir to marrv a widower " Knvinna Lady. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M ETUOPOIjITAN HALL. , ONE, WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, :V DECEMBER 29TH. f 4 The Cosmopolitan Comedian. HAltttY LISDLEY, supported by a strong Company of 11 Artists, opening their engagement wud me oeauuiui3 act drama, en titled Costumes magnificent Change of ay mgnuy. trices io, sss aurl 30 ts. Reserved seats for tale at Mac- IARIES1891 of all the nev? styles at Wains & Co's. 191 and it may be i oee our ie V ' ou r- -RY. I 'lroads BE WISE AND BUY Hew - Goods. 23 cases Men, Wo men and Boy's S hoes K yf To arrive in a few T avL da Guv Docker's fiC "jt-S. $3 50 men's shoes are I Ithe best in the j world for the money. 8ee them before buying elsewhere. Just received, another lot of those popular ugnt uvercons. Reliable goods at low prices. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS .i IV' nn-f -Itiii'. c .1 i!:e ii' .;. i i r.wi'.s di-i:;; - I I o t.n;iill II, N' s,aiid i . u!i iiiijHiii- -ii. i 1 1... ;; ii.-vs :imi ;:u i!i(.-ti. ! vU:Ij..t s t-'ii. 1 1 ... I -im :!! ..W J :t iiiiiuciiinic use, in Bin all ll). sit M-.a prorunih' iiliil surrlv- UllMVlt'j J' '1 IliM.'rH w PiTlmllv forcliiiiln -i, lio derive most beuelit from jiioTit irul small doses. It is an agree ia iiii. ine, will not produce nausea to i i '. f. f nshive stomach, j N-V aiodio'ne contuining iron in K.J eullicvnt quantities to bo of viilr ui !i v.ii.not injure or dincolor the teeth 'v licaJucho or constipation is Hrwn's I r,itic:-5. This remedy curt tiolh loat.;.:!ia and constipation. 7 ' IlSiCK Y do: not enter into its ff i-o.-'jiosiiion. h is a perfect tem l)0ivui e v. ..iicine never ia sold by the .-la s .r;v I ns a beverage. Brown's Iron ;!Uo. s gt'4-i i:s Ktrenjjthening and purify i.r-;p.-j 'Kg irora uie vegetable altera sure ters It j-H'on-'thens and soothes tht ii Tie.-, ai, 1 braces sip the whole system fr..!r. dia ciTccih oi the prostration. QirFlCItlvKS from chilis and fever, O !.'iicn:!itti'!jt fevers, and malarial loveM ot ii ;! kinds, are cured by Brown's aon Bitters. It drives the poison of malaria o.:t.ot the blood, and leaves no toid aftcr-fiiik-ts, such as result from the iiso of ouLine. i: combined in this preparation without, the aid of deleterimid xwl ilai:goii;s acids, with vegetable altera tives an 1 tonics, in siu-h a skilful man ner th'it IVowu's Jn.n Bitters cures head ache and constipation, while all other iron propiiruions produce both RJU5'(T.M.VTJ Iron Dittc nrnrl ltr T)wn.t'n TSt the blood la mnrla nclier, the chemical constituents of the Oones regidated, and strength given to both bone and muscle, and the torture of ."ne;imtitis;ii is dispelled bv its hr ONE of the most distressing and an noying troubles which afflict human Oeings is dyspepsia. Brown's Iron Bit ters tones the stomach, relieves heart 'nvn and bel.ihing, and cure?! dygpepsia. NEURALGIA is cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. The body and the :icm- both receive the benefit of its wondertnl power n a strengthener and purifier, and respond to its action by dia polling the pains of neuralgia. JIWOLSXESS is removed by L) Brown's Iron Bitters. It's action upon the liver is prompt and effective; it stirs up its sluggish action, removes the torporllspelstbebilenakesthccountcn. tnro bright iind tlieskinsmooth and white. TXDfGI SIION is cured by Brown's i. Jrn Bitters. It stimulates