visitor VOL. T?. A T. ""RTDA?. J.A.DT CJ A "RY 0, 1891. jsro. 84 NEWS NOTES ABODT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News ia Brief. WeldoD is trying to get itself oc a boom. "Well don (e)." Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Messrs. W. 0. Sn A B. Stronach. Mrs. S. A. Stedmau, Proprietress of the Central Hotel, has an advertise ment in this issue to which we invite the attention of the public. During the past two years the Gov ernor has issued 47 pardons, 25 com mutations and 11 reprieves. Total, 83 The Oxford Day, of the 7th, say-B, Dr. B. P. Dixon will turn over the affairs of the Orphan Asylum to the new superintendent, Dr. W. S. Black, today. The Falcon and Economist, news papers published in Elizabeth City, N. C, have merged, and here aftet will be published under the name of Economist-Falcon. , Governor Fowle has been requested to deliver the oration on the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of General R. E. Lee, deceased, January 19th. ' Do you wear pants-;well, Whitiug Bros , can have you a pair made to order for only $3 00. See their interest ing new advertisement in another column. Joseph Berry who lived near Con nelly's Springs, who espoused mormon istu and moved o lHah, has returned and expresses himself as disgusted No wonder, so wer9 his neighbors. The Durham Recorder of the 7th says Zoe. Gayton, a San Francisco woman is walking across the con tinent for a purse of $1 a mile, provid ed she walks more than fifteen miles a day. She is in Nevada, about 100 miles ahead of time. McKee Encampment So. 15 meets in regular session tonight at 7:30 o'clock Initiation Inst Ration of officers and other important business. Lunch will be served at 9 o'clock. All PatrN archs earnestly rr quested to be pres eut Gko L. Tonhoffski, Scribe The Atlantic and Danville Railroad Company has been placed in the hands of receivers by the United States Court on application of New gas &Co., London bankers, who hold $3,000,000 worth of the road'? bonds. interest on which has not been paid The receivers appointed are W. H Cromwell of Portsmouth and B. Fielding of New York. the Atlantic Coatt Line will put its New York and Florida vestibule train on for the season on the 19th inst. It will be run first on Mondays, .Wednesdays and Fridaj s, and may be made a daily train. Two new Pullman Palace drawing-room cars, the "Superb" and the "Zelial" were built specially for this service and said to be the only cars of the kind in the world. This tiain is specially fitted up and run for the comfort of the northern millionaires traveling south to spend the winter. Sentenced. Several weeks since, four young men, Joe Martin, Sam Daniels, Joe Davis and Fon Jones, were arrested and held under the charge of enter ing the house of Mr. S. R. Gill, near Falls of NeuBe and taken therefrom $150. Yesterday they were arraigned in court, when petitions were offered signed by Mr. Gill and others, asking that the prisoners be tried for burg lar ia the second degree. JSolicitor Pou consented to submit the case of three of them on that charge when Judge Winston sentenced Martin and Daniels to thirty- yearB in the peni- t.nnMarv. and Davis to ten vears. As s Jones is a mere lad he was ouly found cruiltv on -a charge of larceny and sentenced to work on the public roads Jot five years. Peremptory Notice to the Member of the Legislature. We hereby notify each member of the Legislature and the clerks who are to serve that honorable assembly that Swindell is keeping the largeet kind of a stock of silk hats and other hats, overcoats end suits of clothing n any style wanted. Also a big and complete stock of stationery and all kinds of writii g material at a price far below Anything you hav seen One of ihe bett bargains we have now or ever hail, 18 a lot oi wmte shirts, lar.mlrii d and unlaundried.for men and boys. Constitutionality, D. T. Swindell. Fnbio ltomaul. A large and highly appreciated audience assembled at Metropolitan Hall last night to witness the rendi tion of the above tragedy. There has rarely, if ever been an occasion on which our dramatic loving people have been more delightfully enter tained. The Company is composed of splendid artists in all respects, and especially can we commend Mr. Wal ter Lawrence, who sustained the title role ably assisted by Miss Frances Field as his eupnort. The costumes of the company are elegant and beau tiful and the entire outfit magnificent We wish them abuudant success "on the road." Died. In this city, Tuesday evening, Jan, 6th,after a brief illness of pneumonia little Minnie May, the infant dangh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adams,aged 2 months and 22 day s. Well we remember a few days ago A sweet smiling little face, That we shall here see no more In its accustomea place. It lies beneath the sod, In a cold little grave, Where the wild trees nod And in the bveezes wave. Oft in our lonely hours We will turn our footsteps there, And gather the sweetest of flowers And plant them gently there. But soon we shall sleep By her side bpneath the sod, Where the sweet flowers peep And the oak trees nod. Tribute of Respect. At a rerular meeting of Raleigh Typographical Union, No. 54, held in their hJl in the Citizens National Bank building on the evening of Jan. 7th, 1891. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased our heavenly Father to remove from time to eternity our brother Langdon H. King, Raleigh Typographical Union, No. 54, offers this tribute of respect: Resolved, That in the death of Bro. L. H. King,Raleigh Typographi cal ..Union loses an efficient, faithful and worthy member. Being human, he was not exempt from all the weak nesses of humanity, but he possessed in a large degree many noble traits of character which drew the brethren toward him. He was kind hearted and generous and ever ready to re spond to the appeals of those in dis tress, and gave of bis means without stint. Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved wife and little children our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of sore 'affliction, and we invoke the blessings of God upon them. Resolved, That a copy of this tribute be furnished thejfamily of the deceased and be spreaded upon the minute book of this Union, and that the same be furnished the Daily Chronicle the paper upon which the deceased held cases at the time of his death and other city papers for pub lication. J. S. Hampton, f P. W. MCGOWAW, JOHH C. KlKfcr, Committee. The first veto of Governor Tillman of South Carolina was the Railroad Commission bill. , St. John's Hospital. 1 Mapv .Ton pa . fntnnH ilnmp nf ! j , "O" I much reputation will give a perfor-1 mauce at Metropolitan Hall in aid of 8t. Bonn's Hospital. She is a native ! of Raleigh and a graduate of Shaw Institute. The body of the Hall will be reserved for white persons. Ad mission, 35 cents for reserved seats; regular price 25 cents;gallery 15 cents. Wake Superior Court. fhe case of the State vs Hogue has occupied the entire attention of the court today. The evidence is expect ed to close this afternoon and argu ment will commence on the opening of the court tomorrow morning. Funeral The funeral services of the late Mrs Mary Smith Morehead, took place from Christ Church yesterday after noon. There was a large assemblage of relatives and friends. The follow ing were the pall bearers: Messrs J. R. Williams, W.W. Wynne Henry Jones, C. H. Belvin, Ham Smith, Ham Jones, W. B. Hutchings, and Jno. T. Pullen. The interment was made in Oakwood Cemetery. Tho funeral of Rev.Daniel Culbreth took place this afterno n from the residence of Mr. W. B. Hutchiugs at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. A. Cunninggim, D. D , assisted by Rev. Dr. F. L. Reid, Rev. Dr. J. H. Cordon Rev. Dr. L. L. Nash, and Rev. J. W. J.Crowder prayed the closing prayer There was no sermon but a brief sketch of the long, eventful and use ful life of this old father in Israel. Ha was buried in Oakwood cemetery. Personal Mention. Hon. A. H. A. Williams, Congress - man elect, is in the city. Senator Z. B. Vance is in the city. He is looking remarkably well. Mrs., J. F. Ferrall is visiting rela tives in Virginia. Mr. B. L. Duke, of Durham, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. William M. Boylan returned yesterday afternoon from Durham where she has been on a short visit Mr. A. W. Dye has accepted a posi tion in the freight department of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Magruder Wyatt and Master Marshall, from Durham, are on a visit to relatives in the city. Mr. Howard Heartt, a former Ral eigh boy but now a resident of Dur ham, will again make Raleiuh his home. . Mr. John T. Britt, editor of the Oxford Ledger, who has been in the city a day or two, left yesterday morning for home. The Roanoke News, of the 8th, says: "Mrs. Badger, of Raleigh, who has been in town a few days, left for Baltimore yf sterday." Miss Matilda Heartt, who has been spending the holidays with her pa rents in Durham, has returned to the city to continue her studies at Peace Institute. Rev. B. B. Culbreth, pastor of the Warren circuit, is in the city in at tendance upon the funeral of his uncle, Rev. Daniel Culbreth, which took place today. Mr. Van Fleming, who has been connected with the G. St P Railroad at Birmingham, Ala., has accepted a position iu the office of Mr P. L. Bridgers, of this city. Mr. and Mrs Fleming will make Raleigh their fu ture home. Johnstown Threatened Again. The city of Johnstown, Pa., is again threatened by flood. Near Hogback Tunnel an ice gorge has formed; the blocks being frozen solid to a height of ten feet. Great destruction is fear ed if this mighty dam lets go sudden ly." : ' In Canada marriage