X 4d VOL. IR-AJEjJEIOKe:, FEIDAY, T-AJST CTAJaTT 16, 1891. jsto, 90 If HEWS NOTES ABODT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News In Brief. Mr. Caddell, of the News and Ob server, was in Winston the other day in the interest of his paper. The town of Grenada, Tenn., had a 1100,000 fire, day; before yesterday The town has no fire companies. Eight per cent dividend was de clared by the North Carolina Car Co. yesterday. Dr. B. L. Abernethy left this after noon for his home in the west. While here he has raised something over $300 for his College. Greensboro has organized in that city the "W. C. Bain Building Co." with an authorized capital of $25,000, all of which has been paid in. Wild geese have been flying over our city going south, which denotes cold weather where they come from, and also will be here. The lot on corner of Blood worth and Hargett streets known as the Upchurch property was sold today by Messrs Pace & Holding and bid oil at $1,003. The CollectorBhip at Wilmington still hangs fire, and it is thought by some that Mr. O. S. Hayes, of Shoe Heel, Robeson county, will be the man. All men are most cordially invited to attend the YouDg Men's Prayer Meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock which will be held in the rear basement of Edenton Street M. E. Church. The Protestant, the leader of the Protestant M. E. Church of North Carolina published at Greensboro, and edited by Rev. J. L. Michaux, suspended publication last week. Regular meeting of Phalanx Lodge Knights of Pythias, No. 34, tonight in Castle Hall of Centre Lodge, No. 3; work in second rank. Every mem ber is requested to attend at 8 o'clock sharp. Visiting brethren are invited to attend. We had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. James Nethery an old typo from Charleston, S, C. It always gives us pleasure to see our old friends and reminds us of the days past acid gone never to be recalled. He is visit ing his brother, Maj. J. B. Neathery, of this city. Boys, now is your chance to get you a bycicle cap. The Messrs. Whit ing Bros., has given you a sum to work out, and he proposes the boy nnder 14 years of age that brings the sum written out that he will make him present of a fine bycicle cap. Try it boys. Mr. Wiley Clements died at his ho me in Tifton, Ga., at 11 a. m., yes terday. He was ajuative of Wake County, and his remains will arrive here on the 7:30 train in the morning. He will be burried in the family bur ring ground at Mr. W. D. Crowders I a the southern part of the county. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Car Company yesterday. The officers for last year were re-elected as follows: Mr. Julius Lewis, Presi dent; Mr. Jno. Ward, Secretary and Treasurer: Mr. W. E. Ashley, Super intendent. This is one of Raleigh's prosperous institutions, and one that is accomplishing much good in furn ishing profitable employment to a large number of persons Scarcely one person . in ten thou sand betters himself permanently by leaving his rural home and settling in a city. To most such, a change means an increase in anxieties in the uncertainties of livelihood, in the nature and hours of labor, and in the hardships and wearing burdens of existence. Life may have less color in the country, but it has more calm, less bustle and excitement, but more depth and true satisfaction, less bril liant rewards for, the few, but more lasting happiness for the many. Prof. 8. B. Nye, the great oculist, arrived at the Yarboro this afternoon. Our thanks are due to Mr. Chas. T. Baker, of New York, for a copy of the advance aniphlet of "The Stricken Nation." The publicatiou is a strik ing and unique prophetic effort.with out waste of worila, and we imagine, without borrow x J ideas The Young Men's Chrifetian Associa tion will meet iu its Annual Convin tiou at Durham, on March the l'Jth and continue until lb 22nd inclusive. Itisbaid, that it will be one of the largest of that body that have ever met together before. The hospitality of Durham has no bounds; the young men and the old ones too, will be well taken care of. The Grand Lodge. Grand Master, H. A. Grudger ap pointed the following officers: Grand Chaplain, Geo. M. Duke; Senior Grand Deacon, L. M. Totten; Junior Grand Deacon, J. A. Leach; Grand Marshall, E. F. Lamb; Grand Sword Bearer, W. E. Moore; Grand Pursuivant, P. M. Pearsall; Grand Stewards, W. &. Creasy and A. L. Brooks; Grand Tyler, R. H. Bradley; Grand Lecturer, B. W. Hatcher. Credit to"aTlaTBi3;h Boy. We take great pleasure in giving one of our Raleigh boys credit for his sterling integrity in working