the ac of the stomach, furnishes assistance "t assimilate food, promotes digestion, m l relieves sufTering from this cause. ' BU.VTtiiod feeling can be dispelled, I thoeshausted vitality restored vigor :.n 1 strength given to the system, and jirtmty an I elasticity to the movements, y Brown's Iron Bitters, and the fefiliiTo iflanguor and lassitudewill be removed. rpiIOSE pains in the back and sides A are caused by weakness of the kid neys, and can only be relieved by the use uf Brown's Iron Bitters. It furnishes strength to the kidneys, and dispels the pains. Bright's disease is prevented bv timely use of tin's remedy. if VERY lady should lceep a bottle oi J Brown's lion Bitters in the house, for nse in case of general or special weakness. This remedy is specially adapted to relief of such infirmities as they alone are subject to. It gives them 'ic ilth and strength. RELIABLE testimonials are con stantly received from all sections 1 the country, where Brown's Iron Bit ters has be;?n teed with benefit, by per sons suflerinQf from the various diseases mentioned above. - SOLD everywhere. The pricp is only one doll-ir a bottle. Brown's Iron Hitters is kept a a household remedy wherever it has orre inni nsed, r Genu ine h is trade-mark andj rrd ro l lit n . the. wrrpper. - ALv'o. &f-J,y iU Crowa CJnuiucal Co.. B-itiiuore. iU '' -n-vines ot which it is composed iT'Y' Iros! ration and general 1 i 'l -ihl i .y a ie relieved promptly and iy by the line of Urown's Iron Hit D S. ITU :Ji CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER, HAT8, caps, - - . UNDERWEAR.HOSIERY, GLOVES FINE DRESS SHIRTS, H'DK'FS, BUSPENDER3, NECKWEAR, COLLARS, CUFFS, ic, ic. Has removed to the , HENRY BUILDING No 305 Fayelteville street, Of p. the Post Offce, RALEIGH, N C. tSCOME AND SEE ME.J ocl 1) 8 WAITT, Act. Cuange of Business. I have this dav sold to Nicholas De boy Jr. niv entire stock of Fancv Groceries. Sin. at, No '13 Exclinnp-p Pinoe. Thanking the pal lie for their past patronage, ana noping my suc cessor a continuance of the same. I am, respectfully, ED V DEJNTOJN. December 10th, 1890. I have this dav nnrehftSAd of Rri V Detiton his eutire stock of Fancy urocerie8, JNo 13 Exchange Place, where I shall keen a full line of crro ceries and bakers' goode MUK DEBOY. JR. December 10th, 1890. del02w Valuable Personal Property for Sale. By virtue of authority conferred by certain deeds of mortgage, executed oa the 29th dav ot January. and on the 26th day of April, 1890, by John W Walker to H H Crocker, and also by virtue of authority conferred by a certain deed of assignment, exe cuted bv said Walker to said OrnoWor on June 23d, 1890, the said mortgages and deed of assignment being record ed ill book 110, page 292, book 112, page 170, and in book 111, page 727, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N C, respectively, I will, on Tuesday, January 13th, 1891. sell at uublicouterv to th hioh. est bidder for cash, the following de scribed personal orouertv. towit: One gray horse, named Henry, one gray horse named Tom. nn arav horse, named Jupiter, one black horse, named Sam, one clay bank mare, named Nellie, one bay black colt, one top buggy, two spring wagons, one two horse wagon, one carriage, one buU and three cows. Place Of Rale. Strona.nh'fl anntinn rooms on Wilmington street, Raleigh N C. Time of sa'e, 12 o'clock m. Hfl CROCKER, de24 td Mortgagee and Assignee- Rooms to Rent. Two nice