license venders advertise their business as notaries public'do thei' s. We have seen the sign: "Marriage licenses for sale here," hanging at a dry goods store door in Loi Jon, Ont. We did not in quire the price as we did not want one. . . ; Foreign Ileal Estate Ownership. I, English capitalists are looking at this country as an inviting field for ! investment, and mo e particularly to i North Carolina as the most inviting, , but unnaturalized people should not be permitted to' hold real estate in this country. So far as any profits accruing from the cultivation or mining of such lands are concerned, they are all car ried out of the country when owned by non-residents, which should not be tolerated. If North Carolina has no law to this effect the present Leg islature should enact one. Rebellion Threatened. NAwfrmnHlnnrl ia crentlw ! and very indignant over the reuewal of "modus vivendi" with France for another year. When the news was announced crowds congregated in Placentia, and in the strongest terms condemned this treacherous act. Many suggested the pulling down of the British flag and hoisting in its stead the stars and stripes and appeal to America for protection. The Governor will be urged to call a meeting of the Legislature to take action in reference to it. The President of the Mexican Re public has signed, it is said, the re ciprocity bill recently passed by the Congress of Mexico. This gives us one free market for our corn and a free market from which we can get free sugar. speciaEnotices. Morris' Dry Goods Store. We will make "special low prices" on blankets, heavy sole shoes, chil dren's wraps and all winter dress goods, cassimeres, kerseys, &c Of all seasons of the year this is the best for bargains. We are receiving gent?, ladies and children's 6hoes for spring wear, and they are beauties. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Rooms to rent at 110 West Martin st. ja6 Henry Fkndt. Boarders. Five or hx gentlemen can get board and lodging at E. G. Horton's, South Person street, Raleigh, N. C. 2t There are thousands of bargains now on exhibition at Swindell's. While taking account of stock we found a great many goods which we are anxious to turn into money, and they are being offered at prices to cause you to buy. For instance Can ton Elannel,Millinery Goods, Jewelry, Blankets, Silk Hats, &c, at Swindell's. For Rent. A six room cottage, on West Jones Btreet, adjoining the residence of Dr. W. 8. Black. Apply to Rev. L. L. Nash, 730 North Blount street. Mrs. T. P. Bishop removed to 110 South McDowell street. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m , and 4 to 9 p. m. January 2, lw. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When the was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Notice. ToJSM Hill, his agent-or attor ney: Take notice that on the 7th day of April, 1890, I purchased at a tax sale by the sheriff of Wake coun ty, N C, a lot of land taxed in your name for the year 1889. That said land is described as follows: Situated in the county and state aforesaid, near the eastern suburbs of the city of Raleigh, N C, located on the south west corner of New Berne avenue and State street, being 50 feet on said avenue and running back 161 feet on State street. The time of redeinp tion under the law will expire 7th day or April, 1891. B F MONTAGUE, Purchaser. Raleigh, N C, Jan 6, '91 ja7 lm Hardware, &c. BEFORE Cold weather com mences coat your walls and ceilings with A LABASTINE ! Destroys all disease germs and bright ens up your homes. Thousands of pounds have been sold in this market. It is no experiment but has been proven to be all we claim tor it. Send for Circular and sample card of twelve beautiful tints. THOMAS H. BR1GGS d SONS, RALEIGH, N C. SB Dry Woods, Notions, &c. MimmoD, Moselej $ McGee. AT OUR STORE. We have excelled all previous re cords this season in the beauty, ele gance and splendor of our HRISTMAS NOVELTIES, HKISTMAS NECESSITIES. HRISTMAS BARGAINS, Articles of every day need, adapted to every requirement of both old and young, rich and poor. CliriHtmas Presants for Everybody i, H, ft R. S. Tacker ft Co. -ON- MONDAY, JAN. 5, We begin our annual clearing sale. Now, we do not mean by this, that every piece of stuff we have is marked down, but carrying the quantity of stock we do, the amount of goods in cluded in this sale will probably amount to $50,000. The goods included in this sale we wish placed before Feb. 1st as then ' we take our Annual Inventory, and we had rather have these goods sold at even greatly reduced prices than have them npon oar shelves at that time, This is a golden opportunity for economical buyers,and when shop ping at the different departments.aik for the goods included in this sale, be cause we have lots of staff that will be turned into money by Feb. 1st. W. E & R. S. Tucker &Co. HOLIDAY DISPLAY ulRciSRGSnLB