his way up in a large firm from business man ager to one cf the company. Mr. Wil lie McDonald who is well known by our citizens, ban been engaged with Messrs. Heath, Springs &G'o., at Ker sha w, S. C, and has so deported him self as to gain the approbation of the firm that he tow becomes a part ner.We congratulate Mr.McDonald as a Raleigh boy and a North Carolinian in being so fortunate as to be asso ciated as a member of the firm of H. S. &Co. The Govci-nor's Guard. The Governor's Guard were out yesterday on dress parade, and ac quitted themselves quite handsomely. They formed at their barracks on Payettville street and marched up to the Capital park where they went through dress parade and inspection drill in a very creditable style. This is a splendid young company cf splended young men. They marched from the capital up to St. Mary's School, where they were on their metal before the girls, as the girls are the very best of judges of good look ing soldiers. The young ladies enjoyed the parade very much, and delighted the youDg gentlemen almost to ex static delireum with their unspoken compliments. Charitable Charity. There is a vast deal of charity shown in the world that is useful it is true Cut that hasn't a bit of charity in it, but in the City of New York there is a ru uch greated amount of real charity than is supposed. A great many of the wealthy of that cfty quietly dis pense a stipulated sum each year to what they believe to be real needy cases. They do this without letting It be known generally so as to be un tramiled in bestowing it. They watch the neewspapers and keep their ears open for information about real wor thy objects. There is much more of that sort of aid to the needy in Ral eigh and all over the South than many are disposed to believe. Not long since we saw a person shake hands with another who we know to be a worthy object of real benevolence, and while the act was very adepitly done, we saw that there was a piece of something left in the hand. We confess it made us think more of the party, though we had re garded him kindly before. It is our duty to help those who are less fortu nate than ourselves and there are a larger number that recognize this ob ligation than we sometimes suppose. Fresh'.Taffy and Molasses candy, at Barbee & Pope's. Stranger Than Fiction. No less strange than true. We have on hand a large quantity of good that we are determined to sell in order to make room for our spi ing stock. Ladies Cloaks, Dress Goods, Hand kerchiefs, Linen Goods, Laces, Gloves and a thousand other things to nume rous to mention, al such astonishing low prices, that they have only to be seen to be admired, and once seen are sure to be pnrchased. Ladies are specially invited to call and look at our goods before going elsewhere, as we are sure to give better goods for less money than any one else in the city. Swixdbll, 18 to 20 E. Martin St House for Rent With six rooms on Harrington street, between Hargett and Martin streets. Apply to D. C. Murray. jal6 2t GENERAl NEWS ITEMS. A Cincinnati Clairvoyant has pre dicted that Cleveland will be the president. Well, there is much wide awako dreaming in these days. The Louisiana Lottery is now try ing it in the courts. We expect they will find some difference, if they don't we are sorry for the State of Louis Una. The Colorado Legislature is said to be twins, while Nebraska brings forth gubernatorial "triplets," all sworn in and each claiming the arms of the State to the exclusion of the others. W suspect three months colic in each case. The New York World wants the Indian troubles arbitrated. Who would it suggest as a suitable person for arbitrator? A Chinaman, a Hin doo, or a negro? Mrs. Roger A Pryor, of New York, has been appointed regent, for that city.of the NationalSociety of Daugh ters of the Revolution. A Chinaman who died recently at Portland, Ore., left property valued at $200,000. Don't judge a man by his failure in life, for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed. Almost every Christian can find what he considers errors in the ideas,, life and conduct of others. Pomeroy A natural gas well at Normal, Tex., although only sixty feet deep, yitlds a fine flow of gas and produces a flame five feet high. To the busine ss world 1891 opens auspiciously. The alarm which was felt a few weeks ago has subsided, and a spring trade of a larger volume than ever before is promised. The latest statistics show that the white population of the South has in creased over twenty six per cent in the laBt ten years, while the colored population has increased