She VOL. A TiFlTC-T-T, MON JDTST, T-AJST 0AJR"3T 12, 1891 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News in Brief. QDr. Abernethy will speak in the Hall of the House of Representatives tonight t 7:B0 sharp, on the "Human Soul and Mind." . Wm. G. Hill Lodge No 218, A. F. & A. M will meet In regular communi eation tonight at 7:30 p. m. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to at tend. Mr. W. A. Wynne has been elected foreman of the W. R. Womble Truck of the' Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. A good.choice by the company, Mr W. E. Hogue was acquitted of the charge of murder on Saturday l ist and released and sent home to his family with many rejoicing on their hart. The wires and dynamo for the electric street system and other ap paratuses have arrived which looks like business on the part of Dr. Jacobs and his company. Be sure to attend the sale of horses, wagons, carriage, cows &c, by H. H Crocker, mortgagee and assignee, at Taney & Stronach's ware rooms on Wilmington street at 12 o'clock to morrow. Rev. Dr. jWatkins has been called by the First Presbyterian church of Birmingham, Ala., to take charge of that church, and he preached his trial sermon Jthere yesterday. It is hoped that the doctor will not leave Raleigh, but reman with lis for many years to come. The doctor is;a very fine preacher, and a good citizen and we do not want to give him up. Mary Jones, the successful south em mocking bird singer will appear at Metropolitan Hall tonight for the benefit of St. John's Hospital The body of the house will be for the white people. Come and enjoy your . selves and help St. John's Hospital Members of the Legislature are in vited. Admission 25c; Reserved seats 85c; Gallery 15c. Doors open at o'clock, performance at 7:30. The JT. C. Wagon Co. The annual meeting of this corpo ration will be held at the office of the factory on tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. All the stockholders are ex pected to be present either in person or by proxy. Matters of importance will be presented for consideration Notice, Ladies and Gentlemen Don't forget the free lecture of Dr R. L. Abernethy, in the Commons Hall tonight, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Let all come, and see and hear something new and interesting. Come at that hour, as the lecture will be punctual to the minute. The Danville Street Car Suit. Dad YILLK, Va., January 10. The jury in the damage suit of Trow bridge's administrators against the Danville Street Car Company ren dered a verdict this morning in favor of the company. The case was one of considerable interest here, as Mr. Trowbridge, the man who was killed was a prominent and popular citizen. The Hogue Case. The verdict of the jury in theHogue case which was rendered too late for our Saturday evening's issue, was in . our judgment a just one. While we are, and have been all the time since the facts in the case have been dis cussed in the community, clearly of the opinion that Mr. Hogue acted rashly in the matter, we never have been able to discover anything in the circumstances to justify the conclu sion that there was any essential ele ment of crime in what he did. , - For 'Rent. ' A six room cottage, on West Jones street, adjoining the residence of-Dr. ; W. S. Black. Apply to Rev. L. L. Nash, 730 North BJount street. ; Pastor's Meeting. At a meeting of the Pastors of the city of Raleigh, to arrange for open- ngthe.General Assembly with prayer, the following arrangements were agreed upon: Monday, Jan. 12th Senate Rev. J. J. Hall, D. D. House -Rev. J. L. Foster. Tuesday, Jan 13th Senite Rev. J. H. Cordon. 1). D House Rev. L. L. I ash, D. D. Wednesday, Jm. 14th Senate- Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D. House- Rev. M. M. Mauh-ll, D. D. Thursday, Jan. 15th Senate Dr. John S. Wiitkias. IIoujj Rev. I. K. McPittinger. Friday, Jan. loth Sen Ue Rev. J. B. Bobbitt, D. D. House -Rev. C. O. DuRant. Saturday, Jan. 17th Senate Rev J. L. Foster. House Rev. J. J. Hall, D. D. Monday, Jan. 19th Senate Rev L. L. Nash, D. D. House-Rev. J. H. Cordon, D. D. Tuesday, Jan. 20th Senate- Rev. M. M. Marshall, D. D. House Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D. Wednesday, Jan 21st Senate Rev I. McK. Pittinger. House Rev. J, S. Watkins, D. D. Thursday, Jan. 22d Senate Rev. C. O. DuRant. House Rev. J. B. Bobbitt, D. D. Friday, Jan. 23d Senate Rev. J J. Hall, D. D. House-Rev. J. L Foster Saturday, Jan. 24th Senate Rev, J. H. Cordon, D. D. House Rev. L. L. Nash, D. D. It was agreed that the above ar rangement is to continue to rotate in this order of names during the ses sion. The pastors will please take notice and if they cannot be present, they will send a substitute. The above acfion is taken at the request