I m urn i THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. NINTH DAT. SENATE. Met at 11 o'clock with Lieut Got. Holt presiding. Prayer by Rev. Dr. J. B. Bobbitt, of this city. Sundry petitions were submitted and referred to committees. The following bills and resolutions intioduced, read and disposed of as follows: Bill to amend section 2, chapter 34, private laws of 1887 corporations. Bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within two miles of Bill's Creek Bap tiet church in Rutherford county propositions and grievances. Bill to incorporate Henrietta Mills In Rutherford county corporations. Bill to incorporate Wachovia Loan and Trust Co. Bill to regulate fees of Sheriffs and Constables in clain and delivery of personal property passed 8d read ing. Bill for the relief of Sheriffs in cer tain cases passed 3d reading. To pay Solicitors an annual salary; on its 3d reading, and after a debate passed. Mr. Turner made a full and able ezplanaticn of the bill. There was several very fine speeches made in support of the bill which consumed about an hour and a quar ter. Bill to amend section 2, chapter 93, laws 1883, allowing Palmetto railroad to murge its capital stock with other corporations 3d reading. Bill to amend the Charter of the town of Morganton 3d reading. Bill to amend the Charter of the town of Reidsville recommitted to committee on corporations. Resolution in regard to printing the Governor's annual message with drawn for present. Bill to license the dealing in futures in North Carolina passed over. Bill to protect trout in Buck Creek McDowell county passed. Bill to abolish the December term of court of Davidson county passed 2d reading and placed on calendar. Bill to better protect the oyster in terest in North Carolina and for oth er purposes, recommitted to commit tee on fish and oysters and made tpecial order for tomorrow at 12 o'clock. Bill in regaid to roads passed 3rd reading. Bill to amend the Charter of the town of Wilksboro passed 2nd read ing. Bill to simplify the Statute of Lim itationpassed 2d reading. Bill to incorporate the Carolina In surance Co, of Wilmington passed 8d reading. Bill in reference to costs in certain counties. Bill to encourage mechanical pro ficiency in the State passed 2d read ing. A message from theHouse announc ing the appointment of Messrs JoL.es, Holeman and Bryan.of Wayne; Hall, of Halifax; Patterson, Oilman and Peebles, of Cowan, as the committee on Railroad Commission. Leaves of absence were granted Messrs Morgan, Freeman, Bishop, Bryan and Green, of Wake, and the doorkeeper. Messrs Aycock and Ardrey were an nounced as the committee on print ing. The Senate adjourned until tomor row morning at 11 o'clock. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. The opening prayer was by Rev. C. J. Woodson. The committee on agriculture made a favorable report on Mr. Phillips' bill imposing a tax of 25 cents per ton on commercial fertilizers. There was quite a lively run of bills. Among the most important of these are the following: To incorporate the town of New WUkesboro, in Wilkes county. To establish an Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored people and to appropriate funds therefor. To abolish the February term of tie Superior Court. To Bbarter the Peoples' Bank, of Ashevllle. To reerul&te fishinc with nets in Roanoke river. To give Concord a cotton weigher. To prevent gambling in the State. To protect seed buyers in North Carolina (against the adulteration of seed). To prohibit the sale of pistols and cartridges to minors. To prohibit tht Bale of deadly weap ons to minors. To prohibit the carrying of con cealed weapons by certain detectives, To incerporrte the stockholders of Sparta Institute. To prevent gambling at agricultu ral fairs. The bill which passed its second reading yesterday, increasing the minimum fine for carrying concealed weapons from $10 to $30 was taken up and passed its final reading by a nearly unanimous vote. The bill allow ng Jackson county to lew a special tax passed its final reading. The bill amending the charter of the Real Estate and Investment Com pany, of Wilmington, by increasing its capital stock from $100,000 to $1, 000,000 passed its second and third readings and ordered enrolled. A bill to perpetuate records was adopted. It requires plainly kept civil and criminal records to be kept by Superior Court clerks. It is in tended to have a complete record of all proceedings and if papers are lost the booke will be copies of the same. The bill for the protection of sheep husbandry was tabled, there being an adverse report by the committee. There is no disposition to tax the dearly beloved dog. A bill allowing Macon county to levy a special tax passed its second reading. A letter was read from Attorney General Davidson in regard to the bonds eiven the State for convict labor on the Western North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Henry said a special committee which had been raised would look into all of this matter. The letter of the Attorney General was referred to the committee on penal institutions. Mr. Hickman was sworn in as a member from Brunswick county. The House, on motion of Mr. Pee bles took up the Senate bill to incor porate the Great Falls Canal and Power Company at Weldon. NEW ADVEBTISEMEN TS. Notice of Amendment toCnarter Notice is hereby given that an application will be made at the pres ent session of the General Assembly for an amendment to the Charter of the Raleigh Street Railway Co. J A JONES, ja8 80d Pres. cf R S R'y Co. WOOD, COAL & GRAINS. On January the 1st, 1891, we moved our up town office to 107 Fayetteville Street, next to the Raleigh Savings Bank. Our warehouse and coal and wood yard remains near the Central depot. Orders for coal, wood, grains, forage, &c, received at either place. Fayetteville street office, Telephone No. 41; Depot, 61; Livery Stable, 95. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Standard 'Flavoring HOUSEKEEPERS can prove byasingS trial that these Extracts are the i ' -,es. , fheyare true to their names, full me , &nd highly concentrated. D 1 ITT, Act. CLOTHIER AND FURNISHES, HATP, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, I103IERV, GLOVES FINE DRESS SHIRTS, n'DK'FS SUSPENDERS, NECKWEAR, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c, &c. Has removed to the HENRY BUILDING No 305 Fayetteville street, Opp. the Post Off ce, RALEIGH. N O. tSCOME AND SEE ME.S3 ocl D S WAITT, Agt. Ill & GRIMES Coal Dealers. We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea- sou, ana woicu we are receiving- aany. Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint. Superior to any in the United States for grates nd open hre places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed bv no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and JSTorth Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarant equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal ana can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, Is what we ask. we have also a very choice lot of Red and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Buy now ana save money. Write lor prices Uas, hickory and pine I! wood, long or cut, on hand fc all the time. I ANDREWS & GRIMES. HARD & 00D JANUARY 15. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. SO BOXES Fancy Bright Floricl a Oranges $.dU per box. 35 BUNCHES Fine Yellow Bananas SI OO to $2.00 per bunch. FANCY Baldwin, Seek and Spy Apples $u.ou per narrei. Catawba and Isabella Grapes iu id iasKets lor su cents. specialTargains For Friday and Saturday Only, 100 POUNDS Fine French Candy 1 pound Fancy Boxes 25c lb, regular price 40c lb. SMAH GROCERS, Bakers and Candy Mannfnctnrers c XJ R E 8 DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. JT ia Invigorat. ing and De-, lightful to take,i. ana of great value as a Medicine fori' weak and AillncrP Women and Chil-f ' area. TT gives NEW I LIFE to the whole SYSTEM I by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting the food. tful POHIAI! no hurt! Minerals. is com posed of carefully!! ncieciea vegetal ble Medicines,! combined skill- iuiiy, making a Safe and Pleasant Kemedy. ABookVolina,' by leading -. ; a physicians, tell- 'iS ing how to treat diseases at Home, . MM mailed, together with asetoihand somecards by new Heliotype process on receipt of xo c. SZSZSS22 For lala br all rtm-trt anil Rrnwni. flhnilM tharienta : near yon not keen VOL1NA t'OUMAL. remit il.00, ud full alia bottld will be wut, charges paid. VBKTABBO OMLT S ' Vollna Drug and Chemical Company; BUXlMQVt, UB. C. 8. i. AnHfli&pontfimit(lQiicstf5oiin WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BUY YOUR DRUGS THIS YEAR? BEFORE anBwering.there v'l re several things for you to consider. First of all, satisfy yoar mind that you are deallDg with a man WED TflOBDEHLYniSTDBRmUlOSHlSBnSINES i Next, you should be convinced that you are getting medicine of standard strength and purity; and, last, is it i,ot to your interest to Save a Dollar or Two when an opportunity is offered you to do so? J IfflaL JBohhitt, Raleigh, N. C. ttti n rr-rrr 1 m "fTHrsTTrn -Trir-.Tr-Twi.irii n 1 1 iiamn "ibstib'ii n i t im it mar HaUUMal T. W. BLAKE, 1 1 7 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N, C Clocks, Jewelry and Silyerware. A Specialty of Spectacles and I AMERICAN WATCHES J FOB KA.1XKOAD TIMERS .1 B. W. Raymond,) Crescent Ht., No. 85 Movement. lewM mm We are now receiving fall styles of AND Misses and Gbildrens' Caps. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. AND All the new shades in wools and knitting yarns. AND EMBROIDERY MATERIALS, &c. Prices reasonable. Mail orders promptly given attention. MISS MAurttiEi KEESE, Se 8-tf 209 Fayetteville St Repairing Solicited and Neatly Done. Rainbow Fetolble Spectacles DISSOLUTION. Ti.e copartnership heretofore ex isting between Job P. Wyatt, and Philip Taylor is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books notes and accounts will rema in with Job 1'. Wyatt. All parties indebted will please come forward and settle as th busi ness must be closed. JOB P WYATT. PHILIP TAYLOR. I have this day sold my interest in the business of vVyatt 6r Taylor to Messrs Job. P. Wyatt S Bros. In re tiring from the firm I return my thanks and appreciation to my friends and the public for their liberal pat ronage to the old firm, and 1 cheer fully commend the new firm as worthy of your esteem and patronage. PHILIP TAYLOR.fl jan2 80d. NEW7FIRM.' JOB P. WYATT $ BROTHERS Successors to WYATT & TAYH I Nob 15 East Martin st and 16 Exchange Place. ' , We have this day formed a copart nership nnder the firm name of Job P Wyatt & Bros, and will continue the business of Grocers, Commission " Merchants and dealers in Hay, Mill Feed ; and all kinds of Feed stuffs, Agricultural Implements, &c, and we solicit the patronage of th public c JOB P WYATT,-!-5i, , PT WYATT. Jan 2, 18918m VISITINGGlve me w 1W 1 order for a, dnann - 11857. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Since the first to I I I I I I I I I I I the last date above written the undereicned Virs repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, besides thousands of pieces" of jewelry. He is still' making a specialty of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woi k at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh. where may be found a good line of FINE Wold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Gold and Steel Spectacles! Z and Jewelry for sale at the low est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caL'rg on COLE if you wich anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca and see him at 13 WEST HARGETT STREET. Raleigh, N. 0. , : sel5 J. W. COLE, of my written cards. A D ftO 15 LALli cards writ- "" w' ten with white ink. verV stviiah. Onlv 25c per doz. They are sure to please you. "Looks like steel engravteg," is what people -say of n writing.- - - w r jujMj!i, renman, -dl Om Raleigh Bos. Col., Raleigh,K C ;;,.,:;. :,,;T-i f