The Heart's Need. BT THO. DOUGLAS J, 8 ALL AG HI R. Far Tip amid hi fresooes hajf divine rWroagbt Angelo in baey solitude, Watching each grand conception from the erode. Rough germ till new created, line by line. A world majestic over his head did shine. Alone the glories of h's hand he viewed. He whom the gifts of thousand minds endued. The lofty, high sonled and he saw that shrine The magnet of a world for ages; Yet the heart's deep cry for present sympathy O'ermasteied him.and, falling human word, He seized his Crucifix his amulet, And, wild with rapture, raising it on high, He asked: "Is that not beantif ul, my Lord?" lie. My love is tall and fair, With glinting golden hair, And were she mine I'd not repine. But laugh at carping care. This life would be All ecstacy If blessed by love so rare. She. My love is short, with hair Grown thin by wear and tear, And this 1 know He told me so- He has no cash to spfcre. So I should be As short as he If I his lot should share. N. Y. Herald. Hostile Chiefs to go to Wash ington. Washington, Jan. 15. A dispatch was received at the War department late last night from Gen Miles.recom mending that he be allowed to send a delegation of the hostile Sioux chiefs to Washington to consult with the higher authorities there at out terms of peace. Today Secretary Proctor, after con ferring with the President and 8ec retard Noble, wired General Miles his approval of the plan. General Miles, it is expected will at once send to Washington a delegation of eight or ten of the hostile chIefs,accompanied by an army officer and an Indian Agent. The Indian war is now re garded by the War Department offi cials as virtually over. Gov. Boyd Takes Possession. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 15 In accor dance with the action of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings, ex Gov. Thayer this morning surrender ed possession of the Executive depart ment, but under protest. Gov. Boyd has taken full possession of all the rooms. High License A Complete Fail ure. The Grand Jury of Baltimore, Md., on the 12th in their report said that the high license law was a complete failure so far as Sunday selling is con cerned. They suggest that the law be bo amended as to require only one entrance to a barroom, and that be from the street direct, and that no obstruction to view from the street be allowed. Horrible Accident. While a young lady was standing by the fire at her home in McConel City on the 12th. her clothes took fire and before help could arrive she was wrapped in flames. She was alone in the house at the time and for protec tion she had bolted the doors and windows, which had to be broken open to Teach her. She lived several hours after the burning. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla ii when Baby wu sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When gho became Mlas, she clung to Oaitoria, When shehad Children, she gave them Castorla. r Doctor (to patient) "I do cot wish to frighten you, but. if you have no objection I'd like to call in a couple of my brother physicians." Irascible Patient VA11 right I If you need any assistance in murdering me call in your accomplices." For Infanta and Children. Caatorl promote. IHgettloa, and overcomes i'lululeuct, Coimliixitiou, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fererishnosa, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castorla contains no Morphine or other nnrcotic property. "Cantoris Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it & snp riur to any presoriptio known to nic." tt. A. Ahchkk, M. D., Ill South Oxfoid St., lirooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castorla !n my practice, and find it Specially adapted to affo -tiuim of children." A LEI. RonFhTSON, M. D., 1057 i!ti Ave., New York. " From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria Uan excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and geiioral system very much. Many mothers have told me of ita ex sellout effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mum. Tub Ckntato Coxpany, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. EC C0TT05 MARKET. Corrected daily for the Etkninq Vis itor by M A Parker,Cotton Broker. Good middling 9i Middling to ssrict. middling 8J9f Receipts about bales. Market steady. TORO. 0 MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by Parktr fir Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. Smokers Oov.tin. n 5 8 (-rood 816 Fillers Com on f 7 Gi:od 711 Cutters Comiiiou 1014 Good 2023 Fmv; 235 Wrapoers Common - 1422 Good 2'4lt40 Fine to fancy. 