of the president of the Senate and the ppeakor of the House. City papers please copy. TheCliristian Endeavor Society, The meeting of the Christian En deavor Society held in the Taber nacle was a very successful affair. A largt- attendance was present, and the pastor presided, Dr. Carter open ed with prayer, and under the charge ot N. B. Broughton several choice hymns were 6ung. The address of the occasion was made by Mr. J. A. Baer, of Boston, Mass., general Secretary of the Uni ed Societies. It was an exceedingly able talk, interesting and suggestive, showing the begin ning of the order, its rapid growth, its great usefulness to the individual church and its helpfulness to the several deuoiniuatihn which have in their churches the Christ ian Endeavor Society. At the close of the address several practical questions were asked by persons present. The different churches of the city were well re presented, and it is hoped that a flourishing young people society of Christian Endeavor will soon be in existence in each church, and such a pleasant gathering as yesterday often repeated. Wake Superior Court. The following business was trans acted in this ;court this morning be fore Judge Robt.,W. Winston, presid ing. v State vs Charlie.Brownl. r. stealing a coat; guilty, , judgment that de fendant be confined at hard labor on the public roads of Wake county for the term of six months. State vs Alex Weathers, forgery. This case in progress of trial when we closed our report. Aotice.2 S The regular meetingljjof Manteo Lodge No. 8. I. O. O. F.vwill take place on tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7 o'clock instead of 7:30 o'clock. Mem bers will please take notice of the change. Candidates will please be on hand promptly at 7:80 o'clock. The above is in accordance with the By-laws. C B. Ivw iiEff, N. G. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. FIFTH DAY. SENATE. Met at 11 o'clock with Lieut. Gov. Holt presiding. Prayer by Rev. Dr. J. J. Hall, of the Baptist Tabernacle. The House resolution, instructing Senators and requesting Representa- tives to vote for and support the ; Alliance was taken up. The Senate resolution (which on Saturday was referred to the commit tee on foreign relations) was dropped the other being substituted for it. The vote in favor of adoption was unanimous. The text of the resolution is as fol lows: "Rtsolved, That our Senators in the Fifty first and Fifty second Con gresses bt , and they are hereby, in structed, and our Representatives re quested to vote for and uso all hon orable means to secure the objects of the financial reforms contemplated in the platform adopted by the Ocala meeting of the National Faimers' Al liance last December." HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House began its fifth day's work with prayer by Rev. C. P. Den ny, member from Surry. Only two resolutions were read, both by Mr. Henry, one instructing the committee on education to invest igate the public school system; the other requesting the Attorney Gen eral to investigate railway bonds held by the penitentiary (or by the State Treasurer. Among the bills introduced the fol lowing were the more important: To facilitate tha .cancellation of mortgages and deeds and trust. To allow additional compensation to the sheriff of Mecklenburg. To amend the law as to the time of closing registration books, and to amend the law in relation to the rent ing of the lands of wards. To extend the Mecklenburg road law to Macon county. To extend the provisions of the charter of the Blue Ridge & Rabur Gap Short Line Railroad. To allow Macon to levy a special tax. To prohibit the sale of liquor in Macon county. To create a railway commission. To amend the law in relation to the obtaining of advances by false pre tences. To impose a $500 license tax on dealers in deadly weapons. To allow wine and cider to be sold fin Tyrrell county. To amend the Code in relation to master and servant. To relieve mortgaged property from taxation to the amount of such mort- To provide for prompt payment of all money collected by law. To incorporate the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. To amend the charter of Hasty, Richmond county. Leave of absence on account of sick ness was granted Morton, of New Hanover; Anderson, of Hertford, and Ham, of Wayne. A message from the Governor was read, laying before the House the petition of the people of Hyde, asking that the illegal dredging of oysters be stopped. Mr. Skinner read a letter from the people in Hyde, saying the people there live on the products of the water; that the Virginia oyster pi- rates, armed to the teeth and having large boats are plundering the oyster beds and oppressing the people. The message with the petition and the letter