rooms ove the Norris Dry Goods Store, Apply to d23 6t WILLIAMSON & UPCHURCH. visiTiiyn-3r(ive me an of my written cards?0 A ID Sq BLAdK ftarda writ. V M IT UO' ten with white ink, very stylish. Only oe per cioz. j ney are sure to please VOU. "IjOOKS 11 ce fitpp nnvrsv nv J i.x . . ?. & ia wuai people say or my writing. (4 P JONES Ppnmnn dlOm Raleigh Bus. Col., Raleigh.N C 2,000 lbs.' -Fine French Mixed Candies, lib bis 15c. 25 Bchs. Fine Ripe Yellow Bananas, Selected Stock, ' $1, $1 25, $1 50 bch. 25 Bbls. Fancy Ben Davis Apples. EVERYTHING of the Best at Lowest Prices at 15C.L8. 17. C. U BiSTGOICii'S I. A C3AWDSSU3E LME -TOLA DAY GOODS! CAN BE SEEN J. HAL. BOBBITT'S DRUG STORE . . WHERE TOU WILL BE SHOWN EVERY POSSIBLE ATTENTION. THE QUALITY OP ALL ARTICLES IS GUARANTEED. I AM SATISFIED TO STAND BY THEIR EXAMINATION. ly Drug Stock Raleigh, N. C. 1 1 7 Favetteville Street, Raleigh, N, C. Clocks, Jewelry A Specialty AMERICAN or Spectacles and Repairing Solicited and Neatly Done. Rainbow Pebble Spectacles lefGoiHewliOcfe We are now receiving fait- styles of M5IMnieiy9 AND Misses and (Mdreitf Caps. NOVELTIES IN FANCY G00DS. ' AND All the new shades in wools and knitting yarns. AND EMBROIDERY MATERIALS, t Prices reasonable. Mail promptly given attention. miss MAWUXlti REESE, Se & tf 209 Fayetteville St. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co'y. 59 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. This is a iolnt stock comnn nv whiin combines the advantages of the old line system of insurancewith the pop- I x - u a aim payment of death claims immediately ! onproof. y; Policies runninsr t- 10 20 years are issued with ennitoKia options at the; end of those periods. TilOSe Who wish to have rl OT1A u IrmH act in case of their death, for fhir families, havi here the opportunity. Officers President.T .T TS Vice President, E V White; Secretary! F Richardson: Traacinrai- w w v,': Medical Director, L Lankford: Coun sel, JE Heath. pIrectors--T J Nottingham, V White. WWVWr p mj,.L,. t r Lankford, M D, Judge J E Heath. Jj wneiaon, G W Deal. - - .. W. B. BOVn. Rtn fA A irnf Berne, N. C. ' &v""' " " - -evajMmijjt -OF- BY CALLING AT IS ALWAYS 18 ALWAYS IS ALWAYS Complete. and Silverware. WTDBES S857.. i 1 I II II I Since t,hi fir.f. tn I i 1 I i i ill I I the last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watches .iid perhaps as many clocks, besidep iriousands of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of Watch, Clock and JeweliJloIS at his old stand. SECOTCTi ... w vv of the National Rank nt w,uik . V. WllWKll. Fwher,ewm? found a good line of J Sold and 8ilver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks. INE tiold and Stfol NrfQiQn and Jewelry for sale at the low est ptssible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss cal"rg on COLE if you wiih anything in his line. His .roods are n il n? , . the best classes. His workman ship none better. Call and see him at 13 WEST HARGFTT STREET Raleigh, N. C. sel5 tf J W. COLE, WANTETD. 5,000 Sticks of Post Oak, White Oak, Cypress, Cedar or Juniper, six feet lona. six Inches across small end. Pa ha HaUtraaA An u-in . ' . IKIQT9 December 20th, 1890. SEND PROPOSALS FOR AM OR ALL, STATING WHEN THEY CAN BEDELI VERED, TO Jones 6Y Powell RALEIGH, g. Q. -'j Hartsfield & Son 219 South Wilmington St," . I RALEIGH, nr. C. ' ' .Watches, Clooksi Jewelry and Tovs repaired. All wnrii us a trial. dAi7im MX"