VOL. BALEIG-H, PRID AT, .T A ntitaw 23, 1891. r r ' MEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers News la Brief. Phalanx Lodge No 84, K. of P., meets tonight. Work in the second rank. Visiting brethren invited to at tend. The Insane )Asyluni Committee of the General Assembly yesterday, made an official visit to the Institu tion That they were cordially re ceived goes without saying Attention is called to the advertise ment of Messrs. Yancey & Stronach auctioneers, which appears elsewhere in this issue. They will sell wagons, carts, buggies horses, &c. A telegram was received here this morning stating that Mr. Edwin C. Dunn, of Wake county) was shot in East Tennessee yesterday and. died this morning. Particulars not given. . The receipts of cotton today were unusually large and prices ruled sat isfactory. Wilmington street about noon today presented the appearance of a young edition of Broadway so great was the crowd surging to and fro. All men are most cordially invited to attend the young men's prayer meeting, which will I e held at 7:30 tonight in the rear basement of Eden ton Street M, E. Church. A fall at tendance of the male members of the church is desired Attention is called to the advertise' ment of Messrs W. C. & A. B. Stron ach. This firm never tires of present ing to the public all the delicacies of the season, and their announcement today of luscious fruits is enough to make the mouth water. Call and ex amine their splendid stock. Everybody has, at least, some in fluence, and it should be exerted to the utmost in endeavoring to secure for Raleigh the Southern Immigra tion Bureau. Remember that an other meeting of citizens is called for Monday night next to consider the matter. Let" everybody attend and make it a grand success. The bill presented in the Senate yesterday to form a new county to, be called "Badger," will put us all to thinking a little It proposes to form the new county out of portions of Wake, Franklin and Granville. We love and honor the name of Geo. E. Badger and would do anything reabonable to preserve nls memory. but we think Wake has suffered enough in the way of cutting off its territory. Who can say that the climate of North Carolina is not the equal if not the superior of any in the world. In many sections of the North and South Wes, the ground is covered with snow to the depth of several feet. Iu portions of Europe the cold is more intense than known for the last half century, while in the Old North State, we are having what may be termed delightful weather, such as usually falls to our Jot in autumn, jMortn Car olina, and - Raleigh in particular, against the worm. . Register of Deeds. The commissioners of Wake county Will meet in called session tomorrow for the purpose of Bt-lecting a succes sor to the late 8. M. Dunn. There are, we learn, many candidates for the position, all of whom no doubt are good citizens and properly quali flari All lmvr cannot succeed. and wejcan only hope that the choice will fall npon some gentleman who win give general sausiacuon. Married. Last Wednesday night at the resi dence of Senator Vance, in Washing ton, D. 0., Mr. 0. M. Buebee, of Kal elgh, led to the hymenial altar Miss Florence Elinor Cooper, niece of Mrs. Vance. The ceremony w-s perform ed by Cardinal Gibbons, of the Ro man Catholic Church, in presence of a larae Assemblage, including some of the most prominent persons in the country Long life and happiness to the contracting parties. v Notice. The meeting of Ruth Lodge.Dangh- ters of Rebekah, which was called to meet tonight, Jan 23d, has been post poned until Friday night, Jan. 8Cth. J. N. McRart. N. O. Fish aud Oyster Fair. This exhibition will be held onFeb- ruary 23d and 28th at New Berne. It will be of unutual interest this sea son and great preparat'ot s are being made to ensure i's perfet t success. Promotion. We are pleased to learn that our young friend, Mr. Jno. G. Williams, who for some time has been acting Auditor of tLe Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railroad, has been promot ed to Auditor of accounts of the com pany at Abbeville, S. C. This scores another triumph for a Raleigh boy. Married at Durham. Mr. C. E. J. Goodwin to Miss Jen nie Betts, daughter of Mr. Marshal Betts, all i f this city, Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D., officiating. License could not be obtained at Raleigh and the parties were not dis posed to wait, hence they allj went to Durham. May peace and success be theirs through long life. A Great Dramatic Treat. Our people should not overlook the great dramatic treat in store for them at Metropolitan Hall tonight. It is rarely that Raleigh has an opportq nity of witnessing the rendition of one of Shakespeare plays, but to night Miss Alberta Gallatin will ap pear as "Rosalind" in the ever popu lar comedy of "As Tou Like It." There-should be a rousing house. All over the country Miss Gallatin has received the highest praise. Seats on sale at MacRae's drug store. Personal Mention. Miss Eliza Primrose, who has been visiting several weeks in Memphis, Tenn., returned home yesterday. Mr. Walter Lewellen, of Arkansas, is in the city. Miss Kate Eudy, who has been on a visit to her sister,Mrs. N. L. Brown, having a good time generally, return ed to her home at Jamestown yester day. lr. Jno. F. Crowell, President of Trinity College, is in the city. Ex-Judge Fred Phillips is taking in the legislature. Meeting of the Joint Commit tee on Railroad Commis sion. There will be a public meeting of the joint committee on the General Assembly on Railroad Commission in the rooms of the State Library on 3d floor of Supreme Court Building on next Tuesday night, the 27th inst.,at 8 o'clock. The committee will be pleased to have those interested to appear before it to discuss the bill under consideration pro and con. Marion Butlbr, Chm'n Senate Branch. A. D. Jones, Chm'n House Branch. Fine Pianos. Mr. Win. 0. Burgess, of Wegman & Co., piano manufacturers, was in the city today, and Mr. C. G. Stoue,man ager of North State Music Co., gave him an order for fifteen pianos. These are made in the most artistic style in Rosewood, Circasian, Walnut, fancy Mahogany and English' Quartered Oak. TneBe pianos have a patented tuning pin fastening and are guaranteed to stand in tune longer than any other. The North State Music Co. seem to be doing an exten sive business, and we are certain they handle nothing but the best. We wish them increased success for 1891, and know they deserve it. The Henry W Grady Cigar is the moBt popular.brand ever sold in Raleigh. A new lot has just been re ceived at J. Hal. Bobbitt's. Strictly five cents. Died. At Durham yesterday Mr. Thos. H. Williams, aged about 23 years. Mr. Williams was a printer and at one' time a member of Raleigh Typograph ical Union. He was unmarried. The remains arrived on the 1:30 train and were taken in charge by a committee of the Raleigh Typo graphical Union, No. 54, and interred at the old family burying ground in Wake County, about five miles south from the city. Mass Meeting. There was a large attendance at the mass meeting of citizens at Metro politan Hall last night called for the purpose of considering the matter of securing the Southern Immigration Bureau aud Exposition for Raleigh. Maj. R. S. Tucker was chosen chair man and members of the press pres ent were requested to act as secre tary. The object of the meeting was ex plained by Mr. John T. Patrick. Mr Primrose made some interesting re marks concerning the Immigration Association and its work. Mr. Chil ton, manager rt.f he bureau expressed a willingness to have it located in Raleigh. Mr. Patrick said that for the sum of $10,000 the bureau could be secured for this city. Mr. Holding moved that Mayor Thompson, W. S. Primrose and R. H. Battle be ap pointed a committee to see what could be done in the way of securing the amount. It was decided that Maj Tucker, Mayor Thompson and Mr. Holding be appointed a commit tee to prepare a memorial setting forth the plan and objects oi the movement and that another meeting be called for next Monday night at 8 o'clock. Did you Swear off on the 1st of January ? if not,Igo td J. Hi. Bobbitt's and try one of the H. W. Grady Cigars five for a quarter. North Carolina Protecting her Oysters. The Baltimore Herald says the dredge boats of Baltimore which left here some months ago for the oyster beds of Pamplico Sound and other rivers of iSorth Carolina are having a harder time with the state author ities than they ever did with Com mander Seth's navy. The North Carolina authorities allow tonging but no dredging, and have every means to punish offenders. These latter the Marylanders have discov ered to their sorrow. The schooner Martha Jones, Capt. Herman Wal ters, came up after a futile effort to dredge down there. . Capt. Walters says that the waters where the oys ters are are guarded as closely as a bank, and there is no getting them except by tonging. Several boats belong to John Kraeger, and are ex pected back in a few days from the same section. Those White Shirts are With You. On yesterday we told you that some of the sizes of those white laundried shirts at 60o were out; but not so. On looking them through we found all sizes, and this morning we have been busy filling orders for 15 and 15i to people who came for those sizes yes terday and could not get them. All admit that these white laundried shirts at 60c is a grand thing. Men's sizes 60c; boys' sizes 50c. A beautiful lot of men's silk beaver hats in this morning at $2.75. Aleo a fine line of nice overcoats. Now for the carpets. We have in stock now a dandy lot of all wool in grain carpets at prices unheard of be fore. If you need a carpet, and you see these carpets you will buy a car pet of us. All kind of millinery goods are being offered at about wholesale coBt and will be until the end of the present season," at Swindell's. If you have a cold or la grippe use King's Royal Germetuer. It will cure you. A. E. Jordan, Agt. SPECIAL NOTICES. For Rent' Nice new cottage, 6 rocies, wter and neighborhood the best. N. W. West. 2t of Julius Lewis & Co Try Royal Germetuer. A. E. Jordav, Agt For Rent. A two-story house for rent ou Wtst Morgan Street. Inquire of Mrs. Julia Fisher. 1 w Use Royal Germetuer. It will cure la grippe. A. E. Jordan, Agt. At Auction. We will sell tomorrow (Saturday) at , 12:80 o'clock three good two horse wagons, one dump cart, ne good Hackney buggy, one S H carriage and two good horses YANCEY & STUONA.CH, , It Auctioneers. . I I or Kent. A two story house and lot on east side of McDowell street, between llar- gett and Morgan. For terms, ad dress Mrs. W. W. Holden. je2't 6tp W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Gents' Fine Footwear. Jest opened, a new line of Barriste. 's hand sewed shoes, in B C D and E widths. In gents dancing pumps we have the most stylish shoe that cau be found. Patent leather Oxforda, black un dressed quarters these of the well known J. C. Bennett make. Our gents calf, Goodyear welt shoe, for $3, is the most comfortable and best weariug shoe at this price on the mar ket. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Today we are showing a new and fresh line of white goods in victoria, India, French and Persian gowns, apronettes and plain hemstitched flouncings, also Smyrna, Medeci and torchon laces, in fine qualities at ex tremely low prices. Special atten tion is called to our ladies, niisses.and childrens fine shoes, which will be es pecially interesting to close buyers; we aim high for quality and strike low for pi ice come and see us, you will be pleased. Norris' Dry Goods Store. at- Sweetest of Florida Oranges, 80c doz. 13.50 per box, $2 per $ boxes, 176 to 250 in box. Ripe Yellow Banan 25c doz $1 to $3 bch. 8, Florida Grape Fruit (Cures Biliousness.) Pine Apples, Malaga Grapes, Limber Twig Apples, 60c pk. FINE FRENCH CANDIES, lib bxs 15c lb. French Candies, lit Fancy bxs, 25c hx, regular price 40c. 17 r i rfH III Vl W Hi Wa VIIIVIIHVIIj GROCERS, Candy Manufacturers and Bakers JJETROPOtlTAN HALL. THE GRANDEST DRAMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SEASON. THE YOUNGEST AMERICAN TRA GEDIENNE, MISS ALBERTA GALLATIN, SUPPORTED BY MR. CRESTON CLARKE. FRIDAY EVENING, JAN'Y 23D, "AS YOU LIKE IT." SATURDAY EVENING, JAN.24TH, . "1NGOMAR." SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:00, 'ROMEO AMD JULIET." RESERVED SEATS AT MACRAE'S . i . . Hardware, &c. Matchless The neatest, best Air Rifle made. A u.agazine Rifle holding 65 hot. HUNTING COATS. LliGGINS, CARTieiDGE BAGS, CLUB LOADED SHELLS, WADS, WAD CUTTERS, GUtf I3IPLEMENTS, WOOD POWDER, It LACK POWDER, SHOT. Best goods, lowest prices. Square dealing. THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. McKimmon, Moseley $ McGee. Chri. stmas AT OUR STORE. We have excelled all previous re cords this season iu the beauty, ele gance and splendor of our HOLIDAY ::riE DISPLAY. HRISTMAS NOVELTIES, HRISTMAS NECESSITIES, HRISTMAS BARGAINS, Articles of every day need, adapted to every requirement of both old and young, rich and poor. Christmas Presents for ETerybodv &3 . H. & R. S. Mw & Co. THE GREAT REDACTION OF OUR JANUARY SALE has made many of our departments fairly glow with bargains. We .do not consider profits when we are mak ing such reductions in prices as we are this month, but there are times when we consider it better to sell a line of goods rather than carry them over. Nothing has yet equalled our un- ' surpassed offerings in We have not postponed making these low prices until the warmth of spring Is upon us, but are giving our patrons the benefit of these unheard of reductions right in mid winter when such goods are of most use. Only two weeks now remain before we take our ' G ANNUAL : INVENTORY and during this time we intend dis posing of many lines of winter goods, and the opportunity is offered to gether wonderful bargains from our fancydepartments. , W. H. & a. S. Tucker Co, 64:

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