to Mr. Skinner was ordered sent the Senate with a propositiod to ' print. The resolution in regard to the Investigation of the public school sys . tm was taken up. It provides for :iu investigation in order that it m:iy be seen whether money can be saved in a reduction of salaries or by :i reduc tion of the number of officials. Mr. Henry, who introduced the resolution, said that in nearly all the couuties the school committees'can be dispensed witn. By a unanimous vote the resolution was adopted. The Speaker announced that there was no further business before the House, and at 12 o'clock, alter a ses- sion of an hour, there was an adjourn ment until 11 a. m. tomorrow. The Democratic caucus to choose a candidate for Senator was or nouueed at 7:30 this evening. Important Meeting. A meeting of the Chamber of Com merce and Industry, will be held at the Mayor's office tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock when matters of great importance will be brought to the consideration of the body. It is com plained that members do not attend ; these meetings, this ie generally the way with persons who are disposed to transfer to other shoulders, duties that belong to theirs. This might be excusable under some circumstances, but matters of such importance will be considered tomorrow evening as tr make it the duty of every member to be at his post. Poultry Show. The poultry and pegion show that has been going on at Richmond, Va., for a week, closed on Saturday even ing. The exhibition has had the effect to greatly stimulate interest in poultry and poultry raising generally, which is a desirable thing to do. Poul try raising is profitable when con ducted property and could be made to pay handsomely around Kileigh. SPECIAL NOTICE?. Rooms to rent, at 110 West Martin st. ja(j Henry Fbhtdt. Lost. Between Firwood Avenue and Edenton Street M. E. Church, one bracelet. The finder will please leave it at this office. Xorris' Dry Goods Siore. Just received a full line of ladies misses' and cbildrens' shoes, all kinds sizes and qualities. We offer ladles fine kid button boots at $2.48 that wear equal to the finish French Kid. We have gents' fine calf shoes, Con gress or Bolmorols at $3, stylish and serviceable, which we believe to be the best ever sold in Raleigh for that price. Try a pair once and you will wear them always. Norms' Dry Goods Stork. A Tyrant King. How many men are there today in this broad land of ours,that are wear ing the galling yoke of tyranny to a king? The number is appalling; it reminds one of the dark ages when men were bought and sold as mer chandise. This king is King Credit If yon would be free men, strike off this galling yoke of tyranny and be a slave to no man, but in the free air of Swindell cash system "cash on delivery" forget the dread fantasies of the past, and at the beginning of this new year 1891, swear by the eter nal hills never more to be under the bondage of any man, but that henow forth you will like the free air from Heaven be free, and trade at D. T. Swindell's. W. II. & R. S. Tucker fc Co. Cloak Department. We offer to day, one rack of ladies long wraps, in black and dark blue, at less than half value. Each wrap is marked in plain figures, and this special lot has been separated from the regular line. The wraps included in this lot are worth all the way from $10.00 to $25.00, but we now offer the'fine at from $5.00 to $9.00. Be sure to see this line of gar ments at once. W. H. & R. S. Tucker St Co. Hardware, &c. BEFORE Cold weather coui mences coat your walls and ceilings with LABASTINE ! Destroys all disease germs and bright ens up your homes. Thousands of pounds have been sold in this market. It is no experiment but has been proven to be till we claim tor it. Send for Circular and sample r;n.rd cf twelve beautiful tints. THOMAS fi, BRIMS 4 SONS, RALEIGH, N C. nSSJ3B2S5S2l Dry CJoods, IVotions, &c. ScKimmoa, Moseley McGee. C it !i stromas at OUR STORE. We have excelled all previous re cords this season in the beauty, ele gance and splendor of our HOLIBAY E DISPLAY, HRISTMAS NOVELTIES, HRISTMAS NECESSITIES, HRISTMAS BARGAINS, Articles of every day need, adapted to every requirement of both old and young, rich and poor. Cbrotas Presents for Everybody I. B. ft R, I Tucker ft Co. JANUARY. Many of our fall purchases were made with expectation of cold weather which did not come, and now . late in the season finds us with lines of goods, which rather than ca rry, we have MARKED DOWN. Wholesale reductions have been made in ladies and children's WRAPS, 0 BliANKETS, QUILTS, - FUR CAPES, 0 AND ' . FUR MUFFS. These goods were bought this season. The styles are the best, and the prices unheard of for this market. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. OUIIciQSJlLB