4070 P ROD J 'Oii MARKET. Corrected daiiy for the Evkninq Visitor by J. 11. TERRELL, Grocers. Meats Bulk Baon, 8, 6i Sng.ii' cured bams, 14 a 16f .Brfcaiif. v it bacon, 12 Lard Flour Fupfti'lim, $3 50 (rood, 2 75 Medium family, 2 60 Sugars Cut loaf, 10 Powdered, 10 Granulated, 8 Standard A, 71 fcYellow, 6i a 7 Coffee Rio, 20 a 25 Lagnira, 25 a 27i Java, 33 a 33i Molasses Black strap, 25 a 30 PRMolases, 45 a 50 New Orleans, 60 a 75 Bright syrup, 50 a 65 Bait per sack, $1 75 Vinegar per gal 30 Black pepper, 30 Race Ginger, 20 Teas- Green, 50 a 65 Black, 50 a 65 Pickles Sour, per gal) CO Sweet, 11 90 Butter, 18 a 22i Eggs, 20 Chickens Hens, 30 tprn,g, 15 a 22i Potatoes S3 weet, 5()j Irish, 90 a 1 00 Dried apples, 6$ a 7 Dried peaches, 8 a 10 Kail ron dJS thedules. Cape i,earrYalfi"fn Valley Railroad Company. COffDEHSBD SCHEDULE. Northbound D1 v ex S'y I D'y ex S'y Nol ..NoS Le Wilmington, 9 40 a m Ar Fayetteville, 1 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 15 p m Le Sanford, 3 53 p m Ar Greensboro, 6 40 p m Le Greensboro, 7 10 p m Le Walnut Cove, 8 43 p m ArMtAiry, 10 45 pm Le Bennettsville, 8 20 a m Ar Maxton, 9 35 a m Le Maxton, 9 45 a m Ai fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 15 daily except Sunday. LeMillboro 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 9 00am Le Greensboro, 10 10 a m Ar Madison 12 85 pm southbound I D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y No 2 No 4 Le Mt Airy, 5 85 a m Ar Greensboro, 9 15 a m Le Greensboro, 9 50 a m Le Sanford, 12 83 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 10 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 40pm Ar Wilmington, 6 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 3 80 p m Ar Maxton, 6 20 p ni Le Maxton, 5 30 p in Ar Bennettsvine, 6 45 p m No 16 daily except Sunday, Le Madison, 1 40 p m Ar Greensboro, 4 00 p m Le Greensboro, 4 40 p m ArMillboro, 855 pm WE KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J W Fry, Gen Supt Ilallio&d Schedules, &c.' llalelgh and Augusta AL 11 IS To take effect 9 am, Sunday, Deo. 7, 18W). 'A i ains inov- Trains mo ing South. Lng North. No 41, No 3, Pass and Mail. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Daily ex bun Leave. Arrive. 4 00pm Raleigh, 1120 am 4 ID " Cary, 11 01 am 4 SI " Apex, 10 49 am 5 ( 5 " Moncure, 10 16 am 5 28 " Sanford, i) 62 am 5 4 " Cameron, u 26 am 6 21 " Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7;20 " Hamlet, 7 38 am 8 15 " Gibson, Ar 7 00 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv 11 30 Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass- 23, Stations Daily exct Sunday, Ar A M 8 00 7 27 7 05 0 0l (i 15 4 23 Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron SoutherniPines Hamlet 12 00 13 18am 1 07am 1 41pm 2 20am 3 (;3aiu 4 30am Ar 3 33 1 30 Lv PITTBBORO r r. Leave Pittsboro, 9 10 a m Arrive Moncure, J 55 Leave Moncure 10 25 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 CARTHAGE R R. Leave Carthage, . 8 00 a ui Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, ATLANTIC C. Kit, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains No 50 Ar L'e Stations Ar Lve p ui 3 30 Goldsboro 11 23 a 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 4b 4 49 1 54 Kinston 10 09 1014 8 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 p m MoreheadCity am 6 3S Daily. YALBWHA &A8T0H E B. To take effect Sunday, Dec 7, 1890. TrainB moving North. No 38, No 84, Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Raleigh, 11 26 am 7 15 p m Wake, 12 05 8 43 Franklinton, 12 28 9 35 Kittreli; 12 44 10 00 Henderson, 1 00 10 26 Littleton, 2 07 13 15 p m ArWeldon, 2 45 1 20 am Trains moving South. No 41, No 25, Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. LeWeldon, 12 20 pm 2 40am Littleton, 1 00 8 50, Henderson, 2 28 5 50 Kittreli, 2 44 6 16 Franklinton, 2 59 6 45 Waks, 317 7 20 Ar Raleigh, 3 50 p it. 8 20 a n; Lonisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 38, Pass, No 8, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Louisburg, 11 20 a m 5 55am Ar Franklint'n, 11 65 6 30 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 25, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 315pm 7 20am Ar Louisburg, 3 50 p m 8 00 Wm SMITH, Supt,.' Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmiiigton Branches. & Weldon Bailroad nnd Condensed Sccedula. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 6, No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. F't in'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y LeWeldon, 12 3Cpm 5 43pm 0 00am Ar Rocky Mt, 146pm 710am Ar Tarboro, 217pm; Le Tarboro, 10 20am Ar W ilson, 2 20pm . 7 00pm 7 43am Le Wilson, f2 80pm Ar Selma, 8 30pm Ar Fay'tville 530pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pm 8 s5am Le Warsaw, 4 10pm . .. 9 34am Le Magnolia, 4 24pm 8 40pm 9 49am Ar Wil'gton, 5 50pm 9 55pm 11 20am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex ,daily Sand'y. Lv Wil'gton, 12 01am 900am 4 00pm Lv Magnolia, 1 21am 10 84am 5 S6pm Le Warsaw, 1048am 5 53pm Ar G'dsboro, 2 23am 11 45am ? 53pm Le Fay'tville, f9 20am Ar Selma, 11 18am Ar Wilson, . 12 20pm Lv Wilson, 8 08am 12 87pm 7 47pm Ar RockvMt, 1 10pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Lv Tarboro, 1020am Ar Weldou. 4 80am 2 45pm 9 30pm Daily except Sunday. Johh.F DlVIBK, General Superintendent. J R Kkbly, Sup't Trans. " T M Emerson, General Pass Agt. TCstablfisbed, lfW8. THE CHEAPEST AFTERHOOH PAPHMH HORTH CAROLINA. SnTDso3?xtozx Price: Per Year, $3.00; Per fVIonth 25 Cents. THE EVENING VISITOR, PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY S ; Brown -&-Williams, AT rwenty-Five Cents Moritb, SUBSCRIBE NOW. ALL THE LOCAL STATE HEWS. REMEMBER, THAT TME DAILY VISITOR IS THE OLDEST AFTERNOON PAPER Published n the Citv of Raleigh. BROWN & WILLIAMS, P ropr ietors. GEHERAL HEWS HISCELLAHY.

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