only ten per cent. Sforris' Dry Goods Store. We carry fine shoes and boots for ladies, Misses and childrensj in hand turns, machine turns, McKay sewed, aud Goodyear Welts, ranging in prices from 85 cents to $6.50. The famous 'Moritor" and Peerless school shoes for service are unequaled. The quan tity of mens' fine and medium shoes we carry in all styles is a sufficient guarantee that we can please every body. Compare our $3.00 shoes with others and note the difference. Norris' Dry Goods Stork. A speaker at an anti-tobacco meet ing in Washington the other day frankly admitted that under certain circumstances the use of tobacco re suited in the saving of life. This caused great consternation in the meeting, until she-for it was a wo man explained her remark by say ing that cannibals will, under no circumstances, eat a missionary who Is a tobacco user. ChildrenCry JoMftcher's Castorla. Burned Out In Savartn.Ji. (Charlotte Chrooieb ) Mr. W. J. Correll, a ferine r Char lotte boy, who has been living in 3a- vannah, Ga., for a year or more pat, lost all his household goo lt; by lire one day last week. Fire destroyed his boarding house, aud he and 1 1 :s wife hardly had time to escape with their lives. All their property was lost by fire. Mr. Carroll is a printer and Is well known in CharlM'e. U . ... Mr. Correll was also formal! y of R-.l eigh and his many friends of lws city will regret to hear of this i i;da::.i dent. SPECIAL NOTIC ES. Choice Russett apples, at V', - rbee & ' j rope s. Rooms to rc-nt at 110 Wet-t .Ma'tin st. jaO Hknky Fkndt. Extra fine Catawba prapes, at Bar bee & Pope's. For Bent. ! A two story house for rent on West j Morgan Street. Inquire of lirs. Julia j Fisher. lw i Plain and fancy candy, fresh and pure at Barbee & Pope's. W. II. & 15. S. Tucker & Co. New Spring Goods. We are now showing advance stylets in spring ginghams, these are iu medium lijrht colors, and just the prettiest styles imaginable. We have also a new liue of white plaid lavns, sheer latgo plads; in this lot we have t wo of the j best values ever seen in this towD, and we are ready to show them to day. In hamburg embroideries; v. e have got just anything you can ask for, all new stuff. A new lot of cheek rainsook, dainty patterns, suitable for little folks. W. H. & R. S. Tuckkr & Co. Sweet Florida oranges, at jiarbee& Pope's. jaKJxlO. For Sale, A valuable lot 99 feet front, extend ing from Fayette ville to Wilmington street, adjoining the News and Observer-office on the south. Liberal terms to purchaser. Apply to M. B. Barbee, Agent, at Raleigh, or James Fennessy, owner.Francingham, Mass. jatSoweod "BOYSHBRffS Your Chance TVin first hnv nndftr 14 Years of ace that works out correctly the follow ing sum and brings us a written copy we will make him a present of one of those popular Bycicle caps. A man wants to start a stock farm nd has just $100 and wants one hundred Viand nf tn.tt.lA. Cows arc, 10 Of) each. sheep, $3 00 and pigs M) cents each. Now how many ot eacn must, ne ouy to get 100 head of cattle for $100 V CLOTHIERS SHATTERS DIARIES 1891. A full line of all the new styles at. Alfred Williams & Go's. Keep a diary in 1891 and it may be of very great use to you. See our PERPETUAL DIARY. Just the thing for Banks, Railroads ana .Business men. JIarJMure, &c. ) BEFORE i Cold weather cora- cierices vo.-.r your r vails and -Hint's with I s LAB AST I NE ! j : Destroys IX J . l destroys usf--.se enns and .-risrht- ens up your i.oLies. Thou'-'tud.; of pound have ecu nold in this l'l."rl; t. J is mo experiment but l- '.s bfen proven to be a"! we claim tor it. Bend Circular and sampl i irci uf twelve beautiful tiats. THOMAS ft KU6SS SONS RALEIGH, N C. Dry r;(i5ls, Xotlons, &c. KcKiwii, Miseley $ McGee. AT We have eiee'Ied all previous re cords this soiisoo iu the beauty, ele gance and splendor of our HOLIDAY DISPLAY, HRISTMAS NOVELTIES, HUISTMAS NECESSITIES. HRISTMAS BARGAINS, Articles of ev?ry day need, adapted to every requirement of both, old and young, rich and poor. Crista Presents for Everybody ii H. a l 8. Tucker ft Co. JANUARY, Many of our fall purchases were made wun expectation or cold weather which did not come, and now late in the s; ason finds us with lines of goods, which rather than carry, we have , MARKED DOWN. Wholesale reduct ions have been made in ladies and children's 0 WKAPS, HUfiANKETS, 0 QUILTS, FUU CAPES, AND . - -FUR MUFFS. These goods were bought this season. The styles are the best, and the prices unheard of for this market. W. H. & R. S, Tucker & Co. URsnl